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July 2024

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All entries for this month

  1. Self hosting a website analytics at zero cost
  2. How do you change browser in Slack anyway?
  3. Create Beautiful PDFs with HTML, CSS, and Markdown
  4. On software as an "in-discipline"
  5. Custom Enterprise LLM/RAG with Real-Time Fine-Tuning - Machine Learning Techniques
  6. Back in a few months, I'm networking an octopus
  7. Bridge Command
  8. Porting Lean to the ESP32-C3 RISC-V microcontroller
  9. Why SQL is Forever | Swizec Teller
  10. cppfront: Midsummer update
  11. Conditional logging with query parameters
  12. Why are open source nonprofits so weird?
  13. Composing Kubectl Commands in Style with Kubed
  14. Why I Dislike Maturity Models
  15. The Most Productive LLM Stack (for me)
  16. Enhancing #help in F# Interactive - .NET Blog
  17. Exam Numbers
  18. How to compress out interior padding in a std::pair and why you don't want to - The Old New Thing
  19. Meta Segment Anything Model 2
  20. `find` + `mkdir` is Turing complete (retracted)
  21. GitHub - sickcodes/Docker-OSX: Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
  22. Azure Functions Best Practices For Performance, Reliability And Security | Build5Nines
  23. React Hooks vs. Redux in 2024
  24. Using Entity Framework Core with MongoDB
  25. Create a .NET PlantUML Markdown Render Extension
  26. .NET 6: Don’t Panic Yet - But .NET 6 End of Support Is On The Horizon
  27. ASP.NET Core Basics: Working with JSON
  28. The React useSyncExternalStore Hook
  29. Highlights from Git 2.46
  30. AWS CodeCommit quietly deprecated
  31. Fix .NET MAUI MissingEntitlement and Provisioning Profiles Issues
  32. Instead of restricting AI and algorithms, make them explainable
  33. Using Web Authentication (OAuth2) to access Figma from Windows and Uno Platform Application - Nick's .NET Travels
  34. Translating All C to Rust
  35. Our audit of Homebrew
  36. Porffor
  37. Foundations · James Heller
  38. The end of the Everything Cloud
  39. R package development in Positron
  40. Why You Should Avoid Storing Authentication Tokens in Local Storage 🚫🔑
  41. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) with Elixir
  42. Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Dart Problem
  43. Know your Razors, Guillotines & Hammers
  44. The highest personal ROI program I have written so far
  45. After 10 Years, Yelp Gave My App 4 Days
  46. Building the Micro Journal
  47. Import but don’t import your NixOS modules
  48. Visualizing Multiple APIs with Swagger UI
  49. Exploring credentials in my password manager
  50. The lie of music discovery
  51. Azure Container Apps: Scaling Rule based on Azure Service Bus Subscription
  52. A Eulogy for Dark Sky, a Data Visualization Masterpiece
  53. Third-party cookies have got to go
  54. Grant Slater (@Firefishy@en.osm.town)
  55. Object Calisthenics #1: Elevating Code Quality with 9 Powerful Rules
  56. Cloud-Native .NET Aspire 8.1 Targets Building Containers, Orchestrating Python -- Visual Studio Magazine
  57. Making Marten Faster Through Table Partitioning
  58. Development With A Dot - Checking the Health of an ASP.NET Core Application
  59. AI and NET: AI in Action in Real-World .NET Applications
  60. Metalama 2024.2 Generally Available: Class Introductions, Observability, and Much More
  61. Protect your AWS Webservers from Port Scanning attacks
  62. Sign VSIX packages with Sign CLI - Visual Studio Blog
  63. My Love Hate Relationship With Pattern Matching
  64. Using Ports and Adapters to persist restaurant table configurations
  65. Replacing IdentityModel with MSAL's support for generic OIDC-compliant authorities
  66. FastHTML
  67. Using Figma to Develop Windows and Uno Platform Applications - Nick's .NET Travels
  68. GitHub - facebookresearch/segment-anything-2: The repository provides code for running inference with the Meta Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.
  69. Chili Tornado Quake
  70. CrowdStrike's Impact on Aviation - heavymeta.org
  71. Running One-man SaaS, 9 Years In
  72. Why I quit my 10h/week tech job | Jo Goh
  73. Why Only The Rested Win
  74. GameStop is toast
  75. How, Where, and Why I Take Notes
  76. Sending millions of packets per-second with AF_XDP
  77. How to Rewrite a Web Application | Tony Alicea
  78. The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful Computer Scientist and a Woman
  79. Using my iPad for Microsoft Flight Simulator navigation - The Hidden Blog
  80. How to be discontent | Jo Goh
  81. 019 - how to feel like you are winning
  82. Flexible network data preloading in large SPAs
  83. Optimizing All the Wrong Things
  84. Why I'm Excited About Local-First Software
  85. Uno Platform Error & Performance Monitoring with Raygun
  86. Easily Create Bindings for .NET MAUI with Native Library Interop - .NET Blog
  87. Why don't Windows Imaging Component pixel format GUIDs continue their nice pattern? - The Old New Thing
  88. A skeptic's first contact with Kubernetes
  89. Deploy ASP.NET Core web app to Azure App Service using Visual Studio Code | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base
  90. GitHub - izabera/ps
  91. Announcing TypeScript 5.6 Beta - TypeScript
  92. Generate and Share Screen Recordings with Media Capture API
  93. Windows resiliency: Best practices and the path forward
  94. Introduction to TypeGraphQL
  95. Avalonia 11.1: A Quantum Leap in Cross-Platform UI Development
  96. Back to Basics: Await a Task with a Timeout
  97. Absolute cache expiry corrupts absolutely?
  98. How many API's does .NET have?
  99. Carving the Super Nintendo Video System
  100. Windows Security best practices for integrating and managing security tools | Microsoft Security Blog
  101. We Chose Meilisearch Over 10+ Other Search Engines Despite a Major Drawback
  102. Model Collapse is an Information Degredation Problem
  103. I turned my 10 year old tablet into a digital photo frame, displaying google photos album. 🌴
  104. I will not do you a quick favour
  105. Yo'av Moshe - Learning Swedish with Linux, Sway, and an X1 Yoga tablet
  106. How I learn skills quickly
  107. Schengen ain't what it used to be
  108. What is a resource in OpenTelemetry? · Dash0
  109. Administrivia: Reconsidering the Engineering and Management Tracks
  110. Eyes Closed, Head First, Can't Lose · James Heller
  111. My mental model of setf was wrong
  112. ChatGPT turns every user into a power user
  113. SQLite vs PostgreSQL
  114. How to Automate Your Customer Support · Harris Osserman
  115. GitHub - ionworks/how-to-debug-your-battery: A guide on how to understand the performance of your battery with modelling and improve it
  116. First In First Out (FIFO) in Message Brokers
  117. Improve Your C# Code with Pattern Matching! 🚀
  118. GitHub - arunsupe/semantic-grep: grep for words with similar meaning to the query
  119. Boosting Performance with Copilot Slash Commands: Unleashing New Speed in Spargine
  120. How did Facebook intercept their competitor's encrypted mobile app traffic?
  121. “My company cares more about numbers than people” – Metod Rybar – Personal Blog
  122. Pragmatism, Neutrality and Leadership
  123. Why can't I stop eating?
  124. Stop selling me trichotomies!
  125. Triaging your own project’s Bugzilla tickets
  126. It's Hard to Strategize | Sam
  127. using LLMs as game engines
  128. Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650,000,000 checks
  129. Enhanced Data | cybernetic.dev
  130. Bril: An Intermediate Language for Teaching Compilers
  131. Plugin Architectures in DotNet – Dev Leader Weekly 54
  132. 35% Faster Than The Filesystem
  133. The New Internet
  134. Olympic Sports
  135. Europe Is in Danger of Regulating Its Tech Market Out of Existence
  136. Simple Messaging in .NET With Redis Pub/Sub
  137. Nikolov & Zeller: Misrepresentation of Critical Satellite Data by IPCC
  138. Llama 3 Secrets Every Engineer Must Know
  139. True agents in LLM agentic workflows | Dhruv Sharma
  140. Beyond Clean Code
  141. GPU-friendly Stroke Expansion
  142. Evolving Languages Faster with Type Tailoring
  143. A plea for the lost practice of information architecture
  144. Accountants Should Do Hackathons! - Tim Kellogg
  145. Notes on remitting Stripe Tax to the UK and EU • Ted Piotrowski
  146. Why Attend Programming Conferences?
  147. Schema migrations: pitfalls and risks | Changing the schema on the production database and live traffic should be easy with zero downtime. You should be able to preserve backward compatibility for all clients, even if they have hardcoded assumptions about schema and can’t easily upgrade them.
  148. Site Ideas | Zachary Kai
  149. How I Use Git Worktrees
  150. What can I do if IMlangConvertCharset is unable to convert from code page 28591 directly to UTF-8? - The Old New Thing
  151. Announcing Rust 1.80.0 | Rust Blog
  152. The Computer Genius the Communists Couldn’t Stand
  153. The Memento Design Pattern in C#, Practically With Examples [2024]
  154. Developers want more, more, more: the 2024 results from Stack Overflow’s Annual Developer Survey - Stack Overflow
  155. Three data architectures for the server
  156. En Provence [Some thoughts about npm package provenance - and why I have not enabled it]
  157. The IT crisis: a look after 7 months of interviews with 50 managers from Europe and the USA | Adam Trojańczyk
  158. Robin Rendle — The computer is a feeling
  159. From Inside the House
  160. <Linear Algebra for Data Science> – Kyunghyun Cho
  161. Sweet nothings
  162. The perks of a good OpenAPI spec
  163. Code Reviews Are Not Effective At Finding Bugs
  164. The Decline Of Mobile Development - DONN FELKER
  165. Data Fetching with Server Actions in Next.js
  166. Personal blog, as a solo game dev?
  167. Don't hold on giving feedback — Izaroj
  168. Reverse-engineering my speakers' API to get reasonable volume control
  169. 3 Professional Regrets From My PhD
  170. So, do you actually want to write?
  171. Devops Like You’re A Feature Engineer – roady's rants
  172. SearchGPT
  173. Introduction · Reverse Engineering
  174. strlcpy and how CPUs can defy common sense
  175. In my Visual Studio project, I set my Conformance mode to permissive, but it's still not permissive - The Old New Thing
  176. AI achieves silver-medal standard solving International Mathematical Olympiad problems
  177. Apple Maps on the web launches in beta
  178. Dungeons & Dragons taught me how to write alt text
  179. CrowdStrike will be liable for damages in France, based on the OVH precedent
  180. The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins
  181. module: add --experimental-strip-types by marco-ippolito · Pull Request #53725 · nodejs/node
  182. Marten 7.25 is Better, Faster, Stronger
  183. Visual Studio tip: Using Ctrl-L to delete a line with and without Clipboard backup - Visual Studio Blog
  184. Blazor Basics: Controlling the HTML HEAD Section in Blazor
  185. Work around the WebView2 NavigateToString() 2mb Size Limit
  186. Unleashing Powerful Axios Features
  187. House Inputs and Outputs
  188. A Tricky Floating-Point Calculation
  189. Anyone can Access Deleted and Private Repository Data on GitHub ◆ Truffle Security Co.
  190. Viola’s Room
  191. The Many Lives of Null Island | Stamen
  192. The Process That Kept Dying – Luke Deniston
  193. Smart Jerks Aren't Worth It | Tony Alicea
  194. Studying 0days: How we hacked Anki, the world's most popular flashcard app
  195. The Bouquet Residence
  196. The Job Hunt is Driving me Mad
  197. On The Why Down | Tony Alicea
  198. Mistral: Are LLMs Commodities Now? - Tim Kellogg
  199. Management Time
  200. Don’t use NixOS
  201. How use a Blazor QuickGrid with GraphQL - .NET Blog
  202. Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal
  203. Large Enough
  204. Handling lifecycle events on iOS and MacCatalyst with .NET MAUI
  205. API naming principle: If there is no direct object, then the direct object is the source object - The Old New Thing
  206. What’s New for JavaScript Developers in ECMAScript 2024
  207. ReSharper 20 years! | The .NET Tools Blog
  208. ASP.NET Core Basics: Manipulating Databases
  209. Health Checks for ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core
  210. Combining .NET Aspire, Python, Docker (Remote), and Machine Learning Models for Summarising Photos
  211. Navigating the new web accessibility ruling in the U.S.
  212. 🚫 Stop the Madness!! Use Cancellation Tokens Effectively in .NET Core🚫
  213. Software engineers are not (and should not be) technicians
  214. 1 year of building with LLMs – D-Squared
  215. Screen reading eff eff conf
  216. Musing about a secure computer for sensitive data
  217. Don't Overplan, Do Prototype | Ali Khaleqi Yekta
  218. LiteCluster: Replicated, leaderless, ACID compliant & high availability SQLite
  219. Fair Chess and Simultaneous Games - AV
  220. Are you looking for someone to develop your idea? Take a few minutes and read this. - AI Powered B2B SaaS
  221. OpenBSD IPv6 Home Internet Gateway with AT&T Fibre
  222. Counting Bytes Faster Than You’d Think Possible
  223. Hate Being A SWE? Why It’s Probably Your Fault – Bhavana
  224. Service Level Objectives made easy with Sloth and Pyrra
  225. Scaling past 1 million ELF symbol relocations
  226. Why The Llama 3.1 Announcement Is Huge - Tim Kellogg
  227. Llama 3.1
  228. Announcing .NET Conf: Focus on AI - August 20th 2024 - .NET Blog
  229. CockroachDB and Postgres - Releasing Locked Rows with idle_in_transaction_session_timeout | no dogma blog
  230. CockroachDB and Postgres SELECT FOR UPDATE and SKIP LOCKED | no dogma blog
  231. Doing Background Work with a Hosted Service in Web API | no dogma blog
  232. Running Postgres in Docker | no dogma blog
  233. Running CockroachDB on Windows, Linux, or Mac with a Single Executable | no dogma blog
  234. CSS Grid Areas
  235. Finding the command used to start a Docker container | no dogma blog
  236. The Gap
  237. CSS Cap Unit
  238. GenAI for Developers
  239. What's new in .NET Aspire 8.1 for cloud native developers! - .NET Blog
  240. Protect your AWS Webservers from Port Scanning attacks
  241. Unquoted service paths: The new frontier in script kiddie security vulnerability reports - The Old New Thing
  242. 5.3 Release: Full Rider Support and 350+ Enhancements
  243. Database Design for Google Calendar: a tutorial
  244. July 2024 Update on Instability Reports on Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen Desktop Processors
  245. GitHub - linuxmint/timeshift: System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be restored while system is running or from Live CD/USB.
  246. Add a SignalR hub to ASP.NET Core & connect using JavaScript
  247. A quick look at large language models with Node.js, Podman desktop, and the Granite model | Red Hat Developer
  248. Web Styles in Native Apps
  249. Overriding MSAL's HttpClient with IHttpClientFactory
  250. Stop a script when an error occurs in PowerShell - Gérald Barré
  251. Copying is the way design works
  252. President Venn Diagram
  253. Differentiating rate limits in Apache APISIX
  254. Mapping symbols: rethinking for efficiency
  255. Quantifying Prospective Jobs
  256. Brr Wants A Job – brr
  257. On the CrowdStrike Incident
  258. Killing long running queries in Postgres
  259. How not to use box shadows
  260. BitBuilt - Giving Life to Old Consoles
  261. Simulating an ice sheet
  262. After CrowdStrike, Programmers Deserve Consequences.
  263. When Objects Are Not Enough
  264. Engineering the world’s highest cited cat, Larry
  265. Baking An Open Source Cake
  266. How to find unused Prometheus metrics using mimirtool
  267. What’s the point? BigDecimal in review
  268. Share specs, Not execution
  269. Prakhar Gupta
  270. Fixing a Protel Payphone Part 2: Installing ExpressNet
  271. Sarvasv Kulpati
  272. Low Impact Website | Jason A. Heppler
  273. How conditional breakpoints work 🐢
  274. Mastering Error Insights in .NET MAUI: Sentry vs. Firebase Crashlytics
  275. Add AI to Your .NET Apps Easily with Prompty - .NET Blog
  276. No More Blue Fridays
  277. Organizing the five creation dispositions of the Create­File function - The Old New Thing
  278. We're good, seriously
  279. GitHub - BurntSushi/jiff: A date-time library for Rust that encourages you to jump into the pit of success.
  280. The state machine in C# with async/await
  281. Composing Linq Queries
  282. Migrating .NET APIs with Obsolete Attribute
  283. ILSpy for macOS: First Public Beta Release
  284. ASP.NET8 using DataTables.net – Part4 – Multilingual
  285. EF Core - The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value
  286. Array Grouping in JavaScript
  287. Auto-document dotnet CLI tool via dynamically generated markdown readme fragments
  288. andrewducker | A modest proposal on avoiding massive international computer failures
  289. Interface design in the age of qualiatech: Do you want to be a button?
  290. An interactive guide to x86-64 assembly - moving data
  291. My Adventures with Narrative Engines
  292. LLMs can solve hard problems
  293. My first program ever coded
  294. UI for sums must remember products (eighty-twenty news)
  295. 4 years developing an API | Blog of Christian Felde
  296. Carving ELF Files
  297. How not to use box shadows
  298. Rockin’ the Code World Season 4: Wisdom from the Trenches: Navigating Career Longevity in Software Engineering
  299. What is the significance of the character "j" at the end of a Roman Numeral?
  300. X. It’s what’s happening
  301. 2024-07-20 minuteman missile communications
  302. Enhancing Class and Member Documentation: Leveraging InformationAttribute in Spargine for Improved Code Maintenance
  303. Butts Are Difficult | buttplug.io
  304. latest, x86 64-bit, x86-64 ABI
  305. CrowdStrike broke Debian and Rocky Linux months ago, but no one noticed
  306. Modchipping a fridge
  307. Ansible at scale — working with multiple environments is easy
  308. How We Achieved Over 30,000 Installs on Our VSCode Extension
  309. Scan HTML even faster with SIMD instructions (C++ and C#) – Daniel Lemire's blog
  310. XD1 Log entries. Begin... · Against political realism
  311. Why package by feature first and then by layer?
  312. Why disallow package within the class name?
  313. Buy or Rent? RaspberryPi vs VPS
  314. What is Entropy?
  315. Why prefer unit testing through layer entrypoints?
  316. DeckString
  317. Pin
  318. CrowdStrike: Safe Deployment Practices – Dev Leader Weekly 53
  319. AI paid for by Ads – the gpt-4o mini inflection point
  320. Multisatellite Data Depicts a Record-Breaking Methane Leak from a Well Blowout
  321. An open-source distributed object storage service
  322. notes.billmill.org
  323. How to win the writing war against the robots - Denise Cullen
  324. Why I don't buy 538's new election model
  325. Testing Modular Monoliths: System Integration Testing
  326. Ruby methods are colorless
  327. Lunary | Lunary
  328. Everyone Should Learn Prompt Engineering, Even Software Engineers
  329. Why is spawning a new process in Node so slow?
  330. Thought Experiments on RTO and WFH
  331. Unknown Driver Analysis
  332. How to avoid frustration with software architecture
  333. how to pwn a billion dollar vc firm using inspect element - eva's site
  334. Is Crowdstrike the Final Straw?
  335. NetBlocks (@netblocks@mastodon.social)
  336. CrowdStrike
  337. Creating an already-completed asynchronous activity in C++/WinRT, part 9 - The Old New Thing
  338. Ryanair – when every page is a dark pattern
  339. Foliate — E-book Reader for Linux
  340. BSOD error in latest crowdstrike update
  341. Gotchas with SQLite in Production
  342. I Built a Tool Which Tracks LIVE All VC Funded Startups. Use this list to send emails to startups who are ready to spend $$$
  343. Adding Serilog to ASP.NET Core: a practical guide
  344. Blazor Basics: Prerendering Server Components in Blazor
  345. Automating MassTransit Consumer Registration
  346. Three New Premium Visual Studio Subscriber Benefits Announced - Visual Studio Blog
  347. Custom config sections using static virtual members in interfaces
  348. Exclusive: USPS shared customer postal addresses with Meta, LinkedIn and Snap
  349. Google Now Defaults to Not Indexing Your Content
  350. GitHub - quackduck/devzat: The devs are over here at devzat, chat over SSH!
  351. Introducing CoreWCF and WCF Client Azure Queue Storage bindings for .NET - .NET Blog
  352. .NET 6 will reach End of Support on November 12, 2024 - .NET Blog
  353. Mistral NeMo
  354. Index of /ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu
  355. Creating an already-completed asynchronous activity in C++/WinRT, part 8 - The Old New Thing
  356. AI Tooling for Software Engineers in 2024: Reality Check (Part 1)
  357. NuGetAudit 2.0: Elevating Security and Trust in Package Management - The NuGet Blog
  358. ASP.NET Core Basics: Dealing with Backend Validations
  359. Don’t talk about non-functional requirements, talk about quality attributes
  360. Organ Meanings
  361. EF Core 8.0: Numeric Rowversion for Azure SQL/Microsoft SQL Server
  362. The Anxiety Epidemic
  363. Failed Attempt at Creating a Video Search Engine
  364. NVIDIA Transitions Fully Towards Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules | NVIDIA Technical Blog
  365. Two years in review
  366. Soundcljoud, or a young man's Soundcloud clonejure
  367. System Design Sketches | Trekhleb
  368. Way Enough - VLMs aren't blind
  369. Python: it is now() time to migrate from utcnow()
  370. Teaching a 3-Year-Old and LLMs
  371. How I Prepare Merge Requests
  372. Why I Like NetBSD, or Why Portability Matters
  373. Why parenting makes you human
  374. White Labeling .NET MAUI Apps
  375. 𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆Pod
  376. Jailbreaking RabbitOS: Uncovering Secret Logs, and GPL Violations
  377. Panic! at the Tech Job Market
  378. Creating an already-completed asynchronous activity in C++/WinRT, part 7 - The Old New Thing
  379. I built a tool which tracks all VC fundings worldwide and announces when new funding deal is closed! This app will give you all information about the company & their key employees with contact details (email + linkedin). Free access to everyone who comments on this submission!
  380. Import and export Markdown in Google Docs
  381. I created a tool to track all VC Funded Startups. Use it to scale your sales or for research!
  382. Check out my data science project - live stream of all VC funded startups. This scrapes 1k+ news sources and aggregates all funded startups into one place. What else could I make with this technology?
  383. Building a Safer Future - How NuGet is Tackling Software Supply Chain Threats - The NuGet Blog
  384. .NET Aspire vs Docker.
  385. Using AZD for faster incremental Azure Container App deployments in Azure DevOps | johnnyreilly
  386. Making Visual Studio a bit more visual - Visual Studio Blog
  387. UX Crash Course: Wayfinding
  388. How To Fix .NET Nullability Warnings For Guarded Members
  389. Debug your .NET 8 code more efficiently
  390. Multithreading in Blazor WASM using Web Workers - Kristoffer Strube’s Blog
  391. Most of your favourite mathematicians knew each other
  392. Engineering a New PDU from the Ground Up
  393. You're always doing something wrong - Aaron Francis
  394. Tips for Living with an Ostomy
  395. Burning Billions: The Gamble Behind Training LLM Models
  396. Software is more like a garden
  397. Is Agile over?
  398. indie blogs are doing OK: here's how to find them
  399. How to classify long documents without breaking the bank
  400. Lorelei and the Laser Eyes
  401. My pet theory of how great software gets started
  402. Attempting to stop Microsoft users sending 'reactions' to email from me by adding a postfix header
  403. The error monitoring tool I want
  404. Ethicswishing
  405. What if undecidability shows up all at once?
  406. Robots.txt Won't Save You
  407. Codestral Mamba
  408. Free .NET 8 Web API Live Stream's
  409. Creating an already-completed asynchronous activity in C++/WinRT, part 6 - The Old New Thing
  410. I Creatd a Tool To Track ALL Live VC Investments Worldwide. Perfect for getting marketing leads or doing sales. Sell to startups which have $$$ ready to spend
  411. For advertising: Firefox now collects user data by default
  412. ComplexType vs JSON Columns: Choosing the Right Data Storage Approach
  413. Toolbox languages
  414. We need visual programming. No, not like that.
  415. Data Dimensionality Reduction Using a Neural Autoencoder with C# -- Visual Studio Magazine
  416. Temporal cattle and other important jargon
  417. Announcing OData .NET 8 Release Candidate 1 - OData
  418. Development With A Dot - .NET 8 Data Annotations Validation
  419. Fastest C# Enum to String - NDepend Blog
  420. The end of trust?
  421. Enable NuGet auditing for your .NET projects - Gérald Barré
  422. Good News About Brain Cancer
  423. Beam of Light
  424. Samsung Galaxy NX: a decade's review
  425. Advanced URL rewriting with Apache APISIX
  426. Mining Pool Game Theory during Forks
  427. Melting down my Youtube Watch Later list with LLMs
  428. Clojure macros continue to surprise me
  429. Understanding Apache Paimon's Consistency Model Part 3 — Jack Vanlightly
  430. Lessons learned in 35 years of making software
  431. Self Hosting Benefits for Software Engineers
  432. Mercurial is simply too good
  433. Common logical fallacies surrounding capitalism
  434. Writing GUI apps doesn't have to be painful
  435. Re-imagining Technical Interviews: Valuing Experience Over Exam Skills
  436. Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming Language
  437. Not so Secret: Analysis of KakaoTalk's Secret Chat E2EE Feature
  438. Difference between expat and immigrant
  439. Introducing dotnet nuget why
  440. SCALE documentation
  441. .NET 9 Preview 6 is now available! - .NET Blog
  442. Google's Gemini AI caught scanning Google Drive hosted PDF files without permission — user complains feature can't be disabled
  443. Creating an already-completed asynchronous activity in C++/WinRT, part 5 - The Old New Thing
  444. Interesting links of the week 2024-29
  445. How To Know When It's Time To Go
  446. How not to benchmark!
  447. "Very Bad Idea" prototype v0.1
  448. Create a Windows Hello login app - Windows apps
  449. 5 Ways to Maintain Eye Health Working in Front of Screens
  450. Git–Dubious ownership
  451. Local AI on Windows: Explaining the Audio Editor app sample 
  452. Pretty pictures, bootable floppy disks, and the first Canon Cat demo?
  453. The Hidden Marriage Market
  454. Quickest way to White-labeling MAUI iOS & Android apps using shell scripts
  455. Career Advice from the Outer Rim
  456. Covering all birthdays - Lior Sinai
  457. Letting Candidates Know They’re Not Moving Forward
  458. Darius Foroux - On Thoughts and Thinking Better
  459. Using pipe (|) and grep in Linux and Unix (macOS)
  460. Building a WoW server in Elixir
  461. The Experience of Deploying Next.js Apps on Cloudflare
  462. system logs aggregation with postgres
  463. Trust as a bottleneck to growing teams quickly
  464. Welcome to Thunderbird 128 "Nebula"
  465. repos
  466. Mastering the Art of Public Speaking: Preparation is the Secret for Captivating Presentations and Flawless Demos
  467. Jelly Star - The World's Smallest Android 13 Smartphone
  468. GUIs are Antisocial
  469. Give people something to link to so they can talk about your features and ideas
  470. Disney's Internal Slack Breached? NullBulge Leaks 1.1 TiB of Data
  471. How to choose your startup idea
  472. Where is the sandbox in your code base?
  473. Self-hosted PaaS - DBohdan.com
  474. The Tragedies of Reality Are Coming for You
  475. LLMs are good for coding because your documentation is shit
  476. Exploring TLS certificates and their limits
  477. Use pg_easy_replicate for setting up Logical Replication and Switchover in PostgreSQL
  478. Kyle Benzle
  479. The missing parts in Cargo
  480. How to build better social media?
  481. My curated list of indie blogs
  482. I Was a Teenage Webmaster
  483. Happy Birthday, Dev Leader Weekly! – Dev Leader Weekly 52
  484. Crafting Interpreters
  485. "GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software
  486. Use A Work Journal To Recover Focus Faster And Clarify Your Thoughts
  487. Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with!
  488. Tagger | Tagger
  489. Building Your First Use Case With Clean Architecture
  490. Speeding up Temporal Aggregation in DataFusion by 60-60000x using µWheel
  491. 4d6 Psychic Damage: The effects of meaningless work — Evan Smith
  492. 235: RAG in an industrial setting - The Industrial AI Podcast
  493. Does GPT4o use OCR for vision?
  494. The economics of a Postgres free tier
  495. mühlemann+popp
  496. Beating the compiler
  497. The sausage making behind peer review
  498. Software Engineering and the Social Contract
  499. LLM Evaluation doesn't need to be complicated
  500. WTF happened to blogs | Michal's corner
  501. GitHub - taubyte/tau: Open source distributed Platform as a Service (PaaS). A self-hosted Vercel / Netlify / Cloudflare alternative.
  502. GitHub - Wack0/maciNTosh: PowerPC Windows NT ported to Power Macintosh systems
  503. Hatchery
  504. Welcome … — Physics-based Deep Learning
  505. Creating an already-completed asynchronous activity in C++/WinRT, part 4 - The Old New Thing
  506. Deploy a Phi-3 model in Azure AI, and consume it with C# and Semantic Kernel
  507. Snapshot Testing in .NET with Verify | The .NET Tools Blog
  508. ASP.NET Core Basics: 12 Questions and Answers for Beginners
  509. Dark Mode Now Available on NuGet.org - The NuGet Blog
  510. EF Core - Query splitting
  511. Which is more suitable to use, isNaN or Number.isNaN() in JavaScript
  512. hangout_services/thunk.js
  513. How To Survive 3 Years In North Korea As A Foreigner
  514. WebVM - Linux virtualization in WebAssembly
  515. Decorate the Symfony router to add a trailing slash to all URLs
  516. Vectors
  517. How to lie about latency
  518. Crafting the Ultimate Note-Taking App for Developers: Hard-Won Insights and Essential Lessons
  519. The case for burning counterterrorism operations
  520. Introducing wlhc: wayland hot corners
  521. In-Memory Analytics for Kafka using DuckDB
  522. Last Days In New York
  523. FlashAttention-3: Fast and Accurate Attention with Asynchrony and Low-precision
  524. Map Hopping Made Easy! 🗺️🦘🗺️
  525. neotraverse: unbloating traverse | Puru Vijay
  526. Federation is the one new concept which excites me
  527. Using aerc-mail with Outlook
  528. It probably won’t be you | Nic Mulvaney
  529. I prefer discussion in open web
  530. How does Spectre work?
  531. Subscriptions Suck
  532. Announcing Lix 2.90 "Vanilla Ice Cream"
  533. Why and How to Execute GraphQL Queries in .NET - .NET Blog
  534. WALL·E
  535. Received Microsoft MVP Award in Developer Technologies
  536. Building AR and VR MAUI Apps | .NET MAUI Community Standup with Ed Charbeneau
  537. dut
  538. Creating an already-completed asynchronous activity in C++/WinRT, part 3 - The Old New Thing
  539. Announcing SSMS 20.2 ... and getting feedback for SSMS 21
  540. From Microservices to Modular Monoliths
  541. Does code rot over time?
  542. Loading aggregates with EF Core
  543. VLMs are Blind
  544. Adding Friction
  545. Fun with Positron | Andrew Heiss
  546. Healing Broken Bone at Anatomy and Art
  547. Reading my electric meter with RTLSDR • pdx.su
  548. Fat Tony’s Under Water: My Dream Startup Incubator
  549. RAG Trick: Embeddings are Spheres
  550. How I manage my KDE email
  551. IRL HTML Is the Place For Your Most Hand-Written Websites
  552. Digital Markets Act, Google, Chrome extensions - case study
  553. The Programmable Web
  554. The 5 Stages of Posthuman Grief - “Acceptance” Makes Progress Possible - Dan Faggella
  555. Evict Your Darlings: Banish dotfiles from your home directory
  556. HCI Is the Bottleneck
  557. Effective Code Reviews: Align your team and ship better code
  558. A Commitment to Art and Dogs
  559. Updating Prism Template to .NET 8
  560. A Crossword Puzzle
  561. Zed on Linux is here!
  562. AMD to buy Finnish start-up Silo AI for $665mn in drive to compete with Nvidia
  563. Europe's new Ariane 6 rocket powers into space
  564. Creating an already-completed asynchronous activity in C++/WinRT, part 2 - The Old New Thing
  565. Judge dismisses DMCA copyright claim in GitHub Copilot suit
  566. Deactivating an API, One Step at a Time
  567. Adding Antivirus to .NET Aspire Systems
  568. Building a .NET TWAIN Document Scanner Application for Windows and macOS using MAUI
  569. .NET and .NET Framework July 2024 servicing releases updates - .NET Blog
  570. Entity Framework Core– Avoid losing precision
  571. HTML Datalist for ASP.NET Core Inputs
  572. The React useId Hook
  573. Lessons from election night
  574. Setting Up Renovate as Azure DevOps Pipeline for Automatic .NET NuGet Package Updates
  575. Secure cross-platform and file-based token cache for MSAL.NET
  576. Using use in Gleam
  577. My Liner Notes for Spore
  578. Some thoughts on real open source Artificial Intelligence
  579. DMCA as a vector for pornographic spam?
  580. Jan-Piet Mens
  581. Timeseries Indexing at Scale - Artem Krylysov
  582. Borderless Is Inevitable
  583. Awareness, power, and morality
  584. To Dedupe Then Sort or Sort Then Dedupe?
  585. Solving the Almgren Chris Model
  586. Self Documenting Code Is Bullshit – Klaus Breyer
  587. Why did I leave IT services? and why I do not regret it.
  588. How do you test the quality of search results?
  589. Rails 7.2 Adds app:update Task to be a Rails Command.
  590. Binary Kelly Trainer: Ship Investor Game
  591. Jerk
  592. Life without the front page
  593. My High School banned Phones... in 2011!
  594. Searching for a better search box - koaning.io
  595. 1 + 1 > 2 - ganji.blog
  596. Announcing Remember for iOS — defn.io
  597. gRPC Over HTTP/3
  598. Migrating enterprise apps stuck on legacy technologies
  599. The Magic of Clip Path
  600. The dual nature of seniority in software development
  601. Jonas Hietala: Microfeatures in my blog
  602. Uno Toolkit – an Uno Tech Bite series
  603. Linksys Velop routers send Wi-Fi passwords in plaintext to US servers
  604. C# 13: Explore the latest preview features - .NET Blog
  605. PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights | Robert Heaton
  606. Creating an already-completed asynchonous activity in C++/WinRT, part 1 - The Old New Thing
  607. DB Browser for SQLite
  608. C++ Design Patterns for Low-latency Applications Including High-frequency Trading
  609. Entering text in the terminal is complicated
  610. Rye: a Hassle-Free Python Experience
  611. Network Round Trips are Evil
  612. How to use VS Code to develop and build a .NET application
  613. Demystify history with GitHub Copilot commit explanations - Visual Studio Blog
  614. Capture and review .Net Profiler Traces on App Service (Windows)
  615. Simplify Your .NET Aspire Caching With Metalama
  616. Failing to map: a tale of false hopes in mmap land
  617. CS0012: The type 'System.Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced.
  618. Should interfaces be asynchronous?
  619. The Right Kind of Stubborn
  620. No more boot loader: Please use the kernel instead DevConf.CZ
  621. A Mini Monitor for a Pi
  622. On Burnout, Mental Health, And Not Being Okay — Ludicity
  623. MicroPython Smartwatch
  624. Extrinsic Hallucinations in LLMs
  625. Family Values
  626. Don't use a $5 range outlet for EV charging
  627. Enchanting the Workplace
  628. Making My Own Wedding Rings
  629. Personality Basins | near.blog
  630. Using an LLM and RAG to Wring Insights From My Posts
  631. Anna: A Key-Value Store For Any Scale
  632. Rails Add ActiveRecord.after_all_transactions_commit Callback
  633. How to count rows read in sqlite
  634. Specific Software
  636. Efficient Text Formatting in .NET MAUI with Label FormattedText
  637. Number Line Branch
  638. Reverse Engineering TicketMaster's Rotating Barcodes (SafeTix)
  639. What's the point of std::monostate? You can't do anything with it! - The Old New Thing
  640. I'm Funding Ladybird Because I Can't Fund Firefox | Blog
  641. Interesting links of the week 2024-28
  642. how fast is javascript simulating 20 000 000 particles
  643. Generative AI for Beginners - Full Videos Series Released!
  644. Reading unfamiliar codebases quickly: LMDB
  645. Visual Studio–View .NET Counters while debugging
  646. Tracing External Processes with Akka.NET and OpenTelemetry: Part 1 (The Code)
  647. UUID v7 in .NET 9
  648. A reawakening of systems programming meetups
  649. Satyrn
  650. Mastering Kubernetes networking: Otterize's journey in cloud-native packet management
  651. Enabling containers to access the GPU on macOS
  652. minRLHF: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback from Scratch | Tom Tumiel
  653. How LLMs Learn: What We Know, What We Don't (Yet) Know, and What Comes Next
  654. Hunga Tonga volcano: impact on record warming
  655. Kate and OrgMode
  656. Tools for innovation in tech
  657. Architecture at multiple scales
  658. How HLS Works
  659. Building Strong Foundations: The Crucial Role of Data in Software Development
  660. Hosting Blazor Apps in Contabo Servers
  661. UChicago Prof. Shirley Meng’s Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion creates world’s first anode-free sodium solid-state battery – a breakthrough in inexpensive, clean, fast-charging batteries
  662. Always Optimize the Feedback Loop
  663. A Thousand Primers, Not Just One
  664. Evaluating a Decade of Hacker News Predictions: An Open-Source Approach
  665. Xuanwo's VISION: Data Freedom
  666. Solving problems "Inside Out"
  667. Machine Learning and the triumph of GOFAI
  668. What's in a name?
  669. Things that don’t work
  670. Learn Nix the Fun Way
  671. (modal)
  672. Properly Testing Concurrent Data Structures
  673. Cyclomatic Complexity in Code
  674. Build vs Buy: The Age-old Dev Debate – Dev Leader Weekly 51
  675. Let’s stop counting centuries
  676. Ente - Private cloud for your photos, videos and more
  677. PostgreSQL and UUID as primary key
  678. Pole Vault
  679. Service Discovery in Microservices With .NET and Consul
  680. Collections: The Philosophy of Liberty – On Liberalism
  681. Love, Math & Witchcraft: How Roasting Psychoanalysis Comes Back to Bite Richard Feynman - Slow thoughts
  682. 3manuek - [Earthly feature]: Disabling Earthly internal labels
  683. Stop calling the robots “smart”
  684. Generating database migrations with acyclic graphs
  685. Principles of Effective Research – Michael Nielsen
  686. Taking PyTorch for Granted | wh
  687. 17 vulnerabilities in Sharp Multi-Function Printers
  688. Scan HTML faster with SIMD instructions: .NET/C# Edition – Daniel Lemire's blog
  689. Don't Impl, Do Imp | Ali Khaleqi Yekta
  690. Kafka versus Nabokov
  691. Synchronous Core, Asynchronous Shell
  692. Game 6: Put the DVD logo in the Corner
  693. I Have No Constructor, and I Must Initialize
  694. GitHub - wader/jqjq: jq implementation of jq
  695. How do I produce a Windows Runtime asynchronous activity from C++/WinRT? - The Old New Thing
  696. Batteries: how cheap can they get?
  697. Against Innovation Tokens
  698. From Fear to Triumph: My 30-Year Journey in Public Speaking
  699. GitHub - andmarti1424/sc-im: sc-im - Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised -- An ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal
  700. Visual Studio AI Toolkit : Building Phi-3 GenAI Applications
  701. .NET Aspire Developers Day is coming up!
  702. Navigating Corporate Giants - CoRecursive Podcast
  703. WebAssembly vs JavaScript: A Comparison — SitePoint
  704. Insights from over 10,000 comments on "Ask HN: Who Is Hiring" using GPT-4o & LangChain
  705. The Snapdragon X Elite’s Adreno iGPU
  706. How to add a WordPress Blog to a Next.js app as a subdirectory in the same domain to boost SEO – Mike Alche
  707. You need a capture system - DeveloPassion
  708. Finding near-duplicates with Jaccard similarity and MinHash
  709. You're Not Sick of Programming
  710. Malone's Maxim
  711. Love, Death, and Computers
  712. Discovering .NET codebases using code coverage and NCrunch – Tore Nestenius
  713. The Joy of Reading Books You Don't Entirely Understand - Reactor
  714. Beating NumPy’s matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C code
  715. How do I produce a Windows Runtime asynchronous activity from C#? - The Old New Thing
  716. Reasons to use your shell's job control
  717. Mark Oliver's World
  718. X-Ray vision for Linux systems
  719. On the origins of DS_store
  720. TDD. You're Doing it Wrong
  721. Elevating BFF Apps with .NET Aspire
  722. The Anatomy of .NET Aspire Application
  723. Cloned Dictionary vs. Immutable Dictionary vs. Frozen Dictionary in high traffic systems
  724. AI’s $600B Question
  725. Bracket Symbols
  726. pfych - 4K Sunshine Streaming from a non-4k host
  727. A flight against time | Jordan Vincent
  728. OOP Isn't Obsessed Enough About Time Control
  729. You’re allowed to be interested in particle physics
  730. Fuzzing with memfd_create(2) and fmemopen(3)
  731. Reproducibility in Disguise: Bazel, Dependencies, and the Versioning Lie
  732. Dolev Hadar
  733. The Year of the Linux Desktop - in Retrospect
  734. Trust Among Americans Isn’t Over Yet - The Plural of You
  735. The Future of Generative Interfaces
  736. Tensors
  737. I sent 500 million HTTP requests to 2.5 million hosts
  738. Systems Engineering Manifesto · deuill.org
  739. Why 2024 Sucks for Junior Dev Applicants
  740. The JRuby Blog : Independence Day
  741. A Type for Overload Set
  742. D-Star
  743. FOMO & ChatGPT
  744. Retool needs a retooling
  745. Waiter, there's a whale in my bucket!
  746. What's new for the Microsoft Fluent UI Blazor library 4.9
  747. Official OpenAI Library for .NET - Sample App is here!
  748. Proton launches its own version of Google Docs
  749. [July 2nd 2024] We have proved "BB(5) = 47,176,870"
  750. How do I produce a Windows Runtime asynchronous activity from C++/CX? - The Old New Thing
  751. I received an AI email
  752. Binary Classification Using LightGBM -- Visual Studio Magazine
  753. Building Intelligent Applications with Local RAG in .NET and Phi-3: A Hands-On Guide
  754. HTML Range Inputs with ASP.NET Core TagHelpers
  755. The React useDebugValue Hook
  756. Dive into native Windows development with new WinUI workload and template improvements - Visual Studio Blog
  757. SQL Server–Does a ‘LIKE’ query benefits from having an index?
  758. Readonly, Immutable, and Frozen Collections in .NET - NDepend Blog
  759. Amateur Mathematicians Find Fifth ‘Busy Beaver’ Turing Machine | Quanta Magazine
  760. Meta 3D Gen | Research
  761. .NET MAUI – App Theming
  762. 10 Most Common Errors in SPF Records
  763. Graph-Based Ceramics
  764. How to prevent stagnation while building products alone
  765. Test-Driven Development: A Guide to Improving Software Quality
  766. Digital Trees
  767. Do we fear the serializable isolation level more than we fear subtle bugs?
  768. The pleasure of writing Clean OOP code
  769. Top Five PostgreSQL Surprises from Rails Devs
  770. The Sphere
  771. CSS Surprise Manga Lines
  772. gRPC: The Good Parts
  773. The 3 Types of CSS Utility Classes
  774. Some notes on self-publishing a tech book
  775. Big Data Engineering in the 2020s
  776. Ryzen 7 Mini-PC makes a power-efficient VM host
  777. TDD CANNOT Work
  778. Programming Your Mind
  779. Why bare-metal Debian (and Raspberry Pi OS) is not a good choice for most Embedded Systems
  780. No More postman just use cURL + vim = ❤ – Mahmoud Ashraf
  781. Azure DevOps Pipeline: Build and Deploy Azure Container App
  782. Ladybird Web Browser becomes a non-profit with $1 Million from GitHub Founder
  783. My programming beliefs as of July 2024
  784. 🚀 🚀 Working with hierarchical data in .Net Core using the hierarchyid data type.(.Net Core 8) 🚀 🚀
  785. Why Is Chile So Long?
  786. Booting Linux off of Google Drive
  787. GitHub - vslavik/diff-pdf: A simple tool for visually comparing two PDF files
  788. The history of Alt+number sequences, and why Alt+9731 sometimes gives you a heart and sometimes a snowman - The Old New Thing
  789. Ladybird
  790. Book Review: React and React Native - Coding Sonata
  791. Lessons learned after migrating Azure Functions to Isolated Functions on .NET 8
  792. Codespaces for your open-source project
  793. AI and NET: Introducing the official OpenAI library for .NET Developers
  794. Let GitHub Copilot draft of your pull request description - Visual Studio Blog
  795. Challenge: Efficient snapshotable state
  796. MemoryCache in C#: A Practical Guide
  797. Compilation of C# conference talks from 2023-2024
  798. Creating hashes in .NET
  799. Understanding Pure Domain Modelling: Bridging the Gap Between Existing Systems and the Real Domain
  800. Doggo
  801. An immutable priority collection
  802. How to output a SARIF file from a .NET project - Gérald Barré
  803. Alien Theories
  804. Falsehoods Software Developers Believe About Event-Driven Systems · Blog · Loïc Carr
  805. Week 1
  806. How Postgres is Misused and Abused in the Wild
  807. The Homepage of Scott Tolinski
  808. Fixing Low Storage Space on Mac as a Developer
  809. Git: the danger of squash merging submodules
  810. The Instagram moment for software – Aditya Ganguli
  811. Dynamic watermarking on the JVM
  812. Calling The Baby Ugly Won’t Short Circuit The Emperor’s New Clothes 
  813. Competitor comparisons: What they are, why they work, and how to do one well - Ritza Articles
  814. Using GPT and GenAI models
  815. The Speciation of LLM Products
  816. Hack Your Notes: Building a LLM-Powered Obsidian Plugin with Ollama
  817. Exorcising us of the Primer
  818. Sonnet is the opposite of lazy
  819. TIL: Using Twoslash with Shiki and Astro
  820. Why (Neo)Vim is not for you
  821. Integrity Constraints and business value
  822. It's time to abolish the builder pattern in Rust
  823. Ladybird
  824. Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative
  825. Pikimov
  826. If I register the same shell extension as both a context menu extension and a drag/drop extension, how do I know which one the system is using? - The Old New Thing
  827. Cities need more trees
  828. Documentation | Pipes
  829. Interesting links of the week 2024-27
  830. Writing GUI apps for Windows is painful | Samuel Tulach
  831. Open Source 'Eclipse Theia IDE' Exits Beta to Challenge Visual Studio Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  832. Saving Data Historically with Temporal Tables: Part 1: Queries - Simple Talk
  833. Code in the cloud: Explore tools, training, and resources
  834. Publish a console app as a single executable
  835. RavenDB News: June, 2024
  836. Release v2.16.41 · WinMerge/winmerge
  837. Is Your ASP.NET Core Application Running In A Container?
  838. We Created A Fake Delivery Company
  839. How I scraped 6 years of Reddit posts in JSON
  840. Franklin Pezzuti Dyer
  841. Automating my gate door
  842. Chaos Engineering in Frontend Development: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing Application Resilience
  843. Git: please stop squash merging!
  844. Convolutions, Fast Fourier Transform and Polynomials
  845. Feeding the Baby
  846. The End of OpenDNS in France: A Comprehensive Overview