Gaming's #MeToo Moment and the Tyranny of Male Fragility After the death of Zoë Quinn's alleged abuser, the trolls have escalated their racket, raising the question of whose mental health society tries to protect.
Navigating the .NET Ecosystem In 2002, .NET was released. Over the next 12+ years, the .NET developer community patiently grew at a seemingly steady pace. Then, things started evolving rapidly. Microsoft anticipated the changing ecosystem and embraced the open-source development minds...
unoplatformdev You can now search for packages across feeds. Try searching for a package in the search box. Learn more.
Blazor Blazor is a single-page web application (SPA) framework built on .NET that runs in the browser with Mono's WebAssembly run-time, or server-side via SignalR. Bl…
The Mystery of 42 is Solved - Numberphile 42 was the last remaining number below 100 which could not be expressed as the sum of three cubes (*) - UNTIL NOW More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓ (*) barring numbers for which this known to be IMPOSSIBLE - see previous videos. See our p...
Interacting with native libraries in .NET Core 3.0 - Red Hat Developer We examine the new NativeLibrary class in .NET Core 3.0 and show how you can use it instead of the DllImport attribute.
Painless Password Hash Upgrades Background & Summary Existing websites and applications implementing an older password hashing algorithm like MD5 or SHA1 must be upgraded to a more secure algorithm. Both of these older algori…
Roundup #53: .NET Core 3 Preview 9, Improved NuGet Search, Prefer ValueTask to Task, .NET Core API Performance - CodeOpinion Here are the things that caught my eye recently in .NET. I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week. Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. Announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9 Today, we’re announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9. Just like...
Episode 33 - .NET Core 3.0, MSIX and The Windows Store with James Montemagno In this episode of The .NET Core podcast we talked to James about his work dog fooding most of the technologies we've all used, from Xamarin to .NET Core. We also talked about releasing apps using preview bits, MSIX, and the Windows Store.
CSRF is (really) dead A little while back I wrote a blog post about how "CSRF is dead". It focused on SameSite cookies, a powerful yet simple feature to protect your website against CSRF attacks. As powerful as it was, and as much as it will kill CSRF, you had to enable it on
Why Are You Removing Website Identity, Google and Mozilla? - CA Security Council You can’t have consumer privacy without having strong website identity Today there’s a huge wave toward protecting consumer privacy – in Congress, with the GDPR, etc. – but how can we protect user privacy on the web without establishing the identity of th...
dotnet/coreclr CoreCLR is the runtime for .NET Core. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, primitive data types and low-level classes. - dotnet/coreclr
42 is the new 33 - Numberphile 42 is the only remaining (eligible) number below 100 which has not been represented as the sum of three cubes... 33 was cracked by Andrew Booker from the University of Bristol. More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓ The original 33 video: https...
[Updated: New Statement] Flight1 Security Breach | FSElite Update Sep 7th 2019 @ 09:05z: Flight1 has issued an email to users responding to the security breach we previously reported on. Here's their statement in full. == Important Information: Yesterday,
Goodbye XSS Auditor Chrome has retired the XSS Auditor because of problems with bypasses and security. This article describes how the Auditor worked, how it was bypassed and how it began. It examines the XSS Auditor’s weaknesses and the vulnerabilities it caused. Finally, it...
Space Invaders | Design Icons Design Icons is a new series from Game Maker's Toolkit, charting the history of game design through influential and important games. Starting with an invasion from space... Sources An Intro to Videogame Design History | The Game Design Forum http://theg...
Local variable getting modified by function call · Issue #13362 · dotnet/runtime Local variable gets modified by an unrelated function call, with .NET Core 3.0. Admittedly the type in question is a bit weird, lifted from a CoreCLR test case. In the code snippet below, "ins...
OWASP/CheatSheetSeries The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series was created to provide a concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics. - OWASP/CheatSheetSeries