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Posts for 'go'
HYTRADBOI 2025 postmortem
n0rdy - What Okta Bcrypt incident can teach us about designing better APIs
You can just hack on ATProto
Go 1.24 interactive tour
Async I/O Is Not Enough
A CUDA SHAllenge - 0x00
Async I/O Is Not Enough
Go's Weird Little Iterators · mcyoung
How to break production on Black Friday
Writing secure Go code
When single threaded Node.js becomes a trouble
The 4-chan Go programmer
I curate a daily newsletter with resources about Golang - Daily Golang. Here are the latest 6 issues of the newsletter
Implementing MVCC and major SQL transaction isolation levels
Minimizing Linux boot times
Tracking Releases & CI Across Software Teams and Forges
Runtime code generation and execution in Go: Part 1
Borgo Programming Language
Go performance from version 1.0 to 1.22
GitHub - dolthub/go-mysql-server: A MySQL-compatible relational database with a storage agnostic query engine. Implemented in pure Go.
The log/event processing pipeline you can't have
More powerful Go execution traces - The Go Programming Language
The One Billion Row Challenge in Go: from 1m45s to 4s in nine solutions
How I write HTTP services in Go after 13 years | Grafana Labs
What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong
Memory Safety is a Red Herring
Backend from the Beginning, Pt 1: Introduction, TCP, DNS, HTTP
Go, Containers, and the Linux Scheduler
Chasing the Myth of Zero-Overhead Memory Safety (plus pictures of mythical birds!)
Evolving the Game: A clientless streaming tool for reMarkable 2
Backward Compatibility, Go 1.21, and Go 2 - The Go Programming Language
Go 1.21 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language
Single Ownership and Memory Safety without Borrow Checking, Reference Counting, or Garbage Collection
Process huge log files – Madhur Ahuja
What Vale Taught Me About Linear Types, Borrowing, and Memory Safety
When the rubber duck talks back
Read it later the hard way
Observing and Understanding Backlog Queues in Linux | Kris Nóva
Building conc: Better structured concurrency for Go
I've fuzzed the Hashicorp's Vault API. Here are my findings (1) · m's blog
Karan Sharma | Writing a disk-based key-value store in Golang
So long, sync.Map
extending Go backward compatibility · Discussion #55090 · golang/go
What's Inside Of a Distroless Image - Taking a Deeper Look
Go 1.19 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language
Data Race Patterns in Go
Go vs C#, Part 3: Compiler, Runtime, Type System, Modules, and Everything Else
Goroutines Under The Hood - Blog by Osamh aloqaily
We Already Have Go 2
Lies we tell ourselves to keep using Golang
Release v2.5.0 · caddyserver/caddy
Retrofitting Async/Await in Go 1.18
Some mistakes Rust doesn't catch
Three ways of handling user input
Compiling a Go program into a native binary for Nintendo Switch™ - Ebiten
How WhatsApp scaled to 1 billion users with only 50 engineers
Geo Key Manager: Setting up a service for scale
Effective Go - The Go Programming Language
What Color is Your Function? – journal.stuffwithstuff.com
A nasty bit of undefined timezone behavior in Golang
There Are Many Ways To Safely Count
Taildrop was kind of easy, actually
I finally escaped Node (and you can too)
signalr · pkg.go.dev
Goroutines Are Not Significantly Smaller Than Threads
Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust
Go is not an easy language
Go 1.16 Release Notes - The Go Programming Language
Go (golang) Anonymous Functions - Inlining Code for Goroutines
Go (golang) WaitGroup - Signal that a Concurrent Operation is Complete
Design Draft: First Class Fuzzing
Go (golang) Goroutines - Running Functions Asynchronously
Go (golang) Error Handling - A Different Philosophy
Go (golang) defer - Making Sure Something Gets Done
Eleven Years of Go - The Go Blog
Rust vs Go — Bitfield Consulting
Go vs Rust: Writing a CLI tool
How we migrated Dropbox from Nginx to Envoy
Be Careful What You Benchmark
runtime: non-cooperative goroutine preemption · Issue #24543 · golang/go
The Zen of Go | Dave Cheney
Understanding real-world concurrency bugs in Go
Modern garbage collection