GitHub - francoismichel/ssh3: SSH3: faster and rich secure shell using HTTP/3, checkout our article here: SSH3: faster and rich secure shell using HTTP/3, checkout our article here: - GitHub - francoismichel/ssh3: SSH3: faster and rich secure shell using HTTP/3, che...
Microsoft Released ML.NET 3.0: Deep Learning and Data Processing Improvements ML.NET version 3.0 has been officially released, introducing new features and enhancements. Notably, deep learning capabilities have been significantly expanded with advancements in Object Detection, Named Entity Recognition, and Question Answering and mo...
Advancements in machine learning for machine learning With the recent and accelerated advances in machine learning (ML), machines can understand natural language, engage in conversations, draw images, create videos and more. Modern ML models are programmed and trained using ML programming frameworks, such as...
reblog/cve-2023-45866 at main · skysafe/reblog SkySafe Miscellaneous Reverse Engineering Blog. Contribute to skysafe/reblog development by creating an account on GitHub.
Documentation Wasteland – Dev Leader Weekly 22 Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue I'll dive into situation that resulted a series of bugs and how I navigated them.
Moving the Unmovable App... I am often in a situation where I am helping customers to move applications from a data center to AWS. Many of these applications have been developed in-house and suffer from various amounts of technical debt. In-house applications are oftentimes dev...
Publishing Blazor WebAssembly App to IIS - Code Maze Learn how to publish a Blazor WebAssembly application on IIS. We also discuss how to configure response compression and HTTPS.
OpenAI Platform Explore developer resources, tutorials, API docs, and dynamic examples to get the most out of OpenAI's platform.
Christmas Countdown: #8 Code maintenance is 90% of the work Greenfield development is by far the most fun for everybody. So it's easy to forget that most development work is actually maintenance. And every new line of code you write means more code to maintain. Almost all codebases I review have significant techni...
Steering at the Frontier: Extending the Power of Prompting - Microsoft Research We’re seeing exciting capabilities of frontier foundation models, including intriguing powers of abstraction, generalization, and composition across numerous areas of knowledge and expertise. Even seasoned AI researchers have been impressed with the abili...
Why Should You (Or Anyone) Become An Engineering Manager? The first piece I ever wrote about engineering management, The Engineer/Manager Pendulum, was written as a love letter to a friend of mine who was unhappy at work. He was an engineering director at…
A curiously recurring lifetime issue Naming is hard. After all, it is one of the two hard problems of computer science, with cache invalidation and off-by-one errors.
Interfaces Are Not Meant for That It's time to ask ourselves how much abstraction in our Go code really makes sense.
Kitemaker blog - More product, fewer PMs There has been a lot of discussion about how many Product Managers (PMs) are required in a product team. This conversation gained momentum after Airbnb restructured their product management organization, followed by articles about how startups are thrivin...
Bricked Xmas Reverse engineering Bluetooth LE LED light controllers, or How I Bricked My Christmas Lights If a device communicates via Bluetooth LE and has an app, it deserves to be integrated into my home automation system. I’ve spent a significant amount of time rev...
Backup Rotation Scheme - Rotate your backups with 'rsync-backup-rotator' Learn about the rsync-backup-rotator tool that helps you automatically rotate backups using rsync, creating and maintaining multiple recovery points from your backups.
5 Serilog Best Practices For Better Structured Logging Serilog is a structured logging library for .NET. It's also my preferred logging library in the projects I'm developing. I want to share 5 practical tips for better structured logging with Serilog.
Calm Before The Holidays – Behind The Screen – 2023 December, Week 3 Welcome to another Behind The Screen vlog. This week I discuss the calm before the holidays at work and some progress on!
Flying Friday: my first precautionary engine shutdown A couple of weeks ago, I had my first real in-flight engine shutdown, with a bonus declared emergency as a cherry on top. I wanted to write up what happened and what I learned from it. I have about…
The random imge api for your next project Tired of manually searching for photos to spice up your web app development? Say goodbye to tedious image hunts and embrace the simplicity of Random photo API, a free API that delivers a constant stream of captivating random images.
Balm in GILead: Fast string construction for CPython extensions An unorthodox approach to optimizing Python C extensions that operate on Python strings
What punch cards teach us about AI risk – The Observation Deck I (finally) read Edwin Black’s IBM and the Holocaust, and I can’t recommend it strongly enough. This book had been on my queue for years, and I put it off for the same reason that you have probably put it off: we don’t like to confront difficult things....
Risk Management is not Project Management A common situation I find myself in looks like this: I am working with a client to plan a project at a strategic level. These are large, cumbersome, multi-ph...
Unlimited Indemnity for Unpaid Developers? James Bottomley on liability, politics, and forgotten boilerplate