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February 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
31 26 1 67 2 63 3 53 4 76 5 44 6 33
7 35 8 66 9 63 10 55 11 54 12 49 13 43
14 31 15 43 16 74 17 61 18 50 19 68 20 39
21 32 22 60 23 64 24 68 25 62 26 53 27 44
28 22 1 64 2 60 3 68 4 66 5 42 6 33

All entries for this month

  1. VPN app threatens 100 million: Delete it right now
  2. Could Age Replace OpenPGP? [The Call of the Open Sidewalk]
  3. XAML Studio - BuiltWithDot.Net
  4. The Mars Helicopter is Online and Getting Ready to Fly - Universe Today
  5. How I cut GTA Online loading times by 70%
  6. Episode 367 - Enterprise Scale Landing Zones
  7. a new chapter
  8. Netcode [p1]: Fightin' Words
  9. Pockit app - BuiltWithDot.Net
  10. Actually Portable Executables · Blog Needs a Name
  11. This is my thinly veiled attempt to get you to use a library I wrote.
  12. MFL Platinum - BuiltWithDot.Net
  13. In Defense of Dumb TVs
  14. Why isn't Godot an ECS-based game engine?
  15. Globe Time - BuiltWithDot.Net
  16. C# 9 Is Out
  17. Learner's Permit Log Tracker - BuiltWithDot.Net
  18. Flexi-Facehugger by OneIdMONstr
  19. Camera Response Function
  20. Why do things float ?
  21. Format Replacement cycles
  22. What You Can Actually Do About Burnout
  23. The security of the "Pass" password manager
  24. Amazon.com : Perky-Pet Clear Birdscapes Window Feeder 348, 6.88W x 5.6D ins : Wild Bird Feeder Accessories : Garden & Outdoor
  25. Calculating FPS past requestAnimationFrame limit with requestIdleCallback - Blog - Clicktorelease
  26. HttpTracer - BuiltWithDot.Net
  27. BillDietrich/fake_contacts
  28. Denial By DNS: Uber's Open Source Tool for Preventing Resource Exhaustion by DNS Outages
  29. Internals of the POH | .NET Blog
  30. W3C’s Excessive DTD Traffic | W3C Systems Team’s Blog
  31. Create a Meetup Account
  32. Are you trading or gambling?
  33. Chessformer by rob1221
  34. kuchin/awesome-cto
  35. Six Labors Documentation.
  36. λ# - Serverless .NET on AWS - BuiltWithDot.Net
  37. Microsoft .NET Conf: Focus on Windows
  38. A Vim Guide for Advanced Users
  39. Free Land — Living Off Grid With No Money
  40. FishAngler - BuiltWithDot.Net
  41. Esporti Family - Health Academy of the Families - BuiltWithDot.Net
  42. The .NET Stacks #38: 📢 I hope you like announcements | Dave Brock
  43. ‘Deep Nostalgia’ Can Turn Old Photos of Your Relatives Into Moving Videos
  44. SEC Suspends Trading in Multiple Issuers Based on Social Media and Trading Activity
  45. trailofbits/graphtage
  46. 2021 Tech Predictions · Ted Neward's Blog
  47. Sheller - BuiltWithDot.Net
  48. Introducing Hummingbard - Hummingbard
  49. Here’s what’s happening with the Firefox Nightly logo – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  50. Medical chatbot using OpenAI’s GPT-3 told a fake patient to kill themselves
  51. Microsoft's Tools to Fight Solorigate Attack Are Now Open Source -- Visual Studio Magazine
  52. Becoming a tech leader: my principles
  53. Pro Tip: Don't overcomplicate content storage / the database from the start - Filip Iulian Pacurar (Filipac)
  54. Every thought about personal finance I've ever had, as concisely as possible
  55. Code Maze Weekly #66 - Code Maze
  56. How to start your own country in four steps – Karl's Notes
  57. The Economics of Biodiversity
  58. bad philosophy
  59. Keeping platforms open
  60. NMF Live Performance Series – 2021 National Math Festival
  61. How to Debug Live .NET Application
  62. All Researchers Should Become Entrepreneurs
  63. Why Massachusetts Struggled to Make a Vaccine Website
  64. Const generics MVP hits beta! | Rust Blog
  65. dotnet/upgrade-assistant
  66. 3 Reason Why I Prefer Using Norm vs Dapper
  67. What's new in .NET 5
  68. Flow-based monitoring for Magic Transit
  69. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2020/1610
  70. Kamus - BuiltWithDot.Net
  71. ISO 8601: the better date format | Blog
  72. What does error E_ILLEGAL_DELEGATE_ASSIGNMENT mean? | The Old New Thing
  73. How often should I rotate my ssh keys?
  74. 2.92 — blender.org
  75. Firefox 86.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes
  76. Microsoft Releases Azure Firewall Premium in Public Preview
  77. March 30, 2020 - Machine Learning with Madrinas! ML.NET #ad
  78. March 31, 2020 - Minimal March concludes - .NET and Blazor at the Command Line
  79. SmarTracks Athlete - BuiltWithDot.Net
  80. March 29, 2020 - Minimal March - .NET at the command-line - Blazor 3.2 preview 3
  81. Visualizing the code coverage results from Azure Pipelines in Visual Studio - Gérald Barré
  82. How efficient is RavenDB?
  83. Librsvg, Rust, and non-mainstream architectures
  84. Actually Portable Executable
  85. [JDK-8262273] Deprecate 3DES and RC4 in Kerberos
  86. ASP.NET Core Pagination Library - BuiltWithDot.Net
  87. Google admits Kubernetes container tech is so complex, it's had to roll out an Autopilot feature to do it all for you
  88. Quitting Twitter · Krishna's words
  89. redbean
  90. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-02-26
  91. Profile Store KQL Cheat Sheet
  92. PeachPie.io - BuiltWithDot.Net
  93. Azure .NET SDK: Q&A With Jeffrey Richter
  94. AI learns to Speedrun QWOP (1:08) using Machine Learning
  95. PowerShell for Visual Studio Code Updates - February 2021 | PowerShell Team
  96. #Net6 – Single file apps improved for Windows and Mac !
  97. YamlDotNet - BuiltWithDot.Net
  98. microsoft/clarity
  99. Windows 10 System High CPU Usage ACPI.sys
  100. The Future of Web Software Is HTML-over-WebSockets
  101. .NET Upgrade Assistant | Get Started
  102. Map of my personal data infrastructure | beepb00p
  103. Linux front-end development environment: my experience.
  104. Imagining a Better Social Media
  105. Being a workplace crusader - Articles
  106. My Terminal-First Blogging Workflow
  107. Ownership as code • brouillon
  108. Don't define functions inline in your public headers
  109. Free Online Tool to Convert From 2D/Heightmap Images to 3D STL Mesh File
  110. Microsoft's Lander on Blazor Desktop: 'I Don't See a Grand Unified App Model in the Future' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  111. Postgres Text Search: Full Text vs Trigram Search — Aapeli Vuorinen
  112. Testing Web APIs with POSTMAN and Automating Bearer Token Generation
  113. The Difficulty of Pricing DevOps Transformations
  114. Leaving Comments on My Own Pull Requests
  115. So long, Fry's
  116. Beware of the Man of a Single Book
  117. at age 15, I founded a tech startup. here's what I learned.
  118. Understanding how Leela Chess Zero works
  119. Macs and 4K 120Hz displays compatibility list
  120. March 25, 2020 - David Giard joins us to talk about developer relations, public speaking, Blazor and
  121. 9 "rules" for cleaner code | Object Calisthenics
  122. How to create social media posts from long form content using Python
  123. ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection: What is the IServiceProvider and how is it Built? - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  124. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2020/1608
  125. .NET Rocks! vNext
  126. Observability beyond buzzwords with New Relic's Tori Wieldt | Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman
  127. Using Streams with HttpClient to Improve Performance and Memory Usage
  128. The NuGet.org repository signing certificate will be updated as soon as March 15th, 2021 | The NuGet Blog
  129. Firm Automates Legacy Web Forms-to-ASP.NET Core Conversions -- Visual Studio Magazine
  130. Developer prerequisites
  131. March 22, 2020 - Minimal March - Linux and Blazor. PRs, Finishing the FormView, C#, HTML
  132. How to copy data in Azure using AzCopy
  133. March 24, 2020 - Working on Video Widgets and Old Man Developer
  134. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-02-25
  135. March 20, 2020 - Minimal March - Linux and Blazor. FormView, C#, HTML
  136. 1Password has none, KeePass has none... So why are there seven embedded trackers in the LastPass Android app?
  137. Big Data and Machine Learning in .NET 5
  138. AppBeat Monitoring - BuiltWithDot.Net
  139. GNU Taler
  140. Levels.fyi | Salaries & Tools to Level Up Your Career
  141. What does it mean when a call fails with 0x8000001F = RO_E_BLOCKED_CROSS_ASTA_CALL? | The Old New Thing
  142. Using strongly-typed entity IDs to avoid primitive obsession
  143. How I made $101,578.04 selling colors online - Dracula
  144. Google Analytics: Stop feeding the beast
  145. The Decline of Computers as a General Purpose Technology
  146. A 500GB PS4 May No Longer Be Able to Fit Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone - IGN
  147. AdvandedDLSupport - BuiltWithDot.Net
  148. Upgrade Assistant | .NET
  149. GCHQ to use AI to tackle child sex abuse, disinformation and trafficking
  150. Introducing the Framework Laptop
  151. Creating serendipity with Python
  152. Cryptography Interface Design is a Security Concern
  153. Form S-1
  154. Document
  155. INTERCAL, YAML, And Other Horrible Programming Languages
  156. Common Nginx misconfigurations that leave your web server open to attack | Detectify Blog
  157. UTM
  158. PODCAST: The High Jumping Cosmologist - with Katie Mack — Numberphile
  159. The High Jumping Cosmologist - with Katie Mack — The Numberphile Podcast
  160. ‎The Numberphile Podcast on Apple Podcasts
  161. CoordinateSharp - BuiltWithDot.Net
  162. Aphalina Animator - BuiltWithDot.Net
  163. Latest Firefox release includes Multiple Picture-in-Picture and Total Cookie Protection – The Mozilla Blog
  164. ENROLL – Reskill Americans
  165. Tip 307 - How to create faster and smarter apps with .NET 5
  166. App Building with Azure API Management, Functions, Power Apps, and Logic Apps | ASP.NET Blog
  167. Projections in Event Sourcing
  168. Tiny.RestClient - BuiltWithDot.Net
  169. DidierRLopes/GamestonkTerminal
  170. 259640 - Find Toolbar's highlight mode should show matches next to or on top of scrollbar
  171. The Blag — Logic And Graphics
  172. Zero Bug Tolerance
  173. Intention in languages
  174. The Coming Era of Tokenized Essays
  175. A minimal email client – Manu
  176. Why I Moved My Latest StartUp From SF to Tampa - John Sung Kim
  177. The Workhorse Group Story
  178. ASP.NET Community Standup - Flexible HTTP APIs
  179. Opus Codec
  180. SynthWave '84 - Visual Studio Marketplace
  181. opus build
  182. Andrew Carr blog
  183. Cryptographic Wear-Out for Symmetric Encryption
  184. Mituyu - BuiltWithDot.Net
  185. dotnet/core
  186. Virtual Summit Session: Have Your Customers Been Pwned? - Arkose Labs
  187. On .NET Live - Microservice applications with DAPR and .NET
  188. C#'s Functional Journey
  189. .NET Framework February 2021 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 10 2004, Windows Server, version 2004, Windows 10, version 20H2 and Windows Server, version 20H2 | .NET Blog
  190. Help Name Our Website
  191. New TypeScript 4.2 Tweaks Include Project Explainer -- Visual Studio Magazine
  192. App Building with Azure API Management, Functions, Power Apps, and Logic Apps | ASP.NET Blog
  193. Announcing TypeScript 4.2 | TypeScript
  194. Microsoft president asks Congress to force private-sector orgs to publicly admit when they've been hacked
  195. My experience as a Gazan girl getting into Silicon Valley companies
  196. Google Cloud vs AWS Onboarding Comparison - Kevin's Page
  197. Integrating Tailwind CSS with Blazor - Detailed Guide
  198. .NET Foundation January/February 2021 Update
  199. Do Developers Still Want Swag?
  200. Modules, monoliths, and microservices
  201. Coravel - BuiltWithDot.Net
  202. Introducing State Partitioning – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  203. Entity Framework Core 5 – Pitfalls To Avoid and Ideas to Try | The .NET Tools Blog
  204. Use Azure Functions with .NET 5 | Dave Brock
  205. OpenTelemetry 1.0 Extensions Released
  206. BDDotNet-Bangalor.Net - AWS Cloud for .NET Developers
  207. What is so special about the Application STA? | The Old New Thing
  208. How do I reset my PIN complexity requirements after removing a work account from Windows 10? | The Old New Thing
  209. The Catch Block #47 - Upcoming Features of .NET 6
  210. Through the eyes of a Cloudflare Technical Support Engineer
  211. Building an E-Ink Laptop
  212. LinkedIn is building a gig marketplace - AIM Group
  213. Decomposing CRUD to a Task Based UI
  214. Implementing OAuth Pushed Authorisation Requests in Angular
  215. Playstation 2 Architecture | A Practical Analysis
  216. Will you pay the consistency costs?
  217. SQL Mimic - BuiltWithDot.Net
  218. Teaching Compilers Backward
  219. Fix for Elgato Key Light not found by Control Center
  220. Managing ADX Data with .NET Core and Azure B2C | Developer Support
  221. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-02-24
  222. 10 Years of Open-Source Visualization
  223. Marten Postgres Document DB - BuiltWithDot.Net
  224. Boosting Productivity and Performance with the NVIDIA CUDA 11.2 C++ Compiler | NVIDIA Developer Blog
  225. Taking a Stand in the War on General-Purpose Computing
  226. The Azure Security Architect Map
  227. Monsters Weekly 201 - Avoiding SSL Expiries
  228. Why does Task Manager tell me that I have a Startup program named Program? | The Old New Thing
  229. Blazor Desktop: The Electron for .NET?
  230. Ask the Expert: Notebooks in VS Code
  231. How to Resolve Technical Debt: The Agile Root of Your Problem
  232. On Prem To The Cloud: Lift and Shift (Ep 2)
  233. How to Deploy Azure SQL Anywhere – Using Azure Arc for Data Services
  234. Coloring Sheets — Teresa Grasseschi
  235. Introducing CodeCarbon, an open source tool to help track the CO2 emissions of your research
  236. M1 Mac owners are experiencing extremely high SSD writes over short periods of time, likely thanks to aggressive swap
  237. You need to be able to run your system
  238. JaxDug - Azure DevOps for .Net- Fall into the Pit of Success - Jeffrey Palermo
  239. The three freedoms of the web - Paul Bakaus' blog
  240. The first five employees
  241. Large-scale Analysis of DNS-based Tracking Evasion - broad data leaks included?
  242. The Pretty JSON Revolution
  243. The Ghost Recruiter
  244. Solving probability problem with code
  245. Raising $20M from A16Z
  246. My Essential and Carrier oils entrepreneurial story - Meflyn Anwana
  247. I miss lunches
  248. We need a renewed focus on our own cancer antibody responses · Ameyer.me
  249. On The Basics of Modeling
  250. Proposal: Association of Security Researchers
  251. Qml.Net - BuiltWithDot.Net
  252. Free for developers
  253. Visual Studio Toolbox Live - Build Your First App with Uno Platform
  254. Autenticación con Azure Active Directory B2C –End to End-
  255. Using source generators with a custom attribute to generate a menu component in a Blazor app
  256. Mikkel Paulson
  257. What's Top-Paying .NET Skill, In-Demand Language? -- Visual Studio Magazine
  258. Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust
  259. GitHub Quick Reviews
  260. Generating HTTP API clients using Visual Studio Connected Services | ASP.NET Blog
  261. Dapr for .NET Developers
  262. Microsoft Releases .NET 6 Preview 1
  263. JavascriptUtils.NodeJS - BuiltWithDot.Net
  264. Firefox 86 Introduces Total Cookie Protection – Mozilla Security Blog
  265. Didja know: Network failure due to the disk full error
  266. How I heat my home by mining crypto currencies
  267. Mathematicians Set Numbers in Motion to Unlock Their Secrets
  268. Reducing initial request latency by pre-building services in a startup task in ASP.NET Core
  269. Using source generators with a custom attribute to generate a menu component in a Blazor app
  270. SimplCommerce - BuiltWithDot.Net
  271. Misleading standard deviation | Andrey Akinshin
  272. rui314/mold
  273. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-02-23
  274. Nurserycam horror show: 'Secure' daycare video monitoring product beamed DVR admin creds to all users
  275. Exico Shopify Framework - BuiltWithDot.Net
  276. Tune in for .NET Conf: Focus on Windows, February 25th | .NET Blog
  277. Survey: Library & Open Source | .NET Blog
  278. Let's Learn .NET - Web API - Free Live Stream Event
  279. Pendulum swings
  280. liamg/traitor
  281. Experimenting with .NET 5 and 6 using Docker containers
  282. Free Windows 10 development virtual machines for HyperV, Parallels, VirtualBox, and VMWare
  283. Don't Code Tired | ICYMI C# 8 New Features: Simplify Array Access and Range Code
  284. Integrate Create React app with .NET Core 5 - Simple Talk
  285. (Preview) Creating Azure Functions using .NET 5
  286. Time for Next-Gen Codecs to Dethrone JPEG
  287. Free eBook: How to use Dapr for .NET Developers
  288. Adam Storr - Default .NET 5.0 WeatherForecastController as an Azure Function
  289. Parler Free Speech Social Network
  290. REST.net - BuiltWithDot.Net
  291. Dark Mode Favicons | CSS-Tricks
  292. Need code help? Call a dev.
  293. Let's Learn .NET: Web API
  294. Epic will pay off class-action loot-box settlement with in-game currency
  295. NetGalley discloses data breach after website was hacked
  296. Release Preview Release v0.7212202 · dotnet/try-convert
  297. Parsing floating-point numbers really fast in C#
  298. Best practices for REST API design - Stack Overflow Blog
  299. Font Sizer 2.0 - Visual Studio Marketplace
  300. Which devices support the Mixed Reality Toolkit? | One Dev Question
  301. Using HttpClient to Send HTTP PATCH Requests in ASP.NET Core
  302. How I manage notifications to keep myself uninterrupted
  303. Daily links from Cory Doctorow
  304. How to Take Smart Notes Book Summary – Love Your Work, Episode 249
  305. Why I’m Losing Trust in Open Source – gibson.ws
  306. A retrospective look at Mac OS X Snow Leopard
  307. Composability in functional and flow-based programming | RIL Labs
  308. Rethinking the IDE for the 2020s
  309. Find the Crux by Debating Excellence | cek.log
  310. Reasons Why I Don't Like TWS Earphones — Vishnu's Pages
  311. How I use neovim for note-taking | Day 8 of 100
  312. Kowainik - Totality
  313. Prodoscore: The Bleak Future of Work
  314. Oakton v3 super charges the .Net Core/5 command line, and helps Lamar deliver uniquely useful IoC diagnostics
  315. Add static PBKDF2 one-shot methods · dotnet/runtime@0c47471
  316. ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 - Part 01 - Overview
  317. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2020/1581
  318. 10 Software Engineering Laws Everybody Loves to Ignore
  319. Abundant Capital
  320. Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars (Official NASA Video)
  321. TaskBeat - BuiltWithDot.Net
  322. What's new in Windows Forms runtime in .NET 5.0 | .NET Blog
  323. We Hack Purple Podcast Episode 25
  324. Microsoft's Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) Debuts for Microservices Apps -- Visual Studio Magazine
  325. tree-sitter/tree-sitter
  326. .NET Support survey
  327. Ethereum isn't fun anymore
  328. Episode 366 - Azure Purview
  329. Lena
  330. .NET library and OSS survey
  331. How to Play a Sound with Blazor and JavaScript
  332. jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler
  333. Indian Government Breached, Massive Amount of Critical Vulnerabilities
  334. Making Service Workers easier to debug for Progressive Web Applications and more
  335. Asp.net Core RateLimit - BuiltWithDot.Net
  336. The .NET Docs Show - Increase your .NET Productivity with Roslyn Analyzers
  337. Build software better, together
  338. Build a Blazor 'Copy to Clipboard' component with a Markdown editor | Dave Brock
  339. Reading candidates’ GitHub profilers
  340. Multi-targeting a Roslyn analyzer - Gérald Barré
  341. Shrink SignalR JS client (to 11kB compressed) by benaadams · Pull Request #30320 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  342. What is Huffman Coding?
  343. The refactoring test (2) - Open-Closed, Single Responsibility | Cracking the .NET interview
  344. Reverse engineering a GameBoy Advance game — Complete Guide
  345. Amazon.com : Datacolor SpyderX Pro – Monitor Calibration Designed for Serious Photographers and Designers SXP100 : Camera & Photo
  346. Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear
  347. Netduino Facial Recognition WiFi Lock - BuiltWithDot.Net
  348. Go is not an easy language
  349. Machine Learning with ML.NET - Guide to Decision Trees
  350. 242: Mac Backups, Store Promotion, & Multi-Window Apps with SceneDelegate
  351. fitSharp - BuiltWithDot.Net
  352. FlappyBlazorBird
  353. FlappyBlazorBird
  354. A remote code execution vulnerability in qmail
  355. Building an Android app with .NET 6 - Nick's .NET Travels
  356. Announcing: Azure Cosmos DB Conf, a free online developer event | Azure Cosmos DB Blog
  357. My Favorite C# Features - Part 1: Strong-types, Implicit-types, Anonymous-types, and Target-types
  358. A methodical approach to looking at F# compile times · Discussion #11134 · dotnet/fsharp
  359. Postgres regex search over 10,000 GitHub repositories (using only a Macbook)
  360. Dev Discussions: Cecil Phillip | Dave Brock
  361. YouTube AI Blocked Chess Channel after Confusing 'Black' and 'White' for Racist Slurs
  362. Anatomy of a Prompt (PowerShell) » Blog Posts
  363. Mistakes I've Made as an Engineering Manager | CSS-Tricks
  364. Commenting vs. making
  365. Dodging pitfalls when transitioning from academia to industry
  366. Thought Space vs Reality
  367. Managing (side)projects - Bram's Blog
  368. Unit testing: The tSQLt framework and the execution of a test!
  369. Tap your phone at Gold Coast bus stops to access my website
  370. The problem of CryptoArt
  371. "But How Do I Actually Start?" Making Games on Your Own as an Engineer
  372. The modern packager’s security nightmare – Michał Górny
  373. Nvidia Limits RTX 3060 Hash Rate, Unveils New 'Cryptocurrency Mining Processor' Line of GPUs
  374. Episode #4: Alex Malozemoff – New attack on homomorphic encryption libraries: what does it mean?
  375. The .NET Stacks #37: 😲 When your private NuGet feed isn't so private | Dave Brock
  376. New malformed URL phishing technique can make attacks harder to spot
  377. Eyes Guard - BuiltWithDot.Net
  378. The Beirut Bank Job – Darknet Diaries
  379. Secure ASP.NET Core Web API using API Key Authentication - Coding Sonata
  380. Let's Learn .NET: Web API
  381. qeeqbox/social-analyzer
  382. Azure/azure-functions-openapi-extension
  383. ASCII fluid dynamics -- IOCCC2012 endoh1.c
  384. Announcing the .NET Foundation Speakers Directory
  385. Carrel - Library Management System - BuiltWithDot.Net
  386. Memory Randomization by adamsitnik · Pull Request #1587 · dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet
  387. Choose Boring Technology
  388. GridProtectionAlliance/go2cs
  389. How to destroy the Earth
  390. 'Apple M1 teaser' - MARC
  391. XamlCSS - BuiltWithDot.Net
  392. Age of distractions
  393. GetYourPet.com - BuiltWithDot.Net
  394. NASA has Decided to Start Building the Lunar Gateway Using the Falcon Heavy - Universe Today
  395. TeeChart for .NET - BuiltWithDot.Net
  396. The Little Language
  397. 0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
  398. What's New in EF Core 6.0 Preview 1 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  399. Less handoffs: reviewer merges
  400. The problem I have with stand-ups - A blog about technology, development and my own thoughts
  401. Non-standard solutions to some technical problems
  402. Website scores kill our success, waste our time
  403. I paid for Spotify playlist placements so you don’t have to
  404. Why some of these social networks are so hard to beat
  405. A year of Rails - macwright.com
  406. Thorsten Ball - How can you not be romantic about programming?
  407. Double-Odd Elliptic Curves - Double-Odd Elliptic Curves
  408. Simple Data Logger - BuiltWithDot.Net
  409. dotnet/performance
  410. New malware found on 30,000 Macs has security pros stumped
  411. The Process is not the Product — The New Agile Anti-Manifesto.
  412. Deploying Orleans Apps to Kubernetes
  413. Deploying Orleans Apps to Kubernetes
  414. M1 Macs have another hidden boot mode
  415. My Life in E-ink
  416. Checklist: If you want to see if anyone else has access to your device or accounts
  417. DataDrop DB - BuiltWithDot.Net
  418. Checklist: If you want to make sure no one else can see your location
  419. Announcing the .NET Foundation Speakers Directory
  420. Checklist: If you want to stop sharing with someone whom you previously shared with
  421. welcome · ASP.NET Core in Action, Second Edition MEAP V06
  422. I don't know, Timmy, being God is a big responsibility
  423. A request for Pinboard old-timers
  424. Newsletter Week 7, 2021
  425. github/dmca
  426. Nyancat CLI - BuiltWithDot.Net
  427. mikekelly/btc-endgame
  428. Getting started with Microsoft YARP
  429. Json.NET - BuiltWithDot.Net
  430. Iceberger
  431. YoutubeExplode - BuiltWithDot.Net
  432. Griddy | Griddy Update: Why energy prices were sky high this week | Texas Energy
  433. NameResolutionPal.Unix enabled async name resolution by gfoidl · Pull Request #34633 · dotnet/runtime
  434. GetAddrInfoExA function (ws2tcpip.h) - Win32 apps
  435. Modified Dns.GetHostAddressesAsync to be truly async by JeffCyr · Pull Request #26850 · dotnet/corefx
  436. getaddrinfo_a(3) - Linux man page
  437. Meet Euphoria, a New Trans-Focused App Backed by Chelsea Clinton, Others
  438. Ask the Expert: Rust at Microsoft
  439. Code Maze Weekly #65 - Code Maze
  440. Azure DevOps Podcast: Jeff Fritz on Blazor Webassembly Architecture - Episode 127
  441. Managing Azure from your phone with the Azure mobile app | Azure Friday
  442. AFTS Inc., Data Security Issue – Awwd
  443. Brave Browser leaks your Tor / Onion service requests through DNS.
  444. Understanding “reversed” callstacks in Visual Studio and Perfview with async/await code
  445. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2020/1533
  446. Against Agile
  447. When a Solution Is Right In Front of You
  448. Silence
  449. Why do software engineers struggle to write “chunks” function?
  450. Open source projects should run office hours
  451. How to know if you're interviewing at a product-led company
  452. How to manage your manager
  453. Lemme | with Music original sound - Kd97
  454. CliWrap - BuiltWithDot.Net
  455. Reply to @marknorton14 @charlihasnotallent7 @cr7xxxjw @sharifhashiva @raiden_r2d2
  456. dotnet/versionsweeper
  457. [mono] Implement public hot reload API by lambdageek · Pull Request #48380 · dotnet/runtime
  458. What's New in EF Core 6.0 Preview 1 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  459. Add hot reload apply changes API: AssemblyExtensions.ApplyUpdate by mikem8361 · Pull Request #48366 · dotnet/runtime
  460. Announcing the .NET Foundation Speakers Directory
  461. Learn TV
  462. Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend | Tauri Studio
  463. » Ultima VIII (or, How to Destroy a Gaming Franchise in One Easy Step) The Digital Antiquarian
  464. Introducing Outdated Answers project
  465. WUG: (Ne)Známé vlastnosti Azure Storage (online)
  466. The Virtual ML.NET Community Conference 2021: Call for Speakers/Papers
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  468. How can I prevent a Windows Runtime WebView from loading any content beyond the initial request and its redirects? | The Old New Thing
  469. How NASA Designed a Helicopter That Could Fly Autonomously on Mars - IEEE Spectrum
  470. “I will slaughter you” | daniel.haxx.se
  471. ASP.NET sites - BuiltWithDot.Net
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  513. Lisette Sutherland shows us a Handbook for Working Remotely | Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman
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  521. Api diff between net5.0 and net6.0-preview1 by Anipik · Pull Request #5975 · dotnet/core
  522. Entity Framework Community Standup - Typed Exceptions for Entity Framework Core
  523. VS Code Improves ML Model Training with Python -- Visual Studio Magazine
  524. How Azure SQL Enables Real-time Operational Analytics (HTAP) - Part 1
  525. Improve load speed by benaadams · Pull Request #9 · terrajobst/themesof.net
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  530. How can I prevent a Windows Runtime WebView from loading any content beyond the initial request? | The Old New Thing
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  540. My Expenditures - BuiltWithDot.Net
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  542. elixir-nx/nx
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  569. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2020/1535
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  579. Uno Platform - BuiltWithDot.Net
  580. Implementing Blazor CRUD using Mudblazor Component Library in .NET 5 - Detailed Guide
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  582. Blazor REPL - Write, compile, execute and share Blazor components in the browser
  583. Go 1.16 is released - The Go Blog
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  586. ASP.NET Community Standup - A Blazor Conversation with Chris Sainty
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  589. .NET microservices application architecture guidance
  590. Uno Platform 3.5 Instantly Supports WinUI 3 Preview 4 as Part of #WinUIEverywhere -- Visual Studio Magazine
  591. Release 1.0.0-preview9 · microsoft/reverse-proxy
  592. Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) v1.0 Announced
  593. Announcing Dapr v1.0
  594. Machine Learning Community Standup - Deep Dive into ML.NET APIs
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  597. B2Emulator - BuiltWithDot.Net
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  609. gitattributes.io - BuiltWithDot.Net
  610. gitignore.io
  611. Everything You Need to Know About NASA's Perseverance Rover Landing on Mars - IEEE Spectrum
  612. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-02-17
  613. MailBody - BuiltWithDot.Net
  614. davidfowl/DotNetCodingPatterns
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  620. Done Answering Questions Stack Overflow
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  639. Azure Unblogged - Azure Migrate
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  642. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2020/1541
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  644. ASP.NET Community Standup - Better Razor Editing in Visual Studio
  645. Implement ECC APIs on Android using Android-built-in Crypto APIs by jkoritzinsky · Pull Request #48348 · dotnet/runtime
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  647. Raspberry Pi Officially Embraces Visual Studio Code, Telemetry and All -- Visual Studio Magazine
  648. GitHub Quick Reviews
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  650. The ASP.NET Team @TheASPNETTeam
  651. upgundecha/howtheysre
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  667. davidfowl/DotNetCodingPatterns
  668. Aussie Weather - BuiltWithDot.Net
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  679. Add PriorityQueue to System.Collections.Generic (#43957) by pgolebiowski · Pull Request #46009 · dotnet/runtime
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  683. JetBrains .NET Day Online 2021 – Call for Speakers – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
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  698. Part 18: Packed textures and Keywords | Team Dogpit on Patreon
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  700. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2020/1545
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  716. The COM static store, part 6: Using C++ weak references | The Old New Thing
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  721. thegrims/UsTaxes
  722. JonPSmith/EfSchemaCompare
  723. elmah.io - BuiltWithDot.Net
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  733. OOPs, I did it again – Webinar recording – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
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  779. Duende Software Blog
  780. ConjuGato - BuiltWithDot.Net
  781. shitbowl
  782. SVG Repo - Free SVG Vectors and Icons
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  823. Microsoft Preps WinUI 3 for Production Debut Next Month -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  827. 12 most-important Indian origin tech executives in the world | Gadgets Now
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  831. jimblandy/context-switch
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  833. Chick Corea
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  837. .NET Rocks! vNext
  838. Building A Custom Event Hubs Event Processor with .NET | Azure SDK Blog
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  852. Art of Sustaining at Things – Unstructed.tech
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  854. Podman
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  866. Public-Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) #11 v 3.0 has been released: What is it, and what does it mean for RHEL?
  867. Open-source HTTP API packages and tools | ASP.NET Blog
  868. On .NET Live - Generating docs for ASP.NET Core Web APIs with Swashbuckle
  869. Episode 364 - Virtual Networking with Functions
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  871. Analyzing Code with Infer#
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  873. Staying safe with .NET containers | .NET Blog
  874. Release v5.0.211103 · dotnet/format
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  876. Product Manager - Data & Security Products
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  880. Quantum cryptography network spans 4600 km in China – Physics World
  881. The COM static store, part 4: Aggregating into a single object | The Old New Thing
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  883. Google is now telling users that its iOS apps are out of date (despite no updates being available) – product considerations
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  885. satwikkansal/wtfpython
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  888. tusdotnet - BuiltWithDot.Net
  889. system76/launch
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  891. spec: add generic programming using type parameters · Issue #43651 · golang/go
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  893. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-02-11
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  895. .NET Core Koans - BuiltWithDot.Net
  896. Progress Report January 2021 · yuzu
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  899. Don't Code Tired | ICYMI C# 8 New Features: Simplify If Statements with Property Pattern Matching
  900. Keep Tests Short and DRY with Extension Methods
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  905. hello — helloSystem experimental documentation
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  932. Projections in Event Sourcing: Build ANY model you want!
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  935. dotnet/designs
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  940. Haxe 4.2.0 is released! - Announcements - Haxe Community
  941. 2. Y-axis assembly
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  943. Cake (C# Make) - BuiltWithDot.Net
  944. SDL moving to GitHub - SDL Development - Simple Directmedia Layer
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  1415. Azure Quantum is now in Public Preview - Microsoft Quantum
  1416. Migrating from old authentication code in ASP.NET with Microsoft.Identity.Web and Azure AD
  1417. North Korea-Sponsored Hackers Attack with Bad-Code Visual Studio Projects -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1418. My Third Year as a Solo Developer
  1419. Release v3.0.0: Transformer-based pipelines, new training system, project templates, custom models, improved component API, type hints & lots more · explosion/spaCy
  1420. Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 168 — January 31, 2021 | Jendrik Illner
  1421. Intro to Graphics 04 - Raster Images (Part2)
  1422. Enterprise Web Library - BuiltWithDot.Net
  1423. Intro to Graphics 02 - Math Background
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  1425. Blackjack in Blazor Part 3 - Game State and Blazor Components
  1426. Intro to Graphics 00 - Opening
  1427. Intro to Graphics 01 - Introduction
  1428. Trailblazor: Building Dynamic Applications with Blazor
  1429. Why am I being told my fire_and_forget coroutine is not returning a value? | The Old New Thing
  1430. How to structure a .NET Solution (project separation & architecture)
  1431. Building a social media platform without going bankrupt: Part VI–Dealing with edits and deletions
  1432. Automatically generate a form from an object in Blazor - Gérald Barré
  1433. Blazor WebAssembly : CSS Isolation - EP17
  1434. Open Telemetry for ASP.NET Core
  1435. r/mildlyinfuriating - Why couldn’t it be even? Why
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  1437. vvvv gamma - BuiltWithDot.Net
  1438. Building Better NuGet Packages - CodeWithStu
  1439. Finally - My first book got published
  1440. Go (golang) Channels - Moving Data Between Concurrent Processes
  1441. Machine Learning with ML.NET - Ultimate Guide to Classification
  1442. 239: Planning an App Release
  1443. Implement app roles authorization with Azure AD and ASP.NET Core
  1444. Internet disrupted in Myanmar amid apparent military uprising - NetBlocks
  1445. .NET App Developer Links - 2021-02-01
  1446. Gluee. Developer discounts and deals. - BuiltWithDot.Net
  1447. Meshtastic
  1448. SSL/TLS connection issue troubleshooting guide
  1449. ASP.NET, Serilog and Application Insights
  1450. Surfacing Azure Pipelines Build Info in a .NET React SPA
  1451. Windows Terminal Preview 1.6 Release | Windows Command Line
  1452. Pholly – Azure From The Trenches
  1453. Demystifying Service Principals - Managed Identities | Azure DevOps Blog
  1454. Llama Rust SDK preview 0.1.3
  1455. VS Code an overnight success...10 years in the making with Erich Gamma
  1456. Does Neumorphism Have Any Place in App Design in 2021?
  1457. The Best TLS and PKI Training Course in the World
  1458. Naked shorting: The curious incident of the shares that didn't exist
  1459. HTML Washer - BuiltWithDot.Net
  1460. Get Windows Terminal - Microsoft Store
  1461. Hacker posts 1.9 million Pixlr user records for free on forum
  1462. Why I still Lisp (and you should too!)
  1463. Game Jam Lessons Learned
  1464. My experience passing CKA and CKAD
  1465. Things You Should Know
  1466. The Cult of Best Practice
  1467. klog
  1468. Practical and Ruthless Prioritization Rules
  1469. Mario Hayashi - Blog - Delivering software: The Product Management Triangle
  1470. A Survival Guide for Beating Information Addiction - zen habits
  1471. The MIT License, Line by Line
  1472. Genes Carrying Memes – Lessons Learned