damienbod/IdentityServer4AspNetCoreIdentityTemplate An ASP.NET Core 3.1 IdentityServer4 Identity Bootstrap 4 template with localization - damienbod/IdentityServer4AspNetCoreIdentityTemplate
Taking a harder look at harassment There have been a lot of questions over the last few days about our policies on harassment, particularly around two YouTube creators: Carlos...
r/webdev - Just an observation. I have been interviewing candidates for a web dev position. A serious lack of knowledge in HTML/CSS. 784 votes and 461 comments so far on Reddit
Building a C# Interactive shell in a browser with Blazor (WebAssembly) and Roslyn | StrathWeb. A free flowing web tech monologue. In this post I wanted to show you how to write and embed a C# interactive shell (a REPL – read-evaluate-print-loop) in a browser, on top of WebAssembly.