Technology Has Lost Its Pragmatism So we have two questions here: One, how do we draw boundaries around our computer programs such that we minimize the risk of any one concept failing? Two, how do we define any one term such that it is impossible for there to be a misunderstanding or for t...
Open Peer Review Considered Harmful? Peer review, one of the staples of modern research, has a somewhat weird reputation: on the one hand, society recognises that there should be a way to assess the correctness of scientific claims.1 On the other hand, researchers are loath to relinquish con...
OS Detecting QMK keyboard - Woongbin's blog - Woongbin's blog What bits are exchanged when you plug in a USB keyboard? Can you detect the OS with those bits?
Who and Why and How I'm Funding A breakdown of how I'm funding individuals in 2023, who they are, and why I think individual funding is important.
Elastic Cloud Services: Scaling Snowflake’s Control Plane Elastic Cloud Services: Scaling Snowflake’s Control Plane
Devin Prater's blog - Productivity on mobile platforms Over the past few years, I’ve seen something that kind of troubles me. While people on iPhones Write books on using the iPhone on their iPhones, clear out their Email on their Apple Watch and manage the rest on their iPhones, and use their iPhones as thei...
How to Efficiently Reorder or Rerank Items in Database - Yasoob Khalid I was once thinking about Trello and Jira and wondered how they implemented the sorting functionality in their drag & drop interface. You can have a million items/cards and both of these platforms will allow you to change the order in a simple drag and dr...
Scala Resurrection Scala's market may not grow any larger unless we take action to address the challenges the language faces
The biggest impact I had It's common in job interviews to ask you about "the biggest impact you had". And I recently realized that my proudest achievement had little to do with my effort. It wasn't about the impact that I had on a company but on young people. I come from And...
12 Lessons Learned from 1 Year of Intermittent Fasting Thinking of intermittent fasting? Don't make the same mistakes I did. Read this article to learn 12 important lessons about fasting.
Code with swearing is better code. Jan Strehmel: We find that open source code containing swearwords exhibit significantly better code quality than those not containing swearwords under several statistical tests. We hypothesise that the use of swearwords constitutes an indicator of a profo...
These routes don't look flat enough to me - Pixelated Noise Blog Exploring the slightly tricky problem of flattening reitit routes using multiple different approaches in #clojure
A dynamic experimental DNS server, just for fun First publication of this article on 31 May 2022Last update on of 12 February 2023
Sunsetting Subversion support | The GitHub Blog On January 8, 2024, GitHub will remove support for Subversion.