Building an e-ink weather display for our home Building a battery powered e-ink weather forecast display for our home. This was a fun Raspberry PI project.
Your DietBet Destroyed the World DISCLAIMER: This is fiction. The views expressed here are those of a fictional character, not me.
Today I Learned: The Rule of 72 I came over a .pdf on linkedin, which I’m unfortunately unable to find again, containing some lessons of investing from Benjamin Graham’s mentor1. One of them was the rule of 72. The rule of 72 is used to find out how long it takes to double your investme...
GitHub Business Card Generate your custom image from your GitHub username. A fun experiment of image generation.
Making the Most of Minimal APIs in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022 Filters, route groups, endpoint metadata providers, oh my! .NET 7 brings a host of new features to Minimal APIs in ASP.NET. In this session, you learn about ...
GitHub - timhutton/twitter-archive-parser: Python code to parse a Twitter archive and output in various ways Python code to parse a Twitter archive and output in various ways - GitHub - timhutton/twitter-archive-parser: Python code to parse a Twitter archive and output in various ways
T4 goodness with Entity Framework Core 7 | .NET Conf 2022 In EF Core 7 you can now use T4 (text template transformation templates) to customize the Database First workflow. In this session you will get an overview o...
T4 goodness with Entity Framework Core 7 | .NET Conf 2022 In EF Core 7 you can now use T4 (text template transformation templates) to customize the Database First workflow. In this session you will get an overview o...
.NET at Stack Overflow | .NET Conf 2022 Join Roberta, Director of Engineering at Stack Overflow, as she gives a deep dive on how they leverage the latest version of .NET to scale to millions of use...
Making the Most of Minimal APIs in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022 Filters, route groups, endpoint metadata providers, oh my! .NET 7 brings a host of new features to Minimal APIs in ASP.NET. In this session, you learn about ...
The Hidden Beauty of Databases: Explained for Non-Techies Like Never Before - Aman Y. Agarwal The Hidden Beauty of Databases: Explained for Non-Techies Like Never Before - Aman Y. Agarwal
Making the Most of Minimal APIs in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022 Filters, route groups, endpoint metadata providers, oh my! .NET 7 brings a host of new features to Minimal APIs in ASP.NET. In this session, you learn about ...
Mammals Travel back 100,000 years and the planet was rich with a wide array of wild mammals. Mammoths roamed across North America; lions across Europe; 200-kilogram wombats in Australasia; and the ground sloth lounged around South America.
Wild mammals have declined by 85% since the rise of humans, but there is a possible future where they flourish Wild mammal biomass has declined by 85% since the rise of humans. But we can turn things around by reducing the amount of land we use for agriculture.
Setting fire to a public digital library The Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt, was probably the largest and most ...
Array short-circuiting A high-performance and high-level purely functional data-parallel array programming language that can execute on the GPU and CPU.
#lang lua I’m currently working on a macOS app that’s built with Racket and allows the user to write small scripts to process and filter some data. While Racket is definitely my preferred language and I could easily use it for these scripts, my target audience for ...
My journey to using Directus Directus is an open-source data platform that allows you to build a backend in hours instead of weeks. I wanted to expand on how I started using it and my experience so far. Spoiler: it's been amazing ✨
Why Substack will win over everybody Blogs have been the avenues that amateurs flock to when they crave lighter opinions. There are no serious incentives for bloggers to write a 3000-word post that is deeply researched. Even though the masses don’t yearn for these deep posts, humanity as a w...
Tracing HTTP Requests with tcpflow · Anantha Kumaran PagerDuty went off very early in the morning, and our hero cursed his bad luck and received the phone call. He made PagerDuty repeat the message twice, but couldn’t understand the message. He pressed the number to acknowledge the incident. He opened the M...
Leading DevRel at a Silicon Valley startup What I did and learned when I led developer relations at Fig.
Welcome · Kyle Hovey Welcome to my Blog! I am a Computational Mathematics graduate from Utah State University. I grew up in the foothills of California, nestled between Tahoe and Yosemite. I am happiest when trudging up a fresh trail or starting up a new hobby.
Infrequent, Pragmatic, Lambda Blog - Let's agree to be different. On empirical and deductive nature of coding. “When the going gets tough, the tough get empirical.” Jon Carroll