ASP.NET Blog | Forwarded Headers Middleware Updates in .NET Core 3.0 preview 6 With the ASP.NET Core 2.1 release, we included UseHsts and UseHttpRedirection by default. These methods put a site into an infinite loop if deployed to an Azure Linux App Service, Azure Linux virtual machine (VM), or behind any other reverse proxy besides...
Create 3D games with friends, no experience required Game Builder is an experimental game-building sandbox available now for free on Steam for PC and Mac.
Converting from hex to string I need to check for a string located inside a packet that I receive as byte array. If I use BitConverter.ToString(), I get the bytes as string with dashes (f.e.: 00-50-25-40-A5-FF). I tried most
Have I Been Pwned: Check if your DNA has been turned into another human being ';--have i been clpned?
Abusing the CPU’s adder circuits Where we explain why Kernighan’s trick works Have you ever been asked the interview question “how do you count the number of bits set in an integer?”
Add methods to convert between hexadecimal strings and bytes · Issue #17837 · dotnet/runtime It is quite common to need to convert bytes to hex strings and back. The .NET Framework does not have an API to do that. Look at what lengths people have gone to to solve this problem for them: How...
.NET developer community | Connect with like-minded developers Get involved in the .NET community. Attent a meetup in your local area, join us on GitHub, ask a question on StackOverflow, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.
Creating a custom feature filter: Adding feature flags to an ASP.NET Core app - Part 4 In this post I show how to create a custom IFeatureFilter that enables a feature based on the current user's claims.
Add ArrayPoolState bit to arrays (header) · EgorBo/coreclr@dba0a10 This repo contains the .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called System.Private.Corelib (or mscorlib). It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, base .NET data types and many low-level classes. We welcome contributions. - Egor...
Initial check-in of R2R format documentation by trylek · Pull Request #25267 · dotnet/coreclr In this initial commit I have converted Jan Kotas' R2R format doc from an internal Word document to the md format and I removed some references to other internal docs. I plan to follow up by up...
Troy Hunt: Why Data Breaches Persist Bad news for anyone who might have hoped that the data breach problem was getting better. "Anecdotally, it just feels like we're seeing a massive increase
dotnet/coreclr CoreCLR is the runtime for .NET Core. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, primitive data types and low-level classes. - dotnet/coreclr
Using High-Performance Techniques to Base64 Encode a GUID - Steve Gordon In this post, we apply some high-performance APIs from .NET Core and C# to efficiently base64 encode a guid value with no allocation overhead.
Announcing the Visual Studio Code Installer for Java | Java at Microsoft It’s been almost 3 years since the first Java language server was developed during a hackathon in a small conference room at Microsoft’s Zurich office with people from Red Hat, IBM, Codenvy and Microsoft, which later became one of the most popular extensi...
Running RavenDB on burstable cloud instances - Ayende @ Rahien One of the silent features of people moving to the cloud is that it make it the relation between performance and $$$ costs evident. In your on data center, i...
Hidden gems in ASP.Core and .NET Core 3.0 You've likely heard about the headline features in .NET Core 3.0 including Blazor, gRPC, and Windows desktop app support, but what else is there? This is a big release so come and see David Fowler and Damian Edwards from the .NET Core team showcase their...