GitHub - zademn/EverythingCrypto: (Still exploring) My cryptography journey: A collection of notebooks covering different algorithms and concepts from cryptography (Still exploring) My cryptography journey: A collection of notebooks covering different algorithms and concepts from cryptography - GitHub - zademn/EverythingCrypto: (Still exploring) My cryptograp...
Never trust a programmer who says he knows C++ by Louis Brandy I've been in an interviewing mindset for awhile and I've come to realize something important about C++ in particular. C++ is a "two peak" language. That is to say C++ is the only language I know of where two very different sets of programmers consider the...
The Introverts Guide to Increasing Energy As an introvert, learning how to recharge, protect, and increase your energy is vital to taking care of yourself. Learn how!
BabylonJS and Blazor Game Tutorial Series Portal | Cody's Personal Site This is the portal for the BabylonJS Blazor Game Tutorial Series includes links to the article, the demo and source code of the released articles all in one place.
Wolves make roadways safer, generating large economic returns to predator conservation Measuring the economic benefits conveyed by predators is difficult—often, effects are indirect and operate through complex ecological changes. As a result, debates about the expansion of predators have pit salient costs against more speculative estimates ...
[Video] High-performance and compile-time logging source generation in .NET 6 Quick little video about an interesting new logging related feature coming in .NET 6, compile-time logging source generation, as well as related high-performance logging features, which were already present but probably not very well known.
LLVM relicensing update & call for help In this blog post, I’d like to summarize the main points I talked about in the relicensing update presentation at the 2021 LLVM Developer’s meeting. The very short summary is that we are currently in the long tail phase of collecting relicensing agreement...
Dell XPS13 RAM Upgrade (7390) I’d recently bought a new XPS13 7390 (non 2-in-1) laptop. I had bought the 8GB variant, how hard could it be to upgrade?
Testing tools for .NET and cross-platform apps the most out of testing with .NET test tools. We'll cover the latest performance improvements and completely new ...
Advent of Code 2021 The first puzzles will unlock on December 1st at midnight EST (UTC-5). See you then!
The Universe of Discourse : In simple English, what does it mean to be transcendental? In simple English, what does it mean to be transcendental?
Lite3DP-S1/Arduino at main · Lite3DP/Lite3DP-S1 Lite3DP S1. Contribute to Lite3DP/Lite3DP-S1 development by creating an account on GitHub.
What I Learned From My Date-Me Experiment Last year, I published a “date me” survey with ~60 questions in an attempt to find a serious long-term partner. I designed it with a few categories – lifestyle choice compatibilit…
Documenting HTTP requests with Hurl I don’t really remember anymore how I stumbled upon Hurl but nevermind that, it looks awesome! It’s basically a wrapper around cURL that allows you to write a handful of HTTP requests into a single plaintext file and execute them. You can then add asserti...
The Comfort of Ignorance - Brian Di Croce You can't learn everything in IT, but with enough time, dedication and an open mind, you can pretty much learn anything.
Empowering teams are like career accelerators I follow several technical people whose stances on tech I can identify with in a few platforms, and, by far, Gergely Orosz has been one of the most influential people I’ve decided to follow, and, I’m glad I did! As a former Uber manager his posts and insi...
The Skeptic's Case for Personality Testing Skeptics of personality testing will dismiss it as pseudoscience designed to make people feel good about themselves, psychological alchemy for wannabe-intellectuals, or "astrology for men."