Support the open source community? Yes with pleasure, but how? Have you ever thought the same way? If so, this article might interest you. Every day we consciously and unconsciously come into contact with free software. Even very many cloud servers use Linux and similar open source operating systems. There is a vast ...
Telling Your Story on a Resume Part 2: The Final Cut This is part 2 of a multi-part series. If you missed part 1 you can find it here. In this series, I will give some general advice on how to…
Lean mass loss on GLP-1 receptor agonists: a downside of the “miracle drugs” Clinical trials have generated impressive data on the effects of GLP-1 agonists on body weight and BMI, but how do these drugs perform in terms of body composition?
The (extremely) loud minority Often on Twitter, we’ll hear stuff like this: Best practices don’t actually work Or: TypeScript has won, and it’s only a matter of time you’re using it whether you like it or not. These…
On Prompt Engineering Thoughts on the development of prompt engineering in the context of the popularity wave of LLMs.
Automating deployment for new blog posts with CI/CD pipeline. | The Sloth Blog In my first post mentioned that i have ideas for improvements of my blog infrastructure. I figured it’s time to introduce them. This will be a write-up of how i automated the process of updating this blog by hosting it as an image in docker hub and using ...
Things, Names, and Numbers Happy January 48th, everyone! (More about that strange date later.) Mathematician Henri Poincaré once wrote “Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things,” and he wasn’t wrong…
Fix songs skipping and looping in koel Analysis and fix for an issue with songs stopping and looping in self-hosted music streaming software koel.
Avg, mean, and average - Pravesh Koirala One of the annoying things about learning a new programming language / library is to remember all the small nuances that come with it. For example, why should it be that in some places you have to use avg() to calculate the average of a list of data point...
Goodbye, CSS-Tricks! - Geoff Graham I woke up yesterday to the news that DigitalOcean has cut a bunch of jobs from the payroll. It sounds like a pretty big wave, and yes, my job was lopped off
Whoa — MDN has ads now?! - Chris Coyier That’s fake exasperation. Yes, they do! I’m just not terribly surprised. If someone were to put me in charge of MDN and finding a business model, I would have used advertising as part of it long ago. I think it can be done tastefully, non-invasively, and ...
ChatGPT Is Not a Blurry JPEG of the Web. It's a Simulacrum. The gifted sci-fi writer Ted Chiang recently wrote a New Yorker article, “ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web”, with the thesis that large language models like ChatGPT can be analogized to lossy compression algorithms for their input data.
Haskell: Day 1/∞ I want to become a Haskell developer. Last year, during my unemployment, I cracked open Haskell Programming from First Principles and read through all 1200 plus pages. I did every exercise, made Anki flashcards of every quirk of the language. And after ab...
error NETSDK1194: The "--output" option isn't supported when building a solution. Did you see the following error in recent days in your build-pipeline: error NETSDK1194: The "--output" option isn't supported when building a solution. If so - that is not necessarily your fault at all! Microsoft released a new SDK version, which breaks ...
GitHub - mjl-/mox: modern full-featured open source secure mail server for low-maintenance self-hosted email modern full-featured open source secure mail server for low-maintenance self-hosted email - GitHub - mjl-/mox: modern full-featured open source secure mail server for low-maintenance self-hosted email
The circuit breaker pattern for a more resilient app If you've ever had an app just go splat on you, then implementing the circuit breaker pattern could be the answer to a better developer and user experience.I...