How To Make A QR Code Out Of Lego - M.O.W. A post covering: cool stuff, hobbies, lego, obsession, qr code... > [!WARNING] > A QR Code can be harmful, so be vigilant about what you are scanning. ## What is a QR Code A QR code, or `Quick Response` code, is a barcode that stores information in a gr...
Unlocking EF Core Performance: How to Track Queries with Event Counters - Chris Woody Woodruff If you've ever wondered why your EF Core queries feel sluggish or why your database is working overtime, you're not alone. Performance issues can creep in quietly, and before you know it, your app is struggling to keep up. Wouldn’t it be great if EF Core ...
Logging with Azure Application Insights in a Windows Application - Nick's .NET Travels The default template for a Windows application comes with almost no guidance for how developers should do even basic things like logging. Luckily, the Uno Platform wizard provides a simple way to create an application that configures the Microsoft.Extensi...
You Didn't Notice MP3 Is Now Free The MP3 format, once the gold standard for digital audio files, is now free. The licensing and patents on MP3 encoders have expired, meaning you can now include them in your applications without payin
Advice For Junior Devs Who Aren't Quitting Because AI - Dev Leader Weekly 82 Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss what junior developers can focus on as they approach their careers in development!
GitHub - Sawyer-Powell/chatgcc: A bash script to use ChatGPT as your C compiler A bash script to use ChatGPT as your C compiler. Contribute to Sawyer-Powell/chatgcc development by creating an account on GitHub.
Advice For Junior Devs Who Aren't Quitting Because AI - Principal Software Engineering Manager AMA There's a lot of doom and gloom around software engineering -- but what about the folks who are focused on moving forward as software developers? What can they focus on? As with all livestreams, I'm looking forward to answering YOUR questions! So join me...
Weekly Recap - 2025-02-07 Check out this week from Dev Leader! Here's a list including articles and videos on software engineering, career development, and programming in C#!
Stop Conflating CQRS and MediatR The .NET ecosystem has gradually fused CQRS and MediatR together, creating a reflexive assumption that they're inseparable, but this mental shortcut has led teams down a path of unnecessary complexity. This article dispels common misconceptions by explain...
Thinking About Opening URLs in Emacs, and Wayland, and Stuff Emacs has had browse-url for ages — it’s very simple; it just calls browse-url-browser-function, and that’s enough for most things. But then somebody implemented a browser in Emac…
The unreasonable effectiveness of beauty in science Tons of famous scientists emphasize the importance of aesthetics.
Lazy objects in PHP 8.4 | Blog by Dominik Chrástecký Lazy objects are a fantastic addition to the already impressive PHP 8.4 release. In this article, we'll explore how to use them.
Escaping the Memeplex What are memeplexes, how they impact everything you do, and what can you do to get in control.
On Not Being Immutable Economist 2/1/25 Regulation of cryptocurrencies was an issue in last November's US election. Molly White documented the immense sums the in...
Do the Right Things Quietly On the power of performing good deeds without seeking recognition. Working quietly can increase your freedom, optionality, and the compounding effect of goodwill.
What do I mean by some software devs are "ngmi"? At "an oh fuck moment in time" I closed off the post with the following quote. N period on from now, software engineers who haven't adopted or started exploring software assistants, are frankly not gonna make it. Engineering organizations right now are s... - We rewrote The New York Times’ text editing library. Then we open sourced it. Then we rewrote it again. For the past six years, I’ve been trying to integrate React and ProseMirror, the popular rich text editing library. I’ve finally published @handlewithcare/react-prosemirror, which includes complete rewrite of ProseMirror’s rendering engine in React. Here’...
I Like Global Variables I know saying global variables will make some of you twitch. If that's you go to your happy place, otherwise strap yourself in. Not only will I show you how I like to use global variables, but I'll also show you in the hostile language C++.
How to do well in a technical interview | Radu Ghitescu Over the past 7 years I've sat across virtual and physical tables from many software engineers, from bright-eyed juniors to battle-tested veterans with decades of experience under their belts. Today, I want to speak directly to you, the job seeker, and su...