Find and fix problems, not symptoms – A musing Mulcahy I’ve had my share of medical interventions over the last ten years – sometimes, I feel like I’ve had more than my share. My experience with the medical practitioners I’ve interacted with is that they tend to focus on the symptom the patient presents with...
The accord in perfumery In perfumery, the accord is the pooling of different raw materials, balanced and harmonised to create a unique scent, defining the soul of the fragrance. The accord is made up of a maximum of 6 to 10 different components.
Why the fediverse is stuck. You know I'm a committed user of the fediverse, perhaps this post will surprise you. Still, at some point the truth has to be told, before lying leads to a catastrophe. I think I've been present in the fediverse (sometimes hosting a pod of some software...
Taking the internet off the hook Using a Raspberry Pi and a cheap door sensor to restrict my internet access when I take an old landline phone off the hook.
A Gentle Introduction to SSR I had the opportunity to deliver a session on SSR (Server-Side Rendering) at the CityJS Conference 2022 in late April — The Fastify SSR Workshop.
Incentive Flipping Problems with misaligned incentives in a system can be solved by using futures to flip the incentives to make the system more aligned with solving the problem.
Building a company around a toy requires embracing the toyness (and thinking beyond Excel) So, progress is going slow as I’m on the pathless path wandering.
Seeking good work-life balance and avoiding burnout Why is it so difficult to maintain a good work-life balance when working in the software industry? What makes the brain systematically drive itself to run out of juice?
Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable · Caffeinspiration Software engineering is cursed with uncertainty.
Distributed Systems Shibboleths | Joey Lynch's Site Shibboleths are historically a word or phrasing that indicate membership in a particular group or culture. I was introduced to the term in the West Wing where the President needed to verify the veracity of a person’s claims of religious persecution.
Централизируем пакеты, трогаем JS, играемся в DevToys Подкаст RadioDotNet выпуск №50 от 1 мая 2022 годаРазговоры на тему .NET во всех его проявлениях, новости, статьи, библиотеки, конференции, личности и прочее ...
Can you Make it Better? Exploring the CMake Debate - Incredibuild Let's dive into the CMake controversy, and break down the pluses and minuses of the critical C++ tool.
I accidentally loaned all my money to the US government Recently I learned that the US government offers a little gift called I-bonds, and that this is the month to buy them. Depending on your perspective, I-bonds are either free money or the only true money storage. They're zero-risk bonds with an interest ra...
Free Accounting Software | GnuCash GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software, freely licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.
We think this cool study we found is flawed. Help us reproduce it. Are 25 year olds really more random than 60 year olds?
Pushing Updates to a PR This is unashamedly a "note to self" post... something I occasionally need to do, and always need to ask about or look-up. As a maintainer ...
How to Add Multiple POST Actions in ASP.NET Core Web API - Code Maze In this article, we are going to see how to add multiple POST actions to our Web API controller and explain how to name them differently
Experience Report: 6 months of Go A report of my positive and negative experiences with Go after using it for 6 months at work.
Zaplib post-mortem - Zaplib docs Welp, this is a weird blog post! Very unexpectedly, we quickly invalidated some of the core hypothesis that make Zaplib work as a startup.
I've Used All The Notebooks They aren’t a record of my thinking process. They are my thinking process.
An implementation of MessagePipe. Something like a channel but with buffer management so you can peek and advance the message that was read. An implementation of MessagePipe. Something like a channel but with buffer management so you can peek and advance the message that was read. - Example.cs