Why is Hacker News spiking in organic traffic? Amongst all the chatter of the crackdown on site authority abuse, I decided to have a look at Hacker news to see how it was doing organically.
Who instruments the instrumenters? - Mostly nerdless Ever wondered how Spring and Mockito modify your code? Introducing the meta-agent which instruments byte-code instrumenters.
What I learned from doing Quiz Bowl I did Quiz Bowl throughout my time in high school, and looking back on it, it was a pretty positive thing to do! In this blog post, I want to make a list of some of the life lessons I have taken from Quiz Bowl.
Things I hate about Partiful The aesthetic for all parties is basically the same. That aesthetic is bad. A party is an aesthetic creation, so having all guests’ first experience of the thing you are offering them be a chintzy piece of crap that matches every other chintzy piece of cr...
Why your team might be holding you back - Dmitry Kudryavtsev A tale on why software engineering might not be a team sports after all, despite what eveyrone wants us to believe
Analyzing Polarsteps Data of a Six Month Southeast Asia Trip Analysis of Polarsteps location data gathered during a six month trip through Southeast
Designing Monte Carlo Simulations in R A text on designing, implementing, and reporting on Monte Carlo simulation studies
TypeScript: undefined and null are nothing and should keep being nothing — Domain Specific Language If you use nothing in place of something, not much good will come of it. Warning bells should start ringing when a program uses undefined or null in place of something. Let me explain what I mean.
LLM-based Agents for Tabular Data Processing Understanding and acting on tabular data, such as SQL databases, Excel sheets and comma separated values, remains challenging for large language models. In this post we show how an agentic workflow ca...
Useful output in CLI applications I favored Nushell. I was using it for a few months, until I decided to switch back to good old ZSH. Why I did that is a separate story. H...
Franklin Pezzuti Dyer I've been mulling over the idea of this blog post for a long time, probably since I wrote this older post describing a couple examples of monads. Monads are infamously tricky to grok, which is why I've been looking for examples to help myself understand t...
Setting up Doom Emacs for Astro Development The beauty of Astro is it's like the Nextflow of web frameworks
On brain fog (it's much worse than you think) A story about my own brain fog + some resources to help you cure yours
The API database architecture - Stop writing HTTP-GET endpoints The API database architecture - Stop writing HTTP-GET endpoints
An informal comparison of the three major implementations of std::string - The Old New Thing Pros and cons.
Simons Foundation Co-Founder, Mathematician and Investor Jim Simons Dies at 86 Simons Foundation Co-Founder, Mathematician and Investor Jim Simons Dies at 86 on Simons Foundation
Popover API - Web APIs | MDN The Popover API provides developers with a standard, consistent, flexible mechanism for displaying popover content on top of other page content. Popover content can be controlled either declaratively using HTML attributes, or via JavaScript.
General Performance Tip: Type Conversion This article explores type conversion in programming, comparing the traditional syntax with the newer “as” keyword in .NET. While the “as” keyword improves code readability,…
Slop is the new name for unwanted AI-generated content I saw this tweet yesterday from @deepfates, and I am very on board with this: Watching in real time as “slop” becomes a term of art. the way that “spam” …
Blazor Basics: 9 Best Practices for Building Blazor Web Apps This post shares nine best practices for building Blazor web applications based on real-world experience.
Windows Terminal Preview 1.21 Release Windows Terminal is back with another preview release! Windows Terminal Preview 1.21 introduces long-awaited features like Buffer Restore and fontfall back as well as new experimental features like Scratchpad and the ability to load up an image as a textu...
Fast Search and Replace in Large Number of Files: A Practical Guide This is a guide, written at an intermediate level, to performing high-speed search and replace operations across thousands of files in C# using advanced techniques such as memory-mapped files, asynchronous processing, and user-friendly interfaces with mod...