Building a website without becoming a ‘soydev’ You will always hear of large media companies crying about how piracy is killing their industry, even if the evidence for these claims are uncertain with some studies claiming small positive, small negative or near-no affect to sales of media, depending o...
Why I Had to Migrate from MongoDB to PostgreSQL A few months ago, I made WeWatch, a mobile app to help you find what films to watch. I made the decision to use MongoDB because of the popularity of the MERN stack.
From Node to Ruby on Rails - D U N K I learned to code in the Javascript stack [1] and am building a Javascript based product [2]. I never questioned this stack: many companies default to it, JS everywhere seems good, and the community is big. But for my new side project I decided to try Rai...
ZEIT ONLINE | Lesen Sie mit Werbung oder im PUR-Abo. Sie haben die Wahl. Um der Nutzung mit Werbung zuzustimmen, muss JavaScript in Ihrem Browser aktiviert sein.
Calculating Pagination Metadata Without Extra Roundtrips in SQL A tutorial on how to paginate without second round trips, including the calculation of total rows, current page number, etc. using SQL and jOOQ
System Design for Recommendations and Search Breaking it into offline vs. online environments, and candidate retrieval vs. ranking steps.
Linux for old PC — Bringing PC from 2007 back to life This article describes the installation and configuration process of a modern Linux-based operating system for a weak computer from 2007, which allows you to moderately comfortably use the Internet and do home and office work with all the common software ...
Surgical Refactors Refactoring is like surgery. That’s not to say that clean refactors save lives. But messy refactors definitely hurt. A surgeon is economical with their cuts, and refactoring requires the same mindset. A naive surgeon takes a quick look at their patient a...
Behind the scenes, AWS Lambda Writing code and deploying it to AWS Lambda is as easy as baking a cake (depending on the type of cake). Lambda performs the heavy lifting for you, from provisioning to scaling. But where is the magic happening and how does it actu...
25 Gigabit Linux internet router PC build init7 recently announced that with their FTTH fiber offering Fiber7, they will now sell and connect you with 25 Gbit/s (Fiber7-X2) or 10 Gbit/s (Fiber7-X) fiber optics, if you want more than 1 Gbit/s. While this offer will only become available at my loca...
Programmers, Teach Non-Geeks The True Cost of Interruptions Interruptions are one of the biggest sources of inefficiency for programmers. Now, to be fair, they’re probably a big source of inefficiency for everyone, but relatively speaking, they’re worse for programmers. To understand what I mean, let’s take someon...
Put That Microservice Down. We need to have a no-shit moment, you and I. Put that Microservice down. Microservices aren’t for you, yet. Let’s reach over to the well of software development conventional wisdom and …
Creating reusable build scripts with NUKE components How can we take advantage of the latest C# features to create highly reusable build scripts with NUKE?
Spill single-def variable at definition to avoid further spilling by kunalspathak · Pull Request #54345 · dotnet/runtime If a variable is a single-def and it was ever decided to be spilled during register allocation, spill it at its first and only definition so we can skip further spilling throughout the method since...
Explore Minimal APIs with Maria Naggaga | Web Wednesday What is the session about? Minimal apps minimal code! Express, Django and Lumen provide their developers with the options to build great apps with less code...
romeovs/creep a pretty sweet 4px wide pixel font. Contribute to romeovs/creep development by creating an account on GitHub.
Entropy coding in Oodle Data: the big picture April 26, 2016 was the release date of Oodle 2.1.5 which introduced Kraken, so it celebrated its 5-year anniversary recently. A few months later we launched Selkie and Mermaid, which were already d…
Linux Audio is Dead | Non In early 2020, most of the world was concerned with matters of great import, myself included. But three men, Filipe Coelho, David Runge, and Nils Hilbrect had more trivial things on their minds. At this time they came to me, not announcing themselves as a...
A Collection of 2020 Recorded Presentations 2020 was "interesting". One good thing that came out of it is that I had the chance to speak remotely for some user groups and conferen...
Learn functional programming with JavaScript through this friendly, gentle introduction course to the functional programming paradigm with Anjana Vakil. Learn core functional JavaScript programming techniques by coding everything with pure functions, learning recursion, higher-order functions, closures, currying, and function composition. Also, learn how immutable data is essential for functional programm...
Azure DevOps Podcast: Richard Lander on the New .NET Platform - Episode 148 Richard is a Principal Program Manager on the .NET Core team at Microsoft. He's been with Microsoft for a total of 21 years, 18 of which have been with the .NET team (since 2003 when the codename was Whidbey!) Richard is truly a mover and shaker when it c...