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October 2020

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
27 16 28 68 29 51 30 58 1 62 2 40 3 27
4 36 5 63 6 51 7 58 8 64 9 55 10 20
11 31 12 65 13 64 14 59 15 68 16 57 17 20
18 33 19 68 20 59 21 74 22 57 23 47 24 31
25 17 26 58 27 68 28 44 29 63 30 59 31 21

All entries for this month

  1. Programming can still be magical
  2. Extreme Debugging
  3. Isogeny-Based Cryptography: Past, Present, And Future
  4. Scott Santens - An Engineering Argument for Basic Income
  5. Why Clojure?
  6. Essays on Programming I Think About a Lot
  7. Full-time web developer vs being a full-time dad |
  8. Observations and Imaginations — Note Taking Apps
  9. adamsky/globe
  10. The .NET Stacks #23: .NET 5 support, migration tools, and links
  11. Coding Interview Preparations - 30th October 2020
  12. Governments Worldwide Consider Ditching Daylight Saving Time
  13. 17-313: Foundations of Software Engineering
  14. Startup School for Future Founders
  15. High performance Data modelling in Azure Cosmos Db - Pradeep Loganathan
  16. How to deal with Extreme Physical Pain
  17. I’m deaf, and this is what happens when I get on a Zoom call
  18. Code Maze Weekly #49 - Code Maze
  19. Using C# 9 records as strongly-typed ids
  20. Rockin’ The Code World with dotNetDave – Special Guest: Jeremy Likness
  21. Hacker group claims to have stolen Star Tribune user information
  22. Use generic trick to replace callsite · davidfowl/uController@efbbbe8
  23. Introducing VSCode Stories
  24. Introducing Flexible Server in Azure Database for PostgreSQL & MySQL | Azure Friday
  25. Adi Shamir 2002 Acm A.m. Turing Award Lecture, "cryptography: State Of The Science"
  26. High performance Data modelling with Cosmos Db - Pradeep Loganathan
  27. Predicting Meteor Showers Using Python and Visual Studio Code
  28. Goodbye IFTTT
  29. Use Azure Custom Vision to Repurpose the Lunar Rover
  30. How about bringing your whole IoT solution on premise with IoT Hub now available on Azure Stack Hub? All about it on the #IoTShow with @obloch
  31. GitHub Codespaces
  32. Annals.pdf
  33. The Man Who Carried Computer Science on His Shoulders – Krzysztof Apt – Inference
  34. Codespaces for desktop - You can book online!
  35. GitHub Codespaces using Visual Studio or browser
  36. To apply AI for good, think form extraction
  37. Carnation - Visual Studio Marketplace
  38. Mobile Blazor Bindings Unifies Cross-Platform UI -- Visual Studio Magazine
  39. RedMart Data Security Incident
  40. ryzngard/Carnation
  41. Unified Blazor UI in the Mobile Blazor Bindings Preview 5 | ASP.NET Blog
  42. Troy Hunt partners with 1Password as Strategic Adviser | 1Password
  43. Visual Studio Extensions Getting Revamp -- Visual Studio Magazine
  44. .NET Conf 2020
  45. Context on STM in Ruby
  46. Goodbye IFTTT
  47. Wobblepaint
  48. State and governance of the project? · Issue #767 · zloirock/core-js
  49. Here be dragons: advances in problems you didn’t even know you had
  50. The failure of a computer you didn't even know existed
  51. Additional HTTP, Sockets, DNS and TLS Telemetry in .NET 5 - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  52. Are we web yet? Yes, and it's freaking fast!
  53. Why am I getting an access violation trying to access a method on my C++/WinRT object? | The Old New Thing
  54. Event Driven applications on Kubernetes with KEDA
  55. Microsoft Night - .BLD() Tech Talks XXL
  56. Unwrap the SERVFAIL
  57. Episode 63 - Being Productive With Jay Miller
  58. I Hate Coordinate Systems!
  59. For Complex Applications, Rust is as Productive as Kotlin
  60. C# 9 The unknown goodies | Miguel Bernard's Blog
  61. How Gitlab puts gRPC in the Real World
  62. Uno Platform WebAssembly tools, frameworks, and libraries for .NET Developers
  63. Writing a dog picture browser in ~200 lines of code
  64. Configure a Blazor Wasm App with a ASP.NET Core Web API in Azure
  65. Azure Logic Apps Running Anywhere – Runtime Deep Dive
  66. Build Serverless Apps with Azure Functions – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
  67. Animal Menagerie - O'Reilly Media
  68. MockMechanics
  69. .NET Framework October 2020 Cumulative Update Preview Update for Windows 10 2004 and Windows Server, version 2004 | .NET Blog
  70. Ruby on Rails in a Week - Simple Thread
  71. Awaitable/awaiter pattern and logical micro-threading in C#
  72. Why You Shouldn't Sell Your SaaS Business
  73. What's the heck is web components - Soubai's Stories
  74. Klim Yadrintsev
  75. On Good Judgment and Decision-Making: The Science and Practice - Max's Two Cents
  76. Run your own free Stock Checker - Check if sought-after items are in stock online
  77. Going deep
  78. Secrets of the best product teams
  79. The Future Self Savings Method
  80. An attempt at estimating the actual top speed of the SSC Tuatara fastest production car record, using youtube-dl and audacity.
  81. Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman
  82. Prove-It, Blockchain-It: Zkp In Action
  83. Understanding Azure Arc Enabled SQL Server
  84. Intro to PyTorch Tutorial: Building fashion recognizer
  85. MDN Web Docs evolves! Lowdown on the upcoming new platform – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  86. On .NET Live - Operationalizing ML models with ONNX, C# .... and Pokemon!
  87. NuGet supports API key option - GitHub Changelog
  88. Elasticsearch in ASP.NET Core - Code Maze
  89. JDConf - Save the Date!
  90. What is the Strategy Pattern? (Software Design Patterns)
  91. A Tour of C++ Modules in Visual Studio | C++ Team Blog
  92. How A Little Money Laundering Can Have A Big Impact On Real Estate Prices | Better Dwelling
  93. My Resignation From The Intercept
  94. Departing senior engineer refuses to introduce replacement to open source community/peers
  95. Getting Started | MonoGame Documentation
  96. paulio/UnityPhilipsLights
  97. Stride for Unity® developers | Stride
  98. Stride Game Engine
  99. The VSTO startup sequence
  100. .NET Game Dev Community Standup - First .NET Game Dev Community Standup
  101. What's New | MonoGame Documentation
  102. Unity 2020.1 is now available
  103. Introduction to GitHub
  104. Stride Game Engine - vvvv releases VL.Stride
  105. So long, Brackeys, and thanks for all the gamedev tutorials!
  106. NeoAxis Engine
  107. Introducing the Game Growth programGame Growth プログラムのご紹介 - Unity Technologies Blog
  108. LEGO® Microgame - Unity Learn
  109. Unity’s future starts with U - Unity Technologies Blog
  110. Wave Engine for business and industry
  111. 3b1b/manim
  112. Fungus
  113. The remarkable number 1/89
  114. Organizing Code by Feature using Vertical Slices
  115. Configuration pattern and ConfigureServices
  116. C# in Simple Terms - Namespaces
  117. Study helps explain why motivation to learn declines with age
  118. What's in a Linux executable? - fasterthanli.me
  119. Putting JSON in a block chain? First decide what your JSON is…
  120. Do any Windows Runtime projections cache nondefault Windows Runtime interfaces? | The Old New Thing
  121. Xamarin.Forms 5 Is Here! | The Xamarin Show
  122. Next.js is the Best React Framework - Authentication, SSR vs CSR, and more!
  123. Machine Learning Attack Series: Image Scaling Attacks · wunderwuzzi blog
  124. Consuming JSON Objects Stream (NDJSON) With HttpClient
  125. Introducing Bot Analytics
  126. Introducing SparkFun À La Carte
  127. Pyston v2: 20% faster Python
  128. Adam Storr - Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Set Default Headers for All Clients
  129. Using Azure Cognitive Search Suggesters in ASP.NET Core and Autocomplete
  130. Security incident, October 2020
  131. .NET App Developer Links - 2020-10-29
  132. .NET Rocks! vNext
  133. The Future of Visual Studio Extensions | Visual Studio Blog
  134. Test Series: Part 2 Unit Testing
  135. A Type of Useless
  136. Tip 293 - 5 Things you didn't know about Azure Cognitive Services
  137. How to Pass Multiple Parameters GET Method ASP.NET Core MVC
  138. ASP.NET Community Standup - Updating Scott's blog to DasBlog Core
  139. The System
  140. I violated a code of conduct
  141. How Secure is Your Data Security | Thu 5 Nov midday-12:40pm (AEDT), Hosted online, 5th of November | Humanitix
  142. Organizing Code by Feature using Verticle Slices
  143. South Africa's most notable data breaches and leaks
  144. How many mistakes do Grandmaster chess players make?
  145. Python in Visual Studio Code Update Adds Debugger, Debugpy 1.0 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  146. Cryptologie | A Cryptologic Mystery
  147. What would you risk for free Honey?
  148. Anatomy of a Successful Newsletter Launch
  149. Two Paradigms of Personal Computing
  150. Indy Xamarin - Shell in Xamarin.Forms
  151. A Hierarchical Tool for Thought
  152. Why We Memo All the Things - Stefano J. Attardi
  153. The Unhandled Exception Podcast
  154. See how Microsoft Healthcare team is putting #IoT on FHIR (pronounce "fire") with @obloch and Rashmi Raj on the #IoTShow
  155. If not SPAs, What? - macwright.com
  156. Top 5 Reasons to Choose .NET for Your IoT Project
  157. on abandoning the X server
  158. Kite AI-Powered Code Completion Tool Adds C#, TypeScript, More -- Visual Studio Magazine
  159. Stripe Climate
  160. Setting the command timeout with the latest .NET SqlClient
  161. Entity Framework Community Standup - EF Core 5.0 Collations
  162. GitLab consultation - MediaWiki
  163. Webinar Recording: Advanced Search Scenarios in RavenDB
  164. What is C#? | One Dev Question
  165. Optimizing Blazor performance using the @key directive - Gérald Barré
  166. Organize Code by Feature | Vertical Slices
  167. Windows Runtime objects are represented by their default interface, so choose your default interface wisely | The Old New Thing
  168. Part of your world: Why we’re proud to build a truly native Mac app
  169. .NET App Developer Links - 2020-10-28
  170. .NET libraries and the art of backward compatibility – Part 3
  171. .NET libraries and the art of backward compatibility – Part 1
  172. .NET libraries and the art of backward compatibility – Part 2
  173. Splitting Large Interfaces Into Smaller Ones Is Easy
  174. Google’s new logos are bad – TechCrunch
  175. A Guy Walks Into an Apple Store
  176. Have you considered buying used hardware?
  177. Using JSInterop to Pass HTML Elements and Handle JS Errors
  178. Apple’s A14 Packs 134 Million Transistors/mm², but Falls Short of TSMC’s Density Claims
  179. The Danger in Listening to Experts
  180. Taking Ideas Seriously is Hard
  181. Why I Stopped Using ORMs to Get the Job Done
  182. How software eats money
  183. I tried 21 diet and exercise programs. None of them worked. Except for one.
  184. I built an app to fix my depression (now with stats) – Eli Finer
  185. Why We Will Never Have Enough Software Developers
  186. Au Revoir: The End of Notebag
  187. Taming the Tech Giants – jake lazaroff
  188. The Grand Unified Theory of Software Architecture
  189. Type in the exact number of machines to proceed
  190. Creating Your First Azure SQL Database
  191. Cryptologie | A Discretization Attack
  192. Getting started with GraphQL and HotChocolate
  193. Bomb Blast Radius - Numberphile
  194. GitHub Quick Reviews
  195. Next.js 10
  196. WSL2 - Tips, Tricks and Techniques
  197. RIAA's YouTube-DL Takedown Ticks Off Developers and GitHub's CEO * TorrentFreak
  198. .Net 5 with Scott Hunter
  199. Policy as Code with Terraform and Sentinel
  200. gRPC performance improvements in .NET 5 | ASP.NET Blog
  201. .NET for Apache Spark Debuts in Version 1.0 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  202. safepassme
  203. Announcing Version 1.0 of .NET for Apache Spark | .NET Blog
  204. Cleaning up Azure Durable Functions execution history
  205. The .NET Docs Show - Blazor & Comet ☄️ for Native Mobile Apps with Sam Basu
  206. Abusing Teams client protocol to bypass Teams security policies
  207. ASP.NET Community Standup - Updating Scott Hanselman's blog to .NET 5
  208. Building a Dashboard with ASP.NET Core and DotVVM
  209. Free Linear Algebra text, from Jim Hefferon
  210. MonkSoul/Fur
  211. Mind Your Strings with .NET 5.0
  212. ASP NET CORE SINGLE PAGE APPLICATION (SPA) Build/Release Pipeline | Azure DevOps
  213. Help Us Plan EF Core 6.0 | .NET Blog
  214. Prerendering your Blazor WASM application with .NET 5 (part 2 - solving the missing HttpClient problem)
  215. Microsoft.dotnet-httprepl 5.0.0-preview.20521.1
  216. Change Task.FromResult to use same task cache as async methods by stephentoub · Pull Request #43894 · dotnet/runtime
  217. PLAN C: A Safe abortion with pills
  218. github/dmca
  219. Mobilizon. Your events. Your groups. Your data. – Framablog
  220. Self Managed Abortion; Safe and Supported
  221. Project Dependency Diagrams come to Rider 2020.3 – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
  222. JavaScript Game Tutorial - Create Tic Tac Toe with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  223. re: Investigating query performance issue in RavenDB
  224. How Entity Framework Core’s query cache works
  225. Quickly coding with Codespaces
  226. AMD to Acquire Xilinx
  227. Getting started with GraphQL and HotChocolate
  228. The Next Generation Web Services Framework
  229. Using Blazor JavaScript Isolation with Library Manager
  230. Monitoring Helm releases that use jobs and init containers: Deploying ASP.NET Core applications to Kubernetes - Part 9
  231. Diving into /proc/pid/mem
  232. Troy Hunt on Rebooting with Lisa Forte
  233. Struct Layout - Visual Studio Marketplace
  234. Enormous security leak at the Rikssbanken and banks – Nord News
  235. Colouring Knots - Numberphile
  236. Using Microsoft SQL Server on Red Hat OpenShift - Red Hat Developer
  237. Apache Helix - Near-Realtime Rsync Replicated File System
  238. .NET App Developer Links - 2020-10-27
  239. Uno Platform Uno Platform 3.1 Released - Linux, new WinUI controls, Prism 8.0 and more
  240. Released: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 2.1 Preview 2
  241. Monsters Weekly 188 - Intercepting Network Requests with Playwright
  242. Microsoft® and the .NET Foundation announce the release of version 1.0 of .NET for Apache® Spark™
  243. Upgrading a .Net Framework library to .Net 5
  244. Running an Online Conference using Microsoft Azure
  245. Using the ASP.NET Core Environment Feature to manage Development vs. Production for any config file type
  246. How to Accommodate a Massive Surge in Absentee Voting
  247. Blast Off with Blazor: Get to know Blazor and our project
  248. A talk about Dump File analysis
  249. Asking Microsoft to resign from the RIAA over youtube-dl takedown demand
  250. How to Call JavaScript Functions with C# in Blazor WebAssembly
  251. Surviving disillusionment
  252. Hello there.pdf
  253. ASP.NET Community Standup - .NET 6 Planning for ASP.NET Core
  254. Oracle Groundbreakers APAC Virtual Tour 2020
  255. Oracle Groundbreakers APAC Virtual Tour 2020
  256. On the psychology and dynamics of OSS: passion, burnout and (im)balance
  257. Understanding company decisions using knowledge graphs – Leopold Bosankic
  258. Fighting Bots With The Client-Puzzle Protocol
  259. Lessons learnt from building Newslettrs – Monish Kumar's Blog
  260. You Need to Timestamp Your Shell History
  261. How much specification does a developer need?
  262. Shared Curiosity
  263. EditForm - forms and validation in Blazor
  264. morris/vanilla-todo
  265. Bytecode Alliance: One year update
  266. Why we chose Java for our High-Frequency Trading application
  267. Blazer WebAssembly with EF Core
  268. In-App Reviews Come to Xamarin.Forms Android -- Visual Studio Magazine
  269. Last Week in .NET Issue #15 – It's not a Bug, it's just a feature you didn't expect!
  270. Twitter still hasn't unlocked the New York Post's account - melovedata
  271. Setting up a build with NUKE
  272. Lobe | Machine Learning Made Easy
  273. dotnet-vs 0.3.85
  274. Rethink the Modern Mobile App: An Intro to Mobile Development
  275. dotnet/aspnetcore
  276. Simple way to Docker on Windows 10 home with WSL 2
  277. Road to gRPC
  278. C# in Simple Terms - Interfaces and Abstract Classes
  279. Otvdm/winevdm
  280. Get more done with search in Visual Studio | Visual Studio Blog
  281. Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Teams
  282. Fast bitmap iteration in C#
  283. I told the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler not to generate AVX instructions, but it did it anyway! | The Old New Thing
  284. Enumerating files using Globbing and System.IO.Enumeration - Gérald Barré
  285. Using IR Receiver (HX1838) + Remote Control (ESP32 + Arduino Series)
  286. Standard ML in 2020 | notes.eatonphil.com
  287. Using Servo Motors - SG90 (ESP32 + Arduino Series)
  288. How a one line change decreased our build times by 99%
  289. An Intuition for Lisp Syntax
  290. Leaving Silverlight: Converting to the Web
  291. 225: Frank Got Catalyst for Xamarin.iOS Working!
  292. ML Optimization pt.1 - Gradient Descent with Python
  293. The RIAA's fraudulent attack on youtube-dl is not a DMCA §512 infri...
  294. Are there any limitations to test automation? - Kevin Tuck
  295. Azure Web App Service and GitHub Actions (Video Tutorial) | Azure DevOps Blog
  296. Use ASP.NET With Turbolinks 5
  297. The Future of Desktop: All You Need to Know about .NET 5!
  298. Don't ever break a URL if you can help it
  299. Address decision fatigue - before it turns code into spaghetti - JAXenter
  300. WPF .NET Core - Routed Events
  301. Blazor – C# in the Browser – Webinar recording – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
  302. saintmarina/undelete_jpg
  303. The 2020 Shopping Spree
  304. I am Seriously Considering Going Back to Desktop Computers
  305. YouTube-DL Removed From GitHub After DMCA Notice
  306. Microsoft Edge brings Pinterest integration to Collections
  307. Frontend development is pain in 2020. But it gets better
  308. Why Are Discussions about Hiring Being Broken So Broken?
  309. Sharing a Gaming Computer with VMs - M1cr0blog
  310. Lighthouse: Expectation vs. Reality. Lighthouse web peformance audit suggestions and issues prioritize your core metrics over lighthouse | Ashutosh Sharma | Housing.com
  311. Why We Choose to Homeschool Our Kids - The Handbook of Prosperity, Success, and Happiness
  312. A blog post about nothing | Blog
  313. Julia Helps To Bridge The Gap Between User and Creator
  314. Llvm Provides No Side-Channel Resistance
  315. Add PriorityQueue<T> to Collections · Issue #14032 · dotnet/runtime
  316. Department of Health and Human Services Victoria
  317. SpielAffe · Über 12.000 Online-Spiele kostenlos spielen
  318. Have I Been Pwned: Pwned Passwords
  319. It's Time To Admit It: The X.Org Server Is Abandonware
  320. Strict Transport Security vs. HTTPS Resource Records: the showdown
  321. GitLab blocked Iranians’ access.
  322. mimoo/crypto_blogs
  323. Delete Facebook And You'll Lose All Oculus Games For Good
  324. JÄTTELIK Soft toy, dinosaur, dinosaur/tyrannosaurus Rex, 44 cm - IKEA
  325. github/dmca
  326. Melb․NET Meetup November 2020 Submit a Talk Proposal
  327. Pandoc - About pandoc
  328. QuickJS Javascript Engine
  329. The coming civil war over general purpose computing | Boing Boing
  330. Are my Encryption Keys in the Cloud Really Secure? | Cryptosense
  331. What Was BeOS, and Why Did People Love It?
  332. Cryptologie | The Kyber/dilithium Ntt
  333. chrismaltby/gb-studio
  334. GB Studio
  335. Setting up a build with NUKE
  336. This Insane 2.5 Gigapixel Image of the Orion Constellation Took Five Years To Complete
  337. Anki as Learning Superpower: Computer Science Edition | G Research
  338. Chris Ball » Announcing GitTorrent: A Decentralized GitHub
  339. The .NET Stacks #22: .NET 5 RC 2 ships, .NET Foundation all hands, and links
  340. prabhuignoto/react-chrono
  341. Google Play Music, Music Play Store & Music Manager are going away – everything you need to know
  342. Tin-eared, tone-deaf - Selaine Saxby gets it very, very wrong - West Country Bylines
  343. Electoral College Decision Tree
  344. gnu.org
  345. Using Entity Framework Core with Azure SQL DB and Azure Cosmos DB | Azure Friday
  346. r/csharp - Matlab porting to C# goes really slow
  347. github/dmca
  348. Creating a Drag and Drop Bookmarklet
  349. On self-tracking, exobrains and quantified self
  350. Penetration Testing and Low-Cost Freelancing
  351. I Still Dislike My Home Work Setup (and I don't know what to do about it)
  352. The YouTube-DL Takedown
  353. Parenting doesn’t do what I thought
  354. The Solution to Big Tech Isn't Legislation, It's Technology
  355. So Many Notebooks, So Little Time...
  356. Should I buy the dip?
  357. I'm handing over maintenance of wlroots and sway to Simon Ser
  358. r/dotnet - What would be the reasons to use an IoC framework instead of the default container?
  359. How To Buy a Computer for Cross-Platform Development
  360. How bare metal provisioning works in theory
  361. No More Politics in the Workplace – jake lazaroff
  362. Intro to Twitch: Join the Live Coding Community!
  363. Code Maze Weekly #48 - Code Maze
  364. Attacks On Gcm With Repeated Nonces: Poc Or It Didn't Happen
  365. Lets Talk .NET 5, with Scott Hunter
  366. King County Elections
  367. Use “pseudo-sets” to control how many actions people take
  368. How data saves lives: Using the Power Platform to gain amazing insights
  369. C# Slides in Usage Ranking of Programming Languages -- Visual Studio Magazine
  370. Performance Profiling | .NET Async Tool
  371. Fowl Language
  372. Intro to the Show
  373. Cryo–electron microscopy breaks the atomic resolution barrier at last
  374. Using Entity Framework Core with Azure SQL DB and Azure Cosmos DB | Azure Friday
  375. Xamarin.Forms 5 Is Here!
  376. Data’s Role in Moon Missions: Fictional and Real
  377. BlazorGalaga
  378. How to: Implement a producer-consumer dataflow pattern
  379. BlazorGuy/BlazorGalaga
  380. Preloading content with rel="preload"
  381. Learn with Dr G: Predicting Meteor Showers Using Python and Visual Studio Code
  382. PHP 8: before and after - stitcher.io
  383. How can I tell whether a file is on an SSD? | The Old New Thing
  384. Talking on Emerging Code about RavenDB
  385. Damian Hickey
  386. ConditionalWeakTable<TKey,TValue> Class (System.Runtime.CompilerServices)
  387. Quiz Shows and Math Anxiety (with Bobby Seagull) - Numberphile Podcast
  388. ‎The Numberphile Podcast on Apple Podcasts
  389. A Tour of the .NET Functions Framework
  390. How To Get Started in Developer Relations - What It's Like Creating Content for a Living
  391. C# 10 First Look: Constant string interpolation
  392. Bongo Cat
  393. Falsehoods programmers believe about time zones
  394. Beautiful and compact Web APIs with C# 9, .NET 5.0 and ASP.NET Core
  395. Seeing AI
  396. .NET App Developer Links - 2020-10-23
  397. A Programmer’s Intuition for Matrix Multiplication – BetterExplained
  398. C# 8.0 nullable references: defeating the point with empty strings | endjin
  399. Webinar – .NET Microservices == MEGAFUN – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
  400. Building A Blazor Farm Animal Soundboard – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
  401. terrajobst/dotnetepicsweb
  402. F# Advent Calendar in English 2020
  403. Is Blazor a Safe Enterprise Bet
  404. C# 9 Record Factories
  405. Simple AiMesh Wi-Fi System
  406. The Microsoft author signing certificate will be updated as soon as November 1st, 2020 | The NuGet Blog
  407. Viewing Matrices & Probability as Graphs
  408. Deploying ASP.NET Core Web API to Azure API Apps - Code Maze
  409. Greatly Accelerating Machine Learning with Intel's Huma Abidi | Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman
  410. Why I Switched to SuperMemo After Using Anki for 5 Years, With Over 50k Cards and 420k Total Reviews
  411. You Are Procedurally Generated
  412. The Internet We Built
  413. Sinc Split Mechanical Keyboard Build Log
  414. How to retain customers who are leaving
  415. Let’s build a high-performance fuzzer with GPUs!
  416. Why Laugh At Quibi's Failure?
  417. Be prolific
  418. Software development by analogy - Francisco J. Revoredo
  419. Scott Santens - With UBI, won't people just watch TV and play video games?
  420. Static versus dynamic web sites
  421. Reconciling Forward Secrecy With Network Traffic Visibility In Enterprise Deployments Of Tls 1.3
  422. .NET Core with NGINX on Linux
  423. Supercar Showdown - Supercar Showdown
  424. How A Search Engine With 400 Million Records Literally Started From A Controller Class Test Method
  425. Telerik UI for Blazor Updated -- Visual Studio Magazine
  426. The .NET Docs Show
  427. Damian Hickey
  428. ufcpp/StringLiteralGenerator
  429. Infragistics Unveils UI Components for Blazor -- Visual Studio Magazine
  430. ongoing by Tim Bray · Google Antitrust Notes
  431. .NET Tooling Community Standup - dotnet templates with Sayed Hashimi
  432. C# in Simple Terms - Inheritance and Polymorphism
  433. The physiological effects of slow breathing in the healthy human
  434. OAuth 3
  435. A Last Call for QUIC, a giant leap for the Internet
  436. Taking a shortcut: You can query properties from a volume, and it will forward to the physical drive | The Old New Thing
  437. Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Ep 8: Abstract Classes, Interfaces and Error Handling
  438. A Virtual Product Management Internship Experience
  439. Bits from the Debian Project
  440. GitHub Actions: Deprecating set-env and add-path commands - GitHub Changelog
  441. ASP.NET Core Blazor CSS isolation
  442. Workflow commands for GitHub Actions
  443. Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions
  444. Tiark's Notebook
  445. /* You Are Not Expected to Understand This */
  446. Notes on My Colon Cancer
  447. Psychotherapy centre's database hacked, patient info held ransom
  448. .NET App Developer Links - 2020-10-22
  449. Tip 291 - 5 Things you didn't know about Azure App Service
  450. React v17.0 – React Blog
  451. Azure Service Fabric 7.2 Release
  452. Tip 290 - How to secure a Blazor application with Azure Active Directory
  453. What’s new in the Windows 10 October 2020 Update
  454. Load Balancing on Azure - An Overview
  455. ESPHome: Nothing-to-firmware in 30 minutes
  456. .NET Rocks! vNext
  457. Using encrypted access tokens in Azure with Microsoft.Identity.Web and Azure App registrations
  458. Blazor FAST WebComponents
  459. Entity Framework Visual Editor - Visual Studio Marketplace
  460. New Chrome 0-day Under Active Attacks – Update Your Browser Now
  461. Greater bandwidth in trains
  462. 1Password for Linux beta is now open 🎊 🐧 🎊 | 1Password
  463. Defining Service Boundaries by Splitting Entities
  464. JsonSrcGen 0.2.0 Alpha Released
  465. This website is killing the planet
  466. amymhaddad
  467. My Lab Power Setup
  468. Repeating Crossbow - The Lazy Forger
  469. Value dragons
  470. blog.harterrt.com – Defining Data Intuition
  471. A fucking rant about fucking const vs fucking let
  472. James Randi has died.
  473. The tangled webs we weave
  474. How Silicon Valley will solve the trolley problem
  475. Every hackable connector on ASUS Eee PC 901
  476. A Brief Tour of the Unity Editor
  477. Talking, Typing, Thinking: Software Is Not a Desk Job
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  486. franzsilva/MLBuilderVSCode-Source
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  582. dotnet/runtime
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  595. Highlights from Git 2.29 - The GitHub Blog
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  600. Extract Available Settings Using C# | Awaiting Bits
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  636. The .NET Docs Show - Reactive Extensions for UI frameworks with Rodney Littles II
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  639. Publishing a self-contained Blazor component (Razor + CSS + JS) as a NuGet package - Gérald Barré
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  735. Non-Data Signals in Entrepreneurship – Phil Strazzulla's Blog
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  742. Version 1.4.0 released
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  749. The future of .NET Standard | .NET Blog
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  753. c-smile/sciter-js-sdk
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  757. Service Creation via .NET Core Templates – Webinar recording – .NET Tools Blog | JetBrains
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  774. Performance Profiling | Database Tool
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  776. Join Hacktoberfest at the Xamarin Community Toolkit | Xamarin Blog
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  783. Inbox Zero on a Budget: How to Create Superhuman in Gmail — GG
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  798. r/jobs - A Warning About Glassdoor
  799. March 6, 2020 - Minimal March - Building a Blazor CommandButton component on a Chromebook
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  829. How does .NET 5 change my development? | One Dev Question
  830. The October 2020 release of Azure Data Studio is now available - SQL Server Blog
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  863. verless/verless
  864. YARP: The .NET Reverse proxy
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  866. madskristensen/Tweakster
  867. Entity Framework Community Standup - Oct 14th 2020 - Cosmos DB: Repository Pattern .NET Wrapper SDK
  868. r/OculusQuest - Facebook account banned within 10 minutes, reviewed and cannot be reversed.
  869. .NET and Visual Studio - Oracle Office Hours
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  871. Breaking changes, version 3.1 to 5.0 - .NET Core
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  911. Prefer Fakes Over Mocks | Alexey Golub
  912. What do I need to build an application ? - LanRaccoon
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  915. Technology and its side effects
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  923. Final Go-Live .NET 5 Release Candidate Ships Ahead of Nov. 10 Debut -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  927. How The Dude Was Duped By Big Tech
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  929. DevReach Online - The Premier Dev Conference Now Online
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  933. YARP: The .NET Reverse proxy
  934. Under the hood with routing in Blazor
  935. Pushing UI changes from Blazor Server to browser on server raised events
  936. Use is null/is not null for null checking by marek-safar · Pull Request #43360 · dotnet/runtime
  937. Intermittently receiving "Oops! Something bad happened!" error on Meta Stack Exchange
  938. 14,000x Speedup - James Hiebert's Blog
  939. zheap
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  942. Tailwind Crash Course - How I Built My New Product Landing Page
  943. Release Npgsql v5.0.0 Preview 1 · npgsql/npgsql
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  945. The LLBLGen Pro Blog: HnD 3.0 has been released!
  946. Don’t Pay for 95% | 5 Kids 1 Condo
  947. Running database migrations when deploying to Kubernetes: Deploying ASP.NET Core applications to Kubernetes - Part 7
  948. daveabrock/NASAImageOfDay
  949. Constraint satisfaction solver (Java™, Open Source)
  950. Render Blazor WASM components in your existing MVC/Razor Pages applications
  951. DDD by Night: Trivia Edition
  952. ASP.NET Core in Action with Andrew Lock
  953. .NET App Developer Links - 2020-10-13
  954. Quick Helper For Blazor Performance
  955. 150+ Stanford On-Campus Computer Science Courses Available Online — Class Central
  956. .NET Standard 1.3 in AWS SDK for .NET is now in maintenance mode | Amazon Web Services
  957. Bootstrap logging with Serilog + ASP.NET Core
  958. verifiedcoder/Twilight
  959. Async code smells and how to track them down with analyzers - Part I
  960. ASP.NET Core in Action, Second Edition
  961. Learn Node.js with this series of short videos for beginners
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  963. Visual Studio Code September 2020
  964. Why the Serverless Revolution Has Stalled
  965. Shawn Wildermuth's Blog
  966. Exposing covert surveillance backdoors in children’s smartwatches
  967. Advice to my young self: forget side projects and focus on your job
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  969. The Cloud Native Show - 12 Factor Series : Introduction
  970. Why we don't prepare enough for things we want - JFJ
  971. We need to talk about GitHub - Thea Flowers
  972. Professional licensing isn't a solved problem
  973. Microsoft Identity Platform which OAuth flow should I use? | Developer Support
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  977. Stages of self-development
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  979. Differential Analyzer
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  981. Let's use NUKE to Quickly Deploy an App to Azure via Zip Deployment - Dangl.Blog();
  982. C# Language Highlights: Default Literal Expressions
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  985. [llvm-announce] LLVM 11.0.0 Release
  986. BinomialLLC/bc7e
  987. Why You Want To Encrypt Password Hashes
  988. Car Care Products | Tevo Creations Australia | Queensland
  989. chriswalz/bit
  990. Edge Browser Dev Tools for VS Code Now Generally Available -- Visual Studio Magazine
  991. How to Secure Blazor WebAssembly with IdentityServer4 - Code Maze
  992. The .NET Docs Show - The .NET Foundation and .NET OSS with Claire Novotny
  993. Blazor WebAssembly : Twitter Authentication - EP13
  994. r/privacy - AT&T is selling your phone calls and text messages to marketers. Here is how to opt out:
  995. welcome · Blazor in Action MEAP V01
  996. What is Node.js and why you should learn it [1 of 26]
  997. world smallest office suite
  998. Dude comes straight from the dealership for a car-seat installation, but halfway through the car disables itself (I'm guessing some anti-tamper safeguard). Hilariously, the boys at Ferrari can't remotely fix it because there's no reception undergound.
  999. As election looms, a network of mysterious ‘pink slime’ local news outlets nearly triples in size
  1000. DMV Lookup
  1001. Life, part 37
  1002. C# in Simple Terms - Methods, Parameters, and Arguments
  1003. Use Design Time Data with the XAML Designer in Visual Studio - Visual Studio
  1004. How I killed The Event Store and Why It Had It Coming
  1005. The Ideal Auction - Numberphile
  1006. Testing Blazor components using bUnit - Gérald Barré
  1007. Building complex systems with duplication and multiple overlapping fields of fire
  1008. In 1979, some software company in Bellevue was hiring | The Old New Thing
  1009. Open Source Tools & Data for Music Source Separation — Open-Source Tools & Data for Music Source Separation
  1010. r/space - On Tuesday, I captured my best shot of the ISS transiting the face of the sun. The transit lasted less than a second. [OC]
  1011. Back to Machine Learning Basics - Regularization
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  1014. mackron/vkbind
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  1019. Daniel Roth demos what's new in .NET 5 Blazor with Carl Franklin — App vNext
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  1022. Don't Code Tired | Approval Tests: Assert With Human Intelligence
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  1025. Fuck you sunday - never let a side project die anymore on that day and just start
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  1030. ryzngard/DotNot
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  1051. bash errors
  1052. 10 app store principles to promote choice, fairness and innovation - Microsoft on the Issues
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  1054. Adelaide .NET User Group (Adelaide, Australia)
  1055. SerenityOS: The second year
  1056. Build your Azure skills with Microsoft Learn and Pluralsight
  1057. How to Surface a Classic Solution in a Modern Page | Developer Support
  1058. Why I'm starting a newsletter
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  1060. Imposter syndrome
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  1068. Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.
  1069. They're Made out of Meat
  1070. warrenm/HeadphoneMotion
  1071. Google sues me for using the word "droid" in my company name Orpheusdroid
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  1074. App Store gives Apple ‘monopoly power’ over iOS apps, US House antitrust report says [U: Apple responds] - 9to5Mac
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  1076. Using Azure Container Registry for building and deploying .NET Core Apps | Azure Friday
  1077. chsienki/Kittitas
  1078. VwjZNrJ
  1079. Update on Cybersecurity Incident | Fairfax County Public Schools
  1080. The .NET Stacks #20: Route to Code, IdentityServer, community links
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  1085. Microsoft Is Leader in API Management, Seen as Key to Post-Pandemic 'New Normal' -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  1088. How I hacked my social media addiction and restored my habit of reading? – Quit Being An Idiot
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  1102. Leading the Global Tech Community with Anna Chu
  1103. r/redditads - 35-50% of clicks on Reddit Ads are fraudulent
  1104. I called everyone in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book.
  1105. Episode 349 - Advancing the Outage Experience
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  1107. ProtonMail CEO calls Apple's forced in-app purchases 'Mafia extortion'
  1108. Neuron 1.0 released
  1109. rust in curl with hyper
  1110. MediatR 9.0 Released
  1111. An interview with Paul Mockapetris, the creator of the DNS
  1112. Code Maze Weekly #46 - Code Maze
  1113. A consequence of being the first to adopt a standard is that you may end up being the only one to adopt it: The sad story of Korean jamo | The Old New Thing
  1114. Blazor: Our first impressions with Andrew Lock
  1115. Using Key Vault certificates with Microsoft.Identity.Web and ASP.NET Core applications
  1116. Event Feeds: Simple and reliable messaging infrastructure
  1117. Prerendering your Blazor WASM application with .NET 5 (part 2 - solving the missing HttpClient problem)
  1118. October of Releases
  1119. A follow up to Coinbase as a “mission focused” company
  1120. Blazor in Action
  1121. .NET App Developer Links - 2020-10-09
  1122. Interactive Unit Testing with .NET Core and VS Code
  1123. Developing with Design
  1124. Report from the House of Representatives may suggest that the Facebook login requirement for the Oculus Quest 2 is anticompetitive.
  1125. Azure Best Practices - Azure Advisor
  1126. Deploy a .NET Container with Azure DevOps
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  1128. Computer Scientists Break Traveling Salesperson Record
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  1130. Llama preview 0.1.2
  1131. Testing is not dead - Lee Hawkins
  1132. IG: @cost_n_mayor see ya thayer ;) #fyp #foryou #ToMyBestFriend #vibewithus #feelinggood #hellofall #worldpeace
  1133. Reverse engineering my cable modem and turning it into an SDR
  1134. To The Assembly - CoRecursive Podcast
  1135. For ASP.NET Core in .NET 6, Devs want AOT Compilation -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1136. Cross Platform Managed Memory Dump Debugging | Visual Studio Blog
  1137. .NET code style rule options - .NET
  1138. What Working At Stripe Has Been Like
  1139. What's New in Visual Studio Code September 2020 Update -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1140. Living and Gaming in UltraWide on Linux - Boiling Steam
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  1143. The joy of fixing things · Viorel Sfetea
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  1151. Police violence: Your ratios don’t prove what you think they prove
  1152. Building A Modern Trng: An Entropy Source Interface For Risc-V
  1153. Google’s Supreme Court faceoff with Oracle was a disaster for Google
  1154. Refresh Token with Blazor WebAssembly and ASP.NET Core Web API
  1155. Languages & Runtime Community Standup - Source Generators
  1156. Xamarin.Essentials Mobile-Centric APIs Add macOS Desktop Support -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1157. Azure SQL Capacity Planning: Scenarios
  1158. JeremyLikness/ExpressionPowerTools
  1159. .NET - apps.peachpie.io
  1160. Introducing: apps.peachpie.io @ PeachPie | .NET development platform for PHP
  1161. Where Gaming Begins | AMD Ryzen™ Desktop Processors
  1162. James Bruton Built a Guitar-Like Synthesizer with Barcodes in Place of the Strings
  1163. Announcing Rust 1.47.0 | Rust Blog
  1164. Careers - Automated Visual Testing | Applitools
  1165. .NET Rocks! vNext
  1166. C# in Simple Terms - Code Blocks, Basic Statements, and Loops
  1167. Announcing Swift Algorithms
  1168. .NET Blog
  1169. An iterable of iterables: C# collections support covariance, but C++ collections do not | The Old New Thing
  1170. GPU Accelerated Machine Learning with WSL 2
  1171. Prerendering your Blazor WASM application with .NET 5 (part 1)
  1172. Using machine learning with RavenDB
  1173. Cryptography Dispatches: Reconstruct Instead of Validating
  1174. Microsoft Developer UK @msdevUK
  1175. We Hacked Apple for 3 Months: Here’s What We Found
  1176. Building a simple tooltip component for Blazor in under 10 lines of code*
  1177. #CloudSkills Revisited (S2/E3)
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  1179. C++ 3D Game Tutorial 24: Graphics Engine - Materials
  1180. Bruce Momjian: Postgres Blog
  1181. Beginner's Series to: JavaScript | Channel 9
  1182. Now Open for Business: Sdkbin - the Marketplace for .NET Developers
  1183. Using monorepos to increase velocity during early stages of product development | Creating Startups
  1184. How to use, open, resize, and split Panes in the Windows Terminal
  1185. Writing JavaScript tools in other languages – a new trend?
  1186. Asyncify a method and event response
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  1188. Responding to the OFCCP on our June diversity commitments - Microsoft on the Issues
  1189. Yael Tauman Kalai - Real World Cryptographers Podcast
  1190. dotnet/aspnetcore
  1191. JDConf - Save the Date!
  1192. Microsoft Announces Playwright for Python Web Testing Tool -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  1197. My App Scaled to 46,000 Users Two Weeks After Launch and Made $0. Lessons Learned.
  1198. Zoom, Humming and Rough Consensus | Tom Gamon
  1199. How to prepare for tech summer internships — Web log of agrawal-d
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  1202. How a side project has made me a better manager
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  1204. Azure Cosmos DB Repository .NET SDK v.1.0.4 | Azure Cosmos DB Blog
  1205. The Design Of Scalar Aes Instruction Set Extensions For Risc-V
  1206. Configure code analysis rules - .NET
  1207. Chrome is deploying HTTP/3 and IETF QUIC
  1208. PS5 Teardown: An up-close and personal look at the console hardware
  1209. Bridge to Kubernetes Simplifies Microservice Development in Visual Studio/VS Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1210. NVIDIA Announces Cloud-AI Video-Streaming Platform to Better Connect Millions Working and Studying Remotely
  1211. Release Release v1.2.0 · aslotte/MLOps.NET
  1212. 39 Shirts - Leaving Mozilla
  1213. Inventing Virtual Meetings of Tomorrow with NVIDIA AI Research
  1214. virtualmlnet/hackathon-2020
  1215. Get all prediction scores from your ONNX model with ML.NET
  1216. Introdução ao ML.NET - Machine Learning com .NET na prática
  1217. Prioritizing Patients with Predicted Heart Disease Result with ML.NET > Amatis Blog
  1218. r/ProgrammerHumor - Oh, as easy as that. No wonder it's popular.
  1219. Episode 163 – MLOps and ML.NET with Alexander Slotte | The 6 Figure Developer
  1220. Get started with MLOps.NET
  1221. Machine Learning | Cómo hacer predicciones en batch usando ML.NET
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  1223. .NET Internals: System.Threading.Channels - UnboundedChannel<T> Part 2 - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  1224. Getting Started with Machine Learning using ML.NET | NDC Sydney 2020
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  1227. Error C3867: non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member: What it means and how to fix it | The Old New Thing
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  1232. Two ways you can take advantage of types in JavaScript (without TypeScript) - The Blinking Caret
  1233. r/ProgrammingBuddies - Website to find coding buddies/friends
  1234. From site.css to component styles
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  1265. Game Development with .NET | .NET Blog
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  1275. How to plug in your USB Type A connector correctly the first time | The Old New Thing
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  1277. amuste/DnetIndexedDb
  1278. .NET Internals: System.Threading.Channels - UnboundedChannel (Part 1) - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve
  1279. ADefWebserver/BlazorSimpleSurvey
  1280. Drag and drop file uploading with .NET 5.0 Blazor InputFile component – Roman Simuta
  1281. r/Blazor
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  1284. Announcing .NET 5 Preview 4 and our journey to one .NET | .NET Blog
  1285. Building a simple tooltip component for Blazor in under 10 lines of code*
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  1292. Orleans is a cross-platform framework for building robust, scalable distributed applications | Microsoft Orleans Documentation
  1293. r/UIUC - Chowbus is Hacked & Leaks 800,000+ entries of Personal Data
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  1297. Tidy up your HttpClient usage
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  1299. Git anatomy - Simple Talk
  1300. Monsters Weekly 185 - Azure Static Web Apps
  1301. milkshakesoftware/PreMailer.Net
  1302. milkshakehq.com is coming soon
  1303. Home
  1304. Former Patent Litigator Becomes Federal Judge And Begins Advertising For Patent Trolls To Come To His Court (And They Have In Droves)
  1305. How we built a $1m ARR SaaS startup – Canny Blog
  1306. 6 Best Practices to Keep a .NET Application's Memory Healthy - Michael's Coding Spot
  1307. What’s New In Python 3.9 — Python 3.9.0 documentation
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  1309. .NET Interactive Now Does .NET Notebooks with VS Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  1347. Writing automated UI tests for an ASP.NET Core application using Playwright and xUnit - Gérald Barré
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  1351. Back to Machine Learning Basics - Clustering
  1352. 222: Cool New Tech
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  1360. Streamline .NET Dependency Management with NuGet Meta Packages | endjin
  1361. Deploy your .NET Blazor app in minutes with Azure Static Web Apps
  1362. Bringing the browser developer tools to Visual Studio Code
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  1387. Imposter syndrome: Is it a bug or a feature? | Blog
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  1395. A Human Friendly Data Format — NestedText 1.0.0 documentation
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  1405. REGISTER YOURSELF TO VOTE - When We All Vote
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