Safer Illinois, Isn’t Wherein some furry casually saves a University tens of thousands of dollars on a NIST SP 800-171 audit they were doomed to fail anyway.
Can I switch away from Windows to Debian for software development - an exploration Can I make this switch? Part of this post was motivated by frustration - I have an ancient (as of 2021) Sony Vaio E 11" notebook that beca...
Demystifying Rails autoloading Also known as "why do I need to require stuff sometimes, and not other times?"
There is plenty of room at the bottom This is a pun on the saying "there is always room at the top". This is also the title of a famous Feynman lecture from 1959 , where he made ...
How good is Codex? OpenAI recently released Codex (paper), a large-scale language generation model trained on public programming source code from GitHub. Its most prominent use so far is GitHub Copilot, which is an extension for VSCode1 that autocompletes code being edited....
Release Akka.NET v1.4.24 · akkadotnet/ 1.4.24 August 17 2021 Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4 Bug Fixes and Improvements Akka: Make Router open to extensions Akka: Allow null response to Ask<T> Akka.Cluster: Fix cluster startup rac...
Computers Are Bad The use of electronics to administer elections has been controversial for some time. Since the "hanging chads" of the 2000 election, there's been some degree of public awareness of the use of technology for voting and its possible impacts on the accuracy ...
WebView and Modal Dialogs in WPF Async Code Another day another problem with the WebView control - this time dealing with certain Windows dialogs crashing the WebView control and making it unresponsive so that the control has to be reloaded or - more commonly the application has to be restarted.
How does PLONK work? Part 9: What's a polynomial commitment scheme (PCS)? In this ninth video, I explain what polynomial commitment schemes are as well as their API. I also mention the Kate polynomial commitment scheme (KZG), based on pairings, and bootle/bulletproof types of polynomial commitments schemes, based on inner produ...
Pi-Challenge - world record attempt by UAS Grisons The calculation of Pi is an unofficial benchmark in high-performance computing. For this, the expertise is especially important to set up the hardware correctly, to match it to the software used and to run the computation for weeks without interference. T...
Auditing Cryptography: #Zcon2Lite Within cryptocurrency and blockchain solutions, the concepts of decentralization, security, scalability and privacy are all enabled by cryptography. If we ar...
GitHub - IEvangelist/azure-cosmos-dotnet-repository: Wraps the .NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB abstracting away the complexity, exposing a simple CRUD-based repository pattern Wraps the .NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB abstracting away the complexity, exposing a simple CRUD-based repository pattern - GitHub - IEvangelist/azure-cosmos-dotnet-repository: Wraps the .NET SDK for...
A Decade Later, .NET Developers Still Fear Being 'Silverlighted' by Microsoft -- Visual Studio Magazine Some 10 years after the final Microsoft Silverlight release, some developers still fear being 'Silverlighted,' or seeing a development product in which they have invested heavily be abandoned by Microsoft.
How does PLONK work? Part 8: A polynomial dance In this eighth video, I explain how the prover and the verifier can perform a "polynomial dance" in order to construct the circuit polynomial $f$. The principle is simple: the prover doesn't want to leak information about the private inputs and the interm...
How does PLONK work? Part 7: A sketch protocol with our polynomial In this seventh video, I explain how we use our circuit polynomial $f$ in a protocol between a prover and a verifier to prove succinctly that $f$ vanishes on a number of specified points. Stay tuned for part 9... Part 8 is here. Check the full series her...
Query parameters, batching and SQL rewriting In the upcoming version 6.0 of the Npgsql PostgreSQL driver for .NET, we implemented what I think of as “raw mode” (#3852). In a nutshell, this means that you can now use Npgsql without it doing anything to the SQL you provide it - it will simply send you...
Me every time I’m on hold 😂 WHO IS YOUR FAV COLOR 😝💀 Inspo: @lalamilan #dance #dancer #dancers #funny Alex Wong (@alexdwong) has created a short video on TikTok with music Opus No. 1. | Me every time I’m on hold 😂 WHO IS YOUR FAV COLOR 😝💀 Inspo: @lalamilan #dance #dancer #dancers #funny | Operator: Please hold | Me:
How does PLONK work? Part 5: From arithmetic circuits to constraint systems In this fifth video, I explain how we can "compile" an arithmetic circuit into something PLONK can understand: a constraint system. Specifically, a PLONK-flavored constraint system, which is a series of equations that must if equal to zero correctly descr...
[Video] Are ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs just for demos? The upcoming release of ASP.NET Core 6 brings a pretty interesting feature set referred to as “Minimal APIs”. While they seem pretty interesting to me and many others, some folks are not fans and can be quite vocal about it, so I thought about taking quic...
Stop using Zoom, Hamburg’s DPA warns state government – TechCrunch Hamburg’s state government has been formally warned against using Zoom over data protection concerns. The German state’s data protection agency (DPA) took the step of issuing a public warning yesterday, writing in a press release that the Senate Chancello...
How does PLONK work? Part 6: From constraint systems to polynomials In this sixth video, I explain the compilation, or even compression, of a set of equations into a single polynomial. That polynomial represents all of our constraints, as long as it vanishes in an agreed set of points. With a polynomial in hand, we will b...
You don't need to work on hard problems A lot of smart college students end up with the idea that “solving hard technical problems” is the best thing they can do with their life—probably because that’s the only thing they’ve ever been rewarded for so far.
Performance Improvements in .NET 6 Take a rip-roarin' tour through hundreds of PRs worth of performance improvements for .NET 6.
Mastodon now a non-profit organisation In June, I was able to officially register Mastodon gGmbH after nearly 8 months of legal work (“gGmbH” means “non-profit limited liability company”). A non-profit limited liability company in Germany is structered and operates similarly to a for-profit li...
Go 1.17 is released - The Go Blog Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
Is it expected that custom default pinned taskbar items via LayoutModification.xml keep coming back each time the user logs on? A customer was using the LayoutModification.xml file in their operating system image in order to pin a few applications to the taskbar automatically. They found that if the user unpinned those items, that seemed to work okay, but once the user logged out ...
Implementing a count(distinct) query in RavenDB A user called us to ask about how they can manage to move a particular report from a legacy system to RavenDB. They need to be able to ask questions such as ...
Finally, a Shot to Prevent Lyme Disease Could Be on Its Way Lyme-carrying ticks are a bigger threat than ever. A promising new antibody treatment looks to stop infection—even after a tick bite.
I "Hacked" A Like System with Basic JavaScript - Here's How I used simple JavaScript to hack a like system so that I can show more support for content creators out there!JS Challenges - jschallenges.comNewsletter for ...
Ask the Expert: .NET MAUI Community Toolkit Join on LearnTV to submit your questions live: out the Toolkit on GitHub: The new .NET MAUI ...
ValueStringBuilder: a stack-based string-builder: A deep dive on StringBuilder - Part 6 In this post I discuss the ValueStringBuilder type, used internally in .NET as a zero/low-allocation alternative to StringBuilder
ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready 17 Aug 2021 1 mins .NET, C#, Databases in general, Entity Framework, Entity Framework Core, Entity SQL, Firebird, LINQ, SQL, Visual Studio
6 New Ways to Validate Device Posture Cloudflare for Teams adds additional posture capabilities to better protect Access backed applications
Google Groups kills RSS support without notice Chocolate Factory mum as remaining feed fans search for alternatives
Microsoft Renames Its Azure for FHIR API to Azure Healthcare APIs Recently Microsoft announced the renaming of its Cloud for Healthcare's Azure API for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) to "Azure Healthcare APIs." In addition to the renaming of the APIs, the company also expands support for healthcare dat...
Houses, Forcing Functions, and Containers In my last post, I talked about microservices compared to houses. A giant house with lots of stuff in it is hard to find anything. A small house with lots of stuff in it is hard to find anything. A…
.NET MAUI Summer Previews: New Layouts, Font Scaling, Alerts, Gestures, Clipping and Much More The Microsoft team and community behind the .NET MAUI had an active and productive summer. New updates and features were introduced to the platform, giving the developers the updates in the form of Preview 6 in July and Preview 7 in August this summer. ...
HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core app failed to start help In this article, I'll guide you through problems during the startup of an ASP.NET Core project. Get help where to look and possible solutions.
Are ASP.NET Core 6 minimal APIs just for demos? The upcoming release of ASP.NET Core 6 brings a pretty interesting feature set referred to as "Minimal APIs".While they seem pretty interesting to me and man...
Guide to Hyperparameter Tuning and Optimization with Python In this article, we explore several optimization techniques, implement them in Python from scratch and explain how to use them with SciKit Learn.
Leaflet — an open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps Leaflet is a modern, lightweight open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.
ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - Introducing minimal APIs This is the next part of the ASP.NET Core on .NET 6 series. In this post, I'd like to have a look into minimal APIs.
Gitting Started With Git In celebration of my newest book: Git For Programmers I’m starting a short series of blog posts on some of the more interesting features of Git. You already know Git These posts assume you kn…
Debugging External Sources with Visual Studio Have you ever needed to debug and step into a code of dependent NuGet or .NET libraries that do not build as part of your solution? Today, debugging through them is not so easy as debugging your projects that are part of your solution. Starting with Visua...
.NET 5 Support of Azure Functions OpenAPI Extension In May this year at //Build, Azure Functions OpenAPI support feature (preview) was officially announced. At that time, it supported up to the v3 runtime – .NET Core 3.1 version. Recently, it has released .NET 5 isolated worker supporting package as a prev...
GitHub - jpochyla/psst: Fast and multi-platform Spotify client with native GUI Fast and multi-platform Spotify client with native GUI - GitHub - jpochyla/psst: Fast and multi-platform Spotify client with native GUI
How does PLONK work? Part 1: What's PLONK? I recently got into general-purpose zero-knowledge proof systems (cryptographic primitives that allow you to prove the execution of a program without revealing some of the inputs), specifically the state-of-the-art PLONK proof system. This is a series of ...
Economic Costs | Costs of War The Costs of War Project is a team of 35 scholars, legal experts, human rights practitioners, and physicians, which began its work in 2011. We use research and a public website to facilitate debate about the costs of the post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanista...