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January 2020

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All entries for this month

  1. Global championship of driverless cars
  2. Let's remove Quaternions from every 3D Engine (An Interactive Introduction to Rotors from Geometric Algebra) - Marc ten Bosch
  3. Do SSL warranties protect you? As much as rocks keep tigers away...
  4. This Goes to Eleven (Part 1/∞)
  5. Desktop Goose by samperson
  6. Ryujinx - Nintendo Switch Emulator
  7. How to make a pretty prompt in Windows Terminal with Powerline, Nerd Fonts, Cascadia Code, WSL, and oh-my-posh - Scott Hanselman
  8. Desktop Goose by samperson
  9. Dino 0.1 Release - Dino. Communicating happiness.
  10. Building a simple VPN with WireGuard with a Raspberry Pi as Server
  11. About the security content of iOS 13.3.1 and iPadOS 13.3.1
  12. Revert "Dead Ending Microsoft.CSharp Package and Bumping the leftout … · dotnet/runtime@89045e5
  13. Subresource Integrity
  14. .NET Design Review: Quick Reviews
  15. Hire me!
  16. Do’s and Don’ts for Performance Teams
  17. .NET Oxford
  18. Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 2 is available | Visual Studio Blog
  19. Try Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Version 8.5 Preview 2 Today | Xamarin Blog
  20. Look! I Made a Company! : dylanbeattie.net
  21. Top-level statements and functions · Issue #3117 · dotnet/csharplang
  22. davidfowl/NdcLondon2020
  23. Blazor Tutorial : Sending JWT token & Building Request Middleware - EP16
  24. Ryujinx/Ryujinx
  25. Andrey Akinshin - Performance Testing - Dotnetos Conference 2019
  26. ASP.NET Blog | Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 1 release now available
  27. the Origins of Opera and the Future of Programming
  28. Why we terminated our partnership with Microsoft - Re: Next decade of open source - Paul Stovell
  29. KnightOS was an interesting operating system
  30. The tools and tricks that let Ars Technica function without a physical office
  31. Monitoring Data Breaches
  32. .NET Tour UK 2020
  33. Inserting middleware between UseRouting() and UseEndpoints() as a library author - Part 1
  34. Searching For New Adventures In Software Development
  35. Planned Maintenance scheduled for Wednesday, February 5, 2020 for Data Explorer
  36. Superhero Triangles - Numberphile
  37. Become a Better Developer by Reading Source Code - Steve Gordon
  38. Binary Search | Master algorithms together
  39. The Throw Keyword was a Mistake
  40. Online Image Сompressor
  41. Sungrow Crabby With Researcher Over Security Vulnerability Disclosure
  42. .NET Tour UK 2020 (London)
  43. Disk Prices (US)
  44. CacheOut
  45. CarterCommunity/Carter
  46. martinber/noaa-apt
  47. Autofac 5.0 Released
  48. GitHub Actions API
  49. Visual Studio for Mac: Refresh(); event
  50. Building personal search infrastructure for your knowledge and code | beepb00p
  51. Use SpanHelpers.SequenceCompareTo instead of CompareOrdinalHelper by benaadams · Pull Request #402 · dotnet/runtime
  52. Wait, I have to test the front end too? - NDC London 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  53. ASP.NET Blog | A new experiment: Call .NET gRPC services from the browser with gRPC-Web
  54. STM32 Game Boy cartridge – EmerytHacks
  55. 3,000 official government email IDs from ISRO, MEA, SEBI compromised: Report
  56. Sedated (Ramones) but it's in 13/16
  57. Using NSwag to Generate a Vue Client for an ASP.NET Core 3.1 API
  58. The Infinite Loop That Wasn't: A Holy Grail Bug Story - mGBA
  59. Botium - Bots testing Bots
  60. Multi-Cloud and On-Premises Application Delivery without the drama | Gravity | Gravitational
  61. gravitational/gravity
  62. Authentication, What The Fuck?
  63. Introduction
  64. Hack Yourself First: How to go on the Cyber-Offence - NDC London 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  65. CuriosityStream: Proud Sponsor of RealEngineering on Nebula
  66. This Outrageous Clock Is Made Out of 144 Seven-Segment Displays
  67. Brute Box 1, 200+ lb The Original Magnet Fishing Bundle (4.72" Magnet + Rope + Carabiner + Threadlocker): Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific
  68. SimonCropp/Verify
  69. SQL+.NET - The Only Enterprise Grade ORM
  70. December 3, 2019 - Blue Hair, Twitch and Introducing the BlazorWebFormsComponents Project
  71. libreoffice/core - main, development code repository
  72. Permutation-based Cryptography 2020 – Zagreb, Croatia
  73. dotnet/runtime
  74. Inlining and explicit tail calls · Issue #10487 · dotnet/runtime
  75. The frustrating state of tails calls in .NET · Issue #2191 · dotnet/runtime
  76. Captain Picard's best inspirational speeches
  77. SecurityFWD: How Far Can Wi-Fi Really Travel?
  78. Build Serverless Apps with Blazor
  79. tkp1n/IoUring
  80. Open Data Stack Exchange
  81. Log us out: Private equity snaffles Lastpass owner LogMeIn
  82. A Picard Easter egg
  83. pixivに脆弱なパスワードで登録できないようにしました - pixiv inside
  84. Joe Rogan and Gavin McInnes Discuss the Islam-Inbreeding Connection
  85. .NET coding convention settings For EditorConfig - Visual Studio
  86. Adaptive Cards
  87. 254430 - Loading issue... - Monorail
  88. The Next Decade of .NET Open Source
  89. Unauthorized Charcoal: GE fridges won't dispense ice or water unless your filter authenticates as an official ($55!) component
  90. dotnet add package - support for Nuget "Pre" version · Issue #4699 · NuGet/Home
  91. Debug z-index stacking content with 3D View in the Microsoft Edge DevTools - Microsoft Edge Blog
  92. Azure Functions runtime 3.0 is now generally available | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure
  93. Microsoft Search in Bing and Office 365 ProPlus
  94. A Prime Surprise (Mertens Conjecture) - Numberphile
  95. EdCharbeneau/BlazorSize
  96. Microsoft: Move from Traditional ASP.NET to 'Core' Requires 'Heavy Lifting' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  97. Productive transparency in online communities: Inspiration from trains and IKEA - Megan Risdal
  98. Git Wire Protocol v2 Support - The GitHub Blog
  99. Float Toy
  100. dotnet/apireviews
  101. ESP32-Cam Quickstart with Arduino Code
  102. Welcome to Blazor
  103. Blazor State Management
  104. Building ASP.NET Core 3.1 Apps To Organizational Standards Using Extension Methods
  105. Add support for high level Assembler by xoofx · Pull Request #60 · 0xd4d/iced
  106. Getting Started with Blazor Server Apps in Visual Studio for Mac | Visual Studio Blog
  107. The math of brewing a better espresso
  108. Tools for Exploring .NET Internals
  109. Shay Rojansky - How Entity Framework translates LINQ all the way to SQL - Dotnetos Conference 2019
  110. first20hours/google-10000-english
  111. Use FeatherHttp to implement the dashboard and API by davidfowl · Pull Request #34 · davidfowl/Micronetes
  112. Self-Playing Banjo?! - Marble Machine X Inspiration
  113. damienbod/AspNetCoreCertificates
  114. BlazorHelp Website > Blog - Embedding Power BI in Blazor
  115. Measure Two Hundred Times, Tweak Twice
  116. Showtime | BenchmarkDotNet
  117. microsoft/verona
  118. ASP.NET Core docs: What's new for December 2019
  119. Update Zebra and Giraffe to .NET Core 3.1.1 by forki · Pull Request #5421 · TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks
  120. .NET Design Review: System.CommandLine
  121. Globally Require Authenticated Users By Default Using Fallback Policies in ASP.NET Core
  122. Excluding health check endpoints from Serilog request logging: Using Serilog.AspNetCore in ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Part 4
  123. tmds/Tmds.LibC
  124. .on() | jQuery API Documentation
  125. Archived MSDN and TechNet Blogs
  126. Colouring Numbers - Numberphile
  127. Pupils praise 'maths whisperer' teacher after entire class achieves A* in GCSE
  128. Transatlantic ping faster than sending a pixel to the screen?
  129. Dotnet-Boxed/Templates
  130. Invoking non-HTTP Azure Functions over HTTP to make development easier
  131. .NET everywhere apparently also means Windows 3.11 and DOS - Scott Hanselman
  132. Roam Research – A note taking tool for networked thought.
  133. Penn and Teller's How to Play with Your Food: Penn Jillette: 8601422568837: Amazon.com: Books
  134. Vagrant by HashiCorp
  135. Introduction
  136. Intel Pentium Instruction Set Reference (Basic Architecture Overview)
  137. NASM - The Netwide Assembler
  138. How to write a simple operating system in assembly language
  139. Writing a Bootloader Part 1
  140. Package Hosting and Distribution - feedz.io
  141. DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers
  142. Building A More Inclusive Microsoft Valuable Professional Program
  143. Frontier, an ISP in 29 states, plans to file for bankruptcy
  144. Building Microservices with gRPC and .NET
  145. crazy-formatter
  146. Cookies and Consent in ASP .NET Core 3.1
  147. Getting Dependencies by Name or Key using the .NET Core Container (Part 2) - Steve Talks Code
  148. Blog - Culture of Development
  149. davidfowl/Micronetes
  150. Getting Dependencies by Name or Key using the .NET Core Container (Part 1) - Steve Talks Code
  151. NYAN Conference
  152. Using NSwag to Generate Blazor Server Client for an ASP.NET Core 3.1 API
  153. DI under the hood. This is what DI containers automate for you
  154. C# Corner Annual Conference 2020
  155. Keys Left - You have a finite number of keystrokes left in your hands before you die. How many is that?
  156. NodeNet – A revolutionary new way to earn income from your Internet connection
  157. Visual ReCode - The No-Hassle Code Upgrade Tool for .NET
  158. NuGet Support in Visual Studio for Mac 8.4 - Matt Ward
  159. Updated default theme by zacdirect · Pull Request #26 · davidfowl/Micronetes
  160. ais-dotnet/Ais.Net
  161. Building Graphical Applications with WASI, Wasmer, and the experimental I/O Devices
  162. Combatting illegal fishing with Machine Learning and Azure – for less than £10 / month - NDC London 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  163. The polygons of Another World: Super Nintendo
  164. PBS Light Falls Space Time and an Obsession of Einstein
  165. yesnet0/bounty
  166. Add Mono to the repository by akoeplinger · Pull Request #1912 · dotnet/runtime
  167. EdCharbeneau/DotnetConfBlazor
  168. Compromised Credentials, Customer Satisfaction, and Your Bottom Line - February 12, 2020 - BrightTALK
  169. Hack Yourself First: How to go on the Cyber-Offence - NDC Security 2020
  170. chrissainty/Talks-DotNetConf-01-2020
  171. Announcement: SameSite Cookie Handling and .NET Framework 4.7.2 Patch Availability on Azure App Service - Microsoft Q&A (Preview)
  172. Analyzing a nullability example · Curiosity is bliss
  173. NorthSec 2020
  174. VS 16.5 Tooling Performance · Issue #8255 · dotnet/fsharp
  175. Announcement: Consolidating .NET GitHub repos · Issue #13257 · dotnet/runtime
  176. Adding KeyManager spec by saahmedm · Pull Request #1112 · microsoft/PowerToys
  177. Welcome to the UK .NET Tour 2020
  178. microsoft/verona
  179. Workshops | Insomni'Hack
  180. [Fixes #17014] Add an auth-enabled template for Blazor WASM projects … · dotnet/aspnetcore@e64b8a9
  181. Clancey/Comet
  182. Microsoft will be carbon negative by 2030
  183. Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19546 | Windows Experience Blog
  184. Report: Adult Site Leaks Extremely Sensitive Data
  185. Visual Studio Live!: Training Conferences and Events for Enterprise Microsoft .NET and Azure Developers
  186. Using LINQ to Build A World Travel Itinerary
  187. My First Xamarin app
  188. Blazor Mobile, Uno Platform, and WebAssembly - piling up the tech - Uno Platform
  189. Microsoft will be carbon negative by 2030
  190. Microsoft will be carbon negative by 2030 - The Official Microsoft Blog
  191. Whose Curve Is It Anyway
  192. Application Building with ASP.NET Core 3.1 - NDC London 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  193. Routing A-Z
  194. Critical Windows 10 vulnerability used to Rickroll the NSA and Github
  195. How long would it take for a human being to freeze solid in outer space? - Quora
  196. Application Building with ASP.NET Core 3.1 - NDC London 2020 | Software Developers Conference
  197. Episode 43 – Blazor with Ed Charbeneau – Coding After Work Podcast
  198. The Perils of Querying SQL Server Replicas Under Load
  199. Focus on Blazor
  200. New year, new browser - The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview and now available for download | Windows Experience Blog
  201. Announcing: Visual Studio for Mac: Refresh(); event on February 24 | Visual Studio Blog
  202. Download New Microsoft Edge Browser
  203. 18.783 Home
  204. ASP.NET Core IIS InProcess Hosting Issue in .NET Core 3.1
  205. C# 8.0: Understanding Using Declarations - Steve Gordon
  206. How to Choose a Microcontroller
  207. Is it pronounced "mates" or "em-eights"? Asking for a friend. · Issue #19 · davidfowl/Micronetes
  208. Update samples by richlander · Pull Request #1538 · dotnet/dotnet-docker
  209. Focus on Blazor | Channel 9
  210. Project Bedrock
  211. DevExpress is a corporate sponsor of the .NET Foundation
  212. ASP.NET Blog | Announcing Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings
  213. Bakedbean.org.uk - Authenticating to Google using PowerShell and OAuth
  214. Optimistic allocation of objects on the stack · Issue #1661 · dotnet/runtime
  215. .NET Foundation
  216. A New Discovery about Dodecahedrons - Numberphile
  217. Logging MVC properties with Serilog.AspNetCore: Using Serilog.AspNetCore in ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Part 3
  218. How to become a Microsoft Student Partner (MSP)
  219. Real World Crypto 2020
  220. Boing Boing was hacked
  221. Building Serverless web applications with Blazor and Azure Functions
  222. Snowpack
  223. Build Rust environment for ESP32
  224. Containerized builds for Rust on the ESP32 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
  225. Trending Topics ‹ Bot Sentinel
  226. v5.8 Release Notes
  227. Sharding & IDs at Instagram
  228. More Prime Images - Futility Closet
  229. Adam Storr - Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core 3.1
  230. Introducing EF Core 5 Features: Using ToQueryString to get generated SQL
  231. Browser Games Aren't an Easy Target — Jakob's Personal Webpage
  232. OdeToCode by K. Scott Allen
  233. Fun With C# and HP Laserjets
  234. Entity Framework Core: Getting Started
  235. Endpoint Debugging in ASP.NET Core 3 Applications
  236. Broot
  237. HTML attributes to improve your users' two factor authentication experience
  238. dotnet/project-system
  239. Cake - Cake v0.36.0 released
  240. microsoft/MSBuildSdks
  241. Goodbye, Clean Code
  242. Ozzy Man Reviews: Australian Bushfires
  243. John Carmack on Idea Generation
  244. FritzAndFriends/BlazorWebFormsComponents
  245. Racor - PSM-1R - Pro Store Multi-Use Storage Bracket - Wheelbarrow and Ladder Hanger - Utility Hooks - Amazon.com
  246. Create a Meetup Account
  247. Basic Instruction Scheduling (and Software Pipelining)
  248. Why is a 22GB database containing 56 million US folks' personal details sitting on the open internet using a Chinese IP address? Seriously, why?
  249. davidfowl/Micronetes
  250. The Information Security Big Picture
  251. Why you should choo-choo-choose to have a vulnerability disclosure policy (2M+ Accounts exposed)
  252. .NET Conf: Focus on Blazor Teaser
  253. The Bug That Exposed Your PayPal Password
  254. brendandburns/configula
  255. 11 - Junade Ali - Changing Password Policies at Scale: The Story of Pwned Passwords and k-Anonymity
  256. BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3
  257. fentec-project
  258. Burnin' for You (Blue Öyster Cult) but it's in 7/8
  259. Optimizing string.Count all the way from LINQ to hardware accelerated vectorized instructions
  260. Supersingular Isogeny Key Exchange for Not-Quite Beginners
  261. Circuit Simulator Applet
  262. Carl Franklin's Blazor Road Show
  263. tl;dr sec Newsletter
  264. PCI Express Gigabit NIC - 2-Port | Network Cards | StarTech.com
  265. Become a Better Developer Through Blogging - Steve Gordon
  266. Create Blazor web apps - Visual Studio 2019 for Mac
  267. Integrating Blazor Components into Existing Asp.Net Core MVC Applications
  268. Wie viel Mensch steckt im Affen - Quarks & Co - Teil 2
  269. Developer Tools Weekly : Issue 100 : January 6, 2020
  270. Blazor Bill
  271. SureBet247's GDPR concern
  272. America the Beautiful Quarters Program
  273. .NET Framework December 2019 Security and Quality Rollup | .NET Blog
  274. What’s Old is New Again – Web Forms meets Blazor
  275. [Discussion] Moving AspNetCore repo to dotnet org 2020-01-07. · Issue #18171 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  276. SHA-1 is a Shambles
  277. GrantRi's WebLog [MS] : The problem with being second
  278. Chris Brumme
  279. The New Arduino Portenta
  280. Logging the selected Endpoint Name with Serilog: Using Serilog.AspNetCore in ASP.NET Core 3.0 - Part 2
  281. Getting Started with the AWS SDK in .NET Core - Steve Gordon
  282. FROST — Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures | Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP) | University of Waterloo
  283. Are comments allowed in email address domain part?
  284. More Regex perf improvements by stephentoub · Pull Request #1348 · dotnet/runtime
  285. Alienware turned a gaming PC into a Nintendo Switch
  286. The Curious Case of WebCrypto Diffie-Hellman on Firefox - Small Subgroups Key Recovery Attack on DH
  287. .NET Core, .NET 5; the exodus of .NET Framework?
  288. .NET Core 3.1 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 now available - Red Hat Developer
  289. Switch Expressions are the Best Feature of C# 8
  290. Oqtane Blog | Oqtane vs DNN
  291. NDC Melbourne 2020: Call for Speakers / Call for Papers (CfP) @ Sessionize.com
  292. NuGet 101 | Channel 9
  293. Core 3.1 release shows as Microsoft .NET Core Host - 3.1.0 Preview 3 (x86) · Issue #3962 · dotnet/core
  294. 3Dbuzz
  295. Load plugins in an AssemblyLoadContext by rainersigwald · Pull Request #4916 · microsoft/msbuild
  296. Render Hell 2.0 | Simon schreibt.
  297. Authentication & Authorization in ASP .NET Core 3.1
  298. Tracing .NET Core applications - Red Hat Developer
  299. Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need
  300. The Hidden Number Problem – kel.bz
  301. Pi Million Subscribers - Numberphile
  302. Cheap USB Host Microcontroller [CH559, ESP32, HID]
  303. NDC Melbourne 2020
  304. IdentityServer3 and upcoming SameSite Cookie changes in Browsers
  305. $1000 TCR hashing competition
  306. Amazon.com: Blue Pure 411 Air Purifier 3 Stage with Two Washable Pre-Filters, Particle, Carbon Filter, Captures Allergens, Odors, Smoke, Mold, Dust, Germs, Pets, Smokers, Small Room: Home & Kitchen
  307. Female scientists’ pages keep disappearing from Wikipedia – what’s going on?
  308. Battling Spam In Your ASP.NET Core Applications with Akismet
  309. EdCharbeneau/CssBuilder
  310. EdCharbeneau/CssBuilder
  311. X1 Extreme Gen 2 missing keystrokes
  312. Add HTTP/3 by scalablecory · Pull Request #1294 · dotnet/runtime
  313. DDD North 2020!: Call for Speakers / Call for Papers (CfP) @ Sessionize.com
  314. WebOfTrustInfo/rwot1-sf
  315. Blazor CQRS With MediatR Library
  316. 404 Not found
  317. Amazon.com: Tripp Lite 12U Wall Mount Rack Enclosure Server Cabinet, 16.5" Deep, Switch-Depth (SRW12U): Computers & Accessories
  318. pornin/curve9767
  319. Employee error to blame for massive data leak, Wyze says
  320. Alone in Kyoto (Air) but it's in 7/8
  321. nunit/docs
  322. Oracle copied Amazon’s API—was that copyright infringement?
  323. r/MadeMeSmile - I want to be a part of this family
  324. Google and Amazon are now in the oil business
  325. Which emoji scissors close
  326. The polygons of Another World: Atari ST
  327. Progressive Web Apps in 2020
  328. Weekly Update 172
  329. Building a self-contained game in C# under 8 kilobytes
  330. Matt Warren - Performance in the .NET Runtime - Dotnetos Conference 2019
  331. Thousands of concurrent connections with Azure SignalR Service - Nelly Sattari & Stafford Williams
  332. Autocrypt 1.1.0 documentation
  333. Intro to LoRa with Arduino, Long Range Wireless for Makers (RFM95 Maduino)
  334. DecodingLora - RevSpace
  335. Makes it easier to customize the LoRa parameters for RadioHead with RFM95 modules
  336. r/googlehome - When I load the Xiaomi camera in my Google home hub I get stills from other people's homes!!
  337. Bipin Paul - Display spinner on each API call automatically in Blazor
  338. On Privacy versus Freedom | Matrix.org
  339. Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart
  340. I Love the 20s
  341. How Can Credential Stuffing Be Thwarted?
  342. The polygons of Another World
  343. Jon Galloway - A New Year's Resolution That Actually Worked: 2 Years of Daily Exercise
  344. microsoft/MSBuildSdks