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October 2019

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All entries for this month

  1. The SecureMac Interview: Troy Hunt on data breaches - SecureMac
  2. Opinion: Why Should I Reward Shitty Cosplay With Free Candy?
  3. cfrg/pake-selection
  4. Episode 371: Howard Chu On the Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB) : Software Engineering Radio
  5. Continuously deploy and monitor your UWP, WPF, and Windows Forms app with App Center | .NET Blog
  6. Microsoft Ignite 2019 - Azure Customer Meetup Signup Form
  7. Destroying x86_64 instruction decoders with differential fuzzing
  8. try.peachpie.io
  9. Question: Why for loop is 1.3 slower over byte[] than foreach · Issue #13671 · dotnet/runtime
  10. Routing in ASP.NET Core
  11. Stand Out Online with a Professional Small Business Website
  12. Register Domain Names at Register.com - Business Web Hosting Services and Domain Name Registration Provider
  13. Introducing Orleans 3.0 | .NET Blog
  14. The World's First Domain Provider | Network Solutions
  15. GC Documentation: Update knobs doc to clarify usage by NickCraver · Pull Request #27566 · dotnet/coreclr
  16. Helping People Work Efficiently while Remote
  17. System.Net.Quic initial API review · Issue #31337 · dotnet/runtime
  18. system.net - Domain Name For Sale | DAN.COM
  19. SameSite=None: Known Incompatible Clients - The Chromium Projects
  20. Hellvetica.ttf | Kern in hell
  21. TLS Post-Quantum Experiment
  22. The .NET Process class on Linux - Red Hat Developer
  23. Turkey
  24. normj/ServerlessTODOListTutorial
  25. revo.js 2019 - Boyan Mihaylov - A journey of multithreading using WebAssembly
  26. LISA2019 Linux Systems Performance
  27. Discover gists
  28. github/gov-takedowns
  29. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Making A Server Side Blazor Application a Progressive Web Application
  30. default value
  31. .NET Design Review: ARM Intrinsics
  32. Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 Release Notes
  33. Shigeru Miyamoto honoured with Japan culture award | VGC
  34. mattdesl/workshop-webgl-glsl
  35. Safe and Secure Drivers in High-Level Languages
  36. An In-depth Look at Routing in Blazor
  37. TomaszRewak/C-sharp-console-gui-framework
  38. ThreeMammals/Ocelot
  39. dotnet/diagnostics
  40. Draft Proposal for Diagnostics Client Library (a.k.a. "Runtime Client Library") by sywhang · Pull Request #574 · dotnet/diagnostics
  41. Untitled Goose Game - Insecure Deserialization
  42. Have I Been Pwned: API v3
  43. Apple - Support - System Status
  44. dotnet/coreclr
  45. This Video Is Sponsored By ███ VPN
  46. Convert Array.IsPrimitiveTypeArray to C# by EgorBo · Pull Request #27302 · dotnet/coreclr
  47. PHP Bug Allows RCE on NGINX Servers
  48. NDC London 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  49. Apple, Your Developer Documentation is… Missing
  50. Creating Random Numbers With .NET Core
  51. LMGTFY
  52. Hey Man, Nice Shot but it's in 7/4 and 15/16
  53. Being ping-ponged between LinkedIn and Stack Overflow
  54. dapr/dapr
  55. Learn all about Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr), Part 2 | Azure Friday
  56. Convey
  57. Create Home + Body Care Products to Save Money and Planet
  58. Sponsor @zx2c4 on GitHub Sponsors
  59. Verzekeraar Allianz informeert klanten over datalek - Security.NL
  60. Matt Parker | Standup Mathematician - Shows
  61. benchmark.txt
  62. The Spy | Netflix Official Site
  63. spectresystems/snitch
  64. Create exceptional interactive documentation with Try .NET - The Polly NuGet library did! - Scott Hanselman
  65. Learn all about Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr), Part 1 | Azure Friday
  66. [Announcement][3.1.0-preview1] Reacting to browser SameSite changes, impacts OpenIdConnect · Issue #14996 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  67. cr.yp.to: 2019.10.24: Why EdDSA held up better than ECDSA against Minerva
  68. Visual Studio .NET productivity in 5 minutes | Intro to Visual Studio [3 of 4]
  69. Compiler support for @oneventname:preventDefault and @oneventname:stopPropagation · Issue #14517 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  70. Research based on the .NET Runtime
  71. Simplifying the Cake global tool bootstrapper scripts with .NET Core 3 local tools
  72. Options for .NET’s versioning issues
  73. r/techsupportmacgyver - I slept through all of my phone alarms today so I rigged a TENS unit to an alarm clock. It hurts a lot.
  74. Commas in big numbers everywhere: An OpenType adventure
  75. Lyft Launches Job Access Program in 35+ Cities
  76. Open-sourcing Polynote: an IDE-inspired polyglot notebook
  77. Stay in-the-know: Introducing the Performance Matters newsletter | Raygun Blog
  78. Introducing the Docker Desktop WSL 2 Backend - Docker Blog
  79. BenchmarkDotNet v0.12.0 | BenchmarkDotNet
  80. A First Look at Java Inline Classes
  81. Cash-back Websites Expose 2 TB of Sensitive Information
  82. 【Unite Tokyo 2019】Understanding C# Struct All Things
  83. Sky Views: You’ve already been hacked - so has everyone else
  84. AssemblyNameTests.cs
  85. dotnet/org-policy
  86. chrisnas/EffectiveDebugging
  87. dumpperms.cs
  88. Blazor-State Tutorial
  89. Windows Terminal Preview 1910 Release | Windows Command Line
  90. Introduction to cloud-native applications
  91. 1590810 - Sectigo: EV SSL Certificates with incorrect businessCategory
  92. Competitive Pest Services Data Breach: What Happened and How We Plan to Fix It - Competitive Pest Control
  93. Mei-Chin Tsai | Update Conference Prague 2019
  94. 63 Cores Blocked by Seven Instructions
  95. .NET Conf in Tokyo 2019 (2019/10/27 11:00〜)
  96. Hear Hong Kong Protesters Read Their Final Goodbyes | The Dispatch
  97. Stack Overflow
  98. 1590171 - QuoVadis: failure to reply in a timely manner
  99. .NET Design Review: GitHub Quick Reviews
  100. Fame and Admiration - with Timothy Gowers — Numberphile
  101. abp.io
  102. Firefox 70 — a bountiful release for all – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  103. Introduction to Routing in Blazor
  104. New in .NET Core 3.0: local tools: Exploring ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Part 7
  105. Meet Algo, the VPN that works
  106. trailofbits/algo
  107. Prevent dotnet core 3.0 from building EXE by default
  108. How to monitor your Docker containers with ctop
  109. uucidl/pre.uumu
  110. An Illustrated Guide to OAuth and OpenID Connect
  111. Dump dotnet process running in docker from host · Issue #573 · dotnet/diagnostics
  112. Alexa and Google Home abused to eavesdrop and phish passwords
  113. IdentityModel/IdentityModel.OidcClient
  114. #8MileYang
  115. Contributing | Servicios gratuitos para webmasters: scripts en castellano, intercambio de banners, redirección de URLS, espacio jurídico
  116. YOW! Night 2019 Melbourne - Angie Jones - Oct 22
  117. Writing a book is hard
  118. mrLSD/riscv-fs
  119. OceanNumericInput Component
  120. OceanLibrary/Ocean
  121. OceanLibrary/Ocean
  122. Slow in the Application, Fast in SSMS?
  123. Thriving on the Technical Leadership Path
  124. I'm an introvert and I gave a conference talk - Stephanie Stimac's Blog
  125. Fire! Fire! | The IT Crowd
  126. Karel Zikmund - Events
  127. Request Features And ASP.NET Core 3
  128. dlemstra/code-sign-action
  129. Have I Been Pwned: Notify me
  130. Er passordene dine sikre nok?
  131. Native Blazor Components powered by DevExpress
  132. Test A Blazor App With Cypress
  133. The Smallest MIDI Synth Again...
  134. Sydney ModernApps Live Stream
  135. Make "async ValueTask/ValueTask<T>" methods ammortized allocation-free by stephentoub · Pull Request #26310 · dotnet/coreclr
  136. Netcode [p1]: Fightin' Words
  137. ASP.NET Blog | Upcoming SameSite Cookie Changes in ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core
  138. Mssql extension for Visual Studio Code now has Object Explorer and IntelliCode - SQL Server Blog
  139. threeheartsdigital/email-marketing-regulations
  140. Add 64 bits support to Array underlying storage · Issue #12221 · dotnet/runtime
  141. Adding FIDO2 Passwordless authentication to an ASP.NET Core Identity App
  142. Running .NET Core global tools in non-sdk Docker images
  143. 7 Hidden Office 365 Settings You Can Unlock with PowerShell [Free Video Course]
  144. The Differentiable Curry | OpenReview
  145. Sebazzz/Return
  146. FileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents captures the ExecutionContext · Issue #30954 · dotnet/runtime
  147. FileSystemWatcher leaks when EnableRaisingEvents set · Issue #31100 · dotnet/runtime
  148. IFileProvider needs a way to Unwatch paths · Issue #2419 · dotnet/extensions
  149. C2 Design Philosophy - Cliff Click's Blog
  150. Don't root FileSystemWatcher unnecessarily by stephentoub · Pull Request #41872 · dotnet/corefx
  151. Azure SDK October 2019 Preview | Azure SDKs
  152. San Miguel, IRL
  153. Fall .NET Core Survey | .NET Blog
  154. Anyone can fingerprint unlock a Galaxy S10—just grab a clear phone case
  155. [bcl][jit] implement Interlocked.Exchange<T> in terms of object by lambdageek · Pull Request #17341 · mono/mono
  156. The Forgotten Flexagon - Numberphile
  157. How to expose your custom counters in .NET Core
  158. New features in .NET Core 3.0 on Linux - Red Hat Developer
  159. Uploading Files In Blazor
  160. Microsoft Ignite The Tour in Sydney, February 2020
  161. The Aggregate Magic Algorithms
  162. Announcing Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr), an open source project to make it easier for every developer to build microservice applications - Open Source Blog
  163. github/gov-takedowns
  164. Dapr - portable, event-driven, serverless runtime.
  165. Document Management Improvements: Vertical document tabs are here! | Visual Studio Blog
  166. brminnick/HackerNews
  167. Ed25519 Keys | Brian Warner
  168. .NET Core -- Choices
  169. Download Visual Studio 2019 for Windows & Mac
  170. The Cloud Native Show - LIVE: Ep. 1
  171. A Talk Near the Future of Python (a.k.a., Dave live-codes a WebAssembly Interpreter)
  172. Microsoft says .NET Framework porting project is finished: If your API's not on the list, it's not getting in
  173. Terra
  174. Pac-Man | Design Icons
  175. 1248897 - Expose SpeechRecognition to the web
  176. Announcing the Open Application Model (OAM), an open standard for developing and operating applications on Kubernetes and other platforms - Open Source Blog
  177. Weber's Law - Numberphile
  178. Setting static readonly properties fails · Issue #11571 · dotnet/runtime
  179. wybiral/firehose
  180. Static constructor broken (not always executed) · Issue #13036 · dotnet/runtime
  181. Security flaws exposed personal data from home loan applications in South Africa
  182. Home - .NET API Catalog
  183. RyuJIT and static fields initialization in beforefieldinited types · Issue #4346 · dotnet/runtime
  184. Announcing .NET Core 3.1 Preview 1 | .NET Blog
  185. Two Headed Girl
  186. .NET API browser
  187. ASP.NET Blog | ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.1 Preview 1
  188. .NET R&D Digest (September, 2019)
  189. EF Core 3.1 to target .NET Standard 2.0 · Issue #18141 · dotnet/efcore
  190. Stack Overflow OSS
  191. Office 365 network attacks - Gaining access to emails and files via an insecure Reply URL
  192. Firefox’s New WebSocket Inspector – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  193. Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
  194. Health Checks with gRPC and ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Steve Gordon
  195. Rewrite Uri.EscapeString by stephentoub · Pull Request #41772 · dotnet/corefx
  196. Simplify the Handler loop by davidfowl · Pull Request #8 · rsocket/rsocket-net
  197. Microsoft - Official Home Page
  198. rust-p2p/disco
  199. HashiCorp Nomad on AWS - Quick Start
  200. NDC London 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  201. Reacting to browser SameSite changes in 3.1.0-preview1, impacts OpenIdConnect · Issue #390 · aspnet/Announcements
  202. System update
  203. .NET Core 3.0 concludes the .NET Framework API porting project · Issue #130 · dotnet/announcements
  204. AWS’ sponsorship of the Rust project | Amazon Web Services
  205. danielmarbach/Async.Netcore
  206. World's Greatest Gallery of Mushrooms That Look Like Butts
  207. spboyer/dotnet-workshops
  208. Performance Profiling F#
  209. Queueing theory and regular expressions
  210. Weather: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
  211. Deep Dive into an ORM: The Entity Framework Core Query Pipeline
  212. Generate Json serializers at build time to reduce startup time · Issue #1568 · dotnet/runtime
  213. Anonymous classes and generics limit in .NET/C#? | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura
  214. Pixels of the Week – October 13, 2019 by Stéphanie Walter - UX designer & Mobile Expert.
  215. IHttpContextAccessor cannot be used reliably in some scenarios · Issue #14975 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  216. Against Me! - From Her Lips To God's Ears (The Energizer) [Lyrics on Screen]
  217. The Decemberists - Calamity Song
  218. Amazon.com: Children of Time eBook: Adrian Tchaikovsky: Kindle Store
  219. Marriott – Property Internet Terms of Use
  220. How Multiplexing Changes Your HTTP APIs
  221. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Blazor Microsoft Graph Calendar Example With Active Directory Authentication
  222. Expand BBJ_RETURN blocks with bool conditions by EgorBo · Pull Request #27167 · dotnet/coreclr
  223. Resistance - The First Anonymous DEX and Privacy-Oriented Blockchain
  224. Plato - Free, Open Source User Community & Customer Support Software for ASP.NET Core
  225. I/O pipelines - .NET
  226. .NET Core 3.0 Availability on App Service · Issue #118 · Azure/app-service-announcements-discussions
  227. A detailed look at Ubuntu’s new experimental ZFS installer
  228. The Insecure Elephant in the Room - CA Security Council
  229. PeachPie | PHP compiler to .NET
  230. Fix a Wobbly Table (with Math)
  231. Hack to the Future - NDC Sydney 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  232. Licensing Community Discussion · Issue #1024 · SixLabors/ImageSharp
  233. Distribution comparison via the shift and ratio functions
  234. Blazor in more depth - NDC Sydney 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  235. .NET Design Review: .NET Core 3.1
  236. Vox Borders is back — with a twist!
  237. ASP.NET Blog | Blazor Server in .NET Core 3.0 scenarios and performance
  238. Restructure commands by sfoslund · Pull Request #96 · dotnet/cli-lab
  239. Languages & Runtime: .NET Community Standup - Oct. 10th 2019 - We're Winging It
  240. Iterating on Inclusion - Stack Overflow Blog
  241. Consolidated repo names · Issue #127 · dotnet/announcements
  242. Normality is a myth
  243. dotnet/orleans
  244. Application Manifests - Win32 apps
  245. Navigator.sendBeacon()
  246. The Cloud Native Show | Channel 9
  247. IdentityServer/IdentityServer4
  248. ASP.NET Core Performance Best Practices
  249. OutOfMemory! card game
  250. Packaging CLI programs into Docker images to avoid dependency hell
  251. Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers
  252. File Signature Database:
  253. AutoHotkey
  254. Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86
  255. The Third Annual C# Advent | Cross Cutting Concerns
  256. Implementation of efficient algorithm for changepoint detection: ED-PELT
  257. Blazored/Modal
  258. Grant Types — IdentityServer4 1.0.0 documentation
  259. What’s the maximum number of generic parameters for a class in .NET/C#? | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura
  260. Check If You Are in the Sephora and StreetEasy Data Breaches
  261. jwilber/roughViz
  262. Die2Nite.com: The zombie survival game set in a world inhabited by the living dead!
  263. A million StreetEasy accounts hacked
  264. Blazor Security Docs and Blog Posts
  265. Convert A C# Object To Almost Any Format
  266. Where Does River Water Go? - Numberphile
  267. Improve the performance of StringBuilder by adamsitnik · Pull Request #27007 · dotnet/coreclr
  268. Omni Trio - Renegade Snares (Original Mix)
  269. Australia Talks: Find out where you fit, and how you compare to other Australians in 2019
  270. Use the Azure Application Insights Profiler settings pane - Azure Monitor
  271. .NET Core 3.0 Availability on App Service · Issue #204 · Azure/app-service-announcements
  272. 1943 - Loading issue... - Monorail
  273. SQL-MisterMagoo/Blazor.PWA.MSBuild
  274. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Google Authentication in Server Side Blazor
  275. Oldpug/Bfi
  276. Performance analysis of multithreaded applications. | Easyperf
  277. Xabaril/Esquio
  278. nanochess/bootOS
  279. Why can I log in to my Facebook account with a misspelled email/password?
  280. The GROUPing pitfall - ISoft Wiki
  281. In-Memory-Only ELF Execution (Without tmpfs)
  282. NDIS meal provider caught using "Password123" for their clients, refuse to change it - The Big Smoke
  283. Chrome UI for Deprecating Legacy TLS Versions
  284. MvcConf 2010
  285. Virtualization-Based Security: Enabled by Default
  286. Embracing gRPC in .Net Core
  287. dotnet/try-convert
  288. Iraq blocks Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Instagram, then shuts down internet amid civil unrest - NetBlocks
  289. Overriding :root CSS variables from inner scopes
  290. Microsoft Surface Duo and Neo: The Software Developer Perspective - Uno Platform
  291. Don’t use Azure Functions as a web application
  292. Overriding :root CSS variables from inner scopes
  293. Designing Better Security Warnings – Firefox UX
  294. RSVP Rant - Dan Clarke
  295. Benchmark.cs
  296. Hacker Noon
  297. posh-git by dahlbyk
  298. API Proposal: Add Encoder/Decoder for new System.Buffer types · Issue #30957 · dotnet/runtime
  299. String-based enums · Issue #2849 · dotnet/csharplang
  300. Application Building with ASP.NET Core 3.0 - NDC Sydney 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  301. Intel 545s 2.5&#34; 256GB SATA III 64-Layer 3D NAND TLC Internal Solid State Drive &#40;SSD&#41; SSDSC2KW256G8X1 - Newegg.com
  302. PhobosLab
  303. Color should implement FromHsl methods · Issue #27164 · dotnet/runtime
  304. .NET Design Review: GitHub Quick Reviews
  305. New in ASP.NET Core 3.0: structured logging for startup messages: Exploring ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Part 6
  306. dotnet/coreclr
  307. Call for Review: Web Assembly 1.0 is a W3C Proposed Recommendation | W3C News
  308. Microwaving butter - The Oatmeal
  309. Zynga's Breach Notification: How Not to Inform Victims
  310. What is the difference between ToArray and ToList?
  311. .NET Rocks! vNext
  312. 10x developers
  313. Blazor Roundup From .NET Conf 2019
  314. Serving ASP.NET Core Web Content from External Folders
  315. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Tools - Visual Studio Marketplace
  316. HEAD - A free guide to <head> elements
  317. Introducing .NET Core Windows Forms Designer Preview 1 | .NET Blog
  318. dotnet/diagnostics
  319. IT Recruitment | Encode Talent