Blazor - Official Release, Free Offer, and Future Plans I'm happy to announce the official release of DevExpress UI for Blazor. To help celebrate Blazor official launch at #dotnetconf, we're offering our this release to our customers free-of-charge!
3 as the sum of the 3 cubes - Numberphile A problem posed in 1953 is finally cracked by a network of computers in seven hours. More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓ Numberphile T-Shirts and stuff: See our playlist previous videos on this area ...
.NET Design Review: GitHub Quick Reviews 00:00:00 - Approved: Add a Generic version of GetValues to Enum (probably GetName/GetNames) 00:24:12 - Approved: Add Path.RemoveRelativeSegments Api
davidfowl/BedrockFramework High performance, low level networking APIs for building custom servers and clients. - davidfowl/BedrockFramework
Windows Terminal Preview 1909 | Windows Command Line Welcome back to another release of the Windows Terminal! We have switched to the Windows version syntax, so this is the September 2019 release (1909). As always, you can download the latest release of the Terminal from the Microsoft Store or from the GitH...
[Linux] Add initial perf jitdump support · Issue #13462 · dotnet/runtime Linux uses the perf tools to profile application. The linux 4.10 kernel added support for a perf jitdump format. It has allows better JIT support for perf. Specifically allowing adding: native code...
Creating gRPC .NET Core Client Libraries - Steve Gordon In this post, I will show you how to easily create a shared class library which includes the auto-generate gRPC client code for reference by other projects.
UserSecrets Broken in VS 2019 16.3.0 - Developer Community Developer Community for Visual Studio Product family
Supreme Court bombshell: Britain is working once again Supreme Court judgement destroys Boris Johnson's attempt to silence parliament: In an extraordinary moment of political and legal drama, the British constitution stands firm against an out-of-control executive.
Welcome to .NET Conf 2019! Announcing .NET Core 3.0: #dotNETConf Filler after keynote that tells people what to expect for the day, how to participate in the technical treasure hunt and #CodeParty
Sagas Today has been a lively day in some parts of the Twitterverse debating the Saga pattern. As it stands, there are a few frameworks for .NET out there that use the term "Saga" for some framework implementation of a state machine or workflow. Trouble is, tha...
Announcing free C#, .NET, and ASP.NET for beginners video courses and tutorials - Scott Hanselman If you've been thinking about learning C#, now is the time to jump in! I've been working on this project for months and ...
Microsoft Launches New .NET Core Video Series - Microsoft today released a new series of developer videos explaining the entire .NET Core stack.
Tips and Tricks for .NET Debugging in Visual Studio Announcing .NET Core 3.0: #dotNETConf Debugging is an inevitable but frustrating experience for every developer, but it's a subject that's not always taught or fully explored. This all-demo talk will cover known and lesser-kno...
What's New in SignalR with .NET Core 3.0? Announcing .NET Core 3.0: #dotNETConf .NET Core 3.0 brings a bevy of improvements to SignalR for developers who want to bring real-time to their apps. This session will cover these new features and introduce customers to the id...
MiniProfiler/dotnet A simple but effective mini-profiler for ASP.NET (and Core) websites - MiniProfiler/dotnet
Modernizing .NET Desktop Applications with .NET Core Announcing .NET Core 3.0: #dotNETConf In this talk I'll provide an in-depth look at porting desktop applications to .NET Core 3 and cover different ways you can upgrade your WinForms and WPF applications such as leveraging Wind...
What's new in C# 8 - Part 2 Announcing .NET Core 3.0: #dotNETConf There's a lot more in C# 8: default interface members, async enumerables, ranges and indices, more pattern matching, and a host of other improvements. Join this talk for a whirlwind tour of...
What's new in C# 8 - Part 1 Announcing .NET Core 3.0: #dotNETConf How do you know whether a parameter you're passing or a result you're receiving can be null? With nullable reference types in C# 8.0 the answer is no longer
The Future of C++/CLI and .NET Core 3 | C++ Team Blog .NET Core 3.0 is now available and we have received a lot of questions about what that means for the future of C++/CLI. First, we would like to let everyone know that we are committed to supporting C++/CLI for .NET Core to enable easy interop between C++ ...