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Posts for 'rust'

  1. 97%Blog | atchyut.dev
  2. 94%Building a Rocket Engine from Scratch
  3. 97%The Sisyphean struggle and the new era of data infrastructure — Jack Vanlightly
  4. 99%Jonas Hietala: Customizing Neovim
  5. 98%Why I Left NixOS for Ubuntu
  6. 99%On Programming Languages
  7. 98%Thoughts on Zig
  8. 99%Working with Rust Libraries from C# .NET Applications
  9. 99%GitHub - borgo-lang/borgo: Borgo is a statically typed language that compiles to Go.
  10. 99%Borgo Programming Language
  11. 99%What Computers Cannot Do: The Consequences of Turing-Completeness
  12. 98%Memory Management Every Programmer Should Know
  13. 99%Thoughts on WASM
  14. 99%bun.report is Bun's new crash reporter
  15. 97%LogLog Games
  16. 98%The Importance of Maybe
  17. 99%Ruby might be faster than you think
  18. 99%The only two log levels you need are INFO and ERROR
  19. 97%Vimmer tries Emacs
  20. 98%C isn’t a Hangover; Rust isn’t a Hangover Cure
  21. 99%Building FocusGuardian, my TribeHacks IX submission, in 24 hours
  22. 87%Issue 54: Personal Library Science
  23. 95%Id30 – magnushoff.com
  24. 98%Good Ideas in Computer Science
  25. 99%An entire Social Network in 1.6GB (GraphD Part 2)
  26. 98%Adventures In Rust: Bringing Exchange Support To Thunderbird
  27. 99%The Real C++ Killers (Not You, Rust)
  28. 96%10x Engineers vs -10x Burdens
  29. 97%The Optimal Workspace
  30. 91%LLVM is Smarter Than Me
  31. 97%The Illustrated Word2vec
  32. 96%Do best practices really matter?
  33. 93%Yet Another REST Client?
  34. 98%Diffusion Models for Video Generation
  35. 99%Java 23: The New Features are Officially Announced
  36. 99%Getting Started with perlimports
  37. 99%Design Notes
  38. 99%My useless philosophical ramblings about the ecology of programming languages (and OOP is not Java)
  39. 98%Getting started with sched-ext development
  40. 98%Open Source, Supply Chains, and Bears (oh my!)
  41. 99%How to write a code formatter
  42. 85%GCC version 14 coming soon – and will drop Itanium support
  43. 94%Comparing Multiple Large Language Models in one Pass · Analyst 18
  44. 99%The case of the string being copied from a mysterious pointer to invalid memory - The Old New Thing
  45. 92%"BatBadBut" Vulnerability Discovered in Rust Standard Library on Windows - Cyber Kendra
  46. 95%EuroRust 2024 officially welcomes independent workers (updated)
  47. 99%The Simple Beauty of XOR Floating Point Compression
  48. 94%Open Source Financial Sponsorship Breakdown for 2023
  49. 98%The server chose violence - Cliffle
  50. 99%Thoughts on the xz backdoor: an lzma-rs perspective | Blog | Guillaume Endignoux
  51. 94%Twenty Years Is Nothing
  52. 99%A Brief Comparison of Modern Programming Languages
  53. 93%Looking for Alice
  54. 99%Self Modifying Code
  55. 99%An IRC client in your motherboard
  56. 99%HTTP/2 `CONTINUATION` Flood
  57. 98%Performance insights: Engineering for high performance
  58. 98%Oneiblog
  59. 99%How to create a blog using Golang
  60. 98%A lazy and flippant classification of programming languages
  61. 98%NixOS is not reproducible
  62. 99%Conway's Game of Life Through Time
  63. 98%GitHub - tedkim97/adcache
  64. 99%Lattice now compiles to .NET IL — John Austin
  65. 98%GitHub - buserror/libmui: Classic MacOS & GS/OS widget library for linux (and other?)
  66. 99%Type Inference Was a Mistake
  67. 99%Explaining the internals of async-task from the ground up
  68. 98%xorvoid
  69. 99%Helix
  70. 99%Garbage Collection for Systems Programmers
  71. 99%We are under DDoS attack and we do nothing
  72. 99%My list of challenging software projects some programmers should try
  73. 98%[Media] Lars Bergstrom (Google Director of Engineering): "Rust teams are twice as productive as teams using C++."
  74. 96%Processing 6 Billion Chess Games in Less Than 2 Hours
  75. 92%Is Europe Better Than America for Working in Tech?
  76. 91%Sudo-rs dependencies: when less is better - Blog - Tweede golf
  77. 99%Binary array set
  78. 99%What Computers Cannot Do: The Consequences of Turing-Completeness
  79. 99%Writing GNOME Apps with Swift
  80. 97%On Tech Debt: My Rust Library is now a CDO
  81. 87%RIP Redis: How Garantia Data pulled off the biggest heist in open source history — Momento
  82. 99%Why choose async/await over threads?
  83. 98%Build time is a collective responsibility
  84. 99%Cranelift code generation comes to Rust
  85. 99%A review of the Thinkpad X13s with Ubuntu Linux ⋅ ahoneybun.net
  86. 99%Batyr Nuryyev | Biting Off More Than We Can Chew with OLAP Libraries
  87. 99%devenv 1.0: Rewrite in Rust - devenv
  88. 99%Knee Deep in tree-sitter Queries
  89. 98%Eio 1.0 Release: Introducing a new Effects-Based I/O Library for OCaml
  90. 99%🔬 Rustls: Continuous Benchmarking Case Study
  91. 96%Regex character “$” doesn't mean “end-of-string”
  92. 99%GitHub - ynqa/jnv: interactive JSON filter using jq
  93. 99%Let's create a Tree-sitter grammar
  94. 91%C++ creator rebuts White House warning
  95. 99%commit message rant (part 1 of n) - hēg denu
  96. 93%I’m Finally Quitting Trying to Quit My Bad Habits
  97. 92%Code samples for the opening chapter of Refactoring
  98. 96%50 Ideas for Life I Repeatedly Share – Daniel Frank
  99. 99%GitHub - 0x192/universal-android-debloater: Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
  100. 99%Zig, Rust, and other languages
  101. 99%How to Patch A Package Source on NixOS
  102. 99%Achieving awful compression with digits of pi
  103. 95%Why software projects fail
  104. 97%10 years in Open Source
  105. 99%Words of Wisdom: Backend Edition
  106. 99%Release Bebop v3.0.4 · betwixt-labs/bebop
  107. 99%smeso - Memory ordering and atomic operations synchronization
  108. 98%How to Lose Control of your Shell
  109. 96%Regex character “$” doesn't mean “end-of-string”
  110. 98%Why Can't Programmers Agree on Anything?
  111. 98%LLM with Ollama and similarity search with Qdrant, vector database - Vincent Composieux - Tech Lead Full Stack / DevOps & Architect over Go, PHP Symfony, NodeJS, Cloud (AWS, GCP) and much more
  112. 99%Sorting with CUDA (SIMD) shuffling
  113. 99%vorant94 | Divide and conquer: right concerns to separate
  114. 85%Why Browsers Get Built - Infrequently Noted
  115. 93%Secure by Design: Google’s Perspective on Memory Safety
  116. 98%The AI Dilemma: When Large Language Model Training Reaches A Dead End
  117. 96%Regex character “$” doesn't mean “end-of-string”
  118. 99%What high-performance language to learn?
  119. 92%Bleacher Report gutting out OTP
  120. 98%Interview Feedback to an Upcoming Computer Science Student
  121. 99%I'm a programmer and I'm stupid
  122. 98%Dapr v1.13 is now available
  123. 98%Making Make a README
  124. 98%Autogenerating a Book Series From Three Years of iMessages
  125. 99%The "missing" graph datatype already exists. It was invented in the '70s
  126. 99%C skill issue; how the White House is wrong
  127. 99%Let's not over-hype rust.
  128. 98%The Hunt for the Missing Data Type
  129. 96%Gleam version 1 – Gleam
  130. 99%How To Run Your Benchmarks - 2 Ways To Run BenchmarkDotNet
  131. 97%The hater’s guide to Kubernetes
  132. 99%Why F# is a fun programming language
  133. 95%Applying Growth Mindset to Learning Rust – Dev Leader Weekly 33
  134. 99%GitHub - pydantic/FastUI: Build better UIs faster.
  135. 99%Snapshot Testing - blag
  136. 98%XeDN on Tigris - Xe Iaso
  137. 98%In praise of Nushell
  138. 98%Introducing oneRepo: the JavaScript & TypeScript monorepo toolchain for safe, strict, & fast development • Paul Armstrong
  139. 97%Instrument Serverless Rust Applications with Open Telemetry
  140. 98%GitHub - cloudflare/pingora: A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services.
  141. 99%Marc Kerbiquet's Website
  142. 90%White House urges developers to dump C and C++
  143. 94%About Rapier | Rapier
  144. 99%OOP and Design Patterns are garbage - Douglas' Blog
  145. 99%Scheduling Internals
  146. 99%ARCHITECTURE.md
  147. 99%Language Checklist
  148. 99%Things I Used to Care About
  149. 94%formats
  150. 99%Cycles all way down
  151. 97%How to Make a List of Nearly Every Minecraft Player
  152. 99%Atuin - Magical Shell History
  153. 97%The eBook for 'Why Cryptocurrencies?' is now available for free
  154. 99%GitHub - Speykious/cve-rs: Blazingly 🔥 fast 🚀 memory vulnerabilities, written in 100% safe Rust. 🦀
  155. 99%VisualStudio.Extensibility: Install extensions without restarting Visual Studio! - Visual Studio Blog
  156. 99%A simple but safe deploy script
  157. 98%Introducing Safecat
  158. 98%The most useful programming language
  159. 97%Microsoft Abandons DotNet For Rust?! - Uncover The Truth
  160. 99%From 1s to 4ms
  161. 97%We Have to Start Over: From Atom to Zed - Zed Blog
  162. 99%.NET Continuous Profiler: CPU and Wall Time Profiling
  163. 93%API Part 7 – Swagger Comments
  164. 99%uv: Python packaging in Rust
  165. 97%Observable 2.0 | Observable
  166. 99%Aaron Schlesinger's Personal Site
  167. 98%The Perfect Project Structure for Production Ready Serverless Rust
  168. 99%SP1 Book
  169. 94%The CMS I would like to see.
  170. 98%Improve your SQL skills X2 in 5 minutes
  171. 99%Hello world, and the future for PyO3
  172. 99%I worry our Copilot is leaving some passengers behind
  173. 98%Antithesis – autonomous testing
  174. 57%I applied for a software role at FedEx and was asked to take this bizarre personality test.
  175. 99%Shell scripting with Elixir - Michal (arathunku)
  176. 77%AMD Quietly Funded A Drop-In CUDA Implementation Built On ROCm: It's Now Open-Source
  177. 99%Sudo On Windows a Quick Rundown
  178. 96%dax - Cross-platform shell tools for Node.js
  179. 99%Announcing Rust 1.76.0 | Rust Blog
  180. 96%On the virtues of the trailing comma - The Old New Thing
  181. 97%A Splendid Scala Journey
  182. 99%Garbage Collection Without Unsafe Code
  183. 99%Calling System Functions in a JIT
  184. 96%What's the hype with Rust and AWS Lambda?
  185. 74%The Genius of Peter Thiel in attacking the Ivy Leagues and high school dropouts shattering the college gospel
  186. 84%Google throws $1M at Rust Foundation to build C++ bridges
  187. 99%Why RustPython?
  188. 95%Microsoft Ditches C# for Rust: M365 Core Gets Safety and Perf Boosts
  189. 99%Deno in 2023
  190. 88%Microsoft Is Abandoning C# for Rust! Now What?
  191. 99%Let futures be futures
  192. 97%Generating code was never the hard part - Nick Scialli
  193. 88%The Duty to Data Portability
  194. 99%jj init — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
  195. 99%Is Apple Gonna Be Okay?
  196. 98%Reverse-engineering the Synacor Challenge
  197. 99%Blogging in Djot instead of Markdown
  198. 85%GitHub - vitoplantamura/HackerNewsRemovals: List of stories removed from the Hacker News Front Page, updated in real time.
  199. 99%Embracing Functional Programming in C#
  200. 98%Build vs. Buy for Feature Flags: My Experience as a CTO with a 20+ Engineer Team - Flagsmith
  201. 82%What You Need Is Motivation — Ethan Lalakea Alter
  202. 92%The undercover generalist
  203. 98%Polars — Why we have rewritten the string data type
  204. 95%Colin Woodbury - Subsetting your Life
  205. 99%Improving upon my OpenTelemetry Tracing demo
  206. 83%A few thoughts on intensity.
  207. 98%Playing with Nom and parser combinators
  208. 99%Principles for Managing Remote Teams and Freelancers
  209. 99%PGXN Challenges
  210. 99%I Just Wanted Emacs to Look Nice — Using 24-Bit Color in Terminals
  211. 98%Colin Woodbury - A Tour of the Lisps
  212. 99%One Billion Record Challenge in Elixir
  213. 98%Asymptotic Closeness
  214. 99%Introducing: Green Thumb Guide
  215. 99%An old solution to modern OpenAI GPTs problems
  216. 99%GitHub - oxidecomputer/helios: Helios: Or, a Vision in a Dream. A Fragment.
  217. 99%The Performance Management Formula
  218. 99%Arend van Beelen jr.
  219. 98%Informal Leadership in Software Engineering – What You Need To Progress
  220. 95%Hype — bayindirh
  221. 96%War Room Wisdom for Software Developers
  222. 96%My Impressions of Hare
  223. 98%Safe Manual Memory Management with Coeffects
  224. 99%GitHub - FractalFir/rustc_codegen_clr: This rust compiler backend emmits valid CIL (.NET IR), enabling you to use Rust in .NET projects
  225. 99%My experience working on rustc_codegen_clr
  226. 99%SourceGear Rust - Visual Studio Marketplace
  227. 99%Python & JavaScript Libraries · Ollama Blog
  228. 94%Use Azure Quantum 'Playground' to Explore New v1.0 Dev Kit -- Visual Studio Magazine
  229. 99%Meta Blog: I'm a JS Developer now
  230. 61%Against Normalcy: Why Being Normal Can Be Dangerous
  231. 98%Alec’s Blog - How to (Almost) Never Lose A Game
  232. 99%Zero-Sum vs. Positive-Sum Product Theory
  233. 89%Overcoming My Reddit Addiction
  234. 99%The case of the fail-fast trying to log a caught exception - The Old New Thing
  235. 99%Different Node.js Versions & Package Managers Per Project
  236. 97%JARMuary continues - Converting a Razor Pages website to Blazor - Part 11
  237. 97%Maybe don't use Blake3 on Short Inputs
  238. 86%What makes an entrepreneur succeed?
  239. 99%Perfecting Protocol Parsing (Probably) with eBPF
  240. 99%NixOS on Hetzner Dedicated - mhu.dev
  241. 98%David Adam (@zanchey@aus.social)
  242. 92%Let's Help Org Mode Escape From Emacs
  243. 99%In C++/WinRT, how can I await multiple coroutines and capture the results?, part 3 - The Old New Thing
  244. 97%Code Reviews
  245. 99%In search of a Search Engine, beyond Elasticsearch: Introducing Zinc
  246. 99%GitHub - every-day-things/citadel: Manage your ebook library without frustrations. Calibre compatible.
  247. 91%The Slow Frontier of Genetic Choice
  248. 99%#1 BRC in .NET: even faster than Java and C++
  249. 92%Attending NeurIPS 2023
  250. 98%Programming in just ONE language should be lauded. – Cliffski's Blog
  251. 99%In C++/WinRT, how can I await multiple coroutines and capture the results?, part 3 - The Old New Thing
  252. 99%.NET Continuous Profiler: Under the Hood
  253. 99%JSON Web Tokens are actually great, just not for sessions
  254. 99%Local Development With Mirrord | LinuxBlog.xyz
  255. 99%Jonas Hietala: Exploring the Gleam FFI
  256. 93%The Simplest Way To Implement a Background Job
  257. 97%Binius: a Hardware-Optimized SNARK
  258. 99%Why stdout is faster than stderr? - Orhun's Blog
  259. 97%path.join Considered Harmful, or openat() All The Things
  260. 99%How to stop Linux threads cleanly
  261. 99%Python 3.13 gets a JIT
  262. 98%Polars
  263. 98%Reimagining Web APIs - Multilingual/ Rusty Web Servers
  264. 99%Iced through an example: A Twenty-One game
  265. 99%GitHub - moturus/motor-os
  266. 99%GitHub - extrawurst/gitui: Blazing 💥 fast terminal-ui for git written in rust 🦀
  267. 97%Weird things engineers believe about Web development
  268. 88%Race and Fantasy
  269. 98%Pete Millspaugh
  270. 99%Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns
  271. 79%What I learned Joining a Climate Civil Resistance Organization For 18 Months - Guillaume L'Hostis
  272. 97%Data Protection assessment of Privacy Sandbox's Protected Audience API
  273. 99%What I did in 2023
  274. 99%GitHub - uutils/coreutils: Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
  275. 99%Maestro - Introduction
  276. 99%Differences Between NUnit, xUnit and MSTest - Code Maze
  277. 98%Why doesn't my code compile when I change a shared_ptr<T>(p) to an equivalent make_shared<T>(p)? - The Old New Thing
  278. 97%Lookahead 2024 — Domain Specific Language
  279. 99%Writing a TrueType font renderer
  280. 93%Compiling Success: My Aspirations for a Transformative Year Ahead - Chris Woodruff's Blog
  281. 99%This year in LLVM (2023)
  282. 96%How They’re Connected and What to Do About It – Solving Procrastination
  283. 98%7 watts idle on Intel 12th/13th gen: the foundation for building a low power server/NAS | mattgadient.com
  284. 98%You should be using rtx
  285. 98%Poor Man's Web
  286. 99%Challenging projects every programmer should try
  287. 99%std::print in C++23
  288. 98%Best engineers are focusing on helping others
  289. 97%Update in Thrussh: the SSH Terrapin attack
  290. 99%How I Have Fun With Rust
  291. 98%Memory Safety is a Red Herring
  292. 98%Perl Advent Calendar 2023 - Elves Versus Typos
  293. 98%.NET Developer tries Laravel PHP
  294. 99%Security and Crashing with Modal Logic
  295. 98%Progress toward a GCC-based Rust compiler
  296. 99%GitHub - wasm3/wasm3: 🚀 A fast WebAssembly interpreter and the most universal WASM runtime
  297. 73%Mickey, Disney, and the Public Domain: a 95-year Love Triangle | Duke University School of Law
  298. 98%I'm still fed up and a browser is coming along fine
  299. 99%A curiously recurring lifetime issue
  300. 94%The JavaScript Oxidation Compiler
  301. 99%How do I specify an optional string parameter to a Windows Runtime method? - The Old New Thing
  302. 93%VS Code Used to Survey Go Devs, Who Name VS Code No. 1 Editor -- Visual Studio Magazine
  303. 98%How do I specify an optional parameter to a Windows Runtime method? - The Old New Thing
  304. 96%Adopting Rust: the missing playbook for managers and CTOs - Mainmatter
  305. 95%Usability Digest Dec. 2023: Improved autofill reliability, lock state, and item title generation
  306. 97%How can I work around the absence of default parameters in the Windows Runtime? - The Old New Thing
  307. 75%U.S. and International Partners Issue Recommendations to Secure Software Products Through
  308. 99%4 ways to create Unit Tests without Interfaces in C#
  309. 99%My Christmas tree has a custom processor
  310. 99%An adventure with whisper, wasi, and wazero
  311. 99%Trying chDB, an embeddable ClickHouse engine
  312. 99%Non-Send Futures When?
  313. 93%VS Code's Copilot 'AI Pair Programmer' Improves Chat UI, Explains Rust Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  314. 99%What's New in Blazor in .NET 8 (What is Blazor SSR)
  315. 98%Nginx is Probably Fine
  316. 99%Non-Send Futures When?
  317. 99%Make a Linux App
  318. 89%Calling a bureaucrat by its name
  319. 99%The Plug-in System Hiding in Your App
  320. 99%Skills to plugins: fully embracing the OpenAI plugin spec in Semantic Kernel | Semantic Kernel
  321. 96%Things I learned from teaching
  322. 99%Hexagonal Architecture with Rust & AWS Lambda | James Eastham Personal Blog
  323. 99%All my favorite tracing tools: eBPF, QEMU, Perfetto, new ones I built and more
  324. 98%Stupid Tools | Obiter dicta
  325. 99%Your Interview Process Is Too Damn Long (and How To Fix It)
  326. 99%Smart Constructors
  327. 99%A Decade of Developing a Programming Language: A Response Response
  328. 98%Vicyyn - Simple Obsidian System for 99% of Your Needs
  329. 98%Why does everyone install crates globally?
  330. 95%Native Rust in Visual Studio Is Top Dev Request, but Progress Slow -- Visual Studio Magazine
  331. 99%ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift}
  332. 99%Is c# underhyped?
  333. 99%GitHub - 01mf02/jaq: A jq clone focussed on correctness, speed, and simplicity
  334. 99%Yusuf Aytas - Becoming a Rockstar Engineer
  335. 99%Rust std fs slower than Python!? No, it's hardware!
  336. 99%Rust: Memory Management
  337. 95%Five Learnings from Five Years as a First-Time Founder
  338. 98%Consider Writing Documentation for Your House
  339. 98%GitHub - federico-busato/Modern-CPP-Programming: Modern C++ Programming Course (C++11/14/17/20)
  340. 98%Serverless Speed: Rust vs. Go, Java, and Python in AWS Lambda Functions
  341. 99%Python is Easy. Go is Simple. Simple != Easy.
  342. 97%$20k Bounty was Claimed! · Prettier
  343. 97%Update on the rust port · fish-shell/fish-shell · Discussion #10123
  344. 99%VectorDB
  345. 99%The largest number representable in 64 bits
  346. 98%Registering My Hypotheses On Starting A Business — Ludicity
  347. 98%Fastify Frontends Are Here
  348. 95%I hereby pardon all junior engineers
  349. 99%Launch Week Day 3 - Fastest self-hostable open-source workflow engine | Windmill
  350. 92%Vlang or: How I learned even open-source communities can operate as fascist regimes
  351. 77%How mathematics built the modern world - Works in Progress
  352. 96%Dealing with Failures and Postmortems
  353. 99%Plonky 3 / Valida October Review
  354. 98%Test-Driving Windows 11 Dev Drive for .NET
  355. 94%runner-images/images/ubuntu/Ubuntu2204-Readme.md at main · actions/runner-images
  356. 95%Building a digital vigil for those we've lost
  357. 99%The Roc Programming Language
  358. 99%Sweet Jesus, Pooh! That's Not Honey! - You're Eating Recursion!
  359. 98%Tree-Sitter Highlighting in Vim
  360. 79%Every Day is Acting School: How to Manage Creative Works, with Humans, for Money.
  361. 98%Announcing Vite 5
  362. 93%The dangers of reproducing while old
  363. 93%Half-Life
  364. 99%Announcing Rust 1.74.0 | Rust Blog
  365. 98%Aaron Schlesinger's Personal Site
  366. 97%Smol's introduction blogpost
  367. 98%Minimize global process | Organizing Chaos
  368. 99%Why does calling a coroutine allocate a lot of stack space even though the coroutine frame is on the heap? - The Old New Thing
  369. 98%Hacking ADHD - Strategies for the Modern Developer | Ledger
  370. 98%You should track your finances in TOML
  371. 95%Yusuf Aytas - The Path to Leadership
  372. 99%Cancellation and Async State Machines
  373. 97%Building an occupancy sensor with an ESP32 and a serverless DB
  374. 98%Top 10 highest paid programming languages in 2023
  375. 99%Fast and Portable Llama2 Inference on the Heterogeneous Edge
  376. 95%Gartner and your Life Partners
  377. 86%Nader Ouerdiane - Software Engineer
  378. 96%mht.wtf
  379. 99%Data Oriented Blogging
  380. 87%How I got here
  381. 84%I Skipped to the Ending
  382. 99%Faster compilation with the parallel front-end in nightly | Rust Blog
  383. 97%Octoverse: The state of open source and rise of AI in 2023
  384. 99%Hare aims to become a 100-year programming language
  385. 98%Officially Qualified - Ferrocene
  386. 99%Constraint Oriented Programming in C#
  387. 99%10x Developer Workflow on Windows
  388. 99%Creating Hyperlinks in .NET MAUI – AskXammy
  389. 99%Bevy 0.12
  390. 98%How I learned to stop worrying and love byte ordering
  391. 96%Why you should outsource your opinions
  392. 99%A new way to bring garbage collected programming languages efficiently to WebAssembly · V8
  393. 99%Wolf, goat and cabbage problem TLA+ modeling
  394. 99%C# Unit Testing Tutorial For Beginners
  395. 99%Analyzing Data 170,000x Faster with Python
  396. 97%Gregory Szorc's Digital Home | My User Experience Porting Off setup.py
  397. 94%Open Telemetry – Instrumentation and Metrics
  398. 99%mht.wtf
  399. 90%Now add a walrus: Prompt engineering in DALL-E 3
  400. 97%I Rewrote my CV in Typst and I'll Never Look Back
  401. 97%An Open Letter to Cryptographers: Please Work Together
  402. 98%Things I like about Gleam's Syntax
  403. 99%Helix
  404. 99%Was Rust Worth It?
  405. 99%Crafting boring APIs: lessons learned from implementing fallback handlers in Pavex | Luca Palmieri
  406. 98%axo blog - System dependencies are hard (so we made them easier)
  407. 95%Triggering `entr`
  408. 98%The Most Memory Safe Native Programming Language
  409. 97%I got my genome sequenced
  410. 80%The Cache Storage Layer
  411. 97%He Who Gives Up Correctness for Performance Deserves Neither
  412. 99%A programming system
  413. 98%Just paying Figma $15/month because nothing else fucking works
  414. 98%The State of WebAssembly 2023
  415. 99%Ava for Windows – Kamil Tomšík
  416. 93%Galactic Civilizations: Does N=1? | Centauri Dreams
  417. 90%Thousands of elderly twins assure me that my kids will be alright | Robert Heaton
  418. 98%How Does Pattern Matching Work in C#? #shorts
  419. 99%Write more "useless" software | nicole@web
  420. 99%GitHub - hadashiA/VYaml: The extra fast, low memory footprint YAML library for C#, focued on .NET and Unity.
  421. 97%Magical Software Sucks
  422. 75%Managers Can Know They're Being Evil — Ludicity
  423. 99%Intercepting Allocations with the Global Allocator
  424. 98%Why async Rust? - Without boats, dreams dry up
  425. 98%LSP could have been better
  426. 98%Quantifying Hope On A Global Scale
  427. 97%ChatGPT-AutoExpert/System Prompts.md at main · spdustin/ChatGPT-AutoExpert
  428. 99%How to compare signed and unsigned integers in C++20?
  429. 96%On Organizing Bookmarks
  430. 99%Okay, fine, I'm using a static site generator now - Xe Iaso
  431. 97%Unpopular Opinion: It’s harder than ever to be a good software engineer
  432. 97%Oort
  433. 96%My E-Reader Setup
  434. 98%How I made a heap overflow in curl
  435. 90%My Quest for Perfect Mental Health and Sanity
  436. 82%Feminism
  437. 98%Bare-metal Rust in Android
  438. 98%WinUI 3 ObservableCollectionEx AddRange | WinAppSDK | XAML | UWP | WPF | .NET
  439. 99%Was async fn a mistake?
  440. 98%Open Sourcing Ferrocene
  441. 99%Strong static typing, a hill I'm willing to die on...
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  445. 99%Static Site Build Tool - Pranab’s Site
  446. 97%Mozilla and the burning need for clients for power users
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  448. 96%influxdb officially made the switch from Go => Rust
  449. 98%Easing tradeoffs with profiles · baby steps
  450. 98%Chasing the Myth of Zero-Overhead Memory Safety (plus pictures of mythical birds!)
  451. 99%Template meta-programming: Avoiding saying a type before it is complete - The Old New Thing
  452. 98%Subtraction Is Functionally Complete | orlp.net
  453. 98%Comparing reactivity models: Redux vs MobX vs Vuex vs others
  454. 99%Dotfiles matter!
  455. 97%On the future of cloud services and BYOC — Jack Vanlightly
  456. 99%GitHub - microsoft/windows-drivers-rs: Platform that enables Windows driver development in Rust. Developed by Surface.
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  459. 99%www which wasm works
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  461. 99%The State of Async Rust: Runtimes
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  463. 97%Microsoft Remakes Azure Quantum Dev Kit with Rust, 'and It Runs in the Browser!' -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  466. 97%When Zig Outshines Rust - Memory Efficient Enum Arrays
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  468. 97%🎙️ Trustfall and cargo-semver-checks with Predrag Gruevski - RustShip
  469. 93%Weekly Update 365
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  476. 98%Good performance is not just big O - Julio Merino (jmmv.dev)
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  479. 98%Oxidised Moss | Serpent OS
  480. 96%Simulation extractable versions of Groth’s zk-SNARK revisited - International Journal of Information Security
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  484. 99%cola: a text CRDT for real-time collaborative editing
  485. 98%sled theoretical performance guide
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  487. 93%Episode 289: Penumbra Catch Up with Finch, Erwan and Jen - ZK Podcast
  488. 99%Orhun's Blog
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  494. 96%Costs exposed: Frameworks - Julio Merino (jmmv.dev)
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  513. 99%using serde_derive without precompiled binary · Issue #2538 · serde-rs/serde
  514. 97%The Scourge of 00UB | Gavin D. Howard
  515. 97%Finding the right UUID generation algorithm for FlashMQ.com – BigSmoke
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  519. 99%Rachit Nigam | PhD Candidate, Cornell University
  520. 99%Recoverable Errors with Result - The Rust Programming Language
  521. 98%GitHub - valida-xyz/valida: A STARK-based VM focused on code reuse, performance, and modularity
  522. 98%Tailscale vs. Narrowlink | Narrowlink
  523. 92%Building Darklang in F# | fsharpConf 2023
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  529. 98%Should everything be blazingly fast?
  530. 99%GitHub - huggingface/candle: Minimalist ML framework for Rust
  531. 98%Inside STL: The unordered_map, unordered_set, unordered_multimap, and unordered_multiset - The Old New Thing
  532. 99%Getting my library cards onto my phone the hard way — iliana.fyi
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  536. 97%Inside STL: The map, set, multimap, and multiset - The Old New Thing
  537. 96%Engaging volunteer developers effectively | Software and puns
  538. 99%GitHub - supabase/postgres_lsp: A Language Server for Postgres
  539. 91%On Good Men
  540. 99%Logan Keenan - Client-Side Server with Rust: A New Approach to UI Development
  541. 99%Paired benchmarking. How to measure performance
  542. 98%Wiki - ElixirForCynicalCurmudgeons
  543. 99%Inside STL: The string - The Old New Thing
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  551. 99%Hamel’s Blog - Optimizing LLM latency
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  557. 99%GitHub - PRQL/prql: PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement
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  560. 96%GitHub - Uriopass/Egregoria: 3D City Builder without a grid
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  562. 98%Feeds are Not Fit for Gardening — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
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  611. 99%Open at Microsoft: Dapr
  612. 99%ayb: A multi-tenant database that helps you own your data
  613. 99%How to wait for multiple C++ coroutines to complete before propagating failure, initial plunge - The Old New Thing
  614. 98%Nick Chapsas
  615. 98%XML is the future
  616. 97%My journey into Microsoft – Unstructed.tech
  617. 99%Understanding asynchronous I/O; building an event loop from scratch | mbinjamil.dev
  618. 98%System Initiative: The Second Wave of DevOps
  619. 99%The case of the make_shared on a C++/WinRT type - The Old New Thing
  620. 99%what do you find most frustrating about dotnet?
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  626. 99%What are the scenarios where "Rewrite it in Rust" didn't meet your expectations or couldn't be successfully implemented?
  627. 99%sort-research-rs/text.md at main · Voultapher/sort-research-rs
  628. 98%Browsertech Digest: “We should stop using JavaScript”
  629. 98%Reordering C++ template type parameters for usability purposes, and type deduction from the future - The Old New Thing
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  639. 99%Release Blink 1.0 · jart/blink
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  644. 98%Promoted from Dev to Team Lead: 8 Things They Didn’t Tell Me
  645. 98%JuLox: What I Learned Building a Lox Interpreter in Julia
  646. 99%wasmati: You should write your WebAssembly in TypeScript
  647. 86%Announcing Rust 1.70.0 | Rust Blog
  648. 92%The RustConf Keynote Fiasco, explained
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  660. 96%I Am No Longer Speaking at RustConf 2023
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  662. 99%phaazon.net
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  666. 99%One complex setup
  667. 98%Being a Full-Stack Developer is no longer a dirty word
  668. 85%Talent is overestimated
  669. 98%crates - Visual Studio Marketplace
  670. 99%On creating (and using) a transforming iterator - The Old New Thing
  671. 99%GitHub - stepchowfun/typical: Data interchange with algebraic data types.
  672. 99%How Much Memory Do You Need to Run 1 Million Concurrent Tasks?
  673. 99%Compress-a-Palooza: Unpacking 5 Billion Varints in only 4 Billion CPU Cycles
  674. 99%Writing Python like it’s Rust
  675. 97%Intelligence as efficient model building
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  677. 98%Microsoft Azure security evolution: Embrace secure multitenancy, Confidential Compute, and Rust | Azure Blog | Microsoft Azure
  678. 99%ReSharper 2023.2 Kicks Off the Early Access Program! | The .NET Tools Blog
  679. 99%Single Abstract Method Traits · mcyoung
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  686. 97%You are holding it wrong
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  690. 96%GitHub Code Search Now Generally Available, 'Way More than grep' -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  696. 99%What can I do if I don't want my file version number to be a sequence of four integers? - The Old New Thing
  697. 96%What is Type-Level Programming? - sulami's blog
  698. 99%Error handling patterns
  699. 99%Bringing Hardware Accelerated Language Models to Consumer Devices
  700. 99%How AI coding companions will change the way developers work
  701. 82%Microsoft is rewriting core Windows libraries in Rust
  702. 94%Blog | Samuel
  703. 99%Using Crates.io with Buck
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  709. 99%Current Issues With The Qt Project - From The Outside Looking In
  710. 99%Announcing Rust 1.69.0 | Rust Blog
  711. 98%How RocksDB works - Artem Krylysov
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  713. 99%Welcome to Peter's DevLog - Wrapping C libraries in Nim
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  718. 99%touchHLE in depth, part 1: a day in the life of a function call
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  726. 99%Introduction - Mina book
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  730. 94%The Autocomplete Myth
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  732. 97%Using TLA⁺ at Work
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  736. 96%Making a Bloom Filter Keyboard - Blog by Maryanne Wachter
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  741. 99%Janet for Mortals
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  743. 99%Enabling low-latency, syntax-aware editing using Tree-sitter - Zed Blog
  744. 98%It's Not About the Job Openings
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  746. 99%How to Review and Refactor Code with GPT-4 (and ChatGPT) — SitePoint
  747. 94%Recognition and rewards at work
  748. 99%Flecs 3.2 is out!
  749. 99%Zig And Rust Mar 26, 2023
  750. 98%Software is not defined by the language it's written in
  751. 97%None of Your Business - Why, I Wonder?
  752. 97%The AsyncIterator interface - Without boats, dreams dry up
  753. 73%Curl, the URL fetcher that can, marks 25 years of transfers
  754. 96%Why am I getting a weird error about promise_type when I try to write a coroutine? part 2 - The Old New Thing
  755. 99%GitHub - typst/typst: A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
  756. 98%Logging and the Homelab - PV;WTF
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  759. 94%Footage of my game engine built from scratch in Rust (with Multiplayer support)
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  762. 99%What is Functional Programming? |
  763. 79%Dan Ports (@dan@discuss.systems)
  764. 97%The birth of a package manager
  765. 98%GitHub - epilys/gerb: Graphical font editor (GTK + Rust)
  766. 99%How to use Prometheus for web application monitoring
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  780. 98%vim users are better programmers
  781. 99%GitHub - Drew-Alleman/DataSurgeon: DataSurgeon: Quickly Extracts IP's, Email Addresses, Hashes, Files, Credit Cards, Social Secuirty Numbers and more from text
  782. 99%The World's Smallest Hash Table
  783. 91%346: Calling .NET Libraries from Rust with Native AOT
  784. 98%CI/CD Best Practises: Scaling A Delivery Platform — Evan Smith
  785. 98%bryan garza
  786. 98%Dangerously good product managers
  787. 99%.NET R&D Digest (February, 2023)
  788. 98%Getting Out of Character - Simple Talk
  789. 95%One Book, Many Readings
  790. 98%axo blog - Thanks For Breaking cargo-dist! (I Rewrote It)
  791. 99%Introducing the Determinate Nix Installer — Determinate Systems
  792. 99%Defining Database Developer Experience
  793. 99%Making Go telemetry opt-in is a mistake
  794. 99%Rust Coreutils: Fixing Low-Hanging Performance Fruit
  795. 97%Programming Will Always Use Text
  796. 94%GCC Gets a New Frontend for Rust - Slashdot
  797. 99%Over-engineering my document storage system with Paperless-ngx
  798. 99%Why am I getting an unhandled exception from my C++ function that catches all exceptions? - The Old New Thing
  799. 99%GitHub - MichalStrehovsky/sizegame: Compare binary sizes of canonical Hello World in different languages
  800. 99%GDB 13.1 released!
  801. 98%346: Calling .NET Libraries from Rust with Native AOT
  802. 93%Avg, mean, and average - Pravesh Koirala
  803. 99%What Austral Proves (Crash Lime)
  804. 99%Why is building a UI in Rust so hard?
  805. 99%Making Sense of Acquire-Release Semantics
  806. 99%So long, and thanks for all the deployments: deprecating Wrangler v1
  807. 99%How to Create a Pharo Smalltalk Plugin
  808. 96%How I Decreased ETL Cost by Leveraging the Apache Arrow Ecosystem
  809. 94%Gamebert: a Game Boy emulator built by Robert | Robert Heaton
  810. 99%EVM at Risc0 | Odra Blog
  811. 99%Writing a Debugger From Scratch - DbgRs Part 1
  812. 99%Lean BDD and Code Generation
  813. 99%The unsafe language doom principle
  814. 85%Containers and Serverless—Rivals or Cohorts?
  815. 99%The case of the RPC_E_DISCONNECTED error thrown from await_resume
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  817. 99%It is becoming difficult for me to be productive in Python - blag
  818. 98%Comparing the Same Project in Rust, Haskell, C++, Python, Scala and OCaml
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  827. 66%JetBrains Dev Report: TypeScript Is Fastest-Growing Programming Language -- Visual Studio Magazine
  828. 99%Python’s “Disappointing” Superpowers
  829. 99%Wasm compression benchmarks and the cost of missing compression APIs
  830. 99%Rewrite it in Rust by ridiculousfish · Pull Request #9512 · fish-shell/fish-shell
  831. 99%Windows I/O completion - One little trick · James Sturtevant
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  836. 99%Forking Chrome to render in a terminal
  837. 98%Cyber - Fast and concurrent scripting.
  838. 99%Announcing Rust 1.67.0 | Rust Blog
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  840. 99%Dear Retro Community, Stop Writing Tools in C
  841. 77%Stoic Personality Disorder
  842. 98%pagerank for my Obsidian notes
  843. 91%Add notes when blocking users | GitHub Changelog
  844. 99%It’s 2023, You Should Be Using Typescript!
  845. 98%It’s the future — you can stop using JPEGs — Daniel Immke
  846. 99%Ruff: The First 200 Releases
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  854. 98%The Everything Algorithm — Zac Pustejovsky
  855. 52%GitHub - juspay/hyperswitch: An Open Source Financial Switch to make Payments fast, reliable and affordable
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  857. 98%Supporting the Use of Rust in the Chromium Project
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  860. 94%Fighting Cognitive Biases in Software Engineering: A Guide to Rational Decision-Making - 𝖅𝕵
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  866. 81%Join Mina's zkIgnite, Cohort 1
  867. 99%bflat - C# as you know it but with Go-inspired tooling
  868. 99%phaazon.net
  869. 99%Luciano Remes | Golang is 𝘼𝙡𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩 Perfect
  870. 98%Hardware-friendliness of HyperPlonk - HackMD
  871. 99%Nix journey part 1: creating a flake
  872. 99%Introducing Austral: A Systems Language with Linear Types and Capabilities
  873. 94%One-line Journaling | mkaz.blog
  874. 93%The Catch-22 of Democracy - Pravesh Koirala
  875. 97%The Matrix Holiday Update 2022 | Matrix.org
  876. 98%Chris's Wiki :: blog/programming/RustIsInevitable
  877. 94%Lessons Learnt From Solving AoC in One Second
  878. 91%On Giving Better Advice
  879. 99%Default Interface Method in C# And When to Use It - Code Maze
  880. 99%Orhun's Blog
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  885. 99%What are the biggest reasons newcomers give up on OCaml?
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  889. 99%Automatically scaling Drone CI with Gitea | Jacob Kiers
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  895. 99%Inside C++/WinRT: IReference<T>
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  897. 97%Does .NET 6 support windows 98 · Discussion #79642 · dotnet/runtime
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  921. 99%GCC undefined behaviors are getting wild
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  925. 97%Using Rust at a startup: A cautionary tale
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  927. 98%Hachyderm.io
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  933. 99%davidfowl (@davidfowl@hachyderm.io)
  934. 99%C# support in Fleet Public Preview | The .NET Tools Blog
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  936. 98%Sapling SCM | Sapling
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  939. 95%#lang lua
  940. 97%Infrequent, Pragmatic, Lambda Blog - Let's agree to be different. On empirical and deductive nature of coding.
  941. 97%Crate List - Blessed.rs
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  945. 99%Minikin retrospective
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  947. 99%C Isn't A Programming Language Anymore - Faultlore
  948. 99%SortedSet in C# - Code Maze
  949. 99%Traits in Rust
  950. 98%In the debugger, how can I get from a projected type back to the C++/WinRT implementation?
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  952. 99%Vaultwarden on an RPi
  953. 98%Introduction - Mina book
  954. 98%C++ is the next C++
  955. 99%HashSet in C# - Code Maze
  956. 97%Is Turbopack really 10x Faster than Vite? · Discussion #8 · yyx990803/vite-vs-next-turbo-hmr
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  958. 99%fleetwood.dev
  959. 99%Using WASM and WASI to run .NET 7 on a Raspberry PI Zero 2 W
  960. 97%Setting properties in C++/WinRT is done by a function call, but you need to call the function the right way
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  965. 99%Discuss the problem, not the solution
  966. 99%Debugging C With Cosmopolitan Libc
  967. 99%GitHub - losvedir/transit-lang-cmp: Programming language comparison by reimplementing the same transit data app
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  972. 99%An API-first approach to building Node.js applications | Red Hat Developer
  973. 99%GitHub - microsoft/foss-fund: The Microsoft FOSS Fund provides a direct way for Microsoft engineers to participate in the nomination and selection process to help communities and projects they are passionate about. The FOSS Fund provides $10,000 sponsorships to open source projects as selected by Microsoft employees.
  974. 98%Delivering consistency and transparency for cloud hardware security
  975. 99%Announcing KataOS and Sparrow
  976. 98%How To Stop Worrying And Love Frontend Dev - Bill Prin's Tech Blog
  977. 99%Writing An Incremental Typesetting Engine | Laurenz's Blog
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  987. 99%Hard Mode Rust
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  992. 98%Thread by @LinaAsahi on Thread Reader App
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  994. 99%Orhun's Blog
  995. 98%GitHub - jamii/hytradboi-jam-2022
  996. 98%.NET vs Go vs Node
  997. 98%git/torvalds/linux.git - Linux kernel source tree
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  999. 99%How (and why) nextest uses tokio, part 1 :: sunshowers
  1000. 97%The official documentation is so good it makes me sad.
  1001. 94%LKML: Linus Torvalds: Re: [PATCH v9 12/27] rust: add `kernel` crate
  1002. 97%Steady State means Continuous Rewriting - Bruno Scheufler
  1003. 99%cairo-rs/field_utils.rs at a8e8fa9aa2554e6bfb76d145ab1acd5ff29888e4 · lambdaclass/cairo-rs
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  1010. 97%Rust is eating into our systems, and it's a good thing
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  1012. 95%roapi/README.md at main · roapi/roapi
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  1014. 99%Announcing Rust 1.64.0 | Rust Blog
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  1059. 99%Arti 1.0.0 is released: Our Rust Tor implementation is ready for production use. | Tor Project
  1060. 96%GitHub - mimoo/noname: Noname: a programming language to write zkapps
  1061. 98%Introduction - The Rust Reference
  1062. 99%How we clone a running VM in 2 seconds - CodeSandbox Blog
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  1067. 99%.NET 7 - Pattern Matching With Spans #shorts
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  1082. 99%Announcing Rust 1.63.0 | Rust Blog
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  1084. 99%GitHub - filecoin-project/neptune: Rust Poseidon implementation.
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  1109. 99%proof-systems/CONTRIBUTING.md at master · o1-labs/proof-systems
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  1111. 93%Laurenz's Blog
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  1117. 99%GitHub - MystenLabs/narwhal: Narwhal & Tusk are a high throughput mempool & consensus, used in the Sui smart contract platform
  1118. 53%GitHub - codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x: Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
  1119. 96%GitHub - carbon-language/carbon-lang: Carbon language specification and documentation.
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  1131. 81%VS Code and Python: A Natural Fit for Data Science -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  1153. 77%TypeScript Vaults Ahead of Java to Crack Stack Overflow Top 5 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1154. 97%haibane_tenshi's blog - Obscure Rust: reborrowing is a half-baked feature
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  1158. 77%Asked and answered: the results for the 2022 Developer survey are here!
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  1173. 98%Everything Is Broken: Shipping rust-minidump at Mozilla – Part 1 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
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  1184. 97%(async) Rust doesn't have to be hard
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  1196. 98%r/csharp - Why are tools such as Docker and Kubernetes written in Go and not C#?
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  1200. 97%Why are tools such as Docker and Kubernetes written in Go and not C#? : csharp
  1201. 88%Oren Eini on RavenDB, including Consistency Guarantees and C# as the Implementation Language
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  1205. 94%Happy 10th Birthday Compiler Explorer! — Matt Godbolt’s blog
  1206. 50%Visual Studio Code Nods to Rapidly Rising Rust Language -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  1209. 99%GitHub - zefchain/serde-reflection: Rust libraries and tools to help with interoperability and testing of serialization formats based on Serde.
  1210. 83%bunnie's blog
  1211. 87%Spotify issues - Shogan.tech
  1212. 95%What's New in Visual Studio Code 1.67 (April 2022 Update) -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  1218. 99%Introducing Lurk: A programming language for recursive zk-SNARKs
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  1237. 65%A Difficult Diagnosis (Part 1) - Ronny Liu
  1238. 98%I won free load testing
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  1240. 94%Zaplib post-mortem - Zaplib docs
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  1242. 94%Lies we tell ourselves to keep using Golang
  1243. 91%Inform 7 v10.1.0 is now open-source - Authoring / Inform 7 - The Interactive Fiction Community Forum
  1244. 76%Principal Software Engineer in Redmond, Washington, United States | Engineering at Microsoft
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  1260. 72%Signature in ecdsa - Rust
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  1269. 98%Mads Asks What You Want for Visual Studio 2022 -- Visual Studio Magazine
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  1278. 97%GitHub - facebookexperimental/eden: EdenSCM is a cross-platform, highly scalable source control management system.
  1279. 99%Inline Assembly Miscompilation.md
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  1286. 97%Gregory Szorc's Digital Home | Bulk Analyze Linux Packages with Linux Package Analyzer
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  1308. 80%GitHub - Wilfred/difftastic: a diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩
  1309. 93%A thanks to the traits working group in 2021
  1310. 80%mimoo - Overview
  1311. 99%Please stop writing shell scripts
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  1314. 98%Error handling across different languages
  1315. 99%SendilKumarN
  1316. 64%Searching for outliers
  1317. 98%Rust's Unsafe Pointer Types Need An Overhaul - Faultlore
  1318. 90%Episode 94 - Open .NET with Geoffrey Huntley
  1319. 64%Lapce
  1320. 98%C Isn't A Programming Language Anymore - Faultlore
  1321. 95%GitHub - rothgar/awesome-tuis: List of projects that provide terminal user interfaces
  1322. 92%The Aptos Vision
  1323. 99%Arti 0.1.0 is released: Your somewhat-stable API is here! | Tor Project
  1324. 97%Oxide at Home: Propolis says Hello
  1325. 98%The code is the specification? Introducing cargo spec
  1326. 96%Veloren
  1327. 99%GitHub - facebookresearch/narwhal: Narwhal and Tusk: A DAG-based Mempool and Efficient BFT Consensus.
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  1332. 98%CXX — safe interop between Rust and C++
  1333. 98%SQL-Powered Reading List
  1334. 96%AlphaCode: Competition-Level Code Generation with Transformer Based Architectures | Paper Review
  1335. 98%WebGPU — All of the cores, none of the canvas — surma.dev
  1336. 65%Rust Playground
  1337. 52%The rise of WebAssembly
  1338. 98%Part 2: Improving crypto code in Rust using LLVM’s optnone
  1339. 98%Part 1: The life of an optimization barrier
  1340. 99%Run and Test HTTP Requests
  1341. 80%disabling ANSI color output in various Unix commands
  1342. 99%Self-obfuscating value objects - Eric Mann's Blog
  1343. 68%10 HTML tags you have never used before
  1344. 98%Writing an OS in Rust
  1345. 99%GitHub - zdimension/embed-c: Embed C code at compile time inside Rust using C2Rust
  1346. 98%Announcing Rust 1.59.0 | Rust Blog
  1347. 98%pip and cargo are not the same
  1348. 85%Why we are acquiring Area 1
  1349. 96%smart-release - crates.io: Rust Package Registry
  1350. 91%workspaces - crates.io: Rust Package Registry
  1351. 88%rust-analyzer joins the Rust organization! | Rust Blog
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  1355. 99%GitHub - martinvonz/jj: A Git-compatible DVCS that is both simple and powerful
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  1358. 99%GitHub - mustafaquraish/cup: simple, C-like programming language
  1359. 90%GitHub - yoav-lavi/melody: Melody is a language that compiles to regular expressions and aims to be more easily readable and maintainable
  1360. 99%Home - cargo-nextest
  1361. 98%Pure-Impure Segregation Principle | Oleksii Holub
  1362. 82%Learn Privacy-Enhancing Techniques with Cryptographic Games
  1363. 76%Rustup packages availability on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  1364. 88%David Nicholas Williams
  1365. 91%jless - Command Line JSON Viewer
  1366. 99%Calling Windows APIs from React Native just got easier · React Native for Windows + macOS
  1367. 99%A Rust match made in hell
  1368. 93%Our User-Mode WireGuard Year
  1369. 97%With New Windows Desktop Support, Flutter Throws a Dart at .NET MAUI -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1370. 95%Senior Software Engineer in Other, Other, United States | Engineering at Microsoft
  1371. 90%An open-source distributed storage service
  1372. 99%Some mistakes Rust doesn't catch
  1373. 62%Lessons Learned from Restoring a Bike
  1374. 97%Slicing and Dicing Instant Logs: Real-time Insights on the Command Line
  1375. 91%Announcing Flutter for Windows
  1376. 95%On Building 30K Debian Packages
  1377. 99%GitHub - Kindelia/HVM: A massively parallel, optimal functional runtime in Rust
  1378. 97%The Slackware Linux Project: Slackware Release Announcement
  1379. 88%Some business advice for academic startups/spinouts - Bert Hubert's writings
  1380. 96%Rustenstein 3D: Game programming like it's 1992 - NextRoll
  1381. 98%Update Solana to 1.9.4 · certusone/wormhole@7edbbd3
  1382. 81%Retrospective and Technical Details on the recent Firefox Outage – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  1383. 85%AdaCore and Ferrous Systems Joining Forces to Support Rust
  1384. 95%Pay attention to WebAssembly
  1385. 98%Destroy All Values: Designing Deinitialization in Programming Languages
  1386. 96%mikerourke.dev
  1387. 92%Rust has a small standard library (and that's ok)
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  1390. 98%Speeding up VSCode (extensions) in 2022 – Jason Williams
  1391. 85%Sometimes, rewriting in another language works
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  1393. 64%Does the software industry learn?
  1394. 99%Durability and Redo Logging
  1395. 86%David Nicholas Williams
  1396. 97%Devblog of @kdy1
  1397. 98%Introducing Rainway: Interactive App Streaming for Everyone | Rainway
  1398. 97%Biscuit 2.0 release
  1399. 96%Fundamentals of Garbage Collection
  1400. 89%In defense of complicated programming languages
  1401. 92%Supply chain attacks are the new big thing
  1402. 91%Underjord | My Elm Experience
  1403. 80%Senior Software Engineer in Redmond, Washington, United States | Engineering at Microsoft
  1404. 77%Software Engineer II in Redmond, Washington, United States | Engineering at Microsoft
  1405. 99%Jean G3nie
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  1408. 99%Why Static Languages Suffer From Complexity
  1409. 95%CSRF: How to exploit and how to defend
  1410. 80%Zef: Low-latency, Scalable, Private Payments
  1411. 64%Ballerina - Ballerina Home
  1412. 97%Failing to Learn Zig via Advent of Code - ForrestTheWoods
  1413. 99%C# and C++ type aliases and their consequences
  1414. 80%How TypeScript Can Speed Up Your Adoption of WebAssembly
  1415. 98%ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor WebAssembly on .NET 6
  1416. 97%Resolving confusion over how to return from a C++ coroutine - The Old New Thing
  1417. 99%I hate Conventional Commits
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  1419. 96%Life at 800MHz
  1420. 92%Announcing Rust 1.58.0 | Rust Blog
  1421. 96%Exploring System76's New Rust Based Desktop Environment
  1422. 97%2022 01 11 bench results · LesnyRumcajs/grpc_bench Wiki
  1423. 97%Announcing Parcel CSS: A new CSS parser, compiler, and minifier written in Rust!
  1424. 96%GitHub - deadpixi/ergex: The Ergex Regular Expression Library
  1425. 91%Waifu Labs - Welcome to Waifu Labs v2: How do AIs Create?
  1426. 98%Parsing Text with Nom
  1427. 96%Rachit Nigam | PhD Candidate, Cornell University
  1428. 99%Why I Like D – Andrea Radaelli
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  1430. 98%Bevy - Bevy 0.6
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  1433. 54%6 Ways I'm Improving Mental Health in 2022
  1434. 99%Miniflare 2.0: fully-local development and testing for Workers
  1435. 93%Rust is more portable than C for pngquant/libimagequant
  1436. 98%The joy of building a ray tracer, for fun, in Rust.
  1437. 84%GitHub - tkellogg/dura: You shouldn't ever lose your work if you're using Git
  1438. 95%tvu-compare: rust and zig
  1439. 94%Text Aesthetics: Command Line UI/UX
  1440. 97%Kurtis Knodel // Blog
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  1442. 90%Why the C Language Will Never Stop You from Making Mistakes
  1443. 94%GitHub - sslab-gatech/Rudra: Rust Memory Safety & Undefined Behavior Detection
  1444. 99%Writing a minimal Lua implementation with a virtual machine from scratch in Rust
  1445. 97%A Review of the Zig Programming Language (using Advent of Code 2021)
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  1447. 54%“Autism is a Spectrum” Doesn’t Mean What You Think
  1448. 82%A Programmer Union Can Save Open Source
  1449. 91%Cray-1 Digital Archeology – chrisfenton.com
  1450. 97%GitHub - dani-garcia/vaultwarden: Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs
  1451. 90%The QOI File Format Specification
  1452. 98%A challenger to the throne of vector graphics. SVG is dead, long live TinyVG!
  1453. 99%GitHub - swc-project/swc: swc is a super-fast compiler written in rust; producing widely-supported javascript from modern standards and typescript.
  1454. 99%How to create your own .NET CLI tools to make your life easier
  1455. 87%The Non-Productive Programmer (NPP)
  1456. 99%GitHub - haimgel/display-switch: Turn a $30 USB switch into a full-featured multi-monitor KVM switch
  1457. 92%How not to learn Rust
  1458. 84%Announcing Tokio Console 0.1 | Tokio
  1459. 99%Introduction to WebAssembly components - radu's blog
  1460. 85%From 0 to 20 billion - How We Built Crawler Hints
  1461. 94%Don’t start with microservices – monoliths are your friend – Arnold Galovics
  1462. 99%Allocgate is coming in Zig 0.9, and you will have to change your code
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  1464. 83%Introducing Zed
  1465. 83%2021 in Memory Unsafety - Apple's Operating Systems
  1466. 92%GitHub - lapce/lapce: Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
  1467. 99%Remote debugging on Kubernetes using VS Code | Red Hat Developer
  1468. 99%Reducing Developer Cycle time with Dapr and AKS
  1469. 93%Mati's dating profile
  1470. 71%The New Stack's Top Kubernetes Stories of 2021 - The New Stack
  1471. 96%Introducing stack graphs | The GitHub Blog
  1472. 92%GitHub Previews Improved Code Search: 'Way More than grep' -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1473. 89%LKML: Miguel Ojeda: [PATCH 00/19] Rust support
  1474. 74%Rust takes a major step forward as Linux's second official language | ZDNet
  1475. 80%Lies, damned lies, and (Cloudflare) statistics: debunking Cloudflare’s recent performance tests
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  1477. 99%Automate testing of poor network conditions with Shopify's Toxiproxy
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  1481. 85%How can my C++/WinRT component pass a std::vector back to the caller?
  1482. 57%Oxide / Hubris and Humility
  1483. 98%Will Nix Overtake Docker?
  1484. 91%4x smaller, 50x faster · asciinema blog
  1485. 98%Open .NET
  1486. 76%GitHub - vv9k/dockeye: GUI app for managing Docker
  1487. 71%Add It Up: Takeaways from GitHub's Octoverse Report - The New Stack
  1488. 83%The New Life of PHP – The PHP Foundation | The PhpStorm Blog
  1489. 93%Announcing Argo for Spectrum
  1490. 72%we like the runners
  1491. 87%mod team resignation by BurntSushi · Pull Request #671 · rust-lang/team
  1492. 73%The Introverts Guide to Increasing Energy
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  1494. 99%Deno for Infrastructure as Code
  1495. 99%hacspec [![hacspec chat][chat-image]][chat-link]
  1496. 95%GitHub - elfshaker/elfshaker: elfshaker stores binary objects efficiently
  1497. 85%Where is Ruby Headed in 2021? - Big Nerd Ranch
  1498. 95%Zettelkasten #1: Classes in D with betterC
  1499. 99%Backdooring Rust crates for fun and profit
  1500. 88%Windows App SDK ('Project Reunion') Hits Version 1.0 -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1501. 98%Bramble: A Purely Functional Build System and Package Manager
  1502. 98%AppFlowy.IO
  1503. 97%wrangler 2.0 — a new developer experience for Cloudflare Workers
  1504. 94%Writing new system software
  1505. 97%Why asynchronous Rust doesn't work
  1506. 97%How Nix and NixOS Get So Close to Perfect
  1507. 58%GitHub - michidk/rost: Rust programming, in German.
  1508. 99%The Surreal Horror of PAM
  1509. 94%System76 is building a new Linux desktop in Rust
  1510. 84%GitHub - adria0/plonk-by-fingers: Implementation of Plonk by Hand in rust
  1511. 98%Deep dive into Yrs architecture
  1512. 83%Rust Playground
  1513. 94%Guide to Online Dating for the Rest of Us | Engin Arslan
  1514. 99%GitHub - axelarnetwork/tofn: A threshold cryptography library in Rust
  1515. 99%Type Parameters Proposal
  1516. 59%Top programming languages: Most popular and fastest growing choices for developers | ZDNet
  1517. 60%Timeline of the human condition
  1518. 95%How we build software at Cloudflare
  1519. 98%GitHub - 1Password/1password-teams-open-source: Get a free 1Password Teams membership for your open source project
  1520. 98%C# - async/await - The Breakfast Example
  1521. 91%Security advisory for rustc (CVE-2021-42574) | Rust Blog
  1522. 99%runtimelab/samples/NativeLibrary at 8e81d3a5bfd7639a197b51a1f65fcbba129d3b5f · dotnet/runtimelab
  1523. 95%Manning
  1524. 93%Debian's which hunt
  1525. 95%Software Engineer II in Redmond, Washington, United States | Engineering at Microsoft
  1526. 98%Next.js 12
  1527. 87%Privacy is a Human Right | Tor Blog
  1528. 99%bitbottle
  1529. 98%FROST: Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures
  1530. 97%Choosing a cache
  1531. 99%GitHub - nuta/kerla: A new operating system kernel with Linux binary compatibility written in Rust.
  1532. 98%GitHub - mthom/scryer-prolog: A modern Prolog implementation written mostly in Rust.
  1533. 95%Signals and Threads | Language Design
  1534. 99%Transitioning an existing project to a new edition
  1535. 98%Announcing Rust 1.56.0 and Rust 2021 | Rust Blog
  1536. 92%We Just Gave $154,999.89 to Open Source Maintainers
  1537. 99%7 awesome improvements for LINQ in .NET 6
  1538. 90%Microsoft Takes VS Code to the Browser (but No Debugger or Terminal) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1539. 98%vscode.dev Visual Studio Code for the Web
  1540. 98%vscode.dev Visual Studio Code for the Web
  1541. 99%Function pipelines: Building functional programming into PostgreSQL using custom operators
  1542. 98%Version 1.6.0 released
  1543. 99%Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Async, await, and Multi-threaded code
  1544. 98%NixOS on Framework laptop
  1545. 99%Implementing Hash Tables in C
  1546. 98%Introducing Nuntius - Cronokirby
  1547. 84%Good Riddance: Steam Bans Games That Feature Crypto And NFTs
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  1553. 99%Overview · Serde
  1554. 99%Mythbusting Julia speed
  1555. 94%Hands-on Rust
  1556. 97%Generating Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) with SPDX at Microsoft
  1557. 98%On Multi-Set Hashing - Cronokirby
  1558. 93%With .NET 6 RC 2 Release, Developers Push Back on C# Changes -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1559. 99%Team Work
  1560. 99%AWS Lambda battle 2021: performance comparison for all languages (cold and warm start)
  1561. 95%Windows App SDK ('Project Reunion') Polished Ahead of v1.0 GA Debut -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1562. 99%Parsing JSON is a Minefield
  1563. 98%Cloudflare Research: Two Years In
  1564. 99%The road to OCaml 5.0 - Ecosystem - OCaml
  1565. 96%20 Things I've Learned in my 20 Years as a Software Engineer
  1566. 97%Why We Moved From Pony To Rust — Wallaroo
  1567. 98%I’ve loved Wasmer, I still love Wasmer
  1568. 99%How to replace estimations and guesses with a Monte Carlo simulation
  1569. 99%Implicit Overflow Considered Harmful (and how to fix it)
  1570. 97%Secrets I use to becoming a better developer working remotely 2021 edition
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  1572. 97%Things unlearned
  1573. 99%Renato Athaydes
  1574. 96%Confessions of a 1x Programmer
  1575. 99%Practical frontend philosophy - jaredgorski.org
  1576. 99%Coding Practice: Learning Rust with Fibonacci Numbers
  1577. 99%CSAW Quals 2021 Bits
  1578. 98%The difference between Go and Rust – dominikbraun.io
  1579. 99%QR error correction helps and hinders scanning
  1580. 93%Something Weird Is Happening on Facebook
  1581. 96%GitHub - alexhallam/tv: 📺(tv) Tidy Viewer is a cross-platform CLI csv pretty printer that uses column styling to maximize viewer enjoyment.
  1582. 96%Chrome 94 released with controversial Idle Detection API
  1583. 99%GitHub - adam-mcdaniel/dune: A shell by the beach!
  1584. 99%Improving Software ‘Numbers’
  1585. 99%Initial Impressions of Rust
  1586. 94%Reverse a string
  1587. 99%A terminal case of Linux
  1588. 97%My Janet Story | Jungle Coder
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  1593. 98%Taming Go’s Memory Usage, or How We Avoided Rewriting Our Client in Rust — Akita Software
  1594. 97%The Bagel Language 🥯 | Brandon's Website
  1595. 99%GitHub - seed-rs/seed: A Rust framework for creating web apps
  1596. 96%How I made $50K in 3 days with NFTs
  1597. 92%The long-term consequences of maintainers’ actions – Ariadne's Space
  1598. 91%Rust Playground
  1599. 99%Go'ing Insane Part One: Endless Error Handling
  1600. 98%Extending .NET Minimal APIs with Swagger, Authentication & Validation
  1601. 96%Building an Alternative Ecosystem | Joshua Strobl
  1602. 97%Engineer vs Entrepreneur Mindset
  1603. 82%Developer Burnout: Why it Happens and What We Can Do About It
  1604. 99%PHP: rfc:fibers
  1605. 99%GitHub - dtolnay/inventory: Typed distributed plugin registration
  1606. 97%Disclosing CVE-2021-40823 and CVE-2021-40824: E2EE vulnerability in multiple Matrix clients | Matrix.org
  1607. 99%Resource efficient Thread Pools with Zig
  1608. 99%The KDL Document Language
  1609. 92%Steam Top 50 Games: 72% Work on Linux in Sept. 2021 - Boiling Steam
  1610. 99%Sylvain Kerkour
  1611. 99%Support type classes or implicits · Issue #243 · fsharp/fslang-suggestions
  1612. 97%Native Rust support on Cloudflare Workers
  1613. 99%How We Went All In on sqlc/pgx for Postgres + Go
  1614. 99%Proposal: Expression blocks · Issue #3086 · dotnet/csharplang
  1615. 95%The mystery of load average spikes
  1616. 98%Maintain it With Zig
  1617. 98%GitHub - mgdm/htmlq: Like jq, but for HTML.
  1618. 99%Access modern GPU features with WebGPU
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  1623. 98%Quick Tunnels: Anytime, Anywhere
  1624. 95%GitHub - mTvare6/hello-world.rs: 🚀Memory safe, blazing fast, configurable, minimal hello world written in rust(🚀) in a few lines of code with few(1061🚀) dependencies🚀
  1625. 98%Bebop ❤️ Rust | Rainway
  1626. 98%Directories.Net 1.0.0
  1627. 99%Monkey: the satirical Go package used unwittingly by Arduino and SalesForce
  1628. 98%The open calendar, task and note space is a mess
  1629. 95%Hell Is Other REPLs
  1630. 99%Making Reasonable Use of Computer Resources: Part 2
  1631. 99%Summary after Four Months with Ada — Programming with Ada documentation
  1632. 96%NSO group, Pegasus, Zero-Days, i(OS|Message) security - Security. Cryptography. Whatever.
  1633. 99%Every Web Browser Absolutely Sucks. – Luke Smith
  1634. 99%GitHub - hecrj/iced: A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm
  1635. 97%The Three Pillars of WebAssembly - The New Stack
  1636. 99%Great hackers are fearless - Blog by Amir Bolous
  1637. 99%Linux in a Pixel Shader - A RISC-V Emulator for VRChat
  1638. 99%Error Handling — Problem Overview
  1639. 99%Pin, Unpin, and why Rust needs them
  1640. 98%Cryptography Engineer
  1641. 85%Absurdest Academia (A ‘Darkest Dungeon’ Parody)
  1642. 98%Friendship ended with the garbage collector
  1643. 92%The Windows Runtime PassArray is a read-only array, even though it isn't declared const
  1644. 96%Platform Security Part Deux, feat. Justin Schuh - Security. Cryptography. Whatever.
  1645. 99%Adventures in fuzzing libolm | Matrix.org
  1646. 92%The Founder vs. Hired Executive Gap
  1647. 99%Building a Pet Cam using a Raspberry Pi, Cloudflare Tunnels and Teams
  1648. 97%Keeping Up
  1649. 96%GitHub - jpochyla/psst: Fast and multi-platform Spotify client with native GUI
  1650. 98%A Minimalist Full-Text Search Engine
  1651. 99%GitHub - emilk/egui: egui: an easy-to-use immediate mode GUI in pure Rust
  1652. 88%I stopped sleeping, then I started hallucinating.
  1653. 94%ADHD at aged 42 and 1/2
  1654. 99%LLVM internals, part 2: parsing the bitstream
  1655. 89%Rust in Action: Systems programming concepts and techniques
  1656. 98%Mindat.org
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  1660. 93%Why am I getting a weird error about promise_type when I try to write a coroutine?
  1661. 99%Support for local vaults? - Page 3
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  1664. 99%Looking into Zig
  1665. 99%Looking into Zig
  1666. 99%Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers
  1667. 94%GitHub - facebookresearch/Cupcake: A Rust library for lattice-based additive homomorphic encryption.
  1668. 98%GitHub - agocke/serde-dn
  1669. 97%Full-Time Open Source - CoRecursive Podcast
  1670. 99%GitLab as your Continuous Deployment one-stop shop
  1671. 98%GitHub - langjam/langjam
  1672. 99%5000x faster CRDTs: An Adventure in Optimization
  1673. 96%NSO group, Pegasus, Zero-Days, i(OS|Message) security - Security. Cryptography. Whatever.
  1674. 97%Idiots And Maniacs
  1675. 96%Voice Content and Usability
  1676. 99%GitHub - vrtbl/passerine: A small extensible programming language designed for concise expression with little code.
  1677. 98%6 Command Line Tools for Productive Programmers
  1678. 94%Working With AI: Your Guide to a Potential Future Career
  1679. 99%What's bad about Julia?
  1680. 99%Understanding Rust futures by going way too deep - fasterthanli.me
  1681. 96%C# vs Java: Which is Faster? Computer Language Drag Racing Series E03
  1682. 97%Bare Bones Software | BBEdit 14 is here!
  1683. 99%Announcing tokio-uring: io-uring support for Tokio
  1684. 98%Heritability is a ratio, not a measure of determinism
  1685. 99%yoeo/guesslang
  1686. 98%janpaulthoughts - The quest for the Ultimate Game Engine
  1687. 99%erikgrinaker/toydb
  1688. 97%HashWires: Range Proofs from Hash Functions | ZKProof Standards
  1689. 96%mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse
  1690. 97%Inserting One Billion Rows in SQLite Under A Minute - blag
  1691. 78%UFOs: Why so weird?
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  1694. 99%Zig, Skia, Clojure, Geometry and the Japanese TV Show: ICFP Contest 2021
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  1696. 99%prathyvsh/pl-catalog
  1697. 99%diekmann/wasm-fizzbuzz
  1698. 98%Trusting Everybody
  1699. 99%Beating TimSort at Merging
  1700. 99%webpack? esbuild? Why not both?
  1701. 99%Against SQL
  1702. 99%Announcing Arti, a pure-Rust Tor implementation | Tor Blog
  1703. 96%What Is WebAssembly — and Why Are You Hearing So Much About It? - The New Stack
  1704. 99%Wilfred/difftastic
  1705. 94%Compiling Rust is NP-hard
  1706. 99%CouleeApps/git-power
  1707. 98%[PATCH 00/17] Rust support - ojeda
  1708. 99%Bringing emulation into the 21st century
  1709. 99%Constant-Time Big Numbers: An Introduction
  1710. 99%reacherhq/check-if-email-exists
  1711. 99%Globally Distributed Postgres
  1712. 98%Functional, Declarative Audio Applications
  1713. 99%Serverless Authentication and Authorization in Minutes with Fauna and Auth0
  1714. 99%C# Language Highlights: Null Coalescing Operator
  1715. 99%MichalStrehovsky/bflat
  1716. 98%The Era Of Customized Blockchains Is Rising Because Smart Contracts Aren’t Really ‘Smart’
  1717. 97%Rewriting the GNU Coreutils in Rust
  1718. 98%The State of WebAssembly 2021
  1719. 79%The Reality of Attractiveness Bias
  1720. 98%Ignoring extra words in Meili Search
  1721. 89%Back To The Office
  1722. 99%On Charming Engineering Culture: My Notes
  1723. 97%Safari 15 on Mac OS, a user interface mess
  1724. 94%Learning to Love a Rigid and Inflexible Language
  1725. 99%make me a sandwich
  1726. 98%Announcing WARP for Linux and Proxy Mode
  1727. 99%ibraheemdev/modern-unix
  1728. 98%Introducing cap-std, a capability-based version of the Rust standard library
  1729. 94%In praise of depth – Pravesh
  1730. 99%Bear plus snowflake equals polar bear
  1731. 99%Bee Travels: A microservices coding adventure | Red Hat Developer
  1732. 95%Attempts at solving the online social media
  1733. 95%Traits of a healthy team
  1734. 98%Audit of ING’s Threshold ECDSA Library – And a dangerous vulnerability in existing Gennaro-Goldfeder’18 implementations
  1735. 99%Jonas Hietala: The T-34 keyboard layout
  1736. 99%Introducing NativeShell for Flutter
  1737. 98%rust-lang/rust
  1738. 94%Brilliant Jerks in Engineering
  1739. 98%Network-based policies in Cloudflare Gateway
  1740. 98%Rust for Rustaceans
  1741. 98%Using Wikipedia as an Impromptu RottenTomatoes API
  1742. 96%Measuring potential complexity in popular Open Source projects
  1743. 99%Helix
  1744. 99%Conversation about .NET interop | .NET Blog
  1745. 99%Remove bogus assert in FindRefs by CyrusNajmabadi · Pull Request #53793 · dotnet/roslyn
  1746. 87%Learn X in Y Minutes: Scenic Programming Language Tours
  1747. 98%QUIC Version 1 is live on Cloudflare
  1748. 99% Adventures in rustc Forking
  1749. 92%Oxide
  1750. 98%Chris's Wiki :: blog/programming/RustInOurFuture
  1751. 97%facundoolano/rpg-cli
  1752. 99%What do shells do, and do we need them?
  1753. 99%.NET Basics - Dusted Codes
  1754. 99%Hacking third-party APIs on the JVM
  1755. 95%Zig Makes Rust Cross-compilation Just Work · Um, actually...
  1756. 97%utam0k/youki
  1757. 99%Building regex.help
  1758. 91%Willfulness
  1759. 97%Improving Firefox stability on Linux – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  1760. 95%I am sick and tired of hearing tech companies complain about a developer shortage
  1761. 73%Sleep Evolved Before Brains. Hydras Are Living Proof. | Quanta Magazine
  1762. 79%Azure Icon Is Changing, So Far No Backlash -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1763. 96%Welcoming Linux to the 1Password Family | 1Password
  1764. 98%Sébastien Wilmet - Blog post
  1765. 99%Things you can’t do in Rust (and what to do instead) - LogRocket Blog
  1766. 98%The stack monoid revisited
  1767. 80%Why “Unqualified” People Sometimes Make the Best Hires
  1768. 99%OrGY: My Personal Technology Stack
  1769. 99%Deno 1.10 Release Notes
  1770. 99%The Plan for the Rust 2021 Edition | Rust Blog
  1771. 98%Realizing the Mina vision in Rust
  1772. 97%Rust for Windows Achieves Full Consumption (Call any Windows API) -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1773. 99%.NET News Roundup - Week of May 3rd, 2021
  1774. 95%Are some personalities just better?
  1775. 98%The Problem With Design is Designers
  1776. 96%broadcast - crates.io: Rust Package Registry
  1777. 99%GitHub Quick Reviews
  1778. 92%Searching the web for < $1000 / month | Search more with less
  1779. 92%Gleam v0.15 released! – Gleam
  1780. 95%The Great Rewriting In Rust
  1781. 99%Portability is Reliability
  1782. 96%Engineering promotions are broken
  1783. 98%Output in password_hash - Rust
  1784. 97%Migrating From Python to Kotlin for Our Backend Services
  1785. 84%Rust Language Gains Traction in .NET Community -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1786. 96%The Hassle-Free JavaScript Tool Manager
  1787. 93%banga/git-split-diffs
  1788. 92%Rust's Most Unrecognized Contributor
  1789. 84%Rust programming language: We want to take it into the mainstream, says Facebook
  1790. 93%Microsoft Joins Bytecode Alliance to Further Blazor-Backing WebAssembly Tech -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1791. 99%C++ coroutines: Adding COM context support to our awaiter | The Old New Thing
  1792. 98%Microsoft joins Bytecode Alliance to advance WebAssembly – aka the thing that lets you run compiled C/C++/Rust code in browsers
  1793. 99%Sherlock Holmes and the case of a crashing devenv.exe | The .NET Tools Blog
  1794. 93%Report: Mac Developers Prefer VS Code over Xcode -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1795. 90%The Linux Foundation's demands to the University of Minnesota for its bad Linux patches security project | ZDNet
  1796. 97%Best Practices in Software Development—Part 4
  1797. 90%University of Minnesota security researchers apologize for deliberately buggy Linux patches | ZDNet
  1798. 99%Rust Language Cheat Sheet
  1799. 99%C++ coroutines: Associating multiple task types with the same promise type | The Old New Thing
  1800. 99%Zellij: a Rusty terminal workspace releases a beta
  1801. 96%Green Vs. Brown Programming Languages
  1802. 93%Thoughts And Projects For The Future
  1803. 92%Rust and cryptographic code | Bulletproof TLS Newsletter
  1804. 94%Microsoft says mandatory password changing is “ancient and obsolete”
  1805. 99%Llama Preview: Swift on .NET
  1806. 97%Rosenzweig – Dissecting the Apple M1 GPU, part III
  1807. 99%What's in the box? - fasterthanli.me
  1808. 86%Take your first steps with Rust - Learn
  1809. 99% Rust in the Linux kernel
  1810. 96%[PATCH 00/13] [RFC] Rust support
  1811. 99%Why Rust strings seem hard
  1812. 97%[PATCH 00/13] [RFC] Rust support
  1813. 99%Gregory Szorc's Digital Home | Rust is for Professionals
  1814. 99%Is WebAssembly magic performance pixie dust? — surma.dev
  1815. 99%Is WebAssembly magic performance pixie dust? — surma.dev
  1816. 93%No, Google! Vivaldi users will not get FloC’ed. | Vivaldi Browser
  1817. 99%Deno 1.9 Release Notes
  1818. 99%A build tool for the rest of us
  1819. 95%Two Paths to the Future | Fantastic Anachronism
  1820. 95%Playing the Open Source Game
  1821. 99%Trying Zombodb
  1822. 99%zhuowei/nft_ptr
  1823. 95%In defense of Signal
  1824. 99%mratsim/constantine
  1825. 98%My programming principles • Borislav Grigorov
  1826. 97%Introducing Dawn (Part 1)
  1827. 98%microsoft-sponsorships/microsoft-foss-fund
  1828. 99%Docker without Docker
  1829. 98%Creating Videos with React and Remotion
  1830. 99%MPC-Over-Signal
  1831. 92%Jakub Konka Hired Full Time ⚡ Zig Programming Language
  1832. 99%C++ coroutines: Making the promise itself be the shared state, the outline | The Old New Thing
  1833. 99%The Fastest, Safest PNG Decoder in the World
  1834. 99%GitHub Sponsors Community
  1835. 99%Eliminating Data Races in Firefox – A Technical Report – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  1836. 99%Static methods considered evil?
  1837. 99%Moving to Desktop Applications in .NET Core/.NET 5
  1838. 85%Google Is Testing Its Controversial New Ad Targeting Tech in Millions of Browsers. Here’s What We Know.
  1839. 99%C++ coroutines: Making the promise itself be the shared state, the outline | The Old New Thing
  1840. 99%soywod/himalaya
  1841. 94%Matthew Walker's "Why We Sleep" Is Riddled with Scientific and Factual Errors - Alexey Guzey
  1842. 97%My "shiny future"
  1843. 97%Obvious and possible software innovations nobody does
  1844. 99%XKCP/K12
  1845. 99%Unveiling Gavran: RavenDB re-written in C
  1846. 95%MakAir Series: Engineering Focus on Ventilator Software
  1847. 98%gd/rust - platform/system/bt - Git at Google
  1848. 99%C++ coroutines: The initial and final suspend, and improving our return_value method | The Old New Thing
  1849. 98%akavel/up
  1850. 98%My Self-Taught Tech Career - Work & Life Notes
  1851. 98%Introducing 'innernet' | tonari blog
  1852. 98%C++ coroutines: Basic implementation of a promise type | The Old New Thing
  1853. 98%gruns/icecream
  1854. 95% Git
  1855. 97%A new Cloudflare Web Application Firewall
  1856. 88%How Much of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Can You Fit on a QR Code?
  1857. 99%Pin and suffering - fasterthanli.me
  1858. 94%Being a woman in tech should not be controversial
  1859. 98%Compiler Explorer - C++ (x86-64 clang (assertions trunk))
  1860. 95%We asked a Retired Microsoft Windows Engineer 100 Questions! Why oh Why? Find out!
  1861. 97%Announcing Rust 1.51.0 | Rust Blog
  1862. 99%A "Better C" Benchmark
  1863. 95%facebookresearch/Cupcake
  1864. 99%A solution to dependency hell: static binaries by default
  1865. 99%Solo V2 — Safety Net Against Phishing
  1866. 99%C++, Getting Started with the Basics: Working with Dependencies and Linker
  1867. 89%Linus Torvalds on where Rust will fit into Linux | ZDNet
  1868. 96%denji/awesome-http-benchmark
  1869. 98%Load Testing and Benchmarking With siege vs wrk
  1870. 98%Consider upgrading a few PC components - a good SSD is so fast it's not even funny
  1871. 99%How safe is zig?
  1872. 99%git/next/linux-next.git - The linux-next integration testing tree
  1873. 98%Random Employee Chats at Cloudflare
  1874. 98%ezrosent/frawk
  1875. 99%totally_safe_transmute, line-by-line
  1876. 99%Starving Threads In Ruby
  1877. 99%Why bother with Scripting?
  1878. 99%Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust
  1879. 99%Is Crossplane the Infrastructure LLVM?
  1880. 95%I wrote one of the fastest DataFrame libraries - Ritchie Vink
  1881. 97%Speed of Rust vs C
  1882. 74%He got Facebook hooked on AI. Now he can't fix its misinformation addiction
  1883. 99%Calling .NET APIs from Rust
  1884. 98%Jeremy A Boyd |
  1885. 96%ARMs Race: Ampere Altra takes on the AWS Graviton2
  1886. 98%Microsoft Releases Project Reunion 0.5 Preview
  1887. 99%Zig, Parser Combinators - and Why They're Awesome
  1888. 93%half of curl’s vulnerabilities are C mistakes
  1889. 99%What's New in Visual Basic on .NET 5?
  1890. 99%Creating other types of synchronization objects that can be used with co_await, part 2: The basic library | The Old New Thing
  1891. 99%Debian running on Rust coreutils
  1892. 99%Why asynchronous Rust doesn't work
  1893. 90%Developing with Rust on Windows
  1894. 99%Clojure from a Schemer's perspective
  1895. 97%Facial recognition technology can expose political orientation from naturalistic facial images
  1896. 94%The Teams Dashboard: Finding a Product Voice
  1897. 93%Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea
  1898. 92%Business or People
  1899. 98%Announcing Flutter 2
  1900. 99%Deno - A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
  1901. 99%Event Sourcing: Rehydrating Aggregates with Snapshots
  1902. 98%Semantic Versioning Will Not Save You
  1903. 99%Deno - A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
  1904. 98%Level up your .NET libraries - Ben Foster
  1905. 97%Foam: Six Months Later
  1906. 88%Back To The Office
  1907. 99%nullpo-head/WSL-Hello-sudo
  1908. 99%The small web is beautiful
  1909. 98%Weird architectures weren't supported to begin with
  1910. 97%Const generics MVP hits beta! | Rust Blog
  1911. 98%Librsvg, Rust, and non-mainstream architectures
  1912. 98%Map of my personal data infrastructure | beepb00p
  1913. 96%Being a workplace crusader - Articles
  1914. 99%Don't define functions inline in your public headers
  1915. 98%Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust
  1916. 97%Parsing floating-point numbers really fast in C#
  1917. 97%Microsoft's Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) Debuts for Microservices Apps -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1918. 96%tree-sitter/tree-sitter
  1919. 99%Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear
  1920. 99%The modern packager’s security nightmare – Michał Górny
  1921. 98%A year of Rails - macwright.com
  1922. 97%Ask the Expert: Rust at Microsoft
  1923. 98%Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend | Tauri Studio
  1924. 98%Using HPKE to Encrypt Request Payloads
  1925. 99%The Launch Space: Surface Duo for Xamarin and .NET developers
  1926. 96%Mitigating Memory Safety Issues in Open Source Software
  1927. 83%Objective or Biased
  1928. 99%A primer on code generation in Cranelift
  1929. 99%Maybe We Can Have Nice Things
  1930. 96%Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) v1.0 Announced
  1931. 98%The Worst Experience I've Had With an aarch64 MacBook
  1932. 92%I Really Blew It | Interactive Storytelling Tools for Writers
  1933. 97%Being a COBOL developer can be very fun
  1934. 99%Julia 1.6: what has changed since Julia 1.0?
  1935. 97%thegrims/UsTaxes
  1936. 98%Multi-asset shielded pool project (MASP)
  1937. 99%For the Love of Macros
  1938. 98%ratfactor/ziglings
  1939. 99%Why no one should use the AT&T syntax ever, for any reason, under any circumstances
  1940. 97%Our Solo v2 launch is official!
  1941. 98%jimblandy/context-switch
  1942. 99%Building A Custom Event Hubs Event Processor with .NET | Azure SDK Blog
  1943. 99%Announcing Rust 1.50.0 | Rust Blog
  1944. 98%Why I don't use the "else" keyword in my code anymore
  1945. 98%Are we game yet?
  1946. 98%Llofty Ambitions
  1947. 92%Mozilla Welcomes the Rust Foundation – The Mozilla Blog
  1948. 95%Google joins the Rust Foundation
  1949. 99%State of the Common Lisp ecosystem, 2020 🎉 - Lisp journey
  1950. 99%Reverie: An optimized zero-knowledge proof system
  1951. 95%Rust Foundation
  1952. 98%Taming Environments with Volta, the JavaScript Tool Manager
  1953. 99%ARCHITECTURE.md
  1954. 98%Programming for Cats
  1955. 99%rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer
  1956. 98%Coaching sessions: here’s what I talk about with junior developers
  1957. 93%The reshaped Mac experience
  1958. 94%My Third Year as a Solo Developer
  1959. 99%Llama Rust SDK preview 0.1.3
  1960. 99%Discover - Pony
  1961. 99%PyO3/pyo3
  1962. 98%A Quest to Find a Highly Compressed Emoji :shortcode: Lookup Function
  1963. 96%Narrative Driven Development
  1964. 99%Microsoft Using Metadata to Enable Idiomatic Win32 Interop from Rust and Other Languages
  1965. 99%Zig Makes Go Cross Compilation Just Work
  1966. 92%GitHub Ships Enterprise Server 3.0 Release Candidate -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1967. 94%Python in VS Code Adds Data Viewer for Debugging -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1968. 99%Rust for Windows
  1969. 99%Design Draft: First Class Fuzzing
  1970. 98%Microsoft Opens Up Old Win32 APIs to C# and Rust, More Languages to Come -- Visual Studio Magazine
  1971. 99%Why Electron is a Necessary Evil
  1972. 99%microsoft/windows-rs
  1973. 98%README.md · master · LinuxCafeFederation / Awesome Alternatives
  1974. 91%Porting Firefox to Apple Silicon – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  1975. 99%Preview: The SQLite Llibrary as a .NET assembly
  1976. 98%The worrying trend of game technology centralization
  1977. 99%Reducing tail latencies with automatic cooperative task yielding
  1978. 88%Would Rust secure cURL?
  1979. 99%Fully Homomorphic Encryption Part Three: Three Strawmans for the FHE Scheme
  1980. 99%Rust is a hard way to make a web API - macwright.com
  1981. 77%How the Pandemic Opened the Door to My Career in Tech
  1982. 99%Being a Tech Lead in an Empowered Product Team
  1983. 59%What is Social Cooling?
  1984. 93%Learn X by doing Y - A project-based learning search engine
  1985. 98%Rebuilding the most popular spellchecker. Part 1
  1986. 89%Lessons from my first (very bad) on-call experience
  1987. 99%theseus-os/Theseus
  1988. 99%A practical guide to WebAssembly memory - radu's blog
  1989. 99%Rust-GCC/gccrs
  1990. 95%Elzear - 🗳 Ranked voting systems
  1991. 95%Chemistry of Cast Iron Seasoning: A Science-Based How-To
  1992. 96%What I did on my winter vacation
  1993. 98%Rosenzweig – Dissecting the Apple M1 GPU, part I
  1994. 99%Pointers Are Complicated, or: What's in a Byte?
  1995. 96%Everything You Always Wanted To Know About GitHub (But Were Afraid To Ask)
  1996. 99%Wasmer 1.0
  1997. 99%GRVYDEV/Project-Lightspeed
  1998. 97%How to Stop Endless Discussions
  1999. 98%Make smaller console apps with .NET and CoreRT - { Destructured }
  2000. 99%Zig in 30 minutes
  2001. 97%Patterns and Habits
  2002. 99%A half-hour to learn Rust - fasterthanli.me
  2003. 99%artichoke/artichoke
  2004. 99%Announcing Rust 1.49.0 | Rust Blog
  2005. 99%What's new in PHP 8 - stitcher.io
  2006. 99%Colin Stebbins Gordon
  2007. 98%Buttplug Hits v1 Milestone - Nonpolynomial
  2008. 99%Cosmopolitan C Library
  2009. 98%Executable PNGs - djhworld
  2010. 97%Using One Cron Parser Everywhere With Rust and Saffron
  2011. 97%Tokio
  2012. 99%Cakelisp: a programming language for games
  2013. 97%My Engineering Axioms
  2014. 93%Counterfactual communication and intimidation
  2015. 98%tuhdo/tuhdo.github.io
  2016. 98%The Shape of 1.7M Lines of Code · Stefan-Marr.de
  2017. 94%An Old New Adventure
  2018. 96%On the Graying of GNOME | Et tu, Cthulhu
  2019. 98%Azure Functions in Any Language with Custom Handlers
  2020. 94%Top Articles I've Read in 2020
  2021. 98%Last Week in .NET #22 – Microsoft Parrots Google
  2022. 99%These Modern Programming Languages Will Make You Suffer
  2023. 94%Notes on Learning Languages
  2024. 98%Fast AF Fourier Transform (FafFT) | Conrad Ludgate
  2025. 99%Aiming for correctness with types - fasterthanli.me
  2026. 99%Deno 1.6 Release Notes
  2027. 99%WerWolv/ImHex
  2028. 97%Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in
  2029. 99%imazen/imageflow
  2030. 95%#DevDecember Week 1 Recap: Growth
  2031. 99%std::visit is everything wrong with modern C++
  2032. 97%The case for Elixir
  2033. 98%Uno Platform Blazor WebAssembly (client-side) with AOT and SkiaSharp
  2034. 99%libra/libra
  2035. 98%How I Translate Feature Requests into Code
  2036. 99%rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc.
  2037. 99%The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges
  2038. 99%Writing Rust the Elixir way
  2039. 99%Pijul - The Mathematically Sound Version Control System Written in Rust
  2040. 90%Ruffle
  2041. 99%Risp (in (Rust) (Lisp))
  2042. 97%Modern storage is plenty fast. It is the APIs that are bad.
  2043. 98%dcz-self/breedmatic
  2044. 97%Modern storage is plenty fast. It is the APIs that are bad.
  2045. 98%How do people find bugs?
  2046. 94%Why AWS loves Rust, and how we’d like to help | Amazon Web Services
  2047. 97%zkSummit 6 | Hopin
  2048. 97%building a roam-like, networked, heavily-customized realtime editor, part 1
  2049. 99%A Taste of OCaml's Predictable Performance - Dev.Poga
  2050. 99%Announcing Rust 1.48.0 | Rust Blog
  2051. 91%jsomers.net | I should have loved biology
  2052. 99%reHackable/awesome-reMarkable
  2053. 98%Servo’s new home
  2054. 99%Graphics for JVM
  2055. 94%Vulnerability, leadership and paternity leave ft. Erran Berger
  2056. 99%The C Standard Library Is Not Dependency Free
  2057. 99%Why an IDE?
  2058. 92%Using Rust to Scale Elixir for 11 Million Concurrent Users
  2059. 97%What is a System-on-Chip (SoC), and Why Do We Care if They are Open Source? « bunnie's blog
  2060. 98%How to Recalculate a Spreadsheet
  2061. 98%Rust vs Go — Bitfield Consulting
  2062. 99%Building a Weather Station UI
  2063. 97%Why Dark didn't choose Rust
  2064. 97%NewReleases.io
  2065. 98%bddisasm: The Bitdefender x86 Disassembler
  2066. 99%ocornut/imgui
  2067. 99%Dark's new backend will be in F#
  2068. 97%Episode 13: Andrew Gallant (BurntSushi), creator of ripgrep
  2069. 99%curlpipe/ox
  2070. 98%The Guide to Deno
  2071. 99%Leaving OCaml
  2072. 92%Why men's health depends on feminism
  2073. 97%adamsky/globe
  2074. 99%Are we web yet? Yes, and it's freaking fast!
  2075. 99%For Complex Applications, Rust is as Productive as Kotlin
  2076. 96%What's in a Linux executable? - fasterthanli.me
  2077. 99%gRPC performance improvements in .NET 5 | ASP.NET Blog
  2078. 99%Bytecode Alliance: One year update
  2079. 99%Standard ML in 2020 | notes.eatonphil.com
  2080. 99%Add PriorityQueue<T> to Collections · Issue #14032 · dotnet/runtime
  2081. 83%Parenting doesn’t do what I thought
  2082. 97%1Password for Linux beta is now open 🎊 🐧 🎊 | 1Password
  2083. 99%Assorted thoughts on zig (and rust)
  2084. 99%Towards sockets and networking in WebAssembly and WASI - radu's blog
  2085. 99%dandavison/delta
  2086. 96%Collections: Iron, How Did They Make It, Part IVb: Work Hardening, or Hardly Working?
  2087. 79%Abundance
  2088. 99%Why and How Use Azure Active Directory (AAD) with Blazor Web Assembly (WASM)
  2089. 99%How to add C++ structured binding support to your own types | The Old New Thing
  2090. 98%Exchanging UDP messages - Low-Level Academy
  2091. 96%Bidding Farewell to Software Engineering — cdahmedeh
  2092. 66%As election looms, a network of mysterious ‘pink slime’ local news outlets nearly triples in size
  2093. 99%The Observation Deck » Rust after the honeymoon
  2094. 95%CRISPR is Dead
  2095. 99%Paul Rouget - Goodbye Mozilla
  2096. 98%Memory Safe ‘curl’ for a More Secure Internet
  2097. 99%rust in curl with hyper
  2098. 99%Llama preview 0.1.2
  2099. 97%Police violence: Your ratios don’t prove what you think they prove
  2100. 99%Announcing Rust 1.47.0 | Rust Blog
  2101. 99%Writing JavaScript tools in other languages – a new trend?
  2102. 99%Building a Weather Station Bot
  2103. 99%Motivation and why finishing a personal project is hard.
  2104. 99%It’s 255:19AM. Do you know what your validation criteria are?
  2105. 97%Basic Concepts in Unity for Software Engineers
  2106. 98%Wiki - RustStarterKit2020
  2107. 99%LLVM provides no side-channel resistance
  2108. 99%Computers Are Hard: app performance with Jeff Fritz
  2109. 97%Why not PHP?
  2110. 94%Personality Does Not Define Success
  2111. 99%Rust 2021: GUI
  2112. 88%WebAssembly Could Be the Key for Cloud Native Extensibility – The New Stack
  2113. 93%Things I Was Wrong About: Types  — Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho
  2114. 99%I was wrong. CRDTs are the future
  2115. 92%Thoughts on Structured Editing: Breaking Away from Syntax
  2116. 96%Zig's New Relationship with LLVM
  2117. 97%A Blog About Computer Systems and Language Design
  2118. 98%Things Elixir's Phoenix Framework Does Right
  2119. 98%Remarkable software engineers write remarkable code - Joannes Vermorel's blog
  2120. 94%This is a pretty dire assessment of Mozilla
  2121. 98%rotoclone/strategic-communication
  2122. 98%Firefox usage is down 85% despite Mozilla's top exec pay going up 400%
  2123. 98%My Least Favorite Rust Type
  2124. 99%Why not rust for security?
  2125. 99%Why Not Rust?
  2126. 99%Why Not Rust?
  2127. 99%Throw Away Code
  2128. 99%TL;DR Rust
  2129. 99%My Principles for Building Software
  2130. 97%mrDIMAS/rg3d
  2131. 99%An introduction to Data Oriented Design with Rust
  2132. 98%Herding Code 242: The COVID Cabin Fever
  2133. 97%Microsoft submits Linux kernel patches for a 'complete virtualization stack' with Linux and Hyper-V
  2134. 99%Reinforcement learning, non-Markov environments, and memory
  2135. 96%Who Influences Your Working Pace?
  2136. 95%Thoughts on giving feedback
  2137. 97%coin_artist – 34700 $coin Puzzle Write-Up ($20,000)
  2138. 99%How to Build a RESTful API with Deno
  2139. 98%The Automated CIO
  2140. 95%Dhghomon/programming_at_40
  2141. 97%How to speed up the Rust compiler one last time – Nicholas Nethercote
  2142. 98%Web-to-App Communication: The Native Messaging API
  2143. 98%Add contibutors to the release notes by Brar · Pull Request #46 · npgsql/doc
  2144. 98%Everything You Need to Know to Get Started with Deno
  2145. 98%samizdatco/skia-canvas
  2146. 99%In Defense of a Switch
  2147. 99%Synthesizing a when_all coroutine from pieces you already have | The Old New Thing
  2148. 99%Rewritten in Rust: Modern Alternatives of Command-Line Tools · zaiste.net
  2149. 93%How to Spot Toxic Software Jobs From Their Descriptions
  2150. 99%Announcing the General Availability of Bottlerocket, an open source Linux distribution built to run containers | Amazon Web Services
  2151. 99%What is .NET? How does it work? Is it a language or a Platform?
  2152. 97%Supporting Linux kernel development in Rust
  2153. 99%System Programming in 2k20
  2154. 97%Less is more
  2155. 96%Zen and Development | Potemkin Life
  2156. 99%Objective-Rust
  2157. 94%Linux Hardware Reviews, Open-Source Benchmarks & Linux Performance
  2158. 93%Pure and Applied Chess
  2159. 98%Announcing Rust 1.46.0 | Rust Blog
  2160. 99%Racket
  2161. 96%If Humans Spoke in Vectors...
  2162. 71%Rust Contributors
  2163. 99%.NET &amp; JavaScript Ninjas Community Program | Telerik
  2164. 92%Daily links from Cory Doctorow
  2165. 98%Thinking about dependencies :: sunshowers
  2166. 94%You don’t always have to be productive - WEEB TRASH LIFE
  2167. 99%First thoughts on Rust vs OCaml
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  2170. 86%Laying the foundation for Rust's future | Rust Blog
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  2172. 94%WebAssembly Weekly Issue #126
  2173. 99%Code Smell: Concrete Abstraction
  2174. 92%linksfor.dev(s)
  2175. 99%Frustrated? It's not you, it's Rust - fasterthanli.me
  2176. 99%Survey: Native AOT · Issue #40430 · dotnet/runtime
  2177. 96%A Guide to Understanding What Makes a Typeface Accessible, and How to Make Informed Decisions.
  2178. 95%twilco/kosmonaut
  2179. 97%Mozilla’s uncertain future
  2180. 99%Unicode In Five Minutes ⌚
  2181. 92%Commiserations, skepticism, and antirealism about genomics and Truth
  2182. 91%Mozilla's failures and a path to profitability
  2183. 99%Write your Own Virtual Machine
  2184. 99%servo/servo
  2185. 97%Mozilla: The Greatest Tech Company Left Behind
  2186. 99%"Rust does not have a stable ABI"
  2187. 98%Byron/gitoxide
  2188. 97%Mozilla Alumni Network
  2189. 99%Bevy - Introducing Bevy
  2190. 99%Let’s implement a Bloom Filter
  2191. 99%Single Page Applications using Rust
  2192. 96%Changing World, Changing Mozilla – The Mozilla Blog
  2193. 98%Why the C Language Will Never Stop You from Making Mistakes
  2194. 99%We Can Do Better Than SQL
  2195. 98%An attempt to make a font look more handwritten
  2196. 74%How to better design your game communities for kindness
  2197. 98%First Impressions of Rust
  2198. 98%liljencrantz/crush
  2199. 99%Accelerating Standard C++ with GPUs Using stdpar | NVIDIA Developer Blog
  2200. 99%simdjson/simdjson
  2201. 98%Native AOT Survey
  2202. 98%1Password for Linux development preview
  2203. 98%LesnyRumcajs/grpc_bench
  2204. 99%Go vs Rust: Writing a CLI tool
  2205. 85%Python is now the second most popular language for programming - newserector
  2206. 69%The Era of DNA Database Hacks Is Here
  2207. 99%Dual-monitor 4K@60hz KVM switch for $30
  2208. 97%Firefox 79: The safe return of shared memory, new tooling, and platform updates – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  2209. 99%WasmBoxC: Simple, Easy, and Fast VM-less Sandboxing
  2210. 99%Writing a file system from scratch in Rust · carlosgaldino
  2211. 97%Tech vs Biotech — Celine Halioua
  2212. 99%Apache Arrow 1.0.0 Release
  2213. 99%adam-mcdaniel/oakc
  2214. 99%SuperTails/langcraft
  2215. 94%Considering Rust
  2216. 96%The Indie Consulting Business Model Canvas V0.1
  2217. 99%Dhghomon/easy_rust
  2218. 99%Add support for binding record types by pranavkm · Pull Request #23976 · dotnet/aspnetcore
  2219. 99%Complexity of Hello World & what comes after
  2220. 97%NerdyPepper/dijo
  2221. 93%Cryptography Dispatches: DSA Is Past Its Prime
  2222. 99%Announcing Rust 1.45.0 | Rust Blog
  2223. 98%Hacking Reolink cameras for fun and profit
  2224. 98%crates.io: Rust Package Registry
  2225. 80%crates.io security advisory | Rust Blog
  2226. 99%zombodb/pgx
  2227. 96%Linux kernel in-tree Rust support
  2228. 97%Trending
  2229. 98%stu2b50
  2230. 99%The Soul of a New Debugger
  2231. 87%Tour of Rust
  2232. 99%Testing Firefox more efficiently with machine learning – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  2233. 94%Linux kernel in-tree Rust support
  2234. 96%Linux kernel in-tree Rust support
  2235. 98%Moving from TypeScript to Rust / WebAssembly
  2236. 99%tauri-apps/tauri
  2237. 97%braver-browser/braver-browser
  2238. 99%Writing a winning 4K intro in Rust
  2239. 99%A Deep Introduction to JIT Compilers: JITs are not very Just-in-time | Carol's Blog
  2240. 81%nabeelqu
  2241. 98%Giving code presentations
  2242. 98%A look at the Gemini protocol: a brutally simple alternative to the web
  2243. 99%Code Only Says What it Does
  2244. 99%Desugaring - taking our high-level language and simplifying it!
  2245. 80%'It's really hard to find maintainers': Linus Torvalds ponders the future of Linux
  2246. 99%The Pain of Debugging WebAssembly – The New Stack
  2247. 97%How CDNs Generate Certificates
  2248. 99%home
  2249. 99%Documenting with PowerShell: Breaches using the HIBP API - CyberDrain
  2250. 93%Python may get pattern matching syntax
  2251. 99%xi-editor retrospective
  2252. 96%What's in a Linux executable?
  2253. 99%PEP 622 -- Structural Pattern Matching
  2254. 94%Path Building vs Path Verifying: Implementation Showdown
  2255. 84%dabreegster/abstreet
  2256. 97%nabeelqu
  2257. 92%the-benchmarker/web-frameworks
  2258. 99%3K, 60fps, 130ms: achieving it with Rust | tonari blog
  2259. 99%Generics and Compile-Time in Rust | TiDB
  2260. 70%Black Google manager: “My education and elocution cannot save me from these situations”
  2261. 99%Build yourself a weather station. Part I
  2262. 98%Fast 2D rendering on GPU
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  2264. 87%Microsoft: Rust Is the Industry’s ‘Best Chance’ at Safe Systems Programming – The New Stack
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  2267. 99%How async should have been
  2268. 98%Compressing Synapse database | Levans' workshop
  2269. 99%dapr/dapr
  2270. 98%25 Years of PHP History
  2271. 99%A Tiny, Static, Full-Text Search Engine using Rust and WebAssembly | Matthias Endler
  2272. 99%Playing Around With The Fuchsia Operating System
  2273. 99%New inline assembly syntax available in nightly | Inside Rust Blog
  2274. 99%Hacking Windows with F# 5.0 Scripts
  2275. 99%dapr/dapr
  2276. 99%Rust: Dropping heavy things in another thread can make your code 10000 times faster
  2277. 90%The 2020 Developer Survey results are here! - Stack Overflow Blog
  2278. 97%Patrik Svensson - Targeting ARM64 for Windows in Rust
  2279. 89%Chrome: 70% of all security bugs are memory safety issues | ZDNet
  2280. 99%I made a NES emulator in Rust using generators
  2281. 99%Adding peephole optimization to Clang | Egor Bogatov — Developer at Microsoft
  2282. 99%Releasing Today! Visual Studio 2019 v16.6 & v16.7 Preview 1 | Visual Studio Blog
  2283. 98%Remembering Why Agile was a Big Deal
  2284. 99%Five Years of Rust | Rust Blog
  2285. 99%Deno 1.0
  2286. 96%My Mid-Career Job-Hunt: A Data Point for Job-Seeking Devs
  2287. 98%Make LLVM fast again
  2288. 75%A Rust-based TLS library outperformed OpenSSL in almost every category | ZDNet
  2289. 99%[Question] CoreRT future plans · Issue #7200 · dotnet/corert
  2290. 99%[Question] CoreRT future plans · Issue #7200 · dotnet/corert
  2291. 80%Microsoft's GitHub account allegedly hacked, 500GB stolen
  2292. 97%Add tags for programming languages / genres
  2293. 98%PHP showing its maturity in release 7.4
  2294. 96%Explainable Deep Learning: A Field Guide for the Uninitiated
  2295. 99%Making rust as fast as go
  2296. 98%'Re: Integrating "safe" languages into OpenBSD?'
  2297. 99%Rust/WinRT Public Preview - Windows Developer Blog
  2298. 99%C# interop with C/C++ and Rust in WebAssembly - Uno Platform
  2299. 99%First Release
  2300. 99%First Release
  2301. 99%Teleforking a process onto a different computer!
  2302. 99%[Question] CoreRT future plans · Issue #7200 · dotnet/corert
  2303. 99%Announcing Rust 1.43.0 | Rust Blog
  2304. 99%Closing the gap: cross-language LTO between Rust and C/C++
  2305. 99%Engineering code quality in the Firefox browser: A look at our tools and challenges – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  2306. 96%Lab — CS-3210, Spring 2020 1 documentation
  2307. 98%A Possible New Backend for Rust – Jason Williams
  2308. 95%What Is Interesting About Factorio
  2309. 99%“Stubs” in the .NET Runtime
  2310. 97%A Taste of GPU Compute
  2311. 99%Cloudflare Workers Now Support COBOL
  2312. 98%Writing a Book with Pandoc, Make, and Vim — Vladimir Keleshev
  2313. 96%Introduction
  2314. 98%I can't keep up with idiomatic Rust
  2315. 98%Migrating Duolingo’s Android app to 100% Kotlin
  2316. 99%Introducing Krustlet, the WebAssembly Kubelet
  2317. 99%Replicate your favorite VSCode theme in Windows Terminal
  2318. 99%Await | Writing an OS in Rust
  2319. 99%How I Became a Better Programmer
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  2321. 99%Software Engineer - Jobs at Apple
  2322. 91%I Am Mesmerized By Our New Robotic Vacuum
  2323. 99%Starship: Cross-Shell Prompt
  2324. 99%Rust/WinRT coming soon
  2325. 93%Researching the optimal; implementing the practical
  2326. 97%Announcing Rust 1.42.0 | Rust Blog
  2327. 99%My exploration of Rust and .NET
  2328. 99%How I Start: Nix
  2329. 97%Table 4 . Normalized global results for Energy, Time, and Memory 
  2330. 99%Automatic indexes and garbage collection, features that you shouldn’t need which save the day
  2331. 97%On the shoulders of the giants
  2332. 99%Firecracker
  2333. 85%Microsoft's Miguel de Icaza Ponders New Use for WebAssembly -- Visual Studio Magazine
  2334. 98%Abhishek Gupta – Medium
  2335. 99%Stateful Programming Models in Serverless Functions | QCon San Francisco 2020
  2336. 99%Stark - Language And Frontend Compiler - Prototype 2019
  2337. 97%- Miguel de Icaza
  2338. 98%Rust Ownership Rules
  2339. 99%A journey to searching Have I Been Pwned database in 49μs (C++)
  2340. 99%A half-hour to learn Rust
  2341. 99%I want off Mr. Golang's Wild Ride
  2342. 99%What is a type in TypeScript? Two perspectives
  2343. 99%Securing Firefox with WebAssembly – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  2344. 96%Acrobat on the Web, Powered by WebAssembly
  2345. 99%On Voice Coding
  2346. 98%Andreessen-Horowitz craps on “AI” startups from a great height
  2347. 99%Bastion
  2348. 99%Learning Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists
  2349. 99%Getting started with Uno Platform and ReactiveUI - Uno Platform
  2350. 98%Update on our new and upcoming security keys
  2351. 77%Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?
  2352. 97%The Horrifically Dystopian World of Software Engineering Interviews - Blog by Jared Nelsen
  2353. 99%Rust for professionals
  2354. 99%Examples of calling an API HTTP GET for JSON in different languages - Joe Kampschmidt's Code
  2355. 98%This Goes to Eleven (Part. 2/∞)
  2356. 86%You’re probably using the wrong dictionary « the jsomers.net blog
  2357. 94%The Bright Side of Imposter Syndrome.
  2358. 92%The bright side of imposter syndrome. | Leo Gopal
  2359. 98%Todo-Backend
  2360. 99%Google's OpenSK lets you BYOSK – burn your own security key
  2361. 98%tock/tock
  2362. 92%Stack Overflow
  2363. 97%KnightOS was an interesting operating system
  2364. 99%martinber/noaa-apt
  2365. 99%Add support for high level Assembler by xoofx · Pull Request #60 · 0xd4d/iced
  2366. 99%microsoft/verona
  2367. 99%Building Graphical Applications with WASI, Wasmer, and the experimental I/O Devices
  2368. 97%Build Rust environment for ESP32
  2369. 99%Containerized builds for Rust on the ESP32 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
  2370. 99%Browser Games Aren't an Easy Target — Jakob's Personal Webpage
  2371. 95%Racor - PSM-1R - Pro Store Multi-Use Storage Bracket - Wheelbarrow and Ladder Hanger - Utility Hooks - Amazon.com
  2372. 99%BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3
  2373. 95%Developer Tools Weekly : Issue 100 : January 6, 2020
  2374. 98%imsnif/bandwhich
  2375. 99%“Stack Walking” in the .NET Runtime
  2376. 99%Signal >> Blog >> Technology Preview for secure value recovery
  2377. 95%patriksvensson/waithandle-rs
  2378. 99%Using WebAssembly from .NET with Wasmtime – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  2379. 99%Using WebAssembly from .NET with Wasmtime
  2380. 99%Consuming Ethernet frames with the nom crate
  2381. 94%More implementations · Issue #4 · mimoo/disco
  2382. 82%dapr/dapr
  2383. 98%New release – PeachPie Sdk 0.9.600 @ PeachPie | PHP compiler to .NET
  2384. 94%The State of the Octoverse
  2385. 97%Using Rust in Windows - Microsoft Security Response Center
  2386. 99%How Swift Achieved Dynamic Linking Where Rust Couldn't
  2387. 92%patriksvensson/rustcalc
  2388. 96%Facebook Libra is Architecturally Unsound
  2389. 93%NordVPN users’ passwords exposed in mass credential-stuffing attacks
  2390. 96%TLS Post-Quantum Experiment
  2391. 98%Safe and Secure Drivers in High-Level Languages
  2392. 99%Apple, Your Developer Documentation is… Missing
  2393. 98%dapr/dapr
  2394. 99%Add 64 bits support to Array underlying storage · Issue #12221 · dotnet/runtime
  2395. 96%A Talk Near the Future of Python (a.k.a., Dave live-codes a WebAssembly Interpreter)
  2396. 99%Announcing the Open Application Model (OAM), an open standard for developing and operating applications on Kubernetes and other platforms - Open Source Blog
  2397. 98%rust-p2p/disco
  2398. 99%AWS’ sponsorship of the Rust project | Amazon Web Services
  2399. 99%Improving the LibraBFT protocol · Libra
  2400. 99%“Stubs” in the .NET Runtime
  2401. 99%Dave Glick - Default Interface Members, What Are They Good For?
  2402. 95%r/programming - A high-speed network driver written in C, Rust, Go, C#, Java, OCaml, Haskell, Swift, Javascript, and Python
  2403. 95%ixy-languages/ixy-languages
  2404. 99%My RustConf 2018 Closing Keynote
  2405. 99%Utf8String design proposal · Issue #2350 · dotnet/corefxlab
  2406. 73%Why Are So Many Developers Hating on Object-Oriented Programming? - The New Stack
  2407. 99%What's new in C# 8.0 - C# Guide
  2408. 97%Highlights from Git 2.23
  2409. 96%Potentially unsafe uses of unsafe · Issue #145 · mozilla/neqo
  2410. 99%RustPython/RustPython
  2411. 98%What's Deno, and how is it different from Node.js? - LogRocket Blog
  2412. 99%How we integrate Rust with C#
  2413. 97%C# and Rust: combining managed and unmanaged code without sacrificing safety - Ashley Mannix
  2414. 98%gothinkster/realworld
  2415. 97%What does debugging a program look like? - Julia Evans
  2416. 97%Archive
  2417. 98%jeanqasaur/dsl-syllabus-fall-2016
  2418. 99%Open Source Game Clones
  2419. 98%Rust: A Language for the Next 40 Years - Carol Nichols
  2420. 74%Users
  2421. 57%Elon Musk Says ‘Hyperloop’ Tunnel Is Now Just a Normal Car Tunnel Because ‘This Is Simple and Just Works’
  2422. 99%WCF vs gRPC
  2423. 99%Visual Studio Code Remote Development may change everything - Scott Hanselman
  2424. 96%0xd4d/iced
  2425. 96%Graphics Programming Weekly - Article Database
  2426. 99%Error Management: Future vs ZIO
  2427. 99%Error Management: Future vs ZIO
  2428. 97%Community and Communication going forward
  2429. 91%Keynote: The Last Hope for Scala's Infinity War - John A. De Goes
  2430. 93%distractionware » The Dice are Cast
  2431. 79%Rust's 2019 roadmap | Rust Blog
  2432. 98%ericsink/wasm2cil
  2433. 99%Running WebAssembly and WASI with .NET
  2434. 98%BurntSushi/ripgrep
  2435. 98%[question] choosing between class and struct · Issue #12489 · dotnet/runtime
  2436. 97%Functional Scala: Next Level by John A. De Goes (LambdaConf Edition)
  2437. 80%The electronic song “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” reduces host attack and mating success in the dengue vector Aedes aegypti
  2438. 90%Tastes Like Chicken
  2439. 98%Announcing Lucet: Fastly's native WebAssembly compiler and runtime
  2440. 99%cloudflare/boringtun
  2441. 99%BoringTun, a userspace WireGuard implementation in Rust
  2442. 99%Standardizing WASI: A system interface to run WebAssembly outside the web – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
  2443. 99%How to Debug Rust with Visual Studio Code
  2444. 99%[Question] CoreRT future plans · Issue #7200 · dotnet/corert
  2445. 99%Why Hashbrown Does A Double-Lookup
  2446. 97%Explaining Code using ASCII Art – Embedded in Academia
  2447. 99%Testing Incrementally with ZIO Environment by John De Goes - Signify Technology
  2448. 98%Writing A Compiler In Go | Thorsten Ball
  2449. 99%Writing An Interpreter In Go | Thorsten Ball
  2450. 86%Deep thoughts on other languages Like Rust, Go, etc.
  2451. 99%Testing Incrementally with ZIO Environment
  2452. 99%Cats instances taking the environmental parameter by gvolpe · Pull Request #593 · zio/zio
  2453. 52%Leadersheep — Trinity Farm
  2454. 99%CensoredUsername/dynasm-rs
  2455. 99%Paper: Hyperscan: A Fast Multi-pattern Regex Matcher for Modern CPUs
  2456. 99%Combining iterator blocks and async methods in C# | Premier Developer
  2457. 99%sharkdp/bat
  2458. 98%Hotswapping Haskell · Simon Marlow
  2459. 97%vmg/sundown
  2460. 99%ApoorvaJ/tiny-jpeg-rs
  2461. 99%Introducing HacSpec
  2462. 90%The 10 Secrets to Indie Game Success (and Why They Do Not Exist)
  2463. 80%crates.io: Rust Package Registry
  2464. 99%dalek-cryptography/ed25519-dalek
  2465. 99%LLVM: include/llvm/Support/Casting.h Source File
  2466. 99%Undefined Behavior Is Really Undefined
  2467. 97%sharkdp/hyperfine
  2468. 98%Zcash Counterfeiting Vulnerability Successfully Remediated - Electric Coin Company
  2469. 98%(Now Go Bang!) Snowflake Archeology (DEC PDP-1)
  2470. 91%Deep Learning with Darwin: Evolutionary Synthesis of Deep Neural Networks
  2471. 96%The Web We Lost
  2472. 74%» The Sierra Discovery Adventures The Digital Antiquarian
  2473. 77%» The Game of Everything, Part 7: Civilization and Government I (Despotism, Monarchy, and the Republic) The Digital Antiquarian
  2474. 80%» Games on the Mersey, Part 5: The Lemmings Effect The Digital Antiquarian
  2475. 74%» A Tale of the Mirror World, Part 5: The Inflection Point The Digital Antiquarian
  2476. 99%lemire/simdjson