.NET R&D Digest (February, 2020) This year we have one extra day in February, so why not spend it to read some interesting blog posts? Here is a new issue of .NET R&D Digest! Which, besides .NET related topics includes bits of…
My Ordinary Life: Improvements Since the 1990s - Gwern.net A list of unheralded improvements to ordinary quality-of-life since the 1990s going beyond computers.
Building a Custom Router for Blazor In this post, I'm going to show you how you can build your own convention based router component to replace the default router that ships with Blazor.
Important GDC 2020 Update After close consultation with partners in the game development industry & community around the world, organizers have made the difficult decision to postpone the Game Developers Conference this March.
Stack Exchange Data Explorer Q&A for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields
How a 2 person startup already uses 28 other tools At Across, we wanted to see how many other technology companies and service providers we use on a regular basis. The answer was way more than we thought. For a seed stage 2 person startup, we already use 28 different tools regularly totaling $227 / month ...
A half-hour to learn Rust In order to increase fluency in a programming language, one has to read a lot of it. But how can you read a lot of it if you don't know what it means? In this article, instead of focusing on one or two concepts, I'll try to go through as many Rust snippet...
WPF Tips A blog with WPF tips for Microsoft Visual Studio, C# and .NET developers. Improving XAML coding skills.
How to brainstorm great business ideas It's been said that ideas don't matter, execution does. I wholeheartedly disagree. You need both to succeed, but you can only get so good at execution....
Joel Martinez Follow Joel Martinez and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com's Joel Martinez Author Page.