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Posts for 'dotnet'

  1. 99%Engineering the Scalable Vector Extension in .NET - .NET Blog
  2. 99%.NET 9 Release Candidate 2 is now available! - .NET Blog
  3. 99%Introducing Microsoft.Extensions.AI Preview - Unified AI Building Blocks for .NET - .NET Blog
  4. 97%Using MVVM Toolkit for Messaging in .NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid Apps
  5. 99%.NET and .NET Framework October 2024 servicing releases updates - .NET Blog
  6. 96%Interesting links of the week 2024-41
  7. 99%Exploring Azure Queue Storage in .NET
  8. 94%Join the October .NET MAUI Community Standup
  9. 99%.NET, Kubernetes, and Minikube - Part 1, A Simple Web API Application | no dogma blog
  10. 99%.NET MAUI 8 Supports Apple Xcode 16: How to Update
  11. 99%xUnit v3 and some stuff about TUnit
  12. 99%Building an Application in Docker while Offline | no dogma blog
  13. 99%What’s New in .NET MAUI 9: A Comprehensive Overview
  14. 99%Getting started with testing and .NET Aspire - .NET Blog
  15. 99%Swagger Replacement in ASP.NET 9
  16. 99%[Workaround] Fix Testcontainers.SQL error “Docker.DotNet.DockerApiException : Docker API responded with status code=Conflict”
  17. 98%Improving GitHub Copilot Completions in Visual Studio for C# Developers - .NET Blog
  18. 99%Disabling Recording of an Activity (span) in .NET OpenTelemetry Instrumentation - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  19. 99%You have 10 seconds to nixify your .Net project
  20. 97%Why is language documentation still so terrible?
  21. 99%Android Asset Packs for .NET & .NET MAUI Android Apps - .NET Blog
  22. 99%Performance Improvements in .NET 9 - .NET Blog
  23. 99%GitHub Models and .NET: Building Generative AI apps for engineers - .NET Blog
  24. 99%Learn to Build Your First Blazor Hybrid App! - .NET Blog
  25. 99%Announcing .NET Aspire 8.2 - Goodbye Components, Hello Integrations! - .NET Blog
  26. 99%BinaryFormatter removed from .NET 9 - .NET Blog
  27. 99%Introducing the Pinecone .NET SDK - .NET Blog
  28. 99%.NET Community Toolkit 8.3 is here! NativeAOT, .NET 8 enhancements, and more! - .NET Blog
  29. 99%C# Dev Kit update brings enhanced Razor IntelliSense, Project Status, and New Config Options - .NET Blog
  30. 99%Supercharge your testing experience with MSTest.Analyzers - .NET Blog
  31. 99%Introducing the Azure AI Inference SDK: Access More AI Models with the Azure AI Model Catalog - .NET Blog
  32. 98%XML-based Solution Files – No more cryptic GUIDs
  33. 99%Passing Arguments to VS Code when Debugging in C# and .NET | no dogma blog
  34. 99%Passing Arguments to VS Code when Debugging | no dogma blog
  35. 99%async2 - The .NET Runtime Async experiment concludes
  36. 98%Elevating .NET MAUI Item Templates: Simplified Namespace Resolution in Latest Release
  37. 99%Adding .NET Aspire to your existing .NET apps - .NET Blog
  38. 99%[HOWTO] Report code coverage of .NET solution in SonarCloud when using Azure DevOps Microsoft-hosted linux agent
  39. 99%Improving Code Quality in C# With Static Code Analysis
  40. 99%Passthrough Behavior: Attaching things where they don’t belong
  41. 99%Parallax CollectionView in .NET MAUI
  42. 88%The Worst .NET Bug I've Ever Fixed
  43. 99%The Definitive Guide to Building and Deploying Avalonia Applications for macOS
  44. 97%Enhancing #help in F# Interactive - .NET Blog
  45. 99%Create a .NET PlantUML Markdown Render Extension
  46. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Working with JSON
  47. 99%Fix .NET MAUI MissingEntitlement and Provisioning Profiles Issues
  48. 99%Sign VSIX packages with Sign CLI - Visual Studio Blog
  49. 99%Replacing IdentityModel with MSAL's support for generic OIDC-compliant authorities
  50. 99%Easily Create Bindings for .NET MAUI with Native Library Interop - .NET Blog
  51. 98%Absolute cache expiry corrupts absolutely?
  52. 99%How many API's does .NET have?
  53. 95%Plugin Architectures in DotNet – Dev Leader Weekly 54
  54. 99%How use a Blazor QuickGrid with GraphQL - .NET Blog
  55. 99%Overriding MSAL's HttpClient with IHttpClientFactory
  56. 99%Add AI to Your .NET Apps Easily with Prompty - .NET Blog
  57. 99%Auto-document dotnet CLI tool via dynamically generated markdown readme fragments
  58. 99%Automating MassTransit Consumer Registration
  59. 99%Introducing CoreWCF and WCF Client Azure Queue Storage bindings for .NET - .NET Blog
  60. 99%.NET 6 will reach End of Support on November 12, 2024 - .NET Blog
  61. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Dealing with Backend Validations
  62. 98%White Labeling .NET MAUI Apps
  63. 99%.NET Aspire vs Docker.
  64. 99%How To Fix .NET Nullability Warnings For Guarded Members
  65. 97%Enable NuGet auditing for your .NET projects - Gérald Barré
  66. 97%Introducing dotnet nuget why
  67. 97%.NET 9 Preview 6 is now available! - .NET Blog
  68. 99%Deploy a Phi-3 model in Azure AI, and consume it with C# and Semantic Kernel
  69. 99%Snapshot Testing in .NET with Verify | The .NET Tools Blog
  70. 99%Why and How to Execute GraphQL Queries in .NET - .NET Blog
  71. 99%Building a .NET TWAIN Document Scanner Application for Windows and macOS using MAUI
  72. 99%.NET and .NET Framework July 2024 servicing releases updates - .NET Blog
  73. 99%C# 13: Explore the latest preview features - .NET Blog
  74. 99%How to use VS Code to develop and build a .NET application
  75. 93%Efficient Text Formatting in .NET MAUI with Label FormattedText
  76. 97%Interesting links of the week 2024-28
  77. 99%Visual Studio–View .NET Counters while debugging
  78. 98%UUID v7 in .NET 9
  79. 99%Elevating BFF Apps with .NET Aspire
  80. 93%.NET MAUI – App Theming
  81. 99%gRPC: The Good Parts
  82. 99%Lessons learned after migrating Azure Functions to Isolated Functions on .NET 8
  83. 99%Codespaces for your open-source project
  84. 99%AI and NET: Introducing the official OpenAI library for .NET Developers
  85. 99%How to output a SARIF file from a .NET project - Gérald Barré
  86. 99%Publish a console app as a single executable
  87. 99%Is Your ASP.NET Core Application Running In A Container?
  88. 99%Refactoring a .NET MAUI app to a Declarative UI using C# Markup
  89. 99%Is .NET Aspire NuGet for Cloud Service Dependencies?
  90. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Documenting APIs
  91. 98%Join Us for .NET Aspire Developers Day – Elevate Your Cloud Native Skills! - .NET Blog
  92. 99%ReadOnlySet<T> in .NET 9
  93. 99%Code Assessment with .NET Upgrade Assistant - Visual Studio Blog
  94. 99%Programmatically monitoring and reacting to resource logs in .NET Aspire
  95. 99%Let's Learn .NET Aspire - Start your cloud-native journey live! - .NET Blog
  96. 99%UniformItemsLayout from the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit
  97. 99%Add some Swagger to your Windows and Uno Platform application using Kiota and OpenAPI - Nick's .NET Travels
  98. 99%[Workaround & Headache Prevention] Successfully create teams channel notification subscription with Microsoft Graph .NET Client Library v5
  99. 99%Announcing Third Party API and Package Map Support for .NET Upgrade Assistant - .NET Blog
  100. 98%.NET Isolated Azure Durable Functions: Support for Durable Entities with Netherite Storage Provider
  101. 99%How to Use C# to Properly Follow OAuth Authentication Flows
  102. 99%Aspire Dashboard
  103. 99%Using Phi-3 & C# with ONNX for text and vision samples - .NET Blog
  104. 99%.NET 8: Container Braking Change: Multi-platform Container Tags are Linux-only
  105. 99%Code Style for Better Productivity - Tips and Tools from the Metalama Team | The .NET Tools Blog
  106. 99%Privacy and security improvements in .NET modernization tooling - .NET Blog
  107. 99%"Secret" elmah.io features #5 - Breadcrumbs leading up to errors
  108. 99%Setting up NGINX load balancer for .NET WebApi - Event-Driven.io
  109. 99%Refactor your code with default lambda parameters - .NET Blog
  110. 99%Announcement: Introducing .NET 8 Custom Code support for Azure Logic Apps (Standard) - Preview
  111. 97%Use custom Bicep templates - .NET Aspire
  112. 99%C# Version String Formatting
  113. 93%.NET MAUI 9 Preview 5 XAML Compilation Issue: Resolving Content Property Error
  114. 99%Simplifying Light and Dark Mode in .NET MAUI Apps
  115. 99%Using PostgreSQL with .NET and Entra ID - .NET Blog
  116. 99%The .NET MAUI Extension for Visual Studio Code is now Generally Available - .NET Blog
  117. 99%Using .NET Aspire eShop application to collect all the telemetry
  118. 99%Building Generative AI apps with .NET 8 - .NET Blog
  119. 99%Stopping Using Exception Use Result Monad Instead
  120. 96%Enhance Gesture Binding with the Shared Toolkit
  121. 99%Announcing the official OpenAI library for .NET - .NET Blog
  122. 99%State Machines, Light Switches, and Space Travel with Stateless and .NET 8
  123. 99%Phi-3-vision in 50 lines of C# with ONNX Runtime GenAI
  124. 96%Join Live: .NET MAUI Community Standup
  125. 99%MSTest 3.4 is here with WinUI support and new analyzers! - .NET Blog
  126. 99%Automate your .NET SDK updates for consistent and reproducible builds with global.json and Renovate
  127. 99%Giving the .NET smart components a try–The Smart Paste button
  128. 99%Create a multi-arch Docker image for a .NET application - Gérald Barré
  129. 99%Refactor your code using alias any type - .NET Blog
  130. 99%Create a Jenkins pipeline to deploy Desktop Apps as MSIX - Part 2: Packaging a Visual Studio solutio
  131. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Getting Started with GraphQL
  132. 99%Catch Up on Microsoft Build 2024: Essential Sessions for .NET Developers - .NET Blog
  133. 99%9 Things You Didn't Know About JetBrains Rider's NuGet Support | The .NET Tools Blog
  134. 99%ASP.NET Core Updates in .NET 9 Preview 4: Support for OpenAI Doc Generation, HybridCache and More
  135. 98%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Exercise Caution When Employing ContainsKey() with Dictionary Types
  136. 99%How to test a Roslyn analyzer - Gérald Barré
  137. 99%Introducing links to source code for .NET API Docs - .NET Blog
  138. 99%Shift Left With Architecture Testing in .NET
  139. 99%Announcing NuGet 6.10 - The NuGet Blog
  140. 99%Multi-Tenancy: Marten’s “Conjoined” Model
  141. 99%How to use HttpClient correctly to avoid socket exceptions
  142. 99%Roslyn analyzers: How to - Gérald Barré
  143. 99%Dapper And Strongly Typed IDs – How To Dynamically Register Mappings
  144. 95%General Performance Tip: Retrieving the Nullable Value from a Reference Type
  145. 99%Discriminated Union Part Two - The C# side of things
  146. 99%MemoryCache, DistributedCache and HybridCache
  147. 98%New in .NET 8: ASP.NET Core Identity and How to Implement It
  148. 99%Generate http files from a swagger definition
  149. 99%The .NET Generic Math Library - NDepend Blog
  150. 94%Collection Performance: Looping Over a Collection Using Span and ReadOnlySpan
  151. 99%.NET and .NET Framework May 2024 Servicing Updates - .NET Blog
  152. 99%Easily add a video reel to your MAUI app (like Instagram)
  153. 99%Using SonarCloud with ASP.NET Core, Angular and github actions
  154. 99%How to avoid conflicts when testing your dotnet templates locally - Gérald Barré
  155. 99%What's new in Orleans 8 for Scalable Distributed Applications - .NET Blog
  156. 98%Where are my traces? (weird .NET meets OpenTelemetry gotcha)
  157. 99%Using Syncfusion Controls in Uno Platform Application using MAUI Embedding. - Nick's .NET Travels
  158. 99%Building Resilient Cloud Applications With .NET
  159. 99%Join the .NET Team at Microsoft Build 2024! - .NET Blog
  160. 98%.NET 9 LINQ Performance Edition
  161. 95%String Performance: Checking for a Character
  162. 98%.NET Core - Renew localhost certificate
  163. 99%Package Management & improved .NET Aspire support come to C# Dev Kit - .NET Blog
  164. 99%.NET Core - View outdated packages
  165. 99%Disabling .NET Aspire authentication to skip the login page
  166. 99%How to check if a DLL and an exe is a .NET assembly - Gérald Barré
  167. 94%Collection Performance: Leveraging LINQ MAXBy() and MINBy() for Efficient and Readable Code
  168. 99%Boosting Productivity with Analyzers
  169. 98%General Performance Tip: Choosing Between Conditional Statements – If, Switch, and Switch Expression Performance in C#
  170. 99%Development With A Dot - ASP.NET Core API Versioning
  171. 92%JetBrains .NET Days Online 2024 – Call for Speakers | The .NET Tools Blog
  172. 99%Look ma, no Dockerfile! 🚫🐋 - Publishing containers with the .NET SDK 📦
  173. 99%Checking your solution for NuGet vulnerabilities or deprecated packages
  174. 98%.NET 8 - Warning AD0001: Analyzer 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Analyzers.RouteHandlers.RouteHandlerAnalyzer' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'
  175. 99%Run Phi-3 SLM on your machine with C# Semantic Kernel and Ollama
  176. 99%Embrace AI-Driven Productivity in .NET with JetBrains AI Assistant in ReSharper | The .NET Tools Blog
  177. 99%Working with Rust Libraries from C# .NET Applications
  178. 99%Secure your container build and publish with .NET 8 - .NET Blog
  179. 92%Code It Any Way You Want: Optimizing Span Operations – Clear vs. Fill
  180. 99%.NET Aspire is the best way to experiment with Dapr during local development
  181. 99%The Journey to Accessible Apps: Keyboard Accessibility and .NET MAUI - .NET Blog
  182. 92%Collection Performance: Detecting Items in a ConcurrentBag<>
  183. 99% How does a List know that you changed it while enumerating it?
  184. 99%Phi-3-mini in 30 lines of C# with ONNX Runtime GenAI
  185. 99%Code signing on Windows with Azure Trusted Signing · Melatonin
  186. 99%What's new for .NET in Ubuntu 24.04 - .NET Blog
  187. 99%Akka.NET, ASP.NET Core, Hosted Services, and Dependency Injection
  188. 98%Working with IAsyncEnumerable in C# - Simple Talk
  189. 99%.NET JsonElement and Schema Validation | endjin
  190. 99%Giving the .NET smart components a try–The Smart TextArea
  191. 99%Introducing .NET MAUI Community Tookit v8: TouchBehavior support is here! - .NET Blog
  192. 99%Fix Unable To Resolve DbContextOptions For EF Core
  193. 99%Refactor your C# code with primary constructors - .NET Blog
  194. 99%Enhance your .NET Testing #8: Contract tests with Verify
  195. 99%Minimal APIs Nuget Packages
  196. 98%How to create an F#
  197. 97%Stop Debugging and Start Running in Visual Studio
  198. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Getting Started with LINQ
  199. 99%Serilog and .NET 8.0 minimal APIs
  200. 99%What's New in the Reliable Web App Pattern for .NET
  201. 99%This Service Descriptor Is keyed Your Service Provider May Not Support Keyed Services - Mark Oliver's World
  202. 94%String Performance: Appending a Character using the StringBuilder
  203. 99%Build & test resilient apps in .NET with Dev Proxy - .NET Blog
  204. 99%Hangfire: A Feature-Rich Approach to Task Scheduling in .NET
  205. 99%Implement a secure Blazor Web application using OpenID Connect and security headers
  206. 99%Computing code coverage for a .NET project - Gérald Barré
  207. 99%Streamline your container build and publish with .NET 8 - .NET Blog
  208. 99%Giving the .NET smart components a try–The Smart Combobox
  209. 99%Announcing pl/dotnet, version 0.99 (beta)
  210. 99%Automated NuGet package version range updates in .NET projects using Renovate
  211. 99%Introducing MSTest SDK - Improved Configuration & Flexibility - .NET Blog
  212. 99%Referencing external Docker containers in .NET Aspire using the new custom resources API
  213. 93%Aligned Dev Blog
  214. 91%String Performance: Slicing a String
  215. 99%.NET April 2024 Updates – .NET 8.0.4, 7.0.18, .NET 6.0.29 - .NET Blog
  216. 99%"Secret" elmah.io features #3 - Automate tasks with elmah.io CLI
  217. 99%Chris Simon presents Test Driven Development, Domain Driven Design, & C# from the ground up - livestream | The .NET Tools Blog
  218. 99%Integer overflow vulnerabilities in .NET
  219. 99%Creating ico files from multiple images in .NET - Gérald Barré
  220. 99%Use token authentication and Identity API endpoints in ASP.NET Core | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base
  221. 98%5 Rules for DTOs
  222. 99%Managing NuGets in VS Code
  223. 98%Configure Azure Functions to use Identity Based Connections
  224. 99%New in .NET 8: ASP.NET Core Identity and How to Implement It
  225. 98%adr - A .NET Tool for Creating & Managing Architecture Decision Records | endjin
  226. 99%Primary Constructor and Logging Don't Mix
  227. 97%Code It Any Way You Want: Optimizing Span Operations – Clear vs. Fill
  228. 99%Reverse engineering Bandcamp authentication protocol
  229. 93%.NET MAUI Community Standup
  230. 95%.NET MAUI – Styles
  231. 95%Testing Your Native AOT Applications - .NET Blog
  232. 96%String Performance: Checking for a Character
  233. 99%Making AI powered .NET apps more consistent and intelligent with Redis - .NET Blog
  234. 98%Bing on .NET 8: The Impact of Dynamic PGO - .NET Blog
  235. 99%.NET 7 will reach End of Support on May 14, 2024 - .NET Blog
  236. 99%.NET 7 will reach End of Support on May 14, 2024 - .NET Blog
  237. 99%Upgrading From IdentityServer Version 2 To IdentityServer Version 4 - Mark Oliver's World
  238. 83%.NET MAUI All-in-One Templates Pack – 20K Installs
  239. 99%The Heart of Reactive Extensions for .NET | endjin
  240. 99%Collection Expressions – Using C# 12 in Rider and ReSharper | The .NET Tools Blog
  241. 99%.NET Framework - March 2024 Cumulative Update Preview - .NET Blog
  242. 99%NuGet: A Step-by-Step Guide to Publishing Your Own Packages
  243. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Organize Projects—Architectural Patterns
  244. 99%Convert DateTime to user's time zone with Blazor in .NET 8 - Gérald Barré
  245. 99%.NET MAUI – BindableLayout
  246. 97%Code It Any Way You Want: Performance of Out Variable Declaration
  247. 97%.NET MAUI – Margin and Padding
  248. 99%How Much Can Sqlite Handle? Multiple Threads Concurrently Inserting Into Sqlite
  249. 88%Code It Any Way You Want: Exploring Thread Id Retrieval Methods
  250. 99%Generate a Word document in ASP.NET | johnnyreilly
  251. 99%Release NATS .NET v2.1.4 · nats-io/nats.net.v2
  252. 93%Upgrade a Xamarin.Forms app to a .NET MAUI app with the .NET Upgrade Assistant - .NET MAUI
  253. 99%.NET is open source on GitHub | .NET
  254. 97%.NET Developers Begging for Ecosystem Destruction
  255. 99%Generate OpenAPI specification at build time from the code in ASP.NET Core - Gérald Barré
  256. 99%NCronJob - Scheduling made easy
  257. 99%Understanding .NET Aspire Orchestration
  258. 99%ConstructorInfo – How To Make Reflection in DotNet Faster for Instantiation
  259. 99%.NET 8 .🚀🔥: Bye Docker, Hello Podman: Revolutionize Your Web APIs!
  260. 98%Network Dependents · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet
  261. 98%.NET 9 Preview 2 · dotnet/core · Discussion #9217
  262. 99%Supercharge Your Visual Studio Code with These Must-Have Extensions
  263. 88%General Performance Tip: Retrieving the Process Id
  264. 99%Generate Local .NET Secrets from Azure Deployments - .NET Blog
  265. 99%The NuGet.org repository signing certificate will be updated as soon as April 8th, 2024 - The NuGet Blog
  266. 98%.NET Aspire Preview 4 has been released · dotnet/aspire · Discussion #2815
  267. 98%Release NATS.Net v2.1.3 · nats-io/nats.net.v2
  268. 99%Going Cloud Native With .NET Aspire
  269. 99%csharplang/proposals/params-collections.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  270. 98%.NET Rocks! The Observability Tipping Point with Steve Gordon and Martin Thwaites
  271. 99%Generate Unit Tests Using AI Assistant | The .NET Tools Blog
  272. 99%What’s New in .NET MAUI 9 Preview 2
  273. 99%Get started with .NET 8 and AI using new quickstart tutorials - .NET Blog
  274. 99%.NET March 2024 Updates – .NET 8.0.3, 7.0.17, .NET 6.0.28 - .NET Blog
  275. 97%.NET 8 SDK – Visual Studio 2022 Compatibility
  276. 98%Unity extension for Visual Studio Code - Now Generally Available - .NET Blog
  277. 98%3 Tips to Clean Exception Handling
  278. 88%General Performance Tip: Retrieving the Current Thread Id
  279. 95%General Performance Tip: Hashing Data
  280. 99%R3 — A New Modern Reimplementation of Reactive Extensions for C#
  281. 97%.NET Rocks! CSLA 8 with Rocky Lhotka
  282. 99%.NET MAUI Community Toolkit Maps in WinUI 3 App
  283. 99%What's your favorite thing about Blazor in .NET 8?
  284. 95%Easily Assess On-Premise .NET Apps for Azure Migration
  285. 99%.NET 8 Blazor .🚀🔥 : Dynamic Input Validation
  286. 99%.NET Monthly Roundup - February 2024 - Top blog posts, VS News, .NET 9 Vision, and more!
  287. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz: Build Your First Website with Blazor and Blazing Pizza
  288. 99%Aspire & Aspi8: Deploy Microservices Effortlessly with CLI — No Docker or YAML Needed!
  289. 97%Blazor, OTEL, and Open Source development
  290. 99%Introduction to Brighter in .NET - Code Maze
  291. 99%On .NET Live: Clean Razor code in your Blazor apps with Sonar
  292. 99%Using WSA for .NET MAUI Android Development
  293. 89%.NET MAUI Community Standup
  294. 99%.NET MAUI: painfully slow debugging resolved with speedscope
  295. 99%.NET 8 💥 - ASP.NET Core Web API Filters
  296. 99%Why F# is a fun programming language
  297. 99%Log in, log out
  298. 98%Proposal: `TimeSpan` literals · dotnet/csharplang · Discussion #7982
  299. 98%Standalone Aspire dashboard sample app - Code Samples
  300. 94%Improve resources page performance with many resources by JamesNK · Pull Request #2556 · dotnet/aspire
  301. 98%Add Seq component by liammclennan · Pull Request #2426 · dotnet/aspire
  302. 97%My Thoughts On Using GitHub CoPilot - Mark Oliver's World
  303. 99%Unveiling Spargine 8: A Comprehensive Guide to .NET 8 Integration and Exciting Feature Updates
  304. 99%View your GCs statistics live with dotnet-gcstats!
  305. 99%Lightweight In-Memory Message Bus Using .NET Channels
  306. 99%Forms & Validation in Blazor Web Apps [Pt 10] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  307. 97%See It In Action! C# Reflection for Beginners
  308. 99%Creating Integration Tests for Azure Functions
  309. 99%Mocking authorization tokens with WireMock.NET
  310. 99%Getting started with Testcontainers for .NET
  311. 99%.NET App modernization and cloud migration: Cross Platform Enterprise focus | .NET Conf 2023
  312. 99%.NET artificial intelligence & machine learning
  313. 99%GitHub - terrajobst/git-istage: Make staging whole files, as well as parts of a file, up to the line level, a breeze.
  314. 99%.NET MAUI Community Toolkit 2023 Highlights - .NET Blog
  315. 99%.NET 8 💥 - Web API Health Checks ⛑🚑🚑
  316. 99%.net MAUI: Disable scrolling on Android
  317. 99%Introduction to Dumpify
  318. 99%.NET MAUI – Native Embedding
  319. 99%How does .NET MAUI get me to market faster if I'm a startup?
  320. 98%This Is How You Implement HttpClient In Your .NET Application
  321. 99%Integrating Third-party Services with .NET 8's Identity Framework | .NET Conf 2023
  322. 97%GummyCat - Visualize the activity of the .NET garbage collector
  323. 99%.NET 8 🔥🚀 : Guide to Code Access with Attributes - Exploring new Features
  324. 99%Lock statement patterns
  325. 99%Release v0.1.0 · martincostello/dotnet-bumper
  326. 99%Uno Platform Live Coding: Spacing in StackPanel
  327. 95%String Performance: Comparing Strings with Globalization
  328. 99%.NET 🔥🚀 : Minimal API with EF Core and SQLite
  329. 86%System.IO.Hashing Namespace
  330. 99%Blazor Component Render Modes [Pt 8] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  331. 99%Using Visual Studio Code for .NET MAUI Development
  332. 99%An Active Local NuGet Server
  333. 99%Minimal APIs vs Controller APIs: SerializerOptions.WriteIndented = true
  334. 98%Creating an E-Book OnBoarding screen in .NET MAUI
  335. 99%ASP.NET Core Full Course For Beginners
  336. 99%.NET 8 🔥🚀 : Guide to Web API AOT - Exploring new Features
  337. 99%How To Use AI Assistant to Generate Test Data For .NET Applications | The .NET Tools Blog
  338. 99%Data Binding in Blazor Web Apps [Pt 7] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  339. 99%JetBrains Rider and the .NET Aspire Plugin | The .NET Tools Blog
  340. 99%Dynamic Tenant Databases in Marten
  341. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - Window and binary functions using Zomp EF Core extensions
  342. 99%Working with Required Properties & Fields when Reading JSON
  343. 99%IServiceCollection in C# – Simplified Beginner’s Guide For Dependency Injection
  344. 98%System.Ben 1.0.0
  345. 99%Advent of Code 2023 Day 22: Sand Slabs ✅✅
  346. 99%.NET 🔥🚀 : What are Minimal API?
  347. 97%The NETFLIX Way to Keep Your .NET APIs Reliable
  348. 99%GitHub - InfinityFlowApp/aspire-temporal-server: Aspire component wrapper for the temporal CLI dev server
  349. 99%Exploring 4 Behaviors from the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit
  350. 99%JetBrains Rider and the .NET Aspire Plugin | The .NET Tools Blog
  351. 99%Developing Optimized GitHub Actions with .NET and Native AOT - .NET Blog
  352. 97%Microsoft Abandons DotNet For Rust?! - Uncover The Truth
  353. 99%.NET MAUI – Nightly Builds
  354. 99%Work with Web API and Class Library projects in Visual Studio Code | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base
  355. 89%Collection Performance: Avoid Zero-Length Array Allocations
  356. 99%An Introduction to the World of Containers with .NET 8
  357. 95%.NET Aspire Apache Kafka component - .NET Aspire
  358. 99%Code to Cloud with .NET Aspire
  359. 99%.NET MAUI on .NET 9
  360. 98%Livestream - Chris Klug: Stop using Entity Framework as a DTO provider! | The .NET Tools Blog
  361. 92%.NET MAUI updates in .NET 9 Preview 1 · dotnet/maui · Discussion #20558
  362. 99%Hello, MongoDB - Getting Started with Mongo and dotnet 8
  363. 96%ASP.NET Community Standup - TagzApp - An app that discovers content on social media using hashtags
  364. 99%Blazor Web App Project Structure [Pt 5] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  365. 99%Web API Clients with Meadow.Cloud
  366. 99%.NET 8 .🚀🔥: Aspire Preview 3 : Whats new & Upgrade Guide
  367. 99%Release v8.1.0-preview1 · dotnet/orleans
  368. 99%Creating Conditional Required Attributes for Validation in .NET Web API - Code Maze
  369. 97%NATS Aspire container by mtmk · Pull Request #1175 · dotnet/aspire
  370. 97%.NET Framework February 2024 Security and Quality Rollup Updates - .NET Blog
  371. 98%Modernizing Rx.NET | .NET Conf 2023
  372. 99%Introducing ASP.NET Core metrics and Grafana dashboards in .NET 8 - .NET Blog
  373. 91%Build Levels.fyi in DotNet! - How To Use Google Sheets API in C#
  374. 99%.NET 9 🔥🚀 : Preview 1 is here
  375. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Modern Blazor Auth with OIDC
  376. 99%How to Log a Class and Method Names Using Serilog - Code Maze
  377. 99%Easily Deserializing JSON Web Requests with System.Net.Http.Json
  378. 98%ASP.NET Core Basics: Data Structures—Part 2
  379. 99%.NET February 2024 Updates – .NET 8.0.2, 7.0.16, .NET 6.0.27 - .NET Blog
  380. 99%Announcing NuGet 6.9 - The NuGet Blog
  381. 99%.NET 9 Preview 1 · dotnet/core · Discussion #9167
  382. 99%.NET Aspire preview 3 - .NET Aspire
  383. 99%Advent of Code 2023 Day 21: Step Counter
  384. 99%How to Overwrite DateTime.Now During Testing in .NET - Code Maze
  385. 97%General Performance Tips for Microsoft .NET: Constant vs Variable
  386. 99%Testing logging code with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and FakeLogger
  387. 98%A Look Back: Visual Studio’s Profiling Tool Advancements in 2023 - Visual Studio Blog
  388. 96%First look at profiling tools - Visual Studio (Windows)
  389. 99%Creating an HttpClient that uses DNS over Https - Gérald Barré
  390. 99%.NET 8 .🚀🔥: Optimise Web API with Data Annotation
  391. 96%General Performance Tip: Initialize Reference Type Static Fields Inline
  392. 99%Hello, Redis - Getting Started with Redis and dotnet 8
  393. 99%DbUp: The best way to build databases in .NET
  394. 99%GitHub - kzu/StreamAI: A sample of how to implement streaming responses from OpenAI using SignalR
  395. 95%Manage secrets by using Bicep - Azure Resource Manager
  396. 99%Resilience and chaos engineering - .NET Blog
  397. 99%Introducing Blazor Components [Pt 3] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  398. 99%These aren't your grandma's Templates
  399. 99%Azure DevOps Self-hosted Agent: NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0
  400. 99%.NET 8.🚀🔥: What is Docker? Integrating Docker with a .NET Web API - A Step-by-Step Guide
  401. 99%C#/.NET gRPC Service with Duplex (Bidirectional) Streaming
  402. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Modern Blazor Auth with OIDC
  403. 97%Dapr Community Call - Feb 7th (#98)
  404. 99%Burke Learns Blazor- QR Code battle royale - JavaScript vs C#!
  405. 97%avoid some allocations during TLS handshake by wfurt · Pull Request #97348 · dotnet/runtime
  406. 98%@devlead - Mattias Karlsson's Blog - Introducing ARI
  407. 99%.NET MAUI – Item Templates – Made Easy on CLI and VS Code
  408. 99%Welcome to .NET Release News on GitHub Discussions! · dotnet/core · Discussion #9131
  409. 99%My Top 10 NEW Visual Studio Features of 2023 for .NET Developers - .NET Blog
  410. 99%Test your ChatGPT plugins in the updated Chat Copilot | Semantic Kernel
  411. 99%How to Start an Advanced .NET Project in 2024 Part II
  412. 98%.NET Rocks! gRPC Update with Irina Scurtu
  413. 99%How to Use Dapper in Your .NET Projects
  414. 99%Build and run your first Blazor web app [Pt 2] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  415. 99%Advent of Code 2023 Day 20: Pulse Propagation in C# ✅✅
  416. 99%.NET 8 🔥🚀 : Primary Constructors - Exploring new Features
  417. 99%Microsoft Migrates a Real-Time Service to .NET Core for Performance Gains
  418. 99%Enhancing .NET Aspire Observability with Seq
  419. 87%How to Gracefully Cancelling .NET Application Work in 2 minutes
  420. 98%Great containers with .NET, Visual Studio, and VS Code [Pt 2] | Containers with .NET for Beginners
  421. 99%Develop ASP.NET Core apps using Visual Studio Code | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base
  422. 99%Tools and Best Practices for Secret Management in .NET - Code Maze
  423. 99%.NET 8 🔥🚀 : Global Error Handling - Exploring new Features
  424. 99%.NET R&D Digest (January, 2024)
  425. 95%Microsoft Ditches C# for Rust: M365 Core Gets Safety and Perf Boosts
  426. 97%Enable the new TerminalLogger in .NET 8 SDK automatically - Gérald Barré
  427. 98%Introduction to Redis
  428. 95%General Performance Tip: Optimizing Attributes
  429. 99%Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor Web app using Microsoft Entra ID
  430. 98%ASP.NET Core Basics: Data Structures—Part 1
  431. 99%InfoQ: dotnet news articles for January - 2024, by me.
  432. 99%Adds phpMyAdmin to MySql component by timheuer · Pull Request #2055 · dotnet/aspire
  433. 99%What's the deal with .NET & Containers? [Pt 1] | Containers with .NET for Beginners
  434. 97%Build a Custom .NET MAUI Signature Pad from Scratch in Minutes!
  435. 99%Blazor WASM Communication Between Components
  436. 97%Epic Fail or Promising Attempt - Auto Pipeline Config in C#
  437. 99%What's New in NuGet for .NET 8 | .NET Conf 2023
  438. 96%.NET MAUI Community Standup - MAUI Catch-up and Q+A!
  439. 94%The Easiest Scheduling for Your .NET Applications
  440. 96%.NET Rocks! Hangfire with Sergey Odinokov
  441. 99%.NET Aspire - .NET Conf IL - Tamir Dresher
  442. 96%Uno Platform 5.1 : Live Wizard for Rider & VS Code users, New Controls, Perf improvements and more.
  443. 93%Azure 🔥🚀 : Deploying a Static Website on Azure Storage with Terraform: A Step-by-Step Guide
  444. 98%Collection Performance: Converting Byte Array to Memory<> and ReadOnlyMemory<>
  445. 99%.NET Tasks, List’s ForEach, and Problems
  446. 99%Snackbar and Toast alerts in .NET MAUI Community Toolkit
  447. 97%Collection Performance: Converting Byte Array to ReadOnlySpan<BYTe>
  448. 99%"Secret" elmah.io features #1 - Include source code in errors
  449. 99%C# Cancellation Tokens in AWS - Simple Talk
  450. 99%.NET MAUI: Update NuGet Packages using Visual Studio Code
  451. 99%How to deploy .NET Aspire apps to Azure Container Apps - .NET Blog
  452. 99%Unlock the Power of Quartz Job Scheduler in ASP.NET Core Blazor
  453. 99%.NET 🔥🚀 : Api versioning and why do we need it?
  454. 99%Can you create a custom project template in .NET?
  455. 99%The fastest way to create WireMock.NET mappings
  456. 96%School Mgmt App | Microservices With .NET Aspire & Blazor SSR | Part 7
  457. 99%Add AWS CloudFormation Provisioning and SDK Configuration by normj · Pull Request #1905 · dotnet/aspire
  458. 99%GitHub - tmds/Tmds.ExecFunction: Execute a function in a separate process
  459. 98%Careful When Using Task.WhenAll()! #shorts #dotnet
  460. 99%Three new LINQ methods in .NET 9
  461. 98%opentelemetry-dotnet-contrib/src/OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AWS/CHANGELOG.md at main · open-telemetry/opentelemetry-dotnet-contrib
  462. 99%How to Build a URL Shortener With .NET
  463. 99%Add OpenTelemetry support via ActivitySource by stebet · Pull Request #1261 · rabbitmq/rabbitmq-dotnet-client
  464. 99%Microsoft Introduces New MSTest Runner: Portability, Reliability, Extensibility and More
  465. 91%Common Language Runtime (CLR) overview - .NET
  466. 96%Collection Performance in Microsoft .NET: Returning an Array from a Property
  467. 99%How Blocking Threads Affect Yout WebApp #dotnet #shorts
  468. 99%Introducing Xamarin.Forms Templates
  469. 99%Microsoft Office's RTC (Real-Time Channel) migration to modern .NET - .NET Blog
  470. 99%Cake Build Tool Updated to .NET 8 in v4.0.0
  471. 96%Collection Performance in Microsoft .NET: Finding First or Last and Count
  472. 99%.NET Rocks! Uno Update with Nick Randolph
  473. 99%Merge feature/dashboard-oop to main by drewnoakes · Pull Request #1774 · dotnet/aspire
  474. 98%Burke Learns Blazor - API Wrap Up
  475. 99%Introducing the MSTest Runner - CLI, Visual Studio, & More - .NET Blog
  476. 91%Try THIS To Stop Enum Changes From Breaking Your C# Code
  477. 99%How to Maximize the Browser Window With Selenium in C# - Code Maze
  478. 98%Collection Performance in Microsoft .NET: Converting Byte Array to Span<byte>
  479. 99%So You Wanna Package Some Native Libs Into A NuGet Package - k-hole
  480. 97%.NET Framework January 2024 Cumulative Update Preview - .NET Blog
  481. 99%What are dependency injection containers?
  482. 99%Using MariaDB With ASP.NET Core Web API - Code Maze
  483. 98%Rockin’ the Code World Season 4: Special Guest Jared Parsons
  484. 99%1BRC in .NET among fastest on Linux: My Optimization Journey
  485. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - .NET Aspire Update
  486. 98%App Service the best place to host your .NET 8 Web Apps | .NET Conf 2023
  487. 98%Introducing .NET MAUI Generic Item Templates for Visual Studio 2022
  488. 99%.NET MAUI UI Challenge # 8 - Login Screen
  489. 98%Improving ASP.NET Core Security By Putting Your Cookies On A Diet – Tore Nestenius
  490. 99%How to get assembly code generated by the JIT for a C# method - Gérald Barré
  491. 92%String Performance Microsoft .NET: Retrieving a Substring
  492. 99%How to Organize Your .NET Minimal APIs with Source Generator
  493. 93%Dates, Times, and Time Zones like a Pro - C# in the Cards Episode 6
  494. 99%.NET 🔥🚀 : Guide to connect to multiple Databases
  495. 89%Upgrade .NET MAUI to 8.0.6 SR1 NOW in SECONDS! #dotnetmaui #dotnet
  496. 99%Real-Time applications with SignalR | Stefan Djokic
  497. 99%Developing & Working with .NET Containers on Windows ARM Devices
  498. 99%.NET MAUI: Archive and Publish using Visual Studio Code
  499. 96%Collection Performance in Microsoft .NET: Adding Items To a Dictionary
  500. 99%How to Revert a Migration in EF Core
  501. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Knowing and Applying Design Patterns
  502. 99%Should you, could you AOT?
  503. 99%aspire-samples/samples/AspireWithJavaScript at main · dotnet/aspire-samples
  504. 99%[Japanese] Let's Learn .NET - 日本語
  505. 98%Use Records for your data models in C# #csharp #coding #dotnet
  506. 92%Create cloud-native apps and services with .NET and ASP.NET Core - Training
  507. 99%Plugin Architecture Pattern in C# - Code Maze
  508. 89%.NET 🔥🚀 : Guide to Create Resilient & Robust API
  509. 98%Webinar - Isaac Levin: Updating Old .NET Framework Apps | The .NET Tools Blog
  510. 99%Azure Container Apps Community Standup - Cloud-native apps with .NET Aspire
  511. 95%DISASTERS You Can Avoid With Enum Serialization in CSharp
  512. 98%.NET Aspire inner loop networking overview - .NET Aspire
  513. 99%ASP.NET Core Integration Testings Setup
  514. 99%How to Ensure a String Is Valid JSON in C#
  515. 99%Interceptors – Using C# 12 in Rider and ReSharper | The .NET Tools Blog
  516. 99%Simpler auth for Blazor Web Apps with Auth0?
  517. 99%Analyzing WPF performance by enabling ETW | endjin
  518. 99%A deeper look into menu bar handling in MacCatalyst apps with .NET MAUI
  519. 99%Enabling case-insensitive when reading objects with System.Text.Json
  520. 99%.NET 8 🔥🚀 : Guide to Telemetry and Metrics - Exploring new Features
  521. 99%Introducing .NET MAUI Generic Item Templates
  522. 98%.NET 8 — Frozen Collections
  523. 99%Authenticating a .NET GitHub App using a JSON Web Token (JWT) - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  524. 96%.NET 8 🔥🚀 : Guide to AutoMapper - Simplify Your Object Mapping
  525. 99%Exception handling has its own middleware in .NET 8
  526. 99%Migrate ASP.NET Core Blazor Server to Blazor Web
  527. 99%Going Native
  528. 99%How to Use IExceptionHandler to Handle Exceptions in .NET - Code Maze
  529. 99%School Mgmt App | Microservices With .NET Aspire & Blazor SSR | Part 5
  530. 98%Dependency Injection via Primary Constructors #dotnet #aspnetcore
  531. 99%C# 🔥🚀 : Features you might not know - Part 2
  532. 99%#1 BRC in .NET: even faster than Java and C++
  533. 99%Add Kafka Component by g7ed6e · Pull Request #951 · dotnet/aspire
  534. 96%Text and Strings Part 1 - C# in the Cards Episode 4
  535. 96%.NET 8 🔥🚀 : Guide to Secure User Authentication - Exploring Identity new Features
  536. 99%That's NOT How Async And Await Works in .NET!
  537. 98%From Code Generation to Revolutionary RavenDB Unveiling the Database Secrets with Oren Eini
  538. 99%Connect a .NET app to an external PostgreSQL database | Red Hat Developer
  539. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Understanding and Practicing SOLID
  540. 98%.NET Aspire with Angular, React, and Vue - Code Samples
  541. 99%Burke Learns Blazor - Local Storage
  542. 99%.NET Blazor Hybrid – Windows Desktop Templates
  543. 99%C# 12's Collection Expressions - Awesome new syntax #dotnet #csharp #coding
  544. 98%How to Distribute Roslyn Analyzers via NuGet
  545. 99%How to Share Blazor Components between Applications
  546. 99%.NET Conf Manila, Philippines 2023 - Dotnet Copilot
  547. 98%.NET Rocks! .NET 8 Migration with Jimmy Bogard
  548. 98%.NET Framework January 2024 Security and Quality Rollup - .NET Blog
  549. 99%What is Base64 Encoding in C#? - Beginner's dotnet Tutorial
  550. 99%What Does yield Do In C#: A Simplified View For Beginners
  551. 99%How to Set an Authenticator for a New RestClient in RestSharp - Code Maze
  552. 99%runtime/src/libraries/System.Net.WebSockets/src/System/Net/WebSockets/WebSocket.cs at 1d5f483fa4344328fb85fd67fc482b70b31e6c4d · dotnet/runtime
  553. 99%What’s new in the .NET MAUI All-in-One Templates Pack
  554. 99%.NET January 2024 Updates – .NET 8.0.1, 7.0.15, .NET 6.0.26 - .NET Blog
  555. 99%Building Distributed Applications With .NET Aspire - Code Maze
  556. 99%How to use CancellationToken in ASP.NET C# API
  557. 99%C# Math: Operators and Functions for Fun and Profit - C# in the Cards Episode 3
  558. 99%Experimenting With .NET & WebAssembly - Running .NET Based Slight Application On WASM/WASI Node Pool in AKS
  559. 99%Collection Expressions in C# 12 are AWESOME! #dotnet #csharp
  560. 98%MaterialFrame MAUI: blur effect, acrylic brush, dark theme...
  561. 99%.NET 8 🔥🚀 : Exploring Dependency Injection Features
  562. 98%GitHub - buybackoff/1brc
  563. 98%School Mgmt App | Microservices With .NET Aspire & Blazor SSR | Part 4
  564. 99%GitHub - praeclarum/1brc: 1️⃣🐝🏎️ The One Billion Row Challenge - .NET Edition
  565. 99%Common Setup and Teardown in dotnet tests without test framework magic
  566. 99%School Mgmt App | Microservices With .NET Aspire & Blazor SSR | Part 4
  567. 96%Primitive Types in C# - C# in the Cards Episode 2
  568. 79%BenchmarkDotNet 0.13.12 · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet · Discussion #2495
  569. 99%Building resilient cloud services with .NET 8 | .NET Conf 2023
  570. 89%NOBODY Can Agree On Primary Constructors in C# 12!
  571. 99%Return of Gone Mobile and the State of .NET MAUI
  572. 99%.NET 8 .🚀🔥: Integrating Docker with a .NET Web API - A Step-by-Step Guide
  573. 99%.NET Aspire manifest format for deployment tool builders - .NET Aspire
  574. 99%DI for F# butterflies 🦋
  575. 98%Mushed Research
  576. 96%Add sample of integrating client apps (WinForms & WPF) into an Aspire app by DamianEdwards · Pull Request #78 · dotnet/aspire-samples
  577. 93%.NET Aspire docs: What's new for December 2023 - .NET Aspire
  578. 94%Control your IoT devices using Meadow.Cloud’s Command + Control feature
  579. 98%Rockin’ the Code World Season 4: Special Guest Leslie Richardson
  580. 99%.NET 8 .🚀🔥: Exploring .NET Aspire Preview 2: New Features Walkthrough & Upgrade Guide
  581. 99%Faster .NET Database Integration Tests with Respawn and xUnit
  582. 99%How to Write a .NET Markdig Extension for Markdown Processing
  583. 99%Announcing the Azure Migrate Application and Code Assessment tool for .NET - .NET Blog
  584. 99%Differences Between NUnit, xUnit and MSTest - Code Maze
  585. 99%How CRUD Mentality Ruins Your App
  586. 99%Understanding foreach Loops in C# – What You Need To Know
  587. 94%C# 12: Introducing the spread operator on collections
  588. 97%.NET MAUI Grid Layout: A Powerful Way to Arrange Your UI Elements
  589. 99%Building a self-contained game in C# under 2 kilobytes
  590. 91%How I’d Learn Software Testing in 2024 (.NET)
  591. 99%Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with JetBrains Space
  592. 98%Bindings made easy with Shared Toolkit
  593. 99%.NET 8 .🚀🔥: Building a Real-Time Chat App with .NET SignalR and React A Step by Step Tutorial
  594. 99%Microsoft.CodeCoverage v17.8 Released with New dotnet-coverage Tool and Other Improvements
  595. 99%Bringing .NET to the Edge: How to Run Your CLI Applications on Cloudflare Workers with WASI
  596. 98%Creating Christmas UI in .NET MAUI
  597. 83%Cloud-Bound: Stack Overflow Teams Embraces Azure | .NET Conf 2023
  598. 99%Safer recursion in F# - .NET Blog
  599. 99%An opinionated list of tips for building .NET 8 app templates
  600. 99%How to Retrieve JSON Property Names in C# - Code Maze
  601. 99%Introduction to Value Objects
  602. 98%Why does LINQ have so many ways to return one element?
  603. 99%How to Insert Text into an Existing PDF Using the iText Library
  604. 99%A look at the Windows Subsystem for Android™️
  605. 99%APIs That Don't SUCK - Collections & IEnumerables In DotNet
  606. 98%Blazor WASM Virtualization
  607. 99%GitHub - prom3theu5/aspirational-manifests: Handle deployments of .NET Aspire AppHost Projects
  608. 99%.NET | External configuration using Spring Cloud Config and GitHub repository
  609. 99%Value Objects in .NET (DDD Fundamentals)
  610. 99%On .NET Live - Blazor and CSLA.NET
  611. 99%Breaking Barriers: Unleashing Accessible Software for All with Dennie Declercq
  612. 99%Why I won't use .NET Aspire for now - Event-Driven.io
  613. 99%What's New in Our Code Coverage Tooling? - .NET Blog
  614. 98%.NET Rocks! .NET Performance with Daniel Marbach
  615. 93%Aligned Dev Blog
  616. 99%Snapshot log tests in .NET | johnnyreilly
  617. 99%API testing with .http files in Visual Studio
  618. 95%CoreWCF - It's not just for modernizing old WCF apps | .NET Conf 2023
  619. 98%The first possible new feature of C# 13: Params collection
  620. 99%Announcing the HackTogether: The Great .NET 8 Hack Winners - .NET Blog
  621. 97%Release .NET Aspire 8.0 Preview 2 · dotnet/aspire
  622. 99%.NET 8 .🚀🔥: Amazing Cloud Native functionality with .NET Aspire
  623. 99%How to use identity to secure a Web API backend for single page apps
  624. 99%Introduction to Autofac FakeItEasy Package - Code Maze
  625. 99%MemoizR - Declarative Structured Concurrency for C#
  626. 99%Choosing Between Controllers and Minimal API for .NET APIs
  627. 99%Using Meadow and .NET to send log IoT events to Meadow.Cloud
  628. 96%Release dotnet-1.0.1 · microsoft/semantic-kernel
  629. 99%Validating appsettings becomes much faster with .NET 8
  630. 99%Validate NuGet packages before publishing from GitHub Actions
  631. 99%People in Space! (2023 .NET Advent)
  632. 96%Building planet scale .NET apps with Azure Cosmos DB | .NET Conf 2023
  633. 99%NDepend 2023.2 - This Time On Mac!
  634. 93%GitHub - aws/dotnet-foss
  635. 99%Introduction to ML.NET [Pt 9] | Generative AI with .NET for Beginners
  636. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Understanding Dependency Injection
  637. 99%Using the CLI to Build and Run .NET Applications
  638. 99%bUnit Generators - Generate your stubs automatically
  639. 99%Getting started with .NET Aspire
  640. 99%Blazor WASM Javascript Interop and Isolation
  641. 96%Exploring the .NET 8 preview
  642. 99%Microsoft Released ML.NET 3.0: Deep Learning and Data Processing Improvements
  643. 92%The Cleanest Way To Configure EF Core
  644. 98%Branching, Ifs, and Conditional Logic [Pt 9] | C# for Beginners
  645. 89%Use C# with Godot to make Games! | .NET Conf 2023
  646. 99%Unlock Creativity with .NET Generate, Validate and Customize Random Words Effortlessly! 🚀
  647. 90%First stable release of AspNetCore and Http instrumentation libraries · open-telemetry/opentelemetry-dotnet · Discussion #5179
  648. 98%Webinar - Chris Woodruff - Mastering OData: An In-Depth Developer's Guide | The .NET Tools Blog
  649. 98%Building a Critter Stack Application: Asynchronous Processing with Wolverine
  650. 98%Burke Learns Blazor - OpenGraph and maybe My Links page!
  651. 99%GitHub - dotnet/efcore: EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
  652. 99%GitHub - dotnet/sdk: Core functionality needed to create .NET Core projects, that is shared between Visual Studio and CLI
  653. 98%GitHub - dotnet/csharplang: The official repo for the design of the C# programming language
  654. 98%Upgrading Azure Functions [Pt 8] | Upgrade Applications with .NET Modernization for Beginners
  655. 99%Customizing borders & corners | .NET MAUI Minutes
  656. 99%Build your own course assistant with AI
  657. 98%The Fastest Way To Build an API Gateway in .NET
  658. 94%Festive Tech Calender - Building a Word Search in C#
  659. 99%Testing Typesense search with Testcontainers and .NET
  660. 74%Browse code samples
  661. 99%Hosted service has a major update to its lifecycle events
  662. 99%How to Decode JWT Tokens in .NET - Code Maze
  663. 99%The Actor Model in a C# World
  664. 99%Does ASP:Textbox TextMode Securely Enforce Input Validation? : Developer Notes
  665. 98%ASP.NET Community Standup - .NET Aspire Update
  666. 99%Learn how to improve .NET application performance leveraging Azure Code Optimizations|.NET Conf 2023
  667. 99%Hardware Intrinsics in .NET 8 - .NET Blog
  668. 98%Building a Critter Stack Application: Command Line Tools with Oakton
  669. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Working with a Database
  670. 99%Cross-platform Christmas Countdown App in C#
  671. 99%.NET Native AOT Explained - NDepend Blog
  672. 99%School Mgmt App | Microservices With .NET Aspire & Blazor SSR | Part 3
  673. 98%.NET Chiselled Ubuntu Container Images Are Now Generally Available
  674. 99%Implementing Retry pattern using Polly in .NET Core Application
  675. 96%From Atari to Sep: Unleashing the Power of Performance in Programming with Niels Rassmussen.mp3
  676. 99%Blazor WebAssembly Ahead of Time Compilation - Code Maze
  677. 98%AWS Step Functions in C# - Part 2 - Simple Talk
  678. 99%How .NET 8.0 boosted JSON Schema performance by 20% | endjin
  679. 99%.NET 8 Networking Improvements - .NET Blog
  680. 98%.NET Configuration In Depth | .NET Conf 2023
  681. 98%Debugging C# Apps in VS Code [Pt 5] | C# and .NET Development in VS Code for Beginners
  682. 99%XAML tools in Visual Studio | .NET MAUI Minutes
  683. 99%.NET Monthly Roundup - November 2023 - .NET 8 Release Highlights, Community News, and more!
  684. 99%.NET MAUI Community Standup - .NET MAUI 2023 Wrapped
  685. 99%BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.11 · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet · Discussion #2479
  686. 99%How to Switch Between .NET SDK Versions
  687. 99%How to use Regular Expressions and Match Evaluators in .NET
  688. 99%Sneaky async void Leads to ASP.NET Core Crash
  689. 99%avoid allocations for TLS handshake by wfurt · Pull Request #87874 · dotnet/runtime
  690. 99%How To Build Resilient Cloud Applications With .NET 8
  691. 99%Inline Snapshot testing in .NET - Gérald Barré
  692. 99%Data annotations has some awesome additions in .NET 8
  693. 99%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Add Explicit Cast in foreach() Loops
  694. 99%Performance Testing Essentials: JMeter DSL.NET in Action
  695. 99%How to Insert and Return Inserted Identity With Dapper - Code Maze
  696. 99%Another Look into the Future with Rider's Predictive Debugger | The .NET Tools Blog
  697. 98%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor Experiments + eShop Q&A
  698. 99%Extending WebAssembly to the Cloud with .NET - .NET Blog
  699. 99%Extending WebAssembly to the Cloud with .NET - .NET Blog
  700. 99%GitHub - microsoft/hack-together-dotnet: HackTogether: The Microsoft .NET 8 Global Hack | Register, Hack, Win
  701. 99%Replace Annoying IFs with Switch Expressions #dotnet #coding
  702. 99%Blazor WASM Lazy Loading
  703. 99%Containerizing .NET - Part 1
  704. 98%School Mgmt App | Microservices With .NET Aspire & Blazor SSR | Part 2
  705. 97%My first microservice solution - great mentorship, companionship and an unforgettably enjoyable development adventure
  706. 99%Building Hybrid User Interfaces with Blazor Hybrid [Pt 4] | Blazor Hybrid for Beginners
  707. 98%GitHub Copilot Tips for .NET Developers | .NET Conf 2023
  708. 99%Private fields with or without underscore
  709. 99%Peter Ritchie's Blog - Entity Framework in .NET Aspire
  710. 98%.NET MAUI Community Standup - Guest demo from DevExpress
  711. 99%How to make libraries compatible with native AOT - .NET Blog
  712. 99%Profiling Memory Allocations on Linux using the JetBrains dotMemory Command-Line Profiler - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  713. 99%ASP.NET Core Basics: Essential NuGet Packages (Part 2)
  714. 99%Is c# underhyped?
  715. 99%Burke Learns Blazor - Drag and Drop and DOM events!
  716. 99%Installing and Getting Started with .NET in VS Code [Pt 2] | .NET for Beginners
  717. 99%Testing C# Code with BenchmarkDotNet
  718. 99%@devlead - Mattias Karlsson's Blog - Introducing UnpackDacPac
  719. 98%Visual Studio & .NET: A Symbiotic Relationship with David Fowler | Episode 6 of 7
  720. 99%What’s New in .NET MAUI | .NET Conf 2023
  721. 99%The Biggest ISSUE With Blazor (and how to fix it)
  722. 99%Added support for node and npm based projects by davidfowl · Pull Request #1033 · dotnet/aspire
  723. 99%Scriban for Text and Liquid Templating in .NET
  724. 99%Adding environment vars to .NET Aspire services
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  733. 99%@devlead - Mattias Karlsson's Blog - Introducing BRI
  734. 97%Join my channel - to get early access to videos and access to the source code
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  1040. 99%GitHub - waf/CSharpRepl: A command line C# REPL with syntax highlighting – explore the language, libraries and nuget packages interactively.
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  1084. 98%.NET Monthly Roundup - July 2023 - .NET 8 Preview 6, C# 12, MAUI for VS Code, .NET Conf announcement
  1085. 89%News from the dotnet/fsharp repository | fsharpConf 2023
  1086. 98%City as a Function | fsharpConf 2023
  1087. 99%SponsorLink: feedback and moving forward
  1088. 98%Sponsor based GitHub feature toggling · community · Discussion #46980
  1089. 99%.NET 7 💥 - ASP.NET Core Web Api CRUD, Repository Pattern, SQLite & Automapper
  1090. 98%Logging guidance for .NET library authors - .NET
  1091. 99%Deploying ASP.NET Core WebAPI to AWS App Runner - Super Fast Deployments via ECR and GitHub
  1092. 99%Improving performance and memory use while accessing APIs using HTTPClient in dotnet
  1093. 99%Beautiful UI Controls for .NET MAUI with Telerik UI
  1094. 99%How to Solve the HTTP Error 500.31 - Code Maze
  1095. 99%Advanced Rate Limiting Use Cases In .NET
  1096. 99%Blazor Serilog Logging to Console, File and Database
  1097. 96%Xamarin Forms: Using Font Icons instead of images
  1098. 99%Collecting memory dumps for .NET Core on Kubernetes
  1099. 98%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Simplify the New Expression for C#
  1100. 99%How to Generate a Stream From a String? - Code Maze
  1101. 99%Streaming Videos In Blazor Server #dotnet #csharp #blazor #shorts
  1102. 99%The BEST Moq Alternatives: NSubstitute vs FakeItEasy
  1103. 97%Programmatically Get Azure Blob URLs #dotnet #azure #shorts
  1104. 92%Who says .NET is tied to Microsoft ecosystem. I am legit using .NET very efficiently in NeoVim and Linux.
  1105. 99%Supporting custom protocols in WebView2 - Gérald Barré
  1106. 99%Amazing Free DataGrid, Tab Control, Calendar and More for .NET MAUI!
  1107. 99%How to Determine .NET Version Programatically - Code Maze
  1108. 99%Exploring DockLayout from .NET MAUI Community Toolkit – AskXammy
  1109. 99%Unit Testing Hosted Services in ASP.NET Web API
  1110. 99%Continuous database deployments to Azure Sql Server with Bitbucket
  1111. 99%How To Create A Service for Azure Blob Storage #dotnet #csharp #programming #shorts
  1112. 92%C# 12 new feature, Primary Constructors | #shorts
  1113. 97%Enumerable.ToArray performance improvement using InlineArray by neuecc · Pull Request #90459 · dotnet/runtime
  1114. 99%Xamarin Forms: Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged automatically
  1115. 95%Sharing My YouTube Revenue With OSS Authors
  1116. 99%.NET MAUI and TinyMvvm, Navigation and Parameters
  1117. 99%GitHub Quick Reviews
  1118. 99%Debugging a ChatGPT Plugin with .NET and DevTunnels
  1119. 99%ModuleInitializer Attribute in C#
  1120. 99%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Use Auto-Implemented Property
  1121. 98%.NET Framework August 2023 Security and Quality Rollup Updates - .NET Blog
  1122. 99%Announcing .NET 8 Preview 7 - .NET Blog
  1123. 99%.NET August 2023 Updates – .NET 7.0.10, .NET 6.0.21 - .NET Blog
  1124. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI in .NET 8 Preview 7: Keyboard Accelerators - .NET Blog
  1125. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Implementation of the .NET WebAssembly Jiterpreter
  1126. 97%Streaming Videos From Azure Blob Storage in Blazor Server
  1127. 99%Extending IdentityUser With Custom Properties in ASP.NET Core
  1128. 94%EF Core Fundamentals for EF Core 7 (Pluralsight)
  1129. 99%Dependency Injection with Scrutor: Scanning and Registering
  1130. 99%Sharing object between .NET host and WebView2 - Gérald Barré
  1131. 99%Use a Microsoft Entra Verified ID Employee credential to view paycheck data
  1132. 99%Elevate Your .NET Testing Strategy #3: Fixtures separation
  1133. 98%string concatenation benchmarks in .NET 8
  1134. 98%Configure dotnet-monitor in an AKS cluster for Managed Grafana
  1135. 98%BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.7 · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet · Discussion #2392
  1136. 99%BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.7 | BenchmarkDotNet
  1137. 97%What's New and Next for .NET MAUI Developers?
  1138. 99%Blazor Tutorial - Creating a Todo App using Blazor Server
  1139. 99%From Novice to Expert: Harnessing the Power of Raw SQL Queries in Entity Framework with C#
  1140. 99%Source Generators in C# - Code Maze
  1141. 98%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Validate Arguments of Public Methods
  1142. 99%Keyed Services in .NET8's Dependency Injection
  1143. 99%.NET Conf 2023 - Celebrating the Release of .NET 8! - Save the Date! - .NET Blog
  1144. 98%Coding Faster with dotNetTips.com Spargine 6: Aug 2023 Release
  1145. 99%Effective Mocking With NSubstitute in .NET - Code Maze
  1146. 99%Joshua Jesper Krægpøth Ryder – The Future Is Here! WebAssembly for .NET Developers – Recording Available | The .NET Tools Blog
  1147. 99%F# Extends its String Interpolation Syntax to Reduce Escaping
  1148. 99%Polyfills in .NET to ease multi-targeting - Gérald Barré
  1149. 98%Microsoft Releases .NET 8 Preview 6
  1150. 99%Introduction of Auth0 Templates for .NET
  1151. 99%Elevate Your .NET Testing Strategy #2: InMemoryDatabase
  1152. 99%How to Access Configuration During Application's Startup in .NET
  1153. 99%Ubiquitous F# in Contextive, the Ubiquitous Language Tool | fsharpConf 2023
  1154. 99%.NET Lambda Annotations Framework Now Generally Available
  1155. 99%Adding a User Login to a .NET App With Auth0 - Code Maze
  1156. 99%Introducing Predictive Debugging: A Game-Changing Look into the Future | The .NET Tools Blog
  1157. 99%Automatic Deployment .NET Web API to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using GitHub Action
  1158. 98%Fable.Form: Unlock your Forms Super Powers | fsharpConf 2023
  1159. 97%New syntax for string interpolation in F# - .NET Blog
  1160. 99%OSS Power-Ups: AngleSharp – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  1161. 98%Pull requests · AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-identitymodel-extensions-for-dotnet
  1162. 99%Reclaiming disk space for the dotnet developer
  1163. 99%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Do Not Expose Generic Lists
  1164. 99%Sending Email With FluentEmail in .NET - Code Maze
  1165. 99%Exploring the ProgressBar in .NET MAUI
  1166. 99%Unleashing the Power of .NET Source Code Generators
  1167. 98%.NET 8 TimeProvider and Unit Tests
  1168. 99%.NET Framework July 2023 Cumulative Update Preview - .NET Blog
  1169. 99%Debugging .NET Containers with Visual Studio Code Docker Tools - .NET Blog
  1170. 99%5 ADVANCED xUnit.net Features You Must Know
  1171. 98%All You Need To Know About IHttpClientFactory in ASP.Net Core
  1172. 98%Code Coverage Metrics
  1173. 99%Announcing .NET 8 Preview 6 - .NET Blog
  1174. 99%.NET MAUI UI Challenge # 7 - Coffe Shop App
  1175. 99%Why sometimes async and await are bad for your app
  1176. 99%Elevating C# Code Quality with Qodana: A Journey Towards Perfection | The .NET Tools Blog
  1177. 99%Gracefully Handling Entity Framework Exceptions with EntityFramework.Exceptions
  1178. 99%Master Azure Magic: Deploy Blazor to Cloud in Minutes! 🔥🚀
  1179. 99%Handling a Complex Domain with Readable Code | fsharpConf 2023
  1180. 99%Performance Improvements in .NET Core - .NET Blog
  1181. 99%Announcing the .NET Framework 4.7.2 - .NET Blog
  1182. 92%Happy 15th Birthday .NET! - .NET Blog
  1183. 99%Announcing .NET Core 2.1 Preview 1 - .NET Blog
  1184. 99%The RyuJIT transition is complete! - .NET Blog
  1185. 99%Announcing .NET Core 2.1 Preview 2 - .NET Blog
  1186. 99%Bing.com runs on .NET Core 2.1! - .NET Blog
  1187. 99%Update on .NET Core 3.0 and .NET Framework 4.8 - .NET Blog
  1188. 99%.NET on Microsoft Learn
  1189. 91%What's new in C# - Events
  1190. 99%Reverse Engineering Existing Databases with Entity Framework Core | The .NET Tools Blog
  1191. 98%ASP.NET Core Architecture Overview by David Fowler
  1192. 98%Download .NET Core 2.1 (Linux, macOS, and Windows)
  1193. 99%dotnet-trace for .NET Core tracing in PerfView, SpeedScope, Chromium Event Trace Profiling, Flame graphs and more!
  1194. 99%HttpRepl: A command-line tool for interacting with RESTful HTTP services - .NET Blog
  1195. 99%Writing Faster C# Code - Task.WhenAll vs Parallel.ForEachAsync in DotNet
  1196. 99%How to Solve Unable to Resolve Service for a Type - Code Maze
  1197. 99%Exploring Basic Animations in .NET MAUI
  1198. 96%.NET Rocks! Multi-Model Data Stores with Ted Neward
  1199. 99%csharplang/proposals/collection-expressions.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  1200. 99%Amplifying F# | fsharpConf 2023
  1201. 99%Introduction to Scrutor Library in .NET - Code Maze
  1202. 99%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis:Types That Own Disposable Fields Should Be Disposable
  1203. 99%Reduce boxing in logging by davidfowl · Pull Request #88560 · dotnet/runtime
  1204. 90%C# POP QUIZ: Record VS Class Comparison Differences #dotnet #coding
  1205. 95%Meet new BenchmarkDotNet maintainers! · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet · Discussion #2372
  1206. 99%What Are Microservices? | A Small Game Shop Story
  1207. 99%You Are Using HttpClient Wrong
  1208. 98%What's new in C# 12 - C# Guide
  1209. 99%NATS .NET Client v2 Alpha Released with Core NATS Support
  1210. 99%Extended C# Support in ReSharper and Rider 2023.2 EAP 9 | The .NET Tools Blog
  1211. 99%MediatR Publish and Send Methods - Code Maze
  1212. 99%Elevate Your .NET Testing Strategy #1: WebApplicationFactory
  1213. 99%GitHub - riok/mapperly: A .NET source generator for generating object mappings. No runtime reflection.
  1214. 93%Here's Why YOU Should Write Those Unit Tests [C# dotnet Examples]
  1215. 93%Scientific Computing with F# | fsharpConf 2023
  1216. 99%Blazor Server vs Blazor WebAssembly: Which is Right for You?
  1217. 99%Burke Learns Blazor | Creating CreateLink API / Polishing Public Page
  1218. 99%Required Parameters in Blazor WebAssembly - Code Maze
  1219. 98%GitHub - davidfowl/IdentityEndpointsSample: A sample showing how to setup ASP.NET Core Identity API endpoints for authentication
  1220. 97%Sharing Context Between MediatR Components
  1221. 99%Introducing C#12’s Future Features
  1222. 99%Debug Source Generators in JetBrains Rider | The .NET Tools Blog
  1223. 99%How to Program C# in Visual Studio Code
  1224. 98%.NET Rocks! Fluent Assertions with Dennis Doomen
  1225. 99%David Fowler (@davidfowl) on Threads
  1226. 97%.NET MAUI on .NET 8 Preview 6 – Android build issue
  1227. 99%PowerShell Profile & oh-my-posh theme
  1228. 96%Base64 Class (System.Buffers.Text)
  1229. 69%How To Cache Filtered & Paged Database Results In C# dotnet
  1230. 99%🔴 Recreating Threads App with .NET MAUI & NEW VS Code Extension!
  1231. 96%Delete code related to CompilationRelaxations.NoStringInterning by MichalStrehovsky · Pull Request #64521 · dotnet/runtime
  1232. 96%JIT: Import string.Empty as "" by EgorBo · Pull Request #64530 · dotnet/runtime
  1233. 98%What does Azure AD renamed Microsoft Entra ID mean for .NET developers? - .NET Blog
  1234. 99%StyleCop Analyzers Implementation in .NET - Code Maze
  1235. 98%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Understanding the Importance of ConfigureAwait() in Reusable Assemblies
  1236. 99%dotTrace comes to BenchmarkDotNet | The .NET Tools Blog
  1237. 98%.NET Framework July 2023 Security and Quality Rollup Updates - .NET Blog
  1238. 99%Announcing .NET 8 Preview 6 - .NET Blog
  1239. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI in .NET 8 Preview 6: Hello VS Code & VS for Mac - .NET Blog
  1240. 99%.NET July 2023 Updates – .NET 7.0.9, .NET 6.0.20 - .NET Blog
  1241. 99%Announcing the .NET MAUI extension for Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Blog
  1242. 93%C# Logging In 100 seconds
  1243. 96%MemoryExtensions.Split Method (System)
  1244. 98%MemoryExtensions.Count Method (System)
  1245. 99%dotTrace comes to BenchmarkDotNet | The .NET Tools Blog
  1246. 99%Upgrading to .NET 8: Part 2 - Automation is our Friend
  1247. 99%Using MediatR Pipeline Behaviors For Database Transactions
  1248. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - C# with Visual Studio Code
  1249. 99%Introducing System.Web Adapters v1.2 with new APIs and scenarios - .NET Blog
  1250. 97%Upgrading to .NET 8: Part 1 - Why Upgrade?
  1251. 96%MAUI UI July 2023 - Replicating Wolt app - Andreas Nesheim
  1252. 99%Introducing the AWS .NET Distributed Cache Provider for DynamoDB (Preview) | Amazon Web Services
  1253. 99%.NET 7 💥 - AWS SQS
  1254. 99%Avoid this hidden memory allocation in C#
  1255. 99%5 Code Navigation Tips While Debugging .NET Apps in Visual Studio
  1256. 97%2 Avisos de Conteudo Novo!
  1257. 96%Enhancing .NET MAUI Desktop Apps with Context Menus
  1258. 89%Add SearchValues<string> by MihaZupan · Pull Request #88394 · dotnet/runtime
  1259. 99%Improvements to the Caching Abstraction in ASP.NET Core - .NET Blog
  1260. 99%Improved Source Generators and Code Fixers Arrive in .NET Community Toolkit 8.2.1! - .NET Blog
  1261. 99%what is nor0x.Playwright.BrowserDownloader ?!
  1262. 99%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: UTF-7 Encoding Is Insecure
  1263. 99%Improved F# hints in Visual Studio - .NET Blog
  1264. 99%Exploring Rate Limit Web API in .NET 8
  1265. 99%Basic HttpClient in ASP.NET Core
  1266. 99%Syncfusion Free Ebooks | .NET MAUI Community Toolkit Succinctly
  1267. 98%What version of .NET are you using for the majority of your prod apps?
  1268. 99%Deep Dive into xUnit.net Theories
  1269. 99%dotnet pack issue–files without extension
  1270. 99%Roslyn Compiler and Analyzers in .NET - Introduction
  1271. 99%Issue Employee verifiable credentials using Entra Verified ID and ASP.NET Core
  1272. 99%Null Checks in C# with Null Coalescing Operator
  1273. 99%Enhance C# Code Consistency in Visual Studio with .editorconfig
  1274. 98%C# Ternary Operator - An Alternative to IF/ELSE Statements
  1275. 97%HTTP Get in C# is SUPER Easy! Call REST APIs Like a Pro.
  1276. 94%.NET Languages PM and Friends Talk About F# | fsharpConf 2023
  1277. 99%Use YoutubeExplode to create timestamps for YouTube videos💥
  1278. 99%Regular Expressions in C#: Your Ultimate Guide to Powerful Pattern Matching
  1279. 93%The MediatR Feature NOBODY Is Using!
  1280. 99%Elevating C# Code Quality with Qodana: A Journey Towards Perfection | The .NET Tools Blog
  1281. 98%Burke Learns Blazor - Finishing the API and starting the UI
  1282. 98%GitHub Quick Reviews
  1283. 97%Let's Learn .NET | .NET Live TV
  1284. 99%Clean Architecture vs Vertical Slice Architecture
  1285. 99%Rx.NET v6.0: Enhancing Compatibility, Trimming Support, and Many More
  1286. 99%runtime/docs/coding-guidelines/vectorization-guidelines.md at main · dotnet/runtime
  1287. 99%Introducing the .NET MAUI Toolbox for Visual Studio
  1288. 99%Ask the experts: Meet our Engineering team!
  1289. 97%Great Way To Learn New Things As a Software Engineer #shorts
  1290. 97%How to Send a Ping to an IP or Hostname in C#
  1291. 99%Running iOS Simulator from Windows for .NET MAUI
  1292. 99%csharplang/proposals/inline-arrays.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  1293. 99%Webinar – Joshua Jesper Krægpøth Ryder – The Future Is Here! WebAssembly for .NET Developers | The .NET Tools Blog
  1294. 95%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Always Add Braces in C#
  1295. 99%Integrating AI into your bot logic for Microsoft Teams
  1296. 98%DateTime Calendars in C# - Code Maze
  1297. 99%Using Yarp.Telemetry.Consumption to track outbound network events (this package isn't tied to YARP)
  1298. 91%IDebugProperty157 Interface (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop)
  1299. 99%GitHub - dotnet/ClangSharp: Clang bindings for .NET written in C#
  1300. 99%Adding Real-Time Functionality To .NET Applications With SignalR
  1301. 98%.NET MAUI at Build 2023 Recap, Upgrade Assistant, & New VS Features | The .NET MAUI Podcast ep. 119
  1302. 98%Mastering TCPListener in C#: Building Network Applications from Scratch
  1303. 99%Introducing Visual Studio Dev tunnels! #csharp #dotnet #visualstudio
  1304. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - C# Tools - Visual Studio
  1305. 98%Apizr v5.0, resilient api client manager - What's new
  1306. 99%Getting the .NET Desktop Runtime Installed with a Custom Runtime Checker and Installer
  1307. 99%7 Things about C#: Running Apps
  1308. 99%Maps Control for Windows with .NET MAUI and Bing Maps
  1309. 97%Get ready for fsharpConf 2023! - .NET Blog
  1310. 99%Loading XML Documentation Into C# Tests #dotnet #programming
  1311. 99%.NET 7 💥 - Angular Authentication with JWT (JSON WEB TOKEN)
  1312. 99%3 KafkaFlow Features Hard to Ignore
  1313. 99%Boost user engagement beyond Teams and make your apps intelligent
  1314. 99%what do you find most frustrating about dotnet?
  1315. 99%OpenId User Impersonation in Asp.net core With Duende Identity Server - Doumer's Blog
  1316. 99%Introducing Microsoft Teams tabs and building with SharePoint Framework
  1317. 99%How To Store Secrets For Local Development
  1318. 99%Microsoft Forms Service’s Journey to .NET 6 - .NET Blog
  1319. 99%Introducing the New T4 Command-Line Tool for .NET - .NET Blog
  1320. 99%Azure App Configuration and .NET API: a smart and secure way to manage configurations
  1321. 99%Parsing websites in C# with Html Agility Pack or AngleSharp
  1322. 99%C# Source Code Generators - Bruno Sonnino
  1323. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Create a Microsoft Power App for your ASP.NET Core Web API
  1324. 99%Saving Files with .NET MAUI Community Toolkit
  1325. 99%Spargine Dev Tool: Never Lose Source Code Ever Again!
  1326. 98%Less code is often better
  1327. 99%Boost .NET Performance with Lazy Initialization
  1328. 99%Seamless Integration Testing With WireMock.NET - Code Maze
  1329. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup | Create a Microsoft Power App for your ASP.NET Core Web API
  1330. 98%Kubernetes mutating admission webhook for dotnet-monitor?
  1331. 99%Welcome to BenchmarkDotNet Discussions! · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet · Discussion #2331
  1332. 99%Introduction of System.ServiceModel 6.0 for Calling WCF/CoreWCF
  1333. 98%Let's CLEAN UP Your Method Overloads!
  1334. 99%Developers Guide to the Windows Subsystem for Android | 2023 Edition
  1335. 99%Using Modern SWITCH Syntax in C#
  1336. 99%ASP.NET Core 8: Expose Timestamp data request processing with IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature when using HTTP.sys
  1337. 95%.NET MAUI Community Standup - .NET MAUI Build Recap
  1338. 99%HotChocolate–GraphQL Caching
  1339. 96%What Makes a Great Software Engineer? Your Favorite Creators Answer!
  1340. 99%How To Use DTOs In .NET REST APIs
  1341. 94%Check Json String is Valid in C# with System.Text.Json
  1342. 99%Level-Up Api Development with Endpoint Explorer in Visual Studio
  1343. 99%Blazor Essentials – New Guide Tutorial | The .NET Tools Blog
  1344. 98%The Privilege of .NET Tooling Choices
  1345. 98%.NET Framework June 2023 Security and Quality Rollup - .NET Blog
  1346. 99%Announcing .NET 8 Preview 5 - .NET Blog
  1347. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI in .NET 8 Preview 5 - .NET Blog
  1348. 99%.NET Upgrade Assistant: CLI Tool Synced with Visual Studio Extension Engine
  1349. 99%InProcess and OutOfProcess Hosting Models in ASP.NET Core
  1350. 99%How to detect heap allocations
  1351. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Featured community project: Blazor Studio
  1352. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Featured community project: Blazor Studio
  1353. 99%Add or Enable Serilog in ASP.NET Core 7.0
  1354. 99%Testing Chiseled Ubuntu container images with .NET
  1355. 99%Debug any server application locally with Dev Tunnels!
  1356. 99%Azure Container Apps, Easy Auth and .NET authentication | johnnyreilly
  1357. 99%Introduction to IL Weaving with Mono.Cecil
  1358. 96%.NET 8: Why .NET 8 preview doesn’t show up in Visual Studio 2022 ?
  1359. 99%The Right Way To Use HttpClient In .NET
  1360. 99%F# is the .NET Rust
  1361. 99%Should We Use Records With EF Core as Model Classes? -
  1362. 99%.NET Monthly Roundup - May 2023 - Build, C# 12, .NET 8 Preview 4, and more!
  1363. 99%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: The Rijndael and Rijndaelmanaged Types Are Superseded
  1364. 94%Blazor Tutorial: Routing, Parameters, Query Strings and Navigation
  1365. 98%Dependency Injection C# Tutorial
  1366. 99%How To Set Up SSL Certificate In Visual Studio and .NET CLI
  1367. 99%Entity Framework Core 7: Filtering on JSON Arrays
  1368. 99%Use secrets in unit tests
  1369. 99%Have You Mocked Third-Party Code? 😱
  1370. 99%HackTogether: the Microsoft Teams Global Hack - Keynote Recap and What’s Coming - .NET Blog
  1371. 92%.NET fwdays’23 | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura
  1372. 99%.NET Monthly Roundup - May 2023 - Build, C# 12, .NET 8 Preview 4, and more!
  1373. 98%On .NET Live - Deep Dive into Azure Web Apps with .NET 7 and Angular
  1374. 99%ASP.NET Core authorization using Entra External ID CIAM and Azure AD security groups
  1375. 99%Cecil Phillip – Building payment flows with Stripe and Azure – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  1376. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - ASP.NET Architecture Series: AOT
  1377. 98%dev-wasm-dotnet/README.md at main · dev-wasm/dev-wasm-dotnet
  1378. 99%.NET MAUI UI Challenge # 5 - Food Delivery App
  1379. 99%Announcing an update for .NET Upgrade Assistant with a new CLI tool! - .NET Blog
  1380. 99%Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Use the Index Operator
  1381. 99%Speech Recognition in .NET MAUI with CommunityToolkit - .NET Blog
  1382. 98%.NET 7 💥 - CRUD with Angular & .NET Web API, EF Core & MongoDb
  1383. 98%Custom Auth Policies Are INSANELY Powerful!
  1384. 98%Memory Allocation Optimization With BenchmarkDotNet
  1385. 99%New Terminal logger for .NET 8
  1386. 98%Using Your Existing Xamarin UITests with .NET MAUI
  1387. 99%How To Use BenchmarkDotNet - A Beginner's Guide For C# Benchmarks
  1388. 99%Deploy ASP.NET Core on Linux with Nginx - Code Maze
  1389. 99%ObservableCollection .NET MAUI | C# Tutorials Blog
  1390. 99%Join us at the Microsoft Teams Global Hack, June 1-15🥳🌍
  1391. 99%AWS CDK for .NET Developers - Infrastructure As Code To Provision AWS Resources Easily with C#
  1392. 99%Connecting your RaspberryPi to AWS IoT
  1393. 99%Using .NET 7 With Code Build
  1394. 99%Building .NET 7 Applications using Amazon CodeCatalyst
  1395. 99%IoT for the .NET Developer
  1396. 99%FromQuery? FromForm? What do the .NET attributes do?
  1397. 99%Basics of C# String Comparisons #dotnet #coding
  1398. 99%Build a CI/CD Pipeline With GitHub Actions And .NET
  1399. 99%How to Use SFTP For Secure File Upload in .NET - Code Maze
  1400. 99%Introducing Auth0 Templates for .NET
  1401. 99%Refactor your .NET HTTP Clients to Typed HTTP Clients
  1402. 99%MSBuild 2023 – Focus on .NET MAUI and Blazor Hybrid
  1403. 99%How to Handle the Safe Area Layout for .NET MAUI in iOS
  1404. 99%.NET Core–Monitor cache misses
  1405. 93%GitHub - bradygaster/dotnet-cloud-native-build-2023
  1406. 99%.NET 7 💥 - ASP.NET Core ElasticSearch, Kibana & Serilog Integration
  1407. 90%Implementing Aho Corasick Substring Search in C# #dotnet #programming
  1408. 94%Interesting links of the week 2023-21 (#73)
  1409. 99%The Importance of Removing Unnecessary Expression Values in Code in Microsoft .NET
  1410. 98%How To Pick a C# Test Naming Convention
  1411. 99%Abp CLI Template
  1412. 99%Swashbuckle vs. NSwag in ASP.NET Core
  1413. 98%.NET Framework May 2023 Cumulative Update Preview Updates - .NET Blog
  1414. 99%Detect Globalization-Invariant mode in .NET - Gérald Barré
  1415. 99%Blazor and CSP
  1416. 99%Webinar – Cecil Phillip – Building payment flows with Stripe and Azure | The .NET Tools Blog
  1417. 96%Why you are going to LOVE Primary Constructors in C# 12!
  1418. 85%C# 12 "Primary Constructors" #dotnet #csharp
  1419. 99%XML Serialization in C# .NET Core: A Comprehensive Guide | Pro Code Guide
  1420. 99%Client Support for Calling WCF/CoreWCF with System.ServiceModel 6.0 Is Here! - .NET Blog
  1421. 99%Object Detection in ML.NET Model Builder - .NET Blog
  1422. 98%Hot Reload Supports Modifying Generics! - .NET Blog
  1423. 99%Get started with ChatGPT in .NET - .NET Blog
  1424. 97%ASP.NET Core Locally Serving Outdated Dev Certificate - Dangl.Blog();
  1425. 98%.NET 7 💥 - Integrate OpenAI ChatGPT with Web API
  1426. 98%Let's build a .NET 7 Minimal API! | Part 2
  1427. 88%Optimizing Reading Binary Data in C# #dotnet #programming
  1428. 99%Concurrent Hosted Service Start and Stop in .NET 8 - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  1429. 99%Announcing .NET 8 Preview 4 - .NET Blog
  1430. 99%Announcing .NET 8 Preview 4 - .NET Blog
  1431. 99%EF Core 8 Preview 4: Primitive collections and improved Contains - .NET Blog
  1432. 99%Modern NuGet: Centralized Package Management and Source Mapping
  1433. 99%The Magical Pattern to Organize .NET Minimal APIs
  1434. 91%The Simplest Way to List Data in ASP.NET
  1435. 99%Rider 2023.2 Early Access Program Is Now Open | The .NET Tools Blog
  1436. 99%ReSharper 2023.2 Kicks Off the Early Access Program! | The .NET Tools Blog
  1437. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Visual Studio Updates for JavaScript & TypeScript
  1438. 99%OpenTelemetry log ingestion preview
  1439. 99%URI Encode and Decode in .NET - Code Maze
  1440. 99%Visualizing Data in dotnet with Polyglot Notebooks and SandDance
  1441. 99%ZpqrtBnk
  1442. 99%Minimal APIs in .NET An Evolution Towards Simplicity
  1443. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Azure Service Bus and .NET
  1444. 99%Join us for HackTogether: The Microsoft Teams Global Hack - .NET Blog
  1445. 99%Replicating a Dating Profile UI in .NET MAUI
  1446. 99%.NET Upgrade Assistant Now Supports Azure Functions Upgrades and .NET 8
  1447. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Visual Studio Updates for JavaScript & TypeScript
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  1449. 99%ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core Migration Wrap-Up [16 of 18] Migrating from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
  1450. 87%Interesting links of the week 2023-19 (#71)
  1451. 93%Did You Know This Was Possible in C#?
  1452. 99%Introducing Polyglot Notebooks
  1453. 99%.NET 8 + Docker
  1454. 99%How to start using .NET Background Services | The .NET Tools Blog
  1455. 99%Toast in .NET MAUI
  1456. 99%Languages & Runtime Community Standup - Source Generation Interceptors
  1457. 99%Upcoming availability of .NET Framework 4.8.1 on Windows Update and Catalog - .NET Blog
  1458. 99%Stefan Pölz – How to test C# unit tests with mutation testing – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  1459. 99%Is cyclomatic complexity really related to branch coverage?
  1460. 99%Secure Microservices Using JWT With Ocelot in .NET Core
  1461. 99%.NET 7 Minimal API Route Groups Are INSANE!
  1462. 99%Generate Load Tests from Swagger/OpenAPI with K6
  1463. 99%Reviewing Simple C# Collections for Beginners #dotnet
  1464. 99%Code with your phone 📲 🤯Using @github Codespaces
  1465. 92%How to Read HUUUGE Files in C# - Designing a Segmented Stream
  1466. 98%On .NET Live - Modern cloud applications using containers in Azure
  1467. 88%Dictionary Basics in C# #dotnet #coding
  1468. 99%Create a chatbot in the console with Azure OpenAI and C#
  1469. 98%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor .NET 8 Updates
  1470. 99%.NET Monthly Roundup - April 2023 - .NET 8 Preview 3, C#12, and more!
  1471. 98%Explore, Test, & Debug API Endpoints in Visual Studio Faster Than Ever!
  1472. 99%Working With SQL Exceptions Like a Boss In EF Core
  1473. 98%Creating Accessible Apps with Semantics in .NET MAUI
  1474. 96%JetBrains .NET Day Online 2023 – Call for Speakers | The .NET Tools Blog
  1475. 99%.NET Monthly Roundup - April 2023 - .NET 8 Preview 3, C#12, and more!
  1476. 99%4 Structured Logging Techniques in ASP.net core Every Developer Should Know (Dotnet 7+) - Doumer's Blog
  1477. 99%.NET MAUI Community Toolkit Monthly Standup, May 2023
  1478. 99%Adding Blazor WASM To Existing ASP.NET Core Project
  1479. 96%Announcing .NET mobile Debugging in VS Code. Mobile development in VS Code with Uno Platform or .NET MAUI.
  1480. 99%ReSharper 2023.2 Roadmap | The .NET Tools Blog
  1481. 99%Rider 2023.2 Roadmap | The .NET Tools Blog
  1482. 98%Native AOT libraries with TypeScript
  1483. 99%Introducing Temporal .NET – Deterministic Workflow Authoring in .NET
  1484. 90%Beginning to Work With Lists in C# #dotnet #coding
  1485. 95%Release v1.18.0 · NethermindEth/nethermind
  1486. 99%HTML, XML, JSON, and JWT Visualizers in Rider 2023.1 | The .NET Tools Blog
  1487. 99%AppKit or UIKit for .NET MAUI Mac Apps? The Choice is Yours
  1488. 98%How To Generate Random Strings in C#
  1489. 88%Beginner View: Arrays vs Lists in C# #dotnet #programming
  1490. 99%C# 12 🔍 Discover the Exciting New Features & Improvements 🆕🚀
  1491. 99%Why You Need to Know Dependency Inversion
  1492. 99%The Design Pattern Everyone MUST Know!
  1493. 98%.NET MAUI Logo Redesign
  1494. 96%Basics of Arrays in C# for Beginners #programming #dotnet
  1495. 92%C# Arrays, Lists, and Dictionaries (Quick dotnet tutorial)
  1496. 98%Build a Connect Four game in your browser with .NET 🔵🔴🟡
  1497. 99%Reading Windows Application Manifest of an exe in .NET - Gérald Barré
  1498. 98%Constant folding for SIMD comparisons by EgorBo · Pull Request #85584 · dotnet/runtime
  1499. 99%How to Get the Remote Host IP Address in ASP.NET Core Web API
  1500. 99%Sending and Receiving GMail Email Attachments that contain Code or Binaries
  1501. 97%Supporting Your Code, README vs Wiki and Test Coverage
  1502. 99%SlotView.Maui 🎰 spin me right 'round
  1503. 99%Text to Speech with Amazon Polly and .NET | no dogma blog
  1504. 99%GitHub Actions with .NET, Part 2 - Dependent Jobs | no dogma blog
  1505. 99%Installing Rider on Linux with .NET 7 | no dogma blog
  1506. 99%Signing calls to Lambda Function URLs using IAM auth with HttpClient | no dogma blog
  1507. 99%C# and AWS Lambdas, Part 2 - Web API and an API Gateway | no dogma blog
  1508. 99%Caching Secrets Manager Secrets with a Lambda Layer | no dogma blog
  1509. 99%Improving Lambda Custom Runtime Cold Start and Deployment Speeds with .NET 6 | no dogma blog
  1510. 99%GitHub Actions with .NET, Part 3 - Manual Approvals | no dogma blog
  1511. 99%Executing an AWS .NET Lambda at an Exact Time with Step Functions | no dogma blog
  1512. 97%Running an AWS Lambda Command from Windows Shells | no dogma blog
  1513. 99%Calling one Lambda Function from another with the Lambda .NET SDK | no dogma blog
  1514. 99%Getting .NET Core 2.1 Preview 2 Working with Visual Studio 2017 | no dogma blog
  1515. 99%Forcing the Lambda Service to Warm 100 Execution Environments for your Function | no dogma blog
  1516. 99%Using the Secrets Manager Cache with .NET | no dogma blog
  1517. 98%AWS .NET Tools and Templates for Command Line | no dogma blog
  1518. 99%dotnet new failing with Error: Invalid parameter(s) | no dogma blog
  1519. 98%Finding and Killing .NET Processes that you Disconnect from Instead of Stopping while Debugging on Windows | no dogma blog
  1520. 99%Accessing AWS Secrets Manager from .NET Lambda Functions, Part 4 - Connected to a VPC, and using a NAT Gateway | no dogma blog
  1521. 99%Workaround for "Failed to create template" Error with .NET 7 RC1 and Lambda Functions | no dogma blog
  1522. 99%GitHub Actions with .NET, Part 5 - Build a .NET Application and Upload to S3 | no dogma blog
  1523. 98%Using Build and Test Tasks from the Parent Directory of src/test with VS Code | no dogma blog
  1524. 99%Using Amazon Polly to read a Dialogue from Julius Caesar | no dogma blog
  1525. 99%GitHub Actions with .NET, Part 4 - Building an S3 bucket with Pulumi | no dogma blog
  1526. 99%C# and AWS Lambdas, Part 7 – .NET 5 Web API inside a Container inside a Lambda, with API Gateway in front | no dogma blog
  1527. 99%A Web Server that Echoes Requests and Sometimes Faults with a 500 Error | no dogma blog
  1528. 99%Finding and Killing .NET Processes that you Disconnect from Instead of Stopping while Debugging on Linux | no dogma blog
  1529. 99%Using .NET 7 With Code Build
  1530. 99%GitHub Actions with .NET, Part 1 - Hello World and Downloading the Artifact | no dogma blog
  1531. 99%Hosting a .NET Core 2 Kestrel Server in a Windows Service | no dogma blog
  1532. 96%Removing Manually Installed .NET SDKs from Linux | no dogma blog
  1533. 98%The terminal shell path "dotnet" is a directory - Visual Studio Code | no dogma blog
  1534. 99%Building .NET 7 Applications using Amazon CodeCatalyst
  1535. 99%Keeping your .NET Lambda Function Warm with Provisioned Concurrency | no dogma blog
  1536. 99%.NET 6 Custom Runtime for AWS Lambda | no dogma blog
  1537. 99%Working with Lambda function versions | no dogma blog
  1538. 99%Indexing the Works of Shakespeare in Elasticsearch – Part 4, Searching via Web API in .NET 5 | no dogma blog
  1539. 99%Lambda ARM64 Custom Runtime with .NET 6 | no dogma blog
  1540. 98%How To Run .NET 6, Kestrel, and Web API, on an AWS EC2 Windows Instance | no dogma blog
  1541. 99%Lambda Function URLs - triggering .NET 6 Lambda functions with a HTTPS Request | no dogma blog
  1542. 99%Accessing the Internet from VPC Connected Lambda Functions using a NAT Gateway | no dogma blog
  1543. 99%Setting the Kestrel Port from appsettings.json | no dogma blog
  1544. 98%How To Run .NET 6, Kestrel, and Web API, on an AWS EC2 Linux Instance | no dogma blog
  1545. 99%.NET 6 Lambdas on ARM64 - Part 1, Functions | no dogma blog
  1546. 99%C# and AWS Lambdas, Part 6 – .NET 5 inside a Container inside a Lambda | no dogma blog
  1547. 99%Simple Lambda Function with a Function URL | no dogma blog
  1548. 99%Adding a Test Task to the VS Code Command Palette | no dogma blog
  1549. 98%Build, Zip, Update a .NET Core 3.1 AWS Lambda, and Run a Test, with a Single Command | no dogma blog
  1550. 99%Connecting your RaspberryPi to AWS IoT
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  1552. 99%C# Is BAD At MATH!!! Can You Explain THIS?
  1553. 99%Welcome to Hell - Windows Publishing with .NET MAUI
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  1556. 99%How to create a mobile app with .NET MAUI in 10 easy steps
  1557. 98%Episode 53: We Are .NET - with Tim Cadenbach and Matthias Jost
  1558. 99%Announcing .NET Community Toolkit 8.2! Faster generators, code fixers, performance improvements and more! - .NET Blog
  1559. 99%How to End-to-End Test SMS Applications with C# .NET and Twilio
  1560. 99%Part 5: Tips & Tricks for Migrating from Xamarin to .NET MAUI
  1561. 99%Get Started with OpenAI Completions with .NET - .NET Blog
  1562. 99%Fast Inserts With Entity Framework (EF Core)
  1563. 98%ErikEJ.EFCorePowerTools.Cli 7.0.0-preview2
  1564. 98%.NET Framework April 2023 Cumulative Update Preview Updates - .NET Blog
  1565. 99%Drawing Elements on Maps with .NET MAUI - .NET Blog
  1566. 97%Let's Learn .NET Virtual Events - All Around the World - .NET Blog
  1567. 99%Fight for every byte it takes: Variable size data
  1568. 99%How to Run an Async Method Synchronously in .NET - Code Maze
  1569. 99%Top Free Tools for .NET Web API Load Testing and Benchmarking
  1570. 99%Type-safe ASP.NET Configuration in F#
  1571. 98%Updating Legacy ASP.NET Applications (#267)
  1572. 99%Simplest dependency injection setup for WPF and Prism 6 - Into dotNET
  1573. 98%How to define commands in System.CommandLine
  1574. 99%.NET Performance Delivers Again for Bing, From .NET 5 to .NET 7 - .NET Blog
  1575. 99%What is Basic authentication and how to add it in ASP.NET Core
  1576. 99%.NET Lambda Annotations Framework for Simplified Development | .NET on AWS
  1577. 99%Release v7.1.2 · dotnet/orleans
  1578. 99%Improved Windows Broker Support with MSAL.NET | Microsoft Entra Identity Developer Blog
  1579. 97%Faster API Development in Visual Studio is Here! Say Hello to .http/.rest Files!
  1580. 98%How do I use SQL Server with C# and .NET?
  1581. 97%Faster API Development in Visual Studio is Here! Say Hello to .http/.rest Files!
  1582. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - EF Core Internals – Model Building
  1583. 99%Web API Updates with .NET 8
  1584. 99%Reduce Lookups in HashSet, Dictionary and Other Collections With ReSharper | The .NET Tools Blog
  1585. 99%.NET MAUI Community Standup - VS Accessibility Checker with Dante Gagne
  1586. 99%Webinar – Stefan Pölz – How to test C# unit tests with mutation testing | The .NET Tools Blog
  1587. 99%Running non-root .NET containers with Kubernetes - .NET Blog
  1588. 99%Why Upgrade to .NET? [2 of 18] Migrating from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
  1589. 99%Generate Toast Notifications in a .NET MAUI App | C# Tutorials Blog
  1590. 99%CQRS Command Validation with MediatR in Asp.net Core - Doumer's Blog
  1591. 99%.NET Monthly .NET Roundup - March 2023 - .NET 8 Preview 2, EF Core updates, and more!
  1592. 99%Languages & Runtime Community Standup - Source Generation Interceptors
  1593. 99%Get started with OpenAI in .NET - .NET Blog
  1594. 99%How to Validate Email Address in C# - Code Maze
  1595. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor and Data API Builder
  1596. 99%Announcing .NET 8 Preview 3 - .NET Blog
  1597. 97%Check out new C# 12 preview features! - .NET Blog
  1598. 99%.NET April 2023 Updates – .NET 7.0.5, .NET 6.0.16 - .NET Blog
  1599. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI in .NET 8 Preview 3 - .NET Blog
  1600. 94%Object-Oriented vs. Functional Programming With C# and F# – Recording Available | The .NET Tools Blog
  1601. 99%Triggering a .NET Lambda Function from an Amazon SQS Queue | no dogma blog
  1602. 99%Start your AI and .NET Adventure with #30DaysOfAzureAI - .NET Blog
  1603. 99%Learn how to modernize your .NET apps from the pros! - .NET Blog
  1604. 99%Investigating a crash in Enumerable.LastOrDefault with a custom collection - Gérald Barré
  1605. 94%Enable AVX-512 in Memmove unrolling by EgorBo · Pull Request #84348 · dotnet/runtime
  1606. 99%Nanorm/release.yml at main · DamianEdwards/Nanorm
  1607. 99%Trying to disable usage of SSE and CMOV instructions in x86 JIT · lukaaash/runtime@1ad2e02
  1608. 99%Handling CommandTimeout With Dapper in .NET - Code Maze
  1609. 99%Part 2: Consider When Migrating Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI
  1610. 99%C# 11.0 new features: Span<char> pattern matching | endjin
  1611. 99%What's New in dotTrace
  1612. 99%How to Write Logs From Startup.cs/Program.cs in .NET - Code Maze
  1613. 93%Avalonia .NET UI Framework Picks Up Steam as Milestone Release Nears -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1614. 99%Listing all available ETW events in a .NET application - Gérald Barré
  1615. 99%C# .NET Tools with System.CommandLine
  1616. 99%Change the ServiceLifetime after the service has been added to the .NET ServiceCollection
  1617. 99%Coding with ChatGPT and Google Bard | QnA | .NET & C# 🔴 LIVE
  1618. 97%Safari 16.4 Support for WebAssembly fixed-width SIMD. How to use it with C#
  1619. 99%ReSharper IL Viewer and Low-Level C# | The .NET Tools Blog
  1620. 99%Vendor-Agnostic Telemetry Using OpenTelemetry Collector in .NET
  1621. 99%Improving multi-platform container support - .NET Blog
  1622. 99%Part 1: Should We Migrate Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI? When?
  1623. 98%.NET MAUI App Stopped Working – HELP!
  1624. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - DotNetIsolator - Experimental isolated .NET code sandbox
  1625. 97%Smallest Minimal Web API in .NET? | no dogma blog
  1626. 99%Share reusable UI components through a Razor class library
  1627. 98%How to create a NuGet metapackage
  1628. 97%ChatGPT + .NET Slackbot
  1629. 99%Retry flaky tests with dotnet test and PowerShell
  1630. 99%Build your first website without installing anything!
  1631. 99%How to Create a Custom JsonConverter in Json.NET - Code Maze
  1632. 99%Akka.NET v1.5: No Hocon, No Lighthouse, No Problem
  1633. 99% A Demo On Clean Architecture | MediatR CQRS Pattern | .NET7 Web API
  1634. 99%ASP.NET Core SPA Templates Need Better Options for Authentication · Issue #42158 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  1635. 99%Create a portfolio website without installing any tools - .NET Blog
  1636. 99%Improve application startup time with EF Core compiled models
  1637. 99%Discover .NET 7 SDK Containers - Support for Authentication and Cross-architecture Builds - .NET Blog
  1638. 99%The AddEndpointsApiExplorer Method in ASP.NET Core -
  1639. 99%.NET MAUI Development Environment Set Up Walkthrough
  1640. 97%Languages & Runtime Community Standup - Considering discriminated unions
  1641. 99%How to build a URL Shortener with C# .NET and Redis
  1642. 99%Secure your .NET cloud apps with rootless Linux Containers - .NET Blog
  1643. 98%.NET Performance Delivers Again for Bing, From .NET 5 to .NET 7 - .NET Blog
  1644. 83%Reduce size of async state machine by a reference field by stephentoub · Pull Request #83696 · dotnet/runtime
  1645. 83%Remove another reference field from async state machines by stephentoub · Pull Request #83737 · dotnet/runtime
  1646. 99%Calling Web APIs using the dotnet CLI and HTTP Files with Visual Studio
  1647. 99%Caching in .NET with MemoryCache
  1648. 99%Configuring .NET Garbage Collection for Amazon ECS and AWS Lambda | Amazon Web Services
  1649. 99%File and Folder dialogs in .NET MAUI with CommunityToolkit - .NET Blog
  1650. 99%GitHub - SimonCropp/Polyfill: Source only package that exposes newer .net and C# features to older runtimes.
  1651. 99%Why doesn't my ASP.NET Core 7 web app launch on HTTPS?
  1652. 99%Too many timers in .NET? - Gérald Barré
  1653. 94%Webinar – Object-Oriented vs. Functional Programming With C# and F# | The .NET Tools Blog
  1654. 99%Iterator Benchmarks That Shocked With Unexpected Results - Dev Leader
  1655. 99%Loading RSA Keys in .NET
  1656. 99%Optimize stackalloc zeroing via BLK by EgorBo · Pull Request #83255 · dotnet/runtime
  1657. 99% A Small Demo On OData(v8) In .NET 7 API Application
  1658. 99%Pi to 100 places with Amazon Polly and .NET | no dogma blog
  1659. 90%GCCollectionMode Enum (System)
  1660. 98%Runtime lookup clean up, enable for helper-based tail calls by EgorBo · Pull Request #83430 · dotnet/runtime
  1661. 99%Static Interface Members, Generic Attributes, Auto-Default Structs – Using C# 11 in Rider and ReSharper | The .NET Tools Blog
  1662. 99%Solving .NET JSON Deserialization Issues
  1663. 99%Monsters Weekly 264 - Debugging a .NET process at start-up with Visual Studio
  1664. 99%Use XML Literals in Visual Basic .NET to generate TwiML
  1665. 99%Visual Studio 2022 v17.6 Preview 2 is now available - Visual Studio Blog
  1666. 96%Hack Together: Microsoft Graph and .NET week #2 recap and final week overview - .NET Blog
  1667. 99%EF Core 8 Preview 2: Lite and familiar - .NET Blog
  1668. 99%Announcing .NET 8 Preview 2 - .NET Blog
  1669. 99%.NET March 2023 Updates – .NET 7.0.4, .NET 6.0.15 - .NET Blog
  1670. 97%Hack Together: Microsoft Graph and .NET week 1 recap and what’s coming - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog
  1671. 98%Is there a strategy for keeping .Net versions up to date on servers and in ASP applications?
  1672. 99%.NET 7 SDK built-in container improvements
  1673. 99%Manipulating CSV Files in .NET
  1674. 99%How to Handle Enums in the Input to a .NET AWS Lambda Function | no dogma blog
  1675. 99%From Metadata to Event block in nettrace format
  1676. 99%.NET MAUI Community Toolkit 5.0.0: Enhancing User Experience with New Features and Bug Fixes
  1677. 99%API to provide the current system time · Issue #36617 · dotnet/runtime
  1678. 99%Translate Tokens with Identity Server (Using Forms Authentication Ticket tokens on Open Id Connect) - Doumer's Blog
  1679. 96%Visual Basic language strategy - Visual Basic
  1680. 99%Alternative Way of Logging With OpenTelemetry Logging in .NET
  1681. 99%Play with Playwright
  1682. 99%Validating Connection Strings on .NET Startup
  1683. 99%.NET Upgrade Assistant Extension for Visual Studio Now Available
  1684. 99%Blazor component: Razor tutorial and example
  1685. 99%Required Keyword, Checked Operators, nameof Operator Scope – Using C# 11 in Rider and ReSharper | The .NET Tools Blog
  1686. 99%How to Setup Integration Tests in .NET Without a WebApplicationFactory – Wrapt
  1687. 99%csharplang/primary-constructors.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  1688. 99%Testing Roslyn Incremental Source Generators - Gérald Barré
  1689. 99%Return Multiple Values to a Method Caller In C# - Code Maze
  1690. 99%.NET MAUI: Top 5 New Features for Powerful Desktop App Development
  1691. 99%How to Read Connection Strings in .NET - Code Maze
  1692. 99%Open-Source COBOL .NET Compiler Otterkit Reaches Alpha
  1693. 99%How to Handle Numbers Represented as Strings in the Input to a .NET AWS Lambda Function | no dogma blog
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  1695. 98%Episode 50 🎉: Hot Reload - with David Wengier
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  1697. 99%Blazor’s New LocationChanging Events in .NET 7
  1698. 99%BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.2 | BenchmarkDotNet
  1699. 99%Join us for Hack Together: Microsoft Graph and .NET - .NET Blog
  1700. 98%Announcing NuGet 6.5 – The Sweetest Way to Manage Your Packages - The NuGet Blog
  1701. 99%Sentence Similarity in ML.NET Model Builder - .NET Blog
  1702. 99%Introducing F# Inline Type & Parameter Name Hints in Visual Studio - .NET Blog
  1703. 99%Raw Strings, UTF-8 Strings, and Multiline Interpolations – Using C# 11 in Rider and ReSharper | The .NET Tools Blog
  1704. 97%F# language strategy
  1705. 97%Producer/Consumer Pattern with Wolverine
  1706. 99%Debugging Dapr applications with Rider or Visual Studio: A better way
  1707. 99%Extending the System Menu to add advanced commands in .NET - Gérald Barré
  1708. 99%.NET Systems Programming Learned the Hard Way – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  1709. 99%Data Annotations for model validation in ASP.NET Core
  1710. 99%Announcing the reliable web app pattern for .NET
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  1712. 99%How to use the .NET CLI clean-up tools on macOS
  1713. 99%Command Line Diagnostics in Wolverine
  1714. 99%Updated Modern Code Generation for WinForm's InitializeComponent - .NET Blog
  1715. 98%Create a Windows Service installer - .NET
  1716. 99%Automatic Instrumentation of Containerized .NET Applications With OpenTelemetry
  1717. 99%Create Clean Guard Clauses With GuardClauses in C# Code Maze
  1718. 99%How to generate TwiML using Strings in C#
  1719. 99%WeAreDotnet.io
  1720. 99%roslyn/source-generators.cookbook.md at main · dotnet/roslyn
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  1722. 99%EF Core 8 Preview 1: Raw, lazy, and on-time - .NET Blog
  1723. 99%wpf/roadmap.md at main · dotnet/wpf
  1724. 99%List and Span Pattern Matching – Using C# 11 in Rider and ReSharper | The .NET Tools Blog
  1725. 99%How Hangfire Helps Your .NET API Perform Out-of-Process Tasks with Resilience and Speed – Wrapt
  1726. 99%.NET MAUI Challenge 4: Telerik DataGrid
  1727. 99%error NETSDK1194: The "--output" option isn't supported when building a solution.
  1728. 98%SayedHa.Blackjack.Cli 0.0.5
  1729. 96%C# language strategy
  1730. 99%Visual Studio 2022 17.5 Preview 3 Build Acceleration
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  1732. 99%Determine Whether Two Date Ranges Overlap in C# - Code Maze
  1733. 98%Microsoft Quietly Updates .NET Language Strategy
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  1735. 99%Use Raw String Literals to generate TwiML in C# 11
  1736. 98%.NET Managed languages strategy - .NET
  1737. 99%Upgrading your .NET projects with Visual Studio
  1738. 99%Getting Started: Entity Framework Core 7 JSON Support | The .NET Tools Blog
  1739. 99%Taking Entity Framework Core data seeding to the next level with Bogus
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  1745. 99%Prevent accidental disclosure of configuration secrets - Gérald Barré
  1746. 98%Rider 2023.1 EAP 4 Is Here! | The .NET Tools Blog
  1747. 98%What’s New in .NET 7 for Minimal APIs?
  1748. 99%.NET Dependency Injection With Constructor Parameters
  1749. 95%MS Build: Things You Should Know About Project Files - .NET Oxford - January 2020
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  1751. 99%How to use Entity Framework Core in ASP.NET Core
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  1754. 99%How to Insert a Key Value Pair Into an Existing JSON in C#
  1755. 99%PostgreSQL in C# .NET with Npgsql, Dapper, and Entity Framework: The Complete Guide
  1756. 99%Update to the .NET language strategy
  1757. 99%Webinar – Aaron Stannard – .NET Systems Programming Learned the Hard Way | The .NET Tools Blog
  1758. 99%.NET Monthly Roundup - January 2023
  1759. 94%Remove AggressiveInlining from XxHash128.HashLength0To16 by EgorBo · Pull Request #81565 · dotnet/runtime
  1760. 98%.NET Monthly Roundup - January 2023
  1761. 99%AOP with Interceptors and IL Code Weaving in .NET Applications
  1762. 99%.NET Contributors
  1763. 99%Getting started with ML.NET | The .NET Tools Blog
  1764. 99%Application Insights–OpenTelemetry integration for ASP.NET Core
  1765. 96%.NET Architects Panel | .NET Conf 2022
  1766. 99%How to Execute CLI Applications From C#
  1767. 99%.NET MAUI Challenge 2: Light and Dark Mode in .NET MAUI
  1768. 98%A "gotcha" with object handles
  1769. 99%.NET R&D Digest (January, 2023)
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  1771. 99%Play Audio and Video in .NET MAUI apps with the new MediaElement
  1772. 99%How to Implement Checkbox List in ASP.NET Core - Code Maze
  1773. 99%Tracking Application Health With OpenTelemetry Metrics in .NET
  1774. 99%Generating Sample Data with Bogus
  1775. 99%async void – How to Tame the Asynchronous Nightmare - Dev Leader
  1776. 99%New Open Source Package: CodeArt.MatomoTracking
  1777. 99%Track your coding progress on GitHub with a .NET Worker Service
  1778. 99%[DUPLICATE] Testing Blazor Applications with Playwright | .NET Conf 2022
  1779. 99%Accessing .NET gRPC Endpoints from Anywhere via JSON Transcoding
  1780. 99%How to design APIs for Accessibility | endjin
  1781. 96%Length-based switch dispatch by jcouv · Pull Request #66081 · dotnet/roslyn
  1782. 97%.NET MAUI Challenge 1: Simple Grid in .NET MAUI
  1783. 97%Hello World - Introduction to C# interactive C# tutorial
  1784. 99%Caching Techniques in C# .NET Core: A Step-by-Step Guide
  1785. 99%C# Lowering
  1786. 97%AWS Lambdas with C# - Simple Talk
  1787. 99%Translation and Text to Speech with Amazon Polly and .NET | no dogma blog
  1788. 99%Use Local History to Avoid Disaster
  1789. 99%Programming SVGs with C#
  1790. 99%Static libraries
  1791. 99%5 .NET MAUI Features for Building Great Desktop Apps
  1792. 98%Optimize "new DateTime(<const args>)" via improvements in JIT VN by EgorBo · Pull Request #81005 · dotnet/runtime
  1793. 99%How to run disposable databases for your tests. Improve your integration tests accuracy with Testcontainers
  1794. 99%Using .NET code from JavaScript using WebAssembly - Gérald Barré
  1795. 99%Realistic Data Generation in .NET With Bogus - Code Maze
  1796. 94%The future of .NET with David Fowler | Keep Coding Podcast
  1797. 97%2022 Akka.NET Year-in-Review and Future Roadmap
  1798. 99%Property based testing in C#–Part 3
  1799. 96%EditorBrowsableAttribute Class (System.ComponentModel)
  1800. 96%.NET Framework January 2023 Cumulative Update Preview
  1801. 98%Huge Pages are a Good Idea (evanjones.ca)
  1802. 99%How to Get The List of Properties in C# - Code Maze
  1803. 97%GC.GetTotalPauseDuration Method (System)
  1804. 99%How to set the package version when using dotnet pack
  1805. 99%Announcing .NET Community Toolkit 8.1! Better, faster MVVM source generators, .NET 7 support, and more!
  1806. 98%Machine Learning Community Standup - New Year, New Releases
  1807. 99%Simplify Your Blazor Apps Using .NET 7’s New Bind Modifiers
  1808. 99%How to deploy .NET apps as systemd services using containers | Red Hat Developer
  1809. 99%Securing Sensitive Information with .NET User Secrets | The .NET Tools Blog
  1810. 99%GitHub - otterkit/otterkit: Otterkit COBOL Compiler
  1811. 99%Property based testing in C#–Part 2
  1812. 99%Reducing Blazor WASM size by providing custom ICU data - Gérald Barré
  1813. 99%.NET 7 Brings Networking Improvements
  1814. 99%Implementing secure Microsoft Graph application clients in ASP.NET Core
  1815. 99%Dots - the friendly .NET SDK manager
  1816. 99%Implementing CRUD operations with ASP.NET Core Web API and Mongo DB
  1817. 99%Profiling .NET on Linux with BenchmarkDotNet
  1818. 99%Machine Learning in .NET with F# and ML.NET 2.0
  1819. 97%Using ChatGPT to Code | Ask me anything | .NET & C# 🔴 LIVE
  1820. 99%More on .NET 7 user-jwts Tool
  1821. 99%We're on dotnet.social
  1822. 98%OSS Spotlight - Embedded IoT Prototyping with Meadow
  1823. 92%Everything C# with Lead Designer Mads Torgersen | Keep Coding Podcast E3
  1824. 99%Making an Asynchronous Breakfast in .NET
  1825. 99%Lazy and once-only C# async initialization | endjin
  1826. 97%Update redis for clustering by BrennanConroy · Pull Request #28061 · dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs
  1827. 99%Wolverine meets EF Core and Sql Server
  1828. 94%PolySharp/PolySharp.Package.msbuildproj at main · Sergio0694/PolySharp
  1829. 99%Console applications in C#
  1830. 99%.NET January 2023 Updates – .NET 7.0.2, .NET 6.0.13
  1831. 99%Squashing EF Core Migrations Safely
  1832. 99%C# Advent 2022 Awards | Cross Cutting Concerns
  1833. 99%Enable throw helper analyzers by JamesNK · Pull Request #45954 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  1834. 99%Detecting breaking changes between two versions of a NuGet package at packaging time - Gérald Barré
  1835. 91%Everything C# with Lead Designer Mads Torgersen | Keep Coding Podcast
  1836. 99%The Road to Out-of-Process ReSharper: Asynchronous Typing | The .NET Tools Blog
  1837. 99%Migrating Old Asp.net Authentication to Asp.net core Identity with OpenId Connect - Doumer's Blog
  1838. 95%PowerShell IntelliSense completion
  1839. 99%MinimalApis.Extensions 0.10.1
  1840. 99%MiniValidation 0.7.2
  1841. 99%TagHelperPack 0.10.1
  1842. 99%AWS
  1843. 98%Avoiding Primitive Obsession in .NET
  1844. 99%Machine Learning in .NET with F# and ML.NET 2.0
  1845. 99%Build Containers Without a Dockerfile
  1846. 96%Adding NuGet packages when offline
  1847. 97%Support checking for required members in minimal APIs (#45084) · dotnet/aspnetcore@1099d06
  1848. 99%How to Add a BearerToken to an HttpClient Request - Code Maze
  1849. 95%How the heap verification mode helps with debugging heap corruption
  1850. 99%bflat - C# as you know it but with Go-inspired tooling
  1851. 99%Keycloak as Authorization Server in .NET
  1852. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor in .NET 7
  1853. 98%Top .NET Videos & Live Streams of 2022
  1854. 99%If I’m a beginner at .NET, what resources are available to me?
  1855. 99%Machine learning models with ONNX and .NET | .NET Conf 2022
  1856. 99%ReadOnlySpan<char> and strings - How not to compare them
  1857. 99%SignalR in dotnet tested with Postman
  1858. 99%GitHub - nenoNaninu/TypedSignalR.Client.TypeScript: TypeScript source generator to provide strongly typed SignalR clients by analyzing C# type definitions.
  1859. 94%IncrementalHash Class (System.Security.Cryptography)
  1860. 99%Accelerate ML.NET training with Intel oneDAL
  1861. 99%Use the power of Source Generators with Lombok.NET
  1862. 99%O9d.AspNet.FluentValidation 0.1.1
  1863. 99%GitHub - benfoster/o9d-aspnet: Extensions for ASP.NET Core
  1864. 97%From RESTful HTTP API to gRPC | .NET Conf 2022
  1865. 98%Wolverine and “Clone n’ Go!” Developement
  1866. 93%Blazor Best Practices Borrowed From ReactJS – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  1867. 99%Implementing Maps in .NET MAUI
  1868. 99%Delete dotnet bin and obj folders recursively
  1869. 99%Experimenting With .NET & WebAssembly - Running .NET Based Spin Application On WASI Node Pool in AKS
  1870. 97%Deploying EOL .NET Core to Azure App Services - Dominique St-Amand
  1871. 99%[🎄.NET Advent Calendar🎄] Strengthening security posture of containerized .NET applications with Chiseled Ubuntu Containers
  1872. 99%Build Your Own Podcast App with .NET 7, Blazor, and .NET MAUI
  1873. 96%Generating a dump file when tests hang on a CI machine - Gérald Barré
  1874. 99%How to Secure Passwords with BCrypt.NET - Code Maze
  1875. 99%F# event sourcing with Marten
  1876. 99%Why You Should Add Mutation Testing to Your Workflow
  1877. 99%Running Optimizely CMS 12 (Episerver) on a Raspberry Pi
  1878. 99%Will ChatGPT replace .NET developers?
  1879. 98%TagHelperPack 0.10.1
  1880. 93%High-performance services with gRPC: What's new in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  1881. 99%Alexandre Nédélec - When Pulumi met Nuke: a .NET love story
  1882. 99%How Halo, Dynamics 365, and Mesh scale to millions with Orleans and you can too! | .NET Conf 2022
  1883. 99%How to customize Swagger UI with custom CSS in .NET 7 - Code4IT
  1884. 99%Applying the CQRS Pattern in an ASP.NET Core Application
  1885. 99%Handling HTTP Requests with .NET 7 Native AOT on AWS Lambda | no dogma blog
  1886. 97%Does .NET 6 support windows 98 · Discussion #79642 · dotnet/runtime
  1887. 94%Content creation with Anton from @RawCoding | Keep Coding Podcast E2
  1888. 99%Consuming .NET WebAssembly From JavaScript in the Browser
  1889. 98%How Many Threads Does My .NET App Have?
  1890. 99%GitHub - imperugo/HttpRequestToCurl: A simple extension method that generate curl command from HTTP request
  1891. 95%.NET Framework December 2022 Security and Quality Rollup Updates
  1892. 99%.NET December 2022 Updates – .NET 7.0.1, .NET 6.0.12, .NET Core 3.1.32
  1893. 98%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor .NET 8 Planning
  1894. 97%Introduction to MongoDB: Zero To Document Hero – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  1895. 99%Text Classification in C# with ML.NET 2.0
  1896. 99%Polyglot Notebooks - December 2022 Release
  1897. 99%PriorityQueues on .NET 7 and C# 11 - Code4IT
  1898. 99%core/supported-os.md at main · dotnet/core
  1899. 93%Microsoft Teams Backend Services - Powered by .NET | .NET Conf 2022
  1900. 99%Releases · bflattened/bflat
  1901. 94%GitHub - davidfowl/SmartLoadBalancer: Sticky sessions without sticky sessions
  1902. 80%Pushing ChatGPT to its limits LIVE 🔴
  1903. 99%Microsoft’s Distributed Application Framework Orleans Reaches Version 7
  1904. 96%Episode 112 - NDepend with Patrick Smacchia
  1905. 99%Changes in JWT Bearer Token Setup in .NET 7
  1906. 99%Testing a token protected API using user-jwts
  1907. 99%.NET MAUI Community Standup - Polished UI for .NET MAUI with Telerik
  1908. 99%.NET 7 Networking Improvements
  1909. 99%Migrating from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core with Project Migrations Part 5
  1910. 97%vcsjones - Overview
  1911. 99%Generating Source Code Documentation With DocFx - Code Maze
  1912. 98%Is the regression in GC or something else?
  1913. 99%Everything .NET 7 with Damian Edwards | Keep Coding Podcast E1
  1914. 99%Auto send new blog posts to Mastodon
  1915. 99%Recap: .NET MAUI Performance—.NET Conf 2022
  1916. 99%Building Windows Services in .NET 7
  1917. 92%.NET Interop Improvements in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  1918. 98%.NET and .NET Core official support policy
  1919. 99%.NET Monthly Roundup - November 2022
  1920. 99%Logging and global error handling in .NET 7 WPF applications
  1921. 93%csharplang/meetings/working-groups at main · dotnet/csharplang
  1922. 99%Convert a project to use centralised package management
  1923. 96%Upgrading from .NET Framework to .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  1924. 99%Custom Controls for WinForm's Out-Of-Process Designer
  1925. 98%Custom Authorization Policy Providers in ASP.NET Core
  1926. 98%Custom Authorization Policy Providers in ASP.NET Core
  1927. 57%.NET Advent Calendar - .NET Advent Calendar 2022, Day 4
  1928. 99%Introducing C# 11: Numeric IntPtr and UIntPtr
  1929. 99%Fix wrong example on how to set the drawing unix runtime switch. by safern · Pull Request #27713 · dotnet/docs
  1930. 97%Clarify nesting of config switch by gewarren · Pull Request #31509 · dotnet/docs
  1931. 99%clarify nesting of config switch (#31509) · dotnet/docs@a7a1fd1
  1932. 99%Automated versioning and package publishing using GitHub Actions
  1933. 99%New ArgumentException and ArgumentOutOfRangeException helpers in .NET 8
  1934. 99%What's new in the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit
  1935. 99%Producer-Consumer Applications With .NET Channels Code Maze
  1936. 98%WPF: How to (Maybe) Prevent the Text of a Time Display from Jiggling Around
  1937. 99%Testing your ASP.NET Core application - using a real database
  1938. 99%Monitor your application using Event Counters - Part III
  1939. 99%Monitor your application using Event Counters–Part I
  1940. 98%Monitor your application using Event Counters–Part II
  1941. 99%How to create multi-page .NET MAUI apps with tab and flyout navigation
  1942. 98%Incremental ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core Migration
  1943. 99%GitHub - nenoNaninu/TypedSignalR.Client: C# Source Generator to Create Strongly Typed SignalR Clients.
  1944. 99%Keycloak.AuthServices.Authentication 1.2.1
  1945. 99%Warming Up 100 AWS Lambda Hosted ASP.NET Web API Applications | no dogma blog
  1946. 95%Why you no longer need a Dockerfile in .NET 7
  1947. 99%Sharing Microsoft Graph permissions and solution Azure App Registrations
  1948. 99%.NET and C# Versions - 7/11 Update
  1949. 98%DasBlog support for WebFinger
  1950. 93%IClaimsTransformation Interface (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication)
  1951. 99%How to Create and Publish a NuGet Package with dotnet CLI
  1952. 99%Azure Container Apps with .NET | .NET Conf 2022
  1953. 99%Episode 111 - RavenDB with Oren Eini
  1954. 99%Publish docker images to GitHub Container Registry (ghcr)
  1955. 87%The weirdest way to loop in C# is also the fastest
  1956. 99%Frozen collections in .NET 8
  1957. 96%Fun with minimal APIs
  1958. 96%Fun with minimal APIs
  1959. 93%Webinar – Blazor Best Practices Borrowed From ReactJS | The .NET Tools Blog
  1960. 99%GitHub - terrajobst/git-istage: Make staging whole files, as well as parts of a file, up to the line level, a breeze.
  1961. 99%.NET MAUI is now available in Visual Studio for Mac 17.4
  1962. 99%How to create an API Gateway using Azure API Management - Code4IT
  1963. 99%roslyn/RawInterpolationTests.cs at ed12a880a3454a00e58bc829cefb80bd94adfb3d · dotnet/roslyn
  1964. 98%Wolverine: Your Next Messaging Library – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  1965. 99%Creating JSON Web Tokens using dotnet user-jwts tool
  1966. 99%How to publish .NET 7 apps directly to Docker
  1967. 99%Lambda Cold Starts - .NET 7 Native AOT vs .NET 6 Managed Runtime | no dogma blog
  1968. 99%Creating Containers in .NET 7 with the .NET CLI
  1969. 99%Integrate logging in a ASP.NET Core application using Serilog and Seq
  1970. 99%Anonymous test data with AutoFixture
  1971. 94%State of Azure + .NET | .NET Conf 2022
  1972. 98%Handling Images With .NET MAUI Graphics
  1973. 94%First YouTube livestream!
  1974. 96%First YouTube livestream!
  1975. 66%.NET Developers Building Power Apps with April Dunnam
  1976. 99%Upgrade Your .NET MAUI App to .NET 7 - Gerald Versluis
  1977. 98%Download .NET 7.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows)
  1978. 97%Webinar – Introduction to MongoDB: Zero To Document Hero | The .NET Tools Blog
  1979. 98%Upgrading from .NET Framework to .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  1980. 99%.NET Upgrade Assistant Now Migrates WCF Services to CoreWCF
  1981. 99%Episode 45: Go - with Joseph Woodward
  1982. 99%Upgrading from .NET Framework to .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  1983. 99%Making VS Code and OmniSharp Open the Browser to a Specific URL for a .NET Application | no dogma blog
  1984. 99%.NET Architects Panel | .NET Conf 2022
  1985. 98%Upgrading from .NET Framework to .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  1986. 98%Upgrading from .NET Framework to .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  1987. 99%.NET Architects Panel | .NET Conf 2022
  1988. 99%T4 goodness with Entity Framework Core 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  1989. 99%Making the Most of Minimal APIs in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  1990. 92%Performance Improvements in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  1991. 99%What's New in .NET 7 for Authentication and Authorization
  1992. 99%Does anyone like minimal API?
  1993. 99%A Simple Computation Engine in F#
  1994. 95%Invoking Dapr Services in Azure Container Apps using gRPC - Part 2 - Bit of Technology
  1995. 99%Announcing ML.NET 2.0
  1996. 99%GitHub - dotnet/dotnet-monitor: This repository contains the source code for .NET Monitor - a tool that allows you to gather diagnostic data from running applications using HTTP endpoints
  1997. 98%.NET Conf 2022 - Day Two After Hours + Day 3
  1998. 98%GHSA-8g2p-5pqh-5jmc - GitHub Advisory Database
  1999. 99%Announcing the .NET 7 for Azure functions isolated worker process is generally available
  2000. 99%Stop Entity Framework Core Performance Issues With Interceptors
  2001. 99%.NET 7 now available for RHEL and OpenShift | Red Hat Developer
  2002. 98%Cake - Cake v3.0.0 released
  2003. 96%.NET Conf 2022 announcements
  2004. 97%Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 7.0.0
  2005. 98%.NET Framework November 2022 Security and Quality Rollup Updates
  2006. 99%.NET 7: What's new in ASP.NET Core?
  2007. 99%What's new for WPF in .NET 7
  2008. 99%.NET November 2022 Updates – .NET 6.0.11 and .NET Core 3.1.31
  2009. 99%.NET 7 is Available Today
  2010. 99%Announcing F# 7
  2011. 99%What's new in Windows Forms in .NET 7.0
  2012. 99%What's new in Orleans 7.0
  2013. 99%Entity Framework Core 7 (EF7) is available today
  2014. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI for .NET 7 General Availability
  2015. 99%Watch .NET Conf 2022 LIVE 🔴 with me | .NET 7 Launch
  2016. 99%How to deploy .NET APIs on Azure using GitHub actions - Code4IT
  2017. 97%gRPC Communication In Azure Container Apps - Part 1 - Bit of Technology
  2018. 99%Implementing TDD in a .NET Application
  2019. 98%NuGet Central Package Management Comes To JetBrains Rider | The .NET Tools Blog
  2020. 99%Peter Ritchie's Blog - Fundamental ASP.Net Minimal API Integration Tests
  2021. 99%Top 10 Dotnet Exception Anti-Patterns in C#
  2022. 96%Add XxHash128 by xoofx · Pull Request #77944 · dotnet/runtime
  2023. 99%Marking API's as obsolete or as experimental
  2024. 99%Debugging tips and tools - Gérald Barré
  2025. 98%Create your .NET portfolio in the .NET Conf student zone
  2026. 99%Bring WCF apps to the latest .NET with CoreWCF and Upgrade Assistant
  2027. 99%Announcing .NET Community Toolkit v8.1.0 Preview 1
  2028. 86%Dev People episode #00 - Matt Warren
  2029. 99%NuGet Gallery | Packages matching OpenTelemetry.Exporter
  2030. 99%.NET 7 Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI
  2031. 99%Avoid WebDeploy Locking Errors to IIS with Shadow Copy for ASP.NET Core Apps
  2032. 99%.NET Interactive Notebooks is now Polyglot Notebooks!
  2033. 97%Leaving the .NET Foundation Board - a Post Mortem
  2034. 99%Generate Random Numbers with .NET 6
  2035. 99%Performance improvements in ASP.NET Core 7
  2036. 95%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Introduction to .NET MAUI
  2037. 99%Using a Distributed Memory Cache with .NET Lambda Functions | no dogma blog
  2038. 99%Source Generator for Dependency Injection – LoreSoft.com
  2039. 99%Beckshome.com: Thomas Beck's Blog - Lucene + Blazor, Part 1: Basic Search
  2040. 99%Using WASM and WASI to run .NET 7 on a Raspberry PI Zero 2 W
  2041. 99%Learn Live - Design consistent .NET MAUI XAML pages by using shared resources
  2042. 95%.NET Downloads (Linux, macOS, and Windows)
  2043. 99%PGO: Add new tiers by EgorBo · Pull Request #70941 · dotnet/runtime
  2044. 98%core/release-policies.md at main · dotnet/core
  2045. 99%Continuous Integration via GitHub Actions
  2046. 99%.NET MAUI Community Toolkit Monthly Standup, November 2022
  2047. 99%Dotnet (.NET) Performance Tracing for WinUI, Uno and Maui Applications - Nick's .NET Travels
  2048. 95%.NET Framework October 2022 Cumulative Update Preview
  2049. 99%GitHub Quick Reviews
  2050. 99%Release Build v1.7 · dotnet/versionsweeper
  2051. 99%Dependency Injection with the Lambda Annotations Library for .NET - Part 1, Lambda Applications | no dogma blog
  2052. 99%Dependency Injection with the Lambda Annotations Library for .NET - Part 2, Lambda Functions | no dogma blog
  2053. 99%GitHub - daviddotcs/safe-routing: A C# source generator for ASP.NET Core razor pages and MVC controllers which produces strongly-typed identifiers for routes.
  2054. 99%Networking Telemetry in .NET - .NET
  2055. 99%Read CSV File in .NET using CsvHelper | C# Tutorials Blog
  2056. 98%Release v7.0.0-rc2 · dotnet/orleans
  2057. 97%NET Data Community Standup: New EF Core 7.0 APIs (Bulk Update)
  2058. 99%Introducing Spectre.Console
  2059. 99%CallerLineNumberAttribute Class (System.Runtime.CompilerServices)
  2060. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - ASP.NET Core MVC - Sample Project Wrap Up
  2061. 99%Generating Code Coverage Reports in .NET Core
  2062. 99%Adding Experimental HTTP Methods To ASP.NET Core
  2063. 99%Hosting .NET Web Service in Unmanaged C/C++ Process in Windows and Linux
  2064. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI support for .NET 7 Release Candidate 2
  2065. 99%Comparing main...safia/minapi-sec-docs · dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs
  2066. 99%3 (and more) ways to set configuration values in .NET - Code4IT
  2067. 99%Simplify NuGet Package Versions in your application with Central Package Management - Nick's .NET Travels
  2068. 99%Change schema name in Entity Framework Core
  2069. 97%Webinar – Wolverine: Your Next Messaging Library | The .NET Tools Blog
  2070. 99%aspnetcore/UnmanagedBufferAllocator.cs at 1625d2ba505d927474e2386b7069962181dd0d78 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2071. 99%My #hacktoberfest Theme: Adding Spellcheck to Docs. Join Me!
  2072. 93%GitHub - jamesmontemagno/dotnet-conferences: A comprehensive community built list of .NET Conferences around the world!
  2073. 99%GitHub - xt0rted/dotnet-startup-projects: A dotnet tool to manage multiple Visual Studio startup projects for a solution
  2074. 99%Deploy ASP.NET Core Web API to Amazon ECS - Dockerized Applications with AWS Fargate - Ultimate Guide
  2075. 99%What's new in System.Text.Json in .NET 7
  2076. 99%Calculating MRR with Stripe and C#
  2077. 99%How to build Docker Containers with Cake | Gary Woodfine
  2078. 99%Kevin Gosse - Pushing C# to new places with NativeAOT (Dotnetos Conference 2022)
  2079. 99%Write Logseq plugins in WebAssembly using .NET and C#
  2080. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI support for Xcode 14 and iOS 16
  2081. 99%GitHub - chrisnas/Win-pprof: Windows .pprof viewer
  2082. 99%Announcing Entity Framework Core 7 RC2: JSON Columns
  2083. 98%.NET Framework October 2022 Security and Quality Rollup
  2084. 99%ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Release Candidate 2
  2085. 99%.NET October 2022 Updates – .NET 6.0.10 and .NET Core 3.1.30
  2086. 99%MinimalApis.Extensions 0.9.0-pre.20221011.36
  2087. 98%Boosting Performance With Sealed Classes in .NET - Code Maze
  2088. 99%.NET MAUI comes to .NET 7 RC 1
  2089. 99%Console.ReadKey improvements in .NET 7
  2090. 99%Publishing a NuGet package using GitHub and GitHub Actions - Gérald Barré
  2091. 99%Mocking APIs with Mockaco | .NET 7
  2092. 99%Using MediatR with .NET Lambda Functions and Function URLs | no dogma blog
  2093. 99%Authentication for .NET MAUI Apps with MSAL.NET
  2094. 99%.NET MAUI Community Toolkit Monthly Standup, October 2022
  2095. 99%Use HttpContext in ASP.NET Core
  2096. 99%.NET Class Diagrams In JetBrains Rider with PlantUML
  2097. 98%.NET vs Go vs Node
  2098. 99%[Last Week in .NET #103] – .NET OS/12 Warp Speed
  2099. 98%Announcing the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit v1.3
  2100. 99%.NET Monthly Roundup - September 2022
  2101. 99%The 2 secret endpoints I create in my .NET APIs - Code4IT
  2102. 99%Write barrier optimizations in regions
  2103. 98%Improve performance of FormattingHelper.CountDigits(uint) by stephentoub · Pull Request #76519 · dotnet/runtime
  2104. 99%Ensuring best practices for NuGet packages - Gérald Barré
  2105. 98%Implement ChaCha20Poly1305 with CryptoKit on macOS by vcsjones · Pull Request #76317 · dotnet/runtime
  2106. 99%x86 vs x64 in .NET
  2107. 99%Getting started - Library | Playwright .NET
  2108. 99%Migrating from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core (Part 4)
  2109. 99%ASP.NET Core in Action, version 3, is now available
  2110. 99%Experimental WebTransport over HTTP/3 support in Kestrel
  2111. 99%Using XML Documentation With ASP.NET Core Minimal API Apps and OpenAPI
  2112. 99%Announcing Entity Framework 7 Release Candidate 1
  2113. 99%Getting started with OpenTelemetry Metrics in .NET. Part 2: Instrumenting the BookStore API
  2114. 99%Built-in rate limiting in ASP.NET Core vs AspNetCoreRateLimit
  2115. 99%Getting started with OpenTelemetry Metrics in .NET. Part 1: Key concepts
  2116. 99%Announcing general availability for Azure Functions v4 .NET framework support in an isolated process
  2117. 99%Use .NET from any JavaScript app in .NET 7
  2118. 99%Microsoft Commerce's .NET 6 Migration Journey
  2119. 99%Learn to Create Online-Offline Data Storage Capable Cross-Platform Apps in Fewer Than 30 Minutes
  2120. 99%Microsoft Commerce's .NET 6 Migration Journey
  2121. 99%Use .NET from any JavaScript app in .NET 7
  2122. 99%How to generate a dump file of a .NET application - Gérald Barré
  2123. 99%ZpqrtBnk
  2124. 98%The NEW C# 11 keyword Microsoft didn’t tell you about
  2125. 99%How to Use Shouldly to Improve Unit Tests in .NET? - Code Maze
  2126. 99%Austin Wise - The ThreadPool in .NET 7 NativeAOT uses the Windows thread pool
  2127. 99%Using Environment Variables with .NET Lambda Functions | no dogma blog
  2128. 99%Visual Studio Live! - Build Scalable Web Apps with .NET and Azure
  2129. 99%Building ASP.NET Core Minimal API in VB.NET
  2130. 99%[C#] Using GC.KeepAlive in async methods
  2131. 98%Get Up To Date with the Latest Features of C# 11
  2132. 81%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2133. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - Azure Mobile Apps and offline sync
  2134. 99%The CORRECT way to use Localstack & XUnit in tests
  2135. 99%Getting Started with EF Core, PostgreSQL, and TimescaleDB
  2136. 99%[Last Week in .NET #101] – Remodeling dotnet
  2137. 99%.NET Framework September 2022 Cumulative Update Preview
  2138. 99%.NET MAUI in .NET 7 Release Candidate 1
  2139. 99%How to log Correlation IDs in .NET APIs with Serilog - Code4IT
  2140. 96%OSS Power-Ups: Serilog – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  2141. 97%An Introduction to Low-level Concurrency in .NET – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  2142. 97%Join us for JetBrains .NET Days + GameDev Day Online 2022 | The .NET Tools Blog
  2143. 96%dotnet-monitor: Enabling a diagnostics sidecar in AKS
  2144. 99%csharplang/file-local-types.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2145. 99%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2146. 99%Writing unsafe .NET code without the unsafe keyword - Gérald Barré
  2147. 99%SOLID principles in C# used in object-oriented design (OOD)
  2148. 94%Stepping Down as .NET Cambridge Community Leader – Productive C#
  2149. 99%.NET 7: Microsoft Reveals New ASP.NET Core Features
  2150. 96%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2151. 80%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2152. 87%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2153. 99%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2154. 96%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2155. 99%Microsoft Teams Assignments Service's Journey to .NET 6
  2156. 99%Announcing Entity Framework 7 Release Candidate 1
  2157. 98%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2158. 99%.NET One-line Scoped Initializers with Dependency Injection
  2159. 98%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2160. 98%.NET Framework September 2022 Security and Quality Rollup
  2161. 98%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2162. 98%@jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  2163. 98%.NET September 2022 Updates – .NET 6.0.9 and .NET Core 3.1.29
  2164. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor in .NET 7 Part II
  2165. 99%GitHub - dotnet/standard: This repo is building the .NET Standard
  2166. 96%BERT Tokenizers NuGet Package for C# | Rubik's Code
  2167. 99%Versioning ASP.NET Core MVC & Minimal APIs
  2168. 99%.NET now on Windows Package Manager
  2169. 92%Let's Learn .NET
  2170. 98%Arm64 Performance Improvements in .NET 7
  2171. 99%Deploying a .NET gRPC Server on Azure App Service - Sahan Serasinghe - Tech Blog
  2172. 99%.NET 7 comes to Azure Functions & Visual Studio 2022
  2173. 98%Episode 104 - C# with Mads Torgersen
  2174. 99%Keep your .NET platform images up to date using AWS ECR and Azure Pipelines
  2175. 99%.NET MAUI Windows Unpackaged Apps
  2176. 98%Reducing Boilerplate Code in .NET Applications with Command Line Switches | no dogma blog
  2177. 97%dotnet-monitor: Querying the trigger state
  2178. 99%Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI | .NET Conf: Focus on MAUI
  2179. 97%Learn Live: Build mobile and desktop apps with .NET MAUI - Events
  2180. 99%Use dependency injection and .NET logging with Microsoft.Data.SqlClient
  2181. 99%On .NET Live - Let's chat about code quality & performance!
  2182. 99%Any() vs Count() in .NET: Which One is Better? - Code Maze
  2183. 99%Implement a GRPC API with OpenIddict and the OAuth client credentials flow
  2184. 99%10 Tiny Things in C#/.NET I Wish Were Different
  2185. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbDataSource, a new System.Data abstraction
  2186. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - CoreWCF: Roadmap and Q&A
  2187. 98%.NET Monthly Roundup - August 2022
  2188. 99%.NET Monthly Roundup - August 2022
  2189. 98%ASP.NET Community Standup - Sept 2nd, 2014 - Introduction to ASP.NET vNext, how and why?
  2190. 97%When programming blogs are designed to be harmful
  2191. 99%Looping iOS Remote Simulator Connection Issue with .NET MAUI
  2192. 99%Unit Testing For Your .NET MAUI Applications | .NET Conf: Focus on MAUI
  2193. 99%- Top End Devs
  2194. 99%.NET MAUI Step by Step Build
  2195. 98%ASP.NET Community Standup - Dapr + .NET
  2196. 98%UI Design for .NET MAUI | .NET Conf: Focus on MAUI
  2197. 99%Customizing your controls with Platform Behavior | .NET Conf: Focus on MAUI
  2198. 98%Generating Code Coverage Metrics for .NET Framework Applications
  2199. 99%Large Update of the EF Core UI plugin for JetBrains Rider
  2200. 99%- Top End Devs
  2201. 99%Announcing Entity Framework Core 7 Preview 6: Performance Edition
  2202. 96%blogpost-parser.cs
  2203. 99%Use Refresh Tokens in ASP.NET Core Apps
  2204. 99%Learning To Use Menu Bar in .NET MAUI
  2205. 99%Performance Improvements in .NET 7
  2206. 99%Turning Methods Into Benchmarks
  2207. 99%App Services and Containers - Simple Talk
  2208. 99%Lambda function A/B Testing with .NET and Function URLs | no dogma blog
  2209. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Port Tunneling for ASP.NET Core Projects
  2210. 99%Writing a .NET profiler in C# - Part 1
  2211. 99%No more Dockerfiles with the help of .NET CLI
  2212. 99%Getting Started With Mapster in ASP.NET Core - Code Maze
  2213. 98%.NET Core Cloud | .NET Core Hosting | Deploy .NET Core to NodeChef Cloud
  2214. 96%Deploy Microservice Application to Azure Container Apps - Part 2 - Bit of Technology
  2215. 96%Communication between Microservices in Azure Container Apps - Part 3 - Bit of Technology
  2216. 97%Dapr Integration with Azure Container Apps - Part 4 - Bit of Technology
  2217. 99%.NET MAUI Cloud Skills Challenge - Learn .NET MAUI, Get Stickers!
  2218. 98%Performance: string.Create vs FormattableString - Gérald Barré
  2219. 99%How to create an ASP.NET Core Minimal API with VB.NET (there's no template)
  2220. 99%.NET Framework August 2022 Cumulative Update Preview Updates
  2221. 99%Announcing built-in container support for the .NET SDK
  2222. 99%.NET MAUI eBook Now Available - Enterprise Application Patterns
  2223. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor in .NET 7
  2224. 99%Entity Framework Core and Multiple Database Providers | The .NET Tools Blog
  2225. 97%Switch to unified fully managed Overlapped implementation by jkotas · Pull Request #74532 · dotnet/runtime
  2226. 99%Keeping Content Out of the Publish Folder for WebDeploy
  2227. 99%Sharing Auth Cookies With YARP, IdentityServer, and ASP.NET Core
  2228. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor in .NET 7
  2229. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor in .NET 7
  2230. 99%Mapping Multiple Static File Folders in ASP.NET Core
  2231. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor in .NET 7
  2232. 98%Finding .NET Transitive Dependencies and Tidying Up Your Project
  2233. 89%C# 11 preview: generic math, required members, and more
  2234. 99%Announcing Entity Framework 7 Preview 7: Interceptors!
  2235. 99%Pragmatic Event Sourcing in .NET With Marten – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  2236. 99%Secure your workflows with StepSecurity Harden Runner
  2237. 97%Remove ThreadPool native implementation by eduardo-vp · Pull Request #71719 · dotnet/runtime
  2238. 96%Use the portable timer implementation in CoreCLR by kouvel · Pull Request #71864 · dotnet/runtime
  2239. 99%.NET 7: 10 New Features You Need to Know
  2240. 99%.NET Conf Focus on MAUI - That's a wrap!
  2241. 99%Two-Factor Authentication With SMS in ASP.NET Core
  2242. 99%.NET 6 is now in Ubuntu 22.04
  2243. 97%.NET 6 is now in Ubuntu 22.04
  2244. 98%GitHub - jfversluis/learn-dotnet-maui: A repository filled with resources available to you to start learning or deepen your knowledge about .NET MAUI
  2245. 99%Dependency Injection With Simple Injector in .NET - Code Maze
  2246. 99%A New Way to Create Time Restricted Endpoints in .NET
  2247. 99%Creating dotnet solution and project templates
  2248. 99%C# 11: Preview of features for .NET 7
  2249. 98%.NET Framework August 2022 Security and Quality Rollup Updates
  2250. 98%Microsoft Ships Last Preview of .NET 7 Before Release Candidate -- Visual Studio Magazine
  2251. 99%Announcing NuGet 6.3 - Transitive Dependencies, Floating Versions, and Re-enabling Signed Package Verification
  2252. 97%NET Conf - Point of Sale demo app by davidortinau · Pull Request #248 · dotnet/maui-samples
  2253. 99%Announcing Entity Framework 7 Preview 7: Interceptors!
  2254. 99%Productivity comes to .NET MAUI in Visual Studio 2022
  2255. 99%Announcing .NET Framework 4.8.1
  2256. 99%.NET August 2022 Updates – .NET 6.0.8 and .NET Core 3.1.28
  2257. 97%Announcing SynapseML for .NET - Large Scale ML with a Simple API
  2258. 99%How to easily check on your CI/CD pipelines if your app has a NuGet package with a security vulnerability
  2259. 99%Migrating from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio
  2260. 99%Announcing the .NET MAUI Beautiful UI Challenge
  2261. 99%Blazor.BFF.OpenIDConnect.Template 1.2.5
  2262. 99%Secure your .NET builds with StepSecurity and GitHub Actions
  2263. 97%Implement additional asymmetric signature and encryption overloads by vcsjones · Pull Request #73502 · dotnet/runtime
  2264. 98%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - CRUD operations with ASP.NET MVC - Part 2
  2265. 99%Channels - .NET
  2266. 99%Interact with a GraphQL API from a .NET Core Application
  2267. 97%Add initial riscv64 port by am11 · Pull Request #73385 · dotnet/runtime
  2268. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - Intercept this EF7 Preview 6 Event
  2269. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - DbContext Configuration and Lifetime - EF Core Architecture Part 2
  2270. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbDataSource, a new System.Data abstraction
  2271. 97%.NET Data Community Standup - Intercept this EF7 Preview 6 Event
  2272. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbDataSource, a new System.Data abstraction
  2273. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbContext Configuration and Lifetime - EF Core Architecture Part 2
  2274. 99%Announcing .NET Community Toolkit 8.0! MVVM, Diagnostics, Performance, and more!
  2275. 99%Sort Dictionary by Value in .NET - Code Maze
  2276. 98%Happy 5th birthday, Rider 🥳 | The .NET Tools Blog
  2277. 99%.NET 7 Custom Runtime for AWS Lambda | no dogma blog
  2278. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbDataSource, a new System.Data abstraction
  2279. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbContext Configuration and Lifetime - EF Core Architecture Part 2
  2280. 93%.NET Data Community Standup - TPH, TPT, and TPC Inheritance mapping with EF Core
  2281. 93%.NET Data Community Standup - Intercept this EF7 Preview 6 Event
  2282. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbDataSource, a new System.Data abstraction
  2283. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbContext Configuration and Lifetime - EF Core Architecture Part 2
  2284. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - Intercept this EF7 Preview 6 Event
  2285. 93%.NET Data Community Standup - TPH, TPT, and TPC Inheritance mapping with EF Core
  2286. 97%.NET Data Community Standup - CoreWCF: Roadmap and Q&A
  2287. 99%Securing Web APIs with Azure AD: Building the Server
  2288. 99%Getting Started With Basic Bindings in .NET MAUI
  2289. 98%dotCover, dotMemory, dotPeek, and dotTrace 2022.2 are here! | The .NET Tools Blog
  2290. 99%C# Converting Bytes To Kilobytes and Beyond
  2291. 99%Local .NET MAUI events happening around the world!
  2292. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - CoreWCF: Roadmap and Q&A
  2293. 99%LINQ Improvements in .NET - Code Maze
  2294. 99%Containerize .NET applications without writing Dockerfiles | Red Hat Developer
  2295. 97%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Logging, Testing, and Filters in ASP.NET Core
  2296. 91%.NET Data Community Standup - TPH, TPT, and TPC Inheritance mapping with EF Core
  2297. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbContext Configuration and Lifetime - EF Core Architecture Part 2
  2298. 97%.NET Data Community Standup - Intercept this EF7 Preview 6 Event
  2299. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbDataSource, a new System.Data abstraction
  2300. 95%Starting from ZERO
  2301. 99%GitHub - gui-cs/Terminal.Gui: Cross Platform Terminal UI toolkit for .NET
  2302. 87%How to achieve “singleton hosted service”
  2303. 98%Microsoft's Position on Linux : r/dotnet
  2304. 87%How to achieve “singleton hosted service” : r/dotnet
  2305. 96%Microsoft to End Support for .NET Core 3.1 in December 2022
  2306. 99%r/dotnet - Microsoft's Position on Linux
  2307. 87%How to achieve “singleton hosted service” : r/dotnet
  2308. 92%r/dotnet - How to achieve “singleton hosted service”
  2309. 99%Digging into the CLR Diagnostics IPC Protocol in C#
  2310. 96%Profiling QuestPDF: In Pursuit of Performance | The .NET Tools Blog
  2311. 99%Using IOptions with .NET 6 API Endpoints | no dogma blog
  2312. 99%Let's Learn .NET - Blazor Hybrid - July 28th 2022 - Free Live Stream Event
  2313. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbDataSource, a new System.Data abstraction
  2314. 90%.NET Data documentation
  2315. 86%Lets Learn .NET Blazor Hybrid - Events
  2316. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - DbDataSource, a new System.Data abstraction
  2317. 97%Running .NET Core Applications as a Linux Service - Code Maze
  2318. 99%What are Minimal APIs in ASP.NET Core 6 - Code Rethinked
  2319. 99%Exploring Multi-Windows in .NET MAUI
  2320. 99%Installing and Uninstalling .NET Templates
  2321. 96%.NET Framework July 2022 Cumulative Update Preview
  2322. 58%Announcing .NET Conf - Focus on .NET MAUI, Reactor, and Community Events
  2323. 90%[C#] Why function pointers can’t be used on instance methods
  2324. 98%ASP.NET Core on .NET 7.0 - Output caching
  2325. 99%Accessing Platform Features in .NET MAUI [7 of 8] | .NET MAUI for Beginners
  2326. 86%Remote iOS Simulator for Windows - .NET MAUI
  2327. 99%Unit Testing ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs
  2328. 94%C# MongoDB Guide | Rubik's Code
  2329. 99%Using Visual Studio Notebooks for learning C#
  2330. 99%Using LocalStack with Microsoft Tye
  2331. 99%Creating a TreeView control in .NET MAUI
  2332. 99%GitHub - xt0rted/dotnet-run-script: A dotnet tool to run arbitrary commands from a project's "scripts" object
  2333. 98%.NET History Chart. Now anyone can make changes to the chart, which will be reviewed by the moderators. Link in the comments
  2334. 90%presentations/2022-07-20 Dotnet Foundation Summit 2022 at master · hikalkan/presentations
  2335. 99%Custom scaffold templates in ASP.NET Core
  2336. 93%Taming Your .NET Twitter Bots With Rules
  2337. 99%ZpqrtBnk
  2338. 98%Webinar: Pragmatic Event Sourcing in .NET With Marten | The .NET Tools Blog
  2339. 89%Catering to Desktop & Mobile with .NET MAUI
  2340. 98%Announcing the .NET 7 support for Azure functions in an isolated process in public preview
  2341. 98%System.CommandLine 2.0.0-beta4.22272.1
  2342. 96%r/dotnet - .NET History Chart. Now anyone can make changes to the chart, which will be reviewed by the moderators. Link in the comments
  2343. 92%Native AOT deployment overview - .NET
  2344. 88%Minimal api stream sample by sammychinedu2ky · Pull Request #26437 · dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs
  2345. 88%Minimal api stream sample by sammychinedu2ky · Pull Request #26437 · dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs
  2346. 97%Build .NET MAUI apps with GitHub Actions
  2347. 99%Configuration using Command Line Parameters in .NET Console Applications
  2348. 97%Blazor Sticker Giveaway – Try the new Blazor Guide in Visual Studio
  2349. 88%Working With add-mask and GitHub Actions for dynamic secrets | LINQ to Fail
  2350. 98%Using a Memory Cache with .NET Lambda Functions | no dogma blog
  2351. 99%Customizing Controls in .NET MAUI
  2352. 98%Partition more ConcurrentQueues in Kestrel by halter73 · Pull Request #42237 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2353. 91%.NET 7 Preview 6 Adds JSON Contract Customization -- Visual Studio Magazine
  2354. 99%Fast unit tests with databases, part 3 – Implementation of our solution
  2355. 95%Command Line Support for Marten Projections
  2356. 95%Integrate generator times into /reportAnalyzer by jaredpar · Pull Request #61661 · dotnet/roslyn
  2357. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - Intercept this EF7 Preview 6 Event
  2358. 99%Error Monitoring for .NET MAUI with Sentry
  2359. 99%How to Turn a C# Object Into a JSON String in .NET? - Code Maze
  2360. 98%.NET Debugger.Launch for macOS and Linux
  2361. 99%MinimalApis.Extensions 0.7.1-pre.20220712.30
  2362. 96%.NET Framework July 2022 Security and Quality Rollup Updates
  2363. 99%Announcing .NET 7 Preview 6
  2364. 98%.NET Core 3.1 will reach End of Support on December 13, 2022
  2365. 90%.NET July 2022 Updates – .NET 6.0.7 and .NET Core 3.1.27
  2366. 98%Announcing Entity Framework Core 7 Preview 6: Performance Edition
  2367. 96%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor: Flavors of State Management with Blazor WebAssembly
  2368. 99%Adding content negotiation to minimal APIs with Carter
  2369. 97%TagHelperPack 0.8.0-pre-20220709.21
  2370. 99%GitHub - DamianEdwards/TrimmedTodo: An app to try out trimming stuff in .NET 7
  2371. 95%Roundup of .NET MAUI Videos - Week of June 20, 2022
  2372. 96%Is auth WAY too hard in .NET? : r/dotnet
  2373. 98%Low Code Ceremony Sagas with Jasper & Marten
  2374. 99%.NET 7 is on the way! 5 Features that will blow your mind 🤯
  2375. 99%Building Minimal API endpoints from EF Core DbContext
  2376. 86%Is auth WAY too hard in .NET? - r/dotnet
  2377. 99%Instrumenting .NET with OpenTelemetry – Software
  2378. 87%Is auth WAY too hard in .NET?
  2379. 99%Add an Infinispan cache to your ASP.NET application | Red Hat Developer
  2380. 99%A Simple Example of Using a Distributed Cache (Redis) in .NET 6 with API Endpoints | no dogma blog
  2381. 85%r/dotnet - Is auth WAY too hard in .NET?
  2382. 88%312: dotnet workload
  2383. 96%Monsters Weekly 256 - Generating PDFs in Functions Apps
  2384. 98%Send Recurring Emails using C# .NET and Hangfire with SendGrid
  2385. 88%Use OS-provided RSA OAEP implementation for Android by vcsjones · Pull Request #71670 · dotnet/runtime
  2386. 90%IKVM 8.2.0
  2387. 99%Feature Flags in .NET, from simple to more advanced
  2388. 99%CoreWCF 1.1.0 and project templates
  2389. 99%GitHub - flavio/wapc-guest-dotnet: A waPC guest for .NET
  2390. 99%WapcGuest 0.1.1
  2391. 99%Returning XML from minimal APIs in .NET 6
  2392. 99%GitHub - kubewarden/policy-sdk-dotnet: Kubewarden Policy SDK for the .NET platform
  2393. 99%Working with Database First Approach in Entity Framework Core
  2394. 99%Building a quick Reddit Blazor client without Reddit's API
  2395. 84%Modern Distributed Tracing with .NET && Source Generators, A brief introduction, Thu, Jul 7, 2022, 5:30 PM | Meetup
  2396. 89%IKVM 8.2.0 : r/dotnet
  2397. 89%IKVM 8.2.0 : r/dotnet
  2398. 99%How to run ASP.NET Core Web Application as a service on Linux without reverse proxy, no NGINX or Apache
  2399. 98%GitHub - octokit/webhooks.net: GitHub webhook events toolset for .NET
  2400. 72%Funding OSS maintainers like YouTube funds creators
  2401. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - DbContext Configuration and Lifetime - EF Core Architecture Part 2
  2402. 99%Writing .NET Application Services for Kubernetes
  2403. 83%Cancelation token is a security risk · Discussion #71503 · dotnet/runtime
  2404. 99%C# vNext - What could come
  2405. 99%Using Refit to Consume APIs in C# - Code Maze
  2406. 58%GitHub - Webreaper/CentralisedPackageConverter: Converts a project to use Centralised Package Management
  2407. 71%Skip X.509 extension copies where possible by vcsjones · Pull Request #70589 · dotnet/runtime
  2408. 93%Understanding your middleware pipeline in .NET 6 with the Middleware Analysis package
  2409. 87%GitHub - Zaid-Ajaj/pulumi-csharp-analyzer: Roslyn-based static code analysis for pulumi programs written in C#
  2410. 99%csharplang/low-level-struct-improvements.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2411. 98%Diving Into Unity – A Quick Start for C# Developers – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  2412. 99%Running .NET Core Applications as a Windows Service - Code Maze
  2413. 96%Hosting PowerShell in a Python script
  2414. 83%Reduce some allocations parsing certificates on Windows by vcsjones · Pull Request #71102 · dotnet/runtime
  2415. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - TPH, TPT, and TPC Inheritance mapping with EF Core
  2416. 97%Exploring Layout Options in .NET MAUI
  2417. 96%Creating a Simple .NET Lambda Function | no dogma blog
  2418. 58%RequestDelegateFactory Class (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http)
  2419. 98%How YOU can Learn Mock testing in .NET Core and C# with Moq
  2420. 98%A Vision for Stateful Resources at Development or Deployment Time
  2421. 99%Improve HTTP Request Performance in Dotnet MAUI / Xamarin - Cool Coders
  2422. 90%Building Messaging Endpoints in Azure: Container Apps
  2423. 86%Dependencies and .NET libraries
  2424. 98%Improving .NET host error messages and supportability
  2425. 98%Consuming anonymous types with DiagnosticListener in .NET 6
  2426. 99%How to improve Serilog logging in .NET 6 by using Scopes - Code4IT
  2427. 85%Rebooting the London .NET User Group : dylanbeattie.net
  2428. 93%The Future of Multi-Platform .NET Application Development with WinUI, Net6 and the Uno Platform - Nick's .NET Travels
  2429. 94%NuGet Support in Visual Studio for Mac 17.0
  2430. 93%StackExchange.Redis/toys at main · StackExchange/StackExchange.Redis
  2431. 99%Azure Container Apps: dapr pubsub | I CAN MAKE THIS WORK
  2432. 99%Observing all http requests in a .NET application - Gérald Barré
  2433. 93%Scheduling repeating tasks with .NET 6’s NEW Timer
  2434. 99%Write Test Progress To The Console With NUnit - CodeJourney.net
  2435. 99%Ping/Pong Jasper Style
  2436. 93%Clean up some .NET Clutter
  2437. 98%csharplang/required-members.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2438. 98%New Resources to Get Started with .NET MAUI
  2439. 86%Is .NET an open platform yet?
  2440. 89%Log environment-derived properties by Forgind · Pull Request #7484 · dotnet/msbuild
  2441. 98%Creating, Inspecting and Decompiling the World's Smallest C# Program - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  2442. 99%Add support for RouteHandlerInvocationContext<> overloads (#41406) · dotnet/aspnetcore@ba37a08
  2443. 93%.NET Framework June 2022 Security and Quality Rollup Updates
  2444. 99%Introducing the ML.NET Text Classification API (preview)
  2445. 94%Announcing Entity Framework 7 Preview 5
  2446. 99%ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 5
  2447. 99%Add X509AuthorityInformationAccessExtension · dotnet/runtime@cd6512d
  2448. 99%core/known-issues.md at main · dotnet/core
  2449. 91%StackExchange.Redis 2.6.45
  2450. 98%A brief introduction to DiagnosticSource
  2451. 97%[Last Week in .NET #93] – Performance Enhancing Code
  2452. 99%Using Playwright with the WebApplicationFactory to test a Blazor Application
  2453. 99%ErikEJ - Overview
  2454. 76%Fix http/https profile creation in Razor Pages template by DamianEdwards · Pull Request #42143 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2455. 83%Remove old macOS compatibility code for RSA decryption by vcsjones · Pull Request #70397 · dotnet/runtime
  2456. 98%ZpqrtBnk
  2457. 71%csharplang/numeric-intptr.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2458. 90%Episode 100 - Celebratory Ask Me Anything
  2459. 99%Invoke platform code in a MAUI app using the built-in Dependency Injection
  2460. 99%GitHub - mayuki/Cocona: Micro-framework for .NET console application. Cocona makes it easy and fast to build console applications on .NET.
  2461. 98%.NET 7 Preview 5 - Generic Math
  2462. 99%Introduction to Identity on ASP.NET Core
  2463. 99%How to Mock the File System for Unit Testing in .NET - Code Maze
  2464. 98%r/dotnet - Does anyone else feel as lost as I do in the .NET Identity documentation?
  2465. 97%Webinar: Diving Into Unity – A Quick Start for C# Developers | The .NET Tools Blog
  2466. 98%Does anyone else feel as lost as I do in the .NET Identity documentation?
  2467. 98%Maybe it's time to rethink our project structure with .NET 6
  2468. 98%Does anyone else feel as lost as I do in the .NET Identity documentation? : dotnet
  2469. 98%Does anyone else feel as lost as I do in the .NET Identity documentation? : dotnet
  2470. 97%Exchange Online Journey to .NET Core
  2471. 92%dotnet sdk check command - .NET CLI
  2472. 99%High performance .NET: Building a Redis Clone–naively
  2473. 99%Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI
  2474. 99%How to test ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs
  2475. 99%Using PathBase with .NET 6's WebApplicationBuilder
  2476. 99%How to test ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs
  2477. 73%.NET MAUI for Beginners
  2478. 99%Clean way to add Startup class in ASP.NET Core 6 #aspnetcore #dotnet #dotnetcore
  2479. 98%Accessing AWS Secrets Manager from .NET Lambda Functions, Part 3 - Connected to a VPC, using a VPC Endpoint | no dogma blog
  2480. 99%Viewing .NET configuration values
  2481. 98%GitHub - awslabs/dotnet-nativeaot-labs: A place to learn about and experiment with .NET NativeAOT on AWS.
  2482. 98%Use Twilio SMS and Voice with .NET 6 Minimal APIs
  2483. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - EF Core Architecture: Internal Dependency Injection
  2484. 57%Pull requests · dotnet/runtime
  2485. 99%Consuming SOAP Services in .NET Core
  2486. 74%sdk/Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets at 22c4860dcb2cf6b123dd641cc4a87a50380759d5 · dotnet/sdk
  2487. 99%Photino: Open Source for Building Cross-Platform Desktop Apps via .NET Core
  2488. 99%How to Block IP Addresses in ASP.NET Core Web API - Code Maze
  2489. 99%Round-robin DNS support in .NET HttpClient - Gérald Barré
  2490. 97%Adding WebTransport Handshake to Kestrel by Daniel-Genkin-MS-2 · Pull Request #41877 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2491. 98%Implement Http/2 WebSockets by Tratcher · Pull Request #41558 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2492. 94%Uninstall Tool - .NET
  2493. 95%OpenTelemetry .NET Automatic Instrumentation Releases its first Beta
  2494. 98%Announcing .NET 7 Preview 3
  2495. 97%.NET Framework May 2022 Cumulative Update
  2496. 98%GitHub - dpbevin/dotnet-staticfiles
  2497. 98%macOS Environment Setup For MAUI Development | The .NET Tools Blog
  2498. 70%Use stack buffers and return data to pool in EC point encoding by vcsjones · Pull Request #69812 · dotnet/runtime
  2499. 83%Cleanup a few more allocations in X.509 by vcsjones · Pull Request #69831 · dotnet/runtime
  2500. 99%Get Tweet Engagements Using .NET and C#
  2501. 83%Some cleanup on X509Certificate by vcsjones · Pull Request #69754 · dotnet/runtime
  2502. 83%Use span instead of array on PublicKey by vcsjones · Pull Request #69534 · dotnet/runtime
  2503. 99%.NET Standard | Common APIs across all .NET implementations
  2504. 97%Add Stream ReadAtLeast and ReadExactly by eerhardt · Pull Request #69272 · dotnet/runtime
  2505. 99%GitHub - damienbod/Blazor.BFF.OpenIDConnect.Template: Blazor.BFF.OpenIDConnect.Template, Blazor WASM hosted in ASP.NET Core using OpenID Connect BFF (server authentication)
  2506. 99%8 Very Useful Markup Extensions in .NET MAUI
  2507. 95%Proposal on release labels by richlander · Pull Request #265 · dotnet/designs
  2508. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - Testing EF Core Apps (part 2)
  2509. 82%Spanify some Windows X.509 PAL and improve formatting. by vcsjones · Pull Request #69448 · dotnet/runtime
  2510. 82%Allocate less with X500DistinguishedName by vcsjones · Pull Request #69514 · dotnet/runtime
  2511. 95%Minor cleanup and reduce allocations in Apple X.509 certificate PAL by vcsjones · Pull Request #69497 · dotnet/runtime
  2512. 97%Tips for Moving Your Xamarin Library to .NET MAUI
  2513. 56%Build mobile and desktop apps with .NET MAUI - Learn
  2514. 70%Monsters Weekly 250 - Command Line Parameter Suggestions with DragonFruit
  2515. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Get Started with ASP.NET Core MVC
  2516. 82%Central Package Management for .NET Projects - Code Maze
  2517. 90%Let's Learn .NET: MAUI - Events
  2518. 98%Using MassTransit to manage message queues
  2519. 97%Automated environments with Docker and the SAFE Stack
  2520. 99%MSBuild Dupe WriteChecker
  2521. 97%Getting Offline Country Data in Dotnet MAUI or Xamarin.Forms - Cool Coders
  2522. 87%Episode 98 - AWS Microservices Extractor for .NET with Josh Hurley and Norm Johanson
  2523. 89%Securing SPAs and Blazor Applications using the BFF Pattern – Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  2524. 99%Setting up an Azure Virtual Machine as Azure DevOps build agent
  2525. 98%Configuring the Diagnostics Port for dotnet monitor
  2526. 97%Announcing gRPC JSON transcoding for .NET
  2527. 82%Webinar – OSS Power-Ups: Serilog | The .NET Tools Blog
  2528. 95%Improving Performance With Distributed Caching
  2529. 96%Improving Azure Key Vault Performance in ASP.NET Core By Up To 10x
  2530. 99%ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 4
  2531. 99%Announcing .NET 7 Preview 4
  2532. 98%Testing ASP.NET Core gRPC services in JetBrains Rider
  2533. 98%Announcing Entity Framework 7 Preview 4
  2534. 98%.NET Framework May 2022 Security and Quality Rollup
  2535. 98%.NET MAUI Release Candidate 3
  2536. 89%.NET May 2022 Updates – .NET 6.0.5, .NET 5.0.17 and, .NET Core 3.1.25
  2537. 99%ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 4
  2538. 98%Testing ASP.NET Core gRPC services in JetBrains Rider
  2539. 97%.NET Domain Events Using MediatR – Wrapt
  2540. 99%roslyn/StructuredLoggerCheckerUtil.cs at main · dotnet/roslyn
  2541. 99%Auto-Regenerating API Client for Your Open API Project
  2542. 99%GitHub - haqua-dotnet/Haqua.Scriban: Integrate Scriban Template Engine with ASP.NET Core Minimal API
  2543. 99%Deploying on Azure Functions - GitHub Actions
  2544. 96%Microsoft.Build.Sql: the next frontier of SQL projects
  2545. 95%Introducing Npgsql multiplexing: a high-performance database driver model, Thu, May 12, 2022, 6:00 PM | Meetup
  2546. 99%Database Providers [4 of 5] | Entity Framework Core for Beginners
  2547. 97%Serilog Tutorial
  2548. 99%Upgrading a WCF service to .NET 6 with CoreWCF
  2549. 99%ASP.NET Core Web Apps with EF Core [3 of 5] | Entity Framework Core for Beginners
  2550. 98%.NET Data Community Standup - Database Pagination
  2551. 99%Lambda Function URLs with .NET 6 and CORS | no dogma blog
  2552. 97%Microsoft Graph's Journey to .NET 6
  2553. 93%Quickly Map Your NuGet Packages to Sources
  2554. 96%Development With A Dot - Current Limitations of Entity Framework Core
  2555. 58%Build .NET applications with C# - Learn
  2556. 99%Handling Light and Dark Mode With .NET MAUI
  2557. 83%BinaryData Class (System)
  2558. 99%Accessing AWS Secrets Manager from .NET Lambda Functions, Part 1 - The Simple Way | no dogma blog
  2559. 99%.NET 6 on AWS Lambda, Quick Demos | no dogma blog
  2560. 87%#MVPbuzzChat with Tidjani Belmansour – buckleyPLANET
  2561. 92%YARP 1.1 is here with new requested reverse proxy features
  2562. 99%Getting telemetry data from inside or outside a .NET application - Gérald Barré
  2563. 98%Update SDK and use 'u8' string literals by BrennanConroy · Pull Request #41449 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2564. 96%#163 Jared Parsons, The C# Compiler, Part 1 | no dogma podcast
  2565. 91%Phone Calls with .NET and Twilio – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  2566. 93%csharplang/extended-nameof-scope.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2567. 99%CoreWCF 1.0 has been Released, WCF for .NET Core and .NET 5+
  2568. 92%csharplang/relaxing_shift_operator_requirements.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2569. 99%HTMX for ASP.NET Core Developers – Tutorial | The .NET Tools Blog
  2570. 96%Why isn't my ASP.NET Core app in Docker working?
  2571. 99%Create .NET Objects without Calling The Constructor
  2572. 97%.NET MAUI Release Candidate 2 - With 100% More Tizen
  2573. 96%Why isn't my ASP.NET Core app in Docker working?
  2574. 93%Webinar – Using the BFF pattern to secure SPA and Blazor Applications | The .NET Tools Blog
  2575. 94%.NET Framework April 2022 Cumulative Update Preview
  2576. 96%Visual Studio Feedback
  2577. 97%Sharing coding style and Roslyn analyzers across projects - Gérald Barré
  2578. 99%Implementing Rate Limiting in ASP.NET Core Web API
  2579. 60%Fix potential stack overflow in StdInReader by vcsjones · Pull Request #68398 · dotnet/runtime
  2580. 80%Use checked arithmetic to prevent stack overflow in Pkcs12Kdf by vcsjones · Pull Request #68422 · dotnet/runtime
  2581. 98%GitHub - DamianEdwards/AspNetCoreDevJwts: Experimenting with development environment scenarios for JWT authentication.
  2582. 91%Let's Learn .NET: Data - Events
  2583. 79%Add .NET 6.0 env variable for color output by NickCraver · Pull Request #2113 · StackExchange/StackExchange.Redis
  2584. 97%C# async await explained - NDepend
  2585. 95%Add MapGroup by halter73 · Pull Request #41265 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2586. 93%A Simple CORS Example with a .NET 6 Web API Application and a .NET 6 Web Application | no dogma blog
  2587. 99%.NET Celebrates 20 years and brings us a GIFT🎁: New .NET 7 Features Revealed
  2588. 98%Running JavaScript inside a .NET app with JavaScriptEngineSwitcher
  2589. 82%GitHub - Tyrrrz/GitHubActionsTestLogger: Test logger for .NET that reports results in a format that GitHub Actions understands
  2590. 99%Using dotnet format Command to Format the C#/.NET Code - Code Maze
  2591. 97%Cake - Cake v2.2.0 released
  2592. 94%Discussing Alternative Memory Management Strategy for .NET
  2593. 99%How to Solve the Command or File Was Not Found EF Core Error
  2594. 89%csharplang/unsigned-right-shift-operator.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2595. 97%.NET 7 Preview 3 Is All About Native AOT -- Visual Studio Magazine
  2596. 99%Adds Tizen backend by rookiejava · Pull Request #2360 · dotnet/maui
  2597. 99%Create a gitignore file with dotnet cli
  2598. 98%AWS Lambda with .NET 6 - Serverless Computing
  2599. 90%[Video] Polymorphic JSON Serialization (feat. .NET & System.Text.Json)
  2600. 99%ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 3
  2601. 98%Announcing .NET 7 Preview 3
  2602. 99%Announcing Entity Framework Core 7 (EF7) Preview 3
  2603. 99%Returning HTTP 204 (No Content) from .NET Minimal API
  2604. 99%Adding Alt Text To Twitter Images Using C#
  2605. 87%.NET Framework April 2022 Security and Quality Rollup Updates
  2606. 92%.NET April 2022 Updates – .NET 6.0.4, .NET 5.0.16 and, .NET 3.1.24
  2607. 95%.NET Automatic Updates for Server Operating Systems
  2608. 95%Keeping up with .NET: learning about new features and APIs
  2609. 96%Monsters Weekly 246 - Don't use OpenWriteAsync() ... probably
  2610. 89%Webinar: Phone Calls with .NET and Twilio | The .NET Tools Blog
  2611. 99%Uploading multiple files using InputFile in Blazor - Gérald Barré
  2612. 99%ESLint your C# in VS Code with Roslyn Analyzers | I CAN MAKE THIS WORK
  2613. 92%Webinar – OSS Power-Ups: QuestPDF | The .NET Tools Blog
  2614. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - Database-first with T4 Templates in EF7: Early look
  2615. 99%CoreWCF - What's new and what's next
  2616. 99%Sort List by Property in the Object in .NET - Code Maze
  2617. 83%Release v3.6.1 · dotnet/orleans
  2618. 99%csharplang/checked-user-defined-operators.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2619. 99%csharplang/auto-default-structs.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2620. 95%How to Implement Vertical Slice Architecture | Gary Woodfine
  2621. 97%maoni
  2622. 99%csharplang/utf8-string-literals.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2623. 88%.NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, and 4.6.1 will reach End of Support on Apr 26, 2022
  2624. 99%Forcing HttpClient to use IPv4 or IPv6 addresses - Gérald Barré
  2625. 93%GitHub - tmds/build-image
  2626. 99%Enable QJFL and OSR by default for x64 and arm64 by AndyAyersMS · Pull Request #65675 · dotnet/runtime
  2627. 65%Issues · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2628. 89%ASP.NET | Open-source web framework for .NET
  2629. 98%Connecting a .NET Application with MongoDB Atlas
  2630. 90%HTTP/2 output processing make over by davidfowl · Pull Request #40925 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2631. 71%Running .NET 7 apps on WASI on arm64 Mac
  2632. 96%Open-source .NET MAUI Workshop - Multi-platform apps with C#
  2633. 98%Introducing the .NET Community Toolkit - MVVM, Performance, Diagnostics, & More
  2634. 96%Profiling a .NET6 app running on AWS ECS Fargate with dotnet-monitor
  2635. 99%What is pub/sub and how to apply it in C# .NET to build a chat app | Ably Blog: Data in Motion
  2636. 96%Garbage collector config settings - .NET
  2637. 88%Let's Learn .NET: Visual Studio - Events
  2638. 98%Tracking down a hanging xUnit test in CI: building a custom Test Framework
  2639. 95%GitHub Essentials with Rider | The .NET Tools Blog
  2640. 97%Let's Make Some Art - Part 2
  2641. 99%Middleware in .NET 6 - Order of Operations
  2642. 95%How segments and regions differ in decommitting memory in the .NET 7 GC
  2643. 96%How segments and regions differ in decommitting memory in the .NET 7 GC
  2644. 83%Obsolete outdated constructors on Rfc2898DeriveBytes by vcsjones · Pull Request #67158 · dotnet/runtime
  2645. 97%ImageSharp 2.0.0: The Feature-Packed Release
  2646. 98%.NET 5.0 will reach End of Support on May 08, 2022
  2647. 71%Uno Platform 4.1 Update for .NET 6 Mobile Preview 14
  2648. 94%Allow leading CR/LF in HTTP request lines in Kestrel by adityamandaleeka · Pull Request #40833 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2649. 99%GitHub - natemcmaster/dotnet-serve: Simple command-line HTTPS server for the .NET Core CLI
  2650. 99%Unit Tests For Legacy Systems with .NET 6
  2651. 96%Lint Action - GitHub Marketplace
  2652. 63%[SignalR] Add client return results by BrennanConroy · Pull Request #40811 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2653. 99%Performance benefits of sealed class in .NET - Gérald Barré
  2654. 99%Hello Podman using .NET | Red Hat Developer
  2655. 98%How to Build .NET Minimal APIs | Gary Woodfine
  2656. 99%Building a gRPC Client in .NET - Sahan Serasinghe - Personal Blog
  2657. 99%Building a code sandbox with Durable Functions and Container Instances
  2658. 97%C# Source Generators - Write Code that Writes Code
  2659. 93%GitHub - davidfowl/QueueDown
  2660. 97%UI Testing for WASM (WebAssembly) with the Uno Platform
  2661. 98%roslyn-analyzers/PublicApiAnalyzers.Help.md at main · dotnet/roslyn-analyzers
  2662. 95%arcade/src/Microsoft.DotNet.ApiCompat at main · dotnet/arcade
  2663. 85%Sporting a New MenuBar, .NET MAUI Heads for Release Candidate -- Visual Studio Magazine
  2664. 79%.NET 7 Inches Closer to NativeAOT in Preview 2 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  2665. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 14
  2666. 99%ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 2
  2667. 99%Transforming identity claims in ASP.NET Core and Cache
  2668. 79%WIP: Pack Stopwatch into a single long by kevin-montrose · Pull Request #66619 · dotnet/runtime
  2669. 99%How to integrate with the Trello API from .NET/C#
  2670. 99%Developing for Linux in Windows with C# – Bruno Sonnino
  2671. 99%A Mostly Complete Guide to C# 11’s Future Features
  2672. 99%Middleware in .NET 6 - Intro and Basics
  2673. 94%GitHub - dotnet-foundation/content: Repo for submitting content for social amplification as well as content creation (i.e. blog, website, social)
  2674. 89%BERT Tokenizers NuGet Package for C# | Rubik's Code
  2675. 98%Playing With New .NET MAUI Views: Border, Shadow & GraphicsView - Cool Coders
  2676. 98%.NET 4.x app running in a container using Docker - Azure Greg
  2677. 99%.NET 6 Lambdas on ARM64 - Part 2, Serverless | no dogma blog
  2678. 89%System.CommandLine overview
  2679. 99%Consuming a GraphQL API with Angular
  2680. 70%Fix minor random bias by vcsjones · Pull Request #65404 · dotnet/runtime
  2681. 98%The evolution of Properties in C# from version 1 to 10
  2682. 98%Automate code metrics and class diagrams with GitHub Actions
  2683. 98%Cancelling await calls in .NET 6 with Task.WaitAsync()
  2684. 91%.NET March 2022 Updates – .NET 6.0.3, .NET 5.0.15 and, .NET 3.1.23
  2685. 98%Cancelling await calls in .NET 6 with Task.WaitAsync()
  2686. 99%Custom Attributes in .NET - Code Maze
  2687. 96%csharplang/pattern-match-span-of-char-on-string.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  2688. 96%Executing code before Main in .NET - Gérald Barré
  2689. 99%Introduction to Unit Testing With NUnit in C# - Code Maze
  2690. 99%Implementing a defaultable collection in C#
  2691. 95%Mark SslProtocols.Tls and SslProtocols.Tls11 as obsolete by rzikm · Pull Request #65773 · dotnet/runtime
  2692. 96%Monsters Weekly 242 - Performance of .NET JSON Serialization
  2693. 99%Working with untyped structured data in C# · Discussion #5863 · dotnet/csharplang
  2694. 99%Testing .NET 6 Lambda Containers with the Runtime Interface Emulator | no dogma blog
  2695. 82%I'm with Ukraine and I'm no longer Microsoft MVP
  2696. 76%Use a cached delegate for method group conversion · Issue #5835 · dotnet/roslyn
  2697. 94%Profiling a .NET6 app running in a linux container with dotnet-trace, dotnet-dump, dotnet-counters, dotnet-gcdump and Visual Studio
  2698. 99%Training a ML.NET Model with Azure ML
  2699. 97%Generating OpenAPI Document from Azure Functions within CI/CD Pipeline
  2700. 54%LED Ticker Tape with .NET
  2701. 94%Parameter Null Checking in C#11 and optimising throw methods
  2702. 98%GitHub - andrewlock/NetEscapades.EnumGenerators: A source generator for generating fast "reflection" methods for enums
  2703. 99%Introducing fullstackhero - Open Source Boilerplates for Rapid Web Development
  2704. 99%Speed up contended HTTP/2 frame writing (500% gRPC h2 70x1 improvement) by halter73 · Pull Request #40407 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2705. 99%App Configuration Settings in .NET MAUI (appsettings.json)
  2706. 97%.NET 💜 GitHub Actions
  2707. 98%C# in 100 Seconds
  2708. 96%GitHub - ZacharyPatten/dotnet-console-games: Game examples implemented in .NET console applications primarily for educational purposes. https://zacharypatten.github.io/dotnet-console-games
  2709. 96%Alias: An approach to .NET Assembly Conflict Resolution
  2710. 98%A new way to build CLEAN and FAST APIs in .NET
  2711. 99%Using RestSharp To Consume APIs in C#
  2712. 99%Build APIs for the Web INSTANTLY with ASP.NET Core 6
  2713. 99%Testing ASP.NET Core 6 Apps
  2714. 99%Implementing an API Gateway in ASP.NET Core with Ocelot
  2715. 97%Recommended container limits for dotnet-monitor
  2716. 95%Please stop lying about .NET Standard 2.0 support!
  2717. 97%Cake - Cake v2.1.0 released
  2718. 99%How YOU can build a Mock REST API based on JSON for ASP .NET and minimal API
  2719. 98%GitHub - dotnet/command-line-api: Command line parsing, invocation, and rendering of terminal output.
  2720. 98%System.CommandLine 2.0.0-beta3.22114.1
  2721. 98%Safe storage of app secrets in development in ASP.NET Core
  2722. 98%Update all Visual Studio instances from the command line - Gérald Barré
  2723. 98%The pain points of C# source generators: February 2022 Update - Turnerj (aka. James Turner)
  2724. 99%7 Improvements You Might Have Missed in .NET 6
  2725. 99%Integrate ngrok into ASP.NET Core startup and automatically update your webhook URLs
  2726. 99%Introducing C# 10: Structs parameterless constructor and instance field initializer
  2727. 97%orleans/samples/Voting at main · dotnet/orleans
  2728. 99%GitHub - microsoft/reverse-proxy: A toolkit for developing high-performance HTTP reverse proxy applications.
  2729. 82%GitHub - xt0rted/dotnet-sdk-updater: Update global.json files with the latest SDK version
  2730. 97%How to Create and Publish a NuGet Package Using Visual Studio
  2731. 97%How YOU can build a great looking .NET Console app with Spectre
  2732. 83%Replace picture of API review process with diagram by terrajobst · Pull Request #65527 · dotnet/runtime
  2733. 97%Announcing Entity Framework 7 Preview 1
  2734. 97%samples/CODE_METRICS.md at main · dotnet/samples
  2735. 99%Ruminations on 20 Years of being a .Net Developer
  2736. 99%Logging Trace Output Using ILogger in .NET Applications
  2737. 98%runtime/Ecma-335-Augments.md at main · dotnet/runtime
  2738. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 13 - .NET Blog
  2739. 95%.NET Framework February 2022 Cumulative Update Preview - .NET Blog
  2740. 66%Microsoft Orleans documentation
  2741. 98%Entity Framework Core Inside Rider: UI Way | The .NET Tools Blog
  2742. 97%A Practical Guide to Dapper - Simple Talk
  2743. 95%Initial revision · dotnet/runtime@480e91e
  2744. 99%Debugging a WebView2 component using Playwright in .NET - Gérald Barré
  2745. 88%293: dotnet-trace with dotnet-monitor through dotnet-dsrouter
  2746. 98%.NET and C# Versions - 20th Anniversary ♥
  2747. 99%.NET 6 Web API on Lambda with a Custom Runtime | no dogma blog
  2748. 93%Add support for Windows IO completions to the portable thread pool by kouvel · Pull Request #64834 · dotnet/runtime
  2749. 90%Add support for Windows IO completions to the portable thread pool by kouvel · Pull Request #64834 · dotnet/runtime
  2750. 88%Piped
  2751. 97%Interview question "When we use async/await, how does the main thread know when the awaitable task has finished (under the hood)"
  2752. 97%Interview question "When we use async/await, how does the main thread know when the awaitable task has finished (under the hood)" : dotnet
  2753. 95%r/dotnet - Interview question "When we use async/await, how does the main thread know when the awaitable task has finished (under the hood)"
  2754. 95%Languages & Runtime Community Standup - MSBuild with Rainer Sigwald
  2755. 88%Interview question "When we use async/await, how does the main thread know when the awaitable task has finished (under the hood)" : dotnet
  2756. 98%GitHub - blowdart/dotnetSigningWithKeyVaultCertificates: Demonstrating how to sign .net assemblies and nuget packages in azdo
  2757. 97%Let's Make Some Art - Part 1
  2758. 86%.NET Framework February 2022 Security and Quality Rollup - .NET Blog
  2759. 99%.NET 6 Web API on Lambda with a Custom Runtime | no dogma blog
  2760. 99%Question: How is !! envisaged to be used? · Discussion #5735 · dotnet/csharplang
  2761. 92%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Blazor Components, Layout, and Style
  2762. 90%.NET | Free. Cross-platform. Open Source.
  2763. 99%Getting Started With Brushes in .NET MAUI
  2764. 98%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor .NET 7 Roadmap
  2765. 99%.NET Data Community Standup - Software version and "stuff"
  2766. 96%Writing native WinDbg extensions in C#
  2767. 90%.NET | Free. Cross-platform. Open Source.
  2768. 98%Initial roll out of !! by stephentoub · Pull Request #64720 · dotnet/runtime
  2769. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor .NET 7 Roadmap
  2770. 83%Mod the dotnet-bot
  2771. 99%NetEscapades.EnumGenerators: a source generator for enum performance
  2772. 95%Migrate from .NET Framework to .NET Core (.NET 6) - Detailed Guide | Pro Code Guide
  2773. 98%Use Project Tye to simplify your .NET microservice development experience (part 2)
  2774. 98%Download, parse, and store SSL certificates in C#
  2775. 87%[Last Week in .NET #80] – Time Flies When You’re Shipping Code
  2776. 99%.NET Internet of Things
  2777. 82%What are the major highlights in .NET 6?
  2778. 99%Avoid DNS issues with HttpClient in .NET - Gérald Barré
  2779. 98%Another 5 .NET projects that deserve more attention
  2780. 98%Using Blazor with a YARP downstream API protected using certificate authentication
  2781. 99%Debug attributes in .NET
  2782. 99%Microservices Made Easy!
  2783. 99%Building reliable and portable microservices with Dapr and .NET
  2784. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Get Started Building Applications with Blazor
  2785. 99%Optimally Configuring Open Telemetry Tracing for ASP.NET Core
  2786. 88%.NET 20 Years
  2787. 90%Celebrate the .NET 20th Anniversary with the Community!
  2788. 61%Discussions · dotnet/csharplang
  2789. 99%What's new in .NET Interactive notebooks
  2790. 91%.NET Interactive is looking for a new name!
  2791. 98%How to Create PDF file in C# .NET – 5 Easy Steps | Pro Code Guide
  2792. 88%Join Us in Celebration as .NET Turns 20
  2793. 98%Authentication in ASP .NET Core
  2794. 98%ASP.NET Community Standup - Sept 2nd, 2014 - Introduction to ASP.NET vNext, how and why?
  2795. 76%ASP.NET Community Standup - Sept 2nd, 2014 - Introduction to ASP.NET vNext, how and why?
  2796. 81%GitHub - dotnet-presentations/dotNET20th: .NET 20th Anniversary creative and digital swag
  2797. 81%Solving the source generator 'marker attribute' problem - Part 2: Creating a source generator - Part 8
  2798. 97%.NET Framework vs .NET Core (.NET 5+) | Pro Code Guide
  2799. 92%Getting started with AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and distributed tracing using .NET. Part 1: Setting up the AWS OTEL Collector
  2800. 99%F# and WebAssembly
  2801. 99%GitHub - xoofx/dotnet-releaser: Easily cross-compile, package and publish your .NET application to NuGet and GitHub.
  2802. 98%Fold inbox crypto into one assembly by bartonjs · Pull Request #64307 · dotnet/runtime
  2803. 99%Speed up your .NET app with the .NET memory profilers in Visual Studio 2022
  2804. 95%How did we get from .NET Framework to just .NET?
  2805. 82%Ignore non-X509 certificates in SignedCms by vcsjones · Pull Request #64348 · dotnet/runtime
  2806. 99%Difference Between ValueTuple and Tuple in C# - Code Maze
  2807. 99%Which .NET GraphQL Clients Should Your App Use?
  2808. 98%Performance improvements in ASP.NET Core 6
  2809. 99%Practical tips to elevate your UX and accessibility
  2810. 99%What’s new in bUnit for .NET 6
  2811. 93%.NET | Free. Cross-platform. Open Source.
  2812. 99%GitHub - Xabaril/Esquio: Esquio is a Feature Toggle Library for .NET Developers.
  2813. 99%Fixing sync over async issues in .NET / C# with Visual Studio 2022
  2814. 83%remove support for Ssl2 by wfurt · Pull Request #64322 · dotnet/runtime
  2815. 99%.NET Watch Launch Setting Profile For ASP.NET Core
  2816. 97%A Few (too many?) Ways of Setting the Kestrel Ports in .NET 6 | no dogma blog
  2817. 97%Raising Coding Standards with .NET 6.0 Code Analyzers | endjin
  2818. 92%.NET Framework January 2022 Cumulative Update Preview
  2819. 99%How to get ASP.NET Core server URLs
  2820. 99%What’s a lesser known .NET feature that people should know more about?
  2821. 98%GitHub - dotnet/runtime at release/7.0-preview1
  2822. 98%Dependency Injection in .NET 6 - Service Lifetimes
  2823. 99%runtime/Environment.Variables.Windows.cs at 57bfe474518ab5b7cfe6bf7424a79ce3af9d6657 · dotnet/runtime
  2824. 99%Awaiting an async void method in .NET - Gérald Barré
  2825. 99%Simple WebSocket client and server application using .NET
  2826. 92%Implement hash and HMAC stream one shots by vcsjones · Pull Request #63757 · dotnet/runtime
  2827. 98%Reverse engineering tools for .NET applications
  2828. 98%[Proposal]: Static abstract members in interfaces · Issue #4436 · dotnet/csharplang
  2829. 98%performance/src/benchmarks/micro at main · dotnet/performance
  2830. 97%How to Create and Publish a NuGet Package with .NET CLI - Code Maze
  2831. 99%What Is Single Project in .NET MAUI?
  2832. 83%Throw during renegotiation if there is incomplete received TLS frame by rzikm · Pull Request #64066 · dotnet/runtime
  2833. 99%Welcome to MAUI Community Toolkit
  2834. 95%Series - Getting Started with .NET Platform, .NET Framework & .NET Core (.NET 5+) | Pro Code Guide
  2835. 96%Introduction to .NET Core (.NET 5+) | Pro Code Guide
  2836. 91%Building an Event Driven .NET Application: Integration Testing – Wrapt
  2837. 95%Optimizing CPU-Bound and Memory-Bound .NET Applications: 11 Best Practices - Michael's Coding Spot
  2838. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 12
  2839. 97%If I’m a beginner at .NET, what resources are available to me?
  2840. 97%I wrote a modern monitoring application in C# : csharp
  2841. 99%ILogger, ILoggerFactory, and ILoggerProvider in .NET - Code Maze
  2842. 97%I wrote a modern monitoring application in C# : csharp
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  2850. 99%Blazor and GraphQL
  2851. 99%Diagnostics and Observability of .NET Applications
  2852. 99%.NET Hot Reload for desktop & mobile with Visual Studio 2022
  2853. 98%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Build a Chatbot with .NET 6
  2854. 90%Learn Live: Create microservices with .NET and ASP.NET - Events
  2855. 98%Hot Reload In C# .NET 6 / Visual Studio 2022 - .NET Core Tutorials
  2856. 97%Alexandre Nédélec - Week 2, 2022 - Tips I learned this week
  2857. 98%Cache the delegate for static method group conversions. by pawchen · Pull Request #58288 · dotnet/roslyn
  2858. 94%Net Conf 2021 Québec : Introduction à NET 6.0
  2859. 98%.NET MAUI Community Standup - Comet with Clancey
  2860. 99%Microsoft Teams app development with Visual Studio and .NET
  2861. 97%High-performance logging in .NET, the proper way
  2862. 85%.NET Framework January 2022 Security and Quality Rollup Updates - .NET Blog
  2863. 99%Enable GC regions by default by mangod9 · Pull Request #59283 · dotnet/runtime
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  2867. 98%Why non-defaultable value types are needed in C#
  2868. 98%Entity Framework Community Standup - The EF7 Plan
  2869. 99%.NET Videos | Free videos from the .NET team and community
  2870. 92%.NET for Students | Learn to code in C# programming language
  2871. 86%.NET on Microsoft Learn
  2872. 85%Learn .NET | Free tutorials, videos, courses, and more
  2873. 99%DevTrends .NET Blog
  2874. 95%Large Object Heap Churn in .NET
  2875. 99%Dependency Injection in .NET 6 - Intro and Background
  2876. 99%Using HTTP/3 (QUIC) in .NET - Gérald Barré
  2877. 97%ThunderboltIoc: .Net Dependency Injection without Reflection!
  2878. 99%ML.NET: Machine learning from data to production in less than 30 minutes
  2879. 78%BenchmarkDotNet 0.13.1
  2880. 99%Secure minimal APIs with .NET 6 and Microsoft Identity
  2881. 86%GitHub - khalidabuhakmeh/dotnet-dramameter: .NET Drama Meter web service
  2882. 73%.NET CLI Telemetry
  2883. 90%Episode 89 - Umbraco 9 and .NET 5 with Sebastiaan Janssen
  2884. 98%.NET Live TV | Live developer streams every day
  2885. 99%Marcin Golenia Blog
  2886. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 11
  2887. 99%System.Text.Json features in .NET 6
  2888. 98%Create Context-based Programming Models with .NET 6
  2889. 94%GitHub - dotnet-foundation/content: Repo for submitting content for social amplification as well as content creation (i.e. blog, website, social)
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  2891. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Building APIs with ASP.NET Core
  2892. 96%How to Check if .NET Is Already Installed - Code Maze
  2893. 96%Contributing to Open Source Projects
  2894. 98%Simplifying User and Role Based Permissions in .NET – Wrapt
  2895. 93%v2.5 work: .NET 6.0: add build defaulting to the thread pool by NickCraver · Pull Request #1939 · StackExchange/StackExchange.Redis
  2896. 92%Building .NET MAUI apps with GitHub Actions
  2897. 95%A Comprehensive Guide to Port from EF6 to EF Core
  2898. 92%Breaking change: Partial and zero-byte reads in DeflateStream, GZipStream, and CryptoStream - .NET
  2899. 95%My professional and OSS aspirations for 2022
  2900. 97%Faster IndexOf for substrings by EgorBo · Pull Request #63285 · dotnet/runtime
  2901. 95%GitHub - patriksvensson/ghostly: Ghostly is a GitHub notification client for Windows 10/11
  2902. 99%Creating .NET Project Templates - Code Maze
  2903. 99%Fix stack overflow with X509Certificate FriendlyName by vcsjones · Pull Request #63179 · dotnet/runtime
  2904. 99%Upgrading to .NET MAUI Preview 11
  2905. 97%Introduction to Dotnet MAUI - Cool Coders
  2906. 99%Secure your NuGet packages with Package Source Mapping
  2907. 99%What's new in C# 10
  2908. 98%.NET MAUI Community Standup - .NET Conf Recap and .NET MAUI Updates
  2909. 97%.NET documentation
  2910. 97%Phillip Trelford's Array | Byte-sized Tweets
  2911. 96%Integration testing and NuGet packaging: Creating a source generator - Part 3
  2912. 99%Tips & Tricks: Debugging your C# CDK project in Visual Studio | Amazon Web Services
  2913. 99%GitHub Composite Actions are fast way to templatize workflows
  2914. 99%How to create your own .NET CLI tools to make your life easier
  2915. 98%Third-Party DI Container And Autofac - Code Maze
  2916. 50%.NET Advent Calendar - .NET Advent Calendar 2021, Day 18
  2917. 97%Document your .NET code with DocFX and GitHub Actions
  2918. 99%Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages · Hossam Barakat
  2919. 99%Santa Sleigh: xUnit Edition
  2920. 99%Santa Sleigh: NUnit Edition
  2921. 92%Ensuring Santa’s Success With Automated Tests (C# Advent 2021)
  2922. 98%GitHub - VollRagm/KernelBypassSharp: C# Kernel Mode Driver to read and write memory in protected processes
  2923. 99%A primer on FeatureManagement APIs in ASP.NET Core
  2924. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Data Access with Entity Framework
  2925. 98%Bring Your Apps to Life With SignalR and .NET 6
  2926. 98%On .NET Episode: Getting started with Azure Static Web Apps
  2927. 98%runtime/Interop.GetCwd.cs at 6cc686f5800feffb3f04bf48487cdfbd7b48a32d · dotnet/runtime
  2928. 99%runtime/Environment.Windows.cs at main · dotnet/runtime
  2929. 97%Release Release 2.8.0 · IEvangelist/azure-cosmos-dotnet-repository
  2930. 98%Running Docker Containers from within your .NET Core Application using Docker.DotNet
  2931. 99%.NET MAUI Community Toolkit C# Markup Extensions
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  2933. 99%Migrating from ASP.NET Core 5.0 MVC app to 6.0
  2934. 87%.NET December 2021 Updates – 6.0.1, 5.0.13 and 3.1.22
  2935. 98%Working with EF Core and Azure Cosmos DB
  2936. 98%Testing an incremental generator with snapshot testing: Creating a source generator - Part 2
  2937. 98%Iteration statements - C# reference
  2938. 99%.NET 6 Networking Improvements
  2939. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Migrations to .NET MAUI 🏄🏽‍♀️
  2940. 99%How "out" works in C# and why "in" can make or break your performance
  2941. 99%Async Disposables The Easy Way
  2942. 99%r/dotnet - Starting with dotnet
  2943. 99%ML.NET Model Builder: Machine learning with .NET
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  2947. 99%Integration Testing ASP.NET Core 6 Minimal APIs
  2948. 99%Smaller & Faster Blazor WebAssembly apps with Runtime Relinking in .NET 6
  2949. 98%How many lines of code you need for a C# app? | One Dev Question
  2950. 99%Your First Microservice in .NET 6
  2951. 75%r/dotnet - .NET History Timeline. --- It's not finished yet, so if you find errors or have suggestions please comment here or via the link below that contains the interactive graphic. (https://time.graphics/pt/line/593132)
  2952. 99%Develop amazing Windows apps using the Windows App SDK
  2953. 99%Getting Started with gRPC and .NET
  2954. 84%.NET 6 vs .NET 4.8 GC stats - ~64% shorter max GC pause times (due to 1 letter removed in runtime)
  2955. 50%.NET Advent Calendar - .NET Advent Calendar 2021, Day 9
  2956. 99%Creating an incremental generator: Creating a source generator - Part 1
  2957. 95%r/dotnet - Repository pattern or DbContext - what's your poison?
  2958. 56%.NET Conf 2021 and Visual Studio 2022 Launch After Party Q&A - Events
  2959. 98%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - C# for Beginners - Projects, Solutions and Unit Testing
  2960. 68%Building reliable and portable microservices with Dapr and .NET
  2961. 97%Announcing dot.net in Japanese and Simplified Chinese
  2962. 99%XAML Live Preview in Visual Studio 2022
  2963. 99%C# in 100 Seconds
  2964. 98%GitHub - vzarytovskii/interactive-ilkernel: IL Kernel for .NET Interactive
  2965. 96%What’s new for gRPC in .NET 6
  2966. 99%What's new for gRPC in .NET 6
  2967. 98%ASP.NET Community Standup - Scaling ASP.NET Core apps with Orleans
  2968. 87%[Video] Checking out NDepend
  2969. 50%.NET Advent Calendar
  2970. 99%Create Azure Functions with GraphQL Support
  2971. 50%.NET Advent Calendar - .NET Advent Calendar 2021, Day 4
  2972. 87%Add RateLimiting APIs by BrennanConroy · Pull Request #61788 · dotnet/runtime
  2973. 89%First Steps on MAUI Beach
  2974. 99%Custom Templates in Visual Studio 2022
  2975. 97%Adding Analyzers Via a Project Reference · Issue #18093 · dotnet/roslyn
  2976. 75%Episode 88 - Making Cross-Platform Games in .NET With Evan Wolbach
  2977. 99%How Rider Hot Reload Works Under the Hood | The .NET Tools Blog
  2978. 94%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - C# 9 and 10 for Beginners
  2979. 94%Replace DotLiquid with Fluid by lahma · Pull Request #3679 · RicoSuter/NSwag
  2980. 98%Introducing the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit
  2981. 98%How to use OpenTelemetry with F#
  2982. 99%Polymorphic Serialization with .NET System.Text.Json
  2983. 99%Cake - Cake v2.0.0 released
  2984. 99%30 minutes of Testing in .NET
  2985. 99%Upgrading a .NET 5 "Startup-based" app to .NET 6: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 12
  2986. 99%Umbraco frontend membership SSO using OpenID Connect
  2987. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Into the deep end with OpenCV
  2988. 97%Learn C# with the C# 101 Interactive Notebooks
  2989. 95%Distributing applications that depend on Microsoft.Playwright - Gérald Barré
  2990. 97%How do I migrate from Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI? | One Dev Question
  2991. 99%Distributing an application that rely on Microsoft.Playwright - Gérald Barré
  2992. 98%Using GitHub Actions to Update .NET Dependencies Automatically
  2993. 56%Cake v2.0.0 RC 2 released
  2994. 99%Use YARP to host client and API server on a single origin to avoid CORS
  2995. 99%Introduction to .NET MAUI
  2996. 99%Jab 0.5.1
  2997. 96%Azure Functions - Could not load file or assembly System.Text.Encoding.CodePages
  2998. 97%Web Wednesday: Recapping .NET Conf with Jon Galloway
  2999. 88%Episode 29: Snapshot Testing with Simon Cropp
  3000. 99%Adam Storr - Using AutoFac Keyed Dependencies Directly in .NET 6 Isolated Azure Functions
  3001. 99%Upgrading a 20 year old University Project to .NET 6 with dotnet-upgrade-assistant
  3002. 98%params in C# is awesome but there is a catch
  3003. 69%dotnet-script 1.3 is out with .NET 6.0 support
  3004. 99%Using, and creating, custom project templates in Visual Studio and the dotnet CLI
  3005. 99%Build .NET Applications with Visual Studio Code
  3006. 98%Dotnetos
  3007. 97%A .NET 5.0 Guide: From Idea To NuGet Package
  3008. 96%Monsters Weekly 232 - PeriodicTimer in .NET 6
  3009. 99%Blazor Hot Reload in .NET 6
  3010. 98%Why should I build cross-platform native apps with .NET MAUI? | One Dev Question
  3011. 92%.NET Frontend Day 2022: Call for Speakers/Papers
  3012. 99%[CallerArgumentExpression] and throw helpers: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 11
  3013. 99%Who is using .NET? | One Dev Question
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  3015. 99%Updating your project to use File Scoped Namespaces - Gérald Barré
  3016. 94%Best keyboard shortcuts for .NET development
  3017. 98%ASP.NET Core for Beginners: Web APIs
  3018. 99%.NET 6 Hot Reload and "Refused to connect to ws: because it violates the Content Security Policy directive" because Web Sockets
  3019. 95%[Video] High-performance and compile-time logging source generation in .NET 6
  3020. 99%Testing tools for .NET and cross-platform apps
  3021. 82%Episode 87 - Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity with Harrison Ferrone
  3022. 99%GitHub - Elringus/DotNetJS: Use .NET in any JavaScript environment: browsers, Node.js, VS Code web extensions, etc.
  3023. 98%Global Usings – A Look at New Language Features in C# 10 | The .NET Tools Blog
  3024. 95%Implementing Unit And Integration Tests On .NET With xUnit
  3025. 99%What is new in F#? | One Dev Question
  3026. 91%Limited Edition Custom .NET Cycling Jersey
  3027. 98%Infer# v1.2: Interprocedural Memory Safety Analysis For C#
  3028. 98%12 features coming in C# 11, potentially
  3029. 98%Free Your Services From Vendor Lock-in with OpenTelemetry – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3030. 99%A First Look with FreshMvvm.Maui - Michael Ridland
  3031. 97%Options for running locally with Dapr
  3032. 98%Web Wednesday: Use containers to streamline your dev process with Burke Holland
  3033. 98%ASP.NET Docker Gotchas and Workarounds
  3034. 99%What is new in .NET 6? | One Dev Question
  3035. 98%What's new in Windows Forms in .NET 6.0
  3036. 72%New dependency injection features in .NET 6: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 10
  3037. 95%Adding support for X86Base.Pause() and ArmBase.Yield() by tannergooding · Pull Request #61065 · dotnet/runtime
  3038. 97%Azure Active Directory's gateway is on .NET 6.0!
  3039. 99%Getting started with GraphQL in ASP.NET Core
  3040. 98%How C# 10.0 and .NET 6.0 improve ArgumentExceptions | endjin
  3041. 99%Champion "CallerArgumentExpression" · Issue #287 · dotnet/csharplang
  3042. 97%GitHub - DamianEdwards/MinimalApis.Extensions: A set of extensions and helpers for working with ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs.
  3043. 77%Implement PEM exports for RSA PKCS#1 and ECPrivateKey by vcsjones · Pull Request #61487 · dotnet/runtime
  3044. 99%Dynamic PGO in .NET 6.0.md
  3045. 95%.NET MAUI: Evolution of .NET Mobile/Desktop in Age of .NET 6
  3046. 98%Announcing .NET 6 -- The Fastest .NET Yet
  3047. 99%Code style formatting rules - .NET
  3048. 96%Building a project that target .NET Framework 4.5 in Visual Studio 2022
  3049. 98%Setting up Serilog in .NET 6
  3050. 98%MSBuild and 64-bit Visual Studio 2022
  3051. 98%Convert to file scoped namespaces in the entire solution using .editorconfig
  3052. 98%Cake v2.0.0 RC 1 released
  3053. 97%GitHub - CommunityToolkit/dotnet: .NET Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers and APIs that work for all .NET developers and are agnostic of any specific UI platform. The toolkit is part of the .NET Foundation.
  3054. 97%Announcing dotnet monitor in .NET 6
  3055. 99%Umbraco backoffice SSO with OpenID Connect
  3056. 89%Integration Testing: Lessons from Storyteller and Other Thoughts
  3057. 98%The Catch Block #82 - .NET 6's Grand Debut
  3058. 93%Workflow - workspace-images/1234/2b3f2beb-75b9-4e3e-adb9-0fa172a30384`
  3059. 99%How to use JSONPatch in .net core | Gary Woodfine
  3060. 98%.NET 6 New Project Templates and Minimal APIs. Are you ready?
  3061. 94%Release v3.5.1 · dotnet/orleans
  3062. 99%Back to Basics: Add an ASP.NET Runtime Information Startup Banner
  3063. 95%.NET Framework November 2021 Cumulative Update
  3064. 98%.NET Conf 2021
  3065. 95%F# 6 is officially here!
  3066. 99%.NET Downloads (Linux, macOS, and Windows)
  3067. 99%How to create your own project templates in .NET
  3068. 99%Source generator updates: incremental generators: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 9
  3069. 97%.NET Official Support Policy
  3070. 99%add api diff between 5.0 & 6.0 targeting packs. by Anipik · Pull Request #6874 · dotnet/core
  3071. 99%Cake v2.0.0 RC 1 released
  3072. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 10
  3073. 87%.NET November 2021 Updates – 5.0.12 and 3.1.21
  3074. 98%Get started with minimal API for .NET 6
  3075. 99%Building real applications with Orleans
  3076. 94%Release v3.5.1 · dotnet/orleans
  3077. 97%Remove the .NET runtime and SDK
  3078. 93%.NET MAUI Preview 6: SDK Workload Installation, Gestures, Clipping, Alerts, More -- Visual Studio Magazine
  3079. 99%Announcing .NET 6 -- The Fastest .NET Yet
  3080. 99%Bite-Size .NET 6 - UnionBy, IntersectBy, ExceptBy, and DistinctBy
  3081. 99%The evolution of API performance from .NET Core 1 to .NET 6
  3082. 97%.NET 6: Top 6 Features in the new .NET Version | Rubik's Code
  3083. 96%What's New in C# 10? | One Dev Question
  3084. 99%What's new in F# 6 - F# Guide
  3085. 99%GitHub - Maoni0/realmon: A monitoring tool that tells you when GCs happen in a process and some characteristics about these GCs
  3086. 98%Use file scoped namespaces by pranavkm · Pull Request #38076 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  3087. 99%Building a custom checkout form with Stripe Elements
  3088. 99%.NET Watch Run Configuration - IntelliJ IDEs Plugin | Marketplace
  3089. 98%Caller Argument Expressions – A Look at New Language Features in C# 10 | The .NET Tools Blog
  3090. 99%NSwag generated C# client: Open API property name clashes and decimal types rather than double | I CAN MAKE THIS WORK
  3091. 99%Introducing the .NET Tech Community Forums
  3092. 99%What's new in F# 6 - F# Guide
  3093. 82%Saying goodbye to The .NET Stacks
  3094. 96%Blazored.AzureStaticWebAppAuthentication 0.1.1
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  3096. 98%The Catch Block #81 - .NET 6, C# 10, and VS 2022 Roundup!
  3097. 95%Exploring .NET Core 6
  3098. 99%Monsters Weekly 229 - Where is my Program Main method?
  3099. 98%Remove Libuv transport and dependency by Tratcher · Pull Request #38005 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  3100. 99%Diagnostics tools for App Service on Linux
  3101. 99%The Unified .NET 6
  3102. 98%.NET 6 Launches at .NET Conf, November 9-11
  3103. 99%Bite-Size .NET 6 - MaxBy() and MinBy() in LINQ
  3104. 99%I let GitHub Co-Pilot be the Pilot for my C# code
  3105. 96%BERT Tokenizers NuGet Package for C# | Rubik's Code
  3106. 99%.NET Collections - IEnumerable, IQueryable, ICollection - Code Maze
  3107. 96%GitHub - dotnet-foundation/wg-maintainers: Project maintainers' working group and committee
  3108. 92%Pipelines - Runs for runtime
  3109. 99%Code Maze Weekly #99 - Code Maze
  3110. 96%4 common C# naming patterns you should know #Shorts
  3111. 98%File-Scoped Namespaces – A Look at New Language Features in C# 10 | The .NET Tools Blog
  3112. 99%runtimelab/samples/NativeLibrary at 8e81d3a5bfd7639a197b51a1f65fcbba129d3b5f · dotnet/runtimelab
  3113. 97%On .NET Live - Learning .NET with .NET Book Study
  3114. 99%High CPU Usage with .NET Counters
  3115. 88%#158 Mads Torgersen, C# 10, Part 2 - Listener's Questions | no dogma podcast
  3116. 99%Primitives: the extensions library for .NET
  3117. 97%Let's Learn .NET: Machine Learning - Events
  3118. 99%Dotnet Format and File Scoped Namespaces
  3119. 99%Generate ASP.NET Core OpenAPI Spec At Build Time
  3120. 85%Clarify what's the role/power of Microsoft in the Foundation · Discussion #63 · dotnet-foundation/Home
  3121. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - Office Hours & Announcements
  3122. 99%The Catch Block #80 - The .NET Drama Strikes Back!
  3123. 98%Entity Framework Community Standup - Noda Time
  3124. 99%Hello World: .NET 6 and .NET Conf
  3125. 99%Parallel.ForEachAsync in .NET 6
  3126. 93%It's time for .NET to Leave Home
  3127. 92%To Microsoft Developer Division Leadership - Pastebin.com
  3128. 97%Bite-Size .NET 6 - PriorityQueue<T, N>
  3129. 99%Creating a search engine for websites using Elasticsearch and Playwright - Gérald Barré
  3130. 98%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - SOLID Design Principles and Dependency Injection
  3131. 95%Using Huggingface Transformers with ML.NET | Rubik's Code
  3132. 99%Debugging Android Applications with the Windows Subsystem for Android
  3133. 90%Default to 2 decimal places for timings and add options to control it by NickCraver · Pull Request #580 · MiniProfiler/dotnet
  3134. 96%Let's talk about the removal of hot reload from dotnet watch situation
  3135. 92%Revert "Remove Hot Reload support from dotnet watch (#22217)" by 3nprob · Pull Request #22262 · dotnet/sdk
  3136. 96%Implement RSA-PSS signature for CmsSigner by vcsjones · Pull Request #60316 · dotnet/runtime
  3137. 94%.NET Hot Reload Support via CLI
  3138. 87%Microsoft's Hot Reload decision angers open-source .NET devs
  3139. 97%Can we trust Microsoft with Open Source? - Dusted Codes
  3140. 97%GitHub - filipnavara/dotnet-hotrewatch: dotnet watch we always wanted
  3141. 97%dotnet/MiniProfiler.cs at f4c0dc11e23c4811de2abc470dd613b99a38c4c5 · MiniProfiler/dotnet
  3142. 99%Tip 338 - How to publish and subscribe messages with Azure Web PubSub
  3143. 96%Webinar: Free Your Services From Vendor Lock-in with OpenTelemetry | The .NET Tools Blog
  3144. 97%Hot Reload removed from dotnet watch - Why? · Issue #22247 · dotnet/sdk
  3145. 99%What's New in EF Core 6.0
  3146. 90%Committees | .NET Foundation
  3147. 98%What is .NET MAUI? - .NET MAUI
  3148. 99%7 awesome improvements for LINQ in .NET 6
  3149. 99%Visual Studio 2022 - Launching 2021-11-08
  3150. 99%Analyzing Code for Issues in .NET 5
  3151. 99%GitHub - Giorgi/EntityFramework.Exceptions: Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Supports SQLServer, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle and MySql
  3152. 99%What’s new in F# 6
  3153. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Advanced Kestrel Socket APIs
  3154. 99%Setting User-Specific Paths in a Shell
  3155. 99%.NET Conf 2021 Watch Party with NUGM
  3156. 99%Supporting integration tests with WebApplicationFactory in .NET 6: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 6
  3157. 96%Exploring the .NET Table Storage SDK
  3158. 99%Implement .NET 6 features for templates. by jamesmontemagno · Pull Request #3018 · dotnet/maui
  3159. 82%.Net Virtual Conference 2022: Call for Speakers/Papers
  3160. 99%What's New in EF Core 6.0
  3161. 98%Bite-Size .NET 6 - LINQ OrDefault() Overloads
  3162. 99%The .NET Docs Show - EF Core Power Tools and NuGet packages, oh my! 🙀
  3163. 99%Deployment Projects with the new AWS .NET Deployment Experience | Amazon Web Services
  3164. 98%Contributing to .NET MAUI Community Toolkit
  3165. 62%`ValueArray` - a compliment type to the `Span`, which owns its data without indirections. by VSadov · Pull Request #60519 · dotnet/runtime
  3166. 96%Detailed thoughts on the State of the .NET Foundation · Discussion #60 · dotnet-foundation/Home
  3167. 99%GitHub - davidfowl/IISCrossover: A prototype running ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core in the same IIS pipeline
  3168. 93%GitHub Actions On Demand
  3169. 98%Dotnet could not execute because the application was not found or a compatible .NET SDK is not installed
  3170. 99%On .NET Live - Things you didn't know you about GitHub
  3171. 99%GitHub - Practical-ASP-NET/BlazorTailwindTemplate
  3172. 99%Bite-Size .NET 6 - Chunk() in LINQ
  3173. 99%Build Your First Microservice with .NET | Microservices Explained
  3174. 99%What I wish I knew when learning F#
  3175. 99%Diagnostics: Tracing, Logging and Metrics | Npgsql Documentation
  3176. 93%Monsters Weekly 226 - Building GitHub Actions in C#
  3177. 97%.NET Framework October 2021 Security and Quality Rollup
  3178. 97%GitHub - jpobst/classic-dotnet-templates: .NET 6+ project templates that do not use top level statements
  3179. 86%Construct Internet of Things devices using the .NET IoT Libraries - Learn
  3180. 97%SkiaSharp.Views.Blazor 2.88.0-preview.150
  3181. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - Deep Learning with PyTorch & ONNX
  3182. 97%The Catch Block #78 - The .NET Foundation Drama
  3183. 99%Announcing .NET 6 Release Candidate 2
  3184. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 9
  3185. 95%.NET October 2021 Updates – 5.0.11 and 3.1.20
  3186. 99%Self Diagnosing Deployments with Oakton and Lamar
  3187. 99%A PKI-less secure communication channel: Using TLS
  3188. 95%The Windows Package Manager
  3189. 98%Updating NuGet packages from command-line - deep dive
  3190. 99%World's Smallest C# Program (featuring `N`)
  3191. 99%JOS.Configuration - Convenient methods for configuration in dotnet core
  3192. 99%Testing ASP.NET Core web applications with WebApplicationFactory
  3193. 99%Downloading a SSL/TLS certificate in .NET - Gérald Barré
  3194. 99%Introducing experimental OpenTelemetry support in the Azure SDK for .NET
  3195. 96%Profiling and Fixing Common Performance Bottlenecks – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3196. 98%Cake - Cake v1.3.0 released
  3197. 97%Enable tab completion - .NET CLI
  3198. 94%Change in .NET Foundation Leadership · Discussion #40 · dotnet-foundation/Home
  3199. 99%What's New in EF Core 6.0
  3200. 99%GitHub - shibayan/Sharprompt: Interactive command-line based application framework for C#
  3201. 97%Episode 84 - ASP .NET Core 5 Design Patterns With Carl-Hugo Marcotte
  3202. 98%DNF and its relationship with member projects · Discussion #38 · dotnet-foundation/Home
  3203. 97%.NET Blog
  3204. 91%Testing in C# using Visual Studio
  3205. 99%Using .NET To Validate JSON with JSON Schema
  3206. 96%My oh-my-posh profile
  3207. 99%I'm sorry · Discussion #39 · dotnet-foundation/Home
  3208. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - SQL Server Temporal Tables and EF Core 6
  3209. 99%ML.NET and Model Builder October Updates
  3210. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - What's new in Orchard Core
  3211. 99%r/dotnet - .Net 6 RC Ready for Prod?
  3212. 99%Bite-Size .NET 6 - DateOnly and TimeOnly
  3213. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Serverless Machine Learning
  3214. 98%Code Coverage in .NET
  3215. 99%GitHub - Blazored/LocalStorage: A library to provide access to local storage in Blazor applications
  3216. 99%.NET 6 is HERE! 5 Features that will blow your mind 🤯
  3217. 99%7 tips for writing better library code in .NET
  3218. 92%Building an Online Ticket Store with Blazor WebAssembly – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3219. 95%Let's Learn .NET: IoT - Events
  3220. 98%Accepting Online Payments With Stripe
  3221. 98%Add the concept of "notification profilers" to the runtime by davmason · Pull Request #53122 · dotnet/runtime
  3222. 99%Power-Ups: CliWrap – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3223. 99%Let's Make Some Art - Part 2
  3224. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Exploring the ABP web app framework
  3225. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Collections and Generics
  3226. 99%Ahead-Of-Time Compilation for Blazor Wasm
  3227. 99%Monsters Weekly 224 - New LINQ methods in .NET 6
  3228. 96%.NET Interactive Notebooks for Machine Learning | Rubik's Code
  3229. 99%Postmortem: Partial RavenDB Cloud outage
  3230. 99%.Net Core Strong Typed Configuration Binding for Arrays
  3231. 98%Hello World - Introduction to C# interactive C# tutorial
  3232. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Contributing to ASP.NET Core
  3233. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - PostgreSQL and EF Core
  3234. 99%r/dotnet - What does your Blazor Server architecture look like?
  3235. 99%Swift with .NET in Xcode
  3236. 99%ECDSA and Custom XML Signatures in .NET
  3237. 99%How to sign XML using RSA in .NET
  3238. 99%dotNET
  3239. 96%machinelearning/BestFriendAttribute.cs at 3bf8cba75fd94241d2f918fc5330e8cda3b36432 · dotnet/machinelearning
  3240. 99%ASP.NET Minimal APIs - balta.io
  3241. 97%r/dotnet - How many full-time devs does it take to keep developing dotnet?
  3242. 99%Approaches to handling simple expressions in C#
  3243. 98%Debugging a .NET App on Linux from Windows Visual Studio with WSL - NDepend
  3244. 97%rename source generator anchor to SetHandler by jonsequitur · Pull Request #1411 · dotnet/command-line-api
  3245. 99%GitHub - dotnet/upgrade-assistant: A tool to assist developers in upgrading .NET Framework applications to .NET 5
  3246. 98%Add initial regex source generator by stephentoub · Pull Request #59186 · dotnet/runtime
  3247. 91%JustMock R3 2021—Linux, Visual Studio 2022 .NET 6 RC1
  3248. 89%Webinar: Profiling and Fixing Common Performance Bottlenecks | The .NET Tools Blog
  3249. 97%Introducing Package Source Mapping
  3250. 99%Validating Form Data with Blazor [11 of 11] | Beginner's Series to: Blazor
  3251. 97%Machine Learning Community Standup - Deep Learning with TorchSharp
  3252. 95%.NET September 2021 Updates – 5.0.10 and 3.1.19
  3253. 99%Looking inside ConfigurationManager in .NET 6: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 1
  3254. 99%Setting up the SonarQube scanner when building a .NET Core container image
  3255. 99%Async processing of long-running tasks in ASP.NET Core
  3256. 99%Adam Storr - Separate the Metadata Noise from the Implementation in Azure Functions
  3257. 98%WUG: Co nás čeká v .NET 6 a C# 10 (Zlín)
  3258. 99%Release WebSharper 5.0.0-preview1 · dotnet-websharper/core
  3259. 99%Monsters Weekly 222 - DateOnly and TimeOnly in .NET 6
  3260. 98%Advanced Git Workflow Tips | The .NET Tools Blog
  3261. 99%MinimalValidation/dotnet.yml at 3b836203c6af3ce1f9735ff1a4c81ab3270a7c7e · DamianEdwards/MinimalValidation
  3262. 99%Finding Types at Runtime in .NET Core
  3263. 99%Getting Started Tweetinvi .NET Twitter | C# Tutorials Blog
  3264. 99%OData (Open Data Protocol) in ASP.NET 6.0
  3265. 98%GitHub - hyrmn/jerk: Joe Everyman's Reporting Konverter
  3266. 99%How to Write Cleaner, Safer Code with SonarQube, Docker and .NET Core
  3267. 99%Working with DevOps friendly EF Core Migration Bundles
  3268. 99%Managing User State [9 of 11] | Beginner's Series to: Blazor
  3269. 99%Migrate apps to modern authentication
  3270. 97%Episode 82 - DotPurple With Michael Babienco
  3271. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - Office Hours
  3272. 99%The .NET Docs Show - .NET IoT Ask Me Anything
  3273. 99%Parameters and Sharing Data [8 of 11] | Beginner's Series to: Blazor
  3274. 99%New Improved Attach to Process Dialog Experience
  3275. 99%Apples in MAUI
  3276. 98%OSS Power-Ups: CliWrap | The .NET Tools Blog
  3277. 98%csharplang/LDM-2021-08-30.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  3278. 97%Craver's oh-my-posh profile
  3279. 99%What's new in C# 10.0 - C# Guide
  3280. 99%GitHub Quick Reviews
  3281. 98%GitHub - dotnet/csharplang: The official repo for the design of the C# programming language
  3282. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - A first look at Carter on .NET 6
  3283. 99%GitHub - JonPSmith/AuthPermissions.AspNetCore: This library provides extra authorization features to an ASP.NET Core application.
  3284. 85%Release v3.5.0 · dotnet/orleans
  3285. 99%On .NET Live - Practical tips to improve your users' experience
  3286. 99%GitHub - MichalStrehovsky/zerosharp: Demo of the potential of C# for systems programming with the .NET native ahead-of-time compilation technology.
  3287. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Exploring Blazorise with Mladen Macanović
  3288. 98%Any examples of using SAML 2 authentication with a Blazor server-side app?
  3289. 99%ASP.​NET Core in .NET 6 - Async streaming
  3290. 99%Let's Learn .NET: Razor Pages
  3291. 99%Windows Server 2022 Now Generally Available
  3292. 99%GitHub - dotnet/Silk.NET: The high-speed OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX bindings library your mother warned you about.
  3293. 99%File IO improvements in .NET 6
  3294. 99%Monsters Weekly 220 - Previewing .NET 6 without installing the Preview SDK
  3295. 98%My Ultimate PowerShell prompt with Oh My Posh and the Windows Terminal
  3296. 97%ASP.NET Core Web.config Transform for Production
  3297. 99%Introducing the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit (Preview)
  3298. 99%Ask the Expert: Build a Web App with Blazor
  3299. 99%The simplest way to create an API is with .NET
  3300. 99%Adam Storr - When is not null not null but checking not null in .NET 6
  3301. 99%Learn to build applications with F#
  3302. 99%OSS Power-Ups: Statiq – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3303. 99%Using SignalR in your Blazor applications
  3304. 99%core/roadmap.md at main · dotnet/core
  3305. 99%Exploring the NuGet client libraries - Gérald Barré
  3306. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Beginning C#: Loops and Conditional Statements
  3307. 97%.NET 6: Top 6 New Features in the Upcoming .NET Version
  3308. 99%In dirittura d'arrivo con le ASP.NET Core Minimal API
  3309. 99%Adding support for VisualStudio 2022 to your extension
  3310. 99%How to collect the code coverage of your tests in .NET
  3311. 90%Webinar: Building an Online Ticket Store with Blazor WebAssembly | The .NET Tools Blog
  3312. 96%Let's Learn .NET: Razor Pages - Events
  3313. 98%Diagnosing memory leaks in .NET apps
  3314. 99%What's new in C# 10.0 - C# Guide
  3315. 99%Get A Property Name From a .NET Lambda Expression
  3316. 99%Reporting NUKE build failures on Slack
  3317. 99%A sample environment check for OIDC authenticated web services
  3318. 99%F# Tapas - Small Bites from the Cloud to the Edge | #dotNETConf: Focus on F#
  3319. 96%GitHub Actions: Windows Server 2022 with Visual Studio 2022 is now available on GitHub-hosted runners (Public Beta) | GitHub Changelog
  3320. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Visual Studio 2022 Razor Editor
  3321. 99%Securing a graphQL API with Azure Active Directory
  3322. 99%Embedding source code on errors logged to elmah.io
  3323. 99%Beginner's Guide to Docker - Part 2 - Debugging a Docker Build - The Long Walk
  3324. 99%Creating Solutions and Projects in VS Code — Softwarepark
  3325. 99%What's New in EF Core 5.0
  3326. 99%New .NET 6 APIs driven by the developer community
  3327. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Blazor component testing with bUnit
  3328. 99%Carter Community for ASP.NET Core means enjoyable Web APIs on the cutting edge
  3329. 99%FluentAssertions.BUnit 0.0.38
  3330. 99%GitHub - srpeirce/fluentassertions.bUnit: Fluent Assertions for bUnit
  3331. 98%GitHub - Bassonrichard/SocialMediaSharingBlazor: Blazor class library that enables you to access the native web social media sharing functionality using C#
  3332. 98%SocialMediaSharingBlazor 5.1.3
  3333. 99%Getting Started with Data Analytics & Machine Learning in F# | #dotNETConf: Focus on F#
  3334. 73%Pull requests · dotnet/runtime
  3335. 99%Languages & Runtime Community Standup - Succinct, robust and performant code with F#
  3336. 99%Added support for type based parameter binding by davidfowl · Pull Request #35496 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  3337. 90%GitHub - spectreconsole/errata: A library that makes it easy to create and display diagnostics of different kinds.
  3338. 99%C# Language Highlights: The "in" Parameter Modifier
  3339. 99%Performance Improvements in .NET 6
  3340. 99%.NET Core Cloud Hosting & Deployment | Amezmo
  3341. 99%Intro to Mathematical Planning with F# | #dotNETConf: Focus on F#
  3342. 99%On .NET Live - Connecting gadgets to Blazor
  3343. 97%Using SignalR in your Blazor applications
  3344. 99%Rider 2021.3 Roadmap | The .NET Tools Blog
  3345. 98%ReSharper 2021.3 Roadmap | The .NET Tools Blog
  3346. 99%How to Create a new Solution and Projects using dotnet CLI
  3347. 99%Signing Electron Apps before Bundling with Azure Key Vault and EV Code Signing Certificates - Dangl.Blog();
  3348. 99%How I Learned To Stop FUD And Stay SAFE | #dotNETConf: Focus on F#
  3349. 99%GitHub - dotnet/runtime at release/6.0
  3350. 99%GitHub - IEvangelist/azure-cosmos-dotnet-repository: Wraps the .NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB abstracting away the complexity, exposing a simple CRUD-based repository pattern
  3351. 99%Performance Improvements in .NET 6
  3352. 98%.NET MAUI Summer Previews: New Layouts, Font Scaling, Alerts, Gestures, Clipping and Much More
  3353. 99%ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - Introducing minimal APIs
  3354. 97%.NET Core 2.1 container images will be deleted from Docker Hub
  3355. 99%Introducing DevOps-friendly EF Core Migration Bundles
  3356. 98%Creating parameterised tests in xUnit with [InlineData], [ClassData], and [MemberData]
  3357. 99%Azure Functions with F# using .NET 5
  3358. 99%Deploying Cloud Infrastructure with F# | #dotNETConf: Focus on F#
  3359. 99%Exploring a minimal Web API with ASP.NET Core 6
  3360. 98%The .NET Ecosystem in 2021: Over half of .NET devs use C# 8, 46% do not use diagnostic tools, and other facts | The .NET Tools Blog
  3361. 98%.NET MAUI Community Toolkit - Monthly Standup
  3362. 98%On .NET Live - The cutting edge of the Razor engine
  3363. 98%C# Highlights: Immutable Collections
  3364. 99%Productive Data Science in Biology with F# | #dotNETConf: Focus on F#
  3365. 98%Initial Support for Visual Studio 2022 Preview Is Available! | The .NET Tools Blog
  3366. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - EF Core's Global Query Filter
  3367. 91%dotNET
  3368. 98%.NET Framework August 2021 Security and Quality Rollup
  3369. 99%.NET August 2021 Updates – 5.0.9, 3.1.18, 2.1.29
  3370. 98%Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 7
  3371. 99%Starting Your F# Journey | #dotNETConf: Focus on F#
  3372. 99%Authenticating ASP.NET Core MVC applications with Azure Active Directory B2C - Part1
  3373. 99%Getting started with branching workflows, Git Flow and GitHub Flow
  3374. 98%Improved Support for Source Generators in ReSharper 2021.2 | The .NET Tools Blog
  3375. 99%Inducing and measuring ThreadPool exhaustion
  3376. 99%Don Syme's F# Bonanza | #dotNETConf: Focus on F#
  3377. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - C# for Beginners: Getting started with C#
  3378. 98%Supercharge Your ASP.NET Core Applications – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3379. 97%C# Highlights: Immutable Collections
  3380. 99%Scripting with F# Interactive [4 of 12] | Beginner's Series to: F#
  3381. 99%How to create your own Fluent API in C#
  3382. 96%Introducing System.Threading.RateLimiting for .NET
  3383. 86%Structure
  3384. 98%Uno Platform SQLite for WebAssembly support on .NET 5 and .NET 6
  3385. 98%OSS Power-Ups: Statiq | The .NET Tools Blog
  3386. 99%.NET Source Generators: Finding Class Declarations
  3387. 97%Hey @dotnet developers, did you know you could use your skills and favorite language to code for #IoT devices. @ellerbach tells @obloch all about the @nanoframework on the #IoTShow
  3388. 99%designs/blazor-wasm-crypto.md at main · dotnet/designs
  3389. 97%What is F#? [2 of 12] | Beginner's Series to: F#
  3390. 99%Dynamic Code Generation in Marten V4
  3391. 98%The v2021.2 Releases for dotCover, dotMemory, dotTrace, and dotPeek Are Here! | The .NET Tools Blog
  3392. 99%Visual Studio Toolbox Live - What's New in Visual Studio 2022 Previews 1 & 2?
  3393. 97%Introduction [1 of 12] | Beginner's Series to: F#
  3394. 98%GitHub - agocke/serde-dn
  3395. 99%Be careful with .NET Core Folder Structure - Simple Talk
  3396. 99%Adam Storr - Azure Functions CLI Failing After Preview Install
  3397. 99%GitHub - andrewlock/NetEscapades.AspNetCore.SecurityHeaders: Small package to allow adding security headers to ASP.NET Core websites
  3398. 99%Desktop Community Standup - Updates and Q&A
  3399. 99%GitHub - Xabaril/AspNetCore.Hashids: Not predictable ids library for ASP.NET Core APIs.
  3400. 97%.NET July 2021 Updates – 5.0.8 and 3.1.17
  3401. 99%Comparing dotnet:main...vcsjones:16df4edc7215a9521eda2c7a8aa3fa5f1bcecfef · dotnet/runtime
  3402. 99%.NET R&D Digest (July, 2021)
  3403. 98%.NET Framework July 2021 Cumulative Update Preview
  3404. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Building ASP.NET Core apps in F#
  3405. 95%Random.Shared Property (System)
  3406. 99%What does the ref keyword actually do in C#?
  3407. 99%sdk/BlazorWebAssemblyDeltaApplier.cs at main · dotnet/sdk
  3408. 97%Support lambda expressions and method groups as `var` initializers by cston · Pull Request #55132 · dotnet/roslyn
  3409. 98%SpecFlow for Rider (Plugin) is now Available! | The .NET Tools Blog
  3410. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - ASP.NET Core Architecture - Part 4
  3411. 99%Conversation about the .NET open source project
  3412. 98%Entity Framework Community Standup - OData
  3413. 98%Blazor Debugging Improvements in Rider 2021.2 | The .NET Tools Blog
  3414. 98%Protect Your SignalR Service Based Real-time Application with Application Gateway
  3415. 95%.NET on Microsoft Learn
  3416. 98%Learn .NET | Free tutorials, videos, courses, and more
  3417. 99%Try .NET | Runnable .NET code on your site
  3418. 98%C# Language Highlights: Exhaustive Case Guards
  3419. 98%Branchy 0.0.2
  3420. 96%Tune in July 29 for .NET Conf: Focus on F#
  3421. 99%Alpaca Preview: Native Swift with ASP.NET Core
  3422. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Advanced C#: Let's Build an Analyzer
  3423. 99%How to install .NET Core on your Remarkable 2 e-Ink tablet with Remarkable.NET
  3424. 99%TOP 5 .NET MAUI new features🏅
  3425. 99%Profile memory allocations with Perfview
  3426. 98%Episode 81 - Gremlinq With Daniel Weber
  3427. 98%Webinar: Supercharge Your ASP.NET Core Applications | The .NET Tools Blog
  3428. 99%On .NET Live - Let’s Talk Functional-First Programming!
  3429. 98%GitHub - andrewlock/StronglyTypedId: A Rosyln-powered generator for strongly-typed IDs
  3430. 97%designs/system-drawing-win-only.md at main · dotnet/designs
  3431. 99%.NET Conf: Focus on F#
  3432. 99%Unhandled Exceptions in Blazor Server with Error Boundaries
  3433. 99%Xamarin.Essentials 1.7 and introducing .NET MAUI Essentials
  3434. 99%Write your first code in F#
  3435. 93%r/dotnet - WTF happened to web app security the past 5 years? I need a PHD in OpenID Connect + IdentityServer4 to secure a web app now?
  3436. 99%New LEARN module: Write your first code in F#
  3437. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - ML.NET Office Hours
  3438. 99%C# Language Highlights: Positional Pattern Matching
  3439. 99%Some common gotchas when trying to deploy a dotnet gRPC app to AWS ECS
  3440. 99%.NET Tooling Community Standup - What's new with .NET Productivity?!
  3441. 99%ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - Shadow-copying in IIS
  3442. 99%How to measure elapsed time without allocating a Stopwatch - Gérald Barré
  3443. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Get Started with WPF
  3444. 99%Building Minimal APIs In .NET 6 - .NET Core Tutorials
  3445. 99%Creating Static Web Apps With F# and Fable | LINQ to Fail
  3446. 99%dotnet-labs/Minimal-URL-Shortener
  3447. 97%OSS Power-Ups: Verify – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3448. 95%update branding to rc1 by Anipik · Pull Request #55775 · dotnet/runtime
  3449. 96%.NET MAUI Preview 6: SDK Workload Installation, Gestures, Clipping, Alerts, More -- Visual Studio Magazine
  3450. 98%On .NET Live - Exploring Spark and ML .NET with F#
  3451. 95%Make `System.Drawing.Common` only supported on Windows by terrajobst · Pull Request #234 · dotnet/designs
  3452. 98%C# Language Highlights: Null Coalescing Assignment
  3453. 97%.NET Framework July 2021 Security and Quality Rollup
  3454. 99%Micro APIs with OpenFaaS and .NET
  3455. 99%Episode 385 - Cloud Native apps in Azure
  3456. 98%.NET 6 Preview 6: 'Last Chance to Influence the Release' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  3457. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - Visualizing database query plans
  3458. 99%Announcing .NET 6 Preview 6
  3459. 95%Announcing Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 6: Configure Conventions
  3460. 99%Permission-Based Security for ASP.NET Web APIs
  3461. 98%A Better Way To Discover APIs With The New Endpoints Window | The .NET Tools Blog
  3462. 99%Hardening an ASP.NET container running on Kubernetes
  3463. 99%dotnet/apireviews
  3464. 99%Visual Studio Toolbox Live - .NET Machine Learning in Visual Studio
  3465. 99%GitHub Quick Reviews
  3466. 99%Postmortem: The case of the pauses, the fault and the GC
  3467. 99%What is Span in C# and why you should be using it
  3468. 99%End to end testing web apps using Playwright and Azure DevOps
  3469. 98%Mutation Testing - The Long Walk
  3470. 98%dotnet/installer
  3471. 99%Languages & Runtime Community Standup - Breaking changes & .NET 6 Preview 6 and 7
  3472. 98%SixLabors.ImageSharp 1.0.3
  3473. 99%How to create a Discord Bot using the .NET worker template and host it on Azure Container Instances
  3474. 99%ASP.​NET Core in .NET 6 - HTTP/3 endpoint TLS configuration
  3475. 99%leonardochaia/dotnet-affected
  3476. 99%Creating reusable build scripts with NUKE components
  3477. 99%Spill single-def variable at definition to avoid further spilling by kunalspathak · Pull Request #54345 · dotnet/runtime
  3478. 98%What's New in .NET for Apache Spark v1.1.1
  3479. 99%The hidden cost of Exceptions in .NET
  3480. 97%Episode 80 - VR Applications in Unity with Justin Barnett
  3481. 99%Using A Function App with a Dedicated Static IP
  3482. 99%C# Language Highlights: Using Declarations
  3483. 98%How Does the StringBuilder Work in .NET? (Part 2) - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  3484. 99%Deploy .NET applications on Red Hat OpenShift using Helm | Red Hat Developer
  3485. 99%paint.net 4.2.17 alpha build 7858 -- now using .NET 5!
  3486. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - Model Explainability
  3487. 98%Diagnosing thread pool exhaustion issues in .NET Core apps
  3488. 99%C# Language Highlights: Records
  3489. 86%C# Language Highlights: Top-level statements
  3490. 99%Console Do Not Track
  3491. 99%Ask the Expert: The future of modern application development with .NET
  3492. 99%Adding authentication to a Blazor Server app using Auth0
  3493. 98%.NET Ketchup - Week 26, 2021
  3494. 99%Converting the WeatherTwentyOne app from dotnet Maui to Uno
  3495. 99%ASP.​NET Core in .NET 6 - HTTP/3 endpoint TLS configuration
  3496. 99%Supporting Hot Reload in your .NET application - Gérald Barré
  3497. 97%C# Language Highlights: Ranges
  3498. 99%Implementing Caching in ASP.NET Core with SQL Server
  3499. 99%C sharp or B flat? Experiments in self-contained native executables in .NET
  3500. 99%Developing and Deploying Azure Functions with GitHub Codespaces
  3501. 99%Integrating Tailwind into an ASP.NET Core Project
  3502. 99%.NET Tooling Community Standup - Sneak peek at Hot Reload for WinForms and WPF
  3503. 99%C# Language Highlights: Exception Filters
  3504. 98%dotnet/roslyn-analyzers
  3505. 98%On .NET Live - Commands, Queries, and Clean Architecture
  3506. 99%Xamarin Community Standup - Visual Studio Live Preview with Olia!!!
  3507. 97%Grpc.AspNetCore.Server.Reflection 2.38.0
  3508. 98%C# 9 in-process Azure Functions | I CAN MAKE THIS WORK
  3509. 99%How to Resolve ImageLoaderSourceHandler: Could Not Retrieve Image or Image Data Was Invalid Uri - Cool Coders
  3510. 99%Obsolete X509Certificate2.PrivateKey and PublicKey.Key. by vcsjones · Pull Request #54562 · dotnet/runtime
  3511. 97%W^X support by janvorli · Pull Request #54954 · dotnet/runtime
  3512. 99%What’s New for C# Nullable Reference Types in ReSharper and Rider 2021.2 EAP? | The .NET Tools Blog
  3513. 97%C# Language Highlights: Null Coalescing Operator
  3514. 97%Obsolete useManagedSha1 and ProduceLegacyHmacValues by vcsjones · Pull Request #54886 · dotnet/runtime
  3515. 99%Adam Storr - Test Your .NET HttpClient Based Strongly Typed Clients Like a Boss
  3516. 99%dotnet/runtime
  3517. 99%C# Language Highlights: Null Coalescing Operator
  3518. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Complete the Developer Loop ⭕ with GitHub Codespaces
  3519. 99%Introduction to .NET MAUI Blazor | The Xamarin Show
  3520. 97%C# Language Highlights: Using Declarations
  3521. 99%.NET MAUI Preview 5 Is Here
  3522. 99%Vake93/Express.NET
  3523. 97%Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Docker – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3524. 99%Tailwind CSS with SAFE
  3525. 98%Async Debugging Part 3
  3526. 99%Build your first microservice with .NET - Learn
  3527. 99%Working with Azure AD B2C in ASP.NET
  3528. 97%Episode 79 - Greenfield and Brownfield in .NET with Harry Bellamy (part two)
  3529. 99%Blazor, TypeScript and Static Web Apps | LINQ to Fail
  3530. 98%.NET Framework June 2021 Cumulative Update Preview
  3531. 94%One Shot ECB by vcsjones · Pull Request #52510 · dotnet/runtime
  3532. 98%What's new in Windows Forms in .NET 6.0 Preview 5
  3533. 92%Math.Clamp Method (System)
  3534. 99%Release Preview Release v0.9.232202 · dotnet/try-convert
  3535. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - Fast and Lightweight AutoML (FLAML)
  3536. 96%Episode 18: Mutation Testing in .NET with Stefan Pölz
  3537. 98%Compiled Models Quicken App Startups in Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 5 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  3538. 99%Package Validation
  3539. 99%Secure .NET 5 SignalR solutions with Azure AD
  3540. 97%StackExchange.Redis 2.2.50
  3541. 99%ASP.NET Core Architecture: Part 3
  3542. 97%OSS Power-Ups: Verify | The .NET Tools Blog
  3543. 99%Let's Learn .NET - Blazor - Free Live Stream Event
  3544. 98%Adam Storr - Default Your FirstOrDefault in .NET 6.0
  3545. 99%Obsolete mutable X509 certificate APIs by vcsjones · Pull Request #53891 · dotnet/runtime
  3546. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Build apps for Microsoft Teams with Blazor
  3547. 99%Languages & Runtime Community Standup - Templates and Arm64
  3548. 96%Initial commit. · dotnet/aspnetcore@3dfd79a
  3549. 97%Async Debugging Part 2
  3550. 98%On .NET Episode: Clustering in Orleans
  3551. 99%Announcing .NET 6 Preview 5 | .NET Blog
  3552. 99%Announcing .NET 6 Preview 5 | .NET Blog
  3553. 98%Announcing Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 5: Compiled Models | .NET Blog
  3554. 99%Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 5 | .NET Blog
  3555. 99%The .NET Docs Show - OutOfMemory (a card game): Blazor, Functions, and more!
  3556. 97%Ubuntu repositories broken · Issue #6381 · dotnet/core
  3557. 98%OSS Power-Ups: SpecFlow – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3558. 99%Your Guide to REST API Versioning in ASP.NET Core
  3559. 98%.NET Framework June 2021 Cumulative Update Preview | .NET Blog
  3560. 99%Keynote: The Future of Modern Application Development with .NET and Azure
  3561. 99%Support polymorphic serialization through new option · Issue #29937 · dotnet/runtime
  3562. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - Azure Cosmos DB and EF Core
  3563. 99%C# 10 - `record struct` Deep Dive & Performance Implications
  3564. 98%OSS Power-Ups: Silk.NET – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3565. 99%Running .NET Core Apps on a Framework other than Compiled Version?
  3566. 99%dotnet repl
  3567. 98%Migration of Bing’s Workflow Engine to .NET 5 | .NET Blog
  3568. 99%Feature flags with .NET and Azure App Configuration
  3569. 99%Show a name and profile photo with .NET and Gravatar 🤵
  3570. 99%.NET News Roundup: Project Reunion 0.8 RC , Uno Platform 3.8, JetBrains Rider 2021.2 Early Access
  3571. 95%Spectre.Console - Welcome
  3572. 99%dotnet-repl 0.1.11
  3573. 99%jonsequitur/dotnet-repl
  3574. 99%Build a few .NET apps, convert them into .NET templates, package them together in a NuGet and use them as templates within Visual Studio. Part 1: Key Concepts
  3575. 95%Fix typo by mairaw · Pull Request #24 · dotnet/org-policy
  3576. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - Virtual Office Hours with the ML.NET Team
  3577. 98%Conversation about diagnostics | .NET Blog
  3578. 99%Azure Functions and .NET 5: Query params, Dependency Injection, Bicep & Build | I CAN MAKE THIS WORK
  3579. 98%ClrMDExports 2.0.0-rc1
  3580. 99%Detect services based on service provider by davidfowl · Pull Request #32737 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  3581. 96%.NET 5 Dependency Injection
  3582. 98%Khelechy/CSJsonDB
  3583. 96%.NET 5 Dependency Injection
  3584. 97%Episode 78 - Greenfield and Brownfield in .NET with Harry Bellamy (part one)
  3585. 99%dotNET - Invidious
  3586. 97%Your `~/.bashrc` doesn't have to be a mess
  3587. 95%ML.NET Survey: Model Explainability | .NET Blog
  3588. 99%Why is Async code hard to debug?
  3589. 99%On .NET Live - Secrets of building Blazor Components
  3590. 99%Why is Async code hard to debug?
  3591. 99%microsoft/playwright-dotnet
  3592. 99%dotnet-presentations/blazor-workshop
  3593. 98%On .NET Episode: Setting up Observability in Orleans
  3594. 99%Release Preview Release v0.8.230902 · dotnet/try-convert
  3595. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - Introducing EF Core Compiled Models
  3596. 99%microsoft/fast-blazor
  3597. 98%.NET June 2021 Updates – 5.0.7 and 3.1.16 | .NET Blog
  3598. 96%.NET Framework June 2021 Security and Quality Rollup Updates | .NET Blog
  3599. 99%Tyrrrz/DotnetRuntimeBootstrapper
  3600. 69%Improving Deployments with Kubernetes (2021-06-10)
  3601. 96%Streamline Windows Forms application configuration and bootstrap by RussKie · Pull Request #223 · dotnet/designs
  3602. 99%Workload Target Imports Design by sfoslund · Pull Request #224 · dotnet/designs
  3603. 98%OSS Power-Ups: SpecFlow
  3604. 97%Debugging C# Source Generators with Visual Studio 2019 16.10 - Steve Talks Code
  3605. 98%Customizing Serilog text output
  3606. 99%dotnet/roslyn
  3607. 99%Minimal APIs in ASP.NET Core 6.0
  3608. 99%Hmac one-shot by vcsjones · Pull Request #53487 · dotnet/runtime
  3609. 96%fasm 0.1.1
  3610. 98%A Double Header with Blazor - PHINUG 2021.06
  3611. 99%On .NET Live - Thinking about Applications Security Threats and OWASP
  3612. 99%GitHub Quick Reviews
  3613. 99%Project Tye 101 - Dev, Debug, & Deploy Microservices with Project Tye
  3614. 99%Application Development with Scott Hanselman & Friends | KEY11D
  3615. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - EF Core Power Tools: the New Batch
  3616. 97%Entity Framework Community Standup - Triggers for EF Core
  3617. 95%Webinar: Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Docker | The .NET Tools Blog
  3618. 99%6 steps to pimp my terminal
  3619. 99%Project Tye 101 - Dev, Debug, & Deploy Microservices with Project Tye
  3620. 99%Project Tye 101 - Dev, Debug, & Deploy Microservices with Project Tye
  3621. 99%Benchmarking 4 reflection methods for calling a constructor in .NET
  3622. 98%Add non-cryptographic hash algorithms by bartonjs · Pull Request #53623 · dotnet/runtime
  3623. 99%Working With .NET 6’s PriorityQueue
  3624. 98%Announcing Visual Studio Code extension for Tye | .NET Blog
  3625. 99%GitHub Quick Reviews
  3626. 99%Visual Studio Toolbox Live - Debug & Analyze Dump Files in Visual Studio
  3627. 97%C# Language Highlights: Async Streams
  3628. 99%Benchmarking 4 reflection methods for calling a constructor in .NET
  3629. 99%.NET MAUI Preview 4 Is Here
  3630. 97%C# Language Highlights: Exception Filters
  3631. 99%Investigate memory issues with ease – Introducing real-time inspections in dotMemory Allocation Analysis | The .NET Tools Blog
  3632. 99%Adam Storr - Quick Tip - Compiler Directives and Using Aliases to Ignore Tests
  3633. 99%Benchmarking 4 reflection methods for calling a constructor in .NET
  3634. 99%Remove bogus assert in FindRefs by CyrusNajmabadi · Pull Request #53793 · dotnet/roslyn
  3635. 98%no dogma podcast
  3636. 99%Application Development with Scott Hanselman & Friends | KEY11D
  3637. 99%Add support for customising the creation of Kestrel listen sockets by deanward81 · Pull Request #32827 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  3638. 99%Introduction To .NET Interactive
  3639. 95%Improve the rate of thread injection for blocking due to sync-over-async by kouvel · Pull Request #53471 · dotnet/runtime
  3640. 93%.NET Interactive
  3641. 96%Episode 77 - Application Security with Tanya Janka
  3642. 99%danroth27/BlazorWeather
  3643. 99%Announcing .NET 6 Preview 4 | .NET Blog
  3644. 99%.NET Boxed Visual Studio Integration
  3645. 99%Add WebSocket compression support by BrennanConroy · Pull Request #32600 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  3646. 83%The Catch Block #59 - Anatomy of a Botched Deployment
  3647. 99%ReSharper 2021.2 Roadmap | The .NET Tools Blog
  3648. 95%.NET Framework May 2021 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 10, versions 2004, 20H2, 21H1 | .NET Blog
  3649. 99%davidortinau/WeatherTwentyOne
  3650. 93%You've been Blazored! - .NET 070 | Devchat.tv
  3651. 99%Announcing .NET 6 Preview 4 | .NET Blog
  3652. 97%Announcing Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 4: Performance Edition
  3653. 99%Using DateOnly and TimeOnly in .NET 6 - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  3654. 99%How to stop Visual Studio from creating launchsettings.json
  3655. 99%4 ways to deploy a .NET Core Lambda using AWS CDK
  3656. 99%Running a .NET application as a service on Linux with Systemd
  3657. 99%.NET Basics - Dusted Codes
  3658. 99%Adam Storr - Simple Example of Calling REST API with HttpClient in .NET 5.0
  3659. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - EF Core Power Tools: the New Batch
  3660. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Introduction to the Microsoft Identity platform
  3661. 99%Finding concurrency bugs in a .NET application using Coyote - Gérald Barré
  3662. 99%.NET coding test advice (from a engineering manager) | Cracking the .NET interview
  3663. 92%Monsters Weekly 211 - .NET 5 on Azure Functions
  3664. 98%Uno Platform Announcing: uno-check - a health check for your Uno Platform dev environment
  3665. 99%.NET Foundation
  3666. 99%Introducing The .NET Coding Pack for VS Code - Getting Started with C# for Beginners
  3667. 99%C# with CSharpFritz S3 E2 - Beginning Blazor and Components
  3668. 99%Show dotnet: Investigating Alpine Linux CVEs in .NET container images | .NET Blog
  3669. 94%ASP.NET Core – KestrelServer using wrong development SSL certificate
  3670. 95%.NET Framework May 2021 Cumulative Update Preview | .NET Blog
  3671. 99%Using SignalR and ASP.NET Core for real-time communication
  3672. 99%Authenticated Encryption in .NET with AES-GCM
  3673. 99%Let's Learn .NET - Accessibility - Free Live Stream Event
  3674. 97%Webinar – OSS Power-Ups: SpecFlow | The .NET Tools Blog
  3675. 99%SecureString obsoletions and shrouded buffer proposal by GrabYourPitchforks · Pull Request #147 · dotnet/designs
  3676. 98%Conversation about ready to run | .NET Blog
  3677. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - Building Modern Apps with GraphQL
  3678. 99%.NET Developers Community Singapore (Singapore, Singapore)
  3679. 99%dotMemory Support For Linux Process Dumps | The .NET Tools Blog
  3680. 99%How do I build a SignalR app with ASP.NET Core?
  3681. 99%Servo Motor with .NET and Meadow | C# Tutorials Blog
  3682. 98%memsom/PSPDNA
  3683. 99%Create a colored CLI with System.CommandLine and Spectre 🎨
  3684. 99%C# serialization with JsonSchema and System.Text.Json | endjin
  3685. 99%Custom User Message Extension Methods in C# and MVC
  3686. 99%Debugging a .NET assembly without the source code with Visual Studio - Gérald Barré
  3687. 99%hermanussen/ReferenceCopAnalyzer
  3688. 99%Updating FloatingGlucose to .NET 5 - Display Nightscout or Dexcom Glucose Values on the Windows Desktop
  3689. 97%Introduction to MicroBootstrap - An Infrastructure Library For Creating Microservices in .Net Core
  3690. 99%Running a .NET 5 web app on Railway
  3691. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Take your a11y to 11 with iOS and Android!
  3692. 96%Episode 76 - The Story of dotnet new3 With Sayed Hashimi
  3693. 99%Support ChaCha20 Poly1305 on Unix by vcsjones · Pull Request #52522 · dotnet/runtime
  3694. 94%On .NET Live - 5 Azure Services .NET Developers Should Try
  3695. 99%Debug .NET 5 Function with Visual Studio/Visual Studio Code
  3696. 99%Getting Started with GitHub Actions for .NET Developers - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  3697. 99%Uno Platform Hosting Uno Platform WebAssembly apps on Azure Static Web Apps
  3698. 96%.NET Framework May 2021 Security and Quality Rollup Updates | .NET Blog
  3699. 99%Best Practices for Integrating Akka.NET with ASP.NET Core and SignalR
  3700. 98%r/dotnet - Comment by u/redfournine on ”What do you think ASP.NET Core is missing or could do better?”
  3701. 98%dotnet/aspnetcore
  3702. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - Data Scientist or Data Engineer?
  3703. 99%Xamarin Community Standup - .NET MAUI Single Project with Jake Kirsch
  3704. 98%.NET May 2021 Updates – 5.0.6, 3.1.15, 2.1.28 | .NET Blog
  3705. 99%Episode 195 – Orleans with Reuben Bond | The 6 Figure Developer
  3706. 99%Using Azure Managed identities
  3707. 99%Introducing csharp 10
  3708. 99%C# Language Highlights: Init only setters
  3709. 84%Issues of .NET
  3710. 92%Can you spare a few moments to take my survey?
  3711. 97%Understanding the impact of Roslyn Analyzers on the build time - Gérald Barré
  3712. 99%.NET News Roundup - Week of May 3rd, 2021
  3713. 97%My 3 Commonly Used Github Actions - CodeWithStu
  3714. 99%Raspberry Pi LCD Display I2C .NET | C# Tutorials Blog
  3715. 99%dotnet/runtimelab
  3716. 99%Add ChaCha20Poly1305 skeleton by GrabYourPitchforks · Pull Request #52030 · dotnet/runtime
  3717. 99%Distributed Tracing in ASP.NET Core with Jaeger and Tye Part 2 - Project Tye
  3718. 98%dotnet-stack diagnostic tool - .NET CLI
  3719. 99%C# Language Highlights: Default Interface Methods
  3720. 97%Add Package Scoring Proposal by JonDouglas · Pull Request #216 · dotnet/designs
  3721. 99%On .NET Live - Adding Machine Learning to your .NET Apps with ML .NET
  3722. 91%Obsolete the Rijndael and RijndaelManaged classes by jeffhandley · Pull Request #52366 · dotnet/runtime
  3723. 99%benaadams/Ben.Demystifier
  3724. 99%What are Closures in C# and why you NEED to know about them
  3725. 96%Add Simple C# Programs by cartermp · Pull Request #213 · dotnet/designs
  3726. 99%Experimental Dotnet Monitor Tool Now Fully Supported -- Visual Studio Magazine
  3727. 99%EntityFrameworkCore.VisualBasic 5.0.0-alpha.1
  3728. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - Triggers for EF Core
  3729. 99%Building a supply chain attack with .NET, NuGet, DNS, source generators, and more!
  3730. 99%The future of gRPC in C# belongs to grpc-dotnet
  3731. 99%davidfowl/CommunityStandUpMinimalAPI
  3732. 98%Hello World - Introduction to C# interactive C# tutorial
  3733. 99%A Simple Moving Average calculator: Creating a Simple Moving Average calculator in C# - Part 1
  3734. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Using .NET to build an e-ink dashboard for home automation
  3735. 99%Let's Learn .NET - C#
  3736. 88%The .NET Stacks #45: <fill in later> | Dave Brock
  3737. 99%DotNet.ReproducibleBuilds 0.1.26
  3738. 99%dotnet/reproducible-builds
  3739. 97%Episode 75 - Dependency Injection with Steve Collins
  3740. 98%Include tizen6.0-tizen in precedence rules by WonyoungChoi · Pull Request #212 · dotnet/designs
  3741. 98%Webinar – OSS Power-Ups: Silk.NET | The .NET Tools Blog
  3742. 88%.NET API browser
  3743. 99%Unit testing your Web APIs [18 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3744. 93%dotnet/runtime
  3745. 99%r/dotnet - Why does everything have to use interface?
  3746. 99%On .NET Live - Develop from Anywhere with GitHub Codespaces
  3747. 99%WebSocket Compression by zlatanov · Pull Request #49304 · dotnet/runtime
  3748. 98%Windows Community Toolkit for Project Reunion 0.5 | #ifdef Windows
  3749. 99%dotnet/upgrade-assistant
  3750. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - .NET Notebooks & .NET Interactive
  3751. 99%Introducing GraphQLinq - Strongly Typed GraphQL Queries with LINQ to GraphQL. | Giorgi Dalakishvili | Personal Website
  3752. 99%JSON Schema
  3753. 89%Visual Basic docs - get started, tutorials, reference.
  3754. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - SPA Updates
  3755. 98%The .NET Docs Show - Optimizing .NET Linux containers the right way!
  3756. 98%Pretty print/syntax highlight .NET stack traces in a browser ✨
  3757. 94%Adam Storr - Lightning Talk on HttpClient Interception by Just Eat at dotnetOxford Apr 2021
  3758. 97%.NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1 will reach End of Support on April 26, 2022
  3759. 99%Generating API clients [17 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3760. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Versioning REST APIs
  3761. 99%Convert SVG files to PNG or JPEG using .NET - Gérald Barré
  3762. 99%Adding environment variables in Azure Pipelines for a dotnet Linux service
  3763. 99%How to send an email with dynamic templates from SendGrid with ASP.NET Core
  3764. 98%r/dotnet - BlazorGenUI - Auto-generated UI from C# classes
  3765. 99%dodyg/practical-aspnetcore
  3766. 99%.NET News Roundup - Week of April 19th, 2021
  3767. 98%3 simple ways to collect data for asp.net core applications post publishing to production
  3768. 99%F# wrappers for React components
  3769. 99%How to setup nginx reverse proxy for aspnet core apps with Docker compose
  3770. 96%Infer delegate type for method groups and anonymous functions by cston · Pull Request #52448 · dotnet/roslyn
  3771. 99%WebAssembly 1.0.0
  3772. 99%TFM for .NET nanoFramework by terrajobst · Pull Request #208 · dotnet/designs
  3773. 94%Azure for .NET developers
  3774. 99%Secretless apps with .NET and Azure Key Vault
  3775. 99%r/dotnet - If MS had never developed .Net Core, do you think you would still be using .Net?
  3776. 99%ASP.​NET Core in .NET 6 - Part 06 - Nullable Reference Type Annotations
  3777. 99%Let's Learn .NET - C# - Free Live Stream Event
  3778. 97%Dive into the AWS SDK for .NET’s Runtime Pipeline and Client Configuration | Amazon Web Services
  3779. 99%Ben.Demystifier 0.4.1
  3780. 98%Conversation about crossgen2 | .NET Blog
  3781. 99%On .NET Live - .NET Interactive: Data Science
  3782. 98%.NET Core and .NET 5 official support policy
  3783. 99%5 MORE C# keywords you (probably) never had to use
  3784. 99%Uno Platform Deploying C# Web Applications with Docker
  3785. 99%Use Apple's CCRandomGenerateBytes in GetCryptographicallySecureRandomBytes by vcsjones · Pull Request #51526 · dotnet/runtime
  3786. 99%Languages & Runtime Community Standup - C# Standardization
  3787. 99%What's new in dotnet monitor | .NET Blog
  3788. 97%NetEscapades.AspNetCore.SecurityHeaders 0.14.0
  3789. 98%WSL2 localhost redirect not working
  3790. 99%dotnet/maui
  3791. 99%Converting a 13 year old .NET WPF app called BabySmash to a self-contained .NET 5 app with the .NET Upgrade Assistant
  3792. 99%r/dotnet - Minimal hosting making its way to ASP.NET Core with .NET 6.
  3793. 82%Introduction to .NET - Learn
  3794. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6
  3795. 99%Fixing build warning NETSSDK1138 when building projects with end-of-life .NET frameworks
  3796. 99%Loop alignment in .NET 6 | .NET Blog
  3797. 99%Llama Preview: Swift on .NET
  3798. 99%Building .NET projects using the Microsoft.Build.Traversal SDK - Gérald Barré
  3799. 99%Machine Learning with ML.NET - NLP with BERT
  3800. 99%dotnet/runtime
  3801. 99%Meet the .NET Upgrade Assistant, Your .NET 5 Moving Company | Dave Brock
  3802. 99%Adding a rough draft of the "minimum viable product" for the .NET Libraries APIs to support generic math by tannergooding · Pull Request #205 · dotnet/designs
  3803. 99%FileStream rewrite: Caching the ValueTaskSource in AsyncWindowsFileStreamStrategy by carlossanlop · Pull Request #51363 · dotnet/runtime
  3804. 99%Code Maze Weekly #73 - Code Maze
  3805. 98%Episode 74 - libvlcsharp and .NET with Martin Finkel
  3806. 99%Containerize .NET for Red Hat OpenShift: Linux containers and .NET Core - Red Hat Developer
  3807. 99%How to Build Headless Akka.NET Services with IHostedService
  3808. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Securing ASP.NET Core projects with Microsoft identity platform
  3809. 99%Adding a rough draft of the "minimum viable product" for the .NET Libraries APIs to support generic math by tannergooding · Pull Request #205 · dotnet/designs
  3810. 99%On .NET Live - Securing Web APIs with Microsoft.Identity.Web
  3811. 99%What is F#
  3812. 95%Join us for JetBrains .NET Days Online 2021 on May 11-12 | The .NET Tools Blog
  3813. 99%Updating data with JsonPatch [13 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3814. 99%Validating request payloads [12 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3815. 94%StevenRasmussen - Overview
  3816. 99%Add Random.Shared by stephentoub · Pull Request #50297 · dotnet/runtime
  3817. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - Virtual Office Hours with the ML.NET Team
  3818. 99%A Journey to .NET MAUI
  3819. 99%Binding to HTTP request data [9 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3820. 98%.NET April 2021 Updates – .NET Core 3.1.14 and .NET Core 2.1.27 | .NET Blog
  3821. 99%ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - Part 05 - Input ElementReference in Blazor
  3822. 97%C# Language Highlights: Target Typed new expressions
  3823. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Exploring Oqtane with Shaun Walker
  3824. 99%Viewing overwritten configuration values in ASP.NET Core
  3825. 99%Subscribe users to a Mailchimp newsletter from .NET/C# 📧🐵
  3826. 97%Multi-Platform PixelPerfect UI with Windows UI and the Uno Platform - Nick's .NET Travels
  3827. 98%ReSharper & Rider Improvements For Avalonia | The .NET Tools Blog
  3828. 98%Hands On: .NET MAUI Desktop, Hot Reload, Blazor WPF/WinForms Controls in .NET 6 Preview 3 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  3829. 95%Use T4 for template by terrajobst · Pull Request #201 · dotnet/designs
  3830. 96%.NET 5 Dependency Injection – Webinar recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3831. 99%My Favorite C# Features - Part 3: Nullability
  3832. 99%Getting Started with the Uno Platform (Project Reunion/WinUI) - Nick's .NET Travels
  3833. 95%Release v1.0.0-rc1 · event-driven-dotnet/EventDriven.EventBus.Dapr
  3834. 98%Show dotnet: Animating 40 LEDs with charlieplexing | .NET Blog
  3835. 99%Returning Data with ActionResult [8 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3836. 99%JaxDUG - Custom project templates for dotnet new and Visual Studio - Sayed Hashimi
  3837. 99%Creating MicroService with .Net 5
  3838. 99%Announcing .NET Multi-platform App UI Preview 3 | .NET Blog
  3839. 99%Integrating PowerApps with .NET Web APIs
  3840. 99%How to collect .NET Core dump on Linux Web App
  3841. 99%dotnet/net6-mobile-samples
  3842. 82%Obsolete SuppressIldasmAttribute and remove ildasm.exe support for it by GrabYourPitchforks · Pull Request #50951 · dotnet/runtime
  3843. 98%Microsoft Opens Up C# Standardization Work -- Visual Studio Magazine
  3844. 99%On .NET Live - Creating your own .NET Project Templates
  3845. 94%ML.NET Survey: Machine Learning in .NET | .NET Blog
  3846. 99%Tutorial: Create a GitHub Action with .NET
  3847. 99%Getting started with OpenTelemetry and distributed tracing in .NET Core
  3848. 99%Tip 311 - How to run Logic Apps in a Docker container
  3849. 99%Stored Procedure in Entity Framework Core Migrations
  3850. 97%Performance Improvements in NuGet | Visual Studio Blog
  3851. 99%Debugging with Swagger UI [7 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3852. 99%dotnet/csharplang
  3853. 99%ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - Part 04 - DynamicComponent in Blazor
  3854. 99%On .NET Episode: A Journey to .NET MAUI
  3855. 99%AsynkronIT/protoactor-dotnet
  3856. 93%.NET April 2021 Updates – 5.0.5 | .NET Blog
  3857. 97%.NET 5 NuGet Restore Failures on Linux distributions using NSS or ca-certificates | The NuGet Blog
  3858. 99%Visual Studio Toolbox Live - What's New in VS for Mac?
  3859. 99%Understanding Web API routes [6 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3860. 99%Integrating C# with Legacy Elixir Projects
  3861. 99%Deploying an Azure Function App with Bicep
  3862. 99%Write Your Erlang Gen Servers in Visual Basic
  3863. 99%Moving to Desktop Applications in .NET Core/.NET 5
  3864. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - gRPC Performance Improvements
  3865. 97%Announcing Open Source C# standardization | .NET Blog
  3866. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - The 12 Factor App
  3867. 97%Announcing Open Source C# standardization | .NET Blog
  3868. 99%Web API CRUD Conventions [5 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3869. 98%Use default interfaces to provide ~15% cumulative gain per header by benaadams · Pull Request #31519 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  3870. 93%dotnet/runtime
  3871. 99%Reuse HttpProtocol CTS by BrennanConroy · Pull Request #31466 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  3872. 99%Deploying Windows Apps with ClickOnce on .NET 5
  3873. 99%Working with controllers and action methods [4 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3874. 98%Exception Handling in the Profiling API
  3875. 83%Let’s #LearnToCode in #Dotnet and C#! #programming #LetsLearnDotNet
  3876. 99%dotnet/csharplang
  3877. 99%On .NET Live - .NET Framework to .NET Core Migration
  3878. 99%Quickstart: Deploy an ASP.NET web app - Azure App Service
  3879. 99%Let's Learn .NET - Microservices
  3880. 95%CUKE Build - CUKE Build
  3881. 99%The API Integration coding test (2) - Unit and Acceptance testing | Cracking the .NET interview
  3882. 99%Building Engaging Cross Platform Applications using Rider and Avalonia – Webinar recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  3883. 99%C# Source Generators
  3884. 99%egil/genzor
  3885. 99%Minimalistic C# APIs with FeatherHttp
  3886. 99%featherhttp/framework
  3887. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Controllers are Dinosaurs: The Case for API Endpoints
  3888. 99%Languages & Runtime Community Standup - The C# language design process
  3889. 82%Browse all - Learn
  3890. 99%Viewing app configuration using Oakton's Describe command and Spectre.Console
  3891. 97%Jump-starting Migration to .NET Core with Upgrade Assistant
  3892. 99%ASP.NET Core Health Checks - Sahan Serasinghe - Personal Blog
  3893. 99%Bringing the Best of the Web to Your .NET Windows Apps with WebView2
  3894. 99%Overview of HTTP [2 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3895. 99%dotnet/aspnetcore
  3896. 99%Serilog.Expressions 2.0 update
  3897. 95%Release v1.0.0-beta2 · dapr-dotnet-extensions/dapr-event-bus
  3898. 94%Umbraco Package Migration to .NET Core: Criteria Providers - Distributing and Wrapping Up
  3899. 96%Faster strongly typed features for server FeatureCollection by benaadams · Pull Request #31322 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  3900. 98%score 0.4.0
  3901. 98%JonDouglas/score
  3902. 99%Async and Await and what is it actually doing?
  3903. 99%Contributing to WPF and Windows Forms Projects on GitHub
  3904. 99%C# and AWS Lambdas, Part 8 – .NET 6, inside a Container, inside a Lambda
  3905. 96%fix typo by ramtinak · Pull Request #1298 · microsoft/dotnet
  3906. 97%Improve performance of DateTime.UtcNow on Windows by GrabYourPitchforks · Pull Request #50263 · dotnet/runtime
  3907. 98%Loop alignment in .NET 6 | .NET Blog
  3908. 99%On .NET Live - Cloud Native Patterns for .NET Developers
  3909. 99%Installing Docker Desktop for Windows and WSL 2
  3910. 99%ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - Part 02 - Update on dotnet watch
  3911. 99%Bringing your Windows Forms and WPF apps to ARM Devices
  3912. 99%Visual Studio SSH into Raspberry Pi | C# Tutorials Blog
  3913. 98%Work with ASP.NET Core route templates in ReSharper and Rider | The .NET Tools Blog
  3914. 99%ctolkien/SodaPop.ConfigExplorer
  3915. 99%On .NET Live - Messaging Patterns for .NET Developers
  3916. 99%Tutorial: Create a GitHub Action with .NET
  3917. 99%Testing Web Applications with PlayWright and C#
  3918. 91%On .NET Episode: C# Source Generators
  3919. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - EF Core Power Tools: the New Batch
  3920. 99%Add debugger displays / type proxies for Timer by stephentoub · Pull Request #49100 · dotnet/runtime
  3921. 94%Exception.PrepForRemoting Method (System)
  3922. 91%C# Source Generators
  3923. 99%C# with CSharpFritz - Season 3 Episode 1 - Introducing Blazor
  3924. 99%Debugging configuration values in ASP.NET Core
  3925. 99%Easy generation of fake/dummy data in C# with Faker.Net
  3926. 98%Visual Studio hotkeys at the PowerShell command line in Windows Terminal
  3927. 99%Let's Learn .NET - Microservices - Free Live Stream Event
  3928. 99%Adam Storr - Harness Azure CLI to Keep Your App Service Name
  3929. 99%LiveReloadServer - A Generic Static Web Server with Live Reload based on .NET
  3930. 99%Rewriting git history using C# (git filter-branch alternative) - Gérald Barré
  3931. 99%Getting Started with the Roslyn APIs: Writing Code with Code - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  3932. 99%@devlead - Mattias Karlsson's Blog - Introducing DPI
  3933. 99%C# 9 records as strongly-typed ids - Part 5: final bits and conclusion
  3934. 97%Episode 72 - Emulating a Video Game System in .NET with Ryujinx
  3935. 99%Scaffolding for ASP.NET Core projects comes to Rider 2021.1 | The .NET Tools Blog
  3936. 99%OpenTelemetry .NET reaches v1.0 | .NET Blog
  3937. 99%Service to service invocation with Refit and Dapr .NET SDK
  3938. 99%Debugging .NET Core memory issues (on Linux) with dotnet dump
  3939. 99%Building microservices with Tye
  3940. 99%Performance and Polish with NuGet 5.9 | The NuGet Blog
  3941. 98%dotnet/runtime
  3942. 99%Pool SocketSenders by davidfowl · Pull Request #30771 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  3943. 99%Windows APIs Everywhere in .NET
  3944. 99%C# with CSharpFritz - S2 E8 - Hosted Services and CORS with ASP.NET Core
  3945. 99%Service to service invocation with Dapr .NET SDK
  3946. 97%Secretless apps with .NET and Azure Key Vault
  3947. 99%Avoid password reuse with Pwned Passwords and ASP.NET Core
  3948. 99%ZpqrtBnk
  3949. 97%Webinar: .NET 5 Dependency Injection | The .NET Tools Blog
  3950. 99%Generate Dockerfile for .NET Applications with Rider | The .NET Tools Blog
  3951. 90%Adam Storr - Becoming a Remote Worker - 1 Year
  3952. 99%Use hosting startup assemblies in ASP.NET Core
  3953. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Building HTTP APIs
  3954. 98%How to suppress dotnet whatch run to open a browser
  3955. 99%ML.NET and Model Builder March Updates | .NET Blog
  3956. 99%The .NET Docs Show - A look at the Middle East's largest maritime ERP
  3957. 99%Use C# to upload files to a GitHub repository | Dave Brock
  3958. 99%Integrating ASP.NET Identity Password Policies with Password Managers
  3959. 98%Markdown links verifier - GitHub Marketplace
  3960. 99%Setting up demos in Azure - Part 2: GitHub Actions
  3961. 99%Ryujinx is an Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C# for .NET Core
  3962. 99%dotnet-db-migrate - BuiltWithDot.Net
  3963. 98%Investigating a Linux CVE with .NET Images | .NET Blog
  3964. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - How to contribute to Blazor
  3965. 98%.NET documentation
  3966. 98%On .NET Episode: Building microservices with Tye
  3967. 99%Managed Identity, Azure SQL and Entity Framework
  3968. 99%Calling .NET APIs from Rust
  3969. 97%Build Cross-Platform apps with WinUI and Uno Platform
  3970. 98%DotNet CLI
  3971. 98%dotnet/net6-mobile-samples
  3972. 99%XAML Productivity Tooling Enhancements in Visual Studio
  3973. 97%dotnet/net6-mobile-samples
  3974. 98%Announcing Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 2 | .NET Blog
  3975. 97%Episode 17 - ASP.NET Core's Middleware Pipeline with Andrew Lock
  3976. 99%Using Service Invocation from Dapr .NET SDK
  3977. 98%On .NET Live - Commands, Queries, and other architectural patterns for your .NET Application
  3978. 99%Is LINQ in C# actually slow?
  3979. 99%Simple WinUI + Uno Calculator - Nick's .NET Travels
  3980. 99%An Opinionated Way to Deploy Windows Apps using GitHub Actions
  3981. 97%What are Web APIs? [1 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  3982. 99%Hosting Two ASP.NET Core Apps In One Host
  3983. 99%What's New in Visual Basic on .NET 5?
  3984. 99%Generating HTTP API clients using dotnet tools and Visual Studio Connected Services
  3985. 98%Getting started with Dapr for .NET Developers
  3986. 98%Let's Learn .NET: Web APIs
  3987. 95%Calzolari.DependencyInjection.Extensions 5.0.1
  3988. 99%#965 change dapr startup from daprd to dapr CLI by mmisztal1980 · Pull Request #966 · dotnet/tye
  3989. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Compiler time dependency injection in C# using StrongInject
  3990. 99%New in Visual Studio F# Tooling: .NET 5 Scripting and F# Interactive -- Visual Studio Magazine
  3991. 99%Let's Learn .NET: Web APIs
  3992. 98%.NET March 2021 Updates – 5.0.4, 3.1.13, 2.1.26 | .NET Blog
  3993. 99%On .NET Live - Deep Dive into Microsoft Orleans
  3994. 98%Refactor object-oriented code with ReSharper | The .NET Tools Blog
  3995. 99%Installing Docker Desktop for Windows and WSL 2
  3996. 99%How to map IPs to country for free with .NET and IP2Location
  3997. 98%dotnet/announcements
  3998. 97%Machine Learning Community Standup - What's next for ML.NET tooling
  3999. 99%The Future of Native Apps Development in .NET 6
  4000. 99%Introduction to Benchmarking in C# and ASP.NET Core Projects
  4001. 99%Distributed Caching in ASP.NET Core with Redis - Sahan Serasinghe - Personal Blog
  4002. 99%Generate TypeScript and CSharp clients with NSwag based on an API
  4003. 98%Cake - Cake v1.1.0 released
  4004. 93%Speed up interface checking and casting by benaadams · Pull Request #49257 · dotnet/runtime
  4005. 97%Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  4006. 95%Improve gRPC supported platforms doc by JamesNK · Pull Request #21689 · dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs
  4007. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Web Live Preview
  4008. 99%C# with CSharpFritz - S2 E7 - Introducing Authentication and Authorization with ASP.NET Core
  4009. 96%Episode 71 - Azure and .NET with Labrina Loving
  4010. 99%dotnet/maui
  4011. 95%Serialize Dns async-over-sync requests for the same host by stephentoub · Pull Request #49171 · dotnet/runtime
  4012. 97%Migrate from ASP.NET Core 5.0 to 6.0
  4013. 99%Learn to build HTTP APIs with .NET | .NET Blog
  4014. 99%.NET Core 2.1 will reach End of Support on August 21, 2021 | .NET Blog
  4015. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Taking home automation to a whole new level with Azure
  4016. 99%.NET Interactive with SQL!| .NET Notebooks in Visual Studio Code | .NET Blog
  4017. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - Performance Tuning an EF Core App
  4018. 99%F# and F# tools update for Visual Studio 16.9 | .NET Blog
  4019. 98%Level up your .NET libraries - Ben Foster
  4020. 99%Add proposal for lambda improvements by cston · Pull Request #4451 · dotnet/csharplang
  4021. 97%How to Scan NuGet Packages for Security Vulnerabilities | The NuGet Blog
  4022. 99%@devlead - Mattias Karlsson's Blog - Introducing Cake ClickOnce Recipe
  4023. 99%dotnet-hash - BuiltWithDot.Net
  4024. 99%Generate iCal calendar with .NET using iCAL.NET
  4025. 99%C# with CSharpFritz S2 E6 - Build for the Live Web with SignalR
  4026. 99%.NET R&D Digest (February, 2021)
  4027. 99%Serve ML.NET Models as HTTP APIs with minimal configuration
  4028. 99%.NET Tooling Community Standup - How tools help us learn!
  4029. 99%How to Debug Live .NET Application
  4030. 99%dotnet/upgrade-assistant
  4031. 99%What's new in .NET 5
  4032. 98%March 31, 2020 - Minimal March concludes - .NET and Blazor at the Command Line
  4033. 93%.NET Upgrade Assistant | Get Started
  4034. 97%The NuGet.org repository signing certificate will be updated as soon as March 15th, 2021 | The NuGet Blog
  4035. 96%Upgrade Assistant | .NET
  4036. 99%Tip 307 - How to create faster and smarter apps with .NET 5
  4037. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Flexible HTTP APIs
  4038. 95%dotnet/core
  4039. 99%On .NET Live - Microservice applications with DAPR and .NET
  4040. 96%.NET Framework February 2021 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 10 2004, Windows Server, version 2004, Windows 10, version 20H2 and Windows Server, version 20H2 | .NET Blog
  4041. 98%.NET Foundation January/February 2021 Update
  4042. 99%Entity Framework Core 5 – Pitfalls To Avoid and Ideas to Try | The .NET Tools Blog
  4043. 99%Visual Studio Toolbox Live - Build Your First App with Uno Platform
  4044. 99%Generating HTTP API clients using Visual Studio Connected Services | ASP.NET Blog
  4045. 96%Dapr for .NET Developers
  4046. 99%Reducing initial request latency by pre-building services in a startup task in ASP.NET Core
  4047. 96%Tune in for .NET Conf: Focus on Windows, February 25th | .NET Blog
  4048. 97%Survey: Library & Open Source | .NET Blog
  4049. 99%Let's Learn .NET - Web API - Free Live Stream Event
  4050. 99%Experimenting with .NET 5 and 6 using Docker containers
  4051. 99%Free eBook: How to use Dapr for .NET Developers
  4052. 99%Adam Storr - Default .NET 5.0 WeatherForecastController as an Azure Function
  4053. 99%Release Preview Release v0.7212202 · dotnet/try-convert
  4054. 99%Oakton v3 super charges the .Net Core/5 command line, and helps Lamar deliver uniquely useful IoC diagnostics
  4055. 99%Add static PBKDF2 one-shot methods · dotnet/runtime@0c47471
  4056. 99%ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - Part 01 - Overview
  4057. 98%What's new in Windows Forms runtime in .NET 5.0 | .NET Blog
  4058. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Increase your .NET Productivity with Roslyn Analyzers
  4059. 98%Multi-targeting a Roslyn analyzer - Gérald Barré
  4060. 88%Shrink SignalR JS client (to 11kB compressed) by benaadams · Pull Request #30320 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  4061. 99%The refactoring test (2) - Open-Closed, Single Responsibility | Cracking the .NET interview
  4062. 99%Building an Android app with .NET 6 - Nick's .NET Travels
  4063. 99%My Favorite C# Features - Part 1: Strong-types, Implicit-types, Anonymous-types, and Target-types
  4064. 99%A methodical approach to looking at F# compile times · Discussion #11134 · dotnet/fsharp
  4065. 65%Memory Randomization by adamsitnik · Pull Request #1587 · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet
  4066. 99%dotnet/performance
  4067. 94%Deploying Orleans Apps to Kubernetes
  4068. 99%Getting started with Microsoft YARP
  4069. 99%NameResolutionPal.Unix enabled async name resolution by gfoidl · Pull Request #34633 · dotnet/runtime
  4070. 97%Modified Dns.GetHostAddressesAsync to be truly async by JeffCyr · Pull Request #26850 · dotnet/corefx
  4071. 99%Understanding “reversed” callstacks in Visual Studio and Perfview with async/await code
  4072. 99%dotnet/versionsweeper
  4073. 99%[mono] Implement public hot reload API by lambdageek · Pull Request #48380 · dotnet/runtime
  4074. 99%Add hot reload apply changes API: AssemblyExtensions.ApplyUpdate by mikem8361 · Pull Request #48366 · dotnet/runtime
  4075. 99%On .NET Live - Creating GraphQL APIs with a little Hot Chocolate
  4076. 95%Api diff between net5.0 and net6.0-preview1 by Anipik · Pull Request #5975 · dotnet/core
  4077. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - Typed Exceptions for Entity Framework Core
  4078. 99%Pure functions and unused return values
  4079. 98%Machine Learning Community Standup - Jupyter Notebooks & .NET Interactive
  4080. 96%.NET Framework February 2021 Cumulative Update Preview for .NET Framework. | .NET Blog
  4081. 99%ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Preview 1 | ASP.NET Blog
  4082. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - A Blazor Conversation with Chris Sainty
  4083. 99%Announcing Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 1 | .NET Blog
  4084. 99%Announcing .NET 6 Preview 1 | .NET Blog
  4085. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - Deep Dive into ML.NET APIs
  4086. 99%ConfigurationRootExtensions.GetDebugView(IConfigurationRoot) Method (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration)
  4087. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Better Razor Editing in Visual Studio
  4088. 97%Implement ECC APIs on Android using Android-built-in Crypto APIs by jkoritzinsky · Pull Request #48348 · dotnet/runtime
  4089. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Modern authentication for your .NET apps with Microsoft Identity Platform
  4090. 94%Interlocked.Or Method (System.Threading)
  4091. 71%Talking Blazored on the Blazor Community Standup
  4092. 99%DotNet Boxed includes prescriptive templates for .NET Core
  4093. 99%Add PriorityQueue to System.Collections.Generic (#43957) by pgolebiowski · Pull Request #46009 · dotnet/runtime
  4094. 99%Use project Tye to host Blazor WASM and ASP.NET Web API on a single origin to avoid CORS
  4095. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - Dapr + .NET
  4096. 96%Packaging a Roslyn Analyzer with NuGet package references - Gérald Barré
  4097. 96%OOPs, I did it again – Webinar recording – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
  4098. 97%Duende Software Blog
  4099. 99%How to Host .NET Core Applications in VPS Using Docker
  4100. 99%DotNet AOP - BuiltWithDot.Net
  4101. 98%IronPython: First steps - Simple Talk
  4102. 99%The .NET Docs Show - A beginner's introduction to APIs in ASP.NET Core
  4103. 99%On .NET Live - Generating docs for ASP.NET Core Web APIs with Swashbuckle
  4104. 99%Staying safe with .NET containers | .NET Blog
  4105. 96%Release v5.0.211103 · dotnet/format
  4106. 99%Building a Code Analyzer for .NET
  4107. 99%Tiny top-level programs with C# 9 and SmallSharp and Visual Studio
  4108. 99%Cake Frosting: More Maintainable C# DevOps
  4109. 99%On .NET Live - Running PHP and Wordpress sites on .NET with PeachPie
  4110. 98%.NET Framework February Security and Quality Rollup | .NET Blog
  4111. 99%dotnet/designs
  4112. 97%Path.TrimEndingDirectorySeparator Method (System.IO)
  4113. 97%Path.EndsInDirectorySeparator Method (System.IO)
  4114. 91%PemEncoding Class (System.Security.Cryptography)
  4115. 99%StringBuilder.GetChunks Method (System.Text)
  4116. 96%Type.IsAssignableTo(Type) Method (System)
  4117. 98%Release Preview Release v0.7210903 · dotnet/try-convert
  4118. 97%.NET February 2021 Updates – 5.0.3, 3.1.12, 2.1.25 | .NET Blog
  4119. 99%Building Realtime applications on Angular with ASPNET Core and SignalR
  4120. 99%ASP.NET Community Standup - A Blazor Conversation with Chris Sainty
  4121. 99%Using source generators to find all routable components in a Blazor WebAssembly app
  4122. 98%Make code more readable by refactoring it with ReSharper – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
  4123. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Creating an OSS mobile app using Xamarin + Azure ☁️
  4124. 99%Cake - Cake v1.0.0 released
  4125. 97%.NET 6.0 TFMs by terrajobst · Pull Request #174 · dotnet/designs
  4126. 99%Machine Learning Community Standup - Statistics & ML with FSharp.Stats
  4127. 99%Visual Studio 2019 Docker Tooling
  4128. 99%The .NET Docs Show - Using Source Generators for Fun (and Maybe Profit)
  4129. 97%Episode 69 - The Risks of Third Party Code With Niels Tanis
  4130. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - Introducing MSBuild.Sdk.SqlProj
  4131. 99%Working inside a Docker container using Visual Studio Code
  4132. 99%Adding approval workflow to your GitHub Action
  4133. 99%On .NET Live - Distributed applications with ZeroMQ
  4134. 99%Introduction to gRPC in .NET Core and .NET 5
  4135. 98%Building real applications with Orleans