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Posts for 'angular'

  1. Why You Should Not Parse Localized Strings
  2. Making Reactive Datatypes in 200 lines of Nim
  3. GitHub - lightpanda-io/browser: Lightpanda: the headless browser designed for AI and automation
  4. Announcing Developer Academy
  5. Trying and failing to interpret sentence embeddings
  6. Study TDD & DDD Principles in Frontend Applications
  7. Take the pedals off the bike
  8. Problems I no longer have by using Server-side rendering
  9. Why I chose SolidJS to rewrite my app
  10. NPM search is broken
  11. Authenticate videos and images in Angular
  12. Moon – Bartosz Ciechanowski
  13. Black Hole Puzzle
  14. If Not React, Then What? - Infrequently Noted
  15. It Is Time To Build The Monster Scope
  16. .NET MAUI 9: Introducing the HybridWebView Project Template
  17. What is the origin of the lake tank image that has become a meme?
  18. Real-time application with .NET SignalR and Angular #dotnet #csharp #coding #angular
  19. Framework overload: when convenience dulls innovation in software development
  20. What comes after LLMs for VC Investments
  21. Building Real-Time Global Illumination: Part 1
  22. Exploring .NET MAUI 9: HybridWebView Features
  23. Join the October .NET MAUI Community Standup
  24. Stop building CRUD API's, use Data API Builder instead!
  25. Is the World Really Running Out of Sand? — Practical Engineering
  26. Difference Between “Promise” and “Observable” in Angular
  27. The Web Component Success Story | jakelazaroff.com
  28. Why good things often don’t lead to better outcomes – Daniel Frank
  29. Don't just commit, <span class='whitespace-nowrap'>pre-commit!</span>
  30. A unix philosophy for web development
  31. PHP is the Best Choice for Long&#8209;Term Business
  32. Managing Angular
  33. Understanding Angular AOT vs. JIT Compilations
  34. Reckoning: Part 2 — Object Lesson - Infrequently Noted
  35. Azure APIM as a Negotiate Server for Azure SignalR Service
  36. Debug your .NET 8 code more efficiently
  37. Git–Dubious ownership
  38. EF Core - Query splitting
  39. Which is more suitable to use, isNaN or Number.isNaN() in JavaScript
  40. Loading aggregates with EF Core
  41. Entity Framework Core– Avoid losing precision
  42. CS0012: The type 'System.Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced.
  43. Visual Studio–View .NET Counters while debugging
  44. .NET Aspire Developers Day is coming up!
  45. WebAssembly vs JavaScript: A Comparison — SitePoint
  46. Publish a console app as a single executable
  47. Azure Static Web Apps–SWA CLI behind the scenes
  48. Semantic Kernel–OpenTelemetry integration in C#
  49. Semantic Kernel–Change timeout value in C#
  50. Yet Another Frontend Framework? The Rise Of Svelte
  51. GraphQL–Application Insights integration for HotChocolate 13
  52. JavaScript Framework Maintainers on Unification Potential
  53. Azure Application Insights–Collect Performance Counters data - Part II
  54. The Red Hat cloud native architecture solution patterns
  55. Why pair programming should be your default way of working
  56. Debugging Semantic Kernel in C#
  57. .NET Core–Check if console app is running with administrative privileges
  58. New Signals Proposal Seeks to Formalize Reactive Programming Primitives in JavaScript
  59. Blazor Basics: Child Routes & Optional Route Parameters
  60. Cooking with Semantic Kernel
  61. OWASP Dependency Check - Improve update speed
  62. Why am I continuing to bet on Flutter
  63. 012 - choosing technology to build on
  64. Mandeep Bhutani
  65. XUnit–Improve type safety
  66. Podman–Pull images from Docker Hub
  67. ASP.NET Core, SSR Web Components, and Enhance Wasm
  68. Using SonarCloud with ASP.NET Core, Angular and github actions
  69. Kubernetes–Limit your environmental impact
  70. githublog/2024/5/10/cordic.md at main · francisrstokes/githublog
  71. Blazor Basics: 9 Best Practices for Building Blazor Web Apps
  72. How to add HTTP headers to Blazor Components with RazorComponentResult
  73. .NET Core - View outdated packages
  74. .NET 8 - Warning AD0001: Analyzer 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Analyzers.RouteHandlers.RouteHandlerAnalyzer' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'
  75. The 150x pgvector speedup: a year-in-review
  76. ASP.NET Core -Updating the OpenTelemetry configuration
  77. Switch expression for void methods
  78. 🪄 Install asdf: One Runtime Manager to Rule All Dev Environments
  79. Securing identity: Exploring application types and authentication flows | Microsoft Entra Identity Platform
  80. GitHub - atlassian/pragmatic-drag-and-drop: Fast drag and drop for any experience on any tech stack
  81. From the Circle to Epicycles (Part 1)
  82. We Migrated a Legacy App with ChatGPT: Here's What Happened
  83. Navigating the Edges of Technology in Software Development: Bleeding, Leading, Dull, and Rusting
  84. 10x Engineers vs -10x Burdens
  85. ASP.NET Core - Use factory based middleware with scoped services
  86. Diffusion Models for Video Generation
  87. Scalar and binary quantization for pgvector vector search and storage
  88. Building platforms–Strike the right balance
  89. Azure Static Web App–Distributed Functions
  90. What it’s like to run HTMX in Production
  91. Azure Static Web App - Pass authentication info to your linked API
  92. A TC39 Proposal for Signals
  93. Azure Static Web App - Bring your own API
  94. How to get deep, technical expertise as an engineer
  95. GitHub - proposal-signals/proposal-signals: A proposal to add signals to JavaScript.
  96. Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection–Register a type with all its interfaces
  97. Extolling the Virtues of Dexie Cloud for Backendless Development
  98. How To SSR Web Components In ASP.NET Core using TagHelpers
  99. Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection - Check if a service is registered in the DI container
  100. NuGet–Transitive dependencies
  101. Azure Static Web App – API Integration
  102. Fritz & Friends Presents Modern .NET Web Day
  103. NPM–Change cache
  104. NuGet–Change the global-packages cache location
  105. Eloquent JavaScript 4th edition is released
  106. Distributed queries for pgvector
  107. NuGet– Offline support
  108. Vision Pro is an over-engineered “devkit” // Hardware bleeds genius & audacity but software story is disheartening // What we got wrong at Oculus that Apple got right // Why Meta could finally have its Android moment
  109. AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions is deprecated
  110. vorant94 | Divide and conquer: right concerns to separate
  111. Performance test your ASP.NET Core application using NBomber
  112. Performance test your ASP.NET Core app using Bombardier
  113. Why Rails is a Great Choice for Startups in 2024
  114. GitHub - HeyPuter/puter: Desktop Environment in the Browser!
  115. EF Core–.NET 8 update
  116. EF Core - System.InvalidOperationException : The required column 'Id' was not present in the results of a 'FromSql' operation.
  117. Shoelace Web Components with ASP.NET Core
  118. Testing of the F-35C Tailhook
  119. Dapper - Return dynamic data
  120. What Is A Single-page Application?: HeydonWorks
  121. No Simple Answers In Stereo
  122. Visual Studio Presentation Mode
  123. Property based testing in C#–CsCheck
  124. Azure Static Web App–Authorization
  125. Inside the Proton, the ‘Most Complicated Thing’ Imaginable
  126. The Role of Content Security Policy—Why Is CSP So Important?
  127. GraphQL OWASP Cheat Sheet
  128. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Simple Websites
  129. Different Ways to Validate an Uploaded File in ASP.Net Core - Code Maze
  130. Getting the Current User in Clean Architecture
  131. How JavaScript Frameworks Share Data Across Components
  132. .NET 8–It’s time to get rid of these flaky tests!
  133. The sinusoidal tetris
  134. Why is the mouse cursor slightly tilted and not straight?
  135. F# - The essentials
  136. .NET 8–Refresh memory limit
  137. Azure Static Web App–Inject snippets
  138. My web dev stack 2024
  139. #React Is WORSE Than #Angular!
  140. Azure Static Web App– Application configuration using staticwebapp.config.json
  141. What Web Framework Should I Use For My C# Project?
  142. Build .NET Aspire apps with Node.js - .NET Aspire
  143. In search of Hidden Conservation Laws
  144. aspire-samples/samples/AspireWithJavaScript at main · dotnet/aspire-samples
  145. Batching work in SQL Server
  146. .NET Aspire with Angular, React, and Vue - Code Samples
  147. The React Server Components Paradigm
  148. Azure Static Web App - Authentication using pre-configured providers
  149. School Mgmt App | Microservices With .NET Aspire & Blazor SSR | Part 4
  150. DI for F# butterflies 🦋
  151. Azure Static Web App–Traffic splitting
  152. Svelte 5 is good, but runes need improvement
  153. Constellations are Younger than Continents — LessWrong
  154. Best engineers are focusing on helping others
  155. Azure Static Web App–Password protect your environments
  156. Azure Static Web App–Deploying to multiple environments
  157. How to use identity to secure a Web API backend for single page apps
  158. MemoizR - Declarative Structured Concurrency for C#
  159. Wolverine’s HTTP Gets a Lot Better at OpenAPI (Swagger)
  160. Azure Static Web Apps – VS Code extension
  161. HO HO HO Two Point OH!
  162. .NET 8– Upgrade warnings
  163. C#– Record types copy constructor
  164. Building distributed systems–Retry storms
  165. Starting a startup – myths, pitfalls, and a way out – DProgres.com
  166. WHO WINS? - C# Head to Head With Unit Testing VS Functional Testing
  167. Become a JavaScript Master: Essential 10 Tips for Mastery the Language!
  168. GitHub - damienbod/MicrosoftEntraIDAuthMicrosoftIdentityWeb: Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) flows using ASP.NET Core and Microsoft.Identity.Web
  169. Datastore in Angular
  170. The Rider 2023.3 Release Candidate Is Now Available | The .NET Tools Blog
  171. How Does Blazor Compete with MVC and Razor Pages
  172. Bazel market growth, year over year
  173. GitHub - fempire/women-tech-speakers-organizers: A list of women tech speakers & organizers. Add yourself or others by submitting a PR! PS if you do add someone, make sure to tell them! :) #fempire
  174. My Toddler Loves Planes, So I Built Her A Radar
  175. .NET 8–JSON Source Generator improvements
  176. Virtual Boy Architecture | A Practical Analysis
  177. DEV Cafe - .NET Conf 2023 Vietnam
  178. How mathematics built the modern world - Works in Progress
  179. With net 8 Blazor releasing do you think it will compete with React?
  180. .NET Rocks! React Server Components with Aurora Walberg
  181. HTML web components
  182. C#–Declaring attributes on positional record types
  183. Top 10 highest paid programming languages in 2023
  184. How to Implement the Result Pattern with the ErrorOr Library
  185. .NET 8–Http Logging
  186. .NET | Log into Elasticsearch using Serilog and view logs in Kibana
  187. No x:Array in WinUI 3 | WinAppSDK | XAML | UWP | WPF | .NET
  188. Join Us for Free .NET 8 and Angular 17 Webinars in December
  189. Use the index, Luke!
  190. HTML DOM — Phuoc Nguyen
  191. Using a strong nonce based CSP with Angular
  192. Blazor on .NET 8 - Ten Reasons why Blazor on .NET 8 is a Game Changer
  193. Blazor on .NET 8 - Ten Reasons why Blazor on .NET 8 is a Game Changer
  194. .NET 8: What's New for Authentication and Authorization
  195. CSS is fun again
  196. Progress Telerik Release Focuses on Design, Accessibility and Data Visualization -- Visual Studio Magazine
  197. PID_Analytical-Copy1
  198. MagicaVoxel
  199. Property based testing in C#–How to change the number of runs?
  200. JavaScript Decorators: What They Are and When to Use Them — SitePoint
  201. Secure an Angular application using Microsoft Entra External ID and ASP.NET Core with BFF
  202. The Beauty of Smol Things
  203. What Are The Easiest Programming Languages to Learn? – Your Ultimate Guide
  204. Generate TypeScript Client API for ASP.NET Core Web API
  205. Best resources for Blazor Hybrid and .NET MAUI for beginners! #dotnetmaui #coding #blazor
  206. Fix missing tokens when using downstream APIs and Microsoft Identity in ASP.NET Core
  207. Source Generator playground
  208. OpenSilver 2.0 Weds VB.NET with XAML for Web Apps -- Visual Studio Magazine
  209. My first contact with ESM and CJS
  210. Simplify Source Generator creation the RoslynGenerator template
  211. Create an ASP.NET Core backgroundservice that runs at regular intervals using PeriodicTimer
  212. Quick Tip: Decorators in TypeScript — SitePoint
  213. Observing OSIRIS-REx during the capsule reentry – Daniel Estévez
  214. Using Problem Details in .NET 7
  215. Implement a secure web application using Vue.js and an ASP.NET Core server
  216. A JavaScript Testing Journey - 9elements
  217. Enforcing Architecture in .NET with tests
  218. GitHub - damienbod/bff-azureadb2c-aspnetcore-angular: Azure AD B2C Backend for frontend security using Angular Standalone (nx) and ASP.NET Core backend
  219. .NET 8–Using reflection in a AOT enabled application
  220. Secure Angular application using OpenIddict and ASP.NET Core with BFF
  221. Improve the build speed on your build server using npm ci
  222. New React TypeScript SPA Templates and More - Visual Studio Blog
  223. The fundamental theorem of Agile Software Development
  224. .NET 8–Keyed/Named Services
  225. Secure Angular application using Auth0 and ASP.NET Core with BFF
  226. Entity Framework Core–DateOnly and TimeOnly
  227. .NET | Response, Output & Distributed Cache | Patterns of working with Cache
  228. Entity Framework Core–Data is null
  229. Build a Typeahead Component Using RxJS
  230. Entity Framework Core - No database provider has been configured
  231. Implement a secure web application using nx Standalone Angular and an ASP.NET Core server
  232. Introducing MSAL.Browser v3: What developers need to know | Microsoft Entra Identity Developer Blog
  233. NuGet - Package Source Mappings
  234. Null conditional await
  235. Automatic web UI testing the .NET 8 applications using Selenium and Azure DevOps
  236. Libraries and Frameworks and Platforms, Oh My!
  237. The 2 rules of software architecture
  238. Point Nemo, revisited
  239. Is this duplo train track under too much tension?
  240. Build your UI as a finite state machine
  241. Using Docker environment variables at JavaScript runtime
  242. Azure Pipelines - Batching your CI builds
  243. .NET 6 - Async scopes
  244. NuGet - Lock files
  245. .NET 7 💥 - Intro to CQRS and MediatR with ASP.NET Core Web Api
  246. 5 Easy Steps to Migrate from ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core
  247. DevToys–A swiss army knife for developers
  248. Inigo Quilez
  249. Demo Front-End
  250. Use web components for what they’re good at
  251. Antifragile systems
  252. .NET 7 💥 - ASP.NET Core Web Api CRUD, Repository Pattern, SQLite & Automapper
  253. shouldn't very very distant objects appear magnified?
  254. Manipulated Caiman: The Sophisticated Snare of Mexico's Banking Predators - Perception Point
  255. ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 Preview 7: Blazor, Native AOT, Antiforgery and More
  256. The BEST Moq Alternatives: NSubstitute vs FakeItEasy
  257. An early look at HNSW performance with pgvector
  258. .NET 8 Web-Dev: New Visual Studio Templates, Antiforgery, Blazor Auto Render -- Visual Studio Magazine
  259. A New Way to SPA in .NET 8
  260. ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 7 - .NET Blog
  261. ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 7 - .NET Blog
  262. Grape - Create interactive coding videos from your browser.
  263. 41 AK Expenses Tracker | Query User Transactions From Azure Cosmos DB & Azure Function
  264. GIT - Getting Started
  265. What Is Dimensional Analysis?
  266. Building Hybrid Apps with .NET MAUI for iOS, Android, Mac, & Windows | React, Vue.js, Angular & More
  267. 39 AK Expenses Tracker | Understanding the Update Transaction Business Logic
  268. Help! I accidently enabled HSTS–on localhost
  269. A comprehensive guide to Redux for beginners
  270. Implement 5 Key Principles for Creating Effective UIs—Part 2
  271. New syntax for string interpolation in F# - .NET Blog
  272. Visual Studio Live!: Training Conferences and Events for Enterprise Microsoft .NET and Azure Developers
  273. Handling a Complex Domain with Readable Code | fsharpConf 2023
  274. Announcing SignalR (alpha) for ASP.NET Core 2.0 - .NET Blog
  275. ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 3 - .NET Blog
  276. .NET Framework 4.8 to .NET 6 migration
  277. Top 8 Most Demanded Programming Languages in 2023
  278. Educator Developer Blog
  279. C# on the Command Line! #dotnet #dotnetcore
  280. WinUI 3 | Modern settings with SettingsCard & SettingsExpander | WinAppSDK | XAML | UWP | WPF | .NET
  281. Burke Learns Blazor | Creating CreateLink API / Polishing Public Page
  282. Creating an API and Web UI for my District Heating System - Dangl.Blog();
  283. What is AWS SQS #shorts
  284. On .NET Live | Minimal APIs with EF Core, App Service, and Angular
  285. .NET MAUI Community Toolkit Monthly Standup, July 2023
  286. All things client and mobile app development with .NET MAUI | BRK204
  287. Developer Brethren, its Time to Embrace Boring!
  288. ASP.NET Core CORS Wildcard Subdomains
  289. .NET 7 💥 - Angular Authentication with JWT (JSON WEB TOKEN)
  290. GraphQL Code Generator–Avoid generating types that are not needed
  291. Material Web in 2023
  292. Localized Application in Blazor WebAssembly
  293. On .NET Live - Deep Dive into Azure Web Apps with .NET 7 and Angular
  294. .NET 7 💥 - CRUD with Angular & .NET Web API, EF Core & MongoDb
  295. Learn the Fundamentals of Software Engineering!
  296. Tips and Тricks to Мodernizing Your App with Blazor
  297. Finding your weak spots
  298. MSBuild 2023 – Focus on .NET MAUI and Blazor Hybrid
  299. .NET Core–Monitor cache misses
  300. Being a Full-Stack Developer is no longer a dirty word
  301. Visual Studio 2022 17.6–Http Endpoint explorer
  302. An alternative approach to structuring your tests in XUnit
  303. Big Changes Coming for Blazor in .NET 8
  304. Using IAsyncEnumerable with Dapper
  305. My 20 Year Career is Technical Debt or Deprecated
  306. ASP.NET Core–Factory based vs Convention based middleware
  307. How Microsoft is using GraphQL in their new Teams architecture
  308. Abusing Vector Search for Texts, Maps, and Chess ♟️
  309. Chris James -HTMX is the Future
  310. Visual Studio–Generate C# client for OpenAPI
  311. ASP.NET SPA Templates Proxy Changes From .NET 5 to .NET 6, .NET 7, and On
  312. MassTransit–Minimal Message Handlers
  313. Running Vite with ASP.NET Core Web Applications
  314. Interface Segregation Principle in TypeScript
  315. Exploring JavaScript and TypeScript Development in Visual Studio - Visual Studio Blog
  316. Unleash Data API Builder | #Azurehappyhours, Fri, Apr 28, 2023, 5:00 PM | Meetup
  317. .NET Rocks! Cypress 12 with Ely Lucas
  318. ASP.NET Core Guidance
  319. Join the .NET Team at Microsoft Build 2023! - .NET Blog
  320. Upgrading to .NET 6 -ASP0014 warning
  321. Episode 120 - Inside Avalonia's Cross-Platform UI Toolkit and the Quest for Quality Documentation with Mike James
  322. Implementing Feature Flags in Angular is easier than you thought it would be!
  323. On Endings: Why & How We Retired Elm at Culture Amp
  324. .NET Rocks! Understand Web Apps using Fiddler with Sam Basu and Rosen Vladimirov
  325. Chilling in MAUI Workshop
  326. Improvements to auth and identity in ASP.NET Core 8 - .NET Blog
  327. Versioning in graph databases
  328. TypeScript–Template literal types
  329. Beginning gRPC with ASP.NET Core 6: Build Applications using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, Angular, and Best Practices in .NET 6: Giretti, Anthony: 9781484280072: Books - Amazon.ca
  330. Azure - Data API Builder
  331. Bicycle – Bartosz Ciechanowski
  332. C# - Clean up your exception handling logic with Exception Filters
  333. How to Create a Custom Authorize Attribute in ASP.NET Core
  334. Are you sure you need that 'else' - Extend your Blazor components
  335. Share reusable UI components through a Razor class library
  336. The difference between libraries and frameworks - Simple Talk
  337. The lost art of writing SQL queries
  338. .NET Core - Remove older SDKs and runtimes
  339. Why Your Technology Stack Doesn't Matter - Here's What Does
  340. GraphQL HotChocolate - Method overloading for queries
  341. Anthony Giretti (@anthonygiretti@mastodon.social)
  342. Package Validation
  343. Functional Testing: Definition, Types and Importance
  344. Spreaker
  345. Debugging Visual Studio issues
  346. GitHub Quick Reviews
  347. C# 11–The scoped keyword
  348. The Unbearable Sameness of the Modern Web
  349. JetBrains Releases Rider 2023.1 EAP 4
  350. HSTS in IIS
  351. Spreaker
  352. Generating Bogus HTTP Endpoints with ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs
  353. Generate a self-signed certificate for .NET Core
  354. Github–Secret scanning
  355. Using Cell Phone Sensors for 3D Transformations – Ramatak Inc.
  356. Ruler and compass construction of a heart
  357. Rider 2023.1 EAP 4 Is Here! | The .NET Tools Blog
  358. Why I'm not the biggest fan of Single Page Applications
  359. Unit testing- Arrange Act Assert
  360. Spreaker
  361. A Historical Reference of React Criticism—zachleat.com
  362. Property based testing in C#–Part 5
  363. Spreaker
  364. Two Factor Authentication with Web API and Angular using Google Authenticator - Code Maze
  365. What's New in Progress Telerik UI for Blazor, .NET MAUI and WinForms -- Visual Studio Magazine
  366. Unleashing the Power of ASP.NET Core: A Guide to Building High-Performance Web Applications
  367. Nullable reference types–Using the required keyword in C# 11
  368. How to set the package version when using dotnet pack
  369. Telerik and Kendo UI R1 2023 Release Is Here—See What’s New!
  370. Spreaker
  371. Software Engineering at Google ebook available for free
  372. MassTransit–Using RabbitMQ Virtual Hosts
  373. AI and Machine Learning for Coders | Barbarian Meets Coding
  374. Degenerate Matter: How Reality Deals With Uncertainty
  375. Spreaker
  376. Geometric algebra and classical mechanics
  377. Just Announced: Telerik & Kendo UI R1 2023 Release Webinars
  378. Spreaker
  379. Running a Blazor WebAssembly App on Azure Static Web Apps
  380. C# 11 – File Scoped Types
  381. Blazor Code Generation | Infragistics Blog
  382. YARP–Direct forwarding in .NET 6 and beyond
  383. Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
  384. The InfoQ Podcast: .NET Trends Report 2022
  385. Testing a token protected API using user-jwts
  386. Spreaker
  387. Developing distributed applications with Tye
  388. C# 11–Generic Attributes
  389. Spreaker
  390. Deep linking with Azure Static Web Apps and Easy Auth | I CAN MAKE THIS WORK
  391. .NET 7 - The StringSyntaxAttribute
  392. ASP.NET Core Response Caching
  393. Monitor your application using Event Counters–Part I
  394. An Interactive Guide to Flexbox
  395. Build and run Angular application in a Docker container
  396. Breaking the Frontend Monolith
  397. Sometimes... Constraints Are Good
  398. Insights into Developing with Blazor, AND Containers in .NET 7, Wed, 9 Nov 2022, 5:30 pm | Meetup
  399. Angular Language Service 2022 - Visual Studio Marketplace
  400. Fix automatic re-routing of http:// to https:// on localhost in Web Browsers
  401. Python Release Python 3.11.0
  402. 10 Things Every Junior Software Developer Should Know To Be Successful - Doumer's Blog
  403. 10 Choses que Tous les Développeurs de Logiciels Juniors Devraient Savoir pour Réussir - Doumer's Blog
  404. Milestone Reached: 200+ Free Ebooks Are Now Available in the Succinctly Series | Syncfusion Blogs
  405. JavaScript metaprogramming with the 2022-03 decorators API
  406. Converting a Simple JavaScript App to TypeScript
  407. GitHub - microsoft/foss-fund: The Microsoft FOSS Fund provides a direct way for Microsoft engineers to participate in the nomination and selection process to help communities and projects they are passionate about. The FOSS Fund provides $10,000 sponsorships to open source projects as selected by Microsoft employees.
  408. Logging with Serilog in ASP.NET Core Web API
  409. Learning Blazor: Build Single-Page Apps with WebAssembly and C#: Pine, David: 9781098113247: Amazon.com: Books
  410. Welcoming Everyone to MAUI
  411. A trip to MAUI on .NET
  412. TypeScript is now officially 10 years old!
  413. JavaScript unit testing frameworks in 2022: A comparison | Raygun Blog
  414. How to Pivot Into Software Engineering
  415. Using .NET 7's Blazor Custom Elements to render dynamic content
  416. Building a startup on Clojure
  417. Steady State means Continuous Rewriting - Bruno Scheufler
  418. Teaching and Learning in Public
  419. InfoQ .NET Trends Report 2022
  420. The new wave of Javascript web frameworks
  421. GitHub - nextapps-de/winbox: WinBox is a modern HTML5 window manager for the web: lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies, fully customizable, open source!
  422. Spreaker
  423. Work around localhost unsecured HTTPS access for Development Sites in Edge
  424. React I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down
  425. First Batch of Color Fonts Arrives on Google Fonts
  426. Remembering jQuery
  427. Testing Angular Forms with Martine Dowden
  428. Who pollutes your prototype? Find the libs on cdnjs in an automated way
  429. Anthony Giretti | ConFoo.ca
  430. Beginning gRPC with ASP.NET Core 6: Build Applications using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, Angular, and Best Practices in .NET 6: Giretti, Anthony: 9781484280072: Books - Amazon.ca
  431. .NET MAUI eBook Now Available - Enterprise Application Patterns
  432. Hard limits of low-code/no-code. The Flatlogic thesis
  433. Micro Frontends in Action With ASP.NET Core - Composition via Blazor WebAssembly Based Web Components
  434. GitHub - Twipped/InterviewThis: An open source list of developer questions to ask prospective employers
  435. UTC vs. UT1 time (and other nuances)
  436. JavaScript Callback Functions Explained in 1 Minute #shorts #webdevelopment
  437. What's New for Blazor, ASP.NET Core in Latest .NET 7 Preview -- Visual Studio Magazine
  438. ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 7
  439. Using a custom build pipeline with Azure Static Web Apps - Gérald Barré
  440. 2022-08-08: .NET Community Toolkit 8.0, Rider and ReSharper 2022.2, ILSpy 8.0 Preview 2 - WeekRef.NET
  441. Interact with a GraphQL API from a .NET Core Application
  442. Rider 2022.2 Comes With More C# 11 Features,  Performance Improvements, and Extended Unreal Engine Support | The .NET Tools Blog
  443. Force HTTPS in ASP.NET Core Applications
  444. Twenty Plus Years of Blogging
  445. Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans
  446. I'm Still Not Using Postman!! I Use This NEW VS Code Extension Instead...
  447. Critique of Pure Hooks · Dave Martin's Blog
  448. SPA Alternative
  449. Case Study 8: How Hertz Paid Accenture $32 Million for a Website That Never Went Live
  450. Meet Bun: A JavaScript Runtime for the Whole Dev Lifecycle
  451. 11 Best GitHub Repositories That Help You Grow As A Software Developer
  452. Cookie Authentication With ASP.NET Core and Angular - Code Maze
  453. Infragistics Improves Low-Code App Builder -- Visual Studio Magazine
  454. Custom Blazor Elements No Longer Experimental in .NET 7 Preview 6 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  455. Securing Web APIs with Azure AD: A Case Study
  456. Is auth WAY too hard in .NET? : r/dotnet
  457. Is auth WAY too hard in .NET? - r/dotnet
  458. Episode 102 - Photino With Otto Dobretsberger
  459. Is auth WAY too hard in .NET?
  460. r/dotnet - Is auth WAY too hard in .NET?
  461. Writing HTML sucks less with Impulse
  462. ASP.NET Core: Creando un Chat con SignalR y Angular
  463. The Size of an Atom: How Scientists First Guessed It’s About Quantum Physics
  464. Top 8 Most Demanded Programming Languages in 2022
  465. Program - WeAreDevelopers World Congress
  466. Create a React-based app with ASP.NET Minimal APIs and MongoDB storage
  467. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022
  468. Data outlasts Code, yet Code keeps winning
  469. Paradigm CSS is Now Available on GitHub
  470. Is Ruby on Rails Still Relevant?
  471. Hubble Determines Mass of Isolated Black Hole Roaming Our Milky Way
  472. 7 Absolute Truths I Unlearned as Junior Developer
  473. Why Clojure?
  474. GitHub - hng/tech-coops: A list of tech coops and resources concerning tech coops and worker owned cooperatives in general.
  475. Angular Diameter Turnaround
  476. #13: Hosting PWA on Static Web Apps
  477. Deploying a Static Site to Azure Using the az CLI
  478. Support for custom headers for handshake · Issue #16 · whatwg/websockets
  479. Improve Angular performance with Gzip compression on Azure Storage
  480. Why I don't miss React: a story about using the platform - Jack Franklin
  481. Join us live on May 19 for the Azure Static Web Apps Anniversary!
  482. A Gentle Introduction to SSR
  483. Introduction to Google Charts With Angular and ASP.NET Core Web API - Code Maze
  484. How I Earned $160,000 in Passive Income from Writing Non-fiction Books
  485. Exploring Architectural Concepts Building a Card Game
  486. pzuraq | Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks
  487. What’s Coming for Blazor in .NET 7?
  488. I stopped working on black hole information loss. Here’s why.
  489. Monsters Weekly 247 - HTML Template Element
  490. .NET Celebrates 20 years and brings us a GIFT🎁: New .NET 7 Features Revealed
  491. Exponentially Better Rotations
  492. On Leaving Turkey
  493. Excel-like Experience for Web Apps
  494. Beginning gRPC with ASP.NET Core 6: Build Applications using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, Angular, and Best Practices in .NET 6: Giretti, Anthony: 9781484280072: Amazon.com: Books
  495. Serialization and Deserialization in C# - Code Maze
  496. What is pub/sub and how to apply it in C# .NET to build a chat app | Ably Blog: Data in Motion
  497. The How and Why of End-to-End Testing - Jason Fleetwood-Boldt
  498. Remix: The Yang to React's Yin
  499. Program Manager 2 in Redmond, Washington, United States | Engineering at Microsoft
  500. Beginning gRPC with ASP.NET Core 6: Build Applications using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, Angular, and Best Practices in .NET 6 eBook : Giretti, Anthony: Amazon.ca: Books
  501. GitHub - appwrite/appwrite: Secure Backend Server for Web, Mobile & Flutter Developers 🚀 AKA the 100% open-source Firebase alternative.
  502. Telerik & Kendo UI March 2022 Update
  503. 10 Quick Tips I Have Learned Using TypeScript
  504. Demystifying the Analemma
  505. Announcing .NET 7 Preview 2 - The New, 'New' Experience
  506. Announcing .NET 7 Preview 2 - The New, 'New' Experience
  507. Visualizing Black Holes with General Relativistic Ray Tracing – Sean's Projects
  508. Securing .NET Core, ASP.NET Core applications | Meetup
  509. In praise of opinionated frameworks
  510. Consuming a GraphQL API with Angular
  511. Episode 93 - Umbraco Heartcore and Blazor with Poornima Nayar
  512. Creating a Static Web Content Project for Publishing with WebDeploy
  513. Introducing fullstackhero - Open Source Boilerplates for Rapid Web Development
  514. 10 HTML tags you have never used before
  515. Making a Tor Version of Your Site
  516. Server-side JavaScript for .NET developers – Part I (Node.js fundamentals)
  517. Angular Server Side Rendering on Azure Static Web Apps
  518. Move over JavaScript: Back-end languages are coming to the front-end
  519. Piped
  520. Migrating Web Apps to Azure App Services
  521. Microsoft Teams 2.0 will use half the memory, dropping Electron...
  522. JavaScript frontend development with ASP.NET Core in .NET 6
  523. Underjord | My Elm Experience
  524. Code Maze Weekly #110 - Code Maze
  525. See What’s New in the Telerik and Kendo UI R1 2022 Release!
  526. August Meetup: Serverless Architecture in Azure with Rob Richardson | Meetup
  527. Episode 90 - Clean Architecture and Subcutaneous Testing with Matthew Jeorrett
  528. Beginning gRPC with ASP.NET Core 6: Build Applications using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, Angular, and Best Practices in .NET 6: GIRETTI, ANTHONY: 9781484280072: Amazon.com: Books
  529. Progress Telerik Adds 20-Plus Components for Blazor, .NET MAUI and WinUI -- Visual Studio Magazine
  530. Newsletter Week 2, 2022
  531. It's not still the early days
  532. Alexandre Nédélec - Week 2, 2022 - Tips I learned this week
  533. Infragistics Adds 17 Controls to Blazor/Web Components Libraries -- Visual Studio Magazine
  534. Angular Basics: Introduction to Observables (RxJS)—Part 2
  535. Hate leap seconds? Imagine a negative one
  536. Sourcegraph
  537. Syncfusion Essential Studio Release Adds .NET MAUI Controls, .NET 6 Support for Blazor/ASP.NET Core -- Visual Studio Magazine
  538. Comparing the backend for frontend (BFF) security architecture with an SPA UI using a public API
  539. Tech I want to focus in 2022
  540. Angular Basics: Introduction to Observables (RxJS)—Part 1
  541. The Relativity of Wrong by Isaac Asimov
  542. Upgrading from .NET Core 2.1 to .NET 6.0
  543. Evaluating frontend frameworks and not choosing any
  544. Year in Review - 2021
  545. Creating .NET Project Templates - Code Maze
  546. Code Maze Weekly #107 - Code Maze
  547. Counting website visitors is hard — Bobbie Chen
  548. New Coding Shorts: Angular Template Forms and Vite Builds
  549. Beyond Hot Reload: 'Live Reload' and More -- Visual Studio Magazine
  550. SQLite + EF Core + ASPNET Core Web API + CRUD + Views + Loading Related Data
  551. Quaternions: Part 1 - Lior Sinai
  552. Code Maze Weekly #105 - Code Maze
  553. Building a PS1 style retro 3D renderer
  554. Angular Basics: Introduction to Processes, Threads—Web UI
  555. JavaScript and TypeScript Projects with React, Angular, or Vue in Visual Studio 2022 with or without .NET
  556. Azure DevOps Podcast: Michael Washington on Blazor in .NET 6 - Episode 168
  557. FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post
  558. Code Maze Weekly #104 - Code Maze
  559. .NET MAUI Community Toolkit, Monthly Standup (December)
  560. Lance McCarthy
  561. .NET 6 Application No Need To Configure Developer Exception Page Middleware Explicitly[.NET6 Feature]
  562. Code Maze Weekly #101 - Code Maze
  563. Blazor Updates, Hot Reload and Minimal APIs Highlight ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  564. What's new in ASP.NET Core 6.0
  565. .NET 6 Is Here -- Visual Studio Magazine
  566. What’s New in ASP.NET Core in .NET 6
  567. Episode 86 - Real World Blazor With Steve Peirce
  568. What’s New in Angular 13
  569. Never update anything | blog.kronis.dev
  570. Control flow analysis for destructured discriminated unions by ahejlsberg · Pull Request #46266 · microsoft/TypeScript
  571. .NET Rocks! vNext
  572. Final Blazor Improvements Before .NET 6
  573. What is the Inverse of a Vector?
  574. How Code Splitting Improves Lighthouse Score
  575. Face-to-Face: A conversation about the .NET Foundation - Option 1
  576. GitHub - pubkey/client-side-databases: An implementation of the exact same app in Firestore, AWS Datastore, PouchDB, RxDB and WatermelonDB
  577. Friday Five: Ignite ‘21, Defender For Endpoint, More!
  578. Get started building a Progressive Web App!
  579. Newsletter Week 41, 2021
  580. Code Maze Weekly #97 - Code Maze
  581. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Interfaces and Error Handling
  582. Things Developers Do Affect Web App Load Time
  583. r/dotnet - .Net 6 RC Ready for Prod?
  584. Visual Studio Team Seeks Help with Help (Menu, That Is) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  585. We want to make Help all you need
  586. Become a productive .NET Developer with JetBrains Rider - PHINUG 2021.10
  587. ASP.NET Core 6: Streaming JSON responses with IAsyncEnumerable<T>, example with Angular
  588. Code Maze Weekly #93 - Code Maze
  589. Blazor Developers Can Now Create Custom Elements, Render Components from JavaScript -- Visual Studio Magazine
  590. Playing with htmlq, awk, and sed
  591. ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Release Candidate 1
  592. ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Release Candidate 1
  593. Collisions of Light Produce Matter/Antimatter from Pure Energy
  594. Free Programming Books; HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Python...
  595. Implementing Angular Code Flow with PKCE using node-oidc-provider
  596. Toolbelt.Blazor.LoadingBar 13.0.0
  597. The Compiled Future of Front End
  598. Mathlets : MIT Mathlets
  599. GitHub - KorzhCom/EasyData: An open-source framework for quick and easy implementation of CRUD operations (both API and UI) in ASP.NET Core applications.
  600. Interview with Dixin Yan
  601. Interview with Rob Prouse
  602. A brain dump on automated integration testing
  603. 3 VS Code Settings I IMMEDIATELY Turn Off
  604. Building micro services through Event Driven Architecture part15 : SPA Front End.
  605. GitHub - coqui-ai/TTS: 🐸💬 - a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production
  606. Hi Khalil | I Regret Being a Hipster in Tech
  607. Finally, a library that improves role authorization in ASP.NET Core – The Reformed Programmer
  608. A Decade Later, .NET Developers Still Fear Being 'Silverlighted' by Microsoft -- Visual Studio Magazine
  609. Why Did So Many Startups Choose MongoDB?
  610. Azure BLOB Storage with ASP.NET Core and Angular - Code Maze
  611. So Why Doesn't Microsoft Provide Its Own Blazor Component Library? -- Visual Studio Magazine
  612. JavaScript Optional Chaining in 5 Minutes (No more "cannot read property of undefined"!)
  613. Alien
  614. The New JavaScript/TypeScript Experience in Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3
  615. Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3 - Overview
  616. Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3 now available!
  617. New JavaScript/TypeScript Projects Lead Web-Dev Tweaks in VS 2022 Preview 3 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  618. The World of CSS Transforms
  619. Using Angular's Base HREF in Paths
  620. Code Maze Weekly #88 - Code Maze
  621. Dipping My Toe into Static Website Generators
  622. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021
  623. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021
  624. Securing an Angular app which uses multiple identity providers
  625. Naval Architecture – Bartosz Ciechanowski
  626. How To Automate AWS CloudFront Distribution Folder Changes When Deploying a Static Web Site
  627. Prototyping and Usability Testing with Indigo Design | Design to Code
  628. CSS Isolation In Razor Pages
  629. What is GitHub Copilot?
  630. microsoft/foss-fund
  631. What's New for Blazor/ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 Preview 6 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  632. ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Preview 6
  633. Build a shopping app with Azure Static Web Apps
  634. Modular Architecture in ASP.NET Core - Building Better Monoliths
  635. Put That Microservice Down.
  636. Newsletter Week 26, 2021
  637. Blazor Flash Cards - State Management with Fluxor
  638. Code Maze Weekly #83 - Code Maze
  639. Blazor - Next Generation UI with .NET 6
  640. Static Web Apps - Code to Scale - Events
  641. Improving Angular CI Build Time Using Azure DevOps Cache task
  642. Introduction to .NET MAUI Blazor | The Xamarin Show
  643. Microsoft Teams 2.0 will use half the memory, dropping Electron...
  644. Join us for a Live event on Azure Static Web Apps 30th June 2021
  645. ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Preview 5 | ASP.NET Blog
  646. JSON Polymorphic Serialization API Review
  647. GitHub Quick Reviews
  648. Introducing Script Watch: Detect Magecart style attacks, fast!
  649. How 'One Hundred and One Dalmatians' Saved Disney
  650. Why I'm Betting on Svelte JS
  651. Angular Global Summit'21
  652. willfennel.com – Learning on the fly, impostor syndrome, and Vim dumbassery
  653. Build apps faster with the latest Microsoft Teams Toolkit
  654. Code Maze Weekly #78 - Code Maze
  655. The Expanse UI Design — HUDS+GUIS
  656. Secure an Angular SPA and an ASP.NET Core API using Auth0
  657. 10 Native Web APIs New JavaScript Developers Should Know
  658. Blazor WebAssembly : "Remember me" for Login Page - EP30
  659. Entity Framework Community Standup - Building Modern Apps with GraphQL
  660. Azure Static Web Apps: Bring Your Own Function (BYOF) - Simple Talk
  661. Why I've had 7 jobs in 11 years
  662. ASP.NET Core Web App Templates Design Survey
  663. Visual Studio Toolbox Live - Convert Web Forms to ASP.NET & Angular
  664. Azure Static Web Apps Goes GA -- Visual Studio Magazine
  665. Microsoft Releases Azure Static Web Apps Into General Availability
  666. Free Programming Books; HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Python...
  667. It's time for a data-first frontend revolution | Kea 2.4
  668. How SpaceX lands Starship. (sort of)
  669. damienbod/AzureADAuthRazorUiServiceApiCertificate
  670. Building the software that helps build SpaceX - Stack Overflow Blog
  671. Develop production-scale modern web apps quickly with Azure Static Web Apps
  672. Testing software so it's reliable enough for space - Stack Overflow Blog
  673. Responsible Use Of Open Source In Enterprise Software
  674. Babel is used by millions, so why are we running out of money?
  675. Code Coverage & Frontend Testing
  676. Why simplicity? Choosing a web architecture
  677. What's the Top App Model Used by .NET Developers? -- Visual Studio Magazine
  678. Web Component Custom Element Gotchas
  679. The Right Way to Adopt New Technology
  680. Internal Combustion Engine – Bartosz Ciechanowski
  681. Why People Are Afraid Of The DOM?
  682. How to deploy Angular app to Azure App Service running Linux from GitHub | Developer Support
  683. Blazor WebAssembly : Logging to Database | Implementing Custom Logger Provider - EP27
  684. NetEscapades.AspNetCore.SecurityHeaders 0.14.0
  685. Why we still use Oracle DB
  686. Episode 74 - libvlcsharp and .NET with Martin Finkel
  687. mozilla/TTS
  688. Binding to HTTP request data [9 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  689. The Worthy Web App Challenge
  690. Three Stories about The ‘Best’ Tool
  691. Vue has too many UI frameworks
  692. Scraping the web with Playwright
  693. The Real Book - 99% Invisible
  694. Talking about RavenDB in the Angular Show
  695. What Developers Can Do to Make the World a Healthier Place
  696. Introducing the Azure Static Web Apps CLI
  697. Introducing the Azure Static Web Apps CLI
  698. Which Degree Should You Pursue to Get a Job in Tech?
  699. .NET News Roundup - Week of March 29th, 2021
  700. Angular Basics: The Scope of This and Arrow Functions
  701. Angular Language Service for Visual Studio Update | Visual Studio Blog
  702. Running Remote Containers... FAST! - Espresso Coder
  703. Think like an educator about code quality
  704. The Path to Becoming a Software Developer with Mary Baker
  705. Blazor WebAssembly : Lazy-loading Assemblies - EP22
  706. Authentication with Nextjs, Fauna, and Auth0 - Nextjs Crash Course Part 2
  707. Build a Harry Potter API with Node.js, Express.js, and Dynamo DB
  708. Clean Architecture for ASP.NET Core Solution: A Case Study - NDepend
  709. Learn about problems, not solutions
  710. The dispassionate developer
  711. Articulate 4.3.0 with support for markdown code snippets and syntax highlighting
  712. Enhancing privacy-focused Web Analytics to better meet your metrics needs
  713. GorvGoyl/Clone-Wars
  714. CodingBlast
  715. ASP.NET Community Standup - How to contribute to Blazor
  716. Can you spare a few moments to take my survey?
  717. Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Azure Static Web Apps are saving me money
  718. Generating HTTP API clients using dotnet tools and Visual Studio Connected Services
  719. Dynamically Creating Components in Angular
  720. Custom Elements Everywhere
  721. Taming the WSL 2 Resource Monster
  722. Uploading Files With ASP.NET Core and Angular
  723. Video Game Programming From Scratch with Casey Muratori - CoRecursive Podcast
  724. 2021 Tech Predictions · Ted Neward's Blog
  725. Firm Automates Legacy Web Forms-to-ASP.NET Core Conversions -- Visual Studio Magazine
  726. Implementing OAuth Pushed Authorisation Requests in Angular
  727. You probably don’t need a micro-frontend
  728. The web didn't change; you did
  729. What You Need to Know About CSS-in-JS in 2021
  730. What I'm Building in 2021
  731. Code Maze Weekly #64 - Code Maze
  732. Ben Wiser | Building web apps without a SPA
  733. Building Realtime applications on Angular with ASPNET Core and SignalR
  734. Episode 69 - The Risks of Third Party Code With Niels Tanis
  735. .NET Rocks! vNext
  736. Tell Me I'm Wrong, Please (Angular and Async)
  737. Some things aren’t built to be tested
  738. Using HTMX with ASP.NET Core: Introduction
  739. The **Simplest** Web Developer Path for 2021
  740. GitHub Quick Reviews
  741. Github Actions for Visual Studio Extension developers
  742. Most Active .NET Facebook Groups to Follow in 2021 - Coding Sonata
  743. Deploying Blazor WebAssembly into Azure Static Web Apps - Code Maze
  744. Angular Auto Save, Undo and Redo
  745. damienbod/AngularAutoSaveCommands
  746. ASP.NET Core Action Arguments Validation using an ActionFilter
  747. Download Files with ASP.NET Core Web API and Angular - Code Maze
  748. Reintegration tracking
  749. Github Stale Bots: A False Economy
  750. Who Owns Open-Source Software?
  751. How I develop web apps in 2021
  752. .NET Core Ranks High Among Frameworks in New Dev Survey -- Visual Studio Magazine
  753. State of JavaScript 2020 Survey Results - My Reactions
  754. Learn X by doing Y - A project-based learning search engine
  755. SignalRs Crazy 8
  756. Changes are Coming... My Goals for 2021
  757. Entire Computer Science Curriculum in 1000 YouTube Videos | Laconicml
  758. Uno Platform How To Build A Single-Page Web App in XAML and C# with WebAssembly Using Uno Platform
  759. Updated Infragistics UI/UX Desktop Components Support .NET 5 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  760. JavaScript Array Some Method Practice in 5 Minutes
  761. What I learned doing 125 public talks - Part I
  762. JavaScript Array Sort Method Practice in 5 Minutes
  763. JavaScript Complete Course - Array Map - Part 40
  764. Everything You Always Wanted To Know About GitHub (But Were Afraid To Ask)
  765. Azure AD Access Token Lifetime Policy Management in ASP.NET Core
  766. How to Sign in with Google Using Angular and ASP.NET Core Web API
  767. 20 Months in, 2K Hours Spent and 200K € Lost. A Story About Resilience and the Sunk Cost Fallacy
  768. Scaffold an entire .NET 5 Web API using Wrapt
  769. Angular vs React - Which Is The Better Framework To Learn in 2021?
  770. User Lockout Functionality with Angular and ASP.NET Core Identity
  771. JavaScript Performance in the Wild 2020
  772. Angular Email Confirmation with ASP.NET Core Identity
  773. My stack will outlive yours
  774. Astronomers Get Their Wish, and the Hubble Crisis Gets Worse
  775. Angular Password Reset Functionality with ASP.NET Core Identity
  776. Last Week in .NET #23 – Solarwinds gets hacked; Microsoft goes on the Attack
  777. The .NET Stacks #30: 🥂 See ya, 2020
  778. C# with CSharpFritz - S2 Ep 2: Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC
  779. Angular Role-Based Authorization with ASP.NET Core Identity
  780. Dynamic Class Creation in C# - Preserving Type Safety in C# with Roslyn
  781. Add Superpowers to Your Next ASP.NET Project with ABP.IO
  782. Angular Authentication Functionality with ASP.NET Core Identity
  783. First-class TypeScript support in modular AWS SDK for JavaScript | Amazon Web Services
  784. Code Maze Weekly #55 - Code Maze
  785. Angular Custom Validators and Error Handling with ASP.NET Core Identity
  786. Why is the Google Cloud UI so slow?
  787. oskarsve/ms-teams-rce
  788. Using multiple APIs in Angular and ASP.NET Core with Azure AD authentication
  789. GitHub repositories to improve your programming skills
  790. Gitter now speaks Matrix! | Matrix.org
  791. oskarsve/ms-teams-rce
  792. User Registration with Angular and ASP.NET Core Identity
  793. Azure DevOps Podcast: Paul Sheriff on What’s New in .NET - Episode 117
  794. Time to Say Goodbye to Google Fonts
  795. What’s New in Angular 11
  796. Building and deploying web apps with Static Web Apps
  797. ABP.IO Platform v4.0 RC Has Been Released based on .NET 5.0!
  798. ESP32 6- Axis IMU
  799. Upgrading to .NET Core 5.0
  800. Jake Prins - Maker of digital products
  801. Deploying Machine Learning Models with FastAPI and Angular
  802. Architectural Tension
  803. Tutorials/Part 1 | ABP Documentation
  804. Charles proxy for web scraping
  805. Building Micro Frontends
  806. Should Your Enterprise Pick Angular, React or Blazor?
  807. Breadmaking 101: How to Troubleshoot Bad Bread
  808. How I Write Elm Applications
  809. The .NET Stacks #24: Blazor readiness and James Hickey on Coravel
  810. Top 70 DotNet Blogs & Websites for .NET Developers To Follow in 2020
  811. Dev Discussions - James Hickey
  812. I Hate Coordinate Systems!
  813. If not SPAs, What? - macwright.com
  814. Google’s new logos are bad – TechCrunch
  815. morris/vanilla-todo
  816. Leaving Silverlight: Converting to the Web
  817. r/dotnet - What would be the reasons to use an IoC framework instead of the default container?
  818. How To Buy a Computer for Cross-Platform Development
  819. Is Blazor a Safe Enterprise Bet
  820. Deploying ASP.NET Core Web API to Azure API Apps - Code Maze
  821. Blazor FAST WebComponents
  822. Combing through ComponentBase
  823. The .NET Stacks #21: Azure Static Web Apps, .NET 6 feedback, and more!
  824. Episode 62 - What Have I Missed With Zac Braddy
  825. Microsoft.Identity.Web is now generally available! - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog
  826. The Importance of Memory | Barnabas Kendall
  827. DevReach Online - The Premier Dev Conference Now Online
  828. Under the hood with routing in Blazor
  829. How to Secure Blazor WebAssembly with IdentityServer4 - Code Maze
  830. Using monorepos to increase velocity during early stages of product development | Creating Startups
  831. How to Publish Angular with ASP.NET Core - Code Maze
  832. Building Flexible APIs with GraphQL and ASP.NET Core - Espresso Coder
  833. OAuth2 Refresh Token with Anular and IdentityServer4
  834. Release Week 40 of the year 2020 · AdrienTorris/awesome-blazor
  835. Newsletter Week 40, 2020
  836. Building Your Next Web App with ASP.NET Core
  837. The Future of IdentityServer
  838. Welcoming Gitter to Matrix! | Matrix.org
  839. Role-Based Access Control with Angular and IdentityServer4
  840. Using Access Token to Secure Angular Calls to Web API
  841. Static hosting with Azure Blob Storage and Azure CDN - Simple Talk
  842. Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs
  843. Creating Real-Time Charts with Blazor WebAssembly and SignalR
  844. Power Up Your Dev Experience with Nx.io
  845. DevReach Online - The Premier Dev Conference - Monday
  846. Blazor WebAssembly on Azure Static Web Apps
  847. Angular Authentication Actions with IdentityServer4 - Code Maze
  848. Angular OAuth2 OIDC Configuration with IdentityServer4
  849. MEAN Stack Considered Harmful
  850. Core Web Vitals - Wix vs. WordPress, Shopify vs. Shopware – What's fastest? - SISTRIX
  851. Create an Application with Web Template Studio
  852. damienbod/IdentityServer4VueJs
  853. Microsoft's Fluid Framework is now open source on GitHub
  854. Scaling SignalR Core Web Applications With Kubernetes
  855. A Beginner’s Guide to Setting Up a Web Application with Typescript and Express
  856. DevReach 2020 Now ONLINE & Free
  857. So You Want to Learn Physics... — Susan Fowler
  858. 10 lesser-known Web APIs you may want to use
  859. Optimal Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches | Ethan Rosenthal
  860. Pieter Levels makes $600k a year from Nomad List and Remote OK
  861. A tale of webpage speed, or throwing away React
  862. Why Do Technical Recruiters Even Exist? - Scott Turman
  863. minvws/nl-covid19-notification-app-backend
  864. TDD and Exception Handling With xUnit in ASP.NET Core
  865. Here's what's new and coming to .NET Core with versions 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0
  866. Northern VA CodeCamp
  867. Blazor vs Angular for Web Developers
  868. Angular Language Service for Visual Studio — NoWaySheCodes
  869. The essence of quantum mechanics
  870. Search Results for “grpc” – Anthony Giretti's .NET blog
  871. Angular Language Service - Visual Studio Marketplace
  872. Rewrite or Refactor - The Risks of Rewrites
  873. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020
  874. Three Reasons You Should Join the Tour de Tech
  875. Azure Static Web Apps: a first look
  876. All the Ways to Make a Web Component - June 2020 Update
  877. Create: Frontend - A one of a kind live event from Microsoft about all things frontend
  878. Handling SPA Fallback Paths in a Generic ASP.NET Core Server
  879. Type-Safe Single Page Apps: F# Vs. TypeScript
  880. The Frink is Good, the Unit is Evil • Hillel Wayne
  881. Learn How to Migrate Your IdentityServer4 v3 Database to IdentityServer4 v4
  882. A developer-centered approach to application development - Red Hat Developer
  883. A real-time Event Grid viewer with serverless SignalR
  884. Respecting Browser Navigation in Single Page Applications
  885. le podcast des technologies .NET
  886. FabianGosebrink/ASPNETCore-Angular-SignalR-Typescript
  887. .NET: Prepare your company for the future
  888. On using WordPress as a back end
  889. dotnet/tye
  890. Time to upgrade your monitor
  891. New LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor lets creators build and bring to life anything they can imagine
  892. Blazor RenderTree Explained
  893. Who should you be: Technology Generalist or Specialist?
  894. Shapes
  895. Project Tye with .Net Core and Angular
  896. Angular SPA with an ASP.NET Core API using Azure AD Auth and user access tokens
  897. Nodesign.dev | Design less develop more.
  898. Blazor vs. React / Angular / Vue.js
  899. Logging with Decorators in TypeScript
  900. 15 Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Web Developers | Syncfusion Blogs
  901. Mastering External Web API's in ASP.Net Core and ABP with Swagger, ApiExplorer, and NSwag
  902. Why I (still) love Vaadin
  903. Going serverless :: Aloïs Micard
  904. Modern Web UI with Blazor WebAssembly
  905. What Blazor Needs: An Ecosystem
  906. Write high-quality TypeScript code - .NET Tools Blog
  907. r/dotnet - Is dotnet completely free for commercial usage ?
  908. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020
  909. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020
  910. Deploying Your Web Site to Azure Static Web Apps – Chinh Do
  911. async/await is the wrong abstraction - LogRocket Blog
  912. Blazor WebAssembly is Officially Released at Microsoft Build
  913. Introduction to quantum computing with Q# – Part 3, Single qubit gates
  914. Azure Static Web Apps documentation
  915. Introducing App Service Static Web Apps
  916. Getting started with Angular development 2020
  917. GitHub stars are overvalued
  918. Deploying a Static Site to Azure Using the az CLI
  919. Brandon Smith's Website
  920. OpenCV directly in the browser (webassembly + webworker)
  921. Visual Effects with Particles: a Guide for Beginners
  922. Awesome Blazor Browser
  923. Introducing .NET Core Support for AWS Amplify Backend Functions | Amazon Web Services
  924. CoreBoy is a cross platform GameBoy Emulator written in C# that even does ASCII
  925. Stored Procedures, ORMs, and GraphQL - ardalis
  926. Creating a Reverse Proxy in Dotnet Core
  927. Getting started with JavaScript application development - Red Hat Developer
  928. Stripe is Silently Recording Your Movements On its Customers' Websites
  929. Kim Maida 🥑 — DEV Profile
  930. Shawn Wildermuth's Blog
  931. I Took a COBOL Course and It Wasn't The Worst | Hacker Noon
  932. The software industry's greatest sin: hiring
  933. Building Web Applications with Blazor
  934. Shawn Wildermuth's Blog
  935. (Angular & ASP.NET) Gurustop.NET By @Meligy
  936. Resiliency with Polly – Anthony Giretti's .NET blog
  937. Global error Handling in gRPC & gRPC status codes – Anthony Giretti's .NET blog
  938. Using open source software to connect charities with people in need of social housing - Microsoft Industry Blogs - United Kingdom
  939. Offline storage in a PWA
  940. Sanitize HTML snippets with AngleSharp
  941. Wavve: Making $76k a Month Turning Podcasts into Videos
  942. How to create a gRPC service ? – Anthony Giretti's .NET blog
  943. .NET Transactional File Manager Migrated to GitHub – Chinh Do
  944. The Advantages of Blazor over JavaScript Frameworks
  945. Prettier 2.0 “2020” · Prettier
  946. Using open source software to connect charities with people in need of social housing - Microsoft Industry Blogs - United Kingdom
  947. Ryan_Connolly_Resume.docx
  948. Visual Studio for Mac: Refresh(); event recap | Visual Studio Blog
  949. An Open Letter to Web Developers
  950. My Courses Are Free During the Crisis - Shawn Wildermuth
  951. What's behind the hype about Blazor? - Stack Overflow Blog
  952. What's the Difference Between Blazor vs Razor
  953. Dan Wahlin on about.me
  954. Fritz on the Web
  955. Recent | Stories | DotNetKicks
  956. What's behind the hype about Blazor? - Stack Overflow Blog
  957. Null API Responses and HTTP 204 Results in ASP.NET Core
  958. Chris Noring — DEV Profile
  959. Master these JavaScript Fundamentals to Land Your Next Job
  960. A Brief Intro to Clean Architecture, Clean DDD, and CQRS
  961. petterhoel/Todos
  962. Paperwork
  963. xLayers: Design – Code – Repeat
  964. Debuggers & Domains | My Notes: Using Azure AD and MSAL for Application Authentication
  965. Pluralsight - Unlimited Online Developer, IT, and Cyber Security Training
  966. CertificateManager 1.0.3
  967. ING open sources Lion: A library of performant, accessible & flexible Web Components
  968. damienbod/AspNetCoreCertificates
  969. Using NSwag to Generate a Vue Client for an ASP.NET Core 3.1 API
  970. damienbod/AspNetCoreCertificates
  971. Using NSwag to Generate Blazor Server Client for an ASP.NET Core 3.1 API
  972. C# Corner Annual Conference 2020
  973. .NET Conf: Focus on Blazor Teaser
  974. Oqtane Blog | Oqtane vs DNN
  975. Blazor: Getting Started
  976. Life on Miller's Planet: The Habitable Zone Around Supermassive Black Holes
  977. Change Logs | ASP.NET Zero Documentation
  978. Blazor Security Docs and Blog Posts
  979. Don’t use Azure Functions as a web application
  980. RicoSuter/NSwag
  981. Telerik and Kendo UI R3 Release 2019 is Here!
  982. Discovering Hard Disk Physical Geometry through Microbenchmarking « Blog
  983. damienbod/AspNetCoreMvcAngular
  984. rstropek/BlazorHeroTutorial
  985. Introduction to Svelte
  986. ASP.NET Blog | ASP.NET Core and Blazor updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 8
  987. SamProf/MatBlazor
  988. Part 5: A better way to handle authorization – refreshing user’s claims – The Reformed Programmer
  989. Creating an OpenID connect system with Angular 8 and IdentityServer4 (OIDC part 1)
  990. System.Text.Json: (De)serialization support for quoted numbers · Issue #30255 · dotnet/runtime
  991. liveBook · Manning
  992. gothinkster/realworld
  993. Working with local storage in Blazor - danpatrascu.com
  994. Episode 27 - Blazored with Chris Sainty
  995. directive_attributes.md
  996. r/webdev - Just an observation. I have been interviewing candidates for a web dev position. A serious lack of knowledge in HTML/CSS.
  997. Version 8 of Angular — Smaller bundles, CLI APIs, and alignment with the ecosystem
  998. Users
  999. Top .NET Tutorials for May 2019
  1000. Episode 25 - Blazor - You Want To Run .NET Where?!
  1001. Comparing Native Blazor Components
  1002. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Migrating Blazing Pizza (server side Blazor and client side Blazor)
  1003. World’s Flagship Event for Developers - WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2020
  1004. Twisted Oak
  1005. Become a Dev Rockstar by Learning About your Users with Visual Studio App Center and Azure | App Center Blog
  1006. First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. V. Physical Origin of the Asymmetric Ring - IOPscience
  1007. RickStrahl/AlbumViewerVNext
  1008. Getting ready to say goodbye to Silverlight and hello to Blazor
  1009. Weekly 2019-04-03
  1010. Using Lambda@Edge to handle Angular client-side routing with S3 and CloudFront
  1011. Fetch API, Streams API, NDJSON, and ASP.NET Core MVC
  1012. Xamarin and Asp.Net Core for Beginners
  1013. Introduction to authentication for Single Page Apps on ASP.NET Core
  1014. How to generate uniformly random points on n-spheres and n-balls | Extreme Learning
  1015. Rider 2019.1 Kicks off its Early Access Program! - .NET Tools Blog
  1016. Using Vue with ASP.NET Core By Example
  1017. ASP.NET Blog | ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 3
  1018. The Case Against Quantum Computing - IEEE Spectrum
  1019. Gazoo.vrv
  1020. » Another World The Digital Antiquarian
  1021. Telerik and Kendo UI R1 2019 Release is Here!
  1022. Build a Video Chat App with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Twilio
  1023. Securing a Vue.js app using OpenID Connect Code Flow with PKCE and IdentityServer4
  1024. Blazor Full-Stack Web Dev in ASP .NET Core
  1025. Migrating oidc-client-js to use the OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow and PKCE
  1026. Securing Angular applications using the OpenID Connect Code Flow with PKCE
  1027. JHipster - 生成你的 Spring Boot + Angular/React 应用!
  1028. Eric Williams - DotNetZero vNext