reegeek/StructLinq Implementation in C# of LINQ concept with struct. Contribute to reegeek/StructLinq development by creating an account on GitHub.
Real-time rendering of water caustics In this article, I present an attempt for generalizing caustics computation in real-time using WebGL and ThreeJS. The fact that it is an…
VerifyTests/DiffEngine Manages launching and cleanup of diff tools. Contribute to VerifyTests/DiffEngine development by creating an account on GitHub.
Cryptologie | Links Here is a list of links I stumbled into and found interesting. Usually related to Crypto/Security although it could be anything. You can also suggest me something.
vinayak-mehta/present A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects. - vinayak-mehta/present
Antifragile Web Development Learn more about how to apply some lessons from Nassim Nicholas Taleb's book Antifragile to Web Development.
NASA Workmanship Standards : National Aeronautics and Space Administration : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive NASA's pictorial reference contains full color visual examples of acceptance / rejection criteria which may be used for the design, manufacture and inspection...
How to build mini high voltage Jacob's Ladder Today's build is really simple but really cool looking miniature high voltage Jacob's ladder. In this video we assemble "15KV high voltage generator kit", get some basic working principles about Jacob's ladder and maybe some more general tips and tricks....
Exploring mullender.c - A deep dive into the first IOCCC winner :: LainSystems This post will explore the famous winner of the first IOCCC contest, dive into the story behind the code, and even display the original source programs!
Flexbox Defense Your job is to stop the incoming enemies from getting past your defenses. Unlike other tower defense games, you must position your towers using CSS!
Zero-Knowledge Proofs from Information-Theoretic Proof Systems - Part I | ZKProof Standards In this two-part extended blog post I will discuss a modular approach to the design of efficient zero-knowledge proof systems that aims at maximizing the separation between the "information-theoretic" and the "cryptographic" ingredients.
So you want to roll your own crypto? A coworker of mine asked: >How are people supposed to learn (from mistakes) if they don't roll their own crypto? The short answer is do roll...
SubtletyAndSignificance I think it's important to learn that subtleness and significance are two separate characteristics of things and that they don't need to be related. Even though we might tend to act like they are related.
Memoirs from My First Interview I was really scared about my first interview and I can't blame myself because I was about to go through a phase that almost every adult has to go through. This article is inspired by Hashnode's weekly challenge to encourage developers to share their...
Tips for hobby embedded development beginners A list of tips and hardware recomendations for hobby beginners.
Anatomy of a low frequency aviation radio beacon Aviation LF/MF beacons provide the opportunity to admire electrically small antenna design on a macroscopic scale.
A Good Day | Jonathan Verrecchia Over the past few months I've been rating my days every evening from 0 to 10 by answering the following question: Was it a good day? The definition of a good day varies for everyone, but for me one important aspect of it is being proud of myself. Particul...
Write explicit type guards How and why you should write explicit type guards, using JavaScript as an example.
Software Engineering Tips and Best Practices for Data Science | Ahmed BESBES Original post on Medium If you’re into data science you’re probably familiar with this workflow: you start a project by firing up a jupyter…
Go Fuzz Yourself! Where do I even begin?! – MIKE CURNOW For those who are unfamiliar with the term or practice of Fuzz Testing, it’s essentially the combination of testing input validation coupled with stress testing, which is performed by spraying inputs of a target device, application, or system with random ...