AI Image Analysis with OpenAI and C# Fritz has been doing some analysis of his hat collection using AI, Azure, and C#. In this video, he shows you how to setup Azure and a simple C# console application to analyze an image, in this case his hats, and get some structured data for later use. ...
Cees Bassa ( Attached: 1 image For the 4th year in a row, my all-sky camera has been taking an image of the sky above the Netherlands every 15 seconds. Combining these images reveal the length of the night changing throughout the year, the passage of clouds and the m...
Software is mostly made of people Code is just one of many critical ingredients to cultivating value.
Cracking the Code: A Beginner’s Guide to Network Protocols - Chris Woody Woodruff When you send a text message, watch a video online, or even check your email, countless interactions happen behind the scenes to make it all work seamlessly. These interactions rely on network protocols—a set of rules that ensures devices can talk to each...
5 ways to draw an outline 🖍️ Explaining multiple techniques for rendering outlines and highlights for real-time applications. This includes vertex object-space as well as screen-space methods. This can be used to render outlines in Unity or Unreal. Outlines can be used for gamepl...
Which Projects To Build?! - Principal Software Engineering Manager AMA This comes up all the time -- if I'm applying for jobs, which types of projects should I be building? I see different answers for this, and I think that there are multiple ways to go... but it's important to understand the goals! As with all livestreams...
OpenSPH A new graphical application that uses the OpenSPH solver, but with a user interface that is more interactive, intuitive, and easy to use. This version is still under development.
The Missing Mirror Delve into the nuanced realm of morality in 'The Missing Mirror.' This article explores the profound impact of self-reflection and remorse on distinguishing 'good' people from 'bad.' Discover how empathy and the ability to recognize one's mistakes foster ...
How we speed up filtered vector search with ACORN | Weaviate Learn about the challenges of filtered vector search and how Weaviate tackles them with ACORN.
Farewell: Third-Generation (3G UMTS WCDMA) Mobile Service in Australia (2002-2024) After 22 long years, third-generation (or better known as 3G) mobile telephone service for the general public has ended across Australia. Sometimes also known as the “Universal Mobile Telecom…
DIY Multideck | A game system to play hundreds of board games The DIY multideck is a deck of 162 playing cards (3 standard decks) that allows you to play hundreds of existing games, not only classic card games but also modern games that use components like boards or coins. The DIY multideck is ideal for traveling an...
My objection(s) to the "LLMs are just next-token predictors" take | Alejandro Tlaie Boria, PhD An outline of why I believe this is a wrong stance to have in light of the current evidence
Maximum Speed SQLite Inserts In my work I tend to reach for SQLite more and more. The type of work I find it useful for most these days is quickly amalgamating, dissecting, collecting and analyzing large data sets. As I have outlined in my Euruko talk on scheduling, a key element of ...
A Software Observability Roundup - I spent some time recently catching up on my #to-read saves in Obsidian. More than a fewof these were blog posts from 2024 about software observability. Talk of "redefining observability","observability 2.0", and "try Honeycomb" had caught my eye in a few...
Bitmasking: Storing Multiple States in a Single Integer Elegant and super-useful technique to store multiple on/off states into a single value.
New Year resolution: sponsoring some of the open source projects I use I decided to set aside a monthly budget and sponsor a few open source projects I regularly use.
Using LLMs and Cursor to become a finisher Struggling to finish side projects due to limited time? In my latest blog post, I share how I improved my productivity using AI tools like LLMs and Cursor IDE. Learn to refine specs, bootstrap code, and iterate effectively to rapidly build and deploy your...
The JIT calculator challenge Advent of code has come and passed, what should I do now with so much free time? Fear not! The JIT calculator challenge is here. 1. The challenge Back when Rust was in its infancy, the official website featured an example program to showcase the language’...
My Takeaways From 12 Months of Therapy Therapy had been a buzzword amongst some people I know and on the web. Honestly, I believed it to be a waste of time and money. I gave therapy a try first in 2021, but it was short-lived and not so great. In 2024, I again got curious about the mental heal...
Unit Testing Clean Architecture Use Cases Drawing from years of experience, I share my battle-tested approach to unit testing Clean Architecture use cases in .NET, focusing on the critical balance between code coverage and test quality. Through practical examples and real-world scenarios, I'll de...
I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone One of my weirder hobbies is trying to convince people that the idea that companies are listening to you through your phone’s microphone and serving you targeted ads is a …