GitHub - ggml-org/llama.vim: Vim plugin for LLM-assisted code/text completion Vim plugin for LLM-assisted code/text completion. Contribute to ggml-org/llama.vim development by creating an account on GitHub.
CVSS is dead to us CVSS is short for Common Vulnerability Scoring System and is according to Wikipedia a technical standard for assessing the severity of vulnerabilities in computing systems. Typically you use an online CVSS calculator, click a few checkboxes and radio butt...
Open Source Web Dev with C# Turn your videos into live streams with Let's work on SharpSite, an open source CMS that you can contribute to and learn from.
Level Up Your Skills: Learning Rust as a C# Dev - Chris Woody Woodruff Switching from C# to Rust can feel like stepping into a new world. Suddenly, you’re dealing with ownership, borrowing, and a compiler that’s as strict as your high school math teacher. But don’t worry—you’ve got this. With the right mindset, some practica...
Exploring the Forwarded Headers Middleware in ASP.NET Core Uncover how Forwarded Headers Middleware in ASP.NET Core helps restore true client IP, scheme, and domain when using proxies.
Tailwind CSS v4.0 We just released Tailwind CSS v4.0 — an all-new version of the framework optimized for performance and flexibility, with a reimagined configuration and customization experience, and taking full advantage of the latest advancements the web platform has to ...
Book Review: React Key Concepts - Coding Sonata Are you ready to start the year with learning React? Today I am presenting you a book that has been recently published through its second edition A tome of knowledge …
C stdlib isn’t threadsafe and even safe Rust didn’t save us | EdgeDB Blog Threads, TLS, a C stdlib race, and Rust: how EdgeDB hit a hidden landmine.
How to improve your WFH lighting to reduce eye strain | Russell Baylis - Designer I work from home everyday, I am susceptible to eye strain, eye pain, and dizziness. Having a working environment that’s as easy on my eyes as possible is of critical importance. I'd like to share what I've learned over the years in hopes that it can be he...
Leader's sadness vs. authentic leadership Discover how accepting sadness builds authentic leadership. Learn why stopping pretending to be happy makes you a stronger leader.
How to create Custom notification channels in Laravel – msp Recently, I needed to integrate Pushover with my app so users could connect their individual Pushover accounts and get push messages from my web app on their Pushover app on the phone.
Creation | anyon_e Creating a highly-integrated open-source laptop from scratch. Power in your hands.
I don't need no social media for my photos Back in the day, starting in 2005, I used to use Flickr for photos. I loved it. Those were the days when people posted random and unpolished photos. But then the web started to change and I stopped posting as did others. Flickr being sold, and then sold a...
The vertical bar ( ) is the best HTML page title separator In the wild, you’ll see all sorts of HTML title separators:
TechThreads · Secrets Management w/ Firebase App Hosting and NextJS I am using Firebase App Hosting as a backend for a NextJS app that I am developing. I am also using the Firebase CLI to configure and manage my Firebase project. One of the many challenges along the way was how to manage secrets within the app. Secrets ca...
Par Part 1: Sequent Calculus Sequent Calculus is a way of doing logic that's very explicit and mechanical. It's used as an important system and notation for type theory and logic related to programming languages.
What is readable code and why is it important? How to measure unreadable code and turn it into clean, productive, readable code
Lean app monitoring—The Starter Pack An easy, low-cost way to start your monitoring routine that covers the most basic needs. For those who lost in application monitoring, infrastructure monitoring, uptime monitoring, etc.
Key Lessons From Managing a Cloud-Scale Data Platform in Azure What did I learn from being an architect on a petabyte-scale data and analytics platform?
Get Good At Learning - Don't Break Prod When I think about the most impressive and impactful engineers I've worked with the most common trait they share is their ability to learn. It's not just that they have deep technical knowledge in useful areas, though they often do, it's that when present...
Codenames AI - OpenAI's o1 Playing Codenames I got OpenAI's o1 to play codenames and the results were surprisingly good
urllib3 in 2024 Overall, 2024 was a slower year for urllib3 in terms of development and funding compared to previous years. The year's highlights were increased financial support from multiple sources, developments for HTTP/2 and WASM support, and successful sponsored wo...
I made a multiplayer shooter game in Lisp Developing a multiplayer third-person shooter game as a solo developer is a journey filled with challenges and rewards. I embarked on this adventure to create Wizard Masters, a web-based multiplayer game where players battle as mages wielding elemental sp...
Goodbye commercial social media I've been almost entirely off of corporate social media for years now. I closed my last holdout account this past week.
The Closed Web I’ve been observing a growing shift toward a more Closed Web. At the core of this change appear to be fundamental shifts in the value exchanges between web publishers and technology platforms.
Paul Romer Economist. Policy Entrepreneur. Geek. Co-recipient of the 2018 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. University Professor at NYU. Focused on urbanization; cooperation at scale of millions and billions; science; technology...
stories i refuse to believe The internet is filled with stories that purport to teach us a valuable lesson or something about how the world works, and they’re really important because they really happened. NASA spent millions of dollars designing a space pen, which was really foolis...