Racket is 25 posted by Matthias Felleisen and Matthew Flatt The First Thoughts [Matthias]: Wednesday 25 January 1995: POPL used to be a Monday-through-Wednesday-noon affair. Cormac Flanagan presented his future paper there (a static analysis on how to eliminate i...
Writing More Succinct C# - Dan Clarke When looking at a lot of C# code nowadays, I find myself thinking "wow, that code could be made SO MUCH SMALLER!". C# is a very flexible language, allowing you to write clean and functional code, but also very bloated code.
Sunday 10th May | Live | Slough Baptist Church Thanks for joining us this morning! If you’re watching live then join us after the service for chat, discussion and prayer on Zoom. https://zoom.us/j/4677103997 You can find downloads we’ll be mentioning this morning on our website https://sloughbaptist...
From the Implicit flow to PKCE: A look at OAuth 2.0 in SPAs In this article, we investigate the decision to deprecate the Implicit flow and look at current best practices for using OAuth 2.0 in modern web applications.
The IBM 1401 compiles and runs FORTRAN II We attempt to compile and run a simple FORTRAN program on our vintage 1959 IBM mainframe computer at the Computer History Museum. FORTRAN is a big stretch for this business oriented machine, with 16k memory and a CPU not meant at all for scientific appli...
Godot Engine - Godot 4.0 will get a new, modernized lightmapper In most game engines, a lightmap is baked for a whole scene and there is only one of it at the same time. In Godot, different scenes can have their own ligthmaps and you can mix and match them however you like.
Alternatives to PGP As part of my book's chapter on end-to-end encryption I've been writing about the horrors of PGP. As a recap of what's bad with PGP: No authenticated encryption. This is my biggest issue with PGP personally. Receiving a signed message means nothing about...
Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2018/607 SEEMless: Secure End-to-End Encrypted Messaging with less trust
Convincing-looking 90s fonts in modern browsers – Vistaserv.net The Vistaserv webmasters take you on a journey to create pixel-perfect renditions of vintage fonts on the modern web.
( Secret Sky. ) Porter Robinson's Secret Sky Digital Auditorium: visit this custom-built interactive experience with viewers from all around the world.
How Khan Academy Successfully Handled 2.5x Traffic in a Week We're the engineers behind Khan Academy. We're building a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
First, it was Craigslist, next it's Zapier Top image cover is from https://thegongshow.tumblr.com/post/345941486/the-spawn-of-craigslist-like-most-vcs-that-focus As I delve deeper into the no-code space I see a lot of Zapier, Integromat and Tray.io workflows. Some of these are actually quite compl...