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Posts for 'vscode'

  1. 89%How We Achieved Over 30,000 Installs on Our VSCode Extension
  2. 99%Fun with Positron | Andrew Heiss
  3. 99%Migrating enterprise apps stuck on legacy technologies
  4. 99%How to use VS Code to develop and build a .NET application
  5. 98%Game 6: Put the DVD logo in the Corner
  6. 99%GitHub - wader/jqjq: jq implementation of jq
  7. 99%Codespaces for your open-source project
  8. 99%Code in the cloud: Explore tools, training, and resources
  9. 99%How my weekend project turned into a 3 years journey
  10. 99%I kind of like rebasing
  11. 82%1/6 | How We Hacked Multi-Billion Dollar Companies in 30 Minutes Using a Fake VSCode Extension
  12. 99%Visual Studio Code AI Toolkit: Run LLMs locally
  13. 98%Codestral: Hello, World!
  14. 98%The Terrible Situation of Windows (Professional) Laptops
  15. 99%Modular site architecture with Nuxt layers
  16. 99%GitHub - alessiodm/drl-zh: Deep Reinforcement Learning: Zero to Hero!
  17. 99%How to become a better developer
  18. 98%🪄 Install asdf: One Runtime Manager to Rule All Dev Environments
  19. 98%Using an E-Ink Monitor
  20. 99%Top 10 VS Code Extensions Every Developer Should Know 2024
  21. 99%Will Visual Studio Be Migrated to .NET Core and Become Multi-Platform? - NDepend Blog
  22. 98%VSCode Day and Azure Developers .NET Day are coming!
  23. 98%I Wrote My Own Editor
  24. 91%AI isn't useless. But is it worth it?
  25. 98%Visual Studio Code Day 2024
  26. 99%What is PDF? Part 1 – the basics
  27. 99%GitHub - searxng/searxng: SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases. Users are neither tracked nor profiled.
  28. 99%Mac utility must haves | Luka Harambasic
  29. 99%How to: Code analyze your SQL Server T-SQL scripts in Visual Studio
  30. 99%Type Inference Was a Mistake
  31. 99%Notes on debugging HotSpot’s JIT compilation
  32. 97%I'd like to download and run... but couldn't figure out how (solved) · Apicurio/apicurio-studio · Discussion #2281
  33. 98%Why does git have to be so hard?
  34. 99%Patching Software Using Nix (For Laymen)
  35. 98%What I learned from looking at 900 most popular open source AI tools
  36. 99%Convenient sandboxed development environment – Blog – Joachim Breitner's Homepage
  37. 99%Release Bebop v3.0.4 · betwixt-labs/bebop
  38. 99%Getting Started Programming Spaceships
  39. 87%"Java is here to stay": Popular programming language to remain on business hit lists in 2024
  40. 99%Self hosting a Copilot replacement: my personal experience
  41. 99%GitHub - HeyPuter/puter: Desktop Environment in the Browser!
  42. 99%Docker Init for ASP.NET Core Compared to VS or VS Code Extensions
  43. 99%GitHub - weather-gov/weather.gov: weather.gov 2.0
  44. 99%Forms & Validation in Blazor Web Apps [Pt 10] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  45. 95%Visual Studio Marketplace
  46. 98%Leaving Postman and what's ahead
  47. 98%12 Years at Meta
  48. 99%How to spend less time writing Django tests
  49. 99%Language Checklist
  50. 99%Blazor Component Render Modes [Pt 8] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  51. 99%Data Binding in Blazor Web Apps [Pt 7] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  52. 99%Blazor Web App Project Structure [Pt 5] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  53. 99%Raspberry Pi FOSS Router | Just Vincredible
  54. 99%GitHub - inoxlang/inox: 🛡️ Inox is your shield against complexity in full-stack development.
  55. 99%Introducing Blazor Components [Pt 3] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  56. 99%Build and run your first Blazor web app [Pt 2] | Front-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners
  57. 75%PowerShell Team Eyes AI LLM Integration in Shell -- Visual Studio Magazine
  58. 94%'F# Meets XAML' in Open Source Silverlight Alternative, OpenSilver 2.1 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  59. 98%Great containers with .NET, Visual Studio, and VS Code [Pt 2] | Containers with .NET for Beginners
  60. 99%PowerShell and OpenSSH team investments for 2024 - PowerShell Team
  61. 99%Deno in 2023
  62. 99%What's the deal with .NET & Containers? [Pt 1] | Containers with .NET for Beginners
  63. 97%Burke Learns Blazor - Final API Updates and Frontend Polish
  64. 98%Pair Programming: Why and How
  65. 99%I Just Wanted Emacs to Look Nice — Using 24-Bit Color in Terminals
  66. 99%Publishing .NET MAUI Apps to the Stores Made Easy
  67. 94%Use Azure Quantum 'Playground' to Explore New v1.0 Dev Kit -- Visual Studio Magazine
  68. 99%Software I liked in 2023
  69. 93%Burke Learns Blazor - A Reuseable Modal Component
  70. 99%GitHub - SebastianMuskalla/ModelessVim: Configuration files to turn vim into a modeless editor.
  71. 92%Let's Help Org Mode Escape From Emacs
  72. 98%Episode 64: GitKraken - with Justin Roberts and Eric Amodio
  73. 99%Post-mortem: 1h30 downtime on a Saturday morning
  74. 99%How I'm Writing CSS in 2024
  75. 99%DI for F# butterflies 🦋
  76. 99%Next.js + ASP.NET Core を .NET Aspire で構成する(with YARP) - Qiita
  77. 99%My Text Editor Is Not Open Source
  78. 99%.NET Aspire を デプロイする - Qiita
  79. 99%The mystery of Rails’ <code>lib/</code> folder 📚
  80. 99%GitHub - jart/emacs-copilot: Large language model code completion for Emacs
  81. 99%Repurposing Hugo as a wiki · ./jm
  82. 98%The IDEs we had 30 years ago... and we lost
  83. 99%Getting started with OCaml and Functional Programming | Sandro Maglione
  84. 96%The Loneliness of the Mid Level Vimmer
  85. 99%My Development Environment: kitty, zsh, Neovim, tmux, and lazygit
  86. 95%Burke Learns Blazor - Global HTTP Handling
  87. 99%Most 16-year-olds don’t have servers in their rooms
  88. 96%Building a custom Shopify storefront
  89. 96%4 simple software engineering habits that transformed my productivity
  90. 99%Visual Studio Devs Ask Santa for Debugging Gifts -- Visual Studio Magazine
  91. 94%The JavaScript Oxidation Compiler
  92. 97%What I Like About Nix | Davis Haupt
  93. 99%Windows NT - Visual Studio Marketplace
  94. 99%How to Create a DEV Environment with Multiple Dev Containers
  95. 96%Good Docs Take Great Effort
  96. 99%VS Code Tutorial For C# Developers
  97. 96%Burke Learns Blazor - Saving link bundles with the API
  98. 99%XAML tools in Visual Studio | .NET MAUI Minutes
  99. 99%Identify and solve performance issues faster with App Insights Code Optimizations
  100. 99%The Developer Ecosystem in 2023: Key Trends for C# | The .NET Tools Blog
  101. 99%Installing and Getting Started with .NET in VS Code [Pt 2] | .NET for Beginners
  102. 98%VSCode Debugger, something you haven't probably used yet
  103. 99%Code Whisperer for the Command Line
  104. 99%Mr. Jeff versus 20 Trillion Dollars
  105. 98%Cloudflare named a leader in Forrester Edge Development Platforms Wave, Q4 2023
  106. 99%Release 14.0.0 · BurntSushi/ripgrep
  107. 99%.NET Conf 2023 - Day 1
  108. 99%Set up GitHub Codespaces for a .NET 8 application
  109. 99%FJORD.STYLE
  110. 99%.NET Conf 2023 - Day 1
  111. 99%.NET Conf 2023 - Day 1
  112. 97%GitHub Copilot Leads Productivity Gains in New Visual Studio 2022 17.8 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  113. 99%.NET Conf 2023 - Day 1
  114. 99%Cursorless is alien magic from the future - Xe Iaso
  115. 97%Understanding Git: The history and internals
  116. 97%Octoverse: The state of open source and rise of AI in 2023
  117. 99%10x Developer Workflow on Windows
  118. 98%VS Code Previews AI Topic Experts for Copilot Chat Called 'Agents' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  119. 97%Allow for floating windows · Issue #10121 · microsoft/vscode
  120. 97%Confusing git terminology
  121. 99%Burke Learns Blazor - Finish validation and maybe some authentication
  122. 99%Wolf, goat and cabbage problem TLA+ modeling
  123. 88%Open Source Codeium Improves AI Chat in VS Code Tool -- Visual Studio Magazine
  124. 99%jackie tung
  125. 99%Anatomy of a .NET devcontainer
  126. 98%GitHub - sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf: SumatraPDF reader
  127. 99%Stream Deck for Developers
  128. 98%Zachary Proser's portfolio site
  129. 99%Visual Studio Code: C# Dev Kit Now Generally Available
  130. 99%All the stuff I use in my daily workflow!
  131. 99%A primer on formal verification and TLA+ — Jack Vanlightly
  132. 99%Organizing system configs with NixOS
  133. 99%MSBuild for Programming and Non-Programming Chores
  134. 99%🔴 Burke Learns Blazor - Finishing the Edit Links Page
  135. 98%Open Source does not win by being cheaper
  136. 99%Episode 56: NServiceBus - with Laïla Bougriâ
  137. 99%Avalonia for VSCode - Visual Studio Marketplace
  138. 94%Resurrecting mockups | Jonathan Fisher
  139. 99%Blocking Visual Studio Code embedded reverse shell before it's too late
  140. 97%Microsoft Remakes Azure Quantum Dev Kit with Rust, 'and It Runs in the Browser!' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  141. 99%Visual Studio 2022 17.8 Preview 2: Productivity, C++ Enhancements, and Debugging Improvements
  142. 99%Language Model UXes in 2027
  143. 99%Visual Studio 2022 17.8 Preview 2 has arrived! - Visual Studio Blog
  144. 99%iOS Debugging from Windows - VS Code Extension - Nick's .NET Travels
  145. 99%GitHub - EmNudge/watlings: Learn WebAssembly by writing small programs!
  146. 99%GitHub has too many hidden features
  147. 98%Devs' Choice to Replace Visual Studio for Mac? Rider -- Visual Studio Magazine
  148. 86%After Killing Visual Studio for Mac, Microsoft Reassures Fearful .NET MAUI Devs -- Visual Studio Magazine
  149. 99%Visual Studio for Mac will be retired - Get started with VSCode for .NET MAUI
  150. 97%GitHub - eschluntz/compress: Text compression for generating keyboard expansions
  151. 99%Using nix-shell to create and share reproducible embedded development environments
  152. 96%Weekly 0066
  153. 99%Do disturb me | Goto Assignment: A better local Goto Definition
  154. 99%GitHub - intel/intel-one-mono: Intel One Mono font repository
  155. 97%Developing with Multiple Repositories inside a Single Solution for .NET - CSE Developer Blog
  156. 99%How to set up a development environment in Android
  157. 99%All the Possible Ways to Debug Node.js
  158. 92%Who says .NET is tied to Microsoft ecosystem. I am legit using .NET very efficiently in NeoVim and Linux.
  159. 99%Grape - Create interactive coding videos from your browser.
  160. 99%Unity Extension for Visual Studio Code: Preview Release
  161. 99%GitHub - lucavallin/barco: Linux containers from scratch in C.
  162. 97%What's up, Python? The GIL removed, a new compiler, optparse deprecated...
  163. 99%Ubiquitous F# in Contextive, the Ubiquitous Language Tool | fsharpConf 2023
  164. 99%Avalonia for Visual Studio Code (Early Access)
  165. 97%The Law of Bad GUIs (and how LLMs give us a way out)
  166. 99%Introducing GitHub Copilot X
  167. 99%Implementing the Ripple effect in any view in Xamarin.Forms
  168. 99%Debugging .NET Containers with Visual Studio Code Docker Tools - .NET Blog
  169. 98%Going Lean • Lea Verou
  170. 99%How Microsoft Made Me Love .NET Core And C# Again
  171. 99%HttpRepl: A command-line tool for interacting with RESTful HTTP services - .NET Blog
  172. 97%practical-aspnetcore/projects/.net8/RazorMixMatchFour at net6.0 · dodyg/practical-aspnetcore
  173. 99%Vacation, Content, and a Promotion!
  174. 99%No local GPU? No Problem! Running Andrej Karpathy’s NanoGPT on Modal.com – Martin Capodici
  175. 99%🔴 Recreating Threads App with .NET MAUI & NEW VS Code Extension!
  176. 99%VS Code June Update: Copilot AI Chat Creates Workspaces, Notebooks -- Visual Studio Magazine
  177. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - C# with Visual Studio Code
  178. 99%My Kind of REPL
  179. 95%Why I Switched From Neovim To VSCode
  180. 99%Debugging xUnit Tests Using Reflection
  181. 99%Top 10 AI 'Copilot' Tools for Visual Studio Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  182. 99%Finding Symbols in Your C# Projects Using Roslyn
  183. 99%Creating a VS Code editor extension
  184. 96%Making movie trailers with Zeroscope, ElevenLabs, and GPT-4 - Charlie Holtz
  185. 98%Why You Should Trust Blazor
  186. 99%Let's Learn .NET - Web 開発 (日本語)
  187. 99%What's Open Web Docs? - Patrick Brosset
  188. 96%My macOS Accessibility Setup - Ravi Atluri
  189. 99%Code Maze Weekly #177 - Code Maze
  190. 98%WWDC 2023: New “world’s thinnest” 15-inch MacBook Air unveiled
  191. 99%Why not tell people to "simply" use pyenv, poetry or anaconda
  192. 99%VSCode Remote Code Execution advisory
  193. 98%When the rubber duck talks back
  194. 99%How To Use BenchmarkDotNet - A Beginner's Guide For C# Benchmarks
  195. 98%crates - Visual Studio Marketplace
  196. 99%How to Use AI to Create Your Own 'Super Macro' VS Code Extensions -- Visual Studio Magazine
  197. 83%Stay Alert: The Rising Threat of Malicious Extensions in Microsoft's VSCode Marketplace
  198. 94%Embedding Draw.io Diagrams in VSCode
  199. 99%Accepted for GitHub Copilot Chat? How to Get Started and What You Can Do -- Visual Studio Magazine
  200. 96%📱 The iPad Pro is a disappointment | vincelwt.com
  201. 99%Developing using Visual Studio Code with Nix Flakes
  202. 87%Learn to build hard things from fundamentals
  203. 97%Visual Studio Code v1.78 (April 2023) Sees New Color Themes, Color Picker -- Visual Studio Magazine
  204. 98%Edward Loveall
  205. 99%Getting started with LAMMPS
  206. 99%How to design your first Solution Architecture Diagram?
  207. 99%Debugging an AWS Lambda Function Locally with Visual Studio Code (VS Code) on Windows, Linux, and Mac | no dogma blog
  208. 98%Using Build and Test Tasks from the Parent Directory of src/test with VS Code | no dogma blog
  209. 99%Adding a Test Task to the VS Code Command Palette | no dogma blog
  210. 98%Code SQLTools Extensions And Code Docker Extensions
  211. 99%Ask & Adjust: The Future of Productivity Interfaces
  212. 99%Unleash Data API Builder | #Azurehappyhours, Fri, Apr 28, 2023, 5:00 PM | Meetup
  213. 95%Open Source Codeium Challenges GitHub Copilot, Strips Out Non-Permissive GPL Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  214. 99%My 2023 C# Software Developer Tool List
  215. 99%Require user consent before sending any telemetry · Issue #176269 · microsoft/vscode
  216. 99%New Azure Extensions in VSCode.dev!
  217. 94%Using Vim with the colemak-dh layout
  218. 99%Style Conformance for Blind Developers: Sonica
  219. 99%Visual Studio Code and GitHub Copilot AI
  220. 85%Monorepos, fast maps, and more – Gleam
  221. 98%Serializable Transactions in Databases like Redis
  222. 98%Julia's latency: Past, present and future
  223. 99%Bridging the Gap between Textual and Projectional Editors
  224. 95%Ainxiety & Writing GPT Free
  225. 98%Is It Time to Open Source SublimeText?
  226. 99%An Introduction to Microsoft Graph SDK and How to Create a To-Do List Using JavaScript
  227. 94%terminal doesn't recognize filename and line number · Issue #171880 · microsoft/vscode
  228. 98%The little things matter
  229. 99%Everything I know | Everything I know
  230. 99%GraphQL on Azure: Part 14 - Using Data API builder with SWA and Blazor | LINQ to Fail
  231. 99%Vim Best Practices For IDE Users
  232. 93%Exploiting LCD refresh with Arduino
  233. 99%How to build, test and deploy your application using Azure and GitHub - Azure DevOps Blog
  234. 98%axo blog - Thanks For Breaking cargo-dist! (I Rewrote It)
  235. 98%The rise of self-hosted apps
  236. 98%Nix Is Fighting The Last War
  237. 99%Devs Cite Problems with GitHub Copilot and IntelliSense Working Together -- Visual Studio Magazine
  238. 96%4.0.0
  239. 96%Carlin Eng
  240. 96%VS Code v1.75 Released with New AI Tools Documentation -- Visual Studio Magazine
  241. 97%Configuring VSCode as a Keyboard-Centric IDE | Davis Haupt
  242. 98%Switching from Windows to Linux – keep moving
  243. 99%Episode 49: Cake 🍰 - with Mattias Karlsson
  244. 99%10 VS Code Extensions I Couldn't Live Without - CodeJourney.net
  245. 99%Fixing a Memory Leak in a Production Node.js App
  246. 99%Simplifying devcontainers With Features | LINQ to Fail
  247. 99%A Zig Diary
  248. 99%Oly/README.md at main · TIHan/Oly
  249. 97%VS Code v1.74 (November 2022): 'Remote Development Even Better' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  250. 99%What are the biggest reasons newcomers give up on OCaml?
  251. 99%What are the biggest reasons newcomers give up on OCaml?
  252. 99%VS Code Preview: Python in the Browser, Executed by WebAssembly -- Visual Studio Magazine
  253. 95%Carlin Eng
  254. 99%Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
  255. 99%Making Remote Development Even Better
  256. 98%My cloud workspace
  257. 99%Building a new JavaScript linting experience in Visual Studio
  258. 99%How the new VSCode XML extension improves developer experience | Red Hat Developer
  259. 99%Faster iteration experience for AWS SAM applications in the AWS Toolkits for JetBrains and VS Code | Amazon Web Services
  260. 99%GitHub - terrastruct/d2: D2 is a modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams.
  261. 99%GitHub - chubin/cheat.sh: the only cheat sheet you need
  262. 99%Alexandre Nédélec - Week 46, 2022 - Tips I learned this week
  263. 99%Debuggable explanations
  264. 96%GitHub Copilot Isn't Worth the Risk
  265. 99%Making VS Code and OmniSharp Open the Browser to a Specific URL for a .NET Application | no dogma blog
  266. 99%No thumbnails for you
  267. 99%Slaying Zombie ‘No Repro’ Crashes with Infer#
  268. 98%Codachi is Open Source
  269. 97%Windows Dev Kit 2023 ('Project Volterra') Debuts as Arm Device for Developers -- Visual Studio Magazine
  270. 99%Coding on the Steam Deck
  271. 99%GitHub - losvedir/transit-lang-cmp: Programming language comparison by reimplementing the same transit data app
  272. 99%Amazing VS Code Shortcut #shorts #vscode #webdevelopment
  273. 99%An API-first approach to building Node.js applications | Red Hat Developer
  274. 99%DevContainers for Azure and .NET
  275. 99%Microsoft Previews Azure Deployment Environments
  276. 99%10 Visual Studio Code Extensions You Don’t Need
  277. 99%Git from the Bottom Up – Reset, Stash, and Reflog
  278. 99%Comparing Semgrep and CodeQL · Doyensec's Blog
  279. 99%Fastest Frontend Tooling in 2022
  280. 99%10 Reasons Startups Prefer Node.js over .NET
  281. 99%Dolev Hadar
  282. 99%Announcing Rust 1.64.0 | Rust Blog
  283. 99%Dev Container Features
  284. 99%The Perfect Development Environment
  285. 99%#CASBAN6: How to set up a local Microsoft SQL database on macOS
  286. 99%Alexandre Nédélec - Discussion around API clients
  287. 94%Improved IntelliSense Support for Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  288. 99%Alexandre Nédélec - How did I automate the setup of my developer Windows laptop?
  289. 98%VS Code Emerges As Remote Development Superstar -- Visual Studio Magazine
  290. 98%Visual Studio Code is designed to fracture
  291. 89%New 'Getting Started' Walkthrough Unveiled for VS Code PowerShell Tool -- Visual Studio Magazine
  292. 97%Dapr Integration with Azure Container Apps - Part 4 - Bit of Technology
  293. 98%André Staltz - Time Till Open Source Alternative
  294. 99%What You Should Learn Before Building a zkApp
  295. 99%Azure Cosmos DB SQL Studio is a Hidden Gem!
  296. 98%Introducing the Markdown Language Server
  297. 98%Dolev Hadar
  298. 97%Electron-Based App Vulnerabilities Hit VS Code, Microsoft Teams -- Visual Studio Magazine
  299. 97%Azure's 'Dev Box' Cloud Workstation Service in Public Preview -- Visual Studio Magazine
  300. 99%Programming breakthroughs we need
  301. 99%Visual Studio 2022 17.4 Preview 1 Furthers Arm64 Support -- Visual Studio Magazine
  302. 98%If VS Code Could Talk #shorts #vscode #webdevelopment
  303. 97%5 years of (Neo)Vim - A personal retrospective
  304. 98%Comparing Linux Environments on macOS Host
  305. 99%How to use Environmental Variables in Flutter
  306. 99%Adding a permission system to Node.js - NearForm
  307. 97%An intro to Open Telemetry in .NET - James World
  308. 99%Windows Package Manager 1.3
  309. 97%GitHub - moyix/fauxpilot: FauxPilot - an open-source GitHub Copilot server
  310. 99%Alexandre Nédélec - Keeping secrets secure when using API Clients
  311. 97%Microsoft's Position on Linux
  312. 98%Microsoft's Position on Linux : r/dotnet
  313. 99%I'm Still Not Using Postman!! I Use This NEW VS Code Extension Instead...
  314. 96%'Visual Studio for Linux?' Tops Microsoft Q&A Site -- Visual Studio Magazine
  315. 98%ASP.NET Core on .NET 7.0 - Output caching
  316. 99%GitHub - iolevel/wpdotnet-sdk: WordPress compiled to .NET Standard. SDK for ASP.NET Core.
  317. 97%Context, Costs, and Benefits
  318. 92%Crystal is a Surprise | akos.ma
  319. 99%Configuration using Command Line Parameters in .NET Console Applications
  320. 99%GitHub - Azure/azure-dev: A developer CLI that accelerates the time it takes for you to get started on Azure. The Azure Developer CLI provides a set of developer-friendly commands that map to key stages in your workflow - code, build, deploy, monitor, repeat.
  321. 94%It’s time to make that indie C# game in Godot.
  322. 98%The VS Code Server
  323. 90%As VS Code Hits v1.69, Microsoft Announces VS Code Server -- Visual Studio Magazine
  324. 95%Is it time to look past Git?
  325. 99%.NET R&D Digest (June, 2022)
  326. 98%PowerShell Extension for Visual Studio Code June 2022 Update
  327. 94%The pleasure of curating your own IDE
  328. 92%Pair Programming
  329. 93%Because cross-compiling binaries for Windows is easier than building natively
  330. 88%Visual Studio 2022 17.3 Preview 2 Is First Native Arm64 Release -- Visual Studio Magazine
  331. 98%Everything Is Broken: Shipping rust-minidump at Mozilla – Part 1 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  332. 95%Visual Studio Code Devs Can Now Sponsor Favorite Extensions -- Visual Studio Magazine
  333. 61%New Python Set-Up Tool for VS Code: 'What Would Brett Do?' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  334. 90%Modern Emacs: Redux
  335. 87%The End of Localhost
  336. 65%Complicated software is required to evolution
  337. 99%Zig on RISC-V BL602: Quick Peek with Apache NuttX RTOS
  338. 70%Syntax highlighting on the web
  339. 70%Microsoft Build Conference Heralds Era of AI-Assisted Software Development -- Visual Studio Magazine
  340. 99%Alexandre Nédélec - Week 20, 2022 - Tips I learned this week
  341. 50%Visual Studio Code Nods to Rapidly Rising Rust Language -- Visual Studio Magazine
  342. 83%bunnie's blog
  343. 96%Tips that may save you from the hell of PyYAML | Reorx’s Forge
  344. 97%MacBook Pro M1 Developer Setup 2022
  345. 97%Alexandre Nédélec - Week 19, 2022 - Tips I learned this week
  346. 97%Why I’ve spent my Easter break customizing Neovim – Franciszek Malinka
  347. 90%Python in Visual Studio Code Gets 3 New Extensions -- Visual Studio Magazine
  348. 98%Edge DevTools for Visual Studio Code V2 – new browser preview with emulation and sourcemap support
  349. 94%Ordering CSS Declarations
  350. 72%VS Code PowerShell Tool Gets Major Feedback-Driven Overhaul -- Visual Studio Magazine
  351. 99%Implementing a ZK-focused authenticated-encryption scheme
  352. 98%Implementing JWT Authentication in Golang REST API - Detailed Guide
  353. 97%Welcome to My Site!
  354. 98%Mads Asks What You Want for Visual Studio 2022 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  355. 97%Creating professional slides from Markdown notes
  356. 97%Zas Editor
  357. 85%Using Windows after 15 years on Linux
  358. 96%Lessons learned with Elm | 20Y
  359. 99%What is pub/sub and how to apply it in C# .NET to build a chat app | Ably Blog: Data in Motion
  360. 96%Convenience is King and Polish is quality
  361. 99%Structured Logging in Golang with Zap - Powerful Logging
  362. 94%Diagram Software and Flowchart Maker
  363. 99%CRUD in Golang REST API with Mux & GORM - Comprehensive Guide
  364. 95%Automatically starting a server when starting a debug session in VS Code
  365. 99%Developing for Linux in Windows with C# – Bruno Sonnino
  366. 99%The Debug Adapter Protocol and Scala
  367. 99%First release of Nickel
  368. 96%PowerShell Plans Unveiled After .NET 7 Hiccup -- Visual Studio Magazine
  369. 99%PowerShell and OpenSSH team investments for 2022
  370. 76%VS Code v1.65 Update: New Theme, Audio Cues and Terminal Shell Integration (Preview) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  371. 98%C# in 100 Seconds
  372. 96%GitHub - ZacharyPatten/dotnet-console-games: Game examples implemented in .NET console applications primarily for educational purposes. https://zacharypatten.github.io/dotnet-console-games
  373. 99%Debug .NET applications running in local containers with VS Code | Red Hat Developer
  374. 92%30 Days of PWA - Learning Series about Progressive Web Apps
  375. 98%Mac Setup for Web Development [2022]
  376. 95%The duality of software production
  377. 76%The Journey That Led Me to Write a Book on Analog Zettelkästen
  378. 98%Typing Less, Coding More: How we delivered IntelliCode whole line completions with a transformer model - Visual Studio Blog
  379. 97%How I Use Clojure to Build and Scale my SaaS
  380. 93%VS Code Gets New Side Panel in v1.64 Update -- Visual Studio Magazine
  381. 99%GitHub - slaveOftime/Fun.Blazor: Powered by bolero and blazor!!! ❤ F#
  382. 99%PWA Studio - Visual Studio Marketplace
  383. 94%Efficiency, and a simple formula for being a 10x-er
  384. 99%Building a Philosophy Workstation with NixOS: Installing Firefox, VSCodium, and LaTeX
  385. 96%PagerDuty’s Security Training for Engineers, The Dramatic Conclusion
  386. 98%Speeding up VSCode (extensions) in 2022 – Jason Williams
  387. 99%Azure Container Apps: dapr, devcontainer, debug and deploy | I CAN MAKE THIS WORK
  388. 84%That magical word: Workstation
  389. 98%Java on Visual Studio Code Going Cloud Native -- Visual Studio Magazine
  390. 94%Seven Days of OCaml
  391. 85%My First Thoughts on SvelteKit – Ferhat Erdogan
  392. 97%Failing to Learn Zig via Advent of Code - ForrestTheWoods
  393. 99%Switching from macOS to Pop!_OS
  394. 96%Rethinking errors, warnings, and lints
  395. 94%An Honest Comparison of VS Code vs JetBrains - 5 Points
  396. 84%The right to delete: how faker.js exposed the fragile nature of open source culture, again
  397. 98%FindRazorSourceFile.WebAssembly 1.0.0-preview.5.0
  398. 83%Open-sourcing the Sorbet VS Code Extension · Sorbet
  399. 99%Marcin Golenia Blog
  400. 99%Alexandre Nédélec - IaC Hot Reload with Pulumi Watch
  401. 90%Ruby 3.1.0 Released
  402. 99%RCE in Visual Studio Code's Remote WSL for Fun and Negative Profit
  403. 99%The Download: .NET 6, VS Code, WinApp SDK, and XBox at 20
  404. 89%Java on Visual Studio Code Update Focuses on 'Inner Loop' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  405. 87%Release v1.38.0 · OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn
  406. 99%Cake for Visual Studio Code 2.0.0 released
  407. 92%GitHub - lapce/lapce: Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
  408. 99%Remote debugging on Kubernetes using VS Code | Red Hat Developer
  409. 98%Alexandre Nédélec - Pulumi with an Azure Blob Storage backend
  410. 61%VS Code Gets a 'Most Heavily Requested Feature' for Python -- Visual Studio Magazine
  411. 82%New in Visual Studio Code v1.63: Theme Previewing, Notebook Improvements, More -- Visual Studio Magazine
  412. 91%VS Code News Roundup: Notebook APIs, Codebase Mapping, Infrastructure as Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  413. 86%VS Code Snippets Leads Recent Open Source GA Announcements -- Visual Studio Magazine
  414. 99%C# in 100 Seconds
  415. 95%Makefile Tools December 2021 Update: Problem Matchers and Compilation Database Generation
  416. 99%Create Azure Functions with GraphQL Support
  417. 94%klog retrospective
  418. 93%Release Release v0.51.0 · microsoft/PowerToys
  419. 97%vscode-pyolite - Visual Studio Marketplace
  420. 91%Opening source files in Visual Studio Code - Microsoft Edge Development
  421. 99%5 Reasons to IMMEDIATELY Turn On ESLint in VS Code
  422. 93%Updating your ASP.NET Core / EF Core application to NET 6 – The Reformed Programmer
  423. 98%In the Jungle of .NET Decompilers - NDepend
  424. 92%My VS Code Playground - Pawel Cislo
  425. 98%My New Job as a Staff Developer Advocate - Here's What I'll Be Doing!
  426. 97%Alexandre Nédélec - Week 45, 2021 - Tips I learned this week
  427. 99%Thanks Microsoft for open-sourcing VS Code Server 👐
  428. 99%5 Tips for Building AMAZING Portfolio Projects to Get A Developer Job
  429. 99%Monsters Weekly 229 - Where is my Program Main method?
  430. 99%.NET R&D Digest (October, 2021)
  431. 99%BRAND NEW VS Code Theme for Halloween - It's Spoooooky
  432. 80%VSCode.Dev (VS Code in the Browser) - A Few Reasons You Might Care
  433. 89%The 2021 Shopping Spree
  434. 99%Get started building a Progressive Web App!
  435. 97%We Analyzed 425,909 Favicons • iconmap.io
  436. 90%Microsoft Takes VS Code to the Browser (but No Debugger or Terminal) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  437. 98%vscode.dev Visual Studio Code for the Web
  438. 98%vscode.dev Visual Studio Code for the Web
  439. 99%How SQL Injection attack works 💉🔓
  440. 98%Windows Package Manager 1.1
  441. 88%Gitpod Unveils Open Source Browser-Based VS Code 'Free from Microsoft's Control' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  442. 95%GitHub Copilot AI Spawns Open Source Alternatives -- Visual Studio Magazine
  443. 99%Entity Framework Community Standup - PostgreSQL and EF Core
  444. 99%dotNET
  445. 99%Introduction to GitHub Codespaces
  446. 87%Python in VS Code Does Browser-Based Editing via 'github.dev' Trick -- Visual Studio Magazine
  447. 99%Visual Studio Code August 2021
  448. 98%Python in Visual Studio Code – September 2021 Release
  449. 99%Visual Studio Code August 2021
  450. 97%GitHub - 425show/minimalAPIWithB2C
  451. 97%GitHub - 425show/BlazorServerAuthWithSAML
  452. 99%IntelliSense for Hosted C# Script
  453. 99%Monsters Weekly 220 - Previewing .NET 6 without installing the Preview SDK
  454. 99%How to get a full work-day battery life on M1 Macbook – MICROIDEATION
  455. 95%Why Download Visual Studio/VS Code from Microsoft Store? -- Visual Studio Magazine
  456. 99%How to Use GitHub Codespaces With Your docfx Project
  457. 99%I Tried Writing C# .Net for the First Time in 6 Years - Things Have CHangedChanged!
  458. 95%omnisharp-vscode/package.json at master · OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode
  459. 96%A Decade Later, .NET Developers Still Fear Being 'Silverlighted' by Microsoft -- Visual Studio Magazine
  460. 99%Episode 21: Bicep with Alex Frankel
  461. 98%PowerShell for Visual Studio Code August 2021 Update
  462. 76%Python in Visual Studio Code – August 2021 Release
  463. 98%Building an LSIF Indexer for a Low-Code Platform
  464. 99%GitHub - VSCodium/vscodium: binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing
  465. 97%JavaScript Debugging Now Built-In to VS Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  466. 98%6 Command Line Tools for Productive Programmers
  467. 97%Release v1.23.14-beta3 · OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode
  468. 97%What’s New in Visual Studio Code?
  469. 98%Fantastic F# and Azure Developer Extensions for VSCode
  470. 98%HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base
  471. 99%How I Write Code, Take Notes, Journal, Track Time and Tasks, and Stay Organized using Emacs
  472. 99%Episode 19: Blazor with Chris Sainty
  473. 99%ASP.​NET Core in .NET 6 - HTTP/3 endpoint TLS configuration
  474. 93%Java on VS Code Plans: Improve Inner Loop, Security, Remote Development & More -- Visual Studio Magazine
  475. 98%Open in Visual Studio Code
  476. 98%Workspace Trust in Visual Studio Code
  477. 98%Workspace Trust in Visual Studio Code
  478. 98%Teaching Elixir
  479. 96%GitHub Copilot Experiences - a glimpse of an AI-assisted future
  480. 99%ASP.​NET Core in .NET 6 - HTTP/3 endpoint TLS configuration
  481. 99%Developing and Deploying Azure Functions with GitHub Codespaces
  482. 97%GitHub Codespaces Alternative: AWS Cloud9, SSH & VS Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  483. 98%Designing Data-Intensive Applications – Multi-Leader Replication
  484. 99%Remote Repositories extension for Visual Studio Code
  485. 99%Create a Meetup Account
  486. 99%Markdown Table - Visual Studio Marketplace
  487. 98%Utopia:Design and Code on one platform
  488. 99%Remote Repositories extension for Visual Studio Code
  489. 86%What you do when you are a “Developer Advocate” #career #job #programming #tech #work
  490. 99%Introduction to Phoenix
  491. 91%Microsoft's PowerShell Dev Team Helps Fix OmniSharp -- Visual Studio Magazine
  492. 98%PowerShell for Visual Studio Code May 2021 Update | PowerShell Team
  493. 98%Tye - Visual Studio Marketplace
  494. 98%Announcing Visual Studio Code extension for Tye | .NET Blog
  495. 99%ASP.​NET Core in .NET 6 - Part 09 - Infer component generic types from ancestor components
  496. 99%The Write a .NET App on an iPad Challenge!
  497. 99%Issues of .NET
  498. 98%About Yak Shaving
  499. 98%An Actually Usable Vim Setup
  500. 98%Windows Package Manager 1.0 | Windows Command Line
  501. 99%Neovim (0.5) Is Overpowering | CrispDev
  502. 99%Fig
  503. 99%Introducing The .NET Coding Pack for VS Code - Getting Started with C# for Beginners
  504. 98%memsom/PSPDNA
  505. 99%Java on VS Code Improves Debugger and Test Runner -- Visual Studio Magazine
  506. 99%Erlang/OTP 24 Highlights
  507. 99%Native Code in .NET 5.0 and C# 9.0
  508. 95%Pylance Now Default Language Server for Python in Visual Studio Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  509. 99%ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - Part 08 - CSS isolation for MVC Views and Razor Pages
  510. 99%Visual Studio Code April 2021
  511. 99%See What's Coming for VS Code in New Update Previews -- Visual Studio Magazine
  512. 99%Azure Machine Learning Experience Improved in VS Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  513. 99%ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - Part 07 - Support for custom event arguments in Blazor
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  515. 93%banga/git-split-diffs
  516. 97%VS Code Goes on Security 'MITRE ATT&CK' with New Extension -- Visual Studio Magazine
  517. 99%How to safely open-source internal software - Some best practices
  518. 99%allaboutapps/integresql
  519. 98%Can you really develop with Linux GUI Apps on Windows 10 with WSLg? How about PyCharm?
  520. 94%VS Code Python Tooling Gets 'Most Requested' Feature: Poetry Support -- Visual Studio Magazine
  521. 96%Thunder Client - Visual Studio Marketplace
  522. 99%Getting things done with shell scripting
  523. 99%@devlead - Mattias Karlsson's Blog - Devlead.Statiq - Part 1 - Tabs
  524. 98%.NET MAUI (Mobile/Desktop) with VS Code? It's Complicated -- Visual Studio Magazine
  525. 99%Announcing OpenXML Package Explorer for VS Code
  526. 99%How I Use My Free Azure Credit 💸
  527. 91%Debugging, Workbench, Raspberry Pi Guidance Highlight VS Code Update -- Visual Studio Magazine
  528. 99%Deploying Windows Apps with ClickOnce on .NET 5
  529. 98%akavel/up
  530. 99%Minimalistic C# APIs with FeatherHttp
  531. 99%Scott C. Krause Front-end Engineer | Vue.js TypeScript GoLang WASM
  532. 97%The Path to Becoming a Software Developer with Mary Baker
  533. 95%Create VS Code Themes Easily - Theme Studio - The VS Code Theme Editor
  534. 99%Khalian/Modulo12
  535. 98%microsoft/codetour
  536. 99%koalaman/shellcheck
  537. 98%Python in VS Code Improves Jedi Language Server Support -- Visual Studio Magazine
  538. 90%VS Code Java Gets New Welcome Page with Features Tour -- Visual Studio Magazine
  539. 92%vscode-pets - Visual Studio Marketplace
  540. 97%dotnet/net6-mobile-samples
  541. 97%What are Web APIs? [1 of 18] | Beginner's Series to: Web APIs
  542. 99%Visual Studio Code February 2021
  543. 99%SandDance
  544. 99%Bring Your Own Client
  545. 99%Development on Windows is Painful
  546. 99%Microsoft Edge Tools for VS Code - Visual Studio Marketplace
  547. 99%To write code comments or not, it should not be a question
  548. 99%How to create social media posts from long form content using Python
  549. 97%How I made $101,578.04 selling colors online - Dracula
  550. 96%SynthWave '84 - Visual Studio Marketplace
  551. 99%Regex basics
  552. 99%Beginner's Series to: Dev Containers
  553. 92%TWC9: MSIgnite registration is open, Visual Studio Code 1.53, Azure Space Mystery Game, and more!
  554. 98%VS Code C++ Tool Customizes IntelliSense for Target Platforms -- Visual Studio Magazine
  555. 99%One second to read GitHub code with VS Code
  556. 99%conwnet/github1s
  557. 99%State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020 🎉 - Lisp journey
  558. 98%Visual Studio Code January 2021
  559. 99%Open Source Binaries of VSCode
  560. 96%VS Code Dev Team Eyes Long-Requested Testing Support -- Visual Studio Magazine
  561. 99%Working inside a Docker container using Visual Studio Code
  562. 90%The One Thing I Wish I'd Known Before Using Cake
  563. 97%VS Code an overnight success...10 years in the making with Erich Gamma
  564. 99%microsoft/vscode-edge-devtools
  565. 99%A/B Testing with Azure App Service
  566. 96%Why I didn't use Wordpress for my blog
  567. 99%Introduction [1 of 8] | Beginner's Series to: Dev Containers
  568. 99%Replacing Dropbox in favor of DigitalOcean spaces
  569. 99%Pulumi vs Terraform - pritchard.dev
  570. 94%Python in VS Code Adds Data Viewer for Debugging -- Visual Studio Magazine
  571. 99%VSCode, Dev Containers and Docker: moving software development forward - Sticky Bits - Powered by Feabhas
  572. 99%Best Visual Studio Code extensions to work for Azure (Part 2)
  573. 98%The values of Emacs, the Neovim revolution, and the VSCode gorilla
  574. 99%Working inside WSL using Visual Studio Code
  575. 99%How to run VS Code as a Container for Remote Development
  576. 99%Minimalistic Serverless Shortlink Service in ~70 LoC
  577. 94%Foam
  578. 98%VS Code Day 2021 live event
  579. 96%I received first-ever donation on my open-source side project and it felt great!
  580. 99%Simulating the PIN cracking scene in Terminator 2
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  582. 97%From Mac to Linux
  583. 99%Adding Markdown Linting to my Blog’s Build Process with GitHub Actions and markdownlint
  584. 92%After Last 2020 VS Code Update, What's In Store for 2021? -- Visual Studio Magazine
  585. 96%Python in Visual Studio Code – December 2020 Release | Python
  586. 95%Looking for more debugger
  587. 99%Building Serverless with Docker - Espresso Coder
  588. 98%Visual Studio Code November 2020
  589. 95%Cake VSCode Extension Release 1.0.0
  590. 99%Deno 1.6 Release Notes
  591. 99%Running Playwright on Azure Functions
  592. 99%Exhaustiveness Checking with Mypy
  593. 96%VSCode Tinder
  594. 98%No. 1 Visual Studio IDE Feature Request: Linux -- Visual Studio Magazine
  595. 99%GitHub Pull Requests and Issues - Visual Studio Marketplace
  596. 94%VS Code C++ Tool Broadens ARM/ARM64 Reach -- Visual Studio Magazine
  597. 99%What’s New on F#: Q&A With Phillip Carter
  598. 99%Learning all VSCode shortcuts evolved my developing habits
  599. 98%On .NET Live - Exploring the inner loop with VS Code and GitHub
  600. 99%Get Git Part 2
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  602. 99%JonPSmith/EfCoreinAction-SecondEdition
  603. 99%I Sold VSCode Stories
  604. 99%vscode-xml 1.14.0: A more customizable XML extension for VS Code - Red Hat Developer
  605. 97%Eleven Years of Go - The Go Blog
  606. 91%microsoft/vscode
  607. 99%Announcing F# 5 | .NET Blog
  608. 96%Exploring Ubuntu Desktop on the Raspberry PI
  609. 99%Introducing VSCode Stories
  610. 99%Simple way to Docker on Windows 10 home with WSL 2
  611. 99%Setting up a build with NUKE
  612. 99%franzsilva/MLBuilderVSCode-Source
  613. 99%ML.NET Model Builder (Preview) - Visual Studio Marketplace
  614. 97%GitHub and VS Code
  615. 97%Visual Studio Code September 2020
  616. 92%Exclude folders by regex (?) from time machine backup
  617. 97%Bringing the browser developer tools to Visual Studio Code
  618. 98%Bringing the browser developer tools to Visual Studio Code
  619. 91%How to Make a VSCode Extension | Barbarian Meets Coding
  620. 98%Ideas from my Development Setup: Always Tmux :: Ceda EI's Blog
  621. 99%Azure Advocates Weekly Round Up - A Blazing Week at Microsoft Ignite!
  622. 99%Don’t Launch a Browser Running ASP.NET Core Back-end Created from Web Template Studio
  623. 98%LEd – 2D level editor
  624. 99%Why Mobile IDEs Are Bad
  625. 98%ML.Net - Modelos em Produção com WebApi e Docker | Dados ao Cubo
  626. 96%A Picture of Java in 2020 – IntelliJ IDEA Blog | JetBrains
  627. 99%terrajobst/sample-blog-tooling
  628. 97%Debug ASP.NET Core Back-end Created from Web Template Studio
  629. 97%VS Code 1.49 (August 2020 Update) Continues Remote Development Improvements -- Visual Studio Magazine
  630. 99%Release v3.0.0 One Piece · vuejs/vue-next
  631. 93%Visual Studio Code's C++ Extension Hits v1.0 General Availability -- Visual Studio Magazine
  632. 99%Blazor Server CRUD App Using Visual Studio Code
  633. 99%Create an Application with Web Template Studio
  634. 97%Settings Sync for Visual Studio Code
  635. 99%DIY IoT door monitor with ESP8266
  636. 99%A Beginner’s Guide to Setting Up a Web Application with Typescript and Express
  637. 99%F# 5 update for August | .NET Blog
  638. 97%Less is more
  639. 99%Software Engineering Tips and Best Practices for Data Science | Ahmed BESBES
  640. 97%Meet Silq- The First Intuitive High-Level Language for Quantum Computers
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  642. 98%C++ with Visual Studio Code on macOS
  643. 99%Configure VS Code for Clang/LLVM on macOS
  644. 99%Developer Advocate, Careers At EDB
  645. 99%Running headless Chromium in Azure Functions with Puppeteer and Playwright
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  647. 99%Durable Functions: Part 1 – The Intro
  648. 99%Devcontainers AKA performance in a secure sandbox
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  650. 99%What Makes Godot Engine Great for Advance GUI Applications
  651. 99%Go vs Rust: Writing a CLI tool
  652. 98%Semantic Highlighting in the PowerShell Preview extension for Visual Studio Code | PowerShell
  653. 94%GitLab Takes Over VS Code Extension, Plans Improvements -- Visual Studio Magazine
  654. 99%Development Containers in Education with Visual Studio Code
  655. 98%New Developer Landing Page and Issues Repo - Windows Developer Blog
  656. 99%microsoft/vscode
  657. 98%Phillip Carter
  658. 98%VSCode CSS Snippets - Visual Studio Marketplace
  659. 98%Svelte <3 TypeScript
  660. 95%Syntax highlighting is a waste of an information channel
  661. 97%dendron
  662. 98%Foam: Software as Curation
  663. 98%One year of Flutter as a web developer
  664. 99%Introduction to Web Programming in F# with Giraffe - Part 1 — Softwarepark
  665. 99%Introduction to Functional Programming in F# - Part 11 — Softwarepark
  666. 99%Devcontainers and SSL interception
  667. 99%Getting the .editorconfig working with MSBuild
  668. 99%Playground: Asp.Net Core SignalR
  669. 98%Improved XML grammar binding and more in Red Hat VS Code XML extension 0.13.0 - Red Hat Developer
  670. 99%Tasty - Delicious dotnet testing | Manuel Grundner
  671. 99%GitHub Pull Requests and Issues - Visual Studio Marketplace
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  674. 98%Experiments with WSL2... Yes you can use VSCode but could you run...
  675. 98%foambubble/foam
  676. 81%VS Code comments auto completion - Visual Studio Marketplace
  677. 99%F# 5 and F# tools update for June | .NET Blog
  678. 98%OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2
  679. 99%How to Develop Inside a Container Using Visual Studio Code Remote Containers - Docker Blog
  680. 98%Pair Programming - Dan Clarke
  681. 96%Goodbye NancyFX, Hello F#!
  682. 98%Visual Studio Code May 2020
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  684. 99%Deno Beginner | Deno Crash Course | Learn Deno
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  687. 99%Trying and setting up WSL 2
  688. 98%Why use Azure Functions for ML inference ?
  689. 99%.NET Core 3.1, Docker, PostgreSQL, Swagger, C#
  690. 99%Introduction to Functional Programming in F# - Part 10 — Softwarepark
  691. 98%GitHub Theme - Visual Studio Marketplace
  692. 99%The Janet Programming Language
  693. 99%Getting started with Angular development 2020
  694. 99%Docker - Visual Studio Marketplace
  695. 99%Next.js 9.4
  696. 99%Draw.io Integration - Visual Studio Marketplace
  697. 99%Creating web apps via TypeScript and webpack
  698. 99%Announcing Uno Platform support for Visual Studio Code - Uno Platform
  699. 99%Publish VSCode extension using GitHub Actions | Visual Studio Geeks
  700. 99%Top Visual Studio Code Git Extensions in 2020
  701. 96%The Death of Hype: What's Next for Scala
  702. 99%Using GraphQL in Azure Functions to Access Cosmos DB | LINQ to Fail
  703. 99%Service and Container Orchestration for .NET with Tye
  704. 99%Replicate your favorite VSCode theme in Windows Terminal
  705. 98%CodeTour VSCode extension allows you to produce interactive guides, assessments and tutorials.
  706. 99%Using Visual Studio Code from a docker image locally or remotely via VS Online
  707. 98%PowerShell 7.1 Team Investments and Preview.1 Release | PowerShell
  708. 96%>_TerminalSplash - Windows Terminal Themes
  709. 99%Microsoft Dotnet Gitignore File
  710. 91%DevOps'ish
  711. 98%Visual Studio Code February 2020
  712. 99%Visual Studio Code for PowerShell 7 | PowerShell
  713. 99%Dapr - Visual Studio Marketplace
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  715. 93%.NET and VSCode
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  717. 99%hediet/vscode-debug-visualizer
  718. 99%Zaid-Ajaj/Npgsql.FSharp.Analyzer
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  722. 96%2020 Java Technology Report | Rebel
  723. 99%Tools for Exploring .NET Internals
  724. 97%GC Perf Infrastructure - Part 1 | .NET Blog
  725. 93%Visual Studio Questions - Developer Community
  726. 97%Just an environment variable away from sleep
  727. 97%Experimental WebGL terminal renderer by Tyriar · Pull Request #84440 · microsoft/vscode
  728. 99%Browser Preview - Visual Studio Marketplace
  729. 97%Using Rust in Windows - Microsoft Security Response Center
  730. 97%How to Hide Sensitive Files in VS Code
  731. 99%danielmarbach/Async.Netcore
  732. 99%Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Tools - Visual Studio Marketplace
  733. 98%Peacock - Visual Studio Marketplace
  734. 99%'System' not found after update to dotnet core 3.0 · Issue #3290 · OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode
  735. 99%Introduction to Functional Programming in F# — Softwarepark
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  737. 99%SixLabors/ImageSharp.Web
  738. 98%What is Dark?
  739. 98%Advanced .NET Debugging #1 – Gabriel Weyer – A somewhat technical blog
  740. 99%Testing RESTful Services from the command-line with HttpRepl - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
  741. 99%ASP.NET Blog | HttpRepl: A command-line tool for interacting with RESTful HTTP services
  742. 99%Developing inside a Container using Visual Studio Code Remote Development
  743. 95%devblackops/Terminal-Icons
  744. 96%Visual Studio Code May 2019
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  746. 99%Version 8 of Angular — Smaller bundles, CLI APIs, and alignment with the ecosystem
  747. 99%Visual Studio Code Remote Development may change everything - Scott Hanselman
  748. 99%Developing in the Windows Subsystem for Linux with Visual Studio Code
  749. 98%Windows Command-Line: Introducing the Windows Pseudo Console (ConPTY) | Windows Command Line
  750. 99%Remote Development with Visual Studio Code
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  752. 99%ASP.NET Blog | Updated Razor support in Visual Studio Code, now with Blazor support
  753. 98%Update Razor to 1.0.0-alpha3 by NTaylorMullen · Pull Request #2974 · OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode
  754. 99%.gitignore Generator - Visual Studio Marketplace
  755. 96%jberezanski/ChocolateyPackages
  756. 98%F# Weekly – Sergey Tihon's Blog
  757. 98%Ionide — A New Hope
  758. 99%How to Debug Rust with Visual Studio Code
  759. 99%Searching large projects is too slow · Issue #55 · microsoft/vscode
  760. 96%Find Files (Ctrl+P) is very slow · Issue #26868 · microsoft/vscode
  761. 99%Exploring the Docker Extension for VS Code and .NET Core - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
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  763. 97%OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode
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  765. 99%ASP.NET Blog | Razor support in Visual Studio Code now in Preview
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