Why I (still) love Vaadin It’s funny how things come in sequences. Recently, on three separate occasions, I stumbled upon questions asking what people used for front-end technologies. Every time, my answer was Vaadin. Unfortunately, some places, e.g. Twitter, are too limiting to e...
Faster than radix sort: Kirkpatrick-Reisch sorting Radix sort sorts n w-bit integers by splitting them up into chunks of logn\log nlogn bits each, and sorting each chunk in linear time. Thus it achieves O(nw/logn)O(nw/\log n)O(nw/logn) time.
Race Conditions on Rails Imagine that you are implementing a payment processing system for the e-commerce system and discover that multiple customers were charged twice for exactly t...
My current Wiki approach I see a lot of people blogging about really clever knowledge base systems like Zettelkasten or a tool called Roam. But that isn’t something for me for a couple of reasons.
Gearing up your development environment with IPv6 Prefix Delegation - fnordahl.com A while back I moved to a house where there was no wired infrastructure available. The national incumbent had turned off the signals on the old copper wires long ago without offering any alternatives. A mobile broadband provider has been the rescue, and w...
Software as a Liability On many teams I’ve advised or been a part of, code is generally viewed as an asset. Only some code, the “bad code”, is considered technical debt. The highest-performing teams, however, viewed thing…
Dos and Don'ts for a Product Engineering team The little brother of the Engineering Principles are the Dos and Don'ts. It's just a list of rules to evolve your team's mindset.
sqlancer/sqlancer Detecting Logic Bugs in DBMS. Contribute to sqlancer/sqlancer development by creating an account on GitHub.
Eloston/ungoogled-chromium Google Chromium, sans integration with Google. Contribute to Eloston/ungoogled-chromium development by creating an account on GitHub.
Email Automation Sequences Email Automation Sequences help companies and businesses to reduce customer churn, upsell different items to customer, increase conversation rates and directly connect with customers
The Weaponization of Diversity - Silicon Hills Lawyer This is an unusually lengthy essay, because the issue is so complex and nuanced that it deserves an appropriate level of patience and attention. It includes my deeply honest, personal, and some would say risky perspective on the topic of diversity in high...
The online courses you must take to be a better Data Scientist A curated list of the best existing online courses about Data Science. From Python coding to Deep Learning
Best music to listen to when studying/working Lofi Beats have become the essential background music for productivity. I've made a one stop website curated to serve you endless beats.
Code Review and Criticism · Caffeinspiration I’ve been working in software for a few years, and I’ve come to take it for granted that I am not my work. My work exists in some separate sphere, where it can easily be critiqued, dissected, refactored, or improved by me or anyone else. It’s as if it’s i...