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Posts for 'ruby'

  1. Adding button loader to Turbo-powered forms
  2. Why is Git Autocorrect too fast for Formula One drivers?
  3. Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 7
  4. The missing tier for query compilers
  5. Auto-saving Rails forms with Turbo Streams
  6. Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 5
  7. Maximum Speed SQLite Inserts
  8. Reflecting on ten years of my personal project
  9. What changed in Rails this year?
  10. Your PR Previews Don't Need Vercel: My solution on a $5 VPS using Cloudflare and Github Actions
  11. Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 4
  12. Passkey technology is elegant, but it’s most definitely not usable security
  13. Why and How I Moved My Blog from Middleman SSG to Astro
  14. Solving Sudoku with tmux
  15. How to add metaprogramming to Gleam – lpil.uk
  16. GitHub - blackcandy-org/blackcandy: A self hosted music streaming server
  17. Fake Debugging II: The Race Condition Strikes Back
  18. Ruby 3.4.0 Released
  19. Why I chose Astro for this blog | kylev.dev
  20. Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 2
  21. Meta's MySQL Fork You Never Knew About • Kir Shatrov
  22. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of SKIP LOCKED in PostgreSQL
  23. Terraform Rules of Thumb
  24. On OpenTelemetry and the value of Standards | Jeremy Morrell
  25. Speed Up Compound Full-Text Searches in PostgreSQL by 300x - RorVsWild
  26. Implementing a simple object system from scratch in Ruby
  27. A Game in F#? Why, yes indeed.
  28. Frameworkism: Senior Software Developers' Pit of Doom
  29. Using AI to automate foreign key discovery - Erik Edin
  30. Phoenix LiveView 1.0.0 is here!
  31. 7 Databases in 7 Weeks for 2025
  32. The fascinating security model of dark web marketplaces
  33. Django and Postgres for the Busy Rails Developer
  34. Why pipes sometimes get "stuck": buffering
  35. Rails is better low code than low code
  36. PHP is king | Alexander Mikhailian
  37. My Red Hot ADHD Programming 'Affliction'
  38. Should Programming Languages be Safe or Powerful?
  39. My Red Hot ADHD Programming 'Affliction'
  40. April King — Handling Cookies is a Minefield
  41. My Minimal MacBook Pro Setup Guide
  42. Security means securing people where they are
  43. Efficiency is fundamentally at odds with elegance
  44. Elixir-like pipes in Ruby (oh no not again)
  45. Rails 8.0: No PaaS Required
  46. Weird Lexical Syntax
  47. Rewrite it in Rails
  48. Using CTID Based Pagination for Data Cleanups in PostgreSQL
  49. [EN] How I upgraded my pet project from Rails 7 to Rails 8 in 30 minutes
  50. Benchmarking Ruby Parsers
  51. Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas
  52. Ruby on (Guard)Rails
  53. Building a better and scalable system for data migrations
  54. GitHub - aartaka/pretty.c: Making C Look ✨Pretty✨and Lua/Lisp/Python-esque
  55. Things I've learned maintaining OpenStreetMap (LRUG presentation) :: Gravitystorm
  56. ParadeDB 0.11.0, database access layers, AND YOU!
  57. What is Rack? | Younes.codes
  58. PostgreSQL 17: JSON_TABLE(), MERGE with RETURNING, and Updatable Views
  59. leontrolski - adding Python syntax
  60. Decision-Making Pitfalls for Technical Leaders
  61. The day I became a millionaire
  62. Building a Robust Data Synchronization Service with Rails - Philippe Creux
  63. What's New in Ruby on Rails 8 | AppSignal Blog
  64. Wikidata is a Giant Crosswalk File
  65. How I exited the cloud
  66. abuisman.com Solving life's challenges with code
  67. Terminal–based game in 150 lines
  68. How I build Pxl's SEO Strategy with Mini Tools and Directories
  69. Crashing your production app with iteration
  70. Solid Cache for Rails and PostgreSQL
  71. Tiny Guide to Webscaling
  72. Exploring the limits of Postgres: when does it break? – StepChange
  73. Trying out Solid Queue and Mission Control with PostgreSQL
  74. On Power Tools
  75. Netflix Job Analysis · AR
  76. MoErgo Glove80 programmable ergonomic keyboard
  77. Wonderful vi
  78. Just for Fun. No, Really.
  79. Why GitHub Actually Won
  80. Shrinking Big PostgreSQL tables: Copy-Swap-Drop
  81. Optimizing Interpreters: Fusion
  82. Create an internal CLI
  83. So you got an IPv6-only VPS?
  84. Everyday Llamas
  85. Data Modeling Entitlements and Pricing for SaaS Applications
  86. GitHub - ankane/transformers-ruby: State-of-the-art transformers for Ruby
  87. Support PUT, PATCH, and DELETE in HTML Forms
  88. What's the deal with setuptools, setup.py, pyproject.toml and wheels?
  89. State of Generics and Collections
  90. I curate a daily newsletter with resources about Golang - Daily Golang. Here are the latest 6 issues of the newsletter
  91. An underrated software engineering interview question – Jake Zimmerman
  92. A Quick-ish Accessibility Review: shadcn/ui Charts | Ashlee M Boyer
  93. Default map value
  94. I'm back, Ruby on Rails
  95. The birth of ILC
  96. My Blog Infra Is Gonna Make You Cry Tears Of Blood
  97. Our audit of Homebrew
  98. The Decline Of Mobile Development - DONN FELKER
  99. So, do you actually want to write?
  100. LiteCluster: Replicated, leaderless, ACID compliant & high availability SQLite
  101. When Objects Are Not Enough
  102. Ruby methods are colorless
  103. AI Tooling for Software Engineers in 2024: Reality Check (Part 1)
  104. Failed Attempt at Creating a Video Search Engine
  105. Interesting links of the week 2024-29
  106. Use pg_easy_replicate for setting up Logical Replication and Switchover in PostgreSQL
  107. Should interfaces be asynchronous?
  108. Rails Add ActiveRecord.after_all_transactions_commit Callback
  109. Against Innovation Tokens
  110. The JRuby Blog : Independence Day
  111. Top Five PostgreSQL Surprises from Rails Devs
  112. Fixing Low Storage Space on Mac as a Developer
  113. Industrial macros
  114. Why I Ditched Django for NextJS
  115. Ruby: a great language for shell scripts!
  116. Retiring Lamar and the Ghost of IoC Containers Past
  117. Aspire Dashboard
  118. Jared Norman | Software Consultant, Open-Source Maintainer, and Solidus Expert
  119. Lemmy and my Switch to PieFed; Threadyverse software alternatives
  120. Comments on Scripting, CGI, and FastCGI
  121. Stripe's monorepo developer environment - Made of Bugs
  122. 🎙️ IndieRails Podcast — Andrew Atkinson - The Postgres Specialist
  123. Absolute positioning with CSS grid
  124. W. Jason Gilmore
  125. GitHub - piku/piku: The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen. Piku allows you to do git push deployments to your own servers.
  126. Async Ruby on Rails
  127. Incremental development
  128. I Am So Sick of Leetcode-Style Interviews
  129. Streamline Testing Processes with Contract Testing and Pact in .NET
  130. Even more Opentelemetry!
  131. Writing Quality Method Docs
  132. Redefining Career Specialization – Jeff Morhous
  133. Unexpected Anti-Patterns for Engineering Leaders
  134. Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL
  135. 20 Years of Blogging; On my own website
  136. Do I not like Ruby anymore?
  137. GitHub - quickwit-oss/tantivy: Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust
  138. Fast, Simple and Metered Concurrency in Ruby with Concurrent::Semaphore
  139. ChatGPT wrote a Static Site Generator
  140. Documenting my DNS records
  141. Abusing Go's infrastructure
  142. Tracking Releases & CI Across Software Teams and Forges
  143. Must-have resources for new .NET Aspire developers
  144. Get Yourself a /dev/lunch
  145. Pinecoder blog
  146. DB in K8S: Pros & Cons
  147. Rails 8 adds Kamal by default.
  148. Setting up Doom Emacs for Astro Development
  149. Lessons Learned from Four Months of Working Solo
  150. Backup strategies for SQLite in production
  151. 7 independent tech job boards (2024)
  152. Ruby's Complex Branching Options
  153. Ryan Bigg - One year with the Ergodox EZ
  154. ryjo.codes - Forgoing Implicity and Using Abstractions
  155. 🪄 Install asdf: One Runtime Manager to Rule All Dev Environments
  156. Garrison Jensen - Sorted Containers in Ruby inspired by Python
  157. Ruby might be faster than you think
  158. Do best practices really matter?
  159. SQLite on Rails | Fractaled Mind
  160. Elastic tabstops - a better way to indent and align code
  161. Design Notes
  162. Your JetBrains Coding Tools are Ready to be Updated to 2024.1 | The JetBrains Blog
  163. Revealed: The software scalability game | Samuel Lissner
  164. Abstract methods and NotImplementedError in Ruby
  165. Hands-off eclipse photography with ruby and gphoto
  166. Using Dall-E/AI to create kids colouring pages in KidzFun.art
  167. How I wrote Kamal Handbook in 5 weeks and sold 300+ copies at the same time
  168. 'If this one guy got hit by a bus, the world's software would fall apart.'
  169. Optimized Model Auditing with PaperTrail
  170. KISS high-availability with OpenBSD
  171. A lazy and flippant classification of programming languages
  172. AI bots hallucinate software packages and devs download them
  173. Super Fast Rails - RorVsWild
  174. How I improved our CI build time from 24mins to 8mins and reduced costs by 50%
  175. How GitHub monopolized code hosting
  176. We are under DDoS attack and we do nothing
  177. Turbo Native iOS and Android apps in 15 minutes | Masilotti.com
  178. A Ruby on Rails OOM Mystery: The Case of the Hungry Hippo | Prefab
  179. Testing a Thousand Applications With Flipper
  180. Knee Deep in tree-sitter Queries
  181. Microservices for the Benefits, Not the Hustle
  182. ~MK | Template Strings
  183. Hosting Websites at Home with a Framework Mainboard, Cooler Master Case, Dokku, and Cloudflare
  184. How to tackle compatibility issues in ECMA Script modules (and in general) - Event-Driven.io
  185. Why Can't Programmers Agree on Anything?
  186. vorant94 | Divide and conquer: right concerns to separate
  187. Bleacher Report gutting out OTP
  188. kaio magalhaes | How to keep building your engineering skills as a CTO
  189. Why Rails is a Great Choice for Startups in 2024
  190. Exploring developer experience with PHP, public APIs, and beer
  191. C skill issue; how the White House is wrong
  192. Managing Gmail Configuration for Labels and Filters as Code
  193. White House urges developers to dump C and C++
  194. Tim Kächele: How to build an exchange
  195. Jan-Piet Mens
  196. 100x Faster Query in Aurora Postgres with a lower random_page_cost
  197. Things I Used to Care About
  198. Ruby could use a Heap
  199. Spring Rites
  200. Money in Transit | Alvaro Duran | Substack
  201. Finding Postgres rows too large for BTree indexes
  202. The most useful programming language
  203. Debugbar For Ruby on Rails
  204. Some Thoughts on Jekyll
  205. Presence, NULL, and Product Requirements in Rails
  206. .NET Continuous Profiler: CPU and Wall Time Profiling
  207. Alternative BigInt ID identifiers for Rails
  208. Software Engineer in Remote, Denmark | GitHub, Inc.
  209. Keywords for Top 10 Languages
  210. Optimizing SQLite for servers
  211. Monsters Weekly 269 - Entity Framework Bulk Update
  212. Shell scripting with Elixir - Michal (arathunku)
  213. Interview with CTO of ListenField AgTech: Introducing NixOS to Organization
  214. On the virtues of the trailing comma - The Old New Thing
  215. A Lannister Always Pays His Technical Debts
  216. Generate an Audio Book Using Text-To-Speech
  217. That Time I Accidentally Terminated 600 Instances
  218. What it was like working for GitLab
  219. How I learned Haskell in just 15 years
  220. Introducing Pkl, a programming language for configuration :: Pkl Docs
  221. GitHub - joke2k/faker: Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
  222. The secret tool to launch your Rails business in the app stores | Masilotti.com
  223. The C Bounded Model Checker: Criminally Underused
  224. PGXN Challenges
  225. Ruby on Rails load testing habits
  226. Handling external API errors: A transactional approach
  227. Processing Background Jobs on AWS: Lambda vs ECS vs ECS Fargate
  228. Numeric operations on value objects in Ruby
  229. A replacement for BinaryFormatter in .NET 8
  230. Parser IF disambiguation hassles
  231. Rubygems introduced a file option to specify Ruby version in Gemfile
  232. Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
  233. A Beautifully Productive Terminal Experience
  234. .NET Continuous Profiler: Under the Hood
  235. Safer Rails partials with strict locals | Masilotti.com
  236. The Hanselminutes Podcast by Scott Hanselman
  237. Building a Critter Stack Application: Wolverine HTTP Endpoints
  238. Decentralized Hacker News | Enindu Alahapperuma
  239. How Truly Random are Random Numbers?
  240. Copy to Clipboard async using Clipboard API
  241. Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns
  242. DI for F# butterflies 🦋
  243. The mystery of Rails’ <code>lib/</code> folder 📚
  244. Stuff we figured out about AI in 2023
  245. You should be using rtx
  246. The ugrep file pattern searcher
  247. Unprivileged Process Injection Techniques in Linux
  248. Poor Man's Web
  249. The future vision of Ruby Parser
  250. You don't need analytics on your blog
  251. Ruby 3.3.0 Released
  252. From Zero To IDE with Emacs and LSP
  253. How I Have Fun With Rust
  254. Memory Safety is a Red Herring
  255. Chart.js + Turbo Stimulus in Rails 7
  256. I Love Ruby
  257. Ruby 3.3 fixes duplicate keyword argument warning bug
  258. Interfaces Are Not Meant for That
  259. Idea to App Store in 7 days | Masilotti.com
  260. Deleting 50,000 Lines of Code in 3 Days - Aakash N S
  261. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023
  262. The Plug-in System Hiding in Your App
  263. Blogging with Word in your Jamstack
  264. Why is Jepsen Written in Clojure?
  265. Your Interview Process Is Too Damn Long (and How To Fix It)
  266. Ruby 3.3 resolves the Range#size bug for rational endpoints
  267. MyOwnDB v2: tech lessons applied
  268. The Fork Bomb: What it is, how it works, and where it originated
  269. The Rails Executor: increasingly everywhere
  270. The one-person framework monitoring tool
  271. Scriban for Text and Liquid Templating in .NET
  272. GitHub - fempire/women-tech-speakers-organizers: A list of women tech speakers & organizers. Add yourself or others by submitting a PR! PS if you do add someone, make sure to tell them! :) #fempire
  273. Python is Easy. Go is Simple. Simple != Easy.
  274. Rails 7.1 Expands ActiveRecord API with Async Query Support
  275. Resizing Form Images using HTML Attributes
  276. runner-images/images/ubuntu/Ubuntu2204-Readme.md at main · actions/runner-images
  277. </> htmx ~ Why I Tend Not To Use Content Negotiation
  278. Kapil Dutta - Blog
  279. “Useless Ruby sugar”: Keyword argument and hash values omission
  280. Tidy Code—How to Generate Unique Names With a Value Object
  281. Upgrade your Development Environments with Devbox
  282. Frameworks Cover Up Skill Issues, And That's a Good Thing | jakelazaroff.com
  283. Ruby on Rails: The Documentary
  284. Top 10 highest paid programming languages in 2023
  285. Financial sustainability for open source projects at GitHub Universe
  286. Rails In 2023 | Jan Roesner
  287. How to clean up after your NextJS dev server
  288. A quick look at destination-driven code generation
  289. Switching to Elixir
  290. Microservices aren't the problem. Incompetent people are
  291. Why Kotlin Multiplatform Won’t Succeed - DONN FELKER
  292. True code readability doesn't exist! But you'll feel when it really is
  293. Circuit Simulator: Compiling a bitmap
  294. Deploying Rails on a single server with Kamal
  295. Open Source Codeium Improves AI Chat in VS Code Tool -- Visual Studio Magazine
  296. Understanding React Native Components
  297. Open Telemetry – Instrumentation and Metrics
  298. Venturing out of your local opportunity market
  299. Rails in 2024: Still Relevant or Living in the Past?
  300. axo blog - System dependencies are hard (so we made them easier)
  301. The Great Deshittification
  302. Anyone here who switched from Ruby on Rails to .Net?
  303. Join the .NET Conf Student Zone on November 13
  304. What Are The Easiest Programming Languages to Learn? – Your Ultimate Guide
  305. Not Always the Best Idea – view source
  306. Marketing my book to 1000 sales
  307. How I learned to code in two weeks — Corey Haines
  308. Stream Deck for Developers
  309. GitHub - jaspervdj/patat: Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
  310. Which Interpreters are Faster, AST or Bytecode?
  311. Service objects in Rails: how to find a mess
  312. My first contact with ESM and CJS
  313. Length, Size, and Count in Ruby and Rails: When to Use Which?
  314. How Airbnb Scaled by Moving Away from a Monolith
  315. Build the Framework You Need
  316. On Experience
  317. Writing my own damn HTML
  318. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (My Notes and Highlights)
  319. Static Site Build Tool - Pranab’s Site
  320. Choose Boring Technology
  321. an aborted experiment with server swift
  322. Being Productive with Zero Admin on MacOS
  323. Dotfiles matter!
  324. Geospatial SQL queries in SQLite using TG, sqlite-tg and datasette-sqlite-tg
  325. Choose Postgres queue technology
  326. No Stale Bots
  327. Optimisation is often doing fewer things
  328. GitHub Actions could be so much better
  329. DALL·E 3
  330. How to Debug and Step-Through Rails Codebase
  331. GitHub - hyperdxio/hyperdx: Resolve production issues, fast. An open source observability platform unifying session replays, logs, metrics, traces and errors.
  332. Practical Application-level Monitoring for Microservices
  333. How to Improve Rails Caching with Brotli Compression
  334. Quick insights using sqlelf
  335. Localhost will inevitably die
  336. How big is a kilobyte?
  337. Rails Middleware: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know
  338. Basecamp is a Contrarian Marketing Operation
  339. Enhancing your Rails app with SQLite
  340. Ruby on Rails creator removes TypeScript from Turbo framework, upsets community • DEVCLASS
  341. An Internet of PHP
  342. Fast Tokenizers with StringScanner | Tenderlove Making
  343. Collecting Prometheus metrics from multi-process web servers, the Ruby case
  344. Exploring Lesser-Known Commands and Advanced Features of Homebrew | Muhammad
  345. SaaS for Developers with Gwen Shapira — Postgres, Performance and Rails with Andrew Atkinson 🎙️
  346. Rails Database Migrations Cheatsheet
  347. Comparing request handlers in Scotty, Yesod, and Servant
  348. The History of Data with Ted Neward
  349. JUXT Blog: Clojure in Banking: Griffin
  350. Ruby Outperforms C: Breaking the Catch-22
  351. Elixir Saves Pinterest $2 Million a Year In Server Costs
  352. Support ActivityPub for merge requests (&11247) · Epics · GitLab.org · GitLab
  353. How to Check if a Variable is Defined in Ruby with defined? Keyword
  354. A couple of words about interactors in Rails | articles about programming on mkdev
  355. Do disturb me | Goto Assignment: A better local Goto Definition
  356. Ruby's Hash is a Swiss-Army Knife
  357. Tabnine Unveils AI Assistant for Visual Studio 2022, Chat Beta -- Visual Studio Magazine
  358. Hono + htmx + Cloudflare is a new stack - Yusuke Wada
  359. Abbrev: A Hidden Ruby Gem
  360. How we reduced the cost of building Twitter at Twitter-scale by 100x
  361. Eloquent code needs no comment
  362. How to Implement Content Security Policy in Rails
  363. Subscriber Only: A Technical Post Mortem
  364. Should everything be blazingly fast?
  365. why 'age int' is better than 'int age'
  366. Content Security Policy (CSP): Everything You Should Know
  367. A Blog Post With Every HTML Element
  368. Wiki - ElixirForCynicalCurmudgeons
  369. How To Specify Pairs of Items in GitHub Actions Matrix Strategies
  370. New: Improved flexibility when configuring endpoint URLs with the AWS SDKs and tools | Amazon Web Services
  371. bliki: TeamTopologies
  372. Tracking HackerNews' Shifting Preferences for Remote Jobs Over 5 Years
  373. Fake It ’til You Learn It | Jahfer's Blog
  374. Top 8 Most Demanded Programming Languages in 2023
  375. Looking for additional maintainers on a few projects
  376. I found a (microscopic) ruby bug and it got fixed in 3 hours
  377. The looming demise of the 10x developer
  378. Rails Generate Migration — Everything you need to know about generating migrations in your Ruby on Rails app
  379. The Great Pendulum
  380. Network Programming Basics in Ruby
  381. Procfile.dev, bin/dev, and Rails 7 — how they work, and why (I think) they're great.
  382. Using Machine Learning to Answer Questions from Internal Documentation
  383. Garbage Collection in Ruby - Peter Zhu
  384. Let's Build a Web Application in Ruby without Rails
  385. HTMX Boosts and ASP.NET Core Anti-Forgery Tokens
  386. Crafting a better, faster code view | The GitHub Blog
  387. Some Elixir Testing Tricks
  388. Narrow Waists Can Be Interior or Exterior: PyObject vs. Unix Files
  389. Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023
  390. Top 11 .NET Libraries Every Developer Should Know
  391. Grounding LLMs
  392. ArchiveTeam has saved over 10.8 BILLION Reddit links so far. We need YOUR help running ArchiveTeam Warrior to archive subreddits before they're gone indefinitely after June 12th!
  393. The Beggar Barons
  394. Episode 124 - Breaking Up with Tech Debt: A Love Story with M. Scott Ford
  395. F# is the .NET Rust
  396. zacksiri.dev
  397. Are you absolutely sure your `has_one` association really has one association?
  398. Generating income from open source
  399. The Gateway Pattern
  400. Finding your weak spots
  401. Episode 123 - Docker for .NET Devs With Carl Sargunar
  402. So, You Want To Build A DBaaS Part 2: Technical Bits
  403. Matt Johnson's Blog - Monoliths are good, but not that good
  404. Creating Custom Rails Generators
  405. A simple introduction to mirrord – Mayflower Blog
  406. Improving the terminal
  407. My 20 Year Career is Technical Debt or Deprecated
  408. Bye bye NextJS
  409. Adventures in Ruby-esque type enforcement - Max Chernyak
  410. How to have your own private Brew package
  411. Memory Allocation
  412. /now Hear This
  413. Five Easy to Miss Performance Fixes for Rails Apps
  414. Summarizing URLs with ChatGPT
  415. Story: Redis and its creator antirez
  416. A few words on Ruby's type annotations state
  417. Mastodon Is Doomed
  418. Open Source Codeium Challenges GitHub Copilot, Strips Out Non-Permissive GPL Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  419. Automating HTML Validation for a Happier Life
  420. Fine Tuning ChatGPT on our Intercom support chat history – Kevin Goedecke
  421. Amazon CodeWhisperer, Free for Individual Use, is Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services
  422. PgBouncer is useful, important, and fraught with peril
  423. Anagrams kata as a one-liner
  424. How to Do an Inner Join in LINQ? - Code Maze
  425. Tomaszkowal · Phoenix Framework
  426. If It's So Good, Why Isn't Everyone Doing It?
  427. Error Messages Are Our Friends
  428. Accessing Objects Just After they are Saved by Entity Framework | no dogma blog
  429. Releasing mac-bootstrap
  430. You Want Modules, Not Microservices
  431. The difference between libraries and frameworks - Simple Talk
  432. Multi-Cloud Deployment for Elixir & Phoenix with MRSK
  433. Adventures in Time: Debugging a Daylight Saving Bug
  434. Fascination of AWK
  435. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of X Macros
  436. I'm Too Clever Musings on some (correct) PR feedback I received.
  437. How to Make a Great Conference Talk
  438. Stuff I use in the terminal
  439. sqlelf and 20 years of Nix
  440. Something Pretty Right: A History of Visual Basic | Retool
  441. How I got my first Rails job
  442. Metaprogramming in Lean
  443. Jonas Hietala: Battling burnout
  444. Stubbles - Stubbing and Doubles innit. 🧔
  445. cmuratori-discussion/cleancodeqa.md at main · unclebob/cmuratori-discussion
  446. How to build a job board with web scraping and ChatGPT
  447. The Case Against Relying Solely on DRY
  448. Top 10 AI Extensions for Visual Studio Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  449. Alex P - Software Engineering
  450. Dead Code Is a Liability
  451. Moving from numeric ID to UUID in existing app
  452. Bun vs Node Benchmark - no one cares about speed as much as your CI does
  453. Developer to Security Engineer career pivot
  454. Software Engineering Report Ranks TypeScript Among Top Skills to Learn/Know -- Visual Studio Magazine
  455. Building a (software) engineering organization one year in.
  456. GitHub - tenderlove/initial-v: It's a BMW shifter converted to a Bluetooth Keyboard that you use with Vim
  457. Some notes on using nix
  458. Functional Testing: Definition, Types and Importance
  459. My favourite Ruby on Rails engines
  460. Good First Issues Are Gifts
  461. On Relearning to Code as an Adult
  462. Generative AI VS Code Tool Now Does Unit Testing -- Visual Studio Magazine
  463. How to contribute to a project you have no idea about
  464. Health Checking
  465. You Don't Need Rails to Start Using Hotwire
  466. AsciiDoc, Liquid and Jekyll
  467. Granting at least once delivery
  468. Ruby's private keyword is weird – Jake Zimmerman
  469. <3 Deno Feb 12, 2023
  470. Progressively enhanced Turbo Native apps in the App Store | Masilotti.com
  471. UpperCase Styling via CSS
  472. Participating in programming language's evolution during interesting times
  473. Ruby/Rails performance comparison of Intel Mac, M1 Max, and M2 Max – Relentless Simplicity
  474. nokogiri vs. xsltproc
  475. I built a new tab page to look at old pictures
  476. It is becoming difficult for me to be productive in Python - blag
  477. Designing Data-Intensive Applications – Multi-Object Transactions
  478. Trends in Twitter’s Architecture
  479. The Decree Design Pattern
  480. JetBrains Dev Report: TypeScript Is Fastest-Growing Programming Language -- Visual Studio Magazine
  481. The DevOps Automation Guide
  482. CI/CD: Automating Tests and Deployments the Fun Way
  483. Cyber - Fast and concurrent scripting.
  484. Ask thoughtbot CTO - All About CI / CD
  485. Fixing a Memory Leak in a Ruby SideKiq Job
  486. What is a type system, really?
  487. Dear Retro Community, Stop Writing Tools in C
  488. Take your pragmatism for a unicycle ride - Richard Marmorstein
  489. Which programming language should you learn first?
  490. The “insert specific tech here” developer: yay or nay?
  491. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of AWK
  492. JavaScript Survey: Devs Want Static Typing (and Favor TypeScript over Vanilla JS) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  493. What's New in Ruby 3.2
  494. Easy to Overlook Way to Break Eager Loading in Rails Apps
  495. Setting up ActiveStorage with Cloudflare R2
  496. Surprising Consequences of macOS’s Environment Variable Sanitization
  497. I scanned every package on PyPi and found 57 live AWS keys
  498. Microfeatures I'd like to see in more languages
  499. Ruby and Rails going from 2022 to 2023
  500. You Want Modules, Not Microservices
  501. 100R — weathering software winter
  502. I'm selling my name...
  503. Weird stuff and how to test it
  504. Rehearsing a sabbatical · Max Gorin
  505. 2022 - The year English became a programming language
  506. Implementing the MySQL server protocol for fun and profit
  507. Applicative programming in Ruby: railway reimagined
  508. Small Functions considered Harmful
  509. Raising the bar for software security: next steps for GitHub.com 2FA | The GitHub Blog
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  511. Get Rid of Your Old Database Migrations
  512. Time Zones and Rocket Ships
  513. RantBrain
  514. Your flaky tests might be time dependent
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  516. On breaking changes in transitive dependencies
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  518. The top programming languages
  519. I am disappointed by dynamic typing
  520. Scaling Mastodon: The Compendium | Hazel Weakly
  521. Framework Guides - Tailwind CSS
  522. Rails — narrative vs model centric approach - Max Chernyak
  523. GitHub - chubin/cheat.sh: the only cheat sheet you need
  524. GitHub Copilot Isn't Worth the Risk
  525. Python and .NET - An Ongoing Saga
  527. Tracing HTTP Requests with tcpflow · Anantha Kumaran
  528. Crate List - Blessed.rs
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  535. Occson
  536. A developer’s guide to containers - Architect.io
  537. Why I Ditched Django for NextJS - Bill Prin's Tech Blog
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  539. ViewComponent in the Wild I: building modern Rails frontends—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
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  541. The In-depth Guide to Caching ActiveRecord SQL Queries in Rails
  542. On extending Ruby on Rails knowledge: part 1.
  543. How do you use the Command line? PowerShell, cmd, bash? - Computer Stuff They Didn't Teach You #13
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  558. 2022 Board election - Rainer Stropek
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  570. Dart is Boring | akos.ma
  571. On chosing the ideal architecture of the web application
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  576. Buildpacks | Heroku Dev Center
  577. OCaml at First Glance
  578. My tone doesn’t make me wrong, or how I convinced the Ruby project to fix an inconsistency
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  589. Discovering Ruby on Rails: is it dead or alive?
  590. RailsConf 2022 Conference
  591. Don't Let Your Systems Fail Deadly
  592. The many flavors of hashing
  593. GitHub - tabler/tabler: Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
  594. Microsoft open sources its software bill of materials (SBOM) generation tool
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  596. The disproportionate influence of early tech decisions
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  598. An intro to Open Telemetry in .NET - James World
  599. GitHub - codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x: Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
  600. Crystal is a Surprise | akos.ma
  601. The Iron Searcher
  602. How "let it fail" leads to simpler code - Yiming Chen
  603. Looking for a job as a Software Engineer in Switzerland? Read this first.
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  607. Average Software Engineering Salaries by Country in 2022
  608. Announcing Ruby Shield
  609. Performance: Crystal vs Ruby
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  611. About the Crytal programming language
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  613. Top 8 Most Demanded Programming Languages in 2022
  614. Speed ISeq marking by using a bitmap and rearranging inline caches by tenderlove · Pull Request #6053 · ruby/ruby
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  617. Connascence as a vocabulary to discuss Coupling
  618. GitHub - jcubic/gaiman: Gaiman: Text based game engine and programming language
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  621. Understading why attr_accessor in Ruby is faster than a regular method
  622. Is Ruby on Rails Still Relevant?
  623. From Clojure to Ruby
  624. ongoing by Tim Bray · Making Code Faster
  625. GitHub - ory/kratos: Next-gen identity server (think Auth0, Okta, Firebase) with Ory-hardened authentication, MFA, FIDO2, profile management, identity schemas, social sign in, registration, account recovery, passwordless. Golang, headless, API-only - without templating or theming headaches. Available as a cloud service.
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  629. Is tree-sitter good enough? – Jake Zimmerman
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  635. Why are tools such as Docker and Kubernetes written in Go and not C#?
  636. The pain of using budget notebooks as a software developer
  637. Announcing CBL-Mariner 2.0
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  639. The unreasonable effectiveness of f‍-‍strings and re.VERBOSE
  640. GitHub - hng/tech-coops: A list of tech coops and resources concerning tech coops and worker owned cooperatives in general.
  641. Fabian Lindfors
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  643. Bruno Lauwers
  644. Fly.io: the Reclaimer of Heroku's Magic
  645. My Programming Principles
  646. How to make Ruby interpreter run program written in a natural language
  647. Embedding Truffle Languages - Kevin Menard's Weblog
  648. minitest vs. RSpec: Which one is better?
  649. David Dahan
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  651. Application Development with Scott Hanselman & Friends | KEY11D
  652. How I fell in love with low-js
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  658. Building a CLI Application in Elixir · Dave Martin's Blog
  659. Protocol Buffers  |  Google Developers
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  661. One year of sales
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  663. Rust YJIT by XrXr · Pull Request #5826 · ruby/ruby
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  671. Ruby 3.2.0 Preview 1 Released
  672. My sane approach to test fixtures in Rails
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  674. The Scoop: Inside Fast’s Rapid Collapse
  675. jes post
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  679. Donate - Casa Ruby
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  681. The How and Why of End-to-End Testing - Jason Fleetwood-Boldt
  682. GitHub - Wilfred/difftastic: a diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩
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  684. GitHub - appwrite/appwrite: Secure Backend Server for Web, Mobile & Flutter Developers 🚀 AKA the 100% open-source Firebase alternative.
  685. Lint Action - GitHub Marketplace
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  704. disabling ANSI color output in various Unix commands
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  706. blog.md
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  722. Don't make me think, or why I switched to Rails from JavaScript SPAs
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  730. httpstat.us - Now With .NET 6 | LINQ to Fail
  731. 2022 01 11 bench results · LesnyRumcajs/grpc_bench Wiki
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  733. Writing a Game Boy Emulator in OCaml
  734. Sourcegraph
  735. dsq: Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more.
  736. An ode to Ruby
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  739. Running queries in parallel with Rails 7 and load_async
  740. When to cache in your Rails app
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  744. How I took my SaaS from idea to sold in 14 months
  745. Three ways of handling user input
  746. my personal note taking journey
  747. The joy of building a ray tracer, for fun, in Rust.
  748. Text Aesthetics: Command Line UI/UX
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  757. GitHub Previews Improved Code Search: 'Way More than grep' -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  762. How I wrote my book
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  766. Where is Ruby Headed in 2021? - Big Nerd Ranch
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  769. Using a framework can make you stupid!
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  773. SaaS starter kit. SaaS framework. SaaS template. SaaS-in-a-box. | Outseta
  774. Malware Trust & Safety Specialist
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  779. On autoloading
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  782. GitHub - 1Password/1password-teams-open-source: Get a free 1Password Teams membership for your open source project
  783. Async Ruby - Bruno Sutic
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  791. To Learn a New Language, Read Its Standard Library
  792. Remove my password from lists so hackers won't be able to hack me by assafnativ · Pull Request #155 · danielmiessler/SecLists
  793. GitHub - mastodon/mastodon: Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
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  809. Remove abuse enabling language by jacobherrington · Pull Request #2690 · ruby/www.ruby-lang.org
  810. The seven programming ur-languages
  811. Feature #18229: Proposal to merge YJIT - Ruby master
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  831. Google APIs: authentication with TypeScript | I CAN MAKE THIS WORK
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  843. GitHub Copilot Security Study: 'Developers Should Remain Awake' in View of 40% Bad Code Rate -- Visual Studio Magazine
  844. Friendship ended with the garbage collector
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  848. Enhanced support for citations on GitHub | The GitHub Blog
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  852. GitHub Copilot AI Improved, Offered as API: 'A Taste of the Future' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  853. GitHub’s Engineering Team has moved to Codespaces | The GitHub Blog
  854. Gateway
  855. OpenAI Codex
  856. Story of njk, a tool mistreated
  857. Reflections on 10,000 Hours of Programming
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  869. C# vs Java: Which is Faster? Computer Language Drag Racing Series E03
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  872. Michael Feathers - 10 Papers Every Developer Should Read
  873. Getting Started with ASP.NET Core and gRPC | The .NET Tools Blog
  874. yoeo/guesslang
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  876. TypeScript Outshines C# in Developer Ecosystem Report -- Visual Studio Magazine
  877. Writing a Bash Builtin in C to Parse INI Configs
  878. Building a website without becoming a ‘soydev’
  879. From Node to Ruby on Rails - D U N K
  880. The Best Regex Trick
  881. ossu/computer-science
  882. GitHub Copilot Experiences - a glimpse of an AI-assisted future
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  885. Ruby HTTP server from the ground up
  886. Globally Distributed Postgres
  887. An Elixir Adoption Success Story
  888. The Best Regex Trick
  889. GitHub Copilot, an AI Pair Programmer, Is Coming to VS Code/Visual Studio -- Visual Studio Magazine
  890. Introducing GitHub Copilot: your AI pair programmer | The GitHub Blog
  891. GitHub Copilot · Your AI pair programmer
  892. Granulate/gprofiler
  893. VSColorOutput64 - Visual Studio Marketplace
  894. ThakeeNathees/pocketlang
  895. do it safely or automatically, but not both « Otaku – Cedric's blog
  896. chrisseaton/rhizome
  897. The Wrong Way to Switch Operating Systems on Your Server :: FIGBERT
  898. dsprenkels/sss
  899. Release 13.0.0 · BurntSushi/ripgrep
  900. Surprising shared word etymologies - Daniel de Haas
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  902. Clean API Architecture 🔵 🟢 🔴
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  904. .NET Ranks High in Coding Bootcamp Report -- Visual Studio Magazine
  905. Adventures with man color
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  909. ongoing by Tim Bray · Testing in the Twenties
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  912. willfennel.com – Learning on the fly, impostor syndrome, and Vim dumbassery
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  914. Why (and how) GitHub is adopting OpenTelemetry | The GitHub Blog
  915. Senior Software Engineer - Planning & Tracking
  916. Codenotary Inc Releases immudb v1.0
  917. Don't feel bad about not knowing basic things
  918. Mass Assignment - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series
  919. Azure Community Singapore (ACS) (Singapore, Singapore)
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  923. Overview - Azure App Service
  924. The room where it happens: How Rails gets made
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  926. The room where it happens: How Rails gets made
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  930. Product Security Engineer - Static Code Analysis
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  933. Implement log monitoring with Seq and Serilog in .net Core | Gary Woodfine
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  935. How to make the most of your software engineering career - andre.schweighofer
  936. My First Month as a Solo Founder
  937. Software Engineer - Communities
  938. codefinger - blog
  939. How we ship code faster and safer with feature flags - The GitHub Blog
  940. Parsing Protobuf at 2+GB/s: How I Learned To Love Tail Calls in C
  941. Setting Up Sass with Blazor
  942. Remote code execution in Homebrew by compromising the official Cask repository
  943. 4 techniques for structuring Next.js applications
  944. Green Vs. Brown Programming Languages
  945. Listing the contents of a remote ZIP archive, without downloading the entire file – Zoned Out
  946. Why do I find Ruby sexy?
  947. Gregory Szorc's Digital Home | Rust is for Professionals
  948. How to pick the right container base image - Red Hat Developer
  949. PostgreSQL EXPLAIN ANALYZE for Web Developers [Indexes]
  950. EditorConfig
  951. 3.1.0
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  953. 4 Non-standard Ways to Fix N+1 Queries in Rails
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  955. Breaking GitHub Private Pages for $35k
  956. Integrating C# with Legacy Elixir Projects
  957. Tools for Auditing CSS | CSS-Tricks
  958. isEven API
  959. My Self-Taught Tech Career - Work & Life Notes
  960. gruns/icecream
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  962. Up For Grabs
  963. Ruby off the Rails: Code library yanked over license blunder, sparks chaos for half a million projects
  964. What is the Cloud? Soft and Fluffy Edition - Computer Stuff They Didn't Teach You #10
  965. Intro to Graphics 10 - Curves (Part 2)
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  967. I finally escaped Node (and you can too)
  968. My Developer Origin Story
  969. Easy generation of fake/dummy data in C# with Faker.Net
  970. Articulate 4.3.0 with support for markdown code snippets and syntax highlighting
  971. The #1 tip to familiarize with new JavaScript Codebases
  972. Don't End The Week With Nothing
  973. How we found and fixed a rare race condition in our session handling - The GitHub Blog
  974. Testing WebAPI with ApprovalTests.NET
  975. Y Combinator - Top 50 Software Startups
  976. Improving large monorepo performance on GitHub - The GitHub Blog
  977. tomrothe.de - Dead simple Rails monitoring
  978. Starving Threads In Ruby
  979. What It Means to Learn to Code
  980. Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust
  981. JRuby and Sorbet
  982. GorvGoyl/Clone-Wars
  983. Open Source Continuous Profiling Platform | Debug performance issues down to a single line of code | Open Source Continuous Profiling Platform
  984. How to organise your Twitter follows into lists
  985. Analyst: TypeScript Now Firmly in Top 10 Echelon (Ruby, Not So Much) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  986. How to Read Assembly Language
  987. Course Review – “Programming Languages” Series on Coursera - Vasil Kosturski
  988. The Future of Web Software Is HTML-over-WebSockets
  989. The Pretty JSON Revolution
  990. Free for developers
  991. What's Top-Paying .NET Skill, In-Demand Language? -- Visual Studio Magazine
  992. Why I’m Losing Trust in Open Source – gibson.ws
  993. .NET Support survey
  994. Go is not an easy language
  995. Postgres regex search over 10,000 GitHub repositories (using only a Macbook)
  996. Choose Boring Technology
  997. A year of Rails - macwright.com
  998. The Database Inside Your Codebase
  999. Why is Python Popular?
  1000. ratfactor/ziglings
  1001. Typing, RSI, and what I do differently
  1002. Why I Built Litestream
  1003. satwikkansal/wtfpython
  1004. Dependency Confusion: How I Hacked Into Apple, Microsoft and Dozens of Other Companies
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  1007. My Staff Software Engineering Reading List
  1008. Mac utility Homebrew finally gets native Apple Silicon and M1 support
  1009. 3.0.0
  1010. Asynchronous Messaging, Part 5: Miscellaneous Considerations
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  1146. Thought: Handling rate limited apis
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  1231. GitHub
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  1233. Bug #16136: String corruption in 2.6.4 - Ruby master - Ruby Issue Tracking System
  1234. AsciiDoc Home Page
  1235. OpenSSL PRNG is not (really) fork-safe - Martin Boßlet
  1236. Rotor v2 book draft available · Ted Neward's Blog
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  1238. NimbleText Data Manipulation, Text Manipulation, Code Generation and Automation
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  1256. Wat
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  1258. Getting Started with ASP.NET Core | Manning
  1259. Writing A Compiler In Go | Thorsten Ball
  1260. Writing An Interpreter In Go | Thorsten Ball
  1261. TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks
  1262. dotnet/reactive
  1263. The Myth of The Infrastructure Phase | Union Square Ventures
  1264. vmg/sundown
  1265. The Go Programming Language Blog
  1266. What I Learned Making My Own JIT Language
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