Add GCPhaseBegin/GCPhaseEnd ETW messages to measure duration of mark,… · criteo-forks/coreclr@9428b75 … plan, reloc, compact, sweep phases for each heap during a collection
0xd4d/iced x86/x64 disassembler, assembler, decoder, encoder. Contribute to 0xd4d/iced development by creating an account on GitHub.
Google and Binomial Contribute Basis Universal Texture Format to Khronos’ glTF 3D Transmission Open Standard Earlier today, Google and Binomial announced that they have partnered to open source a sophisticated texture compressor and a high-performance transcoder for Binomial’s cross-platform Basis Universal texture format. This format can help solve a long-stand...
Developing in the Windows Subsystem for Linux with Visual Studio Code Using Visual Studio Code Remote Development with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
dotnet/coreclr CoreCLR is the runtime for .NET Core. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, primitive data types and low-level classes. - dotnet/coreclr
New Release: Tor Browser 8.5 | Tor Blog Tor Browser 8.5 includes our first stable release for Android plus many new features.
HashCode Struct (System) <p sourcefile="api/System.HashCode.yml" sourcestartlinenumber="1" jsonPath="/summary">Combines the hash code for multiple values into a single hash code.</p>
What good are hundreds of lights without hundreds of shadows? Introduction Modern dynamic light rendering techniques, such as Clustered shading, are very impressive if you want thousands of lights, and after implementing my own method for rendering scenes wit…
Visual Studio 2019 Preview Release Notes Get the latest pre-release features, bug fixes, and support for Visual Studio 2019. Available for pre-release testing. Download today.
Welcome to the Shell Era: Xamarin.Forms 4.0 Released | Xamarin Blog Announcing Xamarin.Forms 4.0.0 with Shell, a simplified container for more efficiently managing your application’s structure and navigation.