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Posts for 'ruby'

  1. 99%Ruby might be faster than you think
  2. 96%Do best practices really matter?
  3. 99%SQLite on Rails | Fractaled Mind
  4. 89%Elastic tabstops - a better way to indent and align code
  5. 99%Design Notes
  6. 99%Your JetBrains Coding Tools are Ready to be Updated to 2024.1 | The JetBrains Blog
  7. 99%Revealed: The software scalability game | Samuel Lissner
  8. 95%Abstract methods and NotImplementedError in Ruby
  9. 97%Hands-off eclipse photography with ruby and gphoto
  10. 96%Using Dall-E/AI to create kids colouring pages in KidzFun.art
  11. 99%How I wrote Kamal Handbook in 5 weeks and sold 300+ copies at the same time
  12. 98%'If this one guy got hit by a bus, the world's software would fall apart.'
  13. 99%Optimized Model Auditing with PaperTrail
  14. 99%KISS high-availability with OpenBSD
  15. 98%A lazy and flippant classification of programming languages
  16. 62%AI bots hallucinate software packages and devs download them
  17. 99%Super Fast Rails - RorVsWild
  18. 99%How I improved our CI build time from 24mins to 8mins and reduced costs by 50%
  19. 96%How GitHub monopolized code hosting
  20. 99%We are under DDoS attack and we do nothing
  21. 99%Turbo Native iOS and Android apps in 15 minutes | Masilotti.com
  22. 99%A Ruby on Rails OOM Mystery: The Case of the Hungry Hippo | Prefab
  23. 99%Testing a Thousand Applications With Flipper
  24. 99%Knee Deep in tree-sitter Queries
  25. 99%Microservices for the Benefits, Not the Hustle
  26. 95%~MK | Template Strings
  27. 99%Hosting Websites at Home with a Framework Mainboard, Cooler Master Case, Dokku, and Cloudflare
  28. 99%How to tackle compatibility issues in ECMA Script modules (and in general) - Event-Driven.io
  29. 98%Why Can't Programmers Agree on Anything?
  30. 99%vorant94 | Divide and conquer: right concerns to separate
  31. 92%Bleacher Report gutting out OTP
  32. 99%kaio magalhaes | How to keep building your engineering skills as a CTO
  33. 99%Why Rails is a Great Choice for Startups in 2024
  34. 99%Exploring developer experience with PHP, public APIs, and beer
  35. 99%C skill issue; how the White House is wrong
  36. 99%Managing Gmail Configuration for Labels and Filters as Code
  37. 90%White House urges developers to dump C and C++
  38. 97%Tim Kächele: How to build an exchange
  39. 98%Jan-Piet Mens
  40. 99%100x Faster Query in Aurora Postgres with a lower random_page_cost
  41. 99%Things I Used to Care About
  42. 99%Ruby could use a Heap
  43. 98%Spring Rites
  44. 96%Money in Transit | Alvaro Duran | Substack
  45. 99%Finding Postgres rows too large for BTree indexes
  46. 98%The most useful programming language
  47. 66%Debugbar For Ruby on Rails
  48. 97%Some Thoughts on Jekyll
  49. 98%Presence, NULL, and Product Requirements in Rails
  50. 99%.NET Continuous Profiler: CPU and Wall Time Profiling
  51. 99%Alternative BigInt ID identifiers for Rails
  52. 96%Software Engineer in Remote, Denmark | GitHub, Inc.
  53. 93%Keywords for Top 10 Languages
  54. 99%Optimizing SQLite for servers
  55. 97%Monsters Weekly 269 - Entity Framework Bulk Update
  56. 99%Shell scripting with Elixir - Michal (arathunku)
  57. 99%Interview with CTO of ListenField AgTech: Introducing NixOS to Organization
  58. 96%On the virtues of the trailing comma - The Old New Thing
  59. 96%A Lannister Always Pays His Technical Debts
  60. 98%Generate an Audio Book Using Text-To-Speech
  61. 97%That Time I Accidentally Terminated 600 Instances
  62. 95%What it was like working for GitLab
  63. 95%How I learned Haskell in just 15 years
  64. 99%Introducing Pkl, a programming language for configuration :: Pkl Docs
  65. 98%GitHub - joke2k/faker: Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
  66. 97%The secret tool to launch your Rails business in the app stores | Masilotti.com
  67. 99%The C Bounded Model Checker: Criminally Underused
  68. 99%PGXN Challenges
  69. 99%Ruby on Rails load testing habits
  70. 99%Handling external API errors: A transactional approach
  71. 99%Processing Background Jobs on AWS: Lambda vs ECS vs ECS Fargate
  72. 99%Numeric operations on value objects in Ruby
  73. 99%A replacement for BinaryFormatter in .NET 8
  74. 97%Parser IF disambiguation hassles
  75. 99%Rubygems introduced a file option to specify Ruby version in Gemfile
  76. 91%Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
  77. 99%A Beautifully Productive Terminal Experience
  78. 99%.NET Continuous Profiler: Under the Hood
  79. 99%Safer Rails partials with strict locals | Masilotti.com
  80. 86%The Hanselminutes Podcast by Scott Hanselman
  81. 99%Building a Critter Stack Application: Wolverine HTTP Endpoints
  82. 99%Decentralized Hacker News | Enindu Alahapperuma
  83. 99%How Truly Random are Random Numbers?
  84. 90%Copy to Clipboard async using Clipboard API
  85. 99%Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns
  86. 99%DI for F# butterflies 🦋
  87. 99%The mystery of Rails’ <code>lib/</code> folder 📚
  88. 98%Stuff we figured out about AI in 2023
  89. 98%You should be using rtx
  90. 96%The ugrep file pattern searcher
  91. 99%Unprivileged Process Injection Techniques in Linux
  92. 98%Poor Man's Web
  93. 97%The future vision of Ruby Parser
  94. 96%You don't need analytics on your blog
  95. 98%Ruby 3.3.0 Released
  96. 99%From Zero To IDE with Emacs and LSP
  97. 99%How I Have Fun With Rust
  98. 98%Memory Safety is a Red Herring
  99. 99%Chart.js + Turbo Stimulus in Rails 7
  100. 98%I Love Ruby
  101. 97%Ruby 3.3 fixes duplicate keyword argument warning bug
  102. 99%Interfaces Are Not Meant for That
  103. 99%Idea to App Store in 7 days | Masilotti.com
  104. 96%Deleting 50,000 Lines of Code in 3 Days - Aakash N S
  105. 95%Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023
  106. 99%The Plug-in System Hiding in Your App
  107. 98%Blogging with Word in your Jamstack
  108. 98%Why is Jepsen Written in Clojure?
  109. 99%Your Interview Process Is Too Damn Long (and How To Fix It)
  110. 97%Ruby 3.3 resolves the Range#size bug for rational endpoints
  111. 99%MyOwnDB v2: tech lessons applied
  112. 96%The Fork Bomb: What it is, how it works, and where it originated
  113. 95%The Rails Executor: increasingly everywhere
  114. 99%The one-person framework monitoring tool
  115. 99%Scriban for Text and Liquid Templating in .NET
  116. 92%GitHub - fempire/women-tech-speakers-organizers: A list of women tech speakers & organizers. Add yourself or others by submitting a PR! PS if you do add someone, make sure to tell them! :) #fempire
  117. 99%Python is Easy. Go is Simple. Simple != Easy.
  118. 97%Rails 7.1 Expands ActiveRecord API with Async Query Support
  119. 99%Resizing Form Images using HTML Attributes
  120. 94%runner-images/images/ubuntu/Ubuntu2204-Readme.md at main · actions/runner-images
  121. 98%</> htmx ~ Why I Tend Not To Use Content Negotiation
  122. 97%Kapil Dutta - Blog
  123. 97%“Useless Ruby sugar”: Keyword argument and hash values omission
  124. 99%Tidy Code—How to Generate Unique Names With a Value Object
  125. 99%Upgrade your Development Environments with Devbox
  126. 99%Frameworks Cover Up Skill Issues, And That's a Good Thing | jakelazaroff.com
  127. 65%Ruby on Rails: The Documentary
  128. 98%Top 10 highest paid programming languages in 2023
  129. 98%Financial sustainability for open source projects at GitHub Universe
  130. 98%Rails In 2023 | Jan Roesner
  131. 95%How to clean up after your NextJS dev server
  132. 99%A quick look at destination-driven code generation
  133. 99%Switching to Elixir
  134. 99%Microservices aren't the problem. Incompetent people are
  135. 99%Why Kotlin Multiplatform Won’t Succeed - DONN FELKER
  136. 99%True code readability doesn't exist! But you'll feel when it really is
  137. 99%Circuit Simulator: Compiling a bitmap
  138. 99%Deploying Rails on a single server with Kamal
  139. 88%Open Source Codeium Improves AI Chat in VS Code Tool -- Visual Studio Magazine
  140. 99%Understanding React Native Components
  141. 94%Open Telemetry – Instrumentation and Metrics
  142. 91%Venturing out of your local opportunity market
  143. 98%Rails in 2024: Still Relevant or Living in the Past?
  144. 98%axo blog - System dependencies are hard (so we made them easier)
  145. 98%The Great Deshittification
  146. 99%Anyone here who switched from Ruby on Rails to .Net?
  147. 99%Join the .NET Conf Student Zone on November 13
  148. 99%What Are The Easiest Programming Languages to Learn? – Your Ultimate Guide
  149. 99%Not Always the Best Idea – view source
  150. 97%Marketing my book to 1000 sales
  151. 97%How I learned to code in two weeks — Corey Haines
  152. 99%Stream Deck for Developers
  153. 99%GitHub - jaspervdj/patat: Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
  154. 99%Which Interpreters are Faster, AST or Bytecode?
  155. 99%Service objects in Rails: how to find a mess
  156. 98%My first contact with ESM and CJS
  157. 98%Length, Size, and Count in Ruby and Rails: When to Use Which?
  158. 97%How Airbnb Scaled by Moving Away from a Monolith
  159. 98%Build the Framework You Need
  160. 99%On Experience
  161. 95%Writing my own damn HTML
  162. 99%Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (My Notes and Highlights)
  163. 99%Static Site Build Tool - Pranab’s Site
  164. 98%Choose Boring Technology
  165. 99%an aborted experiment with server swift
  166. 99%Being Productive with Zero Admin on MacOS
  167. 99%Dotfiles matter!
  168. 98%Geospatial SQL queries in SQLite using TG, sqlite-tg and datasette-sqlite-tg
  169. 98%Choose Postgres queue technology
  170. 90%No Stale Bots
  171. 97%Optimisation is often doing fewer things
  172. 99%GitHub Actions could be so much better
  173. 51%DALL·E 3
  174. 99%How to Debug and Step-Through Rails Codebase
  175. 99%GitHub - hyperdxio/hyperdx: Resolve production issues, fast. An open source observability platform unifying session replays, logs, metrics, traces and errors.
  176. 99%Practical Application-level Monitoring for Microservices
  177. 99%How to Improve Rails Caching with Brotli Compression
  178. 95%Quick insights using sqlelf
  179. 98%Localhost will inevitably die
  180. 89%How big is a kilobyte?
  181. 99%Rails Middleware: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know
  182. 95%Basecamp is a Contrarian Marketing Operation
  183. 99%Enhancing your Rails app with SQLite
  184. 79%Ruby on Rails creator removes TypeScript from Turbo framework, upsets community • DEVCLASS
  185. 98%An Internet of PHP
  186. 99%Fast Tokenizers with StringScanner | Tenderlove Making
  187. 99%Collecting Prometheus metrics from multi-process web servers, the Ruby case
  188. 98% Exploring Lesser-Known Commands and Advanced Features of Homebrew | Muhammad
  189. 97%SaaS for Developers with Gwen Shapira — Postgres, Performance and Rails with Andrew Atkinson 🎙️
  190. 99%Rails Database Migrations Cheatsheet
  191. 98%Comparing request handlers in Scotty, Yesod, and Servant
  192. 97%The History of Data with Ted Neward
  193. 99%JUXT Blog: Clojure in Banking: Griffin
  194. 99%Ruby Outperforms C: Breaking the Catch-22
  195. 97%Elixir Saves Pinterest $2 Million a Year In Server Costs
  196. 98%Support ActivityPub for merge requests (&11247) · Epics · GitLab.org · GitLab
  197. 98%How to Check if a Variable is Defined in Ruby with defined? Keyword
  198. 99%A couple of words about interactors in Rails | articles about programming on mkdev
  199. 99%Do disturb me | Goto Assignment: A better local Goto Definition
  200. 99%Ruby's Hash is a Swiss-Army Knife
  201. 95%Tabnine Unveils AI Assistant for Visual Studio 2022, Chat Beta -- Visual Studio Magazine
  202. 99%Hono + htmx + Cloudflare is a new stack - Yusuke Wada
  203. 99%Abbrev: A Hidden Ruby Gem
  204. 98%How we reduced the cost of building Twitter at Twitter-scale by 100x
  205. 97%Eloquent code needs no comment
  206. 99%How to Implement Content Security Policy in Rails
  207. 98%Subscriber Only: A Technical Post Mortem
  208. 98%Should everything be blazingly fast?
  209. 99%why 'age int' is better than 'int age'
  210. 98%Content Security Policy (CSP): Everything You Should Know
  211. 97%A Blog Post With Every HTML Element
  212. 98%Wiki - ElixirForCynicalCurmudgeons
  213. 99%How To Specify Pairs of Items in GitHub Actions Matrix Strategies
  214. 99%New: Improved flexibility when configuring endpoint URLs with the AWS SDKs and tools | Amazon Web Services
  215. 98%bliki: TeamTopologies
  216. 69%Tracking HackerNews' Shifting Preferences for Remote Jobs Over 5 Years
  217. 97%Fake It ’til You Learn It | Jahfer's Blog
  218. 96%Top 8 Most Demanded Programming Languages in 2023
  219. 99%Looking for additional maintainers on a few projects
  220. 98%I found a (microscopic) ruby bug and it got fixed in 3 hours
  221. 88%The looming demise of the 10x developer
  222. 97%Rails Generate Migration — Everything you need to know about generating migrations in your Ruby on Rails app
  223. 97%The Great Pendulum
  224. 99%Network Programming Basics in Ruby
  225. 99%Procfile.dev, bin/dev, and Rails 7 — how they work, and why (I think) they're great.
  226. 97%Using Machine Learning to Answer Questions from Internal Documentation
  227. 99%Garbage Collection in Ruby - Peter Zhu
  228. 99%Let's Build a Web Application in Ruby without Rails
  229. 99%HTMX Boosts and ASP.NET Core Anti-Forgery Tokens
  230. 98%Crafting a better, faster code view | The GitHub Blog
  231. 98%Some Elixir Testing Tricks
  232. 99%Narrow Waists Can Be Interior or Exterior: PyObject vs. Unix Files
  233. 95%Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023
  234. 99%Top 11 .NET Libraries Every Developer Should Know
  235. 98%Grounding LLMs
  236. 99%ArchiveTeam has saved over 10.8 BILLION Reddit links so far. We need YOUR help running ArchiveTeam Warrior to archive subreddits before they're gone indefinitely after June 12th!
  237. 87%The Beggar Barons
  238. 98%Episode 124 - Breaking Up with Tech Debt: A Love Story with M. Scott Ford
  239. 99%F# is the .NET Rust
  240. 99%zacksiri.dev
  241. 99%Are you absolutely sure your `has_one` association really has one association?
  242. 98%Generating income from open source
  243. 98%The Gateway Pattern
  244. 99%Finding your weak spots
  245. 99%Episode 123 - Docker for .NET Devs With Carl Sargunar
  246. 98%So, You Want To Build A DBaaS Part 2: Technical Bits
  247. 97%Matt Johnson's Blog - Monoliths are good, but not that good
  248. 99%Creating Custom Rails Generators
  249. 97%A simple introduction to mirrord – Mayflower Blog
  250. 99%Improving the terminal
  251. 99%My 20 Year Career is Technical Debt or Deprecated
  252. 95%Bye bye NextJS
  253. 99%Adventures in Ruby-esque type enforcement - Max Chernyak
  254. 99%How to have your own private Brew package
  255. 98%Memory Allocation
  256. 96%/now Hear This
  257. 99%Five Easy to Miss Performance Fixes for Rails Apps
  258. 93%Summarizing URLs with ChatGPT
  259. 94%Story: Redis and its creator antirez
  260. 98%A few words on Ruby's type annotations state
  261. 99%Mastodon Is Doomed
  262. 95%Open Source Codeium Challenges GitHub Copilot, Strips Out Non-Permissive GPL Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  263. 99%Automating HTML Validation for a Happier Life
  264. 99%Fine Tuning ChatGPT on our Intercom support chat history – Kevin Goedecke
  265. 96%Amazon CodeWhisperer, Free for Individual Use, is Now Generally Available | Amazon Web Services
  266. 99%PgBouncer is useful, important, and fraught with peril
  267. 99%Anagrams kata as a one-liner
  268. 99%How to Do an Inner Join in LINQ? - Code Maze
  269. 97%Tomaszkowal · Phoenix Framework
  270. 99%If It's So Good, Why Isn't Everyone Doing It?
  271. 99%Error Messages Are Our Friends
  272. 99%Accessing Objects Just After they are Saved by Entity Framework | no dogma blog
  273. 95%Releasing mac-bootstrap
  274. 96%You Want Modules, Not Microservices
  275. 99%The difference between libraries and frameworks - Simple Talk
  276. 99%Multi-Cloud Deployment for Elixir & Phoenix with MRSK
  277. 98%Adventures in Time: Debugging a Daylight Saving Bug
  278. 92%Fascination of AWK
  279. 99%The Unreasonable Effectiveness of X Macros
  280. 98%I'm Too Clever Musings on some (correct) PR feedback I received.
  281. 98%How to Make a Great Conference Talk
  282. 98%Stuff I use in the terminal
  283. 96%sqlelf and 20 years of Nix
  284. 87%Something Pretty Right: A History of Visual Basic | Retool
  285. 96%How I got my first Rails job
  286. 99%Metaprogramming in Lean
  287. 96%Jonas Hietala: Battling burnout
  288. 99%Stubbles - Stubbing and Doubles innit. 🧔
  289. 98%cmuratori-discussion/cleancodeqa.md at main · unclebob/cmuratori-discussion
  290. 99%How to build a job board with web scraping and ChatGPT
  291. 98%The Case Against Relying Solely on DRY
  292. 97%Top 10 AI Extensions for Visual Studio Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  293. 94%Alex P - Software Engineering
  294. 75%Dead Code Is a Liability
  295. 99%Moving from numeric ID to UUID in existing app
  296. 98%Bun vs Node Benchmark - no one cares about speed as much as your CI does
  297. 97%Developer to Security Engineer career pivot
  298. 72%Software Engineering Report Ranks TypeScript Among Top Skills to Learn/Know -- Visual Studio Magazine
  299. 98%Building a (software) engineering organization one year in.
  300. 99%GitHub - tenderlove/initial-v: It's a BMW shifter converted to a Bluetooth Keyboard that you use with Vim
  301. 99%Some notes on using nix
  302. 99%Functional Testing: Definition, Types and Importance
  303. 99%My favourite Ruby on Rails engines
  304. 97%Good First Issues Are Gifts
  305. 93%Generative AI VS Code Tool Now Does Unit Testing -- Visual Studio Magazine
  306. 99%How to contribute to a project you have no idea about
  307. 97%Health Checking
  308. 99%You Don't Need Rails to Start Using Hotwire
  309. 99%AsciiDoc, Liquid and Jekyll
  310. 99%Granting at least once delivery
  311. 98%Ruby's private keyword is weird – Jake Zimmerman
  312. 99%<3 Deno Feb 12, 2023
  313. 99%Progressively enhanced Turbo Native apps in the App Store | Masilotti.com
  314. 98%UpperCase Styling via CSS
  315. 80%Participating in programming language's evolution during interesting times
  316. 96%Ruby/Rails performance comparison of Intel Mac, M1 Max, and M2 Max – Relentless Simplicity
  317. 98%nokogiri vs. xsltproc
  318. 97%I built a new tab page to look at old pictures
  319. 99%It is becoming difficult for me to be productive in Python - blag
  320. 98%Designing Data-Intensive Applications – Multi-Object Transactions
  321. 96%Trends in Twitter’s Architecture
  322. 99%The Decree Design Pattern
  323. 66%JetBrains Dev Report: TypeScript Is Fastest-Growing Programming Language -- Visual Studio Magazine
  324. 99%The DevOps Automation Guide
  325. 98%CI/CD: Automating Tests and Deployments the Fun Way
  326. 98%Cyber - Fast and concurrent scripting.
  327. 99%Ask thoughtbot CTO - All About CI / CD
  328. 96%Fixing a Memory Leak in a Ruby SideKiq Job
  329. 98%What is a type system, really?
  330. 99%Dear Retro Community, Stop Writing Tools in C
  331. 98%Take your pragmatism for a unicycle ride - Richard Marmorstein
  332. 98%Which programming language should you learn first?
  333. 97%The “insert specific tech here” developer: yay or nay?
  334. 99%The Unreasonable Effectiveness of AWK
  335. 94%JavaScript Survey: Devs Want Static Typing (and Favor TypeScript over Vanilla JS) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  336. 98%What's New in Ruby 3.2
  337. 98%Easy to Overlook Way to Break Eager Loading in Rails Apps
  338. 99%Setting up ActiveStorage with Cloudflare R2
  339. 98%Surprising Consequences of macOS’s Environment Variable Sanitization
  340. 98%I scanned every package on PyPi and found 57 live AWS keys
  341. 99%Microfeatures I'd like to see in more languages
  342. 90%Ruby and Rails going from 2022 to 2023
  343. 97%You Want Modules, Not Microservices
  344. 97%100R — weathering software winter
  345. 93%I'm selling my name...
  346. 99%Weird stuff and how to test it
  347. 95%Rehearsing a sabbatical · Max Gorin
  348. 99%2022 - The year English became a programming language
  349. 99%Implementing the MySQL server protocol for fun and profit
  350. 99%Applicative programming in Ruby: railway reimagined
  351. 97%Small Functions considered Harmful
  352. 99%Raising the bar for software security: next steps for GitHub.com 2FA | The GitHub Blog
  353. 98%Easing Deployment Without Containers
  354. 99%Get Rid of Your Old Database Migrations
  355. 89%Time Zones and Rocket Ships
  356. 97%RantBrain
  357. 93%Your flaky tests might be time dependent
  358. 97%Seq — centralized structured logs for .NET, Java, Node.js
  359. 95%On breaking changes in transitive dependencies
  360. 99%Easy to Miss Way to Optimize ActiveRecord SQL Memory Usage in Rails
  361. 97%The top programming languages
  362. 98%I am disappointed by dynamic typing
  363. 99%Scaling Mastodon: The Compendium | Hazel Weakly
  364. 97%Framework Guides - Tailwind CSS
  365. 98%Rails — narrative vs model centric approach - Max Chernyak
  366. 99%GitHub - chubin/cheat.sh: the only cheat sheet you need
  367. 96%GitHub Copilot Isn't Worth the Risk
  368. 98%Python and .NET - An Ongoing Saga
  369. 99%Bookmarks
  370. 96%Tracing HTTP Requests with tcpflow · Anantha Kumaran
  371. 97%Crate List - Blessed.rs
  372. 94%NSA urges orgs to use memory-safe programming languages
  373. 87%Senior Software Engineer (Platform Events)
  374. 99%Vanilla Rails is plenty
  375. 98%Moving Beyond, Not Getting Over, Imposter Syndrome
  376. 99%Zero to App Store in 7 weeks
  377. 99%We Just Gave $260,028 to Open Source Maintainers
  378. 99%Occson
  379. 98%A developer’s guide to containers - Architect.io
  380. 97%Why I Ditched Django for NextJS - Bill Prin's Tech Blog
  381. 99%On Scala 3&#39;s Optional Braces
  382. 99%ViewComponent in the Wild I: building modern Rails frontends—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
  383. 98%Top 10 highest paid programming languages in 2022
  384. 99%The In-depth Guide to Caching ActiveRecord SQL Queries in Rails
  385. 99%On extending Ruby on Rails knowledge: part 1.
  386. 99%How do you use the Command line? PowerShell, cmd, bash? - Computer Stuff They Didn't Teach You #13
  387. 89%The Rails SaaS Conference
  388. 98%Integrating the customer portal
  389. 91%Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
  390. 99%Hard Mode Rust
  391. 98%🤓 So you're using a weird language 🧠
  392. 99%WebVM Virtual Machine With Networking via Tailscale
  393. 99%My Personal Tech Limbo (and Elixir vs Rust)
  394. 75%How to Pivot Into Software Engineering
  395. 96%Thoughts on working a four day week after six months |
  396. 99%Simple Presenter Pattern in Rails without using Gems
  397. 96%Live Your Best Life With Structured Events
  398. 99%Git 101 Basics - Computer Stuff They Didn't Teach You #4
  399. 98%Git Rebase vs Merge explained - Computer Stuff They Didn't Teach You #6
  400. 99%The many problems with implementing Single Sign-On
  401. 73%2022 Board election - Rainer Stropek
  402. 96%The Tech Meetups Guide: How to Find, Join, or Start a Meetup
  403. 99%The impossible case of pitching rust in a web dev shop
  404. 99%Dev Container Features
  405. 99%Test X by Controlling X
  406. 99%Why I don’t enjoy RSpec all that much
  407. 98%Raised Bars, Or Breaking into Tech
  408. 90%The Myth Of The Good Practice
  409. 99%Keeping your dependencies updated with Azure Pipelines and Dependabot
  410. 99%Client-side vs Server-side, Front-end vs Back-end? Beginner Explanation of JavaScript on the Web
  411. 88%Working with programming languages you DON'T like
  412. 84%Excuse me but why are you eating so many frogs
  413. 99%Dart is Boring | akos.ma
  414. 94%On chosing the ideal architecture of the web application
  415. 99%Introducing Riff — Determinate Systems
  416. 90%HTTP Timeouts
  417. 98%ASP.NET vs Spring Boot | What are the differences?
  418. 99%The Forty-Year Programmer
  419. 99%Buildpacks | Heroku Dev Center
  420. 99%OCaml at First Glance
  421. 97%My tone doesn’t make me wrong, or how I convinced the Ruby project to fix an inconsistency
  422. 99%Renovate, a Dependabot alternative
  423. 98%Adding latency: one step, two step, oops
  424. 99%Strong Static Typing vs Weak Dynamic Typing
  425. 99%I Built a Ruby Compiler
  426. 77%_why's Estate
  427. 98%I have complicated feelings about TDD
  428. 99%Set up a new Mac, Fast
  429. 99%The Ultimate Guide to Gemfile and Gemfile.lock
  430. 99%Using Airtable as a Jekyll website database
  431. 99%A Single file Rails Application
  432. 95%Introducing Transitive Dependencies in Visual Studio
  433. 99%Discovering Ruby on Rails: is it dead or alive?
  434. 92%RailsConf 2022 Conference
  435. 98%Don't Let Your Systems Fail Deadly
  436. 95%The many flavors of hashing
  437. 99%GitHub - tabler/tabler: Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
  438. 97%Microsoft open sources its software bill of materials (SBOM) generation tool
  439. 97%Python is Actually Portable
  440. 69%The disproportionate influence of early tech decisions
  441. 96%On Dispatch Chains
  442. 95%An intro to Open Telemetry in .NET - James World
  443. 53%GitHub - codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x: Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
  444. 92%Crystal is a Surprise | akos.ma
  445. 92%The Iron Searcher
  446. 96%How "let it fail" leads to simpler code - Yiming Chen
  447. 87%Looking for a job as a Software Engineer in Switzerland? Read this first.
  448. 96%AWS Summit - Virtual EMEA Recap
  449. 94%Code in database vs. code in application
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