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Posts for '2ndbrain'
My 16-month theanine self-experiment
Par Part 3: Par, Continued
The Balatro Timeline — LocalThunk
Claude, the librarian
Nobody Watches Computers Play Chess - Billy Gardner McIntyre
Age and cognitive skills: Use it or lose it
The Demoralization is just Beginning
Sebastian Graz · Bayleaf Wireless Keyboard Build
How to make memory systems widespread?
What Challenge 13 taught me about LLMs.
App over file
User Defined Primitives: A Sketch — Matthew Gaudet
Claude 3.7 Sonnet and Claude Code
Impressively intelligent monkeys
“Just a Tool” and Other Stories — Natalia Ilyin
The Ideal Candidate Will Be Punched In the Stomach
The Ultimate List of DRM-free Bookshops
Extracting structured data from PDFs using Gemini 2.0 and Genkit
thoughts on Daylight Computer
The (Un)Reasonable Effectiveness of Raw Power
The year I didn't survive
Word Embeddings
My time machine runs on technical writing
The inevitability of the borrow checker
Why Is Warner Brothers Discovery Dumping Old Movies On YouTube?
The Theory Behind Understanding Failure
How I fixed Slipshow's worst flaw using OCaml and a monad
Lessons on Creative Work | Daniel Saewitz
What the fuck is a closure? ・ Dan’s JavaScript Glossary
Downtown Doug Brown » The invalid 68030 instruction that accidentally allowed the Mac Classic II to successfully boot up
I Got Tired of My Own Inability to Focus on One Thing - Durmonski.com
On the Eve of Superintelligence
The Lost Futures of Computing: How We Got Boxed Into the Desktop Metaphor - André Klein Dot Net
Noteworthy LLM Research Papers of 2024
Creation | anyon_e
Par Part 1: Sequent Calculus
The Trouble with Bryan Johnson
2025-01-20 office of secure transportation
I am (not) a Failure: Lessons Learned From Six (and a half) Failed Startup Attempts
A Trillion Points of Failure
What using RSS feeds feels like
Why Every C# Developer Should Explore Rust – Chris Woody Woodruff
Water rendering in Gradient
The Art of Archiving - How I Created a Repository of My Life
Thoughts on the Liability of the Product Surface
Fluid Simulation Pendant - mitxela.com
When each proud fighter brags
Turning my laptop into a Search Relevance Judge with local LLMs
De-smarting the Marshall Uxbridge
Perspectives after 4 years – tylerrussell.dev
Work on Yourself
I tracked everything I could in 2024, here's the data
I'm in exile
Social Feed as a Life Journal | Digital Notes
How I Biohack My Vitality - Desmolysium
Writing About Writing
A Software Observability Roundup - parente.dev
100 Days of journaling
Books I Loved Reading in 2024
The Backstory of Backpropagation – Yuxi on the Wired
The road to Emacs maximalism
12 Months, 12 Books: My Yearlong Journey to Learn, Grow, and Level Up - Chris Woody Woodruff
LLM Reasoning with Chain of Continuous Thought by Meta AI
A Pixel Parable
How I run LLMs locally
PKM Annotation Woes
A Snapshot of My Self-Hosted Journey in 2024
3 (+1) Things Evernote Got Right
The Trap of "I am not an Extrovert" | Himanshu Mishra (@OrkoHunter)
12 Life Lessons From A Backgammon Super Grandmaster ⋆ WBGF
Advent of Papers (2024)
Potentially Useful | Vim is a cast iron skillet
Engineering Memory
I sell sweet potatoes on the internet
How Confident are LLMs? (Ranking People part II) – Wilsons Blog
Problems in Your Head, Problems in My Head | Andrew Chen
Why Obsidian is All You Need - From Simple Notes to Complete Productivity
Go's Weird Little Iterators · mcyoung
An invitation into Droste's Lair
‘Dictate a Note’ is my new favorite shortcut (and that’s saying something)
I'm a FIRST Mentor Again
Kill weasel words, avoid the passive, eliminate duplicates
You Must Read At Least One Book To Ride — Ludicity
Double-Click to Edit: Rethinking Note Interactions in Obsidian
Teen Mathematicians Tie Knots Through a Mind-Blowing Fractal | Quanta Magazine
Assembly - minichord
Learn Perfect Pitch in 15 years
My Red Hot ADHD Programming 'Affliction'
Solving LeetCode™ problems with Racket
My Red Hot ADHD Programming 'Affliction'
Your habits and routines make you
My Minimal MacBook Pro Setup Guide
On "Safe" C++
Introducing PowerShell Utility Scripts
Twitter is the worst global social network—except for all the others
Thoughts on Django’s Core
Exploring LLM performance on the ARC training dataset
The EdTech Revolution Has Failed
Your Hacker News
I Waited 10 Billion Cycles and All I Got Was This Loading Screen
Sleep regularity is a stronger predictor of mortality risk than sleep duration: A prospective cohort study
Marcus' Blog
Verifying code against architecture with Metalama
Gmail Labels Don't Search Well
nrdlg | Twelve Years as a Digital Hermit
Why that one coworker got fired for no reason
Expanding Your Knowledge With a "Stuff I Didn't Know I Don't Know" List
Immersive Video Production Tips – Mike Swanson's Blog
Beyond the Wall's Gaze
Hate The Process • Ninjas and Robots
Why I Stopped Teaching My Kids How To Code - And Why You Should, Too!
Cognitive load is what matters
Decision-Making Pitfalls for Technical Leaders
In search of the simplest all-in-one blade sharpener
The practice of noting down random ideas
How I Landed 4 Jobs and Earned $25K+ with Technical Writing
What is Mental Fitness? (Workshop)
Stay in the gap | everything changes
How to be productive when you don't have external structure
How (or why) the heck do I (Indie)blog?
the algorithm is killing twitter and it's driving me insane
On leaving my last job
Too much efficiency makes everything worse: overfitting and the strong version of Goodhart’s law
GitHub - 2Retr0/GodotOceanWaves: FFT-based ocean-wave rendering, implemented in Godot
Fraud, So Much Fraud
Hypercomputation without bothering the cactus people: Software development for the DMT headspace
The Summer I MacGyvered a Smart Bug Repeller and Saved $700
Tune Llama3 405B on AMD MI300x (our journey) - Felafax Blog - Obsidian Publish
Some Notes on Adversarial Attacks on LLMs
How I completely quit social media
Omega-3 fatty acid intake counteracts symptoms of stress-induced anxiety and depression in mice
Onion, Hexagonal, Clean or Fractal Architecture? All of them, and more!!
One More Year, One Fewer IQ Point—The Collapse of Civilisation as We Know It
Becoming perceptive
How I Take Smart Daily Notes as a Developer
Mastering RabbitMQ Quorum Queues: Why, When, and How They Differ from Classic Queues
How to minimize the cost of context switching
The Regime of Capital: An Interview with Paul North and Paul Reitter on their new edition of Karl Marx’s Capital, Vol. 1
Entrepreneurship changed the way I think
The problem with the “hard problem”
Disappearing web and what to do about it.
The Hidden Engineering of Landfills — Practical Engineering
How take notes + my Obsidian setup
Sleep on it: How the brain processes many experiences — even when ‘offline’
Effective Spaced Repetition
How I’ve managed notes over 12 years
Attention Is The Scarce Resource
My Software Bookshelf
I just crossed $1 million on GitHub Sponsors. 💰🎉
Weird People
Things I learned talking to the new breed of scientific institution
Exploring inner workings of a random free android VPN
Why should anyone boot you up?
"What is marketing all about?" - Thoughts on marketing from a developer and rookie marketer
Talk to Me Human Devlog: Automating Screenshots: Relishing Making One's Own Tools - Maxwell Forbes
Notes from Figma I: How We Succeeded In Design
Quitting My Job For The Way Of Pain — Ludicity
Migrating From DokuWiki to Obsidian
Why Solve Puzzles in Minutes When You Can Code a Solution in Days?
Hologrammata - Gravity, entropy, and life.
Local-First, Now and Always!
Staying Organised With a Spicy Brain
There Is No Antimemetics Division
7 Things I've learned building a modern TUI Framework
My mechanical keyboard journey
The Art of Dithering and Retro Shading for the Web - Maxime Heckel's Blog
If you have to optimize, it isn't good enough
The Worst .NET Bug I've Ever Fixed
🫠 How I’m navigating energy dips and tough times as a repeat entrepreneur
How I Computer in 2024
How I learn skills quickly
Don't Overplan, Do Prototype | Ali Khaleqi Yekta
CSS Grid Areas
How not to use box shadows
Interface design in the age of qualiatech: Do you want to be a button?
How not to use box shadows
Why prefer unit testing through layer entrypoints?
Two years in review
Panic! at the Tech Job Market
Good News About Brain Cancer
Use A Work Journal To Recover Focus Faster And Clarify Your Thoughts
On Burnout, Mental Health, And Not Being Okay — Ludicity
Personality Basins | near.blog
Specific Software
I sent 500 million HTTP requests to 2.5 million hosts
Amateur Mathematicians Find Fifth ‘Busy Beaver’ Turing Machine | Quanta Magazine
Hack Your Notes: Building a LLM-Powered Obsidian Plugin with Ollama
What Is Soap Made Of?
ChatGPT is bullshit - Ethics and Information Technology
Revisiting Test Sizes
Every Trick in the Book
Cognitive Architectures for Business Decision Making in Supply Chain Management
Local, first, forever
How I Organize My Work As a Solo Founder
How I synchronize and backup my Obsidian Notes
A Gentle Introduction to Metathics
How to do the jhanas
Trials of Raaz
Building an Oxikit O2 Concentrator (Part 2)
Weekly Review
How I Found A 55 Year Old Bug In The First Lunar Lander Game
From Chaos to Clarity: My Journey with Obsidian
Fundamental Questions
The Ultimate iOS to GrapheneOS Migration Guide and Review
Rationalizing Latency Competition in High-Frequency Trading – Headlands Technologies LLC Blog
Getting to grips with an extra thumb
Parable of the Sofa
Redefining Career Specialization – Jeff Morhous
Adding a USB Port to the ThinkPad X1 Nano (the Hard Way)
🙈 Downsides of surrounding yourself with brilliant, skilled people
Why you spend more when prices end in .99 - Kent Hendricks
High Impact Thoughts
Sam Altman Is Full Of Shit
Is Morality Real?
Why can’t I focus?
I love my slightly smart tiny TV
» Riven The Digital Antiquarian
Building with Parenscript and Preact
Uncommon sense for founder sales: from IIT engineer to successful founder
JavaScript Nulls and Programming Minutiae
Forms of life, forms of mind | Dr. Michael Levin | Life after Death: in another world, at another scale
A Better Lesson – Rodney Brooks
You hum it, I’ll play it – some thoughts about music and meaning
Can we build a reactive article in a single HTML file?
Pair Your Compilers At The ABI Café - Faultlore
Large Language Models, Open API, View Models and the Backend for Frontend Pattern | johnnyreilly
With PowerPC, Windows CE and the WiiN-PAD slate, everyone's a WiiN-er (except Data General)
Blog | atchyut.dev
Ground Rules of Fairness at Work
Language is a Bottleneck for Thought
Five Ways I Deal with Writer's Block
Why reading whitepapers takes your career to the next level (and how to do it)
Note Taking in Anki
LogLog Games
Light Tech Backpack: 10 Tools to Defend Your Attention
AI - SkyNet Is Not Coming to Kill You
The best keyboard I've ever had
DeskOps: Commanding My Desk with HTTP - How I Brought Hysteresis Problems to the Desk Where I Solve Hysteresis Problems
Review of the MoErgo Glove80 keyboard
Why Everything is Becoming a Game
The Optimal Workspace
Fallout Bullshit
Why you need a "WTF Notebook"
I launched a new startup and shut it down in two weeks - Andrew Miracle
The Integers In Our Continuum
Against the nerds
Notes from YC W21 to W24, with Love
How I Find Surprising Content For My Newsletter – The Write to Roam
She Built a Microcomputer Empire From Her Suburban Home
How to think about HTML responsive images · Dan Cătălin Burzo
Zoomer Tries RSS: In Praise of Yarr
KISS high-availability with OpenBSD
Note taking system should be simple
Getting in the headspace of flying squirrels
Why do programmers need private offices with doors?
Refurb weekend: Data General/One (and the worst LCD in the world)
Topical Recap of GDC Week // Ramón Darío Iglesias
Don't Think and Write, They Say
beautiful do-nothing scripts
The Men Who Sold The Moon
Notes on EndeavourOS
ADHD Productivity Fundamentals — 0xFF
My DIY NAS Adventure
Unbundling Tools for Thought
E. coli chemotaxis: the baffling intelligence of a single cell
Melatonin and Anxiety: Everything Explained
The Importance of Innovating On Content – The Write to Roam
Seven Days of New Things Day 2: Linear Algebra, Tulips | James' Coffee Blog
Let's create a Tree-sitter grammar
A noisy place
Why Are (Most) Sofas So Bad?
The Billionaire Brainwave - Wissen ist Macht - Weiss nichts macht was.
The Violence Of Relentless Positivity In The Workplace — Ludicity
The Magic of Starting Small
English As A Second Language
JSON Canvas
Breaking the cycle of anxiety
A Primer On Randomness
Enterprise is Dead
Computer programmers show distinct, expertise-dependent brain responses to violations in form and meaning when reading code - Scientific Reports
Interview Feedback to an Upcoming Computer Science Student
Leadership Is A Hell Of A Drug — Ludicity
Advice to Young People, The Lies I Tell Myself - jxnl.co
OpenAI and Elon Musk
Exploring developer experience with PHP, public APIs, and beer
Ace of Aces: or, why you should Do Maths as a game designer
Choosing to Have Kids During the End Times — Stuff George Writes
Your company doesn't have to be for everyone
About Ideas Now | Search 1000s of personal sites
Every Single PLINQ (Parallel LINQ) Extension Method with Examples | .NET & C# Essentials
A Map is Not a Blueprint: Why Fixing Nature Fails
Designing Personal Software
My Low Power Writing Setup – Yudhanjaya
ChatGPT vs. Advent of Code 2023 Day 22: Sand Slabs
Productivity Tools are Taxed - Adam Grant
Fault tolerance (Transaction processing book)
How I quit smartphones
My walk across Spain on the Camino Frances
Advent of Code 2023 Day 22: Sand Slabs ✅✅
The 2FA app that tells you when you get `012345`
Getting Things Done with LogSeq
Muse retrospective · Adam Wiggins
Tech Support Stories Part 2
So Long, and Thanks for All the Bytes
Climbing out of the rabbit hole
GitHub - reorproject/reor: AI note-taking app that runs models locally.
I worry our Copilot is leaving some passengers behind
Every Single LINQ Extension Method With Examples | .NET & C# Essentials
Amazon.com: TIME TIMER Home MOD - 60 Minute Kids Visual Timer Home Edition - For Homeschool Supplies Study Tool, Timer for Kids Desk, Office Desk and Meetings with Silent Operation (Dreamsicle Orange) : Home & Kitchen
M&Ms and Skittles sorting machine – Willem Pennings
Notes on conciseness
Finding a New Software Developer Job
The world-changing bag of tricks forged by mammals
The Power of Open Telemetry with Dr. Sally Wahba
How To Write Stuff No One Else Can – The Write to Roam
The Bizarre Taito Taitan arcade cabinet
Fury Driven Development — Ludicity
Hacking My Apartment Intercom
Finding New Mountains to Climb
Microsoft Edge Really Doesn't Suck
Why Developers Are OBSESSED With Obsidian
Why Gödel, Escher, Bach is the most influential book in my life.
24Feb03 | Tools for thought
jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
a client-side exception has occurred
Blogging in Djot instead of Markdown
thread patterns
The Art of Note Naming: Keys to Effective Knowledge Management
Cryonics Cost-Benefit Analysis – niplav
Nuberodesign: Agentur für Grafikdesign, Animation, Videoproduktion und Usability in Winterthur
Tool Invocation – Demonstrating the Marvel of GPT's Flexibility · Thought Box
The end of my Elastic/optimyze journey ...
Investing in Long Waves: Capitalizing on Cycles of Creative Destruction
Why do programmers need private offices with doors?
The unreasonable effectiveness of markdown
41 Years in UX: A Career Retrospective
Asymptotic Closeness
Untangling Non-Linearity
Stable Diffusion (Image Generation) - How to Use & How It Works
How SingleFile Transformed My Obsidian Workflow
Personal Organization 101
An RNG that runs in your brain
Should I Open Source my Company?
The math exams of my life
There is still cool stuff on the internet
Truly Understanding Neural Networks through its Implementation in C#
Losing my son
#4 Roam Research — What comes after a renaissance?
10 Beautiful SaaS Landing Pages Without Product Images
When Random Isn't | orlp.net
Notes on Differential Technological Development
Building a fully local LLM voice assistant to control my smart home
Attending NeurIPS 2023
Amazon.com : X-ACTO Desk Knife Holder, 5.5 x 6.5 Inches, Silver and Black (X2013) : Xacto Knife Holder : Office Products
Simplifying my life with more devices
What does the Cerebellum Do Anyway?
Programming as Theory Building - Peter Naur
Reflecting on 2023 and Looking Forward to 2024
Building a Personal Internet from Markdown Files
Comics I Loved In 2023
Fixing Macs Door to Door
in search of a new tab
How LLMs are and are not like the brain
Elon Musk is not understood
Artifical Intelligence as a Time Dilator
My Experience Using Shopify's Hydrogen — Andy Gallagher
Summary: Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke
Displaying content as a graph: An exploration
Why Android developers no longer need Windows USB drivers
What if I paid for all my free software?
GitHub - jasonjmcghee/rem: An open source approach to locally record and enable searching everything you view on your Apple Silicon.
10 Things Software Developers Should Learn about Learning
My experience with the Kindle Scribe
Can Microsoft Flight Simulator help me learn to fly (or make me a better pilot)?
How to build a windmill · Jacques Mattheij
Made with Tea: Jendrik Poloczek
The Christmas Episode! Migrating an application from Razor Pages to Blazor - part 4
My Development Environment: kitty, zsh, Neovim, tmux, and lazygit
Migrating an application from Razor Pages to Blazor - part 3
Up Your Elf on the Shelf Game with ChatGPT
My failed attempt at using a closet as an office
Migrating an application from Razor Pages to Blazor
Issue 39: The Losers of the Open Source Movement
I built a gnome shell extension to show how much my day, month, year and life has passed.
Why do programmers need private offices with doors? (Do Not Disturb)
htmx is a erlang
Bluesky and Blazor Migration
Razor Page UI Updates and more
Razor pages, Discord and Bluesky
A Matter of Millimeters: The story of Qantas flight 32
Bug Fixes, C#, Containers, and .NET 8
10 Essential Apps Every Developer Needs
Vicyyn - Simple Obsidian System for 99% of Your Needs
Embark: Dynamic documents for making plans
My techno-optimism
C#, Database migrations, and you!
Friendship Ended with Obsidian/LaTeX, Now Typst is My Best Friend
God Help Us, Let's Try To Understand The Paper On AI Monosemanticity
I Have No Self-Control - What Should I Do?
The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Obsidian
Let's write some code!
Virtual Boy Architecture | A Practical Analysis
Finding My Voice: Brain Injury and ChatGPT | t3chn0tix - Tech News
2023 Holiday Season Developer Shopping List
Paper: You Want My Password or a Dead Patient?
Moderation Features with C#, JavaScript, and ASP.NET
In the Gut’s ‘Second Brain,’ Key Agents of Health Emerge | Quanta Magazine
Post .NET Conf wrap-up, TagzApp Review and Tech News discussions
Practical Tips for Finetuning LLMs Using LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation)
Numbers Far Afield
Running a Zero Waste Flywheel
Hacking ADHD - Strategies for the Modern Developer | Ledger
On Doing Maintenance / Cataloguing the Work
Test Stream - From Redmond
Everything, all at once: inside a single Jeopardy clue
Don’t Build AI Products The Way Everyone Else Is Doing It
Implementing Tic Tac Toe with 170mb of HTML - no JS or CSS
Obsidian Notebooks and .NET Web Applications in Containers
The Decoy Effect: More options for an easier choice | Mike Bifulco
10x Developer Workflow on Windows
Getting our focus back
Why you should outsource your opinions
Tools/Services I pay for as a freelance software .net developer.
From Weakness to Strength – Tynan.com
Gregory Szorc's Digital Home | My User Experience Porting Off setup.py
HustleWing is a scam so I hacked it.
What 5 years of interviewing software engineers taught me – Lasse Laursen
Flattened — Ethan Lalakea Alter
I got my genome sequenced
Taking notes for effective learning
Ready Player Two – Bringing Game-Style State Synchronization to the Web
Strategies for deploying things on NixOS - Asylum
Examining the silicon dies of the Intel 386 processor
5 questions from under the rug
How to Embrace Complexity and Uncertainty in Programming - Richard Bown
What's a sandwich?
LLM’s reasoning and other abilities – Second Sight
Hot Chocolate, GraphQL, and the Critter Stack
Everything about Distributed Training and Efficient Finetuning | Sumanth's Personal Website
Your Organization Probably Doesn't Want To Improve Things — Ludicity
On the importance of non-goals
The First Online Writer
Filling Space: Building a Giant Kitchen LED Matrix
Drop CTRL Keyboard Foam Kit | Mechanical Keyboards | Components Mechanical Keyboards
Change - Tim Hårek
Mastering Integration Testing with FastAPI
The Death of the Author • Matt Neary
Real tricks for my meh friends, a real croc for my faux friends
Exploring Wordle
Stoic philosophy, finding a meaningful life, and the cancer treatment struggle
The case of the mysterious comparison
10 Slightly Odd Things I Want To Do
Embrace the Tarpit – flenker.blog
ICloud Drive Silently Deletes Your Content | Dominik Mayer – Products, Asia, Productivity
Machine Regurgitation
Reflecting on the second year of Uni
Releasing My First Udemy Course
Learn Live - Write your first code using C#
🌲When Themed Logs are More Useful than Daily Notes
The Psycho-Epistemological Nature of Software Development Subject Matter Experts
Daniel Skogly's blog | The washing machine in my ear, and an empty boat
You and Your Startup
It's Not about Finding Your Niche, It's about Developing Your Niche
Weekly 0068
A (Post-Pandemic) World Without Email
What 0 to 6 Months of Photography Has Taught Me
Stories are bad for your intelligence
Why I don’t want to grow my freelance design studio into an agency | Nela Dunato Art & Design
An Intuition for Logarithms · On the Joy of Problems
Maghammer: My personal data warehouse @ osmarks' website
Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
You Should Be Working On Hardware
Getting our focus back
Ergaster - Syncing Notes with Obsidian
An Excruciatingly Detailed Guide To SSH (But Only The Things I Actually Find Useful) · Graham Helton
Against Automaticity
DIY Deliberate Practice — Lynette Bye Coaching
Why Do You Have to Return "Task" Whenever You "await" Something in a Method in C#?
Anxious individuals shift emotion control from lateral frontal pole to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex - Nature Communications
Exploring Generative AI
Exploring Generative AI
How Surround Sound for Headphones Works
How They Tried to Kill Me | Elena Kostyuchenko
Thoughts on the Remarkable 2 – various bits
Self-Discipline Examples That Don't Suck
What is Terraform? Definition and components in 3 minutes
Data compression
Etifoxine: is this drug a Xanax killer?
Larian's unfair advantage - Credistick
[Markdown] An option to highlight a "Note" and "Warning" using blockquote (Beta) · community · Discussion #16925
Week1.2 What I need to do to set up my machine?
Raku: A Language for Gremlins • Buttondown
Growth Experiment: How Much Traffic Unsplash Drives to Your Website - Fresh van Root
"Make something idiot-proof, the world will show you a better idiot"
Being a Disciplined Person In an Undisciplined World
Software in Audio and How to Lead
How I org in 2023 ·
junixsocket: Unix sockets API for Java; a long story short
Our 2023 Summer Break
Why all solopreneurs should write a journal
Could the world go PFAS-free? Proposal to ban ‘forever chemicals’ fuels debate
Shamir Secret Sharing
GitHub - khoj-ai/khoj: An AI personal assistant for your digital brain
Finding my balance: An evolved and simplified task management system
Blog Writing for Developers
Play Deprivation Is A Major Cause of the Teen Mental Health Crisis
It's 2023, so of course I'm learning Common Lisp
FAF: Automating my GTD Workflow with Langchain and GPT-4
Feeds are Not Fit for Gardening — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
The web won't replace native mobile
The MS Office for your personal life. – alen.ro
The looming demise of the 10x developer
Patching GCC to build Actually Portable Executables
Regex Isn't Hard - Tim Kellogg
My jeans’ metadata may outlive the company that sold them
Repetition vs. Pushing Hard
Toot toot! Mastodon-powered Blog Comments
Phased Array Microphone
How to communicate with your future self
My Kind of REPL
The Tragic Death of Inheritance
File over app
Finding My Pathless Path
Making Games · Evan Todd
I built a perfect note taking system | The Sloth Blog
Will the growing deer prion epidemic spread to humans? Why not?
You don't take enough risks to be lucky
Weekly 0064
How to Clean Up Your Local Repository with Git Commands
A Quants Approach to Running
How I use daily notes
Making the Resend cube from scratch using Three.js
LogSeq: what's good, what's not, what I still haven't figured out
Why Modern Therapy Might Be Doing More Harm Than Good
Let Me Cure Your Impostor Syndrome
Friendship is Optimal - FiMFetch.net
A bicycle for the senses
Weekly 0062
Would you hire ChatGPT?
Preparing for the future of knowledge work
the tiny corp raised $5.1M
What I don’t like about chains of thoughts and why language is a bottleneck to efficient reasoning.
Intelligence as efficient model building
Weekly 0059
100 things we announced at I/O 2023
Notes on Nigeria
Why I've been successful lately, and what I'm planning to do about it
How to Fuck Text
Cameron Westland
Teardown Frame Teardown
From Project Management to Data Compression Innovator - CoRecursive Podcast
'Godfather of Deep Learning' quits Google and warns of AI dangers: 'I don’t think they should scale this up more until they have understood whether they can control it'
Rules of Thumb for Software Development Estimations
I Was Laid Off In Retaliation for Anti-Discrimination Whistleblowing – Haste Makes Waste
You Are Getting Terrible Sleep Advice
Diagramming Finite State Machines with Mermaid.js
Using ChatGPT as a technical writing assistant
On tools — bayindirh
The Most Annoying Math Problem
Live Coding Interviews
LSD: Not even once. Really.
The Suicidal Founder
Zack Proser Portfolio
I used to believe in objective morality
The Atom of Intelligence
A Journey through Color Space with FFmpeg
Logarithms Are Clocks
Do Less, Better (with leverage!)
Tim Kächele: Naming is everything
The real "must have" tools for programmers
advice - Chad Nauseam Home
TypeScript–Template literal types
Evolution of my learning methods, part #3
jeremarc - Let’s Talk Time Management
I Started a Shitstorm or Contemporary Journalism Is Embarrassing
Just update rules between neurons
What does hifi audio sound like?
The Two-Part code review
50 years of silence
Large Language Models Are Like The Planet Solaris
My favourite Obsidian plugins — Niklas's blog
How to make memory systems widespread?
How to Make a Great Conference Talk
Betraying vim for the IDEs of March
Iterator Benchmarks That Shocked With Unexpected Results - Dev Leader
Everything is deeply intertwingled
My Recommendations for a Happy Life
16 little UI design rules that make a big impact - Adham Dannaway
Request for startup: double-blind messaging
Introducing Smart Chat: Transform Your Obsidian Notes into Interactive AI-Powered Conversations - WFH Brian
The poison of Perfectionism
How I burnt out in FAANG, but it is not what you think
School, Home
Against LLM Reductionism
Content curation as a way to level up communities
Hacking my appetite - Stavros' Stuff
I remembered how awful it is to go viral
bryan garza
Dealing with the unknown
axo blog - Thanks For Breaking cargo-dist! (I Rewrote It)
On Relearning to Code as an Adult
Deer Vision Studio
Why have so many entrepreneurs previously been freelancers? | By Anna Leijon
ChatGPT Is Not a Blurry JPEG of the Web. It's a Simulacrum.
Two Actually Useful GPT-3.5 Prompts for Zettelkasten Schreibers
Gamebert: a Game Boy emulator built by Robert | Robert Heaton
<div style="max-width: 480px;">What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?</div>
Humbled by Fork
The Art of Futuring
Sit. · Rafal Pastuszak
Understanding GPT A Bit Better
Kolja Pluemer | Forcing serendipity: How I build interesting connections between my notes
Denoising diffusion models for neuroscience
Ian Norris - Blog - Understanding the limits of large language models
Why I Migrated 300+ Posts From Obsidian Publish to Ghost
Low Amounts of Drinking are Healthy
Tools for Thought's greatest benefit
A review of My Mind (a second brain tool)
2D Player Collision against Static Geometry – Tim Wheeler
Making a Hybrid Viewfinder
Configuring VSCode as a Keyboard-Centric IDE | Davis Haupt
Sleeping with GPT | David Bieber
How to debug
How the Xbox got its good looks
Kolja Pluemer | In search of a better Spaced Repetition algorithm #1
pagerank for my Obsidian notes
Ricky: Blog - Smartphone Detox
The Best GPUs for Deep Learning in 2023 — An In-depth Analysis
Devin Prater's blog - Google: Full Speed Ahead
Large Transformer Model Inference Optimization
Curious & Obsessive Experimentation: Updating 2022
How to get better at everything
Giving Away Your Mind to Technology
Episode 113 - Atypical ASP .NET Core Design Patterns With Carl-Hugo Marcotte
Forming the habit of analog journaling - Why the digital format did not work for me
Systems for health, intention, productivity, learning, knowledge, information management and control
Why I Could Be Wrong
I was fired from HubSpot in 2016
2022 Sucked
Book Quotes Collection - Part 1 - Byte Tank
How did I become a productive writer?
What Are Abstractions in Software Engineering with Examples
One-line Journaling | mkaz.blog
Optimizing Unity Projects by Removing Additional Cameras
Staring At The Back Of My Forehead — nonprophet
The top 10 discoveries about ancient people from DNA in 2022
Government Should Incentivize High Performance Home Builders
Mark Zuckerberg Has Never Done Anything Original and I Can Prove It · Notes
How to optimize your code reviews
animal vision
The Two Commandments for Nonprofit Boards
GitHub Copilot preliminary experience report
A Guide to Nutrition — Ryan Heeney
3D Printed Film Video Camera
2022 Advent of Code Day 1: Calorie Counting
What is External Validation And When It Becomes Unhealthy
Mapping out the tribes of climate
Episode 46: Vim - with Joseph Woodward
Why software is difficult
Frontend developers: stop moving things that I’m about to click on
State monads in OCaml
Making an app in 3h and getting the first sale!
Why take and make notes
S1 Ep2: Data Breaches, DNA & the Future of Privacy
The Capture Habit
Evgeny Budilovsky - How to focus on technical content
50 Tabs means 50 Mental contexts and needless cognitive load
Twenty Questions
The 2022 Shopping Spree
Potluck: Dynamic documents as personal software
My First Piano: A Story of Hurt, Healing and Joy — Jerome Leroy | Composer
About my father
Dealing With Your Ideas
A Potpourri of Emacs Tweaks – Tony Zorman
Communicating with Extreme Clarity
What are Dynamic templates in Obsidian and why you should use them - WFH Brian
The Two Definitions of Zettelkasten
What if the team hates my functional code?
Photoshop for text
Secrets for becoming a better developer in 2022
Why high speed rail hasn’t caught on
My Desktop Is Dull Thanks To MacOS
Freeing myself from Roam Research (via LogSeq)
Git from the Bottom Up – Reset, Stash, and Reflog
What Happened to You, Scott? (or, Openness vs. Conviction)
Remunerating Value Back to Open Source Developers
Dating Other Task Managers
Want cleaner code? Use the rule of six
Stop Thinking With Your Fingers
The Homemade Heat Pump Manifesto
Friday Facts #370 - The journey to Nintendo Switch | Factorio
Introducing LiteFS
10 Good Daily Habits That Will Make Your Life Suck Less
Multitasking, something we copied from computers.
Evergreen notes turn ideas into objects that you can manipulate – Stephan Ango
What it Takes to Make a Game by Yourself
The Commoditization of Social Interaction and Other Progress
The Myth Of The Good Practice
[Book review] Gödel, Escher, Bach: an in-depth explainer - AI Alignment Forum
What is SAP?
Excuse me but why are you eating so many frogs
How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices
Perfect Notes or My Journey to Obsidian
Infrequent, Pragmatic, Lambda Blog - Cognitive Loads in Programming
Everything breaks at scale — Sacha Judd
Visual Studio Code is designed to fracture
Review: The This by Adam Roberts
Filtering my RSS reading
André Staltz - Time Till Open Source Alternative
Always be Hacking...
Code Maze Weekly #136 - Code Maze
Imagen: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
Common Tech Jobs Described as Cabals of Mesoamerican Wizards
7 Colour E-Ink Display For Raspberry Pi | Inky Impression 5.7
Emergent Leader
I Went to a “Dangerous Alt-Right Rally” | The Blog of Dr. Josh C. Simmons
Adventure game graphics with DALL-E 2 - Et tu, Cthulhu
Notes from My Year of Electric Muscle Stimulation - Spinal Flow Yoga
a bibliography, tips, and tricks — Niklas's blog
Redis Explained
Brute Force Development · Matt Layman
James Tilly Matthews and the Air Loom - Mike Jay
Companies of One Need Flywheels
Microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms: a double-blind placebo-controlled study - Translational Psychiatry
Thinking with pen and paper
7 Critical Thinking Barriers and Ways To Crush Them
Textualize.io - Blog - 7 things I've learned building a modern TUI framework
How I regained concentration and focus
Our Summer Break - 2022
My 4G setup for working remotely from anywhere
How To Think Better (Evidence-Based Ways to Think Better)
GitHub Quick Reviews
Please stop trying to be helpful – Cliffski's Blog
Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022
Authentication is Difficult
On Taking Notes
How to take things less personally | Psyche Guides
11 Best GitHub Repositories That Help You Grow As A Software Developer
The Design of Everyday Things — Book Summary & Notes
How my indoor air made me sick and dumb (and how I fixed it)
Commercial music media, a tier list · brhfl.com
Training my sense of CO2 ppm
learning braille
Lessons from Writing a Compiler
Work context, home context
Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill" Synth Sounds | Reverb Machine
Building a 10MHz GPS Disciplined Oscillator (GPSDO) using the Trimble Thunderbolt » W6AER- Pacifica, CA
Octopus Intelligence and the Puzzle of Sociality
A Social Theory of Intelligence (that Includes the Seemingly Unsocial Octopus)
Implementing Simple Neural Network in C# | Rubik's Code
Why I left Android Development after 10 years and became a Backend Developer
The Realities of Life
Asked and answered: the results for the 2022 Developer survey are here!
Trucks, Tubes, and Truth · XTDB
Time Management
3 Basic Rules Of Note Taking — None
Consciousness is not computation – Joe Antognini
How to Fix Stuck iCloud Syncing on macOS
Cool desktops don’t change 😎
⚡️ The computers are fast, but you don't know it
Hubble Determines Mass of Isolated Black Hole Roaming Our Milky Way
Ceiling Air Purifier
Open Source Alternatives to Proprietary Software
Twelve Virtues of Rationality – Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Building my first mechanical keyboard
This "amateur" programmer fought cancer with 50 Nvidia Geforce 1080Ti
Sync Obsidian Between Laptop and Android
How to make video calls almost as good as face-to-face
The impact of digital media on children’s intelligence while controlling for genetic differences in cognition and socioeconomic background - Scientific Reports
Periodic reviews for a happier and more productive life
MacBook Pro M1 Developer Setup 2022
The Johnny Decimal system
How to Twitter: The Martin Way
So you want to run a virtual event
Job Posting: Reddit Research Czar
My PhD Research Workflow – Tony Zorman
making friends on the internet
How I use Roam Research to track my venture capital projects
Writing for Engineers
Episode 97 - Developer Productivity with Dan Clarke
I want off Mr. Golang's Wild Ride
It Took Me 10 Years to Understand Entropy, Here is What I Learned.
Personal Knowledge Management is Bullshit
5 Software Engineering Foot-guns - Ken Kantzer's Blog
Beyond the eye - decoding the ocular fundus
My lazy Wordle strategy: same words every time
How to Grow a Perfect Copper Acetate Crystal with Scrap Copper & Vinegar
Taxonomy Of In-The-Wild Exploitation
What Does "Shitty Job" Mean in The Low-Skill, Low-Pay World?
Opinionated variable names · Caffeinspiration
Release NVIM v0.7.0 · neovim/neovim
Episode 96 - The Programmer's Brain with Felienne Hermans
How To Capture Ideas Effectively With Roam Research - Curious Maverick
Notes on Long-Form Notes
The Correct Answer on Consciousness - Nik Noble
Why Pebble failed
Your brand needs to be easily summarizable
DevTools Style Guide Goes Public
What I learned as a hired consultant for autodidact physicists | Aeon Ideas
I ❤️ Microscopes • Hillel Wayne
The end of the road for Cloudflare CAPTCHAs
3D printed Portal Turret
My opinion on opinion
What made the NES so interesting?
What I learned gathering thousands of nootropics ratings
The Projects That Matter The Most To Me Are Small
Fun Things You Can Do With github.dev 😎
H.264 is magic: a technical walkthrough of a remarkable technology.
Drawing a Map of the Customer Organization -
Silencing the Kinesis Advantage 2
Light exposure during sleep impairs cardiometabolic function
How not to build a secure plugins architecture | Crafting Privacy
Why Neutrality
Why I Left the Intelligence Community
Math — Susan Rigetti
Struggles With Stability And Meaning During Pandemic Life Changes - Marketer Philosopher
My Journey To Chess Mastery — Behavioral Value Investor
So.. what is machine learning? (#NoCodeIntro)
GitHub - RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives: Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products 🚀
Org Log
We Need Higher Quality Note-Taking Applications
Embracing Impostor Syndrome
What Made _World of Warcraft_'s Environments so Compelling?
Diagnosing an ASP.NET Core hard crash
New graduate EU offers - is It possible to negotiate?
How to capture book notes and turn those into smart notes
The Journey That Led Me to Write a Book on Analog Zettelkästen
Episode 31: MassTransit and Open Source - with Chris Patterson
What does it mean to listen on a port?
Misadventures of an Early Engineer — Dylan Barth
Lenovo Legion: Gaming PCs, Laptops & Gear | Stylish outside. Savage inside. | Lenovo Australia
A low-cost and shielding-free ultra-low-field brain MRI scanner - Nature Communications
The Lightning Speed Setup for Lightning Speed LaTeX
Reading on a smartphone affects sigh generation, brain activity, and comprehension - Scientific Reports
CGI did, in fact, ruin movies
Reflections on six months of fatherhood
There Is No Metaverse
Teleporting thru Information Space
Obsidian is (almost) a Typora killer
How to use Org Mode and Hugo for a better scientific blogging – STRM
Those Computers In Your Head
Is Human Behavior Just Elaborate Running and Tumbling?
[Last Week in .NET #77] – Letters from Microsoft Culture Jail
Rethinking errors, warnings, and lints
Jumping into the middle of an instruction is not as strange as it sounds
Completing a Part-Time Master's in Computer Science While Working · Caffeinspiration
Episode 30: Developer Productivity with (me!) Dan Clarke
Sending messages as I drift off to sleep | David Bieber
Episode 89 - Umbraco 9 and .NET 5 with Sebastiaan Janssen
The Relativity of Wrong by Isaac Asimov
How to mentor software engineers
my personal note taking journey
Neural Network From Scratch
Astrophotography with Windows, Tiny PCs, and WPF
Obsidian's Weakest Point - Its Search
Leaving the company I co-founded
The Thinner Book: Atomic Habits by James Clear
How I built a WFH Shed
Consider SQLite
A Year In Review · Jethro Kuan
25 Anti-Mimetic Tactics for Living a Counter-Cultural Life - Epsilon Theory
Suffering · Slices of a hacker's mind
Cray-1 Digital Archeology – chrisfenton.com
Dear Self; We Need To Talk About Social Media
The Case Against Work-Life Balance: Owning Your Future
I Ran Away From Open Source
Lies, Damn Lies, and Software You Rent
Against 3X Speed - David Perell
A Step-By-Step Startup Guide For Bootstrappers
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994) – Sci-fi interfaces
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
How to create a Telegram Bot with Azure Functions (NET 6, isolated process) - Coding with Miszu
The Business of Extracting Knowledge from Academic Publications
Hunting down my son's killer
Personal Knowledge Management organization
Matt Blaze: Testing Phone-Sized Faraday Bags
Finally A Personal Knowledge Management Tooling That Works - ulrichkautz.com
Your Board of Directors is Probably Going to Fire You
The Comfort of Ignorance - Brian Di Croce
Does Linoleic Acid Induce Obesity? A Response to Stephan Guyenet, Part 1
Potential Improvements to Spaced Repetition | David Bieber
Finding Your Swagger
Ivermectin: Much More Than You Wanted To Know
The Metaverse: Is It Already Here?
How I use Notion · Reasonable Deviations
Long Range E-Bike · Jacques Mattheij
How to build a second brain as a software developer - Aseem Thakar
The Monstrosity Email Has Become
The Real Benefits Of Staying Off Social Media
Organ transplant patients (maybe) don’t get dementia. Here’s why. – Trevor Klee
Why the status quo is so hard to change in engineering teams
The Ten Second Autism Test
A developer's guide to programatically overcome fear of failure | PagerDuty
A guide to getting out of a rut when you are working alone
You Are What You Consume - Priyam Mohanty
Zettelkasten note-taking after one year · Tomas Vik
Vaccines for 5-11 year olds: FDA meeting cliff notes
Face-to-Face: A conversation about the .NET Foundation - Option 1
Vector Packet Processing, and When to Use It
Leaving Google
John Carmack pushes out unlocked OS for defunct Oculus Go headset
Woody Zuill: Knowing When to Stop a Conversation Is Knowing When to Listen - Richard Kasperowski | High-Performance Teams | Core Protocols | Agile | Open Space Technology
Analyzing Code for Issues in .NET 5
Was Google Earth Stolen?
My productivity routine to write a 500-page book
Some reasons to work on productivity and velocity
R5 Experience
Peter Norvig: Today’s Most Pressing Questions in AI Are Human-Centered
Things I Learned From Dealing With Anxiety
Why we cannot agree on anything - Victor Rotariu
Thoughts on chess improvement, after gaining 600 points in 6 months (1200-1800)
The Skill of Org Design
Why Obsessively Following Successful People Online is Dangerous
Uncertainty, Mental Shortcuts, and Errors in Technology Decisions
The new dot com bubble is here: it’s called online advertising
Your room can be as bright as the outdoors
My wife was dying of brain cancer. My boss at Amazon told me to perform or quit.
Working From Orbit
Something Weird Is Happening on Facebook
Category Theory Illustrated - Logic
What's next for personal productivity
HackerNews Readings
My Month in Mulki
How to Contribute a Change to Nginx
The Solution to Newcomb’s Paradox
Dear Mom, I’m Dropping Out — Simon Berens
Don't Trust the Process
The Second Coming of the Search Engine
Stay Calm and Learn This · Patrick Juchli
Note-Taking for Software Engineers
Episode 82 - DotPurple With Michael Babienco
Thoughts on Clojure UI framework
Melatonin: Much More Than You Wanted To Know
Dogs distinguish human intentional and unintentional action - Scientific Reports
Bungie C++ Guidelines & Razors > News | Bungie.net
Lessons Learned from two years as a Data Scientist
Improving the Hacker News Ranking Algorithm
Inbox Zero using Getpocket - blog.dornea.nu
When a hobby becomes a job
Why I use attrs instead of pydantic
Would the World Be a Better Place If More People Baked Bread?
Golem keyboard project
Why is Learning Functional Programming So Damned Hard?
Getting Started with DatoCMS - A Modern Headless CMS with LOTS of Features!
Moving beyond personal productivity
Amazon.com: Philips Norelco MG3750 Multigroom All-In-One Series 3000, 13 attachment trimmer : Beauty & Personal Care
Amazon.com: MZOO Sleep Eye Mask for Men Women, 3D Contoured Cup Sleeping Mask & Blindfold, Concave Molded Night Sleep Mask, Block Out Light, Soft Comfort Eye Shade Cover for Travel Yoga Nap, Red : Health & Household
Starting Your F# Journey | #dotNETConf: Focus on F#
How to Hack APIs in 2021 by Hakluke and Farah Hawa | Detectify Labs
Learn C# with CSharpFritz - C# for Beginners: Getting started with C#
Turning the Tables on Cheating?
The Drunken Bishop Algorithm – Barely Functional Theories
BDD: Before You Begin (Part 1/2) - BDD framework for NET
Home Automation with Troy Hunt
How I built a business that lets me live on the beach full time
Smart Phone, Dumb Terminal
The New Way To Debug JavaScript in VS Code - No Extension Required
How to Read Effectively - Creating a Reading Workflow - Prashant Sengar
GitHub - SteveMCarroll/PronouncingNamesForEnglishSpeakers: A practical guide to how to pronounce non-English names for English speakers
Historical language records reveal a surge of cognitive distortions in recent decades
How I Manage My Knowledge
Reversing for dummies - x86 assembly and C code (Beginner/ADHD friendly) · 0x41.cf
The Magic of Boredom
Wrong Models
When Buddhism Goes Bad
My 3 Favorite VS Code Snippets for Vanilla JavaScript
Curator Economy: Why Human Curation matters - Rishikesh Sreehari
Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Linux
How I Write Code, Take Notes, Journal, Track Time and Tasks, and Stay Organized using Emacs
Obsidian: A knowledge base that works on local Markdown files.
A Chemical Hunger – Part II: Current Theories of Obesity are Inadequate
Build an Image Gallery with Vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
How To Get Better at Painting - Without Painting Anything
UX Design Lessons I Learned From a Week on the Road
Mise-en-Place for Knowledge Workers: 6 Practices for Working Clean - Forte Labs
Alien Dreams: An Emerging Art Scene - ML@B Blog
Girard Series, Part 1: The Death of the Festival
How I use Roam Research
Incremental note-taking | thesephist.com
Voice AI is scary good now. Video game actors hate it.
So, You Want to Build a House More Efficiently?
After one year of working remote from the mountains - Victor Rotariu
A UX case study on YouTube Shorts ✌️
URLs: It's complicated...
Roamkasten - a practical how to guide to optimize Zettelkasten in Roam Research
A response to "Did we market Knative wrong?"
Cryptographic shuffle | Brain on Fire
It’s not your fault you’re fat - Victor Rotariu
Treating employees like business partners - for fun and profit
The Time Inconsistency Problem and How It's Hurting You
Sequoia: Super Powering End-to-End Email Encryption in Mozilla Thunderbird
What Really Happened When Google Ousted Timnit Gebru
Jonas Hietala: The T-34 keyboard layout
Unicode URL length limit blues
A Lifetime of Systems Thinking - The Systems Thinker
The Life Hack of Lifehacks - Victor Rotariu
Blazor WebAssembly : Dark/Light Theme Switch - EP31
Buffet-Style Architecture
How to achieve state of the art results on NLP classification tasks - The Antonai Blog
Wordpress Headless CMS, GraphQL, and Nextjs - Let's Build a Blog
What do shells do, and do we need them?
GitHub Quick Reviews
Moving out of MacOS: Making Linux habitable
Everything is social—Part I
The Linear Oppression of Note-taking Apps
Neural implant lets paralyzed person type by imagining writing
I set a $20/month open-source donation budget for myself
Reverse Engineering an Unknown Microcontroller - Dmitry.GR
Samsung to jump into laptop processor market with Exynos chip in H2
The MVP Process
How You Can Help Humanity
They Told Their Therapists Everything. Hackers Leaked It All
Tiny Wins
The 3 R's of Habit Change: How To Start New Habits That Actually Stick
Computer Science as a Medicine
Why programmers don’t write documentation | Kislay Verma
They meant well (or, why it matters who gets to be seen as a “tech critic”)
Why People Are Afraid Of The DOM?
Dabbling in Cryptography
Survey Reveals Bigger C# Community, Most and Least Popular Uses -- Visual Studio Magazine
3D Game Shaders For Beginners
Office chairs are a scam
Today I learned in 2021
In Slack, no one can hear your scream! | 8th Light
Internet Search Tips · Gwern.net
Self-employment: three months update
December 3, 2020 - Building and deploying a comment system for a Blazor Static Web App
Frank Chimero · Everything Easy is Hard Again
Why has nuclear power been a flop?
Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?
Two Paths to the Future | Fantastic Anachronism
Being informed about daily politics is no longer worth it!
The public intellectual manifesto - Yigit Cakar
UNIGINE 2.14: Cumulonimbus Clouds, C# 9, Water Wave Spectrum Control, New Landscape Generator
My Mental Model on Choosing a Database for a Particular Problem
The first fully-implanted 1000+ channel brain-machine interface
Embrace the Grind - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
The project that made me burnout
Matthew Walker's "Why We Sleep" Is Riddled with Scientific and Factual Errors - Alexey Guzey
Episode 73 - C# and .NET for Beginners with Vijesh Salian
Actually Alison | Blog
MakAir Series: Engineering Focus on Ventilator Software
Notetaking for fun and profit. | /param/home
GitHub Quick Reviews
I finally escaped Node (and you can too)
Lessons learned bootstrapping an app with no login
Jeremiah Reid - Time Travel Is ******* Hard
YouDo Product Skills Track
Skin In The Game Of Software Development
The 2021 Early-Retirement Update
To Organize The World's Information
45 Work And Life Struggles Illustrated In Comic-Charts By Liz And Mollie
What Does Any of This Have To Do with Physics? - Issue 43: Heroes - Nautilus
Blinking LEDs with Raspberry Pi | .NET Blog
GitHub Quick Reviews
Excel Never Dies
The Teams Dashboard: Finding a Product Voice
Event Sourcing: Rehydrating Aggregates with Snapshots
Foam: Six Months Later
Video Game Programming From Scratch with Casey Muratori - CoRecursive Podcast
Last Week on My Mac: Users are losing out against Big Sur’s sealed System
Format Replacement cycles
Map of my personal data infrastructure | beepb00p
My Terminal-First Blogging Workflow
How I made $101,578.04 selling colors online - Dracula
Google Cloud vs AWS Onboarding Comparison - Kevin's Page
Raising $20M from A16Z
On The Basics of Modeling
GitHub Quick Reviews
How to Take Smart Notes Book Summary – Love Your Work, Episode 249
Age of distractions
The fat storage system
What I Worked On
Self-Organising Textures
Art of Sustaining at Things – Unstructed.tech
Patterns of Distributed Systems
I followed my dreams to get demoted to software developer - Stack Overflow Blog
The Why of technology
How to Sell Niche Websites: My Experience Selling 2 Websites
Art of Starting Things (or How to Start Doing Things That You've Been Delaying Forever) – Unstructed.tech
Fast Software, the Best Software
AirPods Max: An Audiophile Review - Marius Masalar
Tearing Down a Humidifier - Lei's Blog
My Third Year as a Solo Developer
The Psychology of Stock Bubbles
Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Exploring My .bashrc In 2021
Bill Hill - There is only one space after a period
AirPods Max sucked for me
Flavor-cyber-agriculture: Optimization of plant metabolites in an open-source control environment through surrogate modeling
Why Electron is a Necessary Evil
Dynamic type systems aren't even simpler - hisham.hm
The Evolution of a Research Paper
The Quietest Mechanical Keyboard
Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt
200 Black Women In Tech To Follow on Twitter {2021 List} | Hacker Noon
The psychology of influence and hacking growth
Don't worry son, all your friends are weirdos too | Robert Heaton
Facebook senior software engineer interview: the only post you’ll need to read
The Local Maxima Trap
DALL·E: Creating Images from Text
Ditherpunk — The article I wish I had about monochrome image dithering — surma.dev
How to overcome Phone Addiction [Solutions + Research]
Patterns and Habits
Can you crack the code?
Habit Tracker Bullet Journal For Roam Research [Guide] - Mike Giannulis Productivity Blog
Neurobiological foundations of neurologic music therapy: rhythmic entrainment and the motor system
The Mystery of Deceased Hiker 'Mostly Harmless' Is At Long Last Solved
Interview advice that got me offers from Google, Microsoft, and Stripe
An Alternate AltaVista Search Engine History Lesson For Internet Nerds
Double Blind Passwords (aka Horcruxing)
[Guest post] Our Head First C# Contest Got Some Truly Creative Entries | Visual Studio Blog
Jet Powered Volkswagen Beetle - cars & trucks - by owner - vehicle...
Notes on Learning Languages
Why I still can't stop using Chrome
The Anti-Mac User Interface (Don Gentner and Jakob Nielsen)
Heavy Is the Head That Wears the AirPods Max
Apple introduces AirPods Max, the magic of AirPods in a stunning over-ear design
The Future I Believe In
The Grenfell Tower inquiry is uncovering a major corporate scandal | The Spectator
The UX of Proving Our Humanity To Machines
Triaging Information
People Can Be Dishonest About Work
Can Eating Meat Be Good For You? And The Planet? by Edlin Choi
Protein folding & The AI ‘Solution’ : A primer for non-scientists
Gamedev from scratch 0: Groundwork
The Modern World Has Finally Become Too Complex for Any of Us to Understand
the depression thing
Digital Tools I Wish Existed
How to Think for Yourself
Herding Code 243: Shawn Wildermuth on his new film, Hello World
Moving Quicksilver into production
building a roam-like, networked, heavily-customized realtime editor, part 1
Using GANs to Create Fantastical Creatures
Six months of Tiny Projects
Secrets of a successful shut in
On Learning Chess as an Adult – From 650 to 1750 in Two Years
Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
Notes On Owning Your Own Business
Ink-Stained Wretches: The Battle for the Soul of Digital Freedom Taking Place Inside Your Printer
Awakening after a sleeping pill: Restoring functional brain networks after severe brain injury
This Product doesn't exist: Building products super fast
No, your clean code won't save the planet
A Nameless Hiker and the Case the Internet Can’t Crack
Episode 13: Andrew Gallant (BurntSushi), creator of ripgrep
Observations and Imaginations — Note Taking Apps
How to deal with Extreme Physical Pain
On Good Judgment and Decision-Making: The Science and Practice - Max's Two Cents
Study helps explain why motivation to learn declines with age
A Hierarchical Tool for Thought
Why I Stopped Using ORMs to Get the Job Done
How software eats money
The 2020 Shopping Spree
Why we don't prepare enough for things we want - JFJ
Down the ergonomic keyboard rabbit hole
Neuron 1.0 released
The Idea Lifecycle: Why Good Ideas Are Not Enough - Will Patrick
Duck or Rabbit? How Politics Tricks the Brain
Why GPT-3 Can Understand Things
How to design an algorithm
How to remember what you learn
Actively speaking two languages protects against cognitive impairment
Why do we use the Linux kernel's TCP stack?
Color blindness
Magic Wand Rechargeable Teardown – Inside Sex Toys
Spaced repetition, Anki and Execute Program - mike.place
GameDataCrunch: my facts-first game metrics website
Doing discourse better: Stuff I wish I knew
I've become obsessed with networked thought
Taking Notes
Notes on Notes
Why did I leave my stable job in the middle of a pandemic?
I got married and had kids so you don't have to | Robert Heaton
Taking Notes on Our Feelings
Why We Don't Like Our Underground House
Herding Code 242: The COVID Cabin Fever
How to Become As Rich As Bill Gates
The IKEA Packout
Turtles all the way down.
When you browse Instagram and find former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's passport number
Disrespectful Design—Users aren’t stupid or lazy
100 Websites That Shaped The Internet As We Know It
For the Future of Work, Look to Gaming
Things I Learned to Become a Senior Software Engineer
Ian Bebbington - State-of-the-art ML in UWP
What If Certain Mental Disorders Are Not Disorders At All?
Create on Your Terms with Your Community | Patreon Blog
Home | reMarkable
Optimal Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches | Ethan Rosenthal
What's it like as a Senior Engineer?
Story of Vitamin D Toxicity
Building a Second Brain: The Illustrated Notes
Building a Second Brain
How To Remember Anything Forever-ish
A Guide to Autodidactism | Jack Kinsella
Early Startup Employees and Company Growth
Nintendo DS Architecture | A Practical Analysis
How I use Obsidian to manage my goals, tasks, notes, and software development knowledge base
Multitasking Is A Myth. Here's why
Ian Bebbington - On the incredible value proposition of .NET & the Uno Platform
Amia Srinivasan · The Sucker, the Sucker! What’s it like to be an octopus? · LRB 6 September 2017
It’s Not You - It’s Your Knowledge Base
How To Understand Systems
“It never gets easier, you just go faster.”
Hedging tail risk, emigration, keyboard superoptimization
Second Innings: SaaS - Harsha Halvi's Blog
Oatly: The New Coke
Surviving Django (if you care about databases) — Daniele Varrazzo
Patterns of Distributed Systems
Brain-Gut Circuit Lets Microbiota Directly Affect the Sympathetic Nervous System
Hacking Portable Air Conditioners
Rewrite or Refactor - The Risks of Rewrites
The Toxoplasma Of Rage
Paul Graham's "Same Way"
You Want Options
The Freud Moment
The Art Of Learning For Software Developers
Dance training is superior to repetitive physical exercise in inducing brain plasticity in the elderly
Grab a Shitty Rod and Start Fishing — Dickie Bush
PostSharp Blog | Thinking beyond Roslyn source generators and aspect-oriented programming
How to Choose What To Read
‘Strong Opinions, Weakly Held’ Doesn't Work That Well
Rethinking My Thinking
Foam: Software as Curation
Tired of note-taking apps
Powerful AI Can Now Be Trained on a Single Computer - IEEE Spectrum
I made a robot to cut my hair with scissors
The Importance of Deep Work & The 30-Hour Method for Learning a New Skill
How to get your first Enterprise customer after having several SMB customers
Is Technology Making Us More Productive?
The More Senior Your Job Title, the More You Need to Keep a Journal
How People Learn — The Brain Basics - Iulian Gulea
Michael Plant | University of Oxford
The Science Behind The Mask | Don Jones®
Lights and Shadows – Bartosz Ciechanowski
Asus Zephyrus G14 Review
This $35 Keyboard for Children Transformed Me Into a Novelist
Lessons Learned: Giving Feedback as an Engineering Manager
Simulating Liquids in Bottles with a Shader
Sleep Hygiene For Software Engineers
hashcat 6.0.0
GeorgeFloyd Protest - police brutality videos on Twitter
I'm 15 and I slept on the floor for a year. Here's why.
Jonathan Bayless - Handwired Iris Keyboard Build
May 2020 news · Gwern.net
Confessions of a Former Bastard Cop
My current Wiki approach
The Weaponization of Diversity - Silicon Hills Lawyer
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Stop Taking Regular Notes; Use a Zettelkasten Instead
A Guide to Threat Modelling for Developers
A Guide to Threat Modelling for Developers
A Guide to Threat Modelling for Developers
How a Lazy Bitch like me learned to be Productive
Start House
An Amazon Programmer's Perspective (http://pastebin.com/BjD84BQ3)
Zettelkasten — How One German Scholar Was So Freakishly Productive
A Guide to Threat Modelling for Developers
A Guide to Threat Modelling for Developers
Auto Saving Form Data in Blazor
Human Programming Interface | beepb00p
Caddy offers TLS, HTTPS, and more in one dependency-free Go Web server
Auto Saving Form Data in Blazor
Preventing Software Rot
Time is the only real currency we have
Kick The Shit Out Of Procrastination - David Thorpe
The Keyboardio Atreus
Temporal circuit of macroscale dynamic brain activity supports human consciousness
Stanford researchers devise treatment that relieved depression in 90% of participants in small study
Crafting "Crafting Interpreters" – journal.stuffwithstuff.com
Screencasting Tips and Tools, Part 1 | Big Machine
Concurrent programming, with examples
YAGNI, Cargo Cult and Overengineering - the Planes Won’t Land Just Because You Built a Runway in Your Backyard
DefaultApp – tyler.io
ploeh blog
The polygons of Another World: Atari Jaguar
Amazon.com: Lopbraa Piranha Plants Cannibal Flower Style Plush Slippers Loafer with Pipe Pot Holder for Adults Teens (Piranha Plants): Toys & Games
Work in the Time of Corona
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Not a 'math person'? You may be better at learning to code than you think
How to Make Yourself Into a Learning Machine
HAB1 04.27.2016 Ascent to 31K Meters (103,000 Feet)
SAFE Adventures in F# – Azure From The Trenches
Relating Natural Language Aptitude to Individual Differences in Learning Programming Languages
📕 The 25 most recommended programming books of all-time.
My Ordinary Life: Improvements Since the 1990s - Gwern.net
Andreessen-Horowitz craps on “AI” startups from a great height
Mathematics for the adventurous self-learner
The Horrifically Dystopian World of Software Engineering Interviews - Blog by Jared Nelsen
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Different languages, similar encoding efficiency: Comparable information rates across the human communicative niche
SLS Core Stage in Stennis B-2 Stand to start Green Run campaign - NASASpaceFlight.com
Different languages, similar encoding efficiency: Comparable information rates across the human communicative niche
r/BetterEveryLoop - Best dog sledding
Building personal search infrastructure for your knowledge and code | beepb00p
Brute Box 1, 200+ lb The Original Magnet Fishing Bundle (4.72" Magnet + Rope + Carabiner + Threadlocker): Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific
Roam Research – A note taking tool for networked thought.
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Ben Eater
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Superintelligence: The Idea That Eats Smart People
Opinion: Why Should I Reward Shitty Cosplay With Free Candy?
Files are fraught with peril
» The Mortgaging of Sierra Online The Digital Antiquarian
fr-08: .the .product by Farbrausch
A Recipe for Training Neural Networks
Amazon.com: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Season Eleven: Jonah Ray, Felicia Day, Patton Oswalt, Hampton Yount, Baron Vaughn, Joel Hodgson: Movies & TV
US $10.71 33% OFF|37mm diameter gearbox halll encoder micro spur gear motor Speed Reduction Geared Motor for robot smart small car-in DC Motor from Home Improvement on AliExpress
r/dataisbeautiful - Is it a Duck or a Rabbit? For Google Cloud Vision, it depends how the image is rotated. [OC]
Chromostereopsis - Wikipedia
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Vitalik Buterin, Creator Of Ethereum, On The Big Guy Vs. The Little Guy - Unchained Podcast
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Game Designer+Artist or Game Designer+Programmer
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Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Lollipops - Schneier on Security
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Friday Squid Blogging: The Future of the Squid Market - Schneier on Security
Friday Squid Blogging: More Problems with the Squid Emoji - Schneier on Security
Friday Squid Blogging: Problems with the Squid Emoji - Schneier on Security
Security Risks of Chatbots - Schneier on Security
Friday Squid Blogging: Australian Fisherman Gets Inked - Schneier on Security
Charity - a post on Tom Francis' blog
Quantum Computing, Capabilities and Limits: An Interview with Scott Aaronson – Gigaom
The War To Sell You A Mattress Is An Internet Nightmare
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PC Gaming Era GOTY 2018 Awards
The Aggie Awards – The Best Adventure Games of 2018 - page 15 | Adventure Gamers
The RPS Advent Calendar 2018, Dec 24th
» Ten Great Adventure-Game Puzzles The Digital Antiquarian
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» A Tale of the Mirror World, Part 2: From Mainframes to Micros The Digital Antiquarian
» A Tale of the Mirror World, Part 1: Calculators and Cybernetics The Digital Antiquarian
» The View from the Trenches (or, Some Deadly Sins of CRPG Design) The Digital Antiquarian
» The 640 K Barrier The Digital Antiquarian
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(PDF) Ritual/speech coevolution: a solution to the problem of deception
Shelling Out: The Origins of Money | Satoshi Nakamoto Institute
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