blockchain course Download preliminary draft The draft is being actively updated, please check back for a new version. Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciatd and will help improve the draft. Please email the author if you have any feedback or suggestions. Cit...
.NET's Cryptographic One-Shots .NET's cryptographic APIs have improved over the years. Here's a look at how.
Minimal APIs in .NET 6 this talk, Safia and Stephen, developers from the ASP.NET team, will introduce you to minimal APIs, a new, low-cer...
Code review horror in 4 lines of code I run into the following code during code review and had an immediate and visceral reaction. This is a (bad) attempt to add thread safety, because you...
The C++/CX String^ is not an object, even though it wears a hat C++/CX refers to Windows Runtime strings as Platform::String^ with a hat instead of a star. But even though the string wears a hat, it is not an Object^. The String^ type is a representation of the Windows Runtime HSTRING. And of the rules of HSTRING is t...
The Gift of It's Your Problem Now Recently a security hole in a certain open source Java library resulted in a worldwide emergency kerfuffle as, say, 40% of the possibly hund...
Databases in 2021: A Year in Review - OtterTune Andy Pavlo's take on 2021 database industry happenings - PostgreSQL, Performance Wars, Passings, and Larry Ellison
What are record types in C# and how they ACTUALLY work Check out my Dependency Injection course: discount code YTDEP2 at checkout for 15%...
The PR Paradox: Merge Faster by Promoting Your PR - DZone Agile Adding more context to our Pull Requests got them merged two days faster. Here's how it works...
Difference Between Asynchronous Programming and Multithreading In this article, we are going to explore the difference between asynchronous programming and multithreading in C# with examples.
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.NET Rocks! vNext .NET Rocks! is a weekly talk show for anyone interested in programming on the Microsoft .NET platform. The shows range from introductory information to hardcore geekiness.
95644 – [F2018] IEEE_FMA is missing from the IEEE_ARITHMETIC module Description Bill Long 2020-06-11 16:55:45 UTC