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September 2021

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All entries for this month

  1. Practical frontend philosophy - jaredgorski.org
  2. Twitter, could you please fix your image servers?
  3. DigitalOcean App Platform + Auto-Scaling
  4. Explaining explaining: a quick guide on explanatory writing
  5. Listen to Yourself
  6. Binary Ninja > How Humble Are Reverse Engineers?
  7. My Top 10 Money Rules
  8. Does Hacker News foster deep discussion?
  9. What every IT person needs to know about OpenBSD
  10. ALWAYS Valid Domain Model
  11. The seven programming ur-languages
  12. Jensen's Inequality As An Intuition Tool - Party at the Moontower
  13. A guide to CSS container queries | Tom's dev blog
  14. 12 Rules for Discourse — Simon Berens
  15. Akamai and Micro-Segmentation :: Procella Technologies —
  16. Automatic cipher suite ordering in crypto/tls
  17. How to Route Ingress Traffic by Host in Istio
  18. Cloudflare’s Disruption
  19. [dns-operations] slack.com bogus
  20. Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 1 is now available!
  21. Jumpcat - Command menu for GitHub
  22. Why We Need to Upgrade Our Face Masks—and Where to Get Them
  23. Doc Update by susi132002 · Pull Request #1219 · nothings/stb
  24. Understanding AWK
  25. GPSD time will jump back 1024 weeks at after week=2180 (23-October-2021) (#144) · Issues · gpsd / gpsd
  26. Domain-Driven Refactoring: Encapsulating Collections
  27. Enabling IPv6 Support for GitHub Pages | GitHub Changelog
  28. Announcing .NET 6 Release Candidate 1
  29. PostgreSQL 14 Released!
  30. Haxplore
  31. How cross signing works with X509 certificates
  32. The subtleties of Create­Stream­On­HGlobal, part 3: Suppressing the deletion of a shared HGLOBAL
  33. crt.sh | 8395
  34. 7 tips for writing better library code in .NET
  35. Real-Time Communications at Scale
  36. DDD 2021: Call for Speakers/Papers
  37. Developers, your manager is likely clueless
  38. The value of in-house expertise
  39. Coding Practice: Learning Rust with Fibonacci Numbers
  40. GitHub - eclipse/mosquitto: Eclipse Mosquitto - An open source MQTT broker
  41. .NET Rocks! vNext
  42. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-30
  43. Building an Online Ticket Store with Blazor WebAssembly – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  44. Grouping Assertions in Tests
  45. mem-doc/ObjectJourney.pptx at master · Maoni0/mem-doc
  46. Unit Testing Legacy Code, Part 2: Leveraging Mock Objects
  47. Compress Strings With .NET and C#
  48. When users never use the features they asked for
  49. Twitter accelerates again with Bitcoin tips, NFTs, recorded Spaces, creator fund and more – TechCrunch
  50. Feature #18229: Proposal to merge YJIT - Ruby master
  51. Is C# Getting Too Complex?
  52. ContributionFunnel.pptx
  53. Blazor updates for .NET 6 using Visual Studio 2022
  54. Snapps on Mina with Emre and Izaak – ZK Podcast
  55. Opening A PDF in Xamarin Forms (Part1: Xamarin.iOS)
  56. Visual Studio Team Seeks Help with Help (Menu, That Is) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  57. why is everything so hard in a large organization?
  58. Intelligent Trip
  59. CSAW Quals 2021 Bits
  60. Narrative Distillation - kwokchain
  61. Introduction — pyNomo Documentation documentation
  62. Why this Website is not, and may never be, HTTPS
  63. Trust Founders who wear Silly Watches over Diamond Rolexes
  64. Let's Learn .NET: IoT - Events
  65. Fighting climate change as a technologist
  66. How to replace Gmail
  67. The Bi-Symmetric Encryption Fraud
  68. Adventures in Looping
  69. CGW Museum - Home
  71. DateOnly and TimeOnly in .NET 6 (#222)
  72. Private Censorship Is Not the Best Way to Fight Hate or Defend Democracy: Here Are Some Better Ideas
  73. PhobosLab
  74. Atari ST in daily use since 1985
  75. Vintage Apple
  76. Avalanche (AVAX) is launching on Coinbase Pro
  77. The Catch Block #76 - So You Fixed a Bug. Now What?
  78. A World Without Sci-Hub
  79. Accepting Online Payments With Stripe
  80. Christians in Game Dev / Journalism
  81. The subtleties of Create­Stream­On­HGlobal, part 2: Suppressing the deletion of an unknown HGLOBAL
  82. TryMudBlazor - Write, compile, execute and share Blazor components in the browser
  83. Add the concept of "notification profilers" to the runtime by davmason · Pull Request #53122 · dotnet/runtime
  84. How I organise my Blazor components
  85. SimulaVR
  86. The Power of Native - The Blinking Caret
  87. Cloudflare for Offices
  88. Dude, Where’s My Stuff? | J.P. Morgan Asset Management
  89. The difference between Go and Rust – dominikbraun.io
  90. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-29
  91. How to visualize decision tree
  92. GitHub - Azure/durabletask: Durable Task Framework allows users to write long running persistent workflows in C# using the async/await capabilities.
  93. GitHub - jamesmh/coravel: Near-zero config .NET Core micro-framework that makes advanced application features like Task Scheduling, Caching, Queuing, Event Broadcasting, and more a breeze!
  94. Adding cross cutting concerns to a GraphQL service
  95. 1Password can now randomly generate email addresses for logins | Engadget
  96. React Class Component vs Functional Component: How To Choose
  97. function declaration wins or variable declaration in JavaScript Hoisting
  98. Rider 2021.3 Early Access Program Has Launched! | The .NET Tools Blog
  99. Power-Ups: CliWrap – Webinar Recording | The .NET Tools Blog
  100. About Offline First · RxDB
  101. ReSharper 2021.3 Starts Early Access Program! | The .NET Tools Blog
  102. Sysinternals 25th anniversary event: October 14, 2021
  103. The Equivalence contravariant functor
  104. Let's Make Some Art - Part 2
  105. The code worked differently when the moon was full
  106. WFH assumptions based on faulty data
  107. ASP.NET Community Standup - Exploring the ABP web app framework
  108. Announcing: Azure credits for open source projects - Microsoft Open Source Blog
  109. no-one-left-behind
  110. Alexander von Humboldt: the first Solarpunk
  111. Your room can be as bright as the outdoors
  112. What the GNU?
  113. A Guide to SQL Window Functions for Data Analysts
  114. Self-Parking Car in 500 Lines of Code | Trekhleb
  115. Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
  116. The human regression ensemble
  117. How to Ship Livestock
  118. Holacracy
  119. 🚀 Introducing Cloudflare R2 Storage
  120. From Side-Project to Full-Time: 5 Things I've Learned in 5 Years
  121. Memory Management in RonDB
  122. QR error correction helps and hinders scanning
  123. Tools to Measure Software Energy Consumption from your Computer
  124. Custom deployment layout for Blazor WebAssembly apps
  125. ASP.NET Razor tips and tricks with Jon Galloway | Web Wednesday
  126. My wife was dying of brain cancer. My boss at Amazon told me to perform or quit.
  127. How to defeat Ed25519 and EdDSA using faults
  128. Remove Background from Image – remove.bg
  129. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Collections and Generics
  130. Efficient Web Services with Marten V4
  131. GitHub Quick Reviews
  132. GitHub - robertdavidgraham/masscan: TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
  133. A New Medium for Communicating Research on Programming Languages
  134. You either die an MVP or live long enough to build content moderation | Mux blog
  135. Gitpod Unveils Open Source Browser-Based VS Code 'Free from Microsoft's Control' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  136. No joke—you can buy our copy/paste keyboard right now
  137. Stack Overflow The Key Macropad | Mechanical Keyboards | Mini Mechanical Keyboards | Drop
  138. Download Inkscape 1.1.1 | Inkscape
  139. Masked Email from Fastmail and 1Password
  140. Spaces launch in Element
  141. The subtleties of Create­Stream­On­HGlobal, part 1: Introduction and basic usage
  142. Handling Transient Errors in Durable Functions
  143. Announcing Cloudflare R2 Storage: Rapid and Reliable Object Storage, minus the egress fees
  144. Legacy Chrome Extensions to stop working from January 2023
  145. Exploring the code behind WebApplicationBuilder: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 3
  146. Adam Storr - Dev Tips - Creating Unique Identifiers
  147. Ahead-Of-Time Compilation for Blazor Wasm
  148. What's the FASTEST Computer Language? C++ vs Fortran vs Cobol: E04
  149. Microsoft Announces Preview of On-Demand Capacity Reservations for Azure Virtual Machines
  150. Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says
  151. ‎Amplosion: Redirect AMP Links
  152. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-28
  153. Image sharing. No bullshit. - IMGZ
  154. SizeBench: a new tool for analyzing Windows binary size
  155. Monsters Weekly 224 - New LINQ methods in .NET 6
  156. Journey Towards Cloud Architecture
  157. ID Token and Access Token: What Is the Difference?
  158. We want to make Help all you need
  159. Working From Orbit
  160. [Last Week in .NET #61] – We named the dog Patches
  161. The Ultimate .NET Experiment – open source project – TooSlowException
  162. Avoiding Memory Leaks in Visual Studio Editor Extensions
  163. Uno Platform 3.10 Supports .NET 6 RC1 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  164. Director Corporate Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)
  165. DIY Keyboard Build
  166. How I bricked then recovered my reMarkable 2
  167. Asymmetric Bets, Venture Capital & Cancer Cells - Rui Zhi Dong
  168. Five ways I handled my OutOfMemoryErrors
  169. Exportober
  170. Alexandre Nedelec - ASP.NET Core - Lost in configuration
  171. Something Weird Is Happening on Facebook
  172. Prevent Google from mangling links on the search results when clicking or copying on Firefox
  173. .NET Interactive Notebooks for Machine Learning | Rubik's Code
  174. GitHub - alexhallam/tv: 📺(tv) Tidy Viewer is a cross-platform CLI csv pretty printer that uses column styling to maximize viewer enjoyment.
  175. DistrictViewer
  176. Partitioning GitHub’s relational databases to handle scale
  177. The .NET Docs Show - The Handy Talk: Building a 3D-printed prosthetic hand with IoT and Xamarin ✍
  178. Chrome 94 released with controversial Idle Detection API
  179. I fixed a bug. What should I do now? - Gérald Barré
  180. Why am I getting an unresolved external from C++/WinRT if it is a header-only C++ library?
  181. How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects and the Curious Absence of Scrum
  182. GitHub - adam-mcdaniel/dune: A shell by the beach!
  183. Postmortem: Partial RavenDB Cloud outage
  184. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Beginning C# - LINQ
  185. Easily creating and routing email addresses with Cloudflare Email Routing
  186. How Assembly Scanning keeps your .NET code clean
  187. The Mom Test - How to talk to customers. A Summary
  188. Melb.NET Oct 2021 ONLINE Meetup
  189. The Free Software Media System
  190. 273: Microsoft Surface 2021 Event Recap
  191. What will programming look like in 2020?
  192. Model Binding an Array from a Form Post
  193. Implicit Usings in .NET 6
  194. Getting Started With GitHub Actions
  195. Monsters Weekly 223 - Processing CSV files in C#
  196. Distributed transaction patterns for microservices compared | Red Hat Developer
  197. Is it time to start creating C# Azure Functions in isolated mode?
  198. Olvid - Secure Messaging
  199. C# - Always valid value objects
  200. Ask the Expert: Windows as a Dev Box
  201. .Net Core Strong Typed Configuration Binding for Arrays
  202. Keep IDs internal with REST
  203. C# 10.0 implicit global using directives | endjin
  204. Unit Testing Legacy Code: Creating Maintainable Applications
  205. How to detect if the User's OS prefers dark mode and change your site with CSS and JS
  206. C# XML Comments in Visual Studio Code - Simple Talk
  207. So GitHub has a CLI - let's take a look
  208. EFF to deprecate HTTPS Everywhere extension as HTTPS is becoming ubiquitous
  209. Hacktoberfest and Microsoft Docs - Contributor Guide
  210. Transactions in Distributed Systems
  211. I just don’t want to be busy anymore
  212. Category Theory Illustrated - Logic
  213. Asynchronous Injection
  214. ISPs — The Human Side of ISPs
  215. How to Train Really Large Models on Many GPUs?
  216. The Speed of Time
  217. Algorithmic Photography
  218. What's next for personal productivity
  219. Apple's app review team (Accessible Hangman)
  220. Improving Software ‘Numbers’
  221. Q6 How do you manage your time? How do you allocate your time between work and other things?
  222. Torvaney | Optimising the T9 keyboard
  223. Young Users No Longer Know How to File and Navigate
  224. Maybe the Spaghetti Code Conjecture is False
  225. Stamping Out Overflow Checks in Ruby
  226. Boyd's Management Model
  227. London Calling
  228. Designing Low Upkeep Software
  229. JSON Based Localization in ASP.NET Core With Caching - Super Easy Guide
  230. Congratulations, Mini, You Made The Stupidest Turn Signals Ever
  231. Initial Impressions of Rust
  232. Cloudflare’s Annual Founders’ Letter
  233. OpenSSH: Release Notes
  234. Muppet Classic Theater - Full VHS Tape
  235. NDC London 2022: Call for Speakers/Papers
  236. JSFuck - Write any JavaScript with 6 Characters: []()!+
  237. GitHub - aristocratos/btop: A monitor of resources
  238. Reverse a string
  239. Data Breach
  240. Programming Idioms
  241. A terminal case of Linux
  242. Testing a compiler that can’t even print stuff out
  243. How I built forlater.email
  244. How Replication Works in MySQL
  245. A forward and reverse proxy primer for the layman — /var/
  246. The Siren Song of the ‘User’ Model
  247. Big problems at the timezone database
  248. Daily links from Cory Doctorow
  249. Amazon.com: Holmes Mini High Velocity Personal Fan, HNF0410A-BM : Home & Kitchen
  250. Examining btrfs, Linux’s perpetually half-finished filesystem
  251. UC reactor makes Martian fuel
  252. Why We Killed Our End-to-End Test Suite - Building Nubank
  253. Themes | Oh My Posh
  254. iPhone 13 Users Experiencing 'Unable to Communicate with Apple Watch' Bug With Mask Unlocking
  255. What Color is Your Function? – journal.stuffwithstuff.com
  256. GitHub Copilot AI Spawns Open Source Alternatives -- Visual Studio Magazine
  257. Health checks in ASP.Net Core web API
  258. New tool: an nginx playground
  259. Hello World - Introduction to C# interactive C# tutorial
  260. No, We Won’t Have a Video Call for That!
  261. Polysemy, one year later
  262. Antinets (aka, Analog Zettelkastens) and The Power of Tree Structures
  263. My Janet Story | Jungle Coder
  264. You are so loyal. We will pay you less.
  265. I changed my mind about Tailwind CSS
  266. A Guide to Using RSS to Replace Social Media – Luke Smith
  267. This Is All Exactly What It Looks Like | Defector
  268. 6.0 Release Notes | Npgsql Documentation
  269. The case of the UWP application that crashes at launch on Windows 10X
  270. FAQ Modern Standby
  271. Total surveillance law proposed in Serbia | SHARE Foundation
  272. Code Maze Weekly #94 - Code Maze
  273. Weekly Update 262
  274. Operators with different color in Visual Studio
  275. “Completely Running Blind.” Apple’s Power Move To Kneecap Facebook Ads Is Working.
  276. Azure IoT
  277. Mozilla Says Chrome’s Latest Feature Enables Surveillance
  278. Years of pain solved by really obvious keyboard tweak – Symbolic Logic
  279. GitHub - will/slacktyping: i'm typing when you're typing
  280. Blazor JavaScript Interop Batching | Awaiting Bits
  281. Build WebSocket-based web apps with the Azure Web PubSub Service
  282. Build WebSocket-based web apps with the Azure Web PubSub Service
  283. Pattern Matching Examples in C#
  284. Introducing the New NuGet.org Package Details Page
  285. Ben.Demystifier 0.4.1
  286. On .NET Live - Scalable event processing with Reaqtor
  287. Epic Online Services launches Anti-Cheat support for Linux, Mac, and Steam Deck
  288. Kioxia's PCIe 5.0 SSD Just Hit 14,000 MBps
  289. Boxcryptor for Individuals
  290. ASP.NET Community Standup - Contributing to ASP.NET Core
  291. How to find the YouTube link for an ad
  292. A Playbook for Cleantech Commercialization
  293. Tech interviews
  294. Reflections on a decade of coding
  295. Bangle.js 2: The Open Smart Watch
  296. Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
  297. Bangle.js 2 Offers an Open and Refreshing Break From Expensive Smartwatches with JavaScript
  298. ASP.NET Core 5 Microsoft Power BI Reporting -- Visual Studio Magazine
  299. Announcing npm’s new access token format
  300. paint.net 4.3 is now available!
  301. 2006: Dwarf Fortress
  302. GitHub Advisory Database now supports Rust
  303. Authenticated Boot and Disk Encryption on Linux
  304. Marcus (@gerowen@mastodon.social)
  305. EU plans to force OEMs to use a common charger for all phones
  306. “Everything is an OpenAPI” in ASP.NET Core: Introducing API Framework – Add Runtime Changes & Reusability & Plugins into Web Apps - Mikael Koskinen
  307. Spain will ban selling fruit and vegetables in plastic containers starting 2023
  308. @devlead - Mattias Karlsson's Blog - Joining the .NET Foundation Board of Directors
  309. Azure Serverless Conf September 2021 - Events
  310. .NET Desktop Community Standup - Hot Reload Updates
  311. Apple Will Not Reinstate Epic’s Fortnite Developer Account, but Epic’s Other Developer Accounts Remain Active
  312. Azure Functions runtime 4.0 is now in public preview | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
  313. GitHub - christianselig/Amplosion: An iOS app/Safari extension to automagically redirect AMP links to their normal counterpart. Comes with a trusty dog.
  314. Why is there trailing garbage when I try to decode the bytes of a HttpContent object?
  315. How to write clean validation clauses in .NET
  316. Episode 395 - SAP on Azure
  317. Eric Lippert on why Programming Languages Turn Out The Way They Do
  318. Bringing OAuth 2.0 Flow to Wrangler
  319. Bankrupting Fraud Virtual Summit by Arkose Labs
  320. Spotify Box
  321. Spook.js
  322. Optimizely Gridview Customizations
  323. .NET Rocks! vNext
  324. Lab-grown meat is supposed to be inevitable. The science tells a different story.
  325. musl libc project is creating Free & Open-Source Software | Patreon
  326. Kim Kulling, AssetImporter-Contributor is creating The Open-Source-Library Asset-Importer-Lib | Patreon
  327. Motion One: The Web Animations API for everyone
  328. How We Got to LiveView
  329. Separating Concerns with Pipes & Filters
  330. It's tough being an Azure fan
  331. A New Dawn of Learning
  332. Building a Monad
  333. h2x
  334. this picture of a fox might be illegal
  335. 20 Reasons To Quit Social Media
  336. Guix-HPC — What’s in a package
  337. Why I walked away from millions of dollars to found a startup - thoughts from the red planet - thoughts from the red planet
  338. Visual Studio 2022 Themes Revamped with Tool to Convert VS Code Themes -- Visual Studio Magazine
  339. Editor Hack: Add simple password protection to some content (code free)
  340. Do you know the GitHub Advisory Database?
  341. Hospitals lift curtain on prices, revealing giant swings in pricing by procedure
  342. .NET Foundation Board of Directors Election 2021: Results!
  343. Waydroid
  344. Official Home of Microsoft Surface PCs, Computers, Laptops, 2-in-1s, Dual-Screen & All-in-Ones
  345. Announcing Azure Functions 4.0 public preview with .NET 6 support
  346. Patreon
  347. Entity Framework Community Standup - PostgreSQL and EF Core
  348. A different kind of keyboard
  349. r/dotnet - What does your Blazor Server architecture look like?
  350. Become a productive .NET Developer with JetBrains Rider - PHINUG 2021.10
  351. The Catch Block #75 - Controllers, Repositories, Services, and Dark Mode
  352. This Linux malware is designed to ATTACK WINDOWS!
  353. Converting between UTF-8 strings and UTF-16 strings in C++/WinRT
  354. DIY RGB Icosahedron build — GsD
  355. Google to Auto-Reset Inactive Android App Permissions for Billions of Devices
  356. GitHub - joeycastillo/The-Open-Book
  357. The First Rule of Machine Learning: Start without Machine Learning
  358. deskto.ps
  359. Adam Storr - Is Accessing Querystring Values in Azure Functions Hard?
  360. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-22
  361. Visual Studio Toolbox Live - What's New in Visual Studio 2022 Previews 3 & 4?
  362. Postgres 14: It's The Little Things
  363. Taming Go’s Memory Usage, or How We Avoided Rewriting Our Client in Rust — Akita Software
  364. Manyverse – a social network off the grid
  365. Troy Hunt | GitHub Stars
  366. Structural pattern matching in Python 3.10
  367. ASP.NET Core 6: Streaming JSON responses with IAsyncEnumerable<T>, example with Angular
  368. That Time I Told My Wife I Wanted to Quit My Job
  369. Don't be obsessed with your customers - Can's blog
  370. Don't be the Insecure Interviewer
  371. PS5 storage analysis concludes: Spend less, get the same gaming performance
  372. Database containing personal info of 106 million international visitors to Thailand was exposed online - Comparitech
  373. Epik data breach impacts 15 million users, including non-customers
  374. GitHub Quick Reviews
  375. Delicious Library 3
  376. Daily links from Cory Doctorow
  377. N O D E
  378. AutoWrapper v5.0 RC Released!
  379. The “Too many white dudes” problem in software
  380. GitHub - PySimpleGUI/PySimpleGUI
  381. Swift with .NET in Xcode
  382. Make your donation now - Wikimedia Foundation
  383. Reading Code is a Skill - Trisha Gee
  384. The CertUtil program will decode Windows error codes, and in a variety of formats
  385. A Tunguska sized airburst destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age city in the Jordan Valley near the Dead Sea - Scientific Reports
  386. Comparing WebApplicationBuilder to the Generic Host: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 2
  387. ECDSA and Custom XML Signatures in .NET
  388. How to sign XML using RSA in .NET
  389. Guide to Autoencoders with TensorFlow & Keras | Rubik's Code
  390. OWASP 20th Anniversary
  391. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-21
  392. I started SaaS companies in 2013 and 2021. Here's how things have changed
  393. [Last Week in .NET #60]- Sourcing Your Packages
  394. Inflation is not cost of living
  395. Using the platform
  396. sudo in system()
  397. Home Price to Income Ratio (US & UK) - 73 Year Chart | Longtermtrends
  398. Rejections, Resilience, and Rejoicing: Getting a Tenure-Track Position
  399. 5 RCEs in npm for $15,000
  400. When McDonalds Came to Denmark – Matt Bruenig Dot Com
  401. Emacs Typing Tutor
  402. Practical frontend architecture - jaredgorski.org
  403. dotNET
  404. Splitting Your Data and Application APIs
  405. Let's Encrypt's Root Certificate is expiring!
  406. HackerNews Readings
  407. iOS 15
  408. Azure Serverless Conf September 2021 - Events
  409. Google Docs in a clean-room browser - Ekioh
  410. Computing the Similarity Between Two Machine Learning Datasets -- Visual Studio Magazine
  411. little-endian
  412. As A Solo Developer, I Decided To Offer Phone Support, And This Is What Happened | Plumshell
  413. Software Development Then and Now: Steep Decline into Mediocrity
  414. ClickHouse/clickhouse-inc.md at master · ClickHouse/ClickHouse
  415. Azure Table Storage with ASP.NET Core - Code Maze
  416. Is C# getting out of hand?
  417. What does this mean? The caller specified wait timed out before the operation completed because a host termination is in queued
  418. Project Memento: An NFT art project
  419. Generate PDF files using an html template and Playwright - Gérald Barré
  420. How to customize your HTTP DDoS protection settings
  421. 272: .NET 6 RC1, .NET MAUI Updates, & iPhone 13 Event Recap
  422. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-20
  423. Atomic reference counting (with Zig code samples)
  424. Creating Microsoft Teams meetings in ASP.NET Core using Microsoft Graph
  425. Singularity – Microsoft’s Experimental OS
  426. .NET MAUI: Preview 8 Available, but GA Postponed to Q2 2022
  427. FCPS Ransomware Update December 22
  428. There are six internet links on my office on wheels. Seven when Starlink arrives.
  429. Freenet
  430. Bye YouTube, Hello PeerTube 📺 (no ads, decentralised, privacy-friendly! -- Diode Zone)
  431. John Kozubik - / pub
  432. Build Something Unambitious
  433. The Unofficial Way to Land a Gulfstream G280
  434. My Month in Mulki
  435. Introducing the Aino framework
  436. [Unravelling mocona] Part 1 - Verbosity or Anti-Pattern
  437. Privacy Policy Of Your Existence | Ondřej Bárta - Berlin based designed with full stack engineering background
  438. Analyzing The Olympic Games
  439. Linux on the Desktop: Part Two
  440. How to Contribute a Change to Nginx
  441. The shape of dinosaur eggs
  442. Same App Different Design Patterns
  443. Library Genesis
  444. This is stupid, but I love it
  445. The REAL Story On Why Space Cadet Pinball Was Removed (ft. Windows on Itanium)
  446. Russia restricts opposition election voting app from Apple App Store and Google Play Store - NetBlocks
  447. machinelearning/BestFriendAttribute.cs at 3bf8cba75fd94241d2f918fc5330e8cda3b36432 · dotnet/machinelearning
  448. MJML - The Responsive Email Framework
  449. Project Myriagon: Cloudflare Passes 10,000 Connected Networks
  450. Can you see the Republic of Ireland from England? - Menu >
  451. GitHub - seemoo-lab/AirGuard: Protect yourself from being tracked 🌍 by AirTags 🏷 and Find My accessories 📍
  452. Episode 24: Dependency Injection in .NET with Steve Collins
  453. How To Rapidly Improve At Any Programming Language
  454. Edpnet network info
  455. Migrate to ASP.NET Core MVC from ASP.NET Framework MVC
  456. One Bitcoin Transaction Generates Two iPhones Worth of E-Waste
  457. Good is Not Great | ANDY.WORKS
  458. Unravelling the `async with` statement
  459. The Solution to Newcomb’s Paradox
  460. GitHub - joehillen/sysz: An fzf terminal UI for systemctl
  461. PostgreSQL on the Move
  462. The Bagel Language 🥯 | Brandon's Website
  463. On Building Glue Systems - Dev.Poga
  464. 002. Developer Experience is User Experience
  465. N64 Memory – rothw.com
  466. Aren't we all professional Googlers?
  467. StackExchange.Redis: Backlog and Retry - Overview and Planning
  468. ASP.NET Minimal APIs - balta.io
  469. .NET 6 ASP.NET Core Migration
  470. GIT PURR! Git Commands Explained with Cats!
  471. Minimal APIs in .NET 6 but where are the Unit Tests?
  472. Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast
  473. GitHub - juanfont/headscale: An open source, self-hosted implementation of the Tailscale control server
  474. C# - Gotchas with switch expression - Hi, I'm Ankit
  475. Smashing Big Red Button to Leave a Conference Call
  476. Intersection geometry - A/B Street
  477. GitHub - seed-rs/seed: A Rust framework for creating web apps
  478. An Old Programmer Loses His Job
  479. Weekly Update 261
  480. feat: improved theme png rendering by NickCraver · Pull Request #971 · JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh
  481. Dear Mom, I’m Dropping Out — Simon Berens
  482. How I made $50K in 3 days with NFTs
  483. My pain building a WYSIWYG editor with contenteditable - Answerly.io
  484. Ditch your version manager
  485. Splitting up trust
  486. Tips for saving memory with pandas
  487. Quick-start to Pair Programming. 3 Strategies For You - Paweł Pluta
  488. The never-ending product requirements of user authorization - Alex Olivier | cloud native product manager in london
  489. Checking it twice
  490. The long-term consequences of maintainers’ actions – Ariadne's Space
  491. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2021/1148
  492. Azure DevOps Podcast: Daniel Roth on Web Development with .NET 6 - Episode 158
  493. The lax computer security of British MPs - as detailed in their own tweets
  494. Building apps in minutes, not months
  495. HTTP/3 support in .NET 6
  496. r/dotnet - How many full-time devs does it take to keep developing dotnet?
  497. Progress Telerik Adds New Controls for Blazor, .NET MAUI, Desktop -- Visual Studio Magazine
  498. Document
  499. Approaches to handling simple expressions in C#
  500. Do Your Math Abilities Make Learning Programming Easier? Not Much, Finds Study
  501. Adam Storr - Becoming a Remote Worker - Month 18+
  502. Forms and Capturing User Data [10 of 11] | Beginner's Series to: Blazor
  503. Production postmortem: The Guinness record for page faults & high CPU
  504. Top 5 LED Strip Lighting Projects - Dave's Garage
  505. Adventures in application compatibility: The case of the wild instruction pointer that, upon closer inspection, might not be so wild after all
  506. Code Maze Weekly #93 - Code Maze
  507. Benchmarking Edge Network Performance: Akamai, Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront, Fastly, and Google
  508. The Ultimate .NET MAUI Update
  509. Level up your skills with Bicep!
  510. An Easy Guide to React useReducer() Hook
  511. How JSX (React) Works Under the Hood
  512. Debugging a .NET App on Linux from Windows Visual Studio with WSL - NDepend
  513. High Optionality Programming: Software Architectures that Reduce Technical Debt - Part 1
  514. Azure Sentinel Notebooks Ninja Part 2: Getting Started with Azure Sentinel Notebooks
  515. Etched Glow-Through Keycap with GitHub Octocat Logo
  516. Chartist - Simple responsive charts
  517. The Crime of Curiosity
  518. Kansas City Developers Conference - Done!
  519. Themes: add Craver and add background colors by NickCraver · Pull Request #964 · JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh
  520. MinimalApiPlayground/ProblemDetailsDeveloperPageExceptionFilter.cs at main · DamianEdwards/MinimalApiPlayground
  521. What developers should know about security with Troy Hunt
  522. MinimalApiPlayground/Program.cs at main · DamianEdwards/MinimalApiPlayground
  523. Themes: add Craver and add background colors by NickCraver · Pull Request #964 · JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh
  524. Rust Playground
  525. Windows 11: Just say no
  526. Work on interesting problems. Not interesting technologies - Part 2
  527. Syntax highlighting is backwards
  528. advanced shell packaging: resholve YADM's nixpkg
  529. How to ask for help - Stavros' Stuff
  530. I Tried to Launch a Side Project Within 30 Days and Failed Hopelessly
  531. rename source generator anchor to SetHandler by jonsequitur · Pull Request #1411 · dotnet/command-line-api
  532. Ten Years of Fukushima Disinformation | Skeptical Inquirer
  533. Hamtips, or why I still run the Technical Phone Screen as the Hiring Manager
  534. Building OwnFlask - A Flask(like) Python Framework
  535. How to Lead a More Rational Life with Bayes' Theorem
  536. What’s the value of an advanced technical degree? — Mark Simithraaratchy
  537. XTDB — Open Time Store
  538. Process Scheduling In Linux
  539. Notes on the small web
  540. Slowing
  541. Don't fear the pointer — Bitfield Consulting
  542. CSS Mirror Editing in Edge DevTools for VS Code
  543. How We Made Playable Quotes for the Game Boy
  544. You wanted WebSockets? | daniel.haxx.se
  545. Can We Solve Linear Algebra Problems at Extreme Scale and Low Precisions?
  546. The Perils of an .xyz Domain
  547. OpenSSL 3.0 Has Been Released!
  548. Blazor Developers Can Now Create Custom Elements, Render Components from JavaScript -- Visual Studio Magazine
  549. #Shitlassian - story about how Atlassian fired me because my wife had cancer
  550. GitHub - alephsecurity/xnu-qemu-arm64
  551. Episode 394 - Quantum Update
  552. The Good Notes Are Circled
  553. Execution Time | Oh My Posh
  554. The ownership and future of Mullvad VPN - Blog | Mullvad VPN
  555. .NET Tooling Community Standup - What's new in Visual Studio for Mac
  556. Aaron Stannard on Technical Debt and Optionality
  557. GitHub - dotnet/upgrade-assistant: A tool to assist developers in upgrading .NET Framework applications to .NET 5
  558. Go'ing Insane Part One: Endless Error Handling
  559. The C++ implicit assignment operator is a non-ref-qualified member, even if the base class's assignment has a ref-qualifier
  560. Every engineer should do a stint in consulting
  561. Is management pressuring you to deliver unfinished code?
  562. Marginalia Search
  563. Extending .NET Minimal APIs with Swagger, Authentication & Validation
  564. Early Hints: How Cloudflare Can Improve Website Load Times by 30%
  565. Add initial regex source generator by stephentoub · Pull Request #59186 · dotnet/runtime
  566. Why Authorization is Hard
  567. Home Assistant
  568. If you copied any of these popular StackOverflow encryption code snippets, then you coded it wrong
  569. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-16
  570. Discover quick actions for common tasks as you type, with IntelliCode
  571. Should Controllers Reference Repositories or Services
  572. JustMock R3 2021—Linux, Visual Studio 2022 .NET 6 RC1
  573. Microsoft launching tech resilience curriculum to foster a more inclusive future - The Official Microsoft Blog
  574. Introducing password removal for Microsoft Accounts
  575. Webinar: Profiling and Fixing Common Performance Bottlenecks | The .NET Tools Blog
  576. .NET Rocks! vNext
  577. CityMayor | Dapp.com - MarbleCards | OpenSea
  578. .NET MAUI 'Slips the Schedule,' Won't Ship with .NET 6 in November -- Visual Studio Magazine
  579. How much faster is Java 17?
  580. Introducing Package Source Mapping
  581. GitHub - github/paste-markdown: Paste spreadsheet cells as a Markdown table.
  582. Processing Large Payloads with the Claim Check Pattern
  583. Does your Figma Plugin really need an UI? | Tom's dev blog
  584. The Cyclic Identity for Partial Derivatives
  585. Playing with htmlq, awk, and sed
  586. Building an Alternative Ecosystem | Joshua Strobl
  587. Don't Trust the Process
  588. Call WinRT COM interop interfaces from .NET 5+ apps - Windows apps
  589. Why I left academia
  590. The Second Coming of the Search Engine
  591. Write Epic Shit - Corbett Barr
  592. Argon2 Memory-Hard Function for Password Hashing and Proof-of-Work Applications
  593. How I write my Journal
  594. Engineer vs Entrepreneur Mindset
  595. Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4: Hot Reload Expands, Speed Improvements -- Visual Studio Magazine
  596. Product Security Engineering Manager - Architecture
  597. Validating Form Data with Blazor [11 of 11] | Beginner's Series to: Blazor
  598. 🐊 Crocotile 3D - A tile-based 3d modeling editor!
  599. 6.0 Milestone · DuendeSoftware/IdentityServer
  600. Turing Oversold
  601. The Time Travel Debugger for Web Development
  602. Machine Learning Community Standup - Deep Learning with TorchSharp
  603. Swapping two numbers in C#
  604. Rack-With-Support - FUSION
  605. Developer Burnout: Why it Happens and What We Can Do About It
  606. TechBaby Prague
  607. CryptoHack – Courses
  608. Leaking Value Objects from your Domain
  609. Announcing The Unicode® Standard, Version 14.0
  610. Amazon.com: Sabrent 4TB Rocket 4 Plus NVMe 4.0 Gen4 PCIe M.2 Internal Extreme Performance SSD + M.2 NVMe PS5 heatsink Combo (SB-RKT4P-PSHS-2TB) : Electronics
  611. Amazon.com: Sabrent 2TB Rocket 4 Plus NVMe 4.0 Gen4 PCIe M.2 Internal Extreme Performance SSD + M.2 NVMe PS5 heatsink Combo (SB-RKT4P-PSHS-2TB) : Electronics
  612. The Catch Block #74 - Ship, Show, Ask
  613. How do I set the alpha channel of a GDI bitmap to 255?
  614. Discovering what’s slowing down your website with Web Analytics
  615. The American Style of Quotation Mark Punctuation Makes No Sense
  616. Storage galore: New PS5 update finally lets users add more space for games
  617. Cloudflare Images Now Available to Everyone
  618. Apple just copied a developer's Apple Watch keyboard after yanking it from the App Store
  619. “Secret” Agent Exposes Azure Customers To Unauthorized Code Execution | Wiz Blog
  620. .NET DeveloperDays 2021 | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura
  621. Anonymous Presents: Operation Epik Fail
  622. 5.0.10 Milestone · npgsql/npgsql
  623. 5.0.10 Milestone · npgsql/efcore.pg
  624. ACSC Annual Cyber Threat Report 2020-21
  625. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-15
  626. Windows Package Manager
  627. Exploring 120 years of timezones
  628. PHP: rfc:fibers
  629. Join us behind the scenes at Azure, thanks to the Well-Architected Framework
  630. .NET September 2021 Updates – 5.0.10 and 3.1.19
  631. Up in arms - Tandy Armatron Dissection
  632. r/buildapc - Please help me identify this CAPS-lock overlay, as it's ruining my game
  633. Gwyneth Peña S. @madebygps
  634. Effect size is significantly more important than statistical significance.
  635. Announcing .NET 6 Release Candidate 1
  636. Bespoke Synth
  637. PHP maintains an enormous lead in server-side programming languages
  638. Dialectical Solution to the Liar Paradox — Hegel's Chapel
  639. Reflecting on the Shake Build System
  640. Improving Origin Performance for Everyone with Orpheus and Tiered Cache
  641. Plain Text Journaling System
  642. Hack Pipe for Functional Programmers: How I learned to stop worrying and love the placeholder | James DiGioia
  643. The Most Underused Email Feature: Schedule Send
  644. Tools for professionals, tools for amateurs
  645. Technical Writer
  646. iPhone 13 Models Are Heavier and Thicker Than iPhone 12 Models
  647. Travis CI flaw exposed secrets of thousands of open source projects
  648. Programming Language Wars - Software By Design
  649. r/crypto - What are the most overrated cryptographic schemes, protocols, conferences, etc.?
  650. Release 0.2.0-pre.20210914193659.28 · DamianEdwards/MinimalValidation
  651. Server-Side Language Usage: ASP.NET Trails PHP (by a Lot!) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  652. iPhone 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max - Technical Specifications
  653. Spasm - Underrun example
  654. Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4 is now available!
  655. How percentile approximation works (and why it's more useful than averages)
  656. ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Release Candidate 1
  657. ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Release Candidate 1
  658. Announcing .NET 6 Release Candidate 1
  659. GitHub Quick Reviews
  660. Update on .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI)
  661. Collisions of Light Produce Matter/Antimatter from Pure Energy
  662. Java 17 / JDK 17: General Availability
  663. Intel Is Reducing Server Chip Pricing in Attempt to Stem the AMD Tide
  664. ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor in .NET 6 RC1
  665. WebSocket per-message compression in ASP.NET Core 6
  666. CSS Variables + calc() + rgb() = Enforcing High Contrast Colors
  667. Q1K3 | js13kGames
  668. Why I Have NOT Tried Github Copilot - I'm a Little Skeptical...
  669. Microspeak: Persona
  670. C# For Beginners - Lesson 10: Methods
  671. Looking inside ConfigurationManager in .NET 6: Exploring .NET Core 6 - Part 1
  672. From AMP to Signed Exchanges, Or How Innovation Happens at Cloudflare
  673. Cyber Defenders' Career Guide: 9781617298202: Computer Science Books @ Amazon.com
  674. Setting up the SonarQube scanner when building a .NET Core container image
  675. Why Monero
  676. Async processing of long-running tasks in ASP.NET Core
  677. Adam Storr - Separate the Metadata Noise from the Implementation in Azure Functions
  678. WUG: Co nás čeká v .NET 6 a C# 10 (Zlín)
  679. Release WebSharper 5.0.0-preview1 · dotnet-websharper/core
  680. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-14
  681. Monsters Weekly 222 - DateOnly and TimeOnly in .NET 6
  682. Unit testing private helper methods
  683. Advanced Git Workflow Tips | The .NET Tools Blog
  684. MinimalValidation/dotnet.yml at 3b836203c6af3ce1f9735ff1a4c81ab3270a7c7e · DamianEdwards/MinimalValidation
  685. Download the fastest Firefox ever
  686. The workflow must be associated with an integration account - Azure Logic App
  687. Docs | Open-Meteo.com
  688. GitHub - ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols: Extra glyphs for your powerline separators
  689. [Last Week in .NET #59] – Min/Max Life Changes
  690. Free Programming Books; HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Python...
  691. Subscribe to Burnout+ – Three Letter Acronym
  692. Trademark Actions Against the PostgreSQL Community
  693. GitHub - dtolnay/inventory: Typed distributed plugin registration
  694. Screenshots
  695. Build software better, together
  696. FORTRAN.io finally, a Fortran Web Framework
  697. Intuit to Acquire Mailchimp
  698. Stay Calm and Learn This · Patrick Juchli
  699. Finding Types at Runtime in .NET Core
  700. Building Through Uncertainty
  701. Lessons learned during a Developer on Duty: Observability · Pietro Menna
  702. Unravelling `async for` loops
  703. Static Analysis in JavaScriptCore (Part I)
  704. Introduction — Otter documentation
  705. 40 One-Sentence Email Tips
  706. Most Startup ‘Pivots’ Aren’t Really Pivots, They’re Just What Startups Are Supposed To Do
  707. April King — Cache-Control Recommendations
  708. How to parse any website
  709. Regret Minimization | Samvit Jain
  710. Disclosing CVE-2021-40823 and CVE-2021-40824: E2EE vulnerability in multiple Matrix clients | Matrix.org
  711. Designing Beautiful Shadows in CSS
  712. Stop Building A General Purpose API To Power Your Own Front End - Max Chernyak
  713. Why I’m Not an Angel Investor — Stuff George Writes
  714. FORCEDENTRY: NSO Group iMessage Zero-Click Exploit Captured in the Wild - The Citizen Lab
  715. Apple patches a NSO zero-day flaw affecting all devices – TechCrunch
  716. Getting Started Tweetinvi .NET Twitter | C# Tutorials Blog
  717. Developers: Hire or Use Consultants?
  718. OpenRA
  719. New Open Source ONNX Runtime Web Does Machine Learning Modeling in Browser -- Visual Studio Magazine
  720. OData (Open Data Protocol) in ASP.NET 6.0
  721. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy reverses hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia - Technology Org
  722. r/perfectlycutscreams - German Streamer watching a self defense video
  723. Resource efficient Thread Pools with Zig
  724. Cloud Providers Publish Ransomware Mitigation Strategies
  725. Investigating an infinite loop in Release configuration - Gérald Barré
  726. Uber must employ its drivers, Dutch court rules
  727. The latency of making a coffee cup
  728. The C++/WinRT query_interface_tearoff extension point, and using it for COM aggregation
  729. Email Protection | Cloudflare
  730. Cloudflare Passes 250 Cities, Triples External Network Capacity, 8x-es Backbone
  731. .NET developer reacts to the StackOverflow survey 2021
  732. GitHub - hyrmn/jerk: Joe Everyman's Reporting Konverter
  733. Professional C# and .NET – 2021 Edition
  734. Introduction to System.Text.Json Through Examples - Code Maze
  735. Dotnetos Conference 2021 | tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces by Jiří {x2} Činčura
  736. NLP Tutorial with Flair & Python | Rubik's Code
  737. 271: How not to monetize an app
  738. Implementing Angular Code Flow with PKCE using node-oidc-provider
  739. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-13
  740. How To Desktop in 2022
  741. How to Write Cleaner, Safer Code with SonarQube, Docker and .NET Core
  742. Introduction to GitHub Codespaces
  743. How To Map A Route in an ASP.NET Core MVC application
  744. RLE: The Human Friendly Compression
  745. Twitter reveals surprisingly low two-factor auth (2FA) adoption rate
  746. The World's Oldest Active Torrent Turns 18 Soon * TorrentFreak
  747. Minimal APIs at a glance in .NET 6
  748. CityMayor | Dapp.com - MarbleCards | OpenSea
  749. Docker Licensing, Career and Coding Questions
  750. refactor: port libtransmission to C++ by ckerr · Pull Request #1787 · transmission/transmission
  751. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  752. How to raise investment
  753. How to Improve programming logic
  754. Rectangle{} debugging in QML, just like printf(), but for QT
  755. How factories were made safe
  756. Randomizing the Alert Sound on a Mac
  757. The p-word – Puppies, Flowers, Rainbows and Kittens
  758. Amazon.com: Qozary 2 Pack Socks Underwear Drawer Organizer Divider, 24 Cell or 16 Cell Collapsible Cabinet Closet Organizer Storage Boxes for Clothes, Socks, Lingerie, Underwear, Ties (24 Cell, Gray) : Home & Kitchen
  759. Welcome, adventurer! — BEAM VM Wisdoms
  760. Rechargeable Toilet Bowl Night Light, 16-Color LED Motion Activated Sensor Nightlight, Cool Fun Gag Gadget for Husband Men Women Him Mother Father Day - - Amazon.com
  761. The KDL Document Language
  762. Checkboxland
  763. Two new color spaces for color picking - Okhsv and Okhsl
  764. Rejected!
  765. Ray casting in 2D game engines
  766. LIVE: Windows 11 Walkthrough with Microsoft Dev Davepl
  767. Azure AD JWT authentication in .NET isolated process Azure Functions
  768. Microsoft Releases .NET MAUI Compatibility Packages for the Xamarin Community Toolkit
  769. Lockdown math announcement
  770. Remaking Celeste’s Lighting
  771. Welcome to Speed Week and a Waitless Internet
  772. Windows 11 Pinball by the original Windows XP programmer
  773. Learn BIO Video in 3 simple steps - Tech Leader Journey
  774. Social networks
  775. My Room in 3D — Experiment
  776. Electron isn’t Cancer but it is a Symptom of a Disease – Duck Rowing
  777. An opinionated look at Minimal API in .NET 6
  778. Minimal APIs at a glance
  779. Write code that's easy to delete, and easy to debug too.
  780. pratik.is/here - Pratik's Personal Site
  781. I18n in Go: Managing Translations
  782. No More Medium. Build Your Own Site, Please.
  783. Episode 23: Git - with Jesse Liberty and James World
  784. 9/11 Realtime
  785. Proving 50-Year-Old Sorting Networks Optimal: Part 2
  786. Working with DevOps friendly EF Core Migration Bundles
  787. Microsoft acquires Clipchamp to empower creators | Microsoft 365 Blog
  788. Facebook Is Censoring People For Mentioning Open-Source Social Network Mastodon
  789. Why Flask will teach you more about software engineering than Django
  790. Constant-time code verification with Memory Sanitizer
  791. A resource for the OpenBSD community
  792. Steam Top 50 Games: 72% Work on Linux in Sept. 2021 - Boiling Steam
  793. How Tesla Got Two Nürburgring Lap Times From the Same Lap
  794. Note-Taking for Software Engineers
  795. Learn in Better Way for Your Life
  796. Sylvain Kerkour
  797. Are Dockerfiles good enough?
  798. Windows 11 Pinball by the original Windows XP programmer
  799. Mistakes I've Made in AWS
  800. Windy as forecasted
  801. CFAIL Session 4 Talk #1: Incorrectly Generated RSA Keys, by Daniel Shumow
  802. “Never trust a clown”: McDonald’s leaks Monopoly database credentials
  803. It's just a (hacker news) bubble you're living in
  804. Disk/CPU performance: Linode vs DigitalOcean vs UpCloud vs Hetzner vs Terrahost vs Scaleway
  805. Making mistakes is part of working
  806. The VC power law: biotech vs. tech
  807. How I arrived at my perfect business idea | SVG Backgrounds
  808. Use Tools That Suit You and the Problem | Daan Debie
  809. Managing User State [9 of 11] | Beginner's Series to: Blazor
  810. Why that Thunderbolt add-in card doesn’t work properly in your unsupported PC – Matt's Tech Pages
  811. From Shader to Metaball, Part Ⅰ
  812. How arbitrary structured data per request helps Opsgenie to resolve and prevent incidents
  813. Part 4: Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) Scheme
  814. Sales for Hackers
  815. Oracle SQL Is The Devil – Coding To Freedom
  816. Microsoft Open Sources .NET 5 C# Language Extension for SQL Server -- Visual Studio Magazine
  817. GitHub - jely2002/youtube-dl-gui: A cross-platform GUI for youtube-dl made in Electron and node.js
  818. C# 10 is HERE! 5 features that will blow your mind 🤯
  819. First look at the debugger - Visual Studio (Windows)
  820. I Reached 100k Subscribers - Ask Me Anything
  821. A Laser Fired Through a Keyhole Can Expose Everything Inside a Room
  822. Microsoft Announces Azure Spring Cloud Enterprise in Preview
  823. Migrate apps to modern authentication
  824. Ordering asynchronous updates with coroutines, part 5: Bowing out via cancellation
  825. Code Maze Weekly #92 - Code Maze
  826. How to execute an object file: Part 3
  827. Certified Application Security Specialist (CASS)
  828. Support type classes or implicits · Issue #243 · fsharp/fslang-suggestions
  829. Episode 82 - DotPurple With Michael Babienco
  830. Groundbreaking Technique Yields Important New Details on Silicon, Subatomic Particles and Possible ‘Fifth Force’
  831. Monsters Weekly 221 - New git commands
  832. Web Live Preview
  833. The Specification contravariant functor
  834. Date Format Cheat Sheet—How To Format Dates React DatePicker
  835. Episode 393 - Behind the scenes
  836. The Future of Visual Studio Extensibility is Here!
  837. Connect Tailscale - GitHub Marketplace
  838. Ozzillate - Transfer Files via Sound
  839. New Community Toolkit Leads Extension Writing Revamp for Visual Studio 2022 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  840. Machine Learning Community Standup - Office Hours
  841. New Math Book Rescues Landmark Topology Proof | Quanta Magazine
  842. Event Sourced Aggregate Design: Focus on Business Logic
  843. Using a reMarkable Tablet in Web Meetings – The Charette Project
  844. in which a laptop defies the trends
  845. The Fog of Random
  846. AWS SIGv4 and SIGv4A — shufflesharding.com
  847. Q6 How do you manage your time? How do you allocate your time between work and other things?
  848. Thoughts on Clojure UI framework
  849. A Rotating Team Lead
  850. Running My Business From an iPad
  851. Quitting Entrepreneurship, Getting A Job
  852. Fix My Code
  853. The .NET Docs Show - .NET IoT Ask Me Anything
  854. Microsoft Pushes Java for Azure Development -- Visual Studio Magazine
  855. Windows 11 Livestream - Sep 12, 2021 9AMPST 4PMGMT - Announcement!
  856. Weekly Update 260
  857. ~60x speed-up of Linux
  858. ASP.NET 6.0 Minimal APIs - Why should you care? - Ben Foster
  859. Data Consistency Between Microservices
  860. .NET Conf 2021
  861. .NET customers showcase | See what devs are building
  862. Parameters and Sharing Data [8 of 11] | Beginner's Series to: Blazor
  863. OWASP Top 10
  864. Creating Pivot indexes in RavenDB
  865. GraphCMS, GraphQL, and Nextjs - Let's Build A Static Site
  866. Full-time Content Creation with Jessica Chan
  867. Ordering asynchronous updates with coroutines, part 4: Bowing out, explicit version
  868. Native Rust support on Cloudflare Workers
  869. 5 open source .NET projects that deserve more attention
  870. Rewilding: 60 years ago, scientists let a farm go wild – the results are in
  871. Toolbelt.Blazor.LoadingBar 13.0.0
  872. How We Went All In on sqlc/pgx for Postgres + Go
  873. How Docker broke in half
  874. Bad engineering managers think leadership is about power, good managers think leadership is about competently serving their team
  875. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-09
  876. .NET Rocks! vNext
  877. A .NET 6 Minimal API Todo example Playground
  878. Refactoring to Value Objects
  879. New Improved Attach to Process Dialog Experience
  880. Apples in MAUI
  881. Google APIs: authentication with TypeScript | I CAN MAKE THIS WORK
  882. Windows 11: The Optimization and Performance Improvements
  883. How to replace Docker with Podman on a Mac
  884. Ship / Show / Ask
  885. OSS Power-Ups: CliWrap | The .NET Tools Blog
  886. Does Ivermectin Cause Sterility in Men?
  887. Open sourcing the .NET 5 C# Language Extension for SQL Server - Microsoft SQL Server Blog
  888. Locking editor panes in Visual Studio Code prevents unwanted multi-tab experiences
  889. B2C Speedrun - Setup Authentication in .NET Blazor with Azure AD B2C in 15mins flat
  890. Proposal: Expression blocks · Issue #3086 · dotnet/csharplang
  891. csharplang/LDM-2021-08-30.md at main · dotnet/csharplang
  892. WhatsApp “end-to-end encrypted” messages aren’t that private after all
  893. MIT-designed project achieves major advance toward fusion energy
  894. Transparency in startups
  895. The mystery of load average spikes
  896. Should you delete social media? That’s the wrong question.
  897. Restrictions for Impacted Areas – South East Queensland
  898. Challenge to VS Code Python? JetBrains Tests Data Science IDE -- Visual Studio Magazine
  899. The Compiled Future of Front End
  900. Auto retry message on connection failure by NickCraver · Pull Request #1856 · StackExchange/StackExchange.Redis
  901. The Adjacent User Theory at andrewchen
  902. What they don’t tell you when you translate your app
  903. Norway COVID: 171,719 Cases and 826 Deaths - Worldometer
  904. Daily Confirmed Cases in NSW - COVID LIVE
  905. How to drive away your best engineers. | padraigobrien.com
  906. About
  907. Python in VS Code Does Browser-Based Editing via 'github.dev' Trick -- Visual Studio Magazine
  908. Maintain it With Zig
  909. Using the Console Log formatter
  910. Monitoring my home's air quality (CO2, PM2.5, Temp/Humidity) with AirGradient's DIY sensor
  911. Craver's oh-my-posh profile
  912. Archive.org Serendipity: Search and Stream Selections from the 78rpm Collection
  913. Going deeper into static constructors hole
  914. GitHub - philipl/pifs: πfs - the data-free filesystem!
  915. GitHub - doctorray117/minecraft-ondemand: Templates to deploy a serverless Minecraft Server on demand in AWS
  916. Entity Framework Community Standup - Open Source Software (OSS) Projects for EF Core
  917. Taking the EF Core Azure Cosmos DB Provider for a Test Drive
  918. Outdated Answers: accepted answer is now unpinned on Stack Overflow
  919. Integration Testing: IHost Lifecycle with NUnit
  920. The Catch Block #73 - Vertical Slices, Mission-Driven Teams, and Five Cool Reads
  921. Ordering asynchronous updates with coroutines, part 3: Let them all compete, but only one wins
  922. GitHub - EtherDream/web2img: bundle web files into a single image
  923. Introducing: Custom Hostname Analytics
  924. Dolphin Progress Report: August 2021
  925. How Cloudflare helped mitigate the Atlassian Confluence OGNL vulnerability before the PoC was released
  926. The SEC has told us it wants to sue us over Lend. We don’t know why.
  927. Switching to the i3 window manager
  928. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-08
  929. 2021 Board of Trustees Election
  930. The Command Handler contravariant functor
  931. Favorite improvements in .NET 6
  932. Patent Images
  933. Teaching people to fish
  934. Shifting Trends: The Evolution of Mountain Bike Geometry - blog.jans.com
  935. Turning my hobby into a business made me hate it
  936. How Sri Lanka’s overnight flip to total organic farming has led to an economic disaster
  937. Git tooling in Visual Studio 2022
  938. Your VGA monitor may be easier to repair than you think - CNX Software
  939. Introducing Blazor Components [3 of 11] | Beginners Series to: Blazor
  940. My £4 a month server can handle 4.2 million requests a day
  941. McDonald's leaks password for Monopoly VIP database to winners
  942. What's new in C# 10.0 - C# Guide
  943. Integration Testing: IHost Lifecycle with xUnit.Net
  944. [Last Week in .NET #58] – Deep Learning Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry
  945. GitHub Quick Reviews
  946. GitHub - dotnet/csharplang: The official repo for the design of the C# programming language
  947. VS Code Uses ML to Detect Programming Language, Set Mode -- Visual Studio Magazine
  948. The ASP.NET Team @TheASPNETTeam
  949. ASP.NET Community Standup - 🎂7 Years of ASP.NET Community Standup🎂
  950. C# static constructor called multiple times
  951. Bonsai | Web Browser for Research
  952. California streaming: Apple’s next big event is September 14
  953. Differential Evolution Optimization -- Visual Studio Magazine
  954. How to be a Certificate Authority, feat. Ryan Sleevi - Security. Cryptography. Whatever.
  955. Microsoft Outlook shows real person’s contact info for IDN phishing emails
  956. Welcome · Real-World Cryptography MEAP V14
  957. Ask the Expert: What's New in C# 10.0
  958. Musings: How to Beat Greg Abbott, revisited
  959. OpenSSL version 3.0.0 published
  960. ASP.NET Community Standup - A first look at Carter on .NET 6
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  965. Using Source Generators with Blazor components in .NET 6
  966. Adam Storr - Minimal Api in .NET 6 Out Of Process Azure Functions
  967. What’s New with Cloudflare for SaaS?
  968. GitHub - mgdm/htmlq: Like jq, but for HTML.
  969. The Sexadecimal Mysteries
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  977. A primer on the OpenAI API - Part 2
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  982. Release age v1.0.0 🏁 · FiloSottile/age
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  987. Building Applications With Cassandra: Experience And Gotchas
  988. Optimizing Netlify - Atif Afzal
  989. Introducing Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Private Web Attestation with Cross/Multi-Vendor Hardware
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  996. GitHub - michaelkacher/k8cher: An opinionated getting started project leveraging Kubernetes, Tilt, Dapr, and SvelteKit
  997. Svelte and SvelteKit - Why We Love It and Why You Should Try It
  998. Staged Rollouts & Phased Release on Google Play and App Store Connect
  999. ProtonMail logged IP address of French activist after order by Swiss authorities – TechCrunch
  1000. After six months on Mars, NASA's tiny copter is still flying high
  1001. Important clarifications regarding arrest of climate activist
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  1007. GitHub - Lutando/Akkatecture: a cqrs and event sourcing framework for dotnet core using akka.net
  1008. How not to read a string from an UTF-8 stream - Gérald Barré
  1009. US Cybercom says mass exploitation of Atlassian Confluence vulnerability 'ongoing and expected to accelerate' | ZDNet
  1010. GitHub - koenvzeijl/AspNetCore.SassCompiler: Sass Compiler Library for .NET Core 3.x/5.x without node.
  1011. ZFS Is Mysteriously Eating My CPU
  1012. Ordering asynchronous updates with coroutines, part 1: Mutual exclusion
  1013. Hiring Developers: How to avoid the best - Parthenon
  1014. In defence of .NET Minimal APIs
  1015. homebrew-x/podman-apple-silicon.rb at main · simnalamburt/homebrew-x
  1016. 270: M1 on the road, phased release, new SQLite-net, and .NET MAUI ready libraries
  1017. Using Azure security groups in ASP.NET Core with an Azure B2C Identity Provider
  1018. Malware found preinstalled in classic push-button phones sold in Russia
  1019. Stock Price Prediction Using Hidden Markov Model | Rubik's Code
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  1024. Custom Model Binding in ASP.NET 6.0 Minimal APIs - Ben Foster
  1025. git/torvalds/linux.git - Linux kernel source tree
  1026. GitHub - containerd/nerdctl: Docker-compatible CLI for containerd, with support for Compose
  1027. GitHub - olup/kobowriter: A simple typewriter written in go for KOBO e-readers
  1028. Freewrite: Distraction-Free Writing Tools
  1029. SolarWriter
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  1036. certreq.cs
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  1085. GitHub - 425show/minimalAPIWithB2C
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  1089. GitHub - pdevito3/craftsman: Craftsman is the workhorse behind the Wrapt framework and provides a suite of CLI commands for quickly scaffolding out new files and projects for your .NET Web APIs with simple CLI commands and configuration files.
  1090. Wrapt - Scaffold an entire .NET 5 Web API with a simple yaml or json file.
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  1103. Announcing the Candidates .NET Foundation Election 2021
  1104. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-03
  1105. Introduction to Async Programming in C#
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  1107. GitHub - MichalStrehovsky/zerosharp: Demo of the potential of C# for systems programming with the .NET native ahead-of-time compilation technology.
  1108. Replacing Docker Desktop with hyperkit + minikube - Cirrus Minor
  1109. Zero Trust Security Architecture Overview | Developer.com
  1110. GitHub - KorzhCom/EasyData: An open-source framework for quick and easy implementation of CRUD operations (both API and UI) in ASP.NET Core applications.
  1111. GitHub - aappleby/MetroBoy: A repository of gate-level simulators and tools for the original Game Boy.
  1112. Bungie C++ Guidelines & Razors > News | Bungie.net
  1113. What's in New Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2022? -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  1115. Experiments on a $50 DIY air purifier you can make in 30s
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  1118. Money Ain't A Thang
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  1128. GitHub - 425show/BlazorServerAuthWithSAML
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  1130. What UWP Deprecation? Community Celebrates Innovative Apps in Launch 2021 Contest -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  1133. O.MG Cable - * to USB-A
  1134. Developers are not interested in Mac App Store, research shows - Techno Kilo
  1135. ASP.​NET Core in .NET 6 - Async streaming
  1136. GitHub - containers/podman: Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
  1137. Blazor | Build client web apps with C# | .NET
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  1143. Workshop Spotlight: GitHub
  1144. www.opendesktop.org
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  1147. GitHub - mTvare6/hello-world.rs: 🚀Memory safe, blazing fast, configurable, minimal hello world written in rust(🚀) in a few lines of code with few(1061🚀) dependencies🚀
  1148. How to study effectively | Psyche Guides
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  1150. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-02
  1151. .NET Rocks! vNext
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  1153. Windows Server 2022 now generally available—delivers innovation in security, hybrid, and containers - Microsoft Windows Server Blog
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  1158. Simplify codez by davidfowl · Pull Request #1 · SpiritChrusher/Beer-API
  1159. ChaosDB: How we hacked thousands of Azure customers’ databases | Wiz Blog
  1160. Donovan Brown | Codespaces meet Dapr
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  1162. AI movie posters
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  1164. GitHub - dotnet/Silk.NET: The high-speed OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX bindings library your mother warned you about.
  1165. Bebop ❤️ Rust | Rainway
  1166. Refactor symmetric one-shots for improved performance by vcsjones · Pull Request #58270 · dotnet/runtime
  1167. Announcing the Candidates .NET Foundation Election 2021
  1168. Moiré no more
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  1171. Planned maintenance scheduled for Thursday, September 2 at 12:00am UTC (Wednesday September 1 8:00 PM US/EDT)
  1172. Mozilla VPN Completes Independent Security Audit by Cure53 | The Mozilla Blog
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  1180. Inbox Zero using Getpocket - blog.dornea.nu
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  1192. Directories.Net 1.0.0
  1193. Preview of .NET MAUI Community Toolkit Heralds Xamarin.Forms Sunsetting -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1194. File IO improvements in .NET 6
  1195. Introduction - BerylDB
  1196. zkMesh: Aug 2021 recap
  1197. #156 Mark Seemann, Code That Fits in Your Head | no dogma podcast
  1198. Linux on the Framework Laptop
  1199. The npm registry is deprecating TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1
  1200. Repository Pattern in ASP.NET Core with Adapter Pattern for Easy Maintenance & Better Unit Testing | Pro Code Guide
  1201. Why Erlang? | Fredrik Holmqvist
  1202. The Catch Block #72 - ChaosDB, Geothermal Energy, and a Communication Layer
  1203. Boost your productivity with Productivity Power Tools Extensions in Visual Studio 2022!
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  1205. Windows 11 available on October 5
  1206. Git! Turn the tables
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  1208. Best Practices to Measure Execution Time in JavaScript - Michael's Coding Spot
  1209. Why and When to Use Akka.Streams
  1210. Monsters Weekly 220 - Previewing .NET 6 without installing the Preview SDK
  1211. Introducing .NET MAUI Compatibility for the Xamarin Community Toolkit
  1212. Building reactive systems with Node.js | Red Hat Developer
  1213. Database and Always-Valid Domain Model
  1214. Announcing the .NET Foundation Academy
  1215. Looking at world through __stdcall-colored glasses
  1216. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-09-01
  1217. My Ultimate PowerShell prompt with Oh My Posh and the Windows Terminal
  1218. ASP.NET Core Web.config Transform for Production
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  1220. Improving Git protocol security on GitHub
  1221. Windows Terminal Preview 1.11 Release
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  1223. My TOP Patterns for Event Driven Architecture
  1224. The Universe is Hostile to Computers