Customizing Property Lists in Optimizely CMS Generic property lists is a cool editorial feature that has gained a lot of popularity - in spite of still being unsupported (officially). But if you dig a bit deeper you can actually customize the editor experience even more...
Intro to Graphics 11 - Surfaces Introduction to Computer Graphics.School of Computing, University of Utah.Full playlist:
Public and private space in digital world Is privacy really as lost in the digital world as it seems lately? Indeed, the indiscriminate coercion of almost everyone who operates in the digital world s...
Intentional Computing: How to Use Technology, Without Being Used By It Or, “How to stop clicking on clickbait headlines like this one, and actually get some work done instead.” I have used many tricks over the years to keep control over the fraught combination of internet and monkey-mind — everything from blocking distract...
Chrome's Manifest V3 Push Signals Changing of the Guard | Matt Frisbie The updated version is hostile to extension developers and users, and this shared adversity may prove to be a powerful catalyst.
Steady State means Continuous Rewriting - Bruno Scheufler Most software companies don’t ever get to see a steady state, where the core product has been built, the rate of innovation decreases, and maintenance and minor improvements become the primary workload. In this world, priorities shift from figuring out th...
Taking a Creative Sabbatical as a Software Engineer The last couple of years have been tough for many people. A mix of lockdowns and general anxiety has left many feeling burnt out and exhausted. For software developers, the move to working 100% remotely wasn’t as much of an upheaval as it has been fo...
Book notes & reflections: The Art of Leadership An overview of the book 'The Art of Leadership' by Michael Lopp. Including some of my key takeaways, how they relate to my own experience, and what I am trying to implement as a result.
An elegy for GNU and RMS NOTE: I'm explicitly not going to address all the events that led to rms resigning and then rejoining the FSF board. I certainly do have opinions, but I want this piece to focus entirely on a technical/leadership perspective.
Ten Years of TypeScript Today is TypeScript’s birthday! But this birthday is a special one – 10 years ago today, on October 1st, 2012, TypeScript was unveiled publicly for the first time. The Early Days When TypeScript first debuted, there was a lot of skepticism –
Software engineering practices Gergely Orosz started a Twitter conversation asking about recommended “software engineering practices” for development teams. (I really like his rejection of the term “best practices” here: I always feel it’s …
Infographics Compendium I - Generators, pure functions and more Sometimes I publish parts of my infographics I publish on various channels with more explanation. And then sometimes I don't. This time I just put some of my (hopefully self-explanatory) infographics here. Pure functions Generator functions Cost of anonym...
Artificial intelligence reduces a 100,000-equation quantum physics problem to only four equations Using artificial intelligence, physicists have compressed a daunting quantum problem that until now required 100,000 equations into a bite-size task of as few as four equations—all without sacrificing accuracy. The work, published in the September 23 issu...
Amazon Best Sellers: Best Computer Cryptography Discover the best books in Amazon Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular Amazon books.