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All entries for this month

  1. Context is King: Finding Service Boundaries - CodeOpinion
  2. Simon Peyton-Jones
  3. Mozilla omits CPU architecture information from Firefox's user agent - gHacks Tech News
  4. wybiral/tlsextract
  5. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Creating A Step-By-Step End-To-End Database Server-Side Blazor Application (updated to .Net Core 3.1)
  6. Another Take on Access Token Management in ASP.NET Core (…and announcing IdentityModel.AspNetCore)
  7. Versioning limitations in .NET
  8. Adding Reaction Gifs for your Build System and the Windows Terminal - Scott Hanselman
  9. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. proposal: leave "if err != nil" alone? · Issue #32825 · golang/go
  11. Real-World Cryptography
  12. The Raspberry Pi 4 launch site runs on a Pi 4 cluster
  13. zxcvbn-pv - <Glazblog/>
  14. ErikEJ/EFCorePowerTools
  15. When watching a video and change volume, a 'chrome.exe' box is displayed. How to fix it? - Google Chrome Community
  16. gothinkster/realworld
  17. Work at Netflix
  18. Slack System Status
  19. The Piltdown Man (feat. Matt Parker) - Objectivity #207
  20. shaneray/ShaneSpace.VisualStudio.InvisibleCharacterVisualizer
  21. Download Mouse Without Borders for Windows 10/8/7
  22. [Discussion] SignalR JavaScript client changing package name to @microsoft/signalr · Issue #11637 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  23. Azure SignalR Service with Xamarin.Forms - Xamarin
  24. Home
  25. Wiener Büchereien gehackt: Daten von zehntausenden Nutzern im Netz
  26. Manage and audit access to servers, databases and kubernetes.
  27. World's First Patented Unhackable Computer Ever (Canceled)
  28. 'Religious Liberty' - Not Just for Gay Cakes Anymore
  29. Using Chained Certificates for Certificate Authentication in ASP.NET Core 3.1
  30. Make DiffingService public by terrajobst · Pull Request #3184 · dotnet/arcade
  31. Use writer/serializer json interop in SignalR by BrennanConroy · Pull Request #11625 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  32. .NET Core official support policy
  33. 979212 - Loading issue... - Monorail
  34. Look Around You — The
  35. Use IBC to Drive Partial NGEN and Tiered Compilation Behavior · Issue #10581 · dotnet/runtime
  36. Generic sharing for valuetypes | Mono
  37. What’s new for the .NET Native Compiler and Runtime in Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 | .NET Blog
  38. What is the point of Microsoft? 3.0 - Liam Westley
  39. James ❤️ A Card Trick - Numberphile
  40. chanan/BlazorPrettyCode
  41. Trace Context
  42. Herding Code 238: Martin Beeby on AWS for .NET Developers – Herding Code
  43. wybiral/tube
  44. .NET Design Review: Nullability Custom Attributes
  45. Yes, My Name is || - The Akamai Blog
  46. JsonHttpExtensions.cs
  47. dotnet/corefx
  48. IRL Podcast: The “Privacy Policy” Policy
  49. .NET Design Review: JSON
  50. terrajobst/minsk
  51. #124 Mads Torgersen, C# 8 | no dogma podcast
  52. .NET Design Review: Nullability Custom Attributes
  53. Ensuring consistent feature flags across requests: Adding feature flags to an ASP.NET Core app - Part 5
  54. Frequent test failures in CI on Windows.Nano.1803.Amd64 · Issue #30017 · dotnet/runtime
  55. Hidden gems in .NET Core 3 - David Fowler & Damian Edwards
  56. wizard zines
  57. What does debugging a program look like? - Julia Evans
  58. How Verizon and a BGP Optimizer Knocked Large Parts of the Internet Offline Today
  59. Using Blazor Components In An Existing MVC Application
  60. Kraken
  61. KuCoin | Cryptocurrency Exchange | Buy & Sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more
  62. Cryptocurrency in Every Wallet™ | Best Place To Buy Sell Store Crypto | Crypto.com
  63. Leaving the Ivory Tower: Research in the Real World
  64. When Git Resolves Changes It Shouldn’t
  65. 2017-18 Tech PAC donations to legislators voting against the Equality Act
  66. wybiral/tavern
  67. What to do about the zero terminator of a string in a Span? · Issue #273 · ericsink/SQLitePCL.raw
  68. Support additional OIDs for SignedCms digest algorithms by vcsjones · Pull Request #38845 · dotnet/corefx
  69. Windows 10, version 1903 and Windows Server, version 1903 - Windows Release Information
  70. Proving security at scale with automated reasoning - All Things Distributed
  71. Behavior of acrylic is not intuitive · Issue #1546 · microsoft/terminal
  72. Fixing Random, part 36
  73. The World's First Solar Powered Train
  74. Remove BinaryFormatter from the shared framework in .NET 5 · Issue #29976 · dotnet/runtime
  75. YAML-defined CI/CD for ASP .NET Core
  76. Raspberry Pi 4 on sale now from $35 - Raspberry Pi
  77. DotVVM Minutes #6: Migrate ASP.NET Web Forms apps to .NET Core
  78. dotnet/corefxlab
  79. Package filelock
  80. Archive
  81. AndreyAkinshin/ggwaterfall
  82. Initial commit · OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn@a8f9786
  83. Flappy Bird game with browser windows
  84. Hackers Steal 500 MB of NASA Data Using Cheap Raspberry Pi Computer
  85. POSIX close(2) is broken
  86. Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) :: WTF - the terminal dashboard
  87. vcsjones/badkeys
  88. How to host and manage an entire private certificate infrastructure in AWS | Amazon Web Services
  89. Get Windows Terminal (Preview) - Microsoft Store
  90. The Peak-Performance-Percentage Analysis Method for Optimizing Any GPU Workload | NVIDIA Developer Blog
  92. urfave/cli
  93. Frequency Trails: Introduction
  94. Branch Prediction Is Not a Solved Problem: Measurements, Opportunities, and Future Directions
  95. Windows Terminal Microsoft Store Preview Release | Windows Command Line
  96. Karel Zikmund - Hiring .NET teams in Prague
  97. You can now download the new Open Source Windows Terminal - Scott Hanselman
  98. Avoiding instruction cache misses
  99. New funding platforms
  100. xkcd: Stack
  101. dotnet/roslyn
  102. Stack
  103. Building Messaging Endpoints in Azure - Evaluating the Landscape
  104. What’s up with my branch on GPU?
  105. What should dotnet --version display? · Issue #6569 · dotnet/sdk
  106. VPS' IP Address will be blocked in Iran and China after using Outline VPN · Issue #193 · Jigsaw-Code/outline-server
  107. v2ray/v2ray-core
  108. ASP.NET Blog | Forwarded Headers Middleware Updates in .NET Core 3.0 preview 6
  109. Create 3D games with friends, no experience required
  110. Converting from hex to string
  111. Have I Been Pwned: Check if your DNA has been turned into another human being
  112. Abusing the CPU’s adder circuits
  113. Add methods to convert between hexadecimal strings and bytes · Issue #17837 · dotnet/runtime
  114. .NET developer community | Connect with like-minded developers
  115. Creating a custom feature filter: Adding feature flags to an ASP.NET Core app - Part 4
  116. Add ArrayPoolState bit to arrays (header) · EgorBo/coreclr@dba0a10
  117. Initial check-in of R2R format documentation by trylek · Pull Request #25267 · dotnet/coreclr
  118. Troy Hunt: Why Data Breaches Persist
  119. dotnet/coreclr
  120. Using High-Performance Techniques to Base64 Encode a GUID - Steve Gordon
  121. Announcing the Visual Studio Code Installer for Java | Java at Microsoft
  122. r/Unexpected - When a plug gets caught under a table
  123. Running RavenDB on burstable cloud instances - Ayende @ Rahien
  124. Hidden gems in ASP.Core and .NET Core 3.0
  125. Moderator submission
  126. Math.Round opens the browser print dialog · Issue #290 · dotnet/try
  127. Top Lifetime Grosses - Box Office Mojo
  128. Working with local storage in Blazor - danpatrascu.com
  129. Google to reimplement curl in libcrurl | daniel.haxx.se
  130. XAML Developer Productivity Tooling - Daniel Jacobson
  131. Bloomsbury Theatre & Studio Events
  132. Span<T> performance issues on Linux versus Windows · Issue #12901 · dotnet/runtime
  133. ASP.NET Community Standup - June 18th, 2019 - ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview 6 Release Party
  134. Building hybrid applications with the WebView2 developer preview - Microsoft Edge Blog
  135. Split: Continuous Delivery, Feature Flags & Experimentation
  136. What's New in ASP.NET Core 3 Preview 6 - Shawn Wildermuth
  137. The Evolving Infrastructure of .NET Core | .NET Blog
  138. Necklace Splitting (a lesson for jewel thieves) - Numberphile
  139. Humble Book Bundle: Programming by Packt
  140. .NET Design Review: Nullable Reflection APIs + JSON
  141. dotnet/samples
  142. Insiders - Visual Studio Live Share - Visual Studio Live Share
  143. Server-side Blazor in .NET Core 3.0
  144. TechDay Los Angeles - Home
  145. England beat Afghanistan by 150 runs - England vs Afghanistan, World Cup, 24th match Match Summary, Report | ESPNcricinfo.com
  146. Creating dynamic feature flags with feature filters: Adding feature flags to an ASP.NET Core app - Part 3
  147. ACCU :: Use UTF-16 Interfaces to Ship Windows Code
  148. Libra | A New Global Payment System
  149. Episode 27 - Blazored with Chris Sainty
  150. The Sound of dial-up Internet
  151. Akamai Security Summit World Tour Highlights
  153. dotnet/wpf
  154. Fixing Random, part 35
  155. .NET Design Review: Nullable Annotations
  156. Herding Code 237: Tess Ferrandez on Three Real World Machine Learning Projects – Herding Code
  157. Lightning Talk: Sophia Gold on An Intellectual History of Automatic Differentiation
  158. Based on a *True* True Story? — Information is Beautiful
  159. Maintaining state in a Cloudflare Worker
  160. dotnet/coreclr
  161. XML + JSON Serialization in ASP .NET Core
  162. Feature request: New IL instruction or new IL pattern to represent an invocation of a method implementation found in specific base type · Issue #12886 · dotnet/runtime
  163. PODCAST: The C-Word - with Steven Strogatz — Numberphile
  164. You Can't Eat Marbles - Key & Peele
  165. Impeachment: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
  166. Inside the Secret Cities That Created the Atomic Bomb - CityLab - Pocket
  167. Numberphile2
  168. SmartThermostat with voice control
  169. 1519434 - Remove "Always Activate" and "Remember this decision" Flash options in Firefox 69
  170. samy kamkar - home
  171. xoofx/GitLib.NET
  172. The Ultra Secure Crypto Storage & Communication Device
  173. NTLM 9-Character Rainbow Tables
  174. A book in preparation
  175. NuGetPackageExplorer/NuGetPackageExplorer
  176. Who REALLY invented the periodic table?
  177. Coding Militia
  178. Security advisory 2019-06-13 | Yubico
  179. Passwords, breaches, and data dumps: business tips from Troy Hunt | 1Password
  180. Behind the Curve (2018) - IMDb
  181. wybiral/stream-sources
  182. Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » The SSL Certificate of Damocles
  183. Modernizing WCF Services with containers and Visual Studio
  184. dotnet/diagnostics
  185. Spit Cleaning a Mummy - Objectivity #205
  186. OctoLinker — Links together, what belongs together.
  187. Breakpoint changes the output of the program on x64 · Issue #12875 · dotnet/runtime
  188. Tips for Optimizing GPU Performance Using Tensor Cores | NVIDIA Developer Blog
  189. Announcing Entity Framework Core 3.0 Preview 6 and Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 6 | .NET Blog
  190. SQL-MisterMagoo/Mister-Magoo-Goes-Charting
  191. PSD2's SCA in simple terms
  192. Twitter URLs Can Be Manipulated to Spread Fake News and Scams
  193. wybiral/osint-tools
  194. wybiral/hookah
  195. grpc/grpc-dotnet
  196. Blazored
  197. The Legendary Ti-Vayder Titanium Yo-Yo
  198. .NET Design Review: Nullable Annotations
  199. Which plans for Awesome Blazor?
  200. Certificate Authentication in ASP.NET Core 3.1
  201. Try the new System.Text.Json APIs | .NET Blog
  202. Languages & Runtime: .NET Community Standup - June 13th 2019 - The new JSON library with Ahson Khan
  203. Create a Meetup Account
  204. Ideolog - Plugins | JetBrains
  205. Filtering action methods with feature flags: Adding feature flags to an ASP.NET Core app - Part 2
  206. Investigate and fix issues for ARM64 Managed Debugging on Windows · Issue #12864 · dotnet/runtime
  207. WinMerge - You will see the difference…
  208. Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18917 | Windows Experience Blog
  209. Announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 6 | .NET Blog
  210. Raspberry Pi PoE HAT
  211. .NET Design Review: JSON
  212. [wasm][bcl] Use zlib for DeflateStream on WASM profile by kjpou1 · Pull Request #14308 · mono/mono
  213. ASP.NET Blog | ASP.NET Core and Blazor updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 6
  214. Explore Microsoft open source projects, releases and information - opensource.microsoft.com
  215. Herding Code 236: Will Green on Going Serverless With AWS – Herding Code
  216. Prerendering a Client-side Blazor Application
  217. Something Something Security - Troy Hunt
  218. ASP.NET Community Standup - June 11th, 2019 - Blazing Pizza Deep Dive with Daniel Roth
  219. wybiral/robots
  220. RAMBleed
  221. Announcing ML.NET 1.1 and Model Builder updates (Machine Learning for .NET) | .NET Blog
  222. .NET Design Review: GitHub Quick Reviews
  223. Microservices and more in .NET Core 3.0
  224. How Ledger Hacked an HSM | Cryptosense
  225. Introduction to Computer Programming at the University of Waterloo: CS 105 and CS 106
  226. Have I Been Pwned: Domain search
  227. Introducing Microsoft.FeatureManagement: Adding feature flags to an ASP.NET Core app - Part 1
  228. ASP.NET Community Standup - June 11th, 2019 - Blazing Pizza Deep Dive with Daniel Roth
  229. .NET Core support is here for Raygun APM | Raygun Blog
  230. Bringing the Periodic Table of the Elements app to HoloLens 2 with MRTK v2
  231. Documentation - MyGet - Hosting your NuGet, Npm, Bower, Maven and Vsix packages
  232. New release: BridgeDB 0.7.1 | Tor Blog
  233. Don't Know (the Van Eck Sequence) - Numberphile
  234. .NET Design Review: Nullable Annotations
  235. urllib.robotparser — Parser for robots.txt — Python 3.8.2rc1 documentation
  236. Fixing Random, part 34
  237. C# For Absolute Beginners
  238. Worker Service in ASP .NET Core
  239. Show nested exceptions more clearly by danmosemsft · Pull Request #25045 · dotnet/coreclr
  240. CQRS with MediatR (for Commands) and Odata (for Queries)
  241. devblackops/Terminal-Icons
  242. Empty try with finally | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura
  243. Troy Hunt: ‘Messy’ Password Problem Afflicting Security Landscape
  244. Implementing Sign In with Apple in ASP.NET Core
  245. An Experimental Floating-Point Scalar Evolution :: Duskborn — Duskborn Labs is where Neil ‘@sheredom‘ Henning writes up things of interest.
  246. Phippy Goes to the Zoo - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
  247. Tell Congress: We Don’t Need More Bad Patents
  248. directive_attributes.md
  249. Automatic reconnects with SignalR 3.0
  250. SQL-MisterMagoo/BlazorTwins
  251. Application - CodeStencil | The Ultimate Code Generator
  252. Followers_uniq - Pastebin.com
  253. damienbod/IdentityServer4AspNetCoreIdentityTemplate
  254. Taking a harder look at harassment
  255. r/webdev - Just an observation. I have been interviewing candidates for a web dev position. A serious lack of knowledge in HTML/CSS.
  256. Building a C# Interactive shell in a browser with Blazor (WebAssembly) and Roslyn | StrathWeb. A free flowing web tech monologue.
  257. AzureCasts
  258. WTF?
  259. Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction: Nathan Shedroff, Christopher Noessel: 9781933820989: Amazon.com: Books
  260. SSTIC2019 » Présentation » Everybody be cool, this is a robbery! - Gabriel Campana, Jean-Baptiste Bédrune
  261. Supporting the community with WF and WCF OSS projects | .NET Blog
  262. Tiered Compilation Preview in .NET Core 2.1 | .NET Blog
  263. » Day of the Tentacle The Digital Antiquarian
  264. Why a #GoogleWalkout Organizer Left Google
  265. dotnet-templates
  266. Google Cloud Status Dashboard
  267. Government-backed attackers may be trying to steal your password
  268. jeanqasaur/dsl-syllabus-fall-2016
  269. Building the most inaccessible site possible with a perfect Lighthouse score
  270. Uber’s Path of Destruction - American Affairs Journal
  271. What happens in your throat when you beatbox?
  272. Monoid
  273. Migrating a WPF App to .NET Core 3 (1/5)
  274. How to Download the Stack Overflow Database - Brent Ozar Unlimited®
  275. .NET Design Review: Nullable Annotations
  276. C# reference
  277. Add SystemdServices package that provides Host integration for systemd. by tmds · Pull Request #1804 · dotnet/extensions
  278. Open Source Game Clones
  279. Troy Hunt: ‘The future of passwords is more passwords’ - Verdict
  280. SAML 2.4 Release Notes
  281. NixOS/nixpkgs
  282. Enpass Release Notes for iOS | Enpass
  283. dotnet/coreclr
  284. dotnet/coreclr
  285. 10 Top Blazor Tools Just a NuGet Away -- Visual Studio Magazine
  286. Side Hustle Success Podcast
  287. Load a subset of projects - Visual Studio
  288. Visual Studio Code May 2019
  289. Create a Meetup Account
  290. Drop: Passions lead here (formerly Massdrop)
  291. DotNet 2019, el mayor evento de .NET de España
  292. Becoming the ASP.NET Architect with David Fowler
  293. .NET Design Review: Nullable Annotations
  294. Careers Behind the Code: Becoming the ASP.NET Architect with David Fowler
  295. Apple's 'Find My' Feature Uses Some Very Clever Cryptography
  296. GitHub Desktop 2.0 expands to support stashing and rebasing
  297. LGTM - Code Analysis Platform to Find and Prevent Vulnerabilities
  298. Kevin Gosse, Christophe Nasarre — Debugging asynchronous scenarios in .NET
  299. !!Con 2019- Tail Call Optimization: The Musical!! by Anjana Vakil & Natalia Margolis
  300. Getting Started With Blazored Typeahead
  301. Local GC API to support object scanning · Issue #12809 · dotnet/runtime
  302. wybiral/localtoast
  303. Target .NET Standard 2.1 · Issue #15498 · dotnet/efcore
  304. Remove dotnet migrate by nguerrera · Pull Request #11481 · dotnet/cli
  305. HTTP Pipelining causes responses to mixed up. · Issue #2665 · elastic/elasticsearch
  306. Requirements for trusted certificates in iOS 13 and macOS 10.15
  307. .NET R&D Digest (May, 2019)
  308. Verifying Phone Number Ownership in ASP.NET Core Identity with Twilio Verify v2 and Razor Pages
  309. CS9: Problem-Solving for the CS Technical Interview
  310. .NET Design Review: Nullable Annotations
  311. 914914 - Loading issue... - Monorail
  312. JetBrains UX research qualification survey
  313. Serializing a PascalCase Newtonsoft.Json JObject to camelCase
  314. Tiered Jit Benchmarking · Issue #1125 · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet
  315. Validation in ASP .NET Core
  316. Mysterious Chinese Dating Apps Targeting US Customers Expose 42.5 Million Records Online - Security Discovery
  317. Download .NET Core (Linux, macOS, and Windows)
  318. Keep thread exceptions in ExceptionDispatchInfo by rainersigwald · Pull Request #4417 · microsoft/msbuild
  319. Apple CryptoKit | Apple Developer Documentation
  320. Herding Code 235: Matthew Renze on Data Science for Software Developers – Herding Code
  321. MatBlazor - Material Design components for Blazor
  322. Unable to build on Ubuntu 18.04 · Issue #29645 · dotnet/runtime
  323. Adds inferred [Required] for non-null ref types by rynowak · Pull Request #9978 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  324. Validating the user password selection in Azure AD B2C by invoking Troy Hunt’s “Pwned Passwords”…
  325. Tribonacci Numbers (and the Rauzy Fractal) - Numberphile
  326. Building a Live Reload Middleware Component for ASP.NET Core
  327. Cryptography and Your Apps - WWDC 2019 - Videos - Apple Developer
  328. Collection<T> and ObservableCollection<T> do not support ranges · Issue #18087 · dotnet/runtime
  329. ltrzesniewski/LocalsInit.Fody
  330. Fixing Random, part 33
  331. Add Span<T>.Sort(...) by changing Array.Sort internals to be Span based by nietras · Pull Request #24419 · dotnet/coreclr
  332. Rocket League kickoff strategy that really works* with random teammates who don't know the strategy
  333. microsoft/dotnet
  334. Hexacorn | Blog Playing with Program database paths…
  335. Building cross-platform desktop apps using Blazor and Electron.NET
  336. dotnet/corefx
  337. Highlights from the National Math Festival 2019
  338. github/semantic
  339. SignInAsync will throw by default when given an unauthenticated identity · Issue #361 · aspnet/Announcements
  340. NASA Apollo 11 Lunar Lander 10266 | Creator Expert | Buy online at the Official LEGO® Shop US
  341. Will it cluster? k3s on your Raspberry Pi
  342. The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance | Teaser | Netflix