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November 2019

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All entries for this month

  1. Amazon.com: USB-C Charger, Anker 100W 4-Port Type-C Charging Station with Power Delivery, PowerPort Atom PD 4 [Intelligent Power Allocation] for MacBook Pro/Air, iPad Pro, Pixel, iPhone Xs/Max/XR, Galaxy and more: Home Audio & Theater
  2. Library Changes: Removing jQuery by NickCraver · Pull Request #442 · MiniProfiler/dotnet
  3. Tesla's Cybertruck Tug-of-War Stunt Was Pointless
  4. VPN Service for Serious Privacy & Security | IVPN
  5. Looking inside a .NET core process using windbg
  6. Implementing Search in Blazor WebAssembly With Lucene.NET | LINQ to Fail
  7. Running GitHub on Rails 6.0
  8. Consuming Ethernet frames with the nom crate
  9. .NET Design Review: GitHub Quick Reviews
  10. jo_jpeg Release 1.60
  11. dotnet/diagnostics
  12. Embedded device research. The tools you'll need | Pen Test Partners
  13. json.net | Domain Name For Sale | Uni Market
  14. Amazon.com: Synology 5 bay NAS DiskStation DS1019+ (Diskless): Computers & Accessories
  15. Curv MPC is Not Key Sharding
  16. Embracing nullable reference types | .NET Blog
  17. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Deploying Your Blazor App Using GitHub Actions
  18. Blazor - Where to put your domain logic
  19. Ben Eater
  20. Compile BlazorDesktopApp with CoreRT · MichalStrehovsky/WebWindow@9ac3f4c
  21. The EventPipeProfiler cross-platform profiler by WojciechNagorski · Pull Request #1321 · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet
  22. The open source Carter Community Project adds opinionated elegance to ASP.NET Core routing - Scott Hanselman
  23. Episode 39 - gRPC with Mark Rendle
  24. Upgrading GitHub from Rails 3.2 to 5.2 - The GitHub Blog
  25. Everything I know about Kubernetes I learned from a cluster of Raspberry Pis | Jeff Geerling
  26. Experiment Report: Using BenchmarkDotNet to find methods that can cause longe GC pause times · Issue #1049 · dotnet/performance
  27. Windows Terminal Preview v0.7 Release | Windows Command Line
  28. Blazored/TextEditor
  29. Converting a terminal middleware to endpoint routing in ASP.NET Core 3.0: Upgrading to ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Part 4
  30. plasma-umass/coz
  31. You're (probably still) using HttpClient wrong...
  32. Shared models - Blazor's (not so) secret super power
  33. davidfowl/signalr-ports
  34. ESPlay Micro
  35. 🎉🎉🎉 dotnet/runtime welcomes you 🎉🎉🎉 · Issue #253 · dotnet/runtime
  36. Happy Hues - Curated colors in context.
  37. r/personalfinance - Scam emails from Synchrony Bank and/or Amazon Credit Builder
  38. Teacher Effects on Student Achievement and Height: A Cautionary Tale
  39. Designing Docker Hub Two-Factor Authentication - Docker Blog
  40. Ain't Talkin' 'bout Love but it's in 13/8
  41. Hack Yourself First: How to go on the Cyber-Offence - NDC Security 2020
  42. davidfowl/FeatherHttp
  43. GistPad - Visual Studio Marketplace
  44. The Service Mesh: What Every Software Engineer Needs to Know about the World's Most Over-Hyped Technology
  45. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Creating Reusable Custom Blazor Controls
  46. More implementations · Issue #4 · mimoo/disco
  47. Hacker Releases 2TB of Data from Cayman National Bank
  48. The Archimedes Number - Numberphile
  49. ctrl-alt-d/FlappyBlazorBird
  50. Why IVPN - What makes IVPN the best privacy protection service
  51. dotnet/efcore
  52. BlazorHelp Website > Home
  53. ESPlay Micro: Open Source ESP32 Game Console
  54. .NET Framework Internals: How the CLR Creates Runtime Objects
  55. Technical documentation, API, and code examples
  56. Fit on a Floppy
  57. Say No! More - Announcement Trailer | Thunderful Publishing
  58. Primes without a 7 - Numberphile
  59. Internet world despairs as non-profit .org sold for $$$$ to private equity firm, price caps axed
  60. Christophe Nasarre-Soulier — From ETW to EventPipe
  61. Pavel Yosifovich — Writing a .NET Core cross platform profiler in an hour
  62. Copy Table in Excel and Paste as a Markdown Table | thisDaveJ
  63. The Deep Learning Revolution and Its Implications for Computer Architecture and Chip Design
  64. pebri86/esplay-retro-emulation
  65. Azure Charts
  66. WSL + Visual Studio = attaching/launching a Linux .NET Core application on my Window 10
  67. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Creating A Rich Text Editor In Blazor Using Quill
  68. Service Fabric Community Q&A 40
  69. Avoiding Startup service injection in ASP.NET Core 3: Upgrading to ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Part 3
  70. Blazor OceanAutoComplete Component
  71. HttpClient Connection Pooling in .NET Core - Steve Gordon
  72. Developing on Windows – Hello World - Windows Developer Blog
  73. Microsoft 365 internals explained | Microsoft Graph, substrate, and PowerShell with Jeffrey Snover
  74. xamarin/KimonoDesigner
  75. Grouping types by AssemblyLoadContext · Issue #302 · microsoft/clrmd
  76. Welcome - Defense One
  77. ASP.NET Blog | gRPC vs HTTP APIs
  78. tree-sitter/tree-sitter-c-sharp
  79. Identity & Access Control for modern Applications and APIs using ASP.NET Core 3 - NDC Security 2020
  80. Global AI Bootcamp - 14 December 2019 - All around the world.
  81. r/dotnet - Microsoft (devs, pm-s etc): thank you all for Net Core 3 and Xamarin!
  82. TomF's talks and papers.
  83. EpicBot - Free RuneScape Bot, Old School 07 & RS3 Bot, RuneScape 3, OS Bot
  84. Darts in Higher Dimensions (with 3blue1brown) - Numberphile
  85. Razor-powered ORM for .NET - Jerrycurl
  86. Package websocket
  87. Opting in to runtime compilation for .NET 3
  88. 50 Shades of AppSec - Troy Hunt
  89. GateHub Investigation - Final Statement
  90. pingunaut/haveibeenpwned4j
  91. The Future of UX Research
  92. How YOU can learn to build real-time Web Apps that scales, using .NET Core, C#, Azure SignalR Service and JavaScript
  93. xoofx/LibObjectFile
  94. HttpContext and JSON · Issue #17160 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  95. Life on Miller's Planet: The Habitable Zone Around Supermassive Black Holes
  96. davidfowl/signalr-ports
  97. Socket.IO
  98. Bubble Sort Zine Review! | How Do Calculators Even | Pt. 4
  99. Windows Terminal Status Updates · Issue #3600 · microsoft/terminal
  100. dapr/dapr
  101. .NET for Apache Spark™ | Big data analytics
  102. Add assembly resolution attempt events by lpereira · Pull Request #27862 · dotnet/coreclr
  103. [REPEAT 1] Developing serverless .NET Core on AWS
  104. Post | mounaneelakanta
  105. Bad Romance but it's in 7/8
  106. The Badly Behaved Prime (with James Maynard) - Numberphile Podcast
  107. ASP.NET Blog | Improvements in .NET Core 3.0 for troubleshooting and monitoring distributed apps
  108. Google Stadia will be missing many features for Monday’s launch
  109. Instantiating an object without using its constructor in C# | StrathWeb. A free flowing web tech monologue.
  110. FreyaHolmer/ShaderForge
  111. Cake Action - GitHub Marketplace
  112. Stop surveillance and preserve your privacy with IVPN
  113. Keynote Catch-up: Troy Hunt, Creator of Have I Been Pwned
  114. ASP.NET Core Controls - .NET Core 3 Support and Visual Studio Enhancements (v19.2)
  115. .NET Talks at MFF UK in Prague [EN]
  116. Announcing .NET Core 3.1 Preview 3 | .NET Blog
  117. ASP.NET Blog | ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.1 Preview 3
  118. The Badly Behaved Prime (with James Maynard) - Numberphile Podcast
  119. TFB Status
  120. Model Builder Updates Now Available for ML.NET! | .NET Blog
  121. Microsoft Sends a New Kind of AI Processor Into the Cloud
  122. Hands-on With a Graphcore C2 IPU PCIe Card at Dell Tech World
  123. Dynamically Loading Assemblies at Runtime in RazorPages
  124. GitHub for mobile
  125. Using GitHub HTTPS Credentials in WSL 2 | Thursday Night
  126. Helm 3.0.0 has been released!
  127. New release – PeachPie Sdk 0.9.600 @ PeachPie | PHP compiler to .NET
  128. Using IHttpClientFactory with Blazor WebAssembly
  129. Hack Your Career - Troy Hunt
  130. .NET Foundation Resource Question
  131. DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
  132. Strange float performance issues near zero · Issue #1308 · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet
  133. Improved Remote Validation in Razor Pages
  134. Change Logs | ASP.NET Zero Documentation
  135. .NET Core
  136. r/WatchPeopleDieInside - Kanye 2024
  137. TPM-FAIL Attack
  138. Beta phase of Certbot for Windows
  139. Serenity MVC / TypeScript App Platform - BuiltWithDot.Net
  140. Display the project's imports as a tree by drewnoakes · Pull Request #5639 · dotnet/project-system
  141. Safari Supports NFC, USB, and Lightning FIDO2-Compliant Security Keys in iOS 13.3
  142. Yubico iOS Authentication Expands to Include NFC | Yubico
  143. OData/RESTier
  144. .NET Design Review: GitHub Quick Reviews
  145. Ed Charbeneau - Giving Clarity to LINQ Queries by Extending Expressions | Øredev 2019
  146. IHostingEnvironment vs IHostEnvironment - obsolete types in .NET Core 3.0: Upgrading to ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Part 2
  147. Microsoft Edge is coming to Linux. But will anybody use it?
  148. TimeZoneNotFoundException in Alpine Based Docker Images - Steve Gordon
  149. Exploring ASP.NET Core 3.0
  150. Hack to the Future - Troy Hunt
  151. Pulumi 💜 .NET Core
  152. MSDN Magazine Issues
  153. Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 106 — November 10, 2019 | Jendrik Illner - 3D Programmer
  154. Relay Blazor client logs to Serilog in ASP.NET Core
  155. Use C# 8 In Any .NET Project Today
  156. Building Modern Cloud Applications using Pulumi and .NET Core | .NET Blog
  157. Becoming a Microsoft MVP
  158. Planar Graphs - Numberphile
  159. White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane but it's in 7/8
  160. One-day hands-on Blazor Workshop 11/25
  161. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Adding Charts To Server Side Blazor Using ChartJs.Blazor
  162. ZATAZ » 6 000 000 de données personnelles piratées pour le site ToonDoo
  163. The Badly Behaved Prime - with James Maynard — Numberphile
  164. Weekly Udpate 164
  165. Isogeny crypto
  166. cradle77/Blazor.Msal
  167. auth0/auth0-oidc-client-net
  168. Super Awkward Montage of Students Mistaking Video for a Stills Camera
  169. The next 5 years of ASP.NET Core - Ryan Nowak
  170. Async demystified - Karel Zikmund
  171. Reverse Depth Buffer (z-buffer)
  172. The State of the Octoverse
  173. The Most Secure Option
  174. Raspberry Pi Gaming (Comparison)
  175. gRPC for ASP.NET Core, a new framework for high performance APIs - James Newton-King
  176. Kubernetes Learning Path v2.0
  177. BuildVision - Visual Studio Marketplace
  178. Hacking CoreCLR on Linux with CLion
  179. Using Rust in Windows - Microsoft Security Response Center
  180. Help Us Plant 20 Million Trees - Join #TeamTrees
  181. dotnet/org-policy
  182. How Swift Achieved Dynamic Linking Where Rust Couldn't
  183. You Give REST a Bad Name
  184. Larry Ewing | Update Conference Prague 2019
  185. Pro Tip: using static Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StatusCodes
  186. Fixing Random, bonus episode 2: pigeons and the noisy-or distribution
  187. Homepage | ZKProof Standards
  188. dotnet/SqlClient
  189. I Don't Like Notebooks - Joel Grus - #JupyterCon 2018
  190. Announcing .NET Jupyter Notebooks - Scott Hanselman
  191. Maintaining cryptographic library for 12 languages
  192. Initial HTTP/3 Implementation in Kestrel by jkotalik · Pull Request #16914 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  193. Blazor - Roadmap 2020 (Half-Year) - Your Vote Counts
  194. Bypassing GitHub’s OAuth flow
  195. Life Lesson Star Trek Style
  196. The next 5 years of ASP.NET Core - Ryan Nowak
  197. Laser pointers can hijack your virtual assistants - Futurity
  198. Everlong but it's in 7/8
  199. How to Hide Sensitive Files in VS Code
  200. Dominic Baier - Securing Web Applications and APIs with ASP.NET Core 3
  201. Microsoft Forms
  202. patriksvensson/rustcalc
  203. Massive White Supremacist Message Board Leak: How to Access and Interpret the Data - bellingcat
  204. Re-Licensing Sentry
  205. Superintelligence: The Idea That Eats Smart People
  206. Securing your Blazor App with Auth0 (client side) - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
  207. Thoughts on DNS-over-HTTPS
  208. .NET Core with Jupyter Notebooks - Available today | Preview 1 | .NET Blog
  209. Join the Visual Studio for Mac ASP.NET Core Challenge | Visual Studio Blog
  210. BinomialLLC/basis_universal
  211. Base64 encoding and decoding at almost the speed of a memory copy
  212. New version of Durable Functions available now | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
  213. Facebook Libra is Architecturally Unsound
  214. Memory management and patterns in ASP.NET Core
  215. Long GC pause times caused by Array.Sort of primitive array · Issue #13730 · dotnet/runtime
  216. Ed-tech firm Vedantu’s data breach exposes personal data of 686k+ users: Report
  217. OpenAI Plays Hide and Seek…and Breaks The Game! 🤖
  218. .NET Design Review: GitHub Quick Reviews
  219. Numberphile - Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project - 11/5/19 - Tested.com
  220. x86/x64 SIMD Instruction List (SSE to AVX512)
  221. Texas Proposition 4, Prohibit State Income Tax on Individuals Amendment (2019) - Ballotpedia
  222. .NET Core 3 for Windows Desktop | .NET Blog
  223. Converting a .NET Standard 2.0 library to .NET Core 3.0: Upgrading to ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Part 1
  224. [mini] Initial tiered compilation work by lewurm · Pull Request #17551 · mono/mono
  225. Trains
  226. Building a Custom Router for Blazor
  227. You don't need to be a rocket-scientist to contribute to .NET Core!
  228. Inspect This Snake
  229. github/gov-takedowns
  230. Performance Profiling of .NET Core 3 applications on Linux with dotnet-trace and PerfView - Michael's Coding Spot
  231. Download the latest indie games
  232. Secure your Custom Domains at no cost with App Service Managed Certificates (preview) | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
  233. The Latest
  234. Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.4 Preview 2, now available | Visual Studio Blog
  235. ASP.NET Blog | ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.1 Preview 2
  236. Your OneNote
  237. bye: FTP Support Is Going Away
  238. Visual Studio Online - Cloud IDE - Code Editor Online
  239. Announcing Visual Studio Online Public Preview | Visual Studio Blog
  240. Announcing .NET Core 3.1 Preview 2 | .NET Blog
  241. ADefWebserver/FatSecretDataExporter
  242. Modern day C# development in Visual Studio 2019 - Kevin Pilch
  243. Minimal Viable Programs - <h1>Joe Armstrong - Erlang and other stuff</h1>
  244. Jon Galloway! | Jesse Liberty
  245. Audio Fingerprinting using the AudioContext API
  246. The Cliffs of Inanity
  247. golang/go
  248. danistefanovic/build-your-own-x
  249. Nintendo Support: What Are the Differences Between a Primary and Non-Primary Nintendo Switch Console?
  250. dotnet/coreclr
  251. ASP.NET Core 3 signatures · Issue #207 · CarterCommunity/Carter
  252. Rewrite of Array.Copy fast path in C# by jkotas · Pull Request #27634 · dotnet/coreclr
  253. Using the Resource Timing API
  254. SteeltoeOSS/steeltoe
  255. Create cloud-native .NET microservices with Steeltoe.
  256. NordVPN users’ passwords exposed in mass credential-stuffing attacks
  257. The history of the GC configs | .NET Blog
  258. Blazor Component Lifecycle Diagram
  259. 07 Political and controversial matters
  260. One solution (setup) to rule them all – Blazor Webassembly, Blazor Server, Blazor Electron
  261. Credential stuffing explained: How to prevent, detect and mitigate
  262. GOTO Academy
  263. Tickets - NDC London 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  264. A New Era of Productivity with Blazor
  265. Buy ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo Laptop - Microsoft Store
  266. Cleanup array related FCalls by jkotas · Pull Request #22097 · dotnet/coreclr
  267. Rewrite Buffer.BlockCopy in C# by jkotas · Pull Request #27216 · dotnet/coreclr
  268. Rewrite a few more array FCalls in C# by jkotas · Pull Request #27603 · dotnet/coreclr
  269. Benchmark.cs