Building FocusGuardian, my TribeHacks IX submission, in 24 hours Building a distraction blocking service in 24 hours
Code It Any Way You Want: Optimal Parameter Passing – Array vs. Params Keyword The article explores the performance differences between passing parameters as arrays or using the params keyword in C#. Despite similarities in speed, the author recommends using the params keywor…
How to Juggle Priorities: Decide Which Balls Are Glass and Which Are Plastic You can't keep all your balls in the air all the time but that's ok! Learn how to decide which to drop and which to keep in the air.
Meta Bites the Apple Someone on Meta's PR team deserves a big bonus with the announcement of Meta Horizon OS today. 🏃♀️Horizon OS is a new platform like iOS or Android designed for VR software. Meta has partnered with other big names, Asus, Lenovo, Xbox to build devices us...
Generate code for declarative language instead of progr... Code Generation AI is all the rage these days. But is generating code for programming languages like JavaScript and Python the right path to take? I think not. I think we should be generating code for declarative languages like Excel or SQL. What's the di...
How to set up Nsight Compute Locally to profile Remote GPUs Have a remote GPU instance? Want to see some rooflines with Nsight Compute? This tutorial is for you.
FTC Announces Rule Banning Noncompetes Today, the Federal Trade Commission issued a final rule to promote competition by banning noncompetes nationwide, protecting the fundamen
Refactor your C# code with primary constructors - .NET Blog Explore C# 12's primary constructors through incremental refactoring of a Worker service.
Help us invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” layout If you’ve been making websites for years, you know how frustrating it was to lay out a web page with CSS floats.
Try Catch in C#: The Basics You Need to Know Learn how exception handling works in C# with the basics of try catch. This article is perfect for junior software engineers aiming to understand dotnet and C#.
On Generating Ideas - Leadership & Work Forget brainstorming. I am sharing a guideline for exploring ideas together with your team that promises to deliver some fruitful ideas.
What's new for the Microsoft Fluent UI Blazor library 4.7 With this release we don't have any new components to present to you. We do however have a nice set of new features, new parameters and fixes. Read on to learn more...
Enhance your .NET Testing #8: Contract tests with Verify The most common way to test the values of an object is to use assertions for each property to check exactly what the object contains. This can be done for types, classes, enumerables. The more aspects of the object that are tested, the more certain you ...
nameof vs + operater C# Tip Using '+' Traditionally, we might use the concatenation operator to create a string that...
Unit testing methods on BlobServiceClient with Azure blob storage and NSubstitute Learn how to easily unit test methods in the BlobServiceClient provided by the Azure.Storage.Blobs package using NUnit and NSubstitute.
Minimal APIs Nuget Packages I've been looking at my Nuget packages and they're kinda a mess. Not justthe packages, but the naming and branding.
Strict Ordered Message Handling wth Wolverine The feature was built for a current JasperFx Software client, and came with a wave of developments across both Marten and Wolverine to support a fairly complex, mission critical set of application …
We Migrated a Legacy App with ChatGPT: Here's What Happened Can you use generative AI to migrate a legacy desktop app to a web app? Yes, but it's not as straightforward as you would hope.
C# 12: Collection expressions and primary constructors | Red Hat Developer C# 12 provides two features that are useful in everyday development: collection expressions and primary constructors.
Will Visual Studio Be Migrated to .NET Core and Become Multi-Platform? - NDepend Blog Explore the possibilities of Visual Studio transitioning to .NET Core and the potential for it to become a multi-platform environment.
XML External Entity Attack and .NET Core Improving the security of the systems I help design and build for my clients is a continuous effort where every day new vulnerabilities are ...
Don't Do This With Extension Methods Extension methods in C# are great until they're not. Why? Let's find out.
Does readonly make your code faster? In this blog post we will discover whether or not the readonly modifier can make your code faster. So without further ado let's get started.
The trap of over-engineering and over-design One major pitfall I’ve seen projects fall into (that includes my personal ones) again and again throught my career is over-engineering the…
Configure Renovate to handle nuspec files Renovate doesn't handle nuspec files by default, let's configure a custom Renovate Regex manager to support them.
Using type aliases to make code clearer with generics - Gérald Barré In this post, I describe how to use type aliases in C# to make code clearer when using generic types such as Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.
Uno Platform 5.2 Released - One Project To Rule Them All - Nick's .NET Travels This has been a work in progress over the last couple of releases in order to deliver a better developer experience for the Uno Platform. The 5.1 release introduced the Uno.Sdk which allowed for better integration with Visual Studio – no more pesky “reloa...