Goodbye Performance Issues: How Project Loom Eliminates Asynchrony Anyone who develops a backend application with more than a handful of users knows that most performance problems are related to I/O. In modern web applications, these are typically network calls. Whether it’s REST requests to another service, queries to a...
Can ChatGPT Help My Non-Coder Partner Build Software? An AI Experiment: Challenging a Non-Coder to Use ChatGPT for File Comparison - Here's What Happened.
The gotchas of CSS Nesting | Kilian Valkhof I've written before about the problems you can run into with CSS nesting (keep in mind that article uses an older syntax but the point still stands) and the question that @ChallengeCSS tweeted out today made me realize there's actually a few more gotcha's...
The data dump diversion I've been writing non-stop about the Stack Overflow strike and there's a little side-story that might slip by if you aren't paying attention. I'm talking about the decision to not upload the Stack Exchange Data Dump to the Internet Archive. If you aren't ...
My macOS Accessibility Setup - Ravi Atluri Accessibility setup and tools for everyday use on macOS/OSX
Reddit is dangerous. The admins are out of control. Humanity needs a viable alternative. Generally, I identify problems and their causes, and propose solutions.
How to Hire Clojure Developers This odd thing keeps happening to me where companies reach out to ask if I know of any Clojure developers they can hire instead of just hiring me. I understand why they do this. I am not interested in full-time position, after all. I think most people wou...
Inside of the WASP's nest: deep dive into PyPI-hosted malware Photo by Matheus Queiroz on Unsplash In late 2022 we decided to start monitoring PyPI , arguably the most important Python rep...
Jacobson's Rank | denvaar's Site Rank is a fundamental operation for Succinct Data Structures. It counts the number of set bits up to a given index in a bit array. How can this be done in constant time and sub-linear space?
How building a new project saved my main business How refocusing on customer needs, targeting potential clients, and enhancing core value brought renewed success. A seemingly distracting project became a catalyst for growth.
Just use QWERTY! The QWERTY layout is, I grant you, an illogical mess. I'm happy to hear your arguments that Dvorak is the one true way. Or that Colemak is several percent faster. But QWERTY is a standard now. Everyone uses it on their laptops and phones. It is used every...
Cognitive Biases Ranked by Popularity If you have spent some time on rationalist forums, you might have come across images that try to visualize cognitive biases that humans are prone to:
Why LLM-assisted table transformation is a big deal Last week I had to convert a table in a Google Doc to a JSON structure that will render as an HTML page. This is the sort of mundane task that burns staggering amounts of information workers’…
Tech Debt is Tech Tax There is this saying about tech debt: When you move fast in a software team, you build up debt that you must pay off later. The engineering team uses this to get a break and align the current understanding of the product with the code.
The ease of picking up web development is greatly exaggerated I quit my job in July 2021, and started writing a webapp for something to do. (Are you an FPGA engineer, and looking for a new job? Check us out at I had assumed, as a credentialed engineer and longtime HN lurker, that picking up web de...
Zero-assumptions ZFS, part 1 | nikvdp This is the first in a series of articles about ZFS, and is part of what I hope becomes an ongoing series here: the zero-assumptions write up. This article will be written assuming you know nothing about ZFS.
My generic Open Source Project FAQ People are often asking the same questions again and again about some of my projects, so it might be a good opportunity to write a small FAQ. If you get redirected here, don’t take it personally; I am getting asked these questions very often, and I feel p...
Why I started (and stopped) making games During college I paid my bills by making games. This is the story of how I got started and why I stopped.
Ferricy: Building a custom 34-key split keyboard Ergonomics, productivity, and style - all at once ;)
Building an IBM 3270 terminal controller I wanted to connect an IBM 3270 mainframe terminal to the Hercules emulator but couldn't find a working controller. So I decided to build my own.
Add Maps to Your Cross-Platform .NET Apps Discover how MAPSUI seamlessly integrates with Uno Platform, enhancing cross-platform .NET applications with powerful mapping capabilities.
Azure Functions Community Standup | Microsoft Build updates! Join us for the June 2023 edition of the Azure Functions community live stream! Get an overview of the new Azure Functions announcements from the Microsoft B...
How to Implement a Soft Delete Strategy with Entity Framework Core | The .NET Tools Blog Learn to use a Soft Delete strategy using Entity Framework Core and the latest versions of .NET.
Wolverine’s Middleware Strategy is a Different Animal I saw someone on Twitter today asking to hear how Wolverine differs from MediatR. First off, Wolverine is a much bigger, more ambitious tool than MediatR is trying to be and covers far more use cas…
Announcing Create a Pull Request in Visual Studio - Visual Studio Blog Create a Pull Request in Visual Studio with the newest preview.
Spargine Dev Tool: Never Lose Source Code Ever Again! Exciting news for developers! Introducing the Spargine Dev Tool: Never Lose Source Code Ever Again! Check out this article to learn more about its powerful ‘backup’ command and how it c…
From 24MB to 14MB in 6 Seconds: The Visual Studio Extension You NEED for Image Optimization! In this video, I'm excited to share with you a super handy extension in Visual Studio that's going to make your web projects lighter and faster. As developer...
The Auth Setting That Everyone MUST Change in .NET Check out my new course From Zero to Hero: Logging in .NET and use code LOG20 at checkout for 20% off: valid for the first 400 p...
Integer compression: Implementing FastPFor encoding in C# In the previous post I outlined the requirements we have for FastPFor in RavenDB. Now I want to dig into the actual implementation. Here is the shape of the ...
Why am I being told about a signed/unsigned comparison, and why only sometimes, and how can I fix it? - The Old New Thing How the compiler back-end can influence warnings.
Show cascading dropdown lists in ASP.NET Core | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base Many years ago I wrote a few articles on displaying cascading dropdown lists in ASP.NET. Since this is a very common requirement while building web UIs it's worthwhile to see how cascading dropdown lists can be displayed in ASP.NET Core MVC also.
Using Minimal APIs? You Need MapGroup For Clean Endpoints #shorts 🚀 Support me on Patreon to access the source code: my weekly .NET newsletter:https://www.milanjovanovic.techRead ...
Interesting links of the week 2023-25 (#77) Here are some interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (June 12, 2023 - June 18, 2023)
ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 Preview 5: Improved Debugging, Blazor Updates, SignalR Reconnects, and More .NET 8 Preview 5 brings significant additions to ASP.NET Core. Notable enhancements include an improved debugging experience for ASP.NET Core, changes regarding the servers and middleware, the introduction of new features and improvements in Blazor, enhan...
Reset passwords in ASP.NET Core using delegated permissions and Microsoft Graph This article shows how an administrator can reset passwords for local members of an Azure AD tenant using Microsoft Graph and delegated permissions. An ASP.NET Core application is used to implement…
363: Getting Serious About Upgrades Let's talk about all good things upgrades! Upgrading to the new Mac Book Air M2? Upgrading Xcode? Upgrading macOS? Upgrading Android Billing Libraries? Upgrading Internet? Upgrading GPUs?!?! We got you covered!
Creating and Hosting An Application on AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) In the ever-evolving tech landscape, the call for efficient and reliable ways to deploy applications is ringing louder than ever. But no worries! Thanks to robust tools like GitHub Actions, Docker,…
Getting Serious About Upgrades | Merge Conflict ep. 363 Let's talk about all good things upgrades! Upgrading to the new Mac Book Air M2? Upgrading Xcode? Upgrading macOS? Upgrading Android Billing Libraries? Upgra...
Automated testing in Postman using collections and newman I have created a couple of requests and corresponding tests in Postman. Running this is something that can be invoked manually, but that doesn't scale well.I...
Differences Between ExpandoObject, DynamicObject and dynamic In this article, we will be learning about the features and differences between ExpandoObject, DynamicObject and dynamic in C#
Building Intelligent Applications with OpenAI and C# Here’s a brief guide to setting up OpenAI with C# so you can try out this AI tool in a Blazor app.
How to create Custom Validation Attributes Hi there, today we are going to see how we can create our own validation attributes, so we can implement our own validation logic.Chapters:00:00 : Intro & ap...
IIS 10: An Improved Windows Server for Hosting anything on the Internet : C# 411 IIS for Windows Server is an adaptable, safe, and managed Web server for hosting anything on the Internet. IIS’s scalable and open design is equipped to handle the most demanding activities, from media streaming to web applications. IIS 10.0 is the latest...
Step-by-Step Guide: Testing HTTP Endpoints in Visual Studio 2022 Using Endpoints Explorer Visual Studio 2022 (v17.6) has introduced a new feature that simplifies the process of discovering...
Azure Container Apps, Bicep, Managed Certificates and Custom Domains | johnnyreilly Azure Container Apps support managed certificates and custom domains. However, deploying them with Bicep is not straightforward. This post explains how to do it.
Understanding TypeScript's Powerful Type Assertions Through Practical Examples Leverage TypeScript type assertions for dynamic, adaptable object types.
Github Copilot Learning Path I don't think I need to spend time to convince you that Github Copilot is a useful addition to your developer toolbox. The numbers speak for...
GitHub - koculu/Topaz: Multithreaded Javascript Engine for .NET Multithreaded Javascript Engine for .NET. Contribute to koculu/Topaz development by creating an account on GitHub.
Identify with the customer problem I have been reflecting on my time at Microsoft and specifically what I consider ...