.NET 9.0: Out-of-order Metadata Reading in System.Text.Json .NET, ASP.NET Core, Visual Studio, Azure, Jaliya Udagedara
eShop infused with AI - a comprehensive intelligent app sample - .NET Blog Go beyond a simple demo app that demonstrates a chat bot and explore a real-world scale application that is infused with AI and illustrates the value of intelligent apps with features like semantic search, summarization, classification, sentiment scoring,...
Speaking at Tech Conferences In this edition of #tech on ice, we talk about tech conferences and how to get started in speaking if you are interested. #technology #programming #developer #coldplunge
Getting Started with Syncfusion’s .NET MAUI Toolkit Yesterday, Syncfusion, a prominent vendor of software components, announced its dedication to contributing to .NET MAUI and the release of the initial set of free and open-source controls for .NET …
ABP Now Supports .NET 9 ABP supports.NET9 with the latest ABP 9 templates. ABP 9 packages now both support .NET 8 and .NET 9. So you can decide which version you…
From IT Call Center to Expert DotNet Software Engineer - Interview With Dan Patrascu This is a special interview for me -- and I'm really excited to be able to share it with you. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Dan Patrascu-Baba, also known as Codewrinkles, in this video chat. Especially if you're a DotNet developer, you probabl...
devenv is switching Nix implementation to Tvix - devenv Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments using Nix
GitHub - solcloud/Counter-Strike: Multiplayer FPS game - Counter-Strike: Football 🏉 Multiplayer FPS game - Counter-Strike: Football 🏉. Contribute to solcloud/Counter-Strike development by creating an account on GitHub.
The Tech Coup: A New Book Shows How the Unchecked Power of Companies Is Destabilizing Governance In The Tech Coup: How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley, Marietje Schaake, a Stanford HAI Policy Fellow, reveals how tech companies are encroaching on governmental roles, posing a threat to the democratic rule of law.
Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search - Finding world record primes since 1996. GIMPS is an organized search for Mersenne prime numbers using provided free software.
RISC-V on the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 Introduction One of the more interesting features added to the RP2350 chip at the heart of the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 is that it contains two 32-bit RISC-V CPU cores. Sadly, you can’t run both the ARM…
Introducing Moonshine, the new state of the art for speech to text Can you imagine using a keyboard where it took a key press two seconds to show up on screen? That’s the typical latency for most voice interfaces, so it’s no wonder they’ve failed…
Tublian 2.0: You’re Not Alone Anymore Tublian 2.0 is an operating system (TOS) for software development where AI agents help you win and build projects
Passkeys are almost awesome They're a key part of a modern login strategy, but not enough on their own.
A Practitioner's Guide to Wide Events | Jeremy Morrell The existing articles on Wide Events define the concept well but leave the implementation details to the reader.
How I Tuned My CI/CD Pipeline To Be Done in 60 Seconds Optimizing a Golang CICD web app and web services
Understanding How ECS Autoscaling Works Horizontally scaling containerized services, ECS or otherwise, is a huge part of building reliable web apps. Dig in to learn how ECS autoscaling works
Why are intellectual podcasts so bad? – Daniel Frank There seems to be an endless supply of intellectual podcasts available now, and on paper, this should be amazing—so much new content with brilliant thinkers! But to be candid, most intellectual podcasts suck. It’s not because they have poor production val...
How to run science projects The article describes a framework on how to run and implement a science project
si-magic: logo sample book Welcome! You probably just noticed that how dog shite the performance was because of the animation. That's why I decided not to use the animated version, but I wanted to showcase this cool animation I made for the company branding.
The b(ack)log | Building and releasing on the mobile app stores Building and releasing on the mobile app stores
All the data can be yours — Jerome Paulos I’ve built a lot of unofficial software for my schools, Brown University and previously Macalester College. To name a few: an “everything app” called 75grand with dining hall menus, Moodle assignments, building hours, an event calendar, and more; two unfi...
Prevent Mistakes with NOMERGE Comments in CI/CD Pipelines I added support for NOMERGE comments to our codebase, which the CI pipeline uses to prevent temporary, unfinished, or debug code from being released accidentally.