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Posts for 'linq'

  1. Announcing Developer Academy
  2. Don't Use This LINQ Feature. It's Bad. | Code Cop #026
  3. Top .NET Videos & Live Streams of 2024 - .NET Blog
  4. EF Core 9.0: Introducing EF.Parameter<T>(T)
  5. Using vectorization in C# to boost performance
  6. LINQ might get a "left join" operator in .net 10
  7. "Always use early returns" - LinkedIn Edition
  8. Calling methods is easier and faster with C# 13 params collections - .NET Blog
  9. Functional Programming in C#: The Practical Parts
  10. Filtering and Sorting Data with LINQ in C#
  11. What's Coming with .NET 9?
  12. What's Coming with .NET 9!
  13. MongoDB EF Core Provider: What's New? - .NET Blog
  14. Chunking in LINQ: Efficient Collection Management in C#
  15. LINQ's INSANE Improvements in .NET 9
  16. .NET 9 Performance Improvements Summary
  17. From .NET 6 to .NET 8, my migration experience: Entity Framework Core 8
  18. [HOWTO] Implement offline capability for Blazor PWA using Service Worker and local storage
  19. Onion, Hexagonal, Clean or Fractal Architecture? All of them, and more!!
  20. Performance Improvements in .NET 9 - .NET Blog
  21. LINQ Joins on multiple columns in Entity Framework
  22. 30+ Tips for .NET Developers
  23. FormattableStringFactory - Creating dynamic FormattableString instances
  24. EP 53: 8 Tips To Improve EF Core Performance
  25. 5 EF Core Features You Need To Know
  26. State Monad For The Rest Of Us
  27. Improving Code Quality in C# With Static Code Analysis
  28. Coding Faster with dotNetTips.com Spargine 8: August 2024 Release
  29. Critter Stack Roadmap for the Rest of 2024
  30. Using Entity Framework Core with MongoDB
  31. ASP.NET Core Basics: Working with JSON
  32. Health Checks for ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core
  33. Composing Linq Queries
  34. Multithreading in Blazor WASM using Web Workers - Kristoffer Strube’s Blog
  35. How not to benchmark!
  36. C# 13: Explore the latest preview features - .NET Blog
  37. An immutable priority collection
  38. How Where Conditions Work in Entity Framework Core | The .NET Tools Blog
  39. Don’t push ifs up, put them as close to the source of data as possible
  40. Interesting links of the week 2024-26
  41. Multi-Tenancy: Mixed Modes with Marten
  42. Interesting links of the week 2024-25
  43. F# + Entity Framework - Group By Aggregation Could Not Be Translated
  44. Are my EF LINQ to SQL queries safe?
  45. Collection Performance: Introducing FrozenSet in .NET 8: Benefits and Benchmark PerformanceCollection Performance
  46. .NET MAUI 9 Preview 5 XAML Compilation Issue: Resolving Content Property Error
  47. Sneak Peek of Strong Typed Identifiers in Marten
  48. Enhance Gesture Binding with the Shared Toolkit
  49. .NET Core–Check if console app is running with administrative privileges
  50. A beginner's guide to mapping arrays in EF Core 8 - .NET Blog
  51. Optimizing Collection Examination: A Comparative Analysis of Predicate Methods in C#
  52. Entity Framework Core 8 provider for Firebird is ready
  53. Multi-Tenancy: Marten’s “Conjoined” Model
  54. Collection Performance: Exercise Caution When Using Take() with a Basic Count
  55. Wolverine’s HTTP Model Does More For You
  56. Collection Performance: Optimizing Sequence Comparison
  57. Fast Search and Replace in Large Number of Files: A Practical Guide
  58. .NET 9 LINQ Performance Edition
  59. Scaling Marten with PostgreSQL Read Replicas
  60. Linked Lists in Real Life
  61. Development With A Dot - EF Core Performance Optimisations
  62. Recent Marten & Wolverine Improvements and Roadmap Update
  63. C#: How to Enumerate over Enum values and names
  64. Collection Performance: Leveraging LINQ MAXBy() and MINBy() for Efficient and Readable Code
  65. Rock Your Code: Code & App Performance for Microsoft .NET (4th Edition)
  66. OData .NET 8 Preview Release - OData
  67. Optimizing Data Manipulation with LINQ
  68. Collection Performance: Is LINQ Always the Most Performant Choice?
  69. Will Visual Studio Be Migrated to .NET Core and Become Multi-Platform? - NDepend Blog
  70. Don't Do This With Extension Methods
  71. ASP.NET Core Basics: Getting Started with LINQ
  72. The New C# Interceptors vs. AOP
  73. Wolverine’s Baked In Integration Testing Support
  74. .NET 9 Preview — New LINQ Methods
  75. “Partial” Document Updates in Marten 7
  76. LINQ Query Improvements in Marten 7
  77. Speed up LINQ Any() with Spargine FastAny()
  78. Functional foundations ⚙️
  79. R3 — A New Modern Reimplementation of Reactive Extensions for C#
  80. Marten 7.0 is Released!
  81. EF Core–.NET 8 update
  82. EF Core - System.InvalidOperationException : The required column 'Id' was not present in the results of a 'FromSql' operation.
  83. A C# LINQ one-liner to check if exactly one of a set of conditions is met - The Old New Thing
  84. Every Single PLINQ (Parallel LINQ) Extension Method with Examples | .NET & C# Essentials
  85. Scrutor vs Autofac in C#: What You Need To Know
  86. What's Coming With .NET 9? - 3 New LINQ Methods!
  87. How to Get the Number of Lines in a Text File in C# - Code Maze
  88. How to Map SQL Results To Any Object Using Entity Framework Core 8
  89. Property based testing in C#–CsCheck
  90. How to Check if a String Contains Only Letters in C# - Code Maze
  91. Enumerating over Select’s index | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura
  92. Increase Performance with Complex Types in Entity Framework Core 8
  93. LINQ MindMap: .NET 9 Edition
  94. Every Single LINQ Extension Method With Examples | .NET & C# Essentials
  95. Is Random.GetItems the best way to get random items in C# 12?
  96. New Features in C# 12
  97. The Awesome New LINQ Methods Coming in .NET 9!
  98. How to Get the Number of Files in a Folder With C# - Code Maze
  99. Parsing HTML With AngleSharp in C# - Code Maze
  100. How to Use Dapper in Your .NET Projects
  101. How to Get appsettings.json Content as a Dictionary in .NET Core
  102. How to Divide Data Into Batches With LINQ - Code Maze
  103. How I Made My EF Core Query 3.42x Faster With Batching
  104. Different Ways to Get the First Record in Each Group With LINQ - Code Maze
  105. Embracing Functional Programming in C#
  106. How to Select Multiple Records Based on a List of IDs Using LINQ - Code Maze
  107. How to Create XML Files in C#
  108. Three new LINQ methods in .NET 9
  109. Difference Between Select and SelectMany Methods in LINQ - Code Maze
  110. Fastest Way to Convert a JObject to a Dictionary in C# - Code Maze
  111. Collection Performance in Microsoft .NET: Finding First or Last and Count
  112. How to Check if Items of a List Exist in Another List in C# - Code Maze
  113. Burke Learns Blazor - API Wrap Up
  114. 1BRC in .NET among fastest on Linux: My Optimization Journey
  115. Persisting Data Volumes With .NET Aspire | LINQ to Fail
  116. ASP.NET Community Standup - .NET Aspire Update
  117. How to Truncate a String in .NET - Code Maze
  118. How To Remove HTML Tags From a String in C# - Code Maze
  119. How to Compare Two Lists Through One Property in C# - Code Maze
  120. On .NET Live - Taming LINQ Proliferation with Specifications
  121. Stored Procedures in EFCore 8 Explained
  122. Quick Update on Marten 7.0 (and Wolverine 2.0)
  123. The Best C# Books For Beginner Developers: Top 6 Picks
  124. Batching work in SQL Server
  125. #1 BRC in .NET: even faster than Java and C++
  126. .NET Continuous Profiler: Under the Hood
  127. S06E09 - From Code Generation to Revolutionary RavenDB: Unveiling the Database Secrets with Oren Eini
  128. What Does yield Do In C#: A Simplified View For Beginners
  129. Building a Critter Stack Application: Wolverine HTTP Endpoints
  130. 2023 a Year in Review | LINQ to Fail
  131. Don't Write Wide LINQ Queries - Do This Instead...
  132. Understanding foreach Loops in C# – What You Need To Know
  133. My Technical Plans and Aspirations for 2023
  134. Bindings made easy with Shared Toolkit
  135. 1645km | LINQ to Fail
  136. How to Retrieve JSON Property Names in C# - Code Maze
  137. Why does LINQ have so many ways to return one element?
  138. Pro EP 97 : JSON Naming Policy Updates .NET 8
  139. Blazor WASM Virtualization
  140. How to Serialize an Object into Query String Format in C# - Code Maze
  141. PostgreSQL range types and Entity Framework Core | Giorgi Dalakishvili | Personal Website
  142. LINQ Method Syntax vs Query [Pt 17] | C# for Beginners
  143. Writing Worse Code For Better Maintainability – My Own Blog
  144. Functional Programming With C# - Scan and FindIndex
  145. People in Space! (2023 .NET Advent)
  146. Don’t Use the Wrong LINQ Methods
  147. Branching, Ifs, and Conditional Logic [Pt 9] | C# for Beginners
  148. GitHub - dotnet/efcore: EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
  149. Building a Critter Stack Application: Marten as Document Database
  150. Issues of .NET
  151. LINQ: let Clause
  152. Hardware Intrinsics in .NET 8 - .NET Blog
  153. EF Core 8.0: Better Use of IN Queries
  154. S06E07 - From Atari to Sep: Unleashing the Power of Performance in Programming with Niels Rassmussen
  155. How to Debug LINQ queries in C#
  156. Learn .NET 8 with New Beginner Videos - .NET Blog
  157. Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Add Explicit Cast in foreach() Loops
  158. Building a Smart Home - Part 14 Motion, Occupancy, and Presence | LINQ to Fail
  159. .NET 8 and C# 12 — Inline Arrays
  160. Smart Constructors
  161. How to make libraries compatible with native AOT - .NET Blog
  162. Getting Started with F# and Entity Framework
  163. 3 Ways to Find Maximum Element with LINQ
  164. How To Harness System.Reactive For The Observer Pattern
  165. DEV Cafe - .NET Conf 2023 Vietnam
  166. ASP.NET Core Basics: Essential NuGet Packages (Part 1)
  167. Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Simplify LINQ Expressions
  168. Modernizing Reactive Extensions for .NET | endjin
  169. 8.0 Release Notes | Npgsql Documentation
  170. Development With A Dot - The Current Status of EF Core
  171. Analyzing Performance Issues in Microsoft .NET 8
  172. The Evolution of C# - Coding Sonata
  173. Pipes and Filters Architectural Pattern in C# - Code Maze
  174. C# for Beginners
  175. Interactive LINQ tutorial, especially for beginners
  176. Release CoreWCF v1.5.1 · CoreWCF/CoreWCF
  177. Release WCF 6.2 · dotnet/wcf
  178. Hot Reload in ASP.NET Core Applications - Code Maze
  179. Writing a Book with Packt
  180. Classes vs. Structs. How not to teach about performance!
  181. Trying out MongoDB with EF Core using Testcontainers - .NET Blog
  182. .NET 8 Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI - .NET Blog
  183. Having Fun with Microsoft IoC Container for .NET Core
  184. Generative AI for .NET - Part 5 Streaming | LINQ to Fail
  185. What's New in EF Core -- Visual Studio Magazine
  186. Imagining the Ideal GraphQL Integration for Marten
  187. MongoDB Provider for Entity Framework Core Now Available in Public Preview | MongoDB Blog
  188. How to Perform Case-Insensitive Substring Search in C#
  189. EF Core 8 RC 2: Smaller features in EF8 - .NET Blog
  190. Get the default value of a type at runtime - Gérald Barré
  191. Lesson Learned #440: Introducing Our Connectivity Probe for Reliable Database Interaction in C#
  192. Generative AI and .NET - Part 4 Images | LINQ to Fail
  193. The Lowly Strategy Pattern is Still Useful
  194. Unraveling the Magic in Wolverine
  195. Tales from the .NET Migration Trenches - Migrating Initial Business Logic
  196. Reading notes from Performance Improvements in .NET 8 - Kristoffer Strube’s Blog
  197. Performance Improvements in .NET 8
  198. Oh Look a Phishing Attempt | LINQ to Fail
  199. Automatic Module Discovery With Autofac - Making Things Easy
  200. Entity Framework Core–Data is null
  201. EF Core 8 RC1: Complex types as value objects - .NET Blog
  202. .NET Performance on Arm64
  203. Generative AI and .NET - Part 3 Chat Completions | LINQ to Fail
  204. Landscape of .NET Parallelism
  205. Microsoft .NET Code Analysis: Properly Formatting Class Files
  206. Differences Between Any and Exists Methods in C# - Code Maze
  207. Generative AI and .NET - Part 2 SDK | LINQ to Fail
  208. Generative AI and .NET - Part 1 Intro | LINQ to Fail
  209. Use explicit Lambdas with LINQ
  210. Plans for Marten V7 and Beyond
  211. Modern High Performance C# 2023 Edition
  212. How to Get a JSON Array Using IConfiguration in ASP.NET Core
  213. Marten Linq Provider Improvements
  214. Why Do You Have to Return "Task" Whenever You "await" Something in a Method in C#?
  215. SponsorLink: feedback and moving forward
  216. Building a Smart Home - Part 13 Wall Mounted Dashboards | LINQ to Fail
  217. Prevent SQL Injection With EF Core, Dapper, and ADO.NET
  218. Refactoring Couplers in C# - Code Maze
  219. Techniques for Sorting a List in C# - Code Maze
  220. Our 2023 Summer Break
  221. How to Merge Dictionaries in C#? - Code Maze
  222. Polyfills in .NET to ease multi-targeting - Gérald Barré
  223. 👨‍💻 𝗗𝗼𝘁𝗡𝗲𝘁 𝗖𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗖𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗖𝗼𝗱𝗲!
  224. Why does IAsyncAction or IAsyncOperation.GetResults() produce a E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL exception? - The Old New Thing
  225. 7 Tips to Boost .NET MAUI Mobile App Performance
  226. Learn why C# Expressions API is so POWERFUL
  227. Performance Improvements in .NET Core - .NET Blog
  228. .NET Core - What's Coming in .NET Core 3.0
  229. Creating a Roslyn Analyzer to ensure that no duplicate values are added at compile time
  230. .NET Rocks! Multi-Model Data Stores with Ted Neward
  231. How to Efficiently Randomize an Array in C# - Code Maze
  232. GitHub - amis92/csharp-source-generators: A list of C# Source Generators (not necessarily awesome) and associated resources: articles, talks, demos.
  233. 8 Tips To Write Clean Code
  234. AI Assistant Comes to ReSharper
  235. EntityFramework Core vs Dapper
  236. David Fowler (@davidfowl) on Threads
  237. Compiled Queries with Marten
  238. 持續開創C#可能性的專門公司「Cysharp」所放眼的目標 | Cygames Magazine | Cygames
  239. Cysharp Seeks to Open Up the Possibilities of C# | Cygames Magazine | Cygames
  240. 开拓C#可能性的专业公司"Cysharp"所追求的目标 | Cygames Magazine | Cygames
  241. C#의 가능성을 여는 전문회사 'Cysharp'가 지향하는 곳 | Cygames Magazine | Cygames
  242. EF Query Not Compiling With Value Objects? Here's How To Fix It #shorts
  243. LINQ: Select.Where or Where.Select?
  244. Critter Stack Futures
  245. Building a Smart Home - Part 12 NAS and Backups | LINQ to Fail
  246. Unit Testing JSON with FluentAssertions.Json Vs. FluentAssertions
  247. Adding Filtering, Sorting And Pagination To a REST API | .NET 7
  248. How to Use Bulk Updates in Entity Framework Core - Code Maze
  249. How to Implement a Soft Delete Strategy with Entity Framework Core | The .NET Tools Blog
  250. Show cascading dropdown lists in ASP.NET Core | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base
  251. GitHub - koculu/Topaz: Multithreaded Javascript Engine for .NET
  252. Composing Raw SQL And LINQ Queries With EF #shorts
  253. Code Maze Weekly #177 - Code Maze
  254. Paging With LINQ Just Got Easier, But No EF Support... #shorts
  255. How to Implement a Soft Delete Strategy with Entity Framework Core | The .NET Tools Blog
  256. You Should Know This LINQ Method By Now #shorts
  257. .NET Hot Reload Adds Support for Modifying Generics
  258. ASP.NET Core Basics: Best Practices—Creating a New Project
  259. Why Are You Not Using LINQ Chunk? #shorts
  260. Reordering C++ template type parameters for usability purposes, and type deduction from the future - The Old New Thing
  261. Entity Framework Core 7: Filtering on JSON Arrays
  262. Expression Trees in C# - Code Maze
  263. Group Dropdown list items in ASP.NET Core | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base
  264. Introducing Sep - Possibly the World's Fastest .NET CSV Parser
  265. Reduce heap allocations by using static anonymous functions
  266. How to Pass Parameters With a GET Request in ASP.NET Core
  267. How to Build Dynamic Queries With Expression Trees in C#
  268. Pro EP 48 : How to chunk your list using LINQ method in .NET 6?
  269. How does TryGetNonEnumeratedCount work?
  270. 6 useful extensions for IEnumerable
  271. Queryable PostgreSQL arrays in EF Core 8.0
  272. The Ultimate .NET Version Guide
  273. Object Initializers in C# - Code Maze
  274. How to Reverse a String in C# - Code Maze
  275. Building a Dynamic Logical Expression Builder in C#
  276. EF Core 8 Preview 4: Primitive collections and improved Contains - .NET Blog
  277. Release v1.19.0-rc · NethermindEth/nethermind
  278. Avoid Proliferating DbContext or IQueryable in .NET Apps
  279. Are compiled queries really efficient on C# EF Core?
  280. Enforcing Software Architecture With Architecture Tests #shorts
  281. Myths about F#: F# is slow! No, F# can be really fast.
  282. MassTransit–Minimal Message Handlers
  283. Using LINQ SelectMany To Flatten Nested Collections #shorts
  284. Everything You Can Do With EF Core 8 Raw SQL Queries
  285. Drop down lists in ASP.NET MVC | no dogma blog
  286. Parameterized SQL WHERE IN clause C# | no dogma blog
  287. Filtering a Dictionary by value with a List as the value | no dogma blog
  288. The type 'xxxx' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. System.Runtime. | no dogma blog
  289. Calling Generic Methods Using Reflection | no dogma blog
  290. Serializing a stack to XML in C# | no dogma blog
  291. How to Store JSON in an Entity Field With EF Core - Code Maze
  292. Announcing .NET Community Toolkit 8.2! Faster generators, code fixers, performance improvements and more! - .NET Blog
  293. Extending LINQ to Objects With MoreLINQ Library - Code Maze
  294. A quick tour of dictionaries in C#
  295. Building a Smart Home - Part 11 House Sitter Mode | LINQ to Fail
  296. 10 Awesome C# Refactoring Tips
  297. C# 11 features I like the most
  298. Why did Prolog lose steam?
  299. Property Ordering in C# JSON Serialization
  300. How to secure legacy ASP.NET MVC against Cross-Site (CSRF) Attacks - Simple Talk
  301. .NET Monthly .NET Roundup - March 2023 - .NET 8 Preview 2, EF Core updates, and more!
  302. .NET 8 Performance Edition
  303. Normalize and compare URLs with C#
  304. Investigating a crash in Enumerable.LastOrDefault with a custom collection - Gérald Barré
  305. How to Do an Inner Join in LINQ? - Code Maze
  306. How to Declare an Empty Array in C# - Code Maze
  307. How to Remove All Whitespace Characters From a String in C#?
  308. Accessing Objects Just After they are Saved by Entity Framework | no dogma blog
  309. LINQ on steroids with SIMD
  310. How to Delete Elements from an Array in C# - Code Maze
  312. .NET Data Community Standup - Using hierarchical data in SQL Server and PostgreSQL with EF Core
  313. Languages & Runtime Community Standup - Considering discriminated unions
  314. Iterator Benchmarks That Shocked With Unexpected Results - Dev Leader
  315. .NET Data Community Standup - EF Core internals: IQueryable, LINQ and the EF Core query pipeline
  316. GraphQL on Azure: Part 12 - GraphQL as a Service | LINQ to Fail
  317. GraphQL on Azure: Part 14 - Using Data API builder with SWA and Blazor | LINQ to Fail
  318. Use XML Literals in Visual Basic .NET to generate TwiML
  319. ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor App Testing with Playwright
  320. LINQ // Skip and Take
  321. Performance benchmarks of PostgreSQL .NET with Npgsql, Dapper, and Entity Framework Core
  322. Understanding LINQ Deferred, Immediate, Streaming and Non-Streaming Executions
  323. Who Cares About Functional Programming?
  324. Delegates
  325. Critter Stack Roadmap (Marten, Wolverine, Weasel)
  326. Building a Smart Home - Part 10 Debugging! | LINQ to Fail
  327. C# Tip: Initialize lists size to improve performance - Code4IT
  328. What To Be Wary of With Iterators and Collections in C# - DZone
  329. Re-thinking the Visitor Pattern with the Double-Dispatch Approach
  330. Resolving the Call Is Ambiguous Error While Using LINQ
  331. How to generate TwiML using Strings in C#
  332. EF Core 8 Preview 1: Raw, lazy, and on-time - .NET Blog
  333. How to Compare Two Json Objects Using C# - Code Maze
  334. Enforcing Multiple Authorization Filters in ASP.NET Core
  335. Use Raw String Literals to generate TwiML in C# 11
  336. Improving EF Core performance with Compiled Queries
  337. Building Functional .NET Applications: A Guide for Choosing Between F# vs C#
  338. Creating a JSON Array from SQL Rows in C# Azure Function
  339. Building a Smart Home - Part 9 Door Locks | LINQ to Fail
  340. Lean BDD and Code Generation
  341. How to Clone a List in C#? - Code Maze
  342. Creating Pivot Tables in C# and SQL: A Comprehensive Guide
  343. Building a Smart Home - Part 8 Motorised Blinds | LINQ to Fail
  344. async void – How to Tame the Asynchronous Nightmare - Dev Leader
  345. How to Get Value by Key from JObject in C# - Code Maze
  346. GitHub - Cysharp/SimdLinq: Drop-in replacement of LINQ aggregation operations extremely faster with SIMD.
  347. What’s New in EF Core 7.0
  348. How to Use SQL LIKE Operator With LINQ in C# - Code Maze
  349. GitHub - Cysharp/StructureOfArraysGenerator: Structure of arrays source generator to make CPU Cache and SIMD friendly data structure for high-performance code in .NET and Unity.
  350. ConcurrentDictionary in C# - Detailed Guide - Code Maze
  351. Which collection interface to use?
  352. Saving Christmas with Functional C# - Part Two - Indefinite Loops
  353. How to Randomize a List in C# - Code Maze
  354. A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Entity Framework 7 in .NET Core
  355. C# Tip: LINQ's Enumerable.Range to generate a sequence of consecutive numbers - Code4IT
  356. Building a Smart Home - Part 7 Motorised Gate | LINQ to Fail
  357. Understanding PLINQ in .NET - Code Maze
  358. .NET Data Community Standup - Entity Framework Core FAQs
  359. .NET Data Community Standup - Entity Framework Core FAQs
  360. Easy Pagination for Entity Framework in 3 steps
  361. Simplifying devcontainers With Features | LINQ to Fail
  362. 2022 a Year in Review | LINQ to Fail
  363. LINQ for beginners: pick the right methods! - Code4IT
  364. Entity Framework - Select Multiple Tables
  365. Building a Smart Home - Part 6 Lighting | LINQ to Fail
  366. Burnout | LINQ to Fail
  367. Advent of Code Lessons Learned
  368. 1500km | LINQ to Fail
  369. My OSS Plans for 2023
  370. Saving Christmas with Functional C# - Part One
  371. IEnumerable in C# - Code Maze
  372. Extreme LINQ Performance Boost in .NET 7 - Code Maze
  373. Progress Report November 2022
  374. Array, List, Collection, Set, ReadOnlyList - what? A comprehensive and exhaustive list of collection-like types
  375. Learn Live - Store local data with SQLite in a .NET MAUI app
  376. Entity Framework Core Conversions for Logical Domain Types
  377. Moving to .NET 7 MSMQ Alternatives
  378. Go for C# developers: LINQ
  379. Geeking with .NET application and Firebird Embedded and FbNetExternalEngine
  380. ChatGPT - Current state for .NET - and in general
  381. How to Implement a LinkedList in C# - Code Maze
  382. How to Enumerate an Enum in C# - Code Maze
  383. How to Execute Stored Procedures With EF Core 7 - Code Maze
  384. roslyn/RawInterpolationTests.cs at ed12a880a3454a00e58bc829cefb80bd94adfb3d · dotnet/roslyn
  385. Intro to LiteDB for .NET Developers. Sample WebApp Included
  386. The C# keyword you can ONLY use in LINQ, but carefully
  387. Using Dynamic LINQ With System.Linq.Dynamic.Core Library -
  388. My favourite 'recent' LINQ improvements
  389. Upgrading from .NET Framework to .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022
  390. Twelve C# 11 Features
  391. 7.0 Release Notes | Npgsql Documentation
  392. .NET 7 | Everything You NEED to Know - Claudio Bernasconi
  393. Entity Framework Core 7 (EF7) is available today
  394. Watch .NET Conf 2022 LIVE 🔴 with me | .NET 7 Launch
  395. ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
  396. Top 10 Dotnet Exception Anti-Patterns in C#
  397. Building a Smart Home - Part 5 Bin Day | LINQ to Fail
  398. .NET 7 Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI
  399. Infographics Compendium III - Exceptions, EF Sanitized, Operators, ...
  400. How to Convert DataTable to JSON in C# - Code Maze
  401. local functions vs lambda expressions
  402. Build your own OAuth 2.0 Server and OpenId Connect Provider in ASP.NET Core 6.0
  403. One Month to GA: .NET 7 Release Candidate 2 Ships -- Visual Studio Magazine
  404. Building a Smart Home - Part 4 Ceiling Fans | LINQ to Fail
  405. What's New in EF Core 7.0
  406. NET Data Community Standup: New EF Core 7.0 APIs (Bulk Update)
  407. LiteDB - A .NET embedded NoSQL database
  408. .NET MAUI – Forget Me Not – Part 3
  409. A deep dive into endpoint filters in ASP.NET Core 7
  410. NET Data Community Standup: New EF Core 7.0 APIs (Bulk Update)
  411. NET Data Community Standup: New EF Core 7.0 APIs (Bulk Update)
  412. Adding Experimental HTTP Methods To ASP.NET Core
  413. Make The First Letter of a String Upper Case in C# - Code Maze
  414. Functional Programming in C#—A Brief Consideration
  415. What's New in EF Core 7.0
  416. Add MS SQL Server JSON Support To Entity Framework Core
  417. One Month to GA: .NET 7 Release Candidate 2 Ships -- Visual Studio Magazine
  418. Announcing Entity Framework Core 7 RC2: JSON Columns
  419. Marten and Friend’s (Hopefully) Big Future!
  420. GraphQL on Azure: Part 11 - Avoiding DoS Queries | LINQ to Fail
  421. Extending Next.js Support in Azure Static Web Apps | LINQ to Fail
  422. Force phishing resistant authentication in an ASP.NET Core application using Azure AD
  423. .NET Data Community Standup - JSON Columns
  424. .NET Data Community Standup - JSON Columns
  425. Creating a Generic Tree View Blazor Component
  426. .NET: Learn LINQ as you never have before
  427. Counting Occurrences of a Char Within a String in C# - Code Maze
  428. Learn to Create Online-Offline Data Storage Capable Cross-Platform Apps in Fewer Than 30 Minutes
  429. @jost0101/dotnet-content-creators
  430. csharplang/file-local-types.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  431. The NEW .NET 7 LINQ methods you didn't need
  432. Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI | .NET Conf: Focus on MAUI
  433. Filtering Results Using Filtered Include Method in EF Core
  434. Any() vs Count() in .NET: Which One is Better? - Code Maze
  435. 10 Tiny Things in C#/.NET I Wish Were Different
  436. When programming blogs are designed to be harmful
  437. Performance Improvements in .NET 7
  438. The biggest performance TRAP of LINQ in C# | .NET Tips 4
  439. Entity Framework Core and Multiple Database Providers | The .NET Tools Blog
  440. LINQ explained with sketches - the eBook
  441. More Phishing Attempts | LINQ to Fail
  442. Different Ways to Add Values to a C# Array - Code Maze
  443. Announcing Entity Framework 7 Preview 7: Interceptors!
  444. .NET 7: 10 New Features You Need to Know
  445. Building a Smart Home - Part 3 "Smart" Appliances | LINQ to Fail
  446. Breaking Down Another Phishing Attempt | LINQ to Fail
  447. NDepend
  448. GraphQL on Azure: Part 10 - Synthetic GraphQL Custom Responses | LINQ to Fail
  449. Finding Resource Groups With No Resources | LINQ to Fail
  450. Entity Framework 7 Preview 7 Adds & Improves Interceptors -- Visual Studio Magazine
  451. Microsoft Ships Last Preview of .NET 7 Before Release Candidate -- Visual Studio Magazine
  452. Announcing Entity Framework 7 Preview 7: Interceptors!
  453. Announcing .NET 7 Preview 7
  454. Fixing When SWA Pull Request Builds Can't Add Comments | LINQ to Fail
  455. 2022-08-08: .NET Community Toolkit 8.0, Rider and ReSharper 2022.2, ILSpy 8.0 Preview 2 - WeekRef.NET
  456. How generics were added to .NET
  457. New '.NET Data Hub' Is One-Stop-Shop for .NET Data Handling -- Visual Studio Magazine
  458. Sort Dictionary by Value in .NET - Code Maze
  459. Unity: the Good Parts
  460. LINQ Improvements in .NET - Code Maze
  461. LINQ explained with sketches
  462. Request Response Logging Middleware ASP.NET Core
  463. Try the latest Azure SDK for .NET management libraries
  464. Profiling QuestPDF: In Pursuit of Performance | The .NET Tools Blog
  465. Building a Smart Home - Part 2 Where to Start | LINQ to Fail
  466. Controlling Blazor Environments on Static Web Apps | LINQ to Fail
  467. Custom scaffold templates in ASP.NET Core
  468. How to Merge Arrays in C# - Code Maze
  469. Taking a SWA DevOps pipeline to the next level | LINQ to Fail
  470. Building a Smart Home - Part 1 Design | LINQ to Fail
  471. Working With add-mask and GitHub Actions for dynamic secrets | LINQ to Fail
  472. FizzBuzz is FizzBuzz years old (and still a powerful tool)
  473. C# Tip: SelectMany in LINQ - Code4IT
  474. Functor relationships
  475. Attach and Detach LocalDB Databases
  476. Testing Repository Pattern Using Entity Framework - Code Maze
  477. Get and Put State
  478. Async Enumerable in C# (Part 3)
  479. Deploy Azure Static Web Apps With Bicep | LINQ to Fail
  480. Lambda Expressions in C# - Code Maze
  481. Challenge: Find the stack smash bug…
  482. AlterNats — High Performance .NET
  483. Async Enumerable in C# (Part 2)
  484. Remove Duplicates From a List in C# - Code Maze
  485. Remove Duplicates From a List in C# - Code Maze
  486. Create a React-based app with ASP.NET Minimal APIs and MongoDB storage
  487. NuGetTools/Program.cs at main · KirillOsenkov/NuGetTools
  488. How YOU can Learn Mock testing in .NET Core and C# with Moq
  489. Async Enumerable in C# (Part 1)
  490. Should I avoid LINQ for performance reasons?
  491. Learning .NET MAUI Part 2
  492. Announcing Entity Framework 7 Preview 5
  493. Delegate, Action, Func, Lamdba expression - What the heck!?
  494. Episode 100 - Celebratory Ask Me Anything
  495. .NET 7 Preview 5 - Generic Math
  496. Asynchronous monads
  497. Runtime C# Code Compilation Revisited for Roslyn
  498. Performance tricks I learned from contributing to open source .NET packages
  499. Go vs C#, Part 3: Compiler, Runtime, Type System, Modules, and Everything Else
  500. Global Using Directives in C# - Code Maze
  501. Content Report Generator v.2.
  502. Getting Functional with C#
  503. Anonymous Types in C# - Code Maze
  504. .NET 6 - New Features
  505. Episode 99 - Copy-Pasting with Iris Classon
  506. Remove Duplicates From a C# Array - Code Maze
  507. Get Tweet Engagements Using .NET and C#
  508. C# Lambdas Part 2, a Few More Complicated Examples | no dogma blog
  509. Implement Azure AD Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE) step up with ASP.NET Core Blazor using a Web API
  510. Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Team Fixes Release Candidate Issues -- Visual Studio Magazine
  511. What's New in Visual Studio Code 1.67 (April 2022 Update) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  512. How to open and read XML files in C# .NET 6 | Pro Code Guide
  513. C# Lambdas Part 1, a Quick Overview with Examples | no dogma blog
  514. MSBuildSdks/Robocopy.cs at main · microsoft/MSBuildSdks
  515. Breaking Down a Phishing Attempt | LINQ to Fail
  516. Structure and Organize .NET Projects with Rider | The .NET Tools Blog
  517. Unit Tests Done Right (Part 2)
  518. roslyn/StructuredLoggerCheckerUtil.cs at main · dotnet/roslyn
  519. Solving the Classic FizzBuzz Problem With .NET and C#
  520. Why Ballerina is a language
  521. Development With A Dot - Current Limitations of Entity Framework Core
  522. Sorting and Filtering With LINQ - Code Maze
  523. Entity Framework Core for Beginners
  524. Learn GraphQL at NDC Melbourne | LINQ to Fail
  525. The List monad
  526. Clean Code Tip: Avoid using too many Imports in your classes - Code4IT
  527. ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready (with Entity Framework Core 6.0 support)
  528. Proving breaking changes in .NET Core – Part 3
  529. Update Your Azure Functions Table Storage Bindings
  530. csharplang/unsigned-right-shift-operator.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  531. Different Ways to Print The Elements of an Array in C# - Code Maze
  532. LINQ to XML - Code Maze
  533. Sort List by Property in the Object in .NET - Code Maze
  534. C# Pattern Matching Explained - NDepend
  535. csharplang/checked-user-defined-operators.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  536. csharplang/utf8-string-literals.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  537. LINQ Basic Concepts in C# - Code Maze C# LINQ
  538. What is pub/sub and how to apply it in C# .NET to build a chat app | Ably Blog: Data in Motion
  539. Compare Arrays in C# - Code Maze
  540. How to Sum Up Elements of an Array in C# - Code Maze
  541. Transforming identity claims in ASP.NET Core and Cache
  542. Finding the brightest area in an image with C# (fixing a blurry presentation video - part one)
  543. Why should you use a random testing library in C#? · Anthony Lloyd
  544. Array Slicing in C# - Code Maze
  545. The Catch Block #95 - Slow, Deliberate Refactoring Tips
  546. EF Core 7 Finally Divorces Old .NET Framework -- Visual Studio Magazine
  547. List Collection in C# - Code Maze
  548. 7 Improvements You Might Have Missed in .NET 6
  549. How to Populate an Array With the Same Value in C#
  550. 20 years of .NET
  551. A Practical Guide to Dapper - Simple Talk
  552. My 20 Years with .NET
  553. Unit Tests for Expected Exceptions
  554. How to Find the Maximum Value of an Array in C# - Code Maze
  555. How to Copy Array Elements to New Array in C# - Code Maze
  556. C# 10 (Two Decades of C#: A Reference) • Ben Bowen's Blog
  557. Introducing Minimal Real-Time API for .NET
  558. A C# Source Generator for Oracle UDTs
  559. httpstat.us - Now With .NET 6 | LINQ to Fail
  560. LINQ enhancements in Entity Framework Core 6
  561. Preventing Duplicate Web Requests To ASP.NET Core
  562. C# StringBuilder and String vs StringBuilder in C# .NET | Pro Code Guide
  563. Things you might not know about CSharp - Duck Typing
  564. Providing Multitenancy with ASP.NET Core and PostgreSQL Row Level Security
  565. Deep C# - Inheritance
  566. Create Context-based Programming Models with .NET 6
  567. Upgrading from .NET Core 2.1 to .NET 6.0
  568. My professional and OSS aspirations for 2022
  569. Accurately Measure Elapsed Time (Execution Time) in C# .NET using Stopwatch Class | Pro Code Guide
  570. Expression-bodied Members in C# - Code Maze
  571. Spring Boot vs ASP.NET Core: A Showdown
  572. [Last Week in .NET #73] – Holiday Road Part Deux
  573. New LINQ improvements in .NET 6
  574. Code Maze Weekly #106 - Code Maze
  575. What's New in EF Core 6
  576. Plan for Entity Framework Core 7.0
  577. Announcing the Plan for EF7
  578. # F# Advent 2021 Dec 08 - Fast data pipelines with F#6
  579. Marten’s Compiled Query Feature
  580. Creating an incremental generator: Creating a source generator - Part 1
  581. Don't Do That, Do This: The .NET 6 Edition
  582. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - C# for Beginners - Projects, Solutions and Unit Testing
  583. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - C# 9 and 10 for Beginners
  584. Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core
  585. April 1, 2020 - AI April Begins! Q+A Maker and Azure Cognitive Services
  586. Get to Know EF Core 6
  587. Don't Code Tired | What’s New in C# 10: Write Less Code and Reduce Repeated Using Directives
  588. Modern C# Hello World - NDepend
  589. Global Usings – A Look at New Language Features in C# 10 | The .NET Tools Blog
  590. Your opinion about C# and .NET is outdated
  591. Newsletter Week 45, 2021
  592. GitHub - okyrylchuk/dotnet6_features
  593. Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 3 Teases Native M1 Processor Support -- Visual Studio Magazine
  594. Overriding Sealed Methods in C#
  595. Announcing .NET 6 -- The Fastest .NET Yet
  596. C# 10 Falls Just a Bit Short
  597. .NET 6 New Project Templates and Minimal APIs. Are you ready?
  598. How to create your own project templates in .NET
  599. Source generator updates: incremental generators: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 9
  600. C# Delegates - Code Maze
  601. Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 3, and Upcoming Native M1 Processor Support
  602. C# 10: Implicit Global Usings
  603. Announcing .NET 6 -- The Fastest .NET Yet
  604. Bite-Size .NET 6 - UnionBy, IntersectBy, ExceptBy, and DistinctBy
  605. What’s New for Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2022
  606. C# 10 - Top 5 Features in the new C# Version | Rubik's Code
  607. What's new in F# 6 - F# Guide
  608. James Randall
  609. Code Maze Weekly #100 - Code Maze
  610. A quick review of C# 10 new language features
  611. What's new in F# 6 - F# Guide
  612. Add GitHub OpenID Auth For ASP.NET Core Apps
  613. Why C# 10 is pretty irrelevant (but .NET 6 isn't) and why that's a good thing
  614. Bite-Size .NET 6 - MaxBy() and MinBy() in LINQ
  615. Quick Tip: Use Quick Actions/Refactorings to Learn C# -- Visual Studio Magazine
  616. .NET Collections - IEnumerable, IQueryable, ICollection - Code Maze
  617. 4 common C# naming patterns you should know #Shorts
  618. Records in C# 9
  619. Hello World: .NET 6 and .NET Conf
  620. Collection Performance: Sorting the Record Type
  621. .NET Memory Expert - become memory-aware ninja in .NET. Dotnetos training
  622. Code Maze Weekly #98 - Code Maze
  623. Pipeline oriented programming
  624. Exploring C# 10: Global Using Declarations
  625. What's New in EF Core 6.0
  626. dotNetTips.com
  627. 7 awesome improvements for LINQ in .NET 6
  628. Building and consuming GraphQL API in ASP.NET Core 5 - Simple Talk
  629. Monsters Weekly 227 - Improved LINQ Methods in .NET 6
  630. What’s new in F# 6
  631. What's New in EF Core 6.0
  632. Bite-Size .NET 6 - LINQ OrDefault() Overloads
  633. Not “Super” Code with Over 7,000 Violations
  634. Bite-Size .NET 6 - Chunk() in LINQ
  635. Machine Learning Community Standup - Deep Learning with PyTorch & ONNX
  636. New LINQ methods in .NET 6 (#224)
  637. [Last Week in .NET #63] – .NET Foundation finds out the silent treatment doesn’t work, tries rolling heads
  638. Prime your flux capacitor: SQL Server temporal tables in EF Core 6.0
  639. Marten V4: Hard Deletes, Soft Deletes, Un-Deletes, All the Deletes You Meet
  640. Updated to .NET 6 · davidfowl/UT3@7ff6eb4
  641. What's New in EF Core 6.0
  642. Marten Takes a Giant Leap Forward with the Official V4 Release!
  643. Using .NET To Validate JSON with JSON Schema
  644. Entity Framework Community Standup - SQL Server Temporal Tables and EF Core 6
  645. Unit Testing Legacy Applications with JustMock
  646. ASP.NET Community Standup - What's new in Orchard Core
  647. The .NET Docs Show - Serverless Machine Learning
  648. A look at the upcoming improvements to LINQ in .NET 6 | Raygun Blog
  649. Read only, frozen, and immutable collections
  650. .NET R&D Digest (September, 2021)
  651. Is C# Getting Too Complex?
  652. Accepting Online Payments With Stripe
  653. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Collections and Generics
  654. Monsters Weekly 224 - New LINQ methods in .NET 6
  655. The .NET Docs Show - The Handy Talk: Building a 3D-printed prosthetic hand with IoT and Xamarin ✍
  656. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Beginning C# - LINQ
  657. C# 10.0 implicit global using directives | endjin
  658. Blazor JavaScript Interop Batching | Awaiting Bits
  659. Ben.Demystifier 0.4.1
  660. Optimizely Gridview Customizations
  661. Approaches to handling simple expressions in C#
  662. OData (Open Data Protocol) in ASP.NET 6.0
  663. Professional C# and .NET – 2021 Edition
  664. C# 10 is HERE! 5 features that will blow your mind 🤯
  665. Event Sourced Aggregate Design: Focus on Business Logic
  666. Taking the EF Core Azure Cosmos DB Provider for a Test Drive
  667. Favorite improvements in .NET 6
  668. What Is yield and How Does It Work in C#?
  669. Using Azure security groups in ASP.NET Core with an Azure B2C Identity Provider
  670. Code Maze Weekly #91 - Code Maze
  671. Build .NET Search Experiences With Lunr-Core
  672. IntelliSense for Hosted C# Script
  673. Simplify codez by davidfowl · Pull Request #1 · SpiritChrusher/Beer-API
  674. Restructuring to a Vertical Slice Architecture
  675. Why and When to Use Akka.Streams
  676. ASP.NET Core 6: Minimal APIs, two reasons why I can’t do without it so far
  677. Get A Property Name From a .NET Lambda Expression
  678. The Catch Block #71 - Conflict, Lambdas, Updating Tests, and Defaults
  679. What's New in EF Core 5.0
  680. New .NET 6 APIs driven by the developer community
  681. Performance Improvements in .NET 6
  682. Understanding the cost of C# delegates
  683. ReSharper 2021.3 Roadmap | The .NET Tools Blog
  684. Understanding the cost of C# delegates
  685. Performance Improvements in .NET 6
  686. ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
  687. Generic Insertion Sort in C# .NET
  688. Secure and minimal APIs using .NET 6, C# 10 and Azure Active Directory
  689. Parallelising (LINQ) work in C#
  690. [Last Week in .NET #54] – Disorderly Sunset
  691. .NET 6: Threading Improvements
  692. Stringly Typed vs Strongly Typed
  693. Power of composition with map and bind
  694. fsharp-presentations/on-teaching-operators.md at master · dsyme/fsharp-presentations
  695. Comparing dotnet:main...vcsjones:16df4edc7215a9521eda2c7a8aa3fa5f1bcecfef · dotnet/runtime
  696. .NET R&D Digest (July, 2021)
  697. Code Maze Weekly #87 - Code Maze
  698. sdk/BlazorWebAssemblyDeltaApplier.cs at main · dotnet/sdk
  699. EF Core 6 Dev Team Plays Catch-Up with EF6 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  700. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Advanced C#: Let's Build an Analyzer
  701. Announcing PostSharp "Caravela" Preview 2 (0.3.5)
  702. Securing ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, Web APIs with Azure B2C external and Azure AD internal identities
  703. Pagination with the Azure SDK for .NET
  704. What is Code Review? - Guidelines and Best Practices - NDepend
  705. Using an ASP.NET Core IHostedService to run Azure Service Bus subscriptions and consumers
  706. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Get Started with WPF
  707. Creating Static Web Apps With F# and Fable | LINQ to Fail
  708. dodyg/practical-aspnetcore
  709. Evolution of An Async LINQ operator
  710. Introducing Syntax Macros
  711. Decrypt Secrets Into ASP.NET Core MVC Action Arguments Using Action Filters
  712. C# 10 - Top 5 New Features in the Upcoming C# Version
  713. Stop Saving to Disk with C# Asynchronous Streams
  714. Stop Saving to Disk with C# Asynchronous Streams
  715. Boost ASP.NET Core Performance with Static Content
  716. Conditional compilation for ignoring method calls with the ConditionalAttribute
  717. Functional monads in C# - Simple Talk
  718. Secure .NET 5 SignalR solutions with Azure AD
  719. Adam Storr - Default Your FirstOrDefault in .NET 6.0
  720. Announcing Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 5: Compiled Models | .NET Blog
  721. Don't Code Tired | ICYMI C# 9 New Features: Top-level Statements
  722. New Programming Model For Handling JSON In .NET 6
  723. kevingosse/ClrMDExports
  724. A Closer Look at 5 New Features in C# 10
  725. Integration Testing for ASP.NET Core using EF Core Cosmos with XUnit and Azure DevOps
  726. C# Generics Best Practices
  727. Learn What’s New in .NET Productivity | Visual Studio Blog
  728. Code Maze Weekly #79 - Code Maze
  729. .NET 6: Collections Improvements
  730. When LINQ is not LINQ
  731. Benchmarking 4 reflection methods for calling a constructor in .NET
  732. Benchmarking 4 reflection methods for calling a constructor in .NET
  733. Investigate memory issues with ease – Introducing real-time inspections in dotMemory Allocation Analysis | The .NET Tools Blog
  734. Benchmarking 4 reflection methods for calling a constructor in .NET
  735. New LINQ extensions in .NET 6 and benchmarks
  736. The Roslyn analyzers I use in my projects - Gérald Barré
  737. Announcing .NET 6 Preview 4 | .NET Blog
  738. halter73/MinimalTemplates
  739. Announcing .NET 6 Preview 4 | .NET Blog
  740. Announcing Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 4: Performance Edition
  741. How to use MediatR Pipeline Behaviours | Gary Woodfine
  742. Obtaining attributed network usage information from the Windows Runtime | The Old New Thing
  743. Testing your Domain when Event Sourcing
  744. Obtaining network usage information from the Windows Runtime | The Old New Thing
  745. dotMemory Support For Linux Process Dumps | The .NET Tools Blog
  746. Basic CQRS with .NET 5 (endpoints, nullable reference types, records etc.) by oskardudycz · Pull Request #41 · oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore
  747. Azurite and Table Storage in a dev container | I CAN MAKE THIS WORK
  748. .NET introduction and overview
  749. Deep Diving Into EF Core: Q&A With Jeremy Likness
  750. 5 Ways to Improve the Performance of C# Code for Free
  751. Newsletter Week 18, 2021
  752. C# Async Yield Return: IAsyncEnumerable will change your life!!! - Brian Lagunas
  753. The .NET Stacks #48: ⚡ Sockets. Sockets everywhere. | Dave Brock
  754. Top 10 Free New Testing Tools for Visual Studio 2019 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  755. benaadams/Ben.Demystifier
  756. .NET API browser
  757. .NET News Roundup - Week of April 26th, 2021
  758. C# Yield Return: What is it and how does it work? - Brian Lagunas
  759. .NET 6 LINQ Improvements
  760. Automating "suggested / related posts" links for my blog posts - Part 2
  761. Introducing GraphQLinq - Strongly Typed GraphQL Queries with LINQ to GraphQL. | Giorgi Dalakishvili | Personal Website
  762. NSubstitute and FluentAssertions Redux – Rory Primrose – Learn from my mistakes, you don't have time to make them yourself
  763. Code Maze Weekly #74 - Code Maze
  764. Ben.Demystifier 0.4.1
  765. Dynamically getting objects from an assembly in C#
  766. Machine Learning with ML.NET - NLP with BERT
  767. ASP.NET Core 5 & EntityFramework Core: Clean, clear and fluent integration tests with Calzolari.TestServer.EntityFramework, FluentAssertion.Web and xUnit
  768. Why do I find Ruby sexy?
  769. StevenRasmussen - Overview
  770. Visual Studio 2019 Preview Release Notes
  771. Viewing overwritten configuration values in ASP.NET Core
  772. The .NET Stacks #44: 🐦 APIs that are light as a feather | Dave Brock
  773. Tutorial: Create a GitHub Action with .NET
  774. ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
  775. Accessing Dapr secrets building block using Dapr .NET SDK
  776. Machine Learning with ML.NET - Object detection with YOLO
  777. Blazor Power BI Paginated Reports
  778. Track activity and sub-orchestrator progress in Azure Durable Functions orchestrators
  779. ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready (with Entity Framework Core 5.0 support)
  780. Working with the Enron dataset
  781. Making Auth Simpler for Static Web App APIs | LINQ to Fail
  782. Viewing app configuration using Oakton's Describe command and Spectre.Console
  783. String.Concat Method (System)
  784. Tutorial: Create a GitHub Action with .NET
  785. Entity Framework Community Standup - EF Core Power Tools: the New Batch
  786. Debugging configuration values in ASP.NET Core
  787. Rewriting git history using C# (git filter-branch alternative) - Gérald Barré
  788. Getting Started with the Roslyn APIs: Writing Code with Code - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  789. henkmollema/Dommel
  790. The .NET Stacks #41: 🎁 Your monthly preview fix has arrived | Dave Brock
  791. C# 9 records as strongly-typed ids - Part 5: final bits and conclusion
  792. GraphQL on Azure: Part 6 - Subscriptions With SignalR | LINQ to Fail
  793. Survey Finds Slow EF Core Adoption, Surprising Dev Team -- Visual Studio Magazine
  794. ASP.NET Core IHostingStartup that as soon as the site has started makes a request to itself then shuts itself down
  795. .NET News Roundup - Week of Mar 8th, 2021
  796. tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura
  797. ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection: What is the IServiceProvider and how is it Built? - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  798. Announcing Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 2 | .NET Blog
  799. Is LINQ in C# actually slow?
  800. My Favorite C# Features Part 2: LINQ
  801. Giorgi/LINQPad.QueryPlanVisualizer
  802. .NET Interactive with SQL!| .NET Notebooks in Visual Studio Code | .NET Blog
  803. To write code comments or not, it should not be a question
  804. Visual Studio 2019 v16.9 and v16.10 Preview 1 are Available Today! | Visual Studio Blog
  805. 3 Reason Why I Prefer Using Norm vs Dapper
  806. ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection: What is the IServiceProvider and how is it Built? - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  807. Tip 307 - How to create faster and smarter apps with .NET 5
  808. Entity Framework Core 5 – Pitfalls To Avoid and Ideas to Try | The .NET Tools Blog
  809. Use Azure Functions with .NET 5 | Dave Brock
  810. JaxDug - Azure DevOps for .Net- Fall into the Pit of Success - Jeffrey Palermo
  811. Using source generators with a custom attribute to generate a menu component in a Blazor app
  812. GitHub Quick Reviews
  813. Using source generators with a custom attribute to generate a menu component in a Blazor app
  814. What's New in EF Core 6.0 Preview 1 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  815. What's New in EF Core 6.0 Preview 1 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  816. GitHub Quick Reviews
  817. Adding ASP.NET Core authorization for an Azure Blob Storage and Azure AD users using role assignments
  818. Secure ASP.NET Core Web API using JWT Authentication - Coding Sonata
  819. GitHub Quick Reviews
  820. ASP.NET CORE 5: Implement Web API Pagination with HATEOAS Links
  821. GitHub Quick Reviews
  822. What's the Difference between Channel<T> and ConcurrentQueue<T> in C#?
  823. Using source generators to find all routable components in a Blazor WebAssembly app
  824. Entity Framework Core 5.0: The Next Generation for Data Access
  825. GitHub Quick Reviews
  826. Finding all routable components in a Blazor App
  827. Migrating from old authentication code in ASP.NET with Microsoft.Identity.Web and Azure AD
  828. GitHub Quick Reviews
  829. .NET GC Internals - 03. Concurrent Mark phase
  830. Using WinML in .NET5 | Windows Dev
  831. Learn TV
  832. Episode 10: F# and Functional Programming
  833. .NET Conf Armenia (2021-01-30)
  834. Release Tye 0.6 · dotnet/tye
  835. Release Tye 0.6 · dotnet/tye
  836. .NET Conf 2020 - Bengaluru
  837. Entity Framework Core 6: What Developers Want -- Visual Studio Magazine
  838. JSON DOM (2) and Index/Range methods for Linq
  839. The Plan for Entity Framework Core 6.0 | .NET Blog
  840. Azure Easy Auth and Roles with .NET (and .NET Core)
  841. More with Gruut: Use the Microsoft Bot Framework to analyze emotion with the Azure Face API
  842. How we quickly refactored with Resharper more than 23.000 calls to Debug.Assert() into more meaningful assertions - NDepend
  843. What would it take for you to adopt Marten?
  844. Machine Learning with ML.NET - Linear Regression
  845. C# In Simple Terms is an eBook (and subscribers get a bonus chapter!)
  846. Storing coordinates in C# - Performance versus readability
  847. My 2021 OSS Plans (Marten, Jasper, Storyteller, and more)
  848. Scott Hanselman's 2021 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
  849. C# 9 records as strongly-typed ids - Part 4: Entity Framework Core integration
  850. Simplifying Auth With Static Web Apps and React | LINQ to Fail
  851. C# In Simple Terms - Iterators
  852. Arrows born in flight
  853. Introduction to Performance - EF Core
  854. RavenDB Node.JS / TypeScript client 5.0 released
  855. C# in Simple Terms - Indexers
  856. Parsing ETL traces yourself, part 3: The TraceProcessor | The Old New Thing
  857. Tip 298 - How to run C# notebooks with Azure Cosmos DB
  858. The proper usages of the keyword 'static' in C# - NDepend
  859. Automate a Markdown links page with Pinboard and C#
  860. Building an ASP.NET Core Web App from Scratch
  861. Advent of Code 2020
  862. ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
  863. Use ASP.NET Core route-to-code for simple JSON APIs
  864. ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
  865. Securing an ASP.NET Core API which uses multiple access tokens
  866. Cool things I learned about NUnit while re-launching the docs
  867. ASP.NET Core Improvements in .NET 5
  868. Planned Event Store Improvements for Marten V4, Daft Punk Edition
  869. Duplex gPRC
  870. Microsoft Releases .NET for Apache Spark 1.0
  871. Getting Started With Entity Framework Core 5 – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
  872. Custom Validation in Blazor WebAssembly - Code Maze
  873. Use Azure Functions, Azure Storage blobs, and Cosmos DB to copy images from public URLs
  874. C# In Simple Terms - Expressions, Lambdas, and Delegates
  875. FSDN
  876. Vertical Slice Example Updated to .NET 5
  877. C# Expression Trees: Property Getters | Awaiting Bits
  878. Marten 4.0.0-alpha.3
  879. C# in Simple Terms - Tuples and Anonymous Types
  880. RavenDB 5.1 Features: Searching in Office documents
  881. Code Maze Weekly #51 - Code Maze
  882. C# in Simple Terms - Generics
  883. The Resurgence of Functional Programming - Highlights From QCon Plus
  884. C# in Simple Terms - LINQ Basics
  885. Implement a Web APP and an ASP.NET Core Secure API using Azure AD which delegates to second API
  886. TylerBrinks/ExCSS
  887. C# in Simple Terms - Arrays and Collections
  888. Optimizing SQL queries. Sometimes two queries are better than one.
  889. Implement a Blazor full text search using Azure Cognitive Search
  890. Pattern matching in C# 9.0
  891. Awaitable/awaiter pattern and logical micro-threading in C#
  892. .NET for Apache Spark Debuts in Version 1.0 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  893. Defining Service Boundaries by Splitting Entities
  894. Improve rendering performance with Blazor component virtualization
  895. Building cross-platform apps with .NET and Uno - Simple Talk
  896. Securely accessing MS Graph from gRPC .NET with Azure AD
  897. Marten V4 Preview: Linq and Performance
  898. A Highly Biased Review of C# Changes from Version 1.0 to 9.0
  899. ironcev/awesome-roslyn
  900. Debugger Tip - Step into a specific method
  901. Dynamic Queries with Expressions Trees in C# - Michael's Coding Spot
  902. C# 8.0 nullable references: prepare today by not misusing 'as' | endjin
  903. The LLBLGen Pro Blog: HnD 3.0 has been released!
  904. ryzngard/DotNot
  905. Web Scraping with C#
  906. An iterable of iterables: C# collections support covariance, but C++ collections do not | The Old New Thing
  907. Using machine learning with RavenDB
  908. Azure Cosmos DB Repository .NET SDK v.1.0.4 | Azure Cosmos DB Blog
  909. User-defined functions in Serilog Expressions
  910. Create a Website Scraper for Azure Functions
  911. Introducing DotNet.SystemCollections.Analyzers
  912. The .NET Stacks #18: RC1 is here, the fate of .NET Standard, and F# with Isaac Abraham
  913. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Ep 5: Collections, Generics, and Introducing LINQ
  914. Securing Azure Functions using Azure AD JWT Bearer token authentication for user access tokens
  915. Run EF Core Queries on SQL Server From Blazor WebAssembly
  916. Run EF Core Queries on SQL Server From Blazor WebAssembly
  917. Running SQL Server Integration Tests in .NET Core Projects via Docker - Dangl.Blog();
  918. Introducing C# in Simple Terms!
  919. My Notebook: Refit - A type-safe REST library
  920. Microsoft Releases Entity Framework Core 5.0 RC 1
  921. Dev Discussions - Isaac Abraham
  922. GraphQL on Azure: Part 5 - Can We Make GraphQL Type Safe in Code | LINQ to Fail
  923. Announcing Entity Framework Core (EFCore) 5.0 RC1 | .NET Blog
  924. Serving Images Stored in a Database through a Static URL using .NET Core 3.1
  925. GraphQL on Azure: Part 4 - Serverless CosmosDB
  926. #MLNet – AutoML for ranking scenarios
  927. Using a Dapper Base Repository in C# to Improve Readability
  928. jsakamoto/ipaddressrange
  929. Yahtzee in Blazor WebAssembly Part 1: The C# Model
  930. Asynchronous coroutines with C# 8.0 and IAsyncEnumerable
  931. Build your own .NET memory profiler in C#
  932. Options, Text Editor, C#, Advanced - Visual Studio
  933. Translating NHibernate LINQ query to SQL
  934. How to log NHibernate SQL to ASP.NET Core loggers
  935. reegeek/StructLinq
  936. dotnet/aspnetcore
  937. Announcing Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 5.0 Preview 8 | .NET Blog
  938. Asynchronous programming - C#
  939. Inspect and Mutate IQueryable Expression Trees
  940. Exclude code that follows [DoesNotReturn] from code coverage (per #898) by kevin-montrose · Pull Request #904 · coverlet-coverage/coverlet
  941. davidfowl/CommunityStandUpNet5
  942. Introducing Blazor Automatic Kingdom
  943. Secrets of a .NET Professional
  944. Is Using LINQ in C# Bad for Performance?
  945. August dotNET Virtural Events to Tune Into | Xamarin Blog
  946. .NET Annotated Monthly | August 2020 – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
  947. dotnet/designs
  948. BenchmarkDotNet 0.12.1
  949. Writing more succinct C# – in F# (Part 1)!
  950. Add CBOR property-based tests by eiriktsarpalis · Pull Request #39828 · dotnet/runtime
  951. Sorting in Blazor WebAssembly and ASP.NET Core Web API - Code Maze
  952. Sort Data With ASP.NET Core and Query Strings
  953. Ian Bebbington - Cross-Platform Real-Time Communication with Uno & SignalR
  954. Azure SDK Release (July 2020) | Azure SDKs
  955. In Praise of Elevated Values
  956. End-to-End Integration Testing with NServiceBus: How It Works
  957. SharpLab
  958. All .Net Exceptions List
  959. Performance Improvements in .NET 5 | .NET Blog
  960. On Reactive Programming
  961. Creating an Instance of Type, 8 Years Later
  962. PrimeHotel – adding Entity Framework Core 5 in .NET – Michał Białecki Blog
  963. Entity Framework Core In-Depth Part 10
  964. Entity Framework Core In-Depth Part 9
  965. Loading Related Data - EF Core
  966. Release ILSpy 6.0 · icsharpcode/ILSpy
  967. C# 8.0 nullable references: MaybeNull | endjin
  968. Tasty - Delicious dotnet testing | Manuel Grundner
  969. Using an OData Client with an ASP.NET Core API
  970. OData with ASP.NET Core
  971. Exposing proto files in a gRPC service over a frameworkless and lightweight API
  972. EF Core In depth – Soft deleting data with Global Query Filters – The Reformed Programmer
  973. The Magical Methods in C#
  974. Entity Framework Core In-Depth Part 7
  975. How Hello World! changed – top level statements and functions
  976. Minesweeper in Blazor WebAssembly Part 1: C# Implementation
  977. Nano services with ASP.NET Core or how to build a light API
  978. Creating a Custom Validation Message Component for Blazor Forms
  979. Entity Framework Core In-Depth Part 6
  980. F# 5 and F# tools update for June | .NET Blog
  981. Announcing Entity Framework Core EFCore 5.0 Preview 6 | .NET Blog
  982. Getting started with ASP.NET Core
  983. Task.WhenAll / Select is a footgun 👟🔫
  984. Entity Framework Core In-Depth Part 3
  985. Lupusa87/LupusaBlazorDemos
  986. Simplify DisplayName Calls In Razor Views
  987. Marten Quickstart with .Net Core HostBuilder
  988. Build a Blazor WebAssembly Line of Business App Part 1: Intro and Data Access
  989. Framework for unit testing generators
  990. Development With A Dot - ASP.NET Core OData Part 2
  991. Added support for splitting on ReadOnlySpan<char> by bbartels · Pull Request #295 · dotnet/runtime
  992. Dynamically Build LINQ Expressions
  993. Virtual code execution via IL interpretation
  994. ReSharper 2020.2 Roadmap - .NET Tools Blog
  995. Building an Azure Static Web App With GraphQL | LINQ to Fail
  996. Serializer recommendations for 5.0 by steveharter · Pull Request #113 · dotnet/designs
  997. EF Core In depth – what happens when EF Core reads from the database? – The Reformed Programmer
  998. chrissainty/BuildingCustomInputComponentsForBlazorUsingInputBase
  999. Login and use an ASP.NET Core API with Azure AD Auth and user access tokens
  1000. Don't Code Tired | Maintaining Feature Flag Values Across Multiple Requests (Microsoft.FeatureManagement)
  1001. Beta Release: Oracle Entity Framework Core 3.1
  1002. The Dangers of TypeScript Enums | LINQ to Fail
  1003. Entity Framework Core in Action, Second Edition
  1004. Nullable Reference Types: Contexts and Attributes – A Look at New Language Features in C# 8 - .NET Tools Blog
  1005. Don't use method with side-effect in LINQ
  1006. WinDbg — the Fun Way: Part 1
  1007. Tackle Big-O Notation in .NET Core - Simple Talk
  1008. Mystery of The French Thousands Separator
  1009. Don't Code Tired | Using C# Source Generators with Microsoft Feature Management Feature Flags
  1010. Chain Actions, Funcs, and Predicates In .NET
  1011. Working with OneDrive data and MS Graph in .NET Core
  1012. Marten v4.0 Planning Document (Part 1)
  1013. Writing More Succinct C# - Dan Clarke
  1014. Create a .NET Core Deamon app that calls MSGraph with a certificate
  1015. Building an Real Time Event Processor – Part 1
  1016. damianedwards / SignalR - ccdd24c
  1017. Razor Pages in ASP .NET Core 3.1
  1018. It's better to .Take() | Codejack
  1019. EF Core testing sample - EF Core
  1020. How to Query SQL Server XML data type Columns in Entity Framework Core 3.x - Rob Kennedy
  1021. Integrating ASP.NET Core with gRPC - Simple Talk
  1022. Kicking off Marten v4 Development
  1023. Query Tags in EF Core for ASP .NET Core 3.1 Web Apps
  1024. SQLite/SQL Server Compact Toolbox - Visual Studio Marketplace
  1025. Entity Framework Core Part 4
  1026. Entity Framework Core Part 3
  1027. Build your own .NET memory profiler in C# — allocations(1/2)
  1028. Entity Framework Core Part 2
  1029. Entity Framework documentation
  1030. Using Certificates from Azure Key Vault in ASP.NET Core
  1031. Thank you, Visual Studio docs contributors | Visual Studio Blog
  1032. Regex Performance Improvements in .NET 5 | .NET Blog
  1033. Resiliency with Polly – Anthony Giretti's .NET blog
  1034. Getting Started with CQRS – Part 3 - Simple Talk
  1035. Global error Handling in gRPC & gRPC status codes – Anthony Giretti's .NET blog
  1036. Entity Framework Core in Action
  1037. Avoiding SQL Server plan cache pollution with EF Core 3 and Enumerable.Contains()
  1038. Community Tutorial: Using NPoco with CockroachDB and C# / .NET Core | Cockroach Labs
  1039. Optimize database traffic with future results in NHibernate
  1040. NuGet Gallery | Packages
  1041. Learning and documenting .NET with dotnet try – Bruno Sonnino
  1042. .NET Platforms Feature Comparison | Premier Developer
  1043. EF Core 5.0: Using ToQueryString() method to translate LINQ query to SQL
  1044. Home
  1045. Avoid In-Memory Databases for Tests
  1046. .NET Foundation
  1047. C# developers! Your scoped components are more dangerous than you...
  1048. A Template for Clean Domain-Driven Design Architecture
  1049. CQRS: Refactoring Queries without Repositories - CodeOpinion
  1050. F# Publications | The F# Software Foundation
  1051. C# and .NET Book | Covers C# 6, C# 7, .NET Framework and .NET Core
  1052. Putting the Fun in C# Local Functions
  1053. VuePress
  1054. Configure the Linker for ASP.NET Core Blazor
  1055. Testing GitHub Oneboxes for Stack Overflow for Teams
  1056. Testing GitHub Oneboxes on Stack Overflow for Teams
  1057. Getting started with Uno Platform and ReactiveUI - Uno Platform
  1058. Fixing Random, part 23
  1059. Fixing Random, part 25
  1060. NetFabric/NetFabric.Hyperlinq
  1061. Fixing Random, part 21
  1062. Fixing Random, part 19
  1063. Document EF Core architecture and internal technical details · Issue #1920 · dotnet/EntityFramework.Docs
  1064. Fixing Random, part 20
  1065. Testing GitHub Oneboxes
  1066. Getting the best out of Entity Framework Core - NDC London 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  1067. Working with expression trees in C# | Alexey Golub
  1068. Working with expression trees in C# | Alexey Golub
  1069. Make your SQLite bulk inserts very fast in C# .NET - Joe Kampschmidt's Code
  1070. .NET for Apache Spark Helps Makes Big Data Accessible | .NET Blog
  1071. bchavez/Bogus
  1072. Entity Framework Core performance tuning – a worked example – The Reformed Programmer
  1073. The frustrating state of tails calls in .NET · Issue #2191 · dotnet/runtime
  1074. Microsoft: Move from Traditional ASP.NET to 'Core' Requires 'Heavy Lifting' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1075. Shay Rojansky - How Entity Framework translates LINQ all the way to SQL - Dotnetos Conference 2019
  1076. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Embedding Power BI in Blazor
  1077. Using LINQ to Build A World Travel Itinerary
  1078. Introducing EF Core 5 Features: Using ToQueryString to get generated SQL
  1079. OdeToCode by K. Scott Allen
  1080. Optimizing string.Count all the way from LINQ to hardware accelerated vectorized instructions
  1081. An Introduction to DataFrame | .NET Blog
  1082. StackExchange/Dapper
  1083. Shay Rojansky - How Entity Framework translates LINQ all the way to SQL - Dotnetos Conference 2019
  1084. A technique for building high-performance databases with EF Core – The Reformed Programmer
  1085. Zero allocation code in C# and Unity - Seba's Lab
  1086. A Quantum Random Number Generator for .NET: The quantum measurement problem and many-worlds approach
  1087. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Uploading Images With The Blazor Rich Text Editor
  1088. .NET Core, Docker, and Cultures - Solving a culture issue porting a .NET Core app from Windows to Linux
  1089. Using WebAssembly from .NET with Wasmtime – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  1090. Using WebAssembly from .NET with Wasmtime
  1091. The Difference Between IEnumerable and IQueryable Explained – The Sharper Dev
  1092. dotnet/efcore
  1093. HttpClient Connection Pooling in .NET Core - Steve Gordon
  1094. Ed Charbeneau - Giving Clarity to LINQ Queries by Extending Expressions | Øredev 2019
  1095. Building Modern Cloud Applications using Pulumi and .NET Core | .NET Blog
  1096. 【Unite Tokyo 2019】Understanding C# Struct All Things
  1097. dumpperms.cs
  1098. spboyer/dotnet-workshops
  1099. Generate Json serializers at build time to reduce startup time · Issue #1568 · dotnet/runtime
  1100. Anonymous classes and generics limit in .NET/C#? | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura
  1101. IHttpContextAccessor cannot be used reliably in some scenarios · Issue #14975 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  1102. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Blazor Microsoft Graph Calendar Example With Active Directory Authentication
  1103. Expand BBJ_RETURN blocks with bool conditions by EgorBo · Pull Request #27167 · dotnet/coreclr
  1104. ASP.NET Core Performance Best Practices
  1105. Implementation of efficient algorithm for changepoint detection: ED-PELT
  1106. What’s the maximum number of generic parameters for a class in .NET/C#? | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura
  1107. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Google Authentication in Server Side Blazor
  1108. novotnyllc/NuGetKeyVaultSignTool
  1109. terrajobst/api-review-list
  1110. dotnet/docs
  1111. LLBLGen Pro | Blog: 16 years of LLBLGen Pro!
  1112. Announcing Entity Framework Core 3.0 Preview 9 and Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 9 | .NET Blog
  1113. Static analysis for .NET 5 · Issue #30740 · dotnet/runtime
  1114. Entity Framework Core in Action
  1115. Making my first contribution on SourceForge using Mercurial
  1116. Script
  1117. WinDbg #1 - The static root – Gabriel Weyer – A somewhat technical blog
  1118. .NET Debugging: 6 techniques you need in your arsenal | Raygun Blog
  1119. Getting Started with gRPC Client Factory - Steve Gordon
  1120. Announcing Entity Framework Core 3.0 Preview 8 and Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 8 | .NET Blog
  1121. Build Data-Driven Web Apps Blazing Fast with Blazor and OData
  1122. Breaking all existing Hex Encoding Records with .NET Core 3.0 - Nicolas Portmann - .NET / Java / Security
  1123. Fixing Random, part 40 of 40
  1124. Flow External Claims to the Main Identity
  1125. Supporting IAsyncEnumerable with LINQ
  1126. wasm: support Generic Virtual Method Calls & Shared Generics (was: some linq methods fail to compile) · Issue #7248 · dotnet/corert
  1127. #124 Mads Torgersen, C# 8 | no dogma podcast
  1128. Initial commit · OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn@a8f9786
  1129. Announcing Entity Framework Core 3.0 Preview 6 and Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 6 | .NET Blog
  1130. Building a C# Interactive shell in a browser with Blazor (WebAssembly) and Roslyn | StrathWeb. A free flowing web tech monologue.
  1131. Serializing a PascalCase Newtonsoft.Json JObject to camelCase
  1132. Collection<T> and ObservableCollection<T> do not support ranges · Issue #18087 · dotnet/runtime
  1133. Change filter to middleware · dotnet-presentations/aspnetcore-app-workshop@7715b4f
  1134. Performance Improvements in .NET Core 3.0 | .NET Blog
  1135. Announcing Entity Framework 6.3 Preview with .NET Core Support | .NET Blog
  1136. Announcing Entity Framework Core 3.0 Preview 4 | .NET Blog
  1137. Entity Framework Weekly Status Updates (2019) · Issue #15403 · dotnet/efcore
  1138. Introducing .NET for Apache® Spark™ Preview | .NET Blog
  1139. Twisted Oak
  1140. Using strongly-typed entity IDs to avoid primitive obsession (Part 3)
  1141. Adding features to a simple Blazor MVVM client with composition
  1142. Adding features to a simple Blazor MVVM client with composition
  1143. Adding features to a simple Blazor MVVM client with composition
  1144. .NET API browser
  1145. Live Share now included with Visual Studio 2019 | Visual Studio Blog
  1146. Visual Studio 2019 .NET productivity | .NET Blog
  1147. JetBrains Night Tel Aviv 2019
  1148. nventive/Uno.BenchmarkDotNet
  1149. gRPC Bi-directional streaming with Razor Pages and a Hosted Service gRPC client
  1150. An update on how my 2018 return to Chicago went and what's next for me in 2019
  1151. Security Experiments with gRPC and ASP.NET Core 3.1
  1152. Announcing .NET Core 3 Preview 3 | .NET Blog
  1153. dotnet/reactive
  1154. dotnet/docs
  1155. Combining iterator blocks and async methods in C# | Premier Developer
  1156. C++, C# and Unity
  1157. On DOTS: C++ & C# - Unity Technologies Blog
  1158. Why You Should Learn .net in 2019
  1159. .NET Core - What's Coming in .NET Core 3.0
  1160. Visual Studio 2019 Preview .NET Productivity | .NET Blog
  1161. .NET Blog Entity Framework Core 2.2 Preview 3 Now Available!
  1162. Wyam - Version 2.2.0
  1163. Unit testing data access in ASP.​NET Core
  1164. 10 Years of Workshop Material Added to the Creative Commons