Physics Girl & the Devastating Effects of Long COVID SUPPORT more videos like this at at + transcript ava...
Contract first OpenAPI development (but still use Swagger UI with ASP.NET Core) In C# and .NET land, we’re pretty heavy on the code first approaches, with the odd exception. Let’s take a look at a possible contract first approach to API development, with OpenAPI, but still taking advantage of existing tooling that we’ve come to rely ...
Asynchronous C# programming using async and await keywords | C# Tutorials Blog Async programming is a powerful technique that can help you create responsive and performant applications. - Tensor Parallelism with jax.pjit With proper sharding, LLMs can scale far beyond the memory capacity of a single GPU/TPU. We explore the math underpinning this from the ground up, and then implement a fully working implementation with JAX/Flax.
Evolution of my learning methods, part #3 In the final part of the series about learning, I'll focus on discussing topics of knowledge retention - from Ebbinghaus Forgetting curve, through plastic platypus learning up to PKM systems, commonplace books and Zettelkalsten.
jeremarc - Let’s Talk Time Management This blog post will outline how I started my Time Management journey and how I do it now.
Hush WKWebView If you’re building an iOS app with webviews, you need to decide whether to use WKWebView or SFSafariViewController. The WebView version gives you a lot more control, but you can’t use Safari Extensions. On the other hand, the Safari version automatically ...
Unearthing lessons from 2008: My first Mac apps I reminisce about the first software I ever shipped—a pair of Mac apps created when I was in high school. Despite their simplicity and flaws, these apps gained surprising popularity, leading me to reflect on the lessons I can learn from their success and ...
Zero-Downtime Deployments with Ansible and EC2? Yes, please! Deploying with Ansible is easy. Just copy files over, restart services, and observe a new version of the app. But that might break some connections if some user was just waiting for the server's response. What to do then? Base infrastructure
internet linguistics - Imre Jonk Language is a wonderful thing. The internet is also a wonderful thing. But what does the word 'internet' really mean? The Cambridge dictionary gives this definition:
How the Twitter Algorithm works in 2023 On March 31, 2023, Twitter open-sourced their algorithm. Here are some of my takeaways about how their algorithm works after diving into their codebase.
UB Might Be a Wrong Term for Newer Languages A short note on undefined behavior, which assumes familiarity with the subject (see this article for the introduction). The TL;DR is that I think that carrying the wording from the C standard into newer languages, like Zig and Rust, might be a mistake. Th...
Hamill carries 'Star Wars' voice to Ukraine (28 Mar 2023) Star Wars actor Mark Hamill has lent his voice to a Ukrainian mobile application that warns people to take cover whenever Russia unleashes anot...
Magnon-based computation could signal computing paradigm shift Like electronics or photonics, magnonics is an engineering subfield that aims to advance information technologies when it comes to speed, device architecture, and energy consumption. A magnon corresponds to the specific amount of energy required to change...
Does OpenTelemetry in .NET Cause Performance Degradation? Contrary to Betteridge’s Law of Tabloid Headlines, the answer is “yes,” but context is important. I get this question so often that I thought it was time to get some stats on it.
Clocks and Causality - Ordering Events in Distributed Systems In distributed systems, logical clocks play a key role in the ordering of system events. What are the various logical clock designs, and how do they help with event ordering? This article answers these questions.
Dotless™ LED Strip Lights. L-Series aspectLED Go dotless with our L-Series Dotless Strip Lights. Our continuous LED strips are perfect solution for a wide variety of applications, especially for those in...