Always Optimize the Feedback Loop Speed, I am Speed. -- Lightning McQueen Some thoughts about the impact of feedback loops in startups and software. Parts: Intro Framework Ob...
A Thousand Primers, Not Just One If gamification isn’t specific to its subject, it won’t be effective.
Evaluating a Decade of Hacker News Predictions: An Open-Source Approach What See the result here. You can see 2804 predictions HN users made, evaluated by LLM with categories, filters and search. Try typing “Linux” in a search bar! Source code is on GitHub Why I stumbled upon a 2010 thread of predictions for the upcoming deca...
Solving problems "Inside Out" Lately, while solving a few programming problems I have noticed that the pattern of thinking "inside out" can be useful.
Machine Learning and the triumph of GOFAI I’ve been slowly reading Brian Cantwell Smith’s “The Promise of Artificial Intelligence” recently. I haven’t finished reading it yet, and like much of BCS’s writing, it’ll probably take me 3 or 4 r…
What's in a name? Background Naming is important (as well as hard). Good names are good. Bad names are… bad. And we name a lot of things. In Python (a name) code is bundled and uploaded as a package (another name), usually to the Python Package Index (PyPI, a third name). ...
Things that don’t work Or: Things where there’s a case worth considering that they don’t work all that well for most people.
Learn Nix the Fun Way This is a post inspired by many talks I’ve given to engineering groups about Nix. You can see an example of one such talk Why I love Nix, and you should too I’ve given a lot of Nix talks. I’ve given Nix talks internally at companies where I’ve introduced ...
(modal) Modal is a flexible general purpose programming language based on the concept of rewriting. It was created in 2018 as a response to the rise in implementation complexity for high-level languages. The language has a single operation: * Find a pattern....
Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures There's a fascinating Rust library, loom, which can be used to thoroughly test lock-free data structures. I always wanted to learn how it works. I still do! But recently I accidentally implemented a small toy which, I think, contains some of the loom's id...
Cyclomatic Complexity in Code Software architecture is one of the most important and challenging concepts in software development. In order to properly address software…
Build vs Buy: The Age-old Dev Debate – Dev Leader Weekly 51 Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss different scenarios where I built my own vs when companies decide to build vs buy.
Ente - Private cloud for your photos, videos and more Protect your photos and videos with Ente - a secure, cross-platform, open source, encrypted photos app. Automatic backups, end-to-end encryption, collaborative albums, family plans, library-sync, 1-click import, human support, locked photos, live photos, ...
Service Discovery in Microservices With .NET and Consul Service discovery is a pattern that allows developers to use logical names to refer to external services, instead of physical IP addresses and ports. In this week's issue, we'll see how to implement service discovery in your .NET microservices with Consul...